ARTICLE IN PRESS Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 Vertical circulation in shallow tidal inlets and back-barrier basins Emil V. Staneva,c,, Burghard W. Flemmingb, Alex Bartholomäb, Joanna V. Stanevaa, Jörg-Olaf Wolffa a Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Sea (ICBM), University of Oldenburg, Postfach 2503, D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany b Senckenberg Institute, Südstrand 40, 26382 Wilhelmshaven, Germany c School of Environmental Science, University of Ulster, Cromore Road, Coleraine BT52 1SA, UK1 Received 4 June 2006; received in revised form 27 November 2006; accepted 28 November 2006 Available online 19 December 2006 Abstract In this paper, we analyse the contribution of tidally induced drift in the surface layer to the overall dynamics of wellmixed tidal basins undergoing drying and flooding. The study area covers the East Frisian Wadden Sea (German Bight, Southern North Sea), which consists of seven tidal basins. The major interest is focused on the tidal basin behind the islands of Langeoog and Spiekeroog and the inlet connecting it with the North Sea. The comparison between theoretical concepts, results from direct observations, and simulations with a numerical model helps to understand the underlying physics controlling the tidal response. The data were collected during the period 1995–1998 and consist of cross-channel ADCP transects. The identification of the dominant spatial patterns and their temporal variability is facilitated by applying an EOF analysis to the data. The numerical simulations are based on the 3-D primitive equation General Estuarine Transport Model (GETM) with a horizontal resolution of 200 m and terrain-following vertical coordinates. We find distinct differences between the temporal variability of the transports near the surface and those in deeper layers of the tidal inlets. The near surface transport is dominated by the tidally induced drift (similar to the Stokes drift), whereas the deeper layer transport is dominated by asymmetries caused by the hypsometric properties of the intertidal basins. These transports, when averaged over a tidal period, have opposite directions and compensate each other. This explains the establishment of a vertical overturning cell: landward motion in the upper layers and seaward motion in the deeper parts of the tidal channels. This vertical circulation cell is also observable in our numerical simulations and shows a clear dependency of the temporal asymmetry in the transport patterns on the local depth. In deep tidal channels, the overall properties of the tidal signal show a clear ebb dominance, whereas in the shallow extensions of the channels the transports during flood are larger than during ebb. Although, our research area can be characterized as a well mixed estuary, baroclinicity associated with the fresh water flux from the coast can substantially affect vertical overturning. r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Wadden Sea; Tidally induced Stokes transport; ADCP measurements; EOF analysis; Numerical modelling; Tidal asymmetry Corresponding author. Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Sea (ICBM), University of Oldenburg, Postfach 2503, D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany. Fax: +49 441 798 3404. E-mail address: (E.V. Stanev). 1 Present affiliation. 0278-4343/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2006.11.019 1. Introduction The ratio d between tidal range and depth, which is known as the external Froude number (Jay and Smith, 1988), controls the shallow water dynamics. ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 This control becomes very pronounced when the local depth is comparable to the tidal range (Ianniello, 1977), i.e. when d tends to unity. In the case of the tidal basins of the East Frisian Wadden Sea (Fig. 1), the mean depth can be even smaller than the tidal range and large areas of the basins undergo drying during part of the tidal cycle. This very specific dynamics necessitates a more detailed analysis because earlier studies have addressed mostly weakly non-linear systems in which the external Froude number is much smaller than unity (e.g. Ianniello, 1977). Effects associated with drying and flooding also need more attention. In this paper, we will illustrate some important effects resulting from the shallow depth of the Wadden Sea using data from observations and numerical modelling, and analyse the consistency of observations and numerical simulations with theory. The considerations above are reminiscent of the classical problem of surface gravity waves where variations of sea level over time induce a Stokes drift. This issue has been the subject of a number of studies (Longuet-Higgins, 1969; Ianniello, 1977; Ianniello, 1979; Jay and Smith, 1988; Jay, 1990). We can present the transport, vertically integrated from the bottom H to the ocean surface z and averaged over a full tidal cycle T, as Z z hUi ¼ u dz , (1) H where 1 hwi ¼ T Z T w dt. 0 (2) 799 This transport can be decomposed into two parts (see e.g. LeBlond and Mysak, 1978): Z z Z 0 hui dz þ u dz . (3) hUi ¼ H 0 In the simplest case of linear waves z ¼ a cosðkx otÞ (4) the velocity components ~ v ¼ ðu; v; wÞ being given by u¼ gak cosh½kðz þ HÞ cosðkx otÞ, o cosh kH v ¼ 0, (5) (6) gak sinh½kðz þ HÞ sinðkx otÞ, (7) o cosh kH where a, k and o are the amplitude, wave number and frequency, respectively, the time-averaged velocity is zero, and the first integral in Eq. (3) vanishes. However, the second integral which measures the contribution of the interval between the troughs and the crests of the waves to the total transport of momentum is not zero, but proportional to a2 . This results in a forward (in the direction of wave propagation) transport of mean momentum, which is concentrated at the surface (Fig. 2). Thus, at any level above z ¼ a there is more transport forward than backward, which leads to a non-zero second-order drift. Lagrangian and Eulerian mean velocities can differ considerably (Longuet-Higgins, 1969), the difference between them is the Stokes drift measured by the correlation