L. Bloom English 1301 Syllabus Fall 2012 COURSE INFORMATION SHEET COURSE NUMBER AND TITLE: ENGL 1301 - COMPOSITION 1 COURSE (CATALOG) DESCRIPTION Principles and techniques of written composition, textual analysis, and critical thinking. Prerequisites: ENGL 100 and ENGL 200 or equivalent or as determined by English placement test. INSTRUCTOR: Ms. Laural Bloom OFFICE: G-114 RHHS EMAIL: lbloom@rhisd.net OFFICE HOURS: M-F: 11:00-11:50; 4:00-5:00 OFFICE PHONE: 956-748-1200 REQUIRED MATERIALS Student ID (for admission to computer lab) Jump Drive/Pen Drive (for saving papers and assignments) Folder/pocket file Blue or Black ink pen Composition Book STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Class Administration and Orientation. Diagnostic Essay Assessment Essay/Tests/Exams Grammar competency 1. Apply grammar rules in essay compositions. Edit grammar constructs in peer review interactions. Drafting, revising, and writing at least six writing assignments and at least one literary analysis in one or a combination of various rhetorical modes. Define, Compare and Contrast, Classify and divide, Analyze a process, Use illustration/example, Analyze a casual relationship, Develop a persuasive argument. Review and analysis of professional writing and student work. 1. Read analytically and respond in essay form to the work of professional essayists and writers. 2. Compose essays modeled after the work of professional essayists and writers. 3. Analyze and critique literary works. 4. Participate in peer critique groups to review and evaluate various student and professional writing. The research paper 1. Draft, revise, and document a collegiate research paper according to MLA format. 2. Use a variety of reference tools, library resources, electronic/computer databases and Internet resources. 3. Use expert opinion, surveys, and interviews ATTENDANCE POLICY 1. Students are expected to be in class every day the class meets, and they are expected to arrive on time. 2. If you miss class, you should check with your fellow students to see what you missed. 3. Al cell phones and beepers must be turned off during class time. CLASS PARTICIPATION You must read and prepare all assignments before class begins. Proper preparation will enable you to satisfactorily participate in class discussions and group work. WITHDRAWAL Students must file a withdrawal form with the Admissions Office to be withdrawn from the course. It is the responsibility of the student to drop the course prior to the last date for withdrawal without incurring an "F" grade. The withdrawal process will not be initiated by the instructor. ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES 1. Assignments (including quizzes) submitted after the due date are considered late and will be penalized 10 points a day. Any assignments not submitted will receive a zero (0) grade. 2. Plagiarized or copied work will result in a "0" grade for the assignment and/or expulsion from the class. The Modern Language Association (MLA) format will be followed for documentation purposes. 3. The instructor reserves the right to keep any or all submissions on file. Refer to the assignment schedule for assignment due dates. The assignment schedule is tentative and may be amended as necessary. GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAM ASSESSMENT Assignments form this course are subject to being archived for general education assessment. Procedures will follow protocols as prescribed by the research guidelines of the Association for Institutional Research. GRADING CRITERIA GRADING SCALE Essays 90-100 A Quizzes 80-89 B Research Paper 70-79 C Final Exam 60-69 D Revisions/quick writes /etc. 59 - 0 F ACCOMMODATIONS If you have a documented disability which will make it difficult for you to carry out the work as outlined by the instructor, and/or if you need special accommodations due to a disability, please contact (956) 364-4520 or visit Support Service Office located in the Auxiliary Building as soon a possible to make appropriate arrangements. Formal Writing Assignments Students will write a minimum of five formal essays in addition to other writing assignment. All formal essays will be completed in MLA format. In addition to the essays, quizzes, reading and other assignment, students will be required to conduct research and complete a research paper. The final exam will consist of an analytical essay written in class, which will incorporate the skills learned throughout the semester. Copyright Statement The materials used in the course (textbooks, handouts, media files (podcast, MP3, Videos, RSS Feeds), and all instructional resources on the colleges Learning Management System (Moodle) are intended for se only by students registered and enrolled in this course, and are only to be used for instructional use, activities associated with, and for the duration of the course. By "handouts," this means all materials generated for this course, which includes but are not limited to syllabi, quizzes, exams, lab problems, in-class materials, review sheets, and any additional materials. These materials may not be retained in another medium or disseminated further. They are provided in compliance with the provisions of the Teach Act. These materials my not be reporduces, didplayed, modified or distributed with the express prior written permission of the copyright holder or TSTC. For further