The Learning Center (TLC) Tutoring Program Spring 2014 Tutoring is free to all Mississippi State University students and is available for most of the major subjects during the fall, spring, and summer terms. The Learning Center’s tutoring lab is located in Allen Hall room 266. Students can sign up for tutoring appointments at Dr. Anna Dill, Director Evan Warren, Graduate Assistant Nidhita Sharma, Graduate Assistant About The Learning Center (TLC) Tutoring: The Learning Center has helped over 3,000 MSU students (including over 9,000 individual visits) since Fall 2011. These are real-life testimonials from students that have benefited from tutoring at The Learning Center. "The Learning Center is a great place to learn information for classes. It takes time to expand on the courses or subjects for students at MSU." "The atmosphere in The Learning Center was nice. If I ever need help, I know that I can come to The Learning Center." "I will recommend the tutoring to anyone in need of assistance, such as tutoring. The Learning Center is an excellent source for better understanding the material." "The help I got from the tutoring at The Learning Center was exactly what I needed. It helped me to understand the information, and do well in the class! Thank you again for providing this service to students." "Thank you to the University for providing this service. I believe that overall it is a great service." “I commend The Learning Center. Thank you all for providing free tutoring services; it is much needed and certainly appreciated.” The Learning Center (TLC) 2|Page Tutoring Schedule – Spring 2014 Free tutoring for all MSU students. Go to or call 662.325.8613. Located in Allen 266. Spring 2014 ACC-Accounting ACC-2013 • ACC-2023 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 9:00-11:45 12:00-2:00 9:00-11:45 12:00-2:00 AEC-Agricultural Economics 3:30-4:30 AEC-2713 BIO-Biological Sciences BIO-1023 • BIO-1134 • BIO-1144 • BIO-2103 • BIO-3304 4:00-5:00 3:30-4:30 1:00-2:00 BIS-Business Information Systems Friday 5:00-6:00 3:00-4:00 12:00-2:00 5:00-7:00 12:00-2:00 12:00-2:00 12:30-1:30 12:30-2:00 5:00-7:00 4:00-7:00 11:00-1:30 5:00-7:00 BIS-1012 • BIS-3233 BL-Business Law 5:00-7:00 BL-2413 BQA-Business Quantitive Analysis BQA-2113 • BQA-2113 • BQA-3123 CH-Chemistry CH-1043 • CH-1211 • CH-1213 • CH-1221 • CH-1223 • CH2503 • CH-4511 • CH-4513 • CH-4521 • CH-4523 • CH-4554 4:00-5:00 CO-Communication 9:00-10:30 5:00-6:00 CO-1003 • CO-1013 • CO-1223 EC-Economics EC-2113 • EC-2113 • EC-2123 • EC-2123 • EC-3113 • EC3123 • EC-3123 • EC-4323 • EC-4713 EM-Engineering Mechanics EM-2413 5:00-7:00 5:00-7:00 5:00-7:00 4:00-5:00 EN-English EN-1103 • EN-1113 • EN-2203 • EN-2213 • EN-2223 • EN2243 • EN-2253 3:00-4:00 3:00-4:00 FIN-Finance 5:00-7:00 FIN-3113 • FIN-3123 • FIN-3123 • FIN-3723 • FIN-4423 5:00-7:00 5:00-7:00 FLF-French FLF-1113 • FLF-1123 • FLF-2133 • FLF-2143 • FLF-3114 • FLF-3124 • FLF-3513 • FLF-4223 2:00-4:00 2:00-4:00 FLG-German 5:00-7:00 FLG-1113 • FLG-1123 • FLG-2133 • FLG-2143 FLS-Spanish FLS-1113 • FLS-1123 • FLS-2133 • FLS-2143 3:30-5:30 3:30-5:00 11:00-12:30 9:00-11:00 2:00-7:00 9:00-10:00 8:15-11:15 11:45-4:30 8:15-11:15 2:00-4:30 8:15-11:15 11:45-4:30 2:00-4:00 5:00-6:00 GG-Geology 5:00-6:00 GG-1113 HI-History 5:00-6:00 HI-1073 MA-Mathematics MA-0103 • MA-1313 • MA-1323 • MA-1413 • MA-1423 • MA-1433 • MA-1453 • MA-1613 • MA-1713 • MA-1723 • MA-2733 • MA-2743 • MA-3113 • MA-3253 11:00-12:00 2:00-7:00 MKT-Marketing 9:00-11:00 2:00-7:00 11:00-12:00 2:00-6:00 5:00-7:00 MKT-3013 PHI-Philosophy 5:00-6:00 PHI-1113 PH-Physics PH-1013 • PH-1023 • PH-1063 • PH-1113 • PH-1123 • PH1133 • PH-2213 • PH-2223 • PH-2233 PRX-Praxis Tutoring PRX-1000 • PRX-2000 • PRX-3000 8:15-10:45 11:45-3:15 8:15-11:15 2:00-4:30 2:00-4:00 5:00-6:00 PS-Political Science PS-1113 • PS-1313 • PS-2703 • PS-2713 • PS-3063 • PS4273 • PS-4703 PSY-Psychology PSY-1013 • PSY-3104 • PSY-3713 PT-Personal tutoring PT-0000 SO-Sociology SO-1003 ST-Statistics ST-2113 The Learning Center (TLC) 5:00-6:00 