between surface velocity and sea level. Furthermore, velocities associated with the Stokes drift can exceed w¼ Fig. 1. The East Frisian Wadden Sea. The plot displays the model topography (see also Section 4.1) and the locations of observations and model samples discussed in the text. The depths are represented as negative numbers (m) below the mean sea level. The thin meridional sections in the extension of Otzumer Balje in the tidal basin of Spiekeroog Island are sections sampled every 5 min from the model simulations. ADCP measurements were taken along Section 1. ARTICLE IN PRESS 800 E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 Ocean Land Bay A C: inlet cross sectional area Inlet LC A B: surface area Fig. 3. Schematic representation of the system ocean–inlet– bay–land. Fig. 2. Schematic representation of Stokes drift. (a) Orbital motions in surface gravity waves, (b) Eulerian representation: the Eulerian net transport is between apzpa, (c) Lagrangian representation: the exponential decrease of the radius of the orbits with increasing depth leads to an exponential decrease of the Lagrangian drift. The vertical line could be interpreted as a column of dye at t ¼ 0 and the tips of the arrows (forming an exponential line) give the progression of the same column after several wave periods. the velocities associated with river discharge by an order of magnitude (Pritchard, 1958). One simple configuration of an open-ocean/tidal basin system is shown in Fig. 3. The net transport through the inlet is zero because the mass in the tidal bay should be conserved (we assume that river discharge is zero). However, the tidally induced Stokes (hereinafter TIS) drift is always in the direction of the wave motion. Mass conservation dictates that a vertical shear of the currents is needed so that the landward transport in the upper layers (TIS drift) is compensated by a seaward transport in the deeper layers. This possibility has been revealed earlier by Jay (1990), who pointed out that the net Lagrangian current across the channel must be zero; thus a compensating Eulerian current must be provided by a second-order surface slope to balance the TIS drift. Furthermore, tidal non-linear generation of residual flow is related to an ebb– flood asymmetry, the latter being the primary factor determining the profile of the residual current (see also Jay, 1990). We stress here that, unlike the classical Stokes drift, the TIS one is strongly dependent on the friction in the shallow water. The quantification of these transports for the East Frisian Wadden Sea is focal to the present study. The first objective of the paper is to consider the specific appearance of the TIS drift in the Wadden Sea focusing on the spatial dependence. This is an important issue because the external Froude number varies spatially. Furthermore, the back-barrier basins include relatively deep channels and broad tidal flats, which is a complicated case compared to the known theoretical cases of channels with simple topography. In such settings divergence (convergence) of horizontal flows becomes dominant (Jay, 1990) and the tidal excursion scale takes the control on the residual transport. Under such conditions, the Eulerian residual currents will differ substantially from Lagrangian ones (Signell and Geyer, 1990), the latter being extremely complex (Zimmerman, 1976a,b). Understanding dynamics in such estuaries requires consideration of the 3-D problem. Another strong argument to apply numerical modelling is that, to the best of the authors knowledge, a theory of TIS transport for intertidal flats (undergoing drying and flooding) has not yet been developed. This seems not an easy theoretical issue, and numerical simulations can be regarded as a first step in this direction. The second objective of this paper is to deepen the understanding of the tidal response in the East Frisian Wadden Sea to external forcing as outlined ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 in our previous papers (Stanev et al., 2003b, hereafter SWBBF and Stanev et al., 2003a, hereafter SFW). For this purpose, Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data across channel sections are analysed using empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs). With this information, we can identify the dominant temporal and spatial pattern in the tidal response. An analysis of some fundamental parameters and non-dimensional numbers will also be presented allowing to derive the basic dynamical controls in the area. The tidal response is then further analysed with the help of numerical simulations. We show in the paper that the dynamics are not simply another manifestation of the well known gravitationally dominated circulation in estuaries. Open questions like the competition between TIS drift and gravitational circulation and the interplay between shallow depths and movable boundaries (drying and flooding of tidal flats) are fundamental to our area of interest and will be addressed in this paper. Dyer (1988) pointed out that the current velocities produce a larger (landward) volume transport near high water, whereas the transport near low water is smaller due to the smaller cross-sectional area of the inlet (see also Dyer, 1997). This concept is very important in the present study because in the East Frisian Wadden Sea the cross-sectional area of the inlets below the low water level is comparable to the cross-sectional area between low and high water levels. The effects of changing cross-sectional areas are discussed in Section 3.2. Furthermore, we will illustrate that a specific vertical structure of the transport is established in the Wadden Sea, which is well documented both in observations and numerical simulations. The vertical transport cell could play a major role in the processes responsible for sorting and redistributing tracers and sediments in the tidal basins. This important possibility is one of the main motivations to put the emphasis in this paper on the vertical overturning. The sediment response to tidal forcing is addressed elsewhere (Stanev et al., 2006, 2007). The paper is structured as follows: the theory is presented in Section 2, the results of observations are discussed in Section 3, the numerical model and the simulated data are briefly described in Section 4, and this is followed by with theory is presented in Sections 2 and 3, the results of observations are discussed in Section 4, the numerical model and the simulated data are described in Section 5, and this is followed by general conclusions. 