information contact your instructor. Communicatng with your instructor (MyMail Email System) The use of Your Mymail TSTC College student e-mail account will be the only way to receive official notices from the college. When communicating with instructors and/or employees for the college you are required to use your TSTC Mymail student e-mail address. If you choose to forward your e-mail to another account, please be advised that all communication from and within the college will use your Mymail student e-mail. "TSTC Harlingen faculty, staff, and students are asked to report all threats, perceived or real, immediately to College pllice located in the Auxiliary Building. If the threat is imminent, the College Police emergency phone line at 364-4234 or 9-911 should be called. College Police will then coordinate the proper response in accordance with State and Federal laws and TSTC System/College rules and regulations." NOTE: This Syllabus is intended as a guide to your responsibilities in English 1301 and all information given herein is subject to change as the Instructor deems necessary. SYLLABUS ADDENDUM SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS (SAP) The following REVISED policy applies to new and returning UTB/TSC students registered for classes in the 2007-2008 academic year. UTB/TSC monitors academic progress every fall and spring semester to identify those students who are experiencing difficulty with their courses. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is based upon two components: GPA of 2.0 or higher and successful course completion of at least 70% of course work attempted. Students remain in good standing with the university and Financial Aid when both criteria are met. Students who do not maintain these required minimum standards will be placed on probation or suspension as appropriate. The complete Satisfactory Academic Progress policy and the Undergraduate Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid policy can be found in the current Undergraduate Catalog. For more information, please visit MyUTBTSC Blackboard http://myutbtsc.blackboard.com; click on the Satisfactory Academic Progress link. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Students are expected to be above reproach in all scholastic activities. Students who engage in scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and expulsion from the University. Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student, or the attempt to commit such acts. Since scholastic dishonesty harms the individual, all students and the integrity of the University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. (Board of Regents Rules and Regulations) All scholastic dishonesty incidents will be reported to the Dean of Students. Do not allow your peers to pressure you to cheat. Your grade, academic standing and personal reputation are at stake. ACADEMIC RESPONSIBILITIES Students are expected to be diligent in their studies and attend class regularly and on time. Students are responsible for all class work and assignments. On recommendation of the instructor concerned and with the approval of the Dean, students may, at any time, be dropped from courses. This may result in a “W” or “F” on the student’s permanent record. EMERGENCY ACADEMIC CONTINUITY PLAN In compliance with the Emergency UTB/TSC Academic Continuity Plan, academic courses, partially or entirely, will be made available on the MyUTBTSC Blackboard course management system. This allows faculty members and students to continue their teaching and learning via MyUTBTSC Blackboard http://myutbtsc.blackboard.com, in case the university shuts down as a result of a hurricane or any other natural disaster. The university will use MyUTBTSC Blackboard to post announcements notifying faculty members and students of their responsibilities as a hurricane approaches our region. If the university is forced to shut down, faculty will notify their course(s). To receive credit for a course, it is the student’s responsibility to complete all the requirements for that course. Failure to access course materials once reasonably possible can result in a reduction of your overall grade in the class. To facilitate the completion of class, most or all of the communication between students and the institution, the instructor, and fellow classmates will take place using the features in your MyUTBTSC Blackboard and UTB email system. Therefore, all students must use Scorpion Online to provide a current email address. Students may update their email address by following the link titled “Validate your e-Mail Account” in MyUTBTSC Blackboard Portal. In the event of a disaster, that disrupts normal operations, all students and faculty must make every effort to access an internetenabled computer as often as possible to continue the learning process. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) Students with disabilities, including learning disabilities, who wish to request accommodations in this class should notify the Disability Services Office early in the semester so that the appropriate arrangements may be made. In accordance with federal law, a student requesting accommodations must provide documentation of his/her disability to the Disability Services counselor. For more information, visit Disability Services in the Lightner Center, call 956-882-7374 or e-mail steve.wilder@utb.edu.