4:00-5:00 5:00-7:00 3:00-4:00 3:00-4:00 2:00- 4:00 2:00- 4:00 2:00- 7:00 9:00- 11:00 2:00- 7:00 2:00- 6:00 4:00-7:00 9:00-10:30 9:00- 11:00 2:00- 6:00 3|Page Students could receive tutoring in the following subjects during Spring 2014: ACC-2013 Principles of Financial Accounting ACC-2023 Principles of Managerial Accounting AEC-2713 Intro to Food & Resource Econ BIO-1023 Plants & Humans BIO-1134 Biology I BIO-1144 Biology II BIO-2103 Cell Biology BIO-3304 General Microbiology BIS-1012 Intro to Business Information Systems BIS-3233 Management Information Systems BL-2413 Legal Environment of Business BQA-2113 Business Stats Method I BQA-2113 Business Stats Method I BQA-3123 Business Stats Method II CH-1043 (General) Survey of Chemistry I CH-1211 Invst in Chemistry I CH-1213 Chemistry I CH-1221 Invst in Chemistry II CH-1223 Chemistry II CH-2503 Elementary Organic Chemistry CH-4511 Organic Chemistry I Lab CH-4513 Organic Chemistry I CH-4521 Organic Chemistry II Lab CH-4523 Organic Chemistry II CH-4554 Integrated Organic I CO-1003 Fund Of Public Speak CO-1013 Intro to Communication CO-1223 Intro Comm Theory EC-2113 Principles of Macroeconomics EC-2113 Principles of Macroeconomics EC-2123 Principles of Microeconomics EC-2123 Principles of Microeconomics EC-3113 Intermediate Macroeconomics EC-3123 Intermediate Microeconomics EC-3123 Intermediate Microeconomics EC-4323 International Economics EC-4713 Industrial Orgs EM-2413 Engineering Mech I EN-1103 English Comp I EN-1113 English Comp II EN-2203 Intro To Literature EN-2213 English Lit Before 1800 EN-2223 English Lit After 1800 EN-2243 American Lit Before 1865 EN-2253 American Lit After 1865 FIN-3113 Financial Systems FIN-3123 Financial Management FIN-3123 Financial Management FIN-3723 Financial Markets FIN-4423 Investments FLF-1113 French I FLF-1123 French II FLF-2133 French III FLF-2143 French IV FLF-3114 Adv French Comp The Learning Center (TLC) FLF-3124 Advanced French Conv FLF-3513 Survey Of French Lit FLF-4223 French Novel before 1945 FLG-1113 German I FLG-1123 German II FLG-2133 German III FLG-2143 German IV FLS-1113 Spanish I FLS-1123 Spanish II FLS-2133 Spanish III FLS-2143 Spanish IV GG-1113 Survey Earth Science I HI-1073 Modern US History MA-0103 Intermediate Algebra MA-1313 College Algebra MA-1323 Trigonometry MA-1413 Structure Real Numbers MA-1423 Problem Solving Reals MA-1433 Informal Geometry & Measure MA-1453 Pre-Calculus MA-1613 Business Calculus I MA-1713 Calculus I MA-1723 Calculus II MA-2733 Calculus III MA-2743 Calculus IV MA-3113 Intro Linear Algebra MA-3253 Differential Equations MKT-3013 Principles of Marketing PH-1013 Physical Science Survey I PH-1023 Physical Science Survey II PH-1063 Descriptive Astronomy PH-1113 General Physics I PH-1123 General Physics II PH-1133 General Physics III PH-2213 Physics I PH-2223 Physics II PH-2233 Physics III PHI-1113 Intro to Logic PRX-1000 Praxis Core Writing PRX-2000 Praxis Core Reading PRX-3000 Praxis Core Math PS-1113 American Government PS-1313 Intro Intnl Relatns PS-2703 Intro Public Policy PS-2713 Intro Engineer Pub Polcy PS-3063 Constitution Powers PS-4273 African American Pol PS-4703 Prin Pub Adm PSY-1013 General Psychology PSY-3104 Introductory Psychology Stats PSY-3713 Cognitive Psychology PT-0000 Personal Tutoring SO-1003 Intro to Sociology ST-2113 Intro to Statistics 4|Page Summary – Spring 2014 Number of students who utilized tutoring services: 419 Number of tutoring sessions provided to those students: 1,286 Number of tutors employed by The Learning Center: 36 Number of subjects for which tutoring was available: 21 Number of courses for which tutoring was available: 109 Most popular subjects: Math New services offered: and Physics - Sunday afternoon tutoring - Private tutoring Upcoming services: - Online tutoring for Distance Education students - Supplemental Instruction in conjunction with the Day One Leadership Community The Learning Center (TLC) 5|Page Semester Overview – Spring 2014 Tutoring by Subject ACC-Accounting AEC-Agricultural Economics BIO-Biological Sciences BQA-Business Quantitive Analysis CH-Chemistry EC-Economics EM-Engineering Mechanics EN-English FIN-Finance FLF-French FLS-Spanish GG-Geology MA-Mathematics PHI-Philosophy PH-Physics PRX-Praxis I PS-Political Science PSY-Psychology PT-Personal tutoring SO-Sociology ST-Statistics 27 9 53 36 127 18 1 11 9 2 23 5 514 1 217 60 2 3 4 5 32 0 100 200 300 400 500 Visits The Learning Center (TLC) 6|Page Semester Overview – Spring 2014 Tutoring by Month 500 400 300 Visits 200 100 0 January February March April May Tutoring by Day of the Week 400 300 Visits 200 100 0 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday Tutoring by Time of the Day 300 200 Before Noon Visits Afternoon 100 0 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday* *Sunday tutoring was offered from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM only. The Learning Center (TLC) 7|Page Students – Spring 2014 Number of Students by College Undeclared 36 College of Veterinary Medicine 1 College of Forest Resources 11 College of Education 60 College of Business 43 College of Arts & Sciences 111 College of Arch, Art & Design 10 College of Ag. & Life Sciences 60 Bagley College of Engineering 82 Adkerson School of Accountancy 5 0 20 40 60 # of Students Referral Method 120 Tutored More Than Once 54% No Referral 50% Tutored Only Once 46% Teacher 21% The Learning Center (TLC) 100 Returned Tutoring Visits Other 10% Friend 19% 80 8|Page Students – Spring 2014 Gender Ethnicity Black or African American 32% Other 5% Hispanic or Latino 1% Male 47% Female 53% White 62% Classification Sophomore 28% Freshman 34% Graduate 1% The Learning Center (TLC) Senior 15% Junior 22% 9|Page Tutors – Spring 2014 Number of Tutors by Subject Subject Agricultural Economics Biology Business Chemistry English French History Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Personal Tutoring Physics Political Science Praxis I Psychology Sociology Spanish Statistics Number of Tutors* 1 7 5 3 1 1 1 13 1 1 6 1 2 2 1 1 6 *Note: This number reflects tutors who helped in multiple subjects. They are counted in the total number for each subject they tutored. Number of Tutors by Qualification Master's Degree - out of school 1 Graduate Student - in school 15 Undergraduate Student - in school 20 0 The Learning Center (TLC) 5 10 15 # of tutors 20 25 10 | P a g e Summary of Tutoring Trends Tutoring Over Time Number of Students 476 387 82 505 366 75 572 419 2882 Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Summer 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Summer 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Total Number of Tutoring Hours* 1778.08 1814.58 428.60 1812.27 1264.30 246.08 1344.35 1100.77 9789.03 Number of Visits 1406 1387 284 1389 1069 172 1566 1286 8559 *Includes duplicate hours, which is the time the tutors spent tutoring more than one student at a time. (Ex: If a tutor worked with two students from 1:00-2:00, that would count as two tutoring hours.) Total Number of Students 700 572 600 500 505 476 419 387 400 366 300 200 82 75 100 0 Fall 2011 Spring 2012 The Learning Center (TLC) Summer 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Summer 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 11 | P a g e Summary of Tutoring Trends Total Number of Tutors 37 36 35 33 31 29 29 30 29 27 27 26 25 Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Tutors by Payment Method 100% 90% 80% 10 14 14 12 14 15 70% 60% 50% 8 40% 6 5 6 10 9 8 7 7 9 Paid by Other Depts. Volunteer* Paid by TLC 30% 20% 10% 8 15 0% Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 *The Science Tutors is a small group of students who excel in the sciences and volunteer their time teaching their peers at the MSU Learning Center. The majority of the members are pre-professional or education students. Although the primary focus of the group is on biology courses, the group has the flexibility to offer tutoring services in other science subjects as well. The Learning Center (TLC) 12 | P a g e