801 2. Oceanographic characteristics of the East Frisian Wadden Sea Most of the analyses in this paper, in particular the ones based on observations, are for the tidal basin of Spiekeroog Island. In this extremely shallow area, which is representative for most of the tidal basins in the East Frisian Wadden Sea, the longitudinal momentum balance is between pressure gradient and friction. The horizontal dimension of the basin is 8 20 km. The red colours of the near-coastal zone (Fig. 1) indicate areas which are prone to drying and flooding. The tidal prism DV ¼ V h V l , where V h and V l are the volumes for high and low waters, respectively, amounts to 145 106 m3 at spring tide, which substantially exceeds V l 40 106 m3 . In similar settings, the export and import of waters through the inlets may have different characteristic times, depending on the ratio between the maximum storage capacity of the basin and the volume of water permanently stored in it. Direct observations (Flemming and Ziegler, 1995; Davis and Flemming, 1995; Nyandwi and Flemming, 1995) and numerical modelling (SWBBF) contributed to a better understanding of the dynamics of the East Frisian Wadden Sea. It has been demonstrated that the major dynamical control is exerted by the narrow inlets where velocities reach magnitudes of 1 m s1 . The velocity profiles reveal a clear friction dependence (i.e. a logarithmic profile in the bottom layer). In SFW is was shown that the asymmetry of the tidal signal in the deep channels is to a large extent governed by the hypsometry of the respective tidal basin. In a number of studies (among them Hansen and Rattray, 1966; Fischer et al., 1979; Prandle, 1985; Jay and Smith, 1988; Garvine, 1995) basic dynamical controls of estuaries have been studied and classification schemes have been proposed based on several important parameters such as: Coriolis parameter, inlet width, depth, tidal amplitude, vertical and horizontal salinity difference, and velocity. In the following, we will estimate the basic non-dimensional numbers for the back-barrier basin of Spiekeroog Island and its main channel. The geometrical characteristics are: depth hc 10 m, width W c 3 km, length from the mouth to where its depth remains larger than 4 m Lc 20 km (‘‘c’’ stands for ‘‘channel’’). The channel is considered as narrow not only because W c 5Lc (here we have to keep in mind that the width of the deep part of the ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 802 channel is about half of W c ), but also because W c is much smaller than the tidal excursions of 20 km, as shown by observations with shallow-depth Lagrangian drifters in the back-barrier area of Spiekeroog Island carried out by the University of Oldenburg in the frame of the research project WATT (Oliver Punken, personal communication). The most important characteristic of the East Frisian Wadden Sea is the large external Froude number a d¼ , (8) hc where a is the sea-level amplitude. This number ranges from 0.15 in the deep channels to values larger than 5 in the areas undergoing drying and flooding. For the barotropic motion the Rossby radius pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ghc RE ¼ (9) f is 100 km (here, the index ‘‘E’’ stands for external motion, g is the acceleration due to gravity, f is the Coriolis parameter). The ratio of the estuary width W c to the Rossby radius is often called the Kelvin number KE ¼ Wc . RE (10) For the Spiekeroog channel (Otzumer Balje, see Fig. 1) K E ¼ 3 102 , proving that for the barotropic motion the horizontal scale RE at which the earth’s rotation starts to be important is much larger than the geometric scale W c . In such systems, Coriolis acceleration does not have adequate space to act. The horizontal aspect ratio (Ianniello, 1977) dE ¼ sW c sW c ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi fRE ghc (11) measures the importance of the cross-channel velocity in the cross-channel momentum balance. Taking for the frequency of the M2 tide s ¼ 1:4 104 s1 yields dE ¼ 4:2 102 , allowing to neglect in the theoretical studies the y-momentum equation and cross-channel velocity in the x-momentum equation. Observations in the Wadden Sea show that the contribution of temperature to the vertical density stratification is usually small, although situations are also possible when extreme winter cooling or summer warming might dominate the stratification. For the estimates below, we will consider the Wadden Sea as dominated by a ROFI regime (Regions of Freshwater Influence, Simpson, 1997), i.e. the fresh water buoyancy flux from the coast exceeds the seasonal input of buoyancy over the shelf. We use station data measured continuously in the Otzumer Balje during the last few years (R. Reuter, personal communication). For the example given below, we take observations of mid-January 2004 when air temperature was relatively warm, but at the same time the temperature difference between surface and bottom waters was negligible. During this period, the salinity difference measured by sensors at 3.5 and 9 m above the ground was 0:521, thus we will take the value DS ¼ 1 as the mean salinity difference between the surface and the bottom. Using a linear equation of state with a coefficient of salinity expansion b ¼ 0:78 103 (per mil)1 yields for the reduced gravity (negative buoyancy) g0 ¼ g Dr gbDS ¼ 7:8 103 m2 s1 . r (12) The corresponding Brunt–Väisälä frequency is rffiffiffiffiffi g0 N¼ ¼ 2:8 102 s1 , (13) hc which is much higher than the M2 and inertial frequencies. With the above values, the baroclinic Rossby radius RD ¼ N hc ¼ 2:5 103 m f (14) approximately equals the width of the strait, and the corresponding baroclinic Kelvin number K D ¼ W c = R 1. Because the Otzumer Balje is only about one internal Rossby radius wide it cannot fully accommodate features found in wide estuaries (substantially affected by the rotation of earth): shelf waves, baroclinic instabilities and eddies. For comparison, we remind that in Delaware Bay, giving one example of a gravitationally driven circulation (RD 5 km and W c 10245 km), K D is substantially larger than unity, thereby explaining the larger contribution of the Coriolis force and the more pronounced transversal circulation. Nevertheless, 3-D baroclinic models are needed in order to appropriately address dynamics in the East Frisian Wadden Sea. Continuous observations in the Otzumer Balje indicate that salinity in the surface and deep layers is almost in phase; moreover, the amplitudes at 3.5 and 9 m above the bottom are almost equal. This is an illustration that the circulation is not typically ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 estuarine (in typical estuaries, water flows seaward in the surface layer and landward in the deep layer). Based on this evidence, one can assume that tidal straining is not as pronounced as in some other ROFI-s (Simpson, 1997), which gives an indirect proof that the Wadden Sea is well mixed. We can estimate the vertical eddy viscosity AM V using the formula of Csanady (1976) and Garrett and Loder (1981) AM V ¼ u2 F ðRiÞ, 200f (15) where u is the average friction velocity. Expressing the latter as 1=2 u ¼ C d U rms , (16) where U rms ¼ 1 m s1 is the rms tidal current in the channel of Spiekeroog and C d ¼ 2:5 103 is the friction parameter, results in u ¼ 5 102 m s1 . This number supports the estimates for friction velocity produced by the numerical simulations of SWBBF. The function F ðRiÞ is given by F ðRiÞ ¼ ð1 þ 7RiÞ1=4 , where 2 N RD =f 2 g0 hc Ri ¼ ¼ ¼ 2 U rms =hc U rms U rms AM V 11, fh2c and the Ekman depth pffiffiffiffiffiffi D ¼ 2E hc 50 m, Rie ¼ g0 (19) (20) i.e. even in the deepest channel ðhc 10 mÞ the entire water column is dominated by friction. As demonstrated by Wong (1994) and Kasai et al. (2000), in cases dominated by gravitational circulation and large Ekman number, inflows are observed in the deep channels, while outflow is over the flats. This situation is in agreement with the Qf W c U 3rms , (21) which gives the ratio of the gain of potential energy due to the fresh water discharge to the mixing power of tidal currents, and the densimetric Froude number Fre ¼ is the Richardson number. With the above parameters Ri ¼ 7:8 102 . Obviously, this is a very small number, compared to what is known for other estuaries (e.g. 1.2 for the Ise Bay, Kasai et al., 2000) and the correction factor F ðRiÞ in Eq. (15) approaches unity. Estimates for AM V from Eq. (15) of 1:25 101 m2 s1 support the values obtained by SWBBF from numerical simulations in the same area. The Ekman number E¼ concept based on a number of observations (see Valle-Levinson and Lwiza, 1995 and the citations therein) that in most estuaries mean Eulerian outflow is over shoals and inflow over the deep areas. This is exactly opposite to what is observed in the East Frisian Wadden Sea, thus revealing different dynamical controls. Some candidates to explain this difference are the vast areas of drying and flooding, weak gravitational circulation, and TIS transport opposing ‘‘classical’’ estuarine circulation (detailed estimates are given further in this paper). We remind that Wong (1994) and Kasai et al. (2000) neglected TIS transport, instead focusing on the density-induced gravitational circulation. The estuarine Richardson number (17) (18) 803 Qf pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi W c hc g0 hc (22) were used by Fischer et al. (1979) to classify estuarine dynamics. With a fresh water flux Qf ¼ 102 m3 s1 , which is a rather large value for the area of the Spiekeroog Back-Barrier basin (internal report of Niedersächsischer Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft und Küstenschutz, Aurich, Germany), the above non-dimensional numbers are estimated as Rie 2:5 104 and Fre 1:3 103 , correspondingly. The small Richardson number is far below the transition region (0.08, Fischer et al., 1979) between mixed and stratified estuaries. We thus deal with a well mixed estuary, which is explained by the fact that the ratio of the tidal prism of 140 106 m3 (SWBBF) and fluvial discharge is at least of the order of 30. The stratifying influence of the buoyancy flux is thus relatively weak compared to the stirring effects of mechanical forcing, and density effects are negligible (according to the classification of Fischer et al., 1979). In such systems, one can expect gravitational circulation to be too weak to compete sufficiently with the TIS drift, i.e. the tidally induced mean residual flow dominates over the gravitational circulation. As a measure of the importance of the horizontal density gradient driving an along-channel current, ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 804 Ianniello (1977) proposed the number ðh2c =a2 Þ ðDx r=rÞ, which for a mean depth of a channel of 4.5 m, a1:5 m and an along-channel density difference Dx r ¼ 4 kg m3 is 3:6 101 . This small value implies that in our case the density gradient term is small compared to the nonlinear terms. Finally, we will provide an estimate for the contribution of the terms in the momentum equation. For the time evolution and the non-linear terms, we take the M2 tidal period and the radius of curvature of a channel as the characteristic temporal and spatial scales. We also assume that the velocity changes from zero at the bottom to U rms at the middepth of channel, which does not overestimate the weight of the friction term. With the parameters used above, the different acceleration terms are aevol ¼ 0:2104 , anonlinear ¼ 0:5 104 , aCor ¼ 104 , and africt ¼ 50 104 . Obviously, like in many other shallow areas, the main balance in the East Frisian Wadden Sea is between pressure force and friction, non-linear and Coriolis terms being of secondary importance. bay). Note that, unlike in most analyses based on the above set of equations, we assume here that: (1) the bay area Ab is a function of depth below the mean sea level (z ¼ 0), and (2) the cross-sectional area of the inlet Ac is a function of sea level height. The first important generalization was addressed by Green (1992) who showed that the inclusion of sloping side walls changes the behaviour of the Helmholtz oscillator which becomes non-linear. Later Maas (1997) and Maas and Doelman (2002) extended the theory of Green towards the response of semi-enclosed bays driven by tidal oscillations. The relevance of that generalization to the area investigated in this paper was addressed by SFW. In the present study, we will focus on the second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (26), which cannot be neglected if zhc (large external Froude number). This means that we can expect effects which are characteristic of finite-amplitude waves. For the standard case of a Helmholtz oscillator (i.e. basin area and cross-sectional area of the inlet are constant and friction is neglected), the continuity Eq. (24) has the form 3. TIS transport in the Wadden Sea u¼ 3.1. Oscillations in tidal bays with shallow inlets. Basic equations and its substitution in Eq. (23) leads to a secondorder linear equation for z The dominating balances in the tidal basins under consideration allow to describe the oscillations as a simple inlet–bay system (Fig. 3) by the following system of equations which consists of a momentum and a continuity equation: d2 z ¼ o2H ðz0 zÞ, dt2 du g ¼ ðz zÞ C d juju, dt Lc 0 0 (26) is the cross-sectional area of the inlet, A0c ¼ W c hc and Ab ðzÞ is the area of the bay (index ‘‘b’’ stays for (27) (28) where o2H ¼ (23) dV ¼ Ac u, (24) dt where u is the current velocity through the inlet, z is the sea-level elevation in the bay, z0 is the sea level in the open ocean, Z z Ab ðzÞ dz (25) V¼ is the excess volume, z 0 Ac ¼ Ac 1 þ hc A0b dz A0c dt g A0c Lc A0b (29) is the pumping frequency. The corresponding characteristic length scale LH can be obtained from o2H ¼ ghc k2H (30) and L2H ¼ 1 A0b AL ¼ , A0c k2H (31) where AL ¼ Lc hc is the area of the along-inlet section. With the parameters given in Section 2 and taking the area of Spiekeroog basin at mean sea level as A0b ¼ 42 km2 , this yields LH 11 kmLc =2. Eq. (30) is an analogue to the dispersion equation for shallow water waves. ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 This analogy between oscillations in tidal basins and shallow water waves is instructive for an explanation of the basic physics of the TIS transport. We recall that the classical example given in the Introduction is not directly applicable because the oscillations in a shallow sea are not orbital but simply back and forth. For a simple progressive wave z ¼ A cosðkx otÞ þ B sinðkx otÞ with rffiffiffi g u¼ z, h (32) (33) the water transport averaged over a period T is rffiffiffi Z 1 T 1 g 2 ðz þ hÞu dt ¼ (34) ðA þ B2 Þ. U¼ T 0 2 h Eq. (34) cannot be applied to the tidal basin shown in Fig. 3 where the net transport through the inlet is zero. The discrepancy can be removed either by establishment of flood–ebb asymmetries or a vertical circulation cell, or both (see also Jay, 1990). 3.2. Asymmetrical tidal response controlled by inlet depth Here we want to demonstrate the basic physics caused by sea-level variability for the situation of a shallow inlet and a tidal basin with a simple topography. To achieve this, we simplify Eqs. (23) and (24) under the assumption that the basin area increases linearly with decreasing depth: z Ab ¼ A0b 1 þ , (35) zs where zs accounts for the slope of the bottom. In this case, the excess volume is z V ¼ A0b 1 þ z (36) 2zs and using Eq. (26) we can re-write Eq. (24) as A0 1 þ z=zs dz . (37) u ¼ b0 Ac 1 þ z=hc dt It is clear that the non-linear effects of basin area and cross-sectional area of the inlet oppose each other. However, this effect is not symmetrical because zs and hc might differ. Before analyzing the consequences of variable basin areas and inlet cross-sections we will assume here that zozs and zohc . The first inequality implies that the basin 805 cannot fall completely dry at low water (the basin area, Eq. (35) is always positive), the second inequality implies that the connection between the tidal basin and the open sea never falls dry either (the cross-sectional area is also positive). These inequalities correspond to the real case and reduce the variety of possible responses described in Eq. (37). In order to illustrate the effects of area control, we suppose that the sea level in the tidal basin approximately follows the sea level in the open ocean. This assumption was analysed in more detail by SFW who showed its relevance to the case of the East Frisian Wadden Sea, which is a friction dominated area. If we suppose that the forcing signal (a semi-diurnal lunar tide M2 ) is almost harmonic, i.e. z ¼ a sin ot t, we can easily compute the tidal response from Eq. (37) as expressed by the velocity. The results are shown in Fig. 4 for three combinations of parameters. In all cases, we use a ¼ 1:5 m. For parameters zs and hc we take either 2:5 m or 10 m. The first case (zs ¼ 2:5 m and hc ¼ 10 m) almost repeats the simulations reported by SFW. The black curve in Fig. 4b demonstrates the asymmetry found by SFW in the case of a linear dependence of the basin area with depth. It was shown in this study that in the case Ac ¼ A0c ¼ const the non-linear hypsometric control tends to create a tidal asymmetry in the transport such that the time required for the transition between maximum ebb current and maximum flood current exceeds the remaining part of the tidal period. If we assume Ab const, which is ensured if zs ¼ 10 m and take hc ¼ 2:5 m, i.e. a very shallow inlet whose depth is close to the tidal amplitude, we obtain the red curve in Fig. 4b. In this case, it takes much less time for the transition between ebb and flood than for the inverse process. This kind of response is due to the fact that an equal change in sea level in the open sea induces different velocities in the inlet. For equal dz=dt the velocities at low water are larger than at high water. Adding to these (volumetrically induced) asymmetries, a phase lag due to friction can create a residual transport because of the non-zero correlation between velocity and sea level. The results in the mixed case when both Ab and Ac depend strongly on sea level ðzs ¼ hc ¼ 2:5 mÞ are represented by the red line in Fig. 4a. Obviously, for the chosen set of parameters the tidal response becomes symmetrical. ARTICLE IN PRESS 806 E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 a b frequency of 1:2 MHz set at a vertical resolution of 25 cm. The length of the cross-section was about 800 m and it took less than 5 min for the boat to cross the channel. Since this duration is much shorter than the tidal period, every cross-section can be considered as being quasi-instantaneous. The along-track resolution of 15 m is quite sufficient to allow the study of horizontal patterns of estuarine transports. More details about these surveys are reported in Santamarina Cuneo and Flemming (2000). To give a general idea of the data quality of the ADCP observations during ebb and flood, two representative cross-sections are presented in Fig. 5. At the chosen bin size, not only the general patterns of the currents but also the boundary layers are resolved quite well. The gradients in the bottom layer (not shown here) reveal a strong shear, indicating the existence of a logarithmic layer (Davis and Flemming, 1991). Unfortunately, not all cross-sections showed the same good quality as in Fig. 5, and lots of data were eliminated to avoid Fig. 4. Temporal asymmetries of the tidal response. (a) Sea level and inlet current in the case of compensation of topographic controls, (b) currents in the case of hypsometric control (black curve) and control by the section area of inlet (red curve). The results are shown in non-dimensional form by scaling the sea level by 1 m and velocities by aot A0b =A0c . Positive values mean landward current. 4. Observations 4.1. Description of observations In recent years, ADCP data have been widely used in oceanography and contributed substantially to the understanding of the basic dynamics of the coastal ocean (Valle-Levinson and Lwiza, 1995; Münchow, 1998). However, to the authors knowledge, in-depth analyses of such data are still lacking for the East Frisian Wadden Sea, in particular concerning temporal and spatial patterns. In the following, we analyse measurements of velocity profiles along a cross-section in the Otzumer Inlet (Fig. 1), which have been carried out by the Senckenberg Institute in Wilhelmshaven, Germany, since 1995. The surveys were carried out several times a year and covered time periods of about one tidal period in each case using ADCP with a Fig. 5. Along-channel velocities (positive landwards) between Spiekeroog and Langeoog Islands on the 19th of August 1997, (a) at 7:21 (b) 13:46. The position of cross-sections is given by the section line 1 in Fig. 1. The x and y axes give the number of pixel and depth, correspondingly. ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 problems with filling gaps, interpolation, etc. The good quality data were further corrected for the deviation of the course of the boat from the shortest line between start and end of the survey profile. The sections taken at time intervals shorter than 20 min were averaged. The data were then rotated from the earth’s coordinate frame to a frame representing along and across channel directions, interpolated onto a regular grid of 15 m 0:25 m horizontally and vertically, and finally interpolated onto regular time intervals. In the following, only the data series obtained on the 19th of August, 1997 and 21st of April, 1998 are discussed because they have a relatively good time coverage and are characteristic for spring and neap tide conditions, respectively. In Fig. 6, we show a sequence of six cross-sections illustrating the variability-pattern of the along-channel component of velocity in April 1998. The following characteristics are noteworthy. The maximum ebb velocity slightly exceeds the maximum flood velocity. Although the boundary layers are only resolved by a few bins, their structure seems hydrodynamically consistent (see e.g. Fig. 6e, f). The core of the ebb current is displaced towards the steep bank, whereas the flood currents (Fig. 6c, d) also spread onto the shallow part of the channel. From there the flood current constantly shifts towards the deeper part of the channel to form a sloping core (Fig. 6f) observed in all cases with different tidal amplitudes. During most of the tidal cycle, the net transport in the shallow part of the channel is generally landward. When this area is dominated by seaward transport during ebb, this transport is much smaller than in the deep part. This is convincingly demonstrated in Fig. 7 where the currents in the deepest part of the channel udeep and on the shallow part ushallow are shown. The depth of the two locations is the same (15 m above the zero depth in Fig. 6) and chosen such that the shallow location never falls dry under spring tide. The two curves in Fig. 7 are very different, particularly during ebb. Obviously, the transport in the channel is dominated not only by a pronounced vertical shear, but also by lateral gradients and large differences in the temporal variability (phase lags or even different modal structures). We will come to this peculiarity later when we demonstrate that shallow areas are characterized by flood dominated currents, whereas deep channels are ebb dominated. 807 4.2. EOF analysis The last result in the previous subsection motivated us to find the dominant temporal and spatial patterns of variability of the transports. A statistical decomposition of the time–space signal with the help of the EOF analysis allows to find the most important spatial patterns and their time evolution (see e.g. von Storch and Zwiers, 1999). Although the application of the EOF technique to analyse tidal data is relatively new, there are already a number of examples in the field of tidal dynamics (Münchow, 1998) and sediment dynamics (McManus and Prandle, 1997). Münchow (1998) gives an example to what extent EOF modes can be used to predict tidal responses. The statistically identified spatial patterns and their time evolution (the so-called principle components), as shown in Figs. 8–11, sometimes allow to identify a direct link between the time evolution of a pattern with a particular physical process. In the two cases analysed in this paper, the tidal forcing, which is rather simple (approximately one mode sinusoidal), leads to the establishment of a relatively simple spatial structure of the along-inlet transport. As a result of the clear and simple structure of the signals, the first EOF describes almost 95% of the variance. EOF patterns are not necessarily (or not always) clearly connected with specific physical characteristics of the analysed fields. However, in our case, (see Fig. 8a,b) the dominant pattern shows the landward/seaward current in the deep channel, the boundary layers along the walls of the channel and above the bottom, as well as the shallow western part where the correlation with the currents in the channel interior is weak (see also Fig. 7b). The first principal component (PC-1) is a onemodal curve illustrating the well known time evolution of a tidally driven transport in this area (see e.g. SWBBF). The major asymmetry is revealed by the longer time T e!f needed for the transition between maximum ebb and maximum flood as compared to the time needed for the inverse transition T f !e (T e!f : T f !e ¼ 2: 1). The inflection in the curve occurs approximately at the time of low water and proves that PC-1 captures the major signals of the tidal response, which is associated with the asymmetries created by the hypsometric control (see SFW). Unlike the EOF-1, which almost repeats the profile of the deep channel, the EOF-2 shows a ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 808 a b c d e f Fig. 6. A sequence of along-channel velocity snapshots plotted with equidistant time interval of section is given by the section line 1 in Fig. 1. more complicated structure with a correlation between areas where the ebb current (steep channel wall) and flood current (shallow bank) appear first. 1 6 tidal period. The position of cross- The comparison between the two patterns reveals that EOF-2 does not show coastal boundary layertype structures, but rather a contrast between the ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 a b Fig. 7. Temporal variability of along-channel velocity udeep (full squares) and ushallow (empty squares) during spring (a) and neap (b) tide. See also the notations in text. Positive values correspond to landward currents. shallow and deep parts of the channel (the extremum on the tidal flats is in the surface layer). Furthermore, no pronounced vertical structure is observed, possibly indicating that the density does not separate the water column into layers, which is consistent with the classification of the East Frisian Wadden Sea as a well mixed estuary. The two-modal PC-2 curve suggests that this variability is associated with the non-linear control. This control depends on the square of the velocity. It is important to note here that while the EOF-2 shows similar patterns (Fig. 8c, d), PC-2 shows a large difference in the appearance of the two-modal curves (Fig. 9). This could be due to the strong dependence of the temporal variability on the magnitude of the oscillations, a typical behaviour in non-linear systems. One possible indication supporting the above conclusion is that the PC-2 is almost identical in all neap (low amplitude) tide 809 situations (not shown), but is rather different at spring tide. In the latter case, the deeper minimum (observed in the neap-tide-curve) deepens even more, while the second minimum almost flattens (notice the shift in phases caused by the different initial time with respect to the tide in the two surveys). Higher EOF-s show quite different patterns during neap and spring tide conditions, their PC-s are also being very different, and they are probably due to noise in the data rather than to clear physical processes. We will not discuss these patterns here because their contribution to the total variance is negligible. The EOF analysis of across-channel velocity (Figs. 10 and 11) gives a further understanding of the dominating dynamics, in particular the secondary (transversal) circulation. Although its energy is 100 times smaller than the energy of alongchannel circulation, the signals are very clear. EOF-1 shows characteristic patterns in the deep part of the channel penetrating from the surface to the bottom. In both coastal areas (left and right bank) the current is much weaker. During ebb, the sea level is higher along the right bank (looking in the direction of the outflowing current), which is due to the velocity convergence. In this case, the vertical circulation is counter-clockwise. The opposite situation develops during flood when the circulation cell changes the sense of rotation to clockwise (looking from the coast to the open sea). The second EOF, in particular in the more energetic spring tide case, reveals two circulation cells. They can be identified in Fig. 10c by the two blue-coloured layers (at the surface and bottom) separated by the red-coloured intermediate layer. It becomes clear that there is a high level of correlation between surface velocities along the eastern (right) bank and at the end of the shallow bottom along the western (left) bank. The PC curve of the secondary circulation is again one-modal, which is very asymmetric (Fig. 11c). During the neap tide EOF-2 is very noisy. 