1 “Dare To Be A Daniel” Daniel 1:8 “Very much of your future life will depend upon your earliest days.” How often have we heard something like that? If you want to get a good job with good prospects you’ve got to study and work hard. NOT AT ALL! … “Live life to the full when you’re young, … ’cause when you’re old and grey you won’t be fit, and, anyway, you will have far too many responsibilities to enjoy yourself.” Two years ago yesterday, - by the day, - was an important occasion for me, - it was when I was inducted as your pastor. (Remember? ) Two years on Pearl, Philip and I continue to give thanks for the friendship, encouragement and spiritual support that you give us. In days when churches and pastors are constantly ‘at each other’s throats’ we are very appreciative of how you are working together along with us for the sake of the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. And of course, it is to God that we are ultimately grateful, … for His will is best. It is good to look back and assess, for it is necessary to build on the past … while moving on, - we don’t want to remain in the one place. There is a young man in the Bible whose people had a great past, - one they cherished and were so proud of. His name was Daniel. Daniel was a young man, and he was a thinker! …‘a good head on his shoulders’. He was a captive Israelite, “When you are in Rome, … do as the Romans!” But here was someone who, when he was in Babylon, he would not do as the Babylonians did. A Young Man of Privilege ∗ ∗ ∗ One day, Nebuchadnezzar had a brilliant idea, ∗ “I’m going to use the fantastic river of resources around me.” He decided to invite a special type of Israelite person (vv.4,5): ∗ young men in whom was no blemish, ∗ young men who were well favoured (i.e. from good stock) ∗ young men who were skilful in all wisdom, ∗ young men who were cunning in knowledge, ∗ young men who could understand the science of the day, ∗ young men in whom the king would be proud to have stand around him in his palace ∗ young men who would be taught and who would appreciate the literature and the language of the Babylonians. In return these young people were permitted certain privileges, D.G. 2 ∗ ∗ ∗ they could eat the same food that the king was eating, ∗ they were also allowed to drink the same wine that he drank. We also discover that Daniel was given a name-change, ∗ Daniel [‘God is judge’] to Belteshazzar, [‘protect the king's life’] Now, it is important to notice something here; it is important to notice the words of Isaiah 39:7 And of thy sons that shall issue from thee, which thou shalt beget, shall they take away; and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon. ∗ In other words, God had it all planned out! A Young Man of Principle ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ The reason for Daniel’s name-change, etc. was very simple, ∗ He was being given all the privileges to make him forget all about his country, his countrymen, and his country’s God. But even though he managed to change his name, Nebuchadnezzar couldn’t change Daniel’s nature, Daniel would not give up anything he believed to be right, … he would not compromise the uncompromiseable. He “purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank” Oh, … that we had more Daniels! ∗ he was not prepared to sell his soul to fraternising with the enemy, - who had carried him off into captivity, ∗ he was not prepared to compromise himself when his people went hungry while he could live life to the full. So many Christians today will sit down and “eat meat” with the enemies of Christ, - even those dressed up in religious garb! These same Christians drink “the wine” and “get drunk” and you know what happens when you get drunk, ∗ You don’t pay appropriate attention, ∗ You’re not as careful as you would be normally, ∗ You try to be ‘one of the lads’. Many Christians today like to put their foot down on turfy, easy, soft ground instead of the proven solid redemption ground. They are many ‘man-pleasers’ … but never does a ‘man-pleaser’ make a good Christian! C.H. Spurgeon prayed for his great congregation, “May God give us back the old grit that used to be in old-fashioned Christians, to whom custom was nothing, but God’s Word was D.G. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ everything; to whom it mattered not whether it brought loss or gain, but they did the right, and followed the right, cost what it may!” 3 Never aim low; aim high! As a young person, or a young Christian, or starting out in a new venture make sure to have a good beginning, The decisions that we make over these next weeks and months may effect the lives of many in years to come, and – please God! – we pray that they may effect the lives of many for eternity. If God begins with you and you begin with God, you will be used and mightily blessed by God. A Young Man of Promise ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ When you stand up for God, you soon discover that the enemy throws all types of missiles at you. ∗ “Here, Daniel, drink the wine from the king’s table; eat the meat from his plate.” Daniel could not have dreamed/hoped for any better! …? He was being treated like a prince, but, the Bible tells us ∗ Daniel “requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.” (v.8) … what does that mean? There were certain foods used by the Babylonians, such as the flesh of swine, hare, and certain fish that were unclean, ∗ … and if Daniel would have eaten this food he would have disobeyed God’s Law, as recorded in the book of Leviticus. Remember the Israelite food had to be prepared in a certain way that would not have been observed by any other nation. As well as that, before Nebuchadnezzar would eat the food it would be offered up to the idols. There was no way Daniel would defile himself eating at the king’s table! … but it must have been a great temptation!! You can imagine someone saying to young Daniel, ∗ “Loosen up! You’ll never get on if you keep letting your God stand in your way!” Praise God Daniel had placed his future in the hand of God and not in the hand of Nebuchadnezzar. You can hear someone else saying, ∗ “It’s what you are expected to do.” D.G. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 4 We dare not compromise the law of God no matter who it pleases or who it doesn’t please. If he had done all that he was expected to do in the court of Nebuchadnezzar Daniel would have been living no differently to the Babylonians. There are so many ‘Christians’ today who ‘go with the flow’; do you know why? ∗ They melt when they are faced with opposition or disfavour. Praise God I’m different for He has made me different! ∗ Once I was dead, … but I’m living now, ∗ Once I was blind, … but I can see now, ∗ Once I had hope and no future, … now I have glory in Heaven to look forward to. It is so easy to give in to the demands of the world, ∗ … but friends, that is why our churches are so weak, ∗ … that is why they have nothing to say to the world. When was the Church the strongest? ∗ … when the gospel of Sovereign grace was unflinchingly preached by men who were convinced of its power. Why does it not have the same influence today? ∗ … because instead of using the directives that have been so plainly laid down in Scripture the Church has chosen to use the plans and programmes of the world, ∗ … and God doesn’t bless what isn’t His! There needs to be more Daniels, ∗ Purpose in your heart that you will not defile yourself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine that he drinks: make sure that you don’t defile yourself. Be mindful of God’s Word, “Be ye holy, for I am holy.” There is no substitute for the old, old Gospel, - it has been tried and proved and tested and God has blessed it as the Holy Spirit has opened up the hearts of men and women, boys and girls. Don’t exchange the gospel for the world’s frills and amusements. You and I, - I trust, - are eating from the King’s table and we are satisfied, - fully satisfied! I’m not interested in the menu that the world has to offer, ∗ Eat from the table of adultery and you’ll have the taste of cheating on your lips, D.G. ∗ ∗ 5 Eat from the table of compromise and you’ll be thin/weak, Eat from the table of the King and you’ll be wholly satisfied. Conclusion. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Daniel looked the matter up and down and …, ∗ And he “purposed in his heart”. Before he asked Shadrach, Meschech and Abednego what they were doing he had already decided, - he had made up his mind and settled it in his heart. He wasn’t obstinate, nor a bigot, nor intolerant, - it is no wonder that the person of Daniel has become so revered, He stood firm in the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, through the reign of Belshazzar, … and of Darius and of Cyrus, … and it was because he stood firm that that he was referred to as “a man greatly beloved”, (10:11). You will always find that the person who is a faithful lover of God is also a conscientious lover of his brother/sister in Christ. Let’s set aside the flimsy stuff and stand confidently believing in our God, and in His Word, and trusting in the blood and righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Dare to be a Daniel! Dare to stand alone! Dare to have a purpose firm! Dare to make it known! D.G.