4.3. Vertical shear of mean transport in tidal inlets The up-and-down motion of the sea level and the associated transport through the tidal inlets make the observations presented in the preceding sections a good source of data to test the relevance of the TIS transport for the dynamics of tidal basins. For the analyses below, we only used section data where ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 810 a b c d Fig. 8. The first (a) and (b) and second (c) and (d) EOF of along-channel velocity corresponding to spring (left plots) and neap (plots on the right) conditions. The analysis is done for locations below 14:5 m (see also Fig. 6) to ensure continuous observations throughout the tidal cycle. the ADCP profiles are of good quality for the entire section. This reduces the amount of data, but avoids interpolations which could produce misleading results. Therefore, in the neap and spring tide cases the entire tidal period is sampled by only 10–11 sections. In Fig. 12a, b we show the dominant characteristics describing the dynamics of tidal inlets. Although the vertical resolution of the measurements with the ADCP is not better than 0:25 m, the distance between the boat and bottom nevertheless captures the variability of the sea surface (the upper left panel). The phase difference between different curves in Fig. 12a and b results from the fact that the spring and neap tide surveys were initiated during different phases of the tide. The tidal ranges calculated as the maximum difference between the thickness of the water column at high and low water are r ¼ 3:5 and 2 m, respectively. We can consider the tidal channel as being composed of three parts: (1) a deep part, which never falls dry, (2) a rectangular section extending from the top of the deep part (15 m above the deepest part of the channel) to the sea surface (the slope of sea level can lead to a small deviation from a rectangular shape) and (3) a shallow part, which is the remaining triangular part of the channel. Because the slope of the sea level along the channel is relatively small, the area of the second (rectangular) section is a linear function of the mean sea level. This is not the case for the shallow part of the channel where the section area shows a clear nonlinear dependence on the sea level (Fig. 12a,b second panels). In the following, we analyse the transport through the three sections defined above. The total transport integrated over the entire channel (the third panels in Fig. 12a,b) follow the course of PC-1 ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 a b c d 811 Fig. 9. The first (a) and (b) and second (c) and (d) PC of along-channel velocity corresponding to spring (left plots) and neap (plots on the right) conditions. See the comment in Fig. 8. (Fig. 9a, b) and reveals the well known asymmetries in tidal basins dominated by hypsometric control (SFW). During neap tide, the area of the shallow section is small and the transports there (fifth panels in Fig. 12a,b) are much smaller than those during spring tide. Not only are the transport maxima higher there but in addition, the duration of the flood currents is longer. Obviously, this area gives a positive net contribution to the increasing volume of the tidal basin. However, in the two cases displayed in Fig. 12, the transport through the shallow section is negligible compared to the one in the interior of the channel (third panels in Fig. 12a,b). Because of this, we will discuss the differences between transport patterns in the third and fourth panels of Fig. 12a,b in greater detail below. The total transport reaches 4 103 and 5:2 103 m3 s1 at the considered neap and spring tide situations, respectively. The contribution of the transport through the upper section in the two cases to the total transport is 10% and 30%, respectively. One fundamental difference between the upper and lower layer transport becomes clear from the following example. The net water mass exchanged between the ocean and the tidal basin in parts (1) and (2) of the tidal channel during one spring tide period is 0:8 106 m3 . This small transport in the deep part of the channel compensates the small positive contribution of the shallow area. The transports in parts (1) and (2) of the tidal channel are much larger (the net transport in part (1) reaches 9 106 m3 , i.e. about 6% of the tidal prism) but oppose each other. This vertical asymmetry decreases strongly during neap tide in April 1988 ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 812 a b c d Fig. 10. The first (a) and (b) and second (c) and (d) EOF of across-channel velocity corresponding to spring (left plots) and neap (plots on the right) conditions. The analysis is done for locations below 14:5 m (see also Fig. 6 to ensure continuous observations throughout the tidal cycle). ( 1:61 106 m3 ) but is still in the same direction: i.e. a landward drift in the upper layer and a compensating outflow in the deeper part of the channel (recall that the tidal prism amounts to 100 106 and 140 106 m3 during neap and spring tide, respectively). The above transport values indicate a vertical overturning in the tidal basin. This issue is subject of the reminder of the paper where we use numerical simulations to generate a more complete data set in order to study the vertical overturning. Ending this observational part, we will refer to Münchow et al. (1992) who compared tidal and Stokes mean transport from observations in the vicinity of Delaware Bay. They found a landward transport of about 1:7 103 m3 s1 , which was balanced by a seaward Eulerian mean flow. Like in our case, both transports are much smaller than the tidal transport of about 1:5 105 m3 s1 . However, important is that both in the Wadden Sea and in the Delaware Bay these transports contribute to the vertical overturning. 5. The numerical model and some results of the simulations 5.1. Description of the model Theories addressing the tidal response either in narrow channels or in shallow areas are only useful for the general understanding of dominating processes, but are no longer appropriate for the East Frisian Wadden Sea. Because the area of our interest includes narrow channels and wide (mostly neutrally stratified) tidal flats, the problem seems to be fully 3-D and therefore requires realistic simulations with 3-D models. The present study uses the ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 a b c d 813 Fig. 11. The first (a) and (b) and second (c) and (d) PC of across-channel velocity corresponding to spring (left plots) and neap (plots on the right) conditions. See the comment in Fig. 8. GETM which is a 3-D primitive equation numerical model (Burchard and Bolding, 2002). The governing in Cartesian coordinates read: 2 qu qðu Þ qðuvÞ qðuwÞ þg þ fv þ qt qx qy qz 1 qp q qu 2 þ AM ¼ ð38Þ þ AM V H r u, r0 qx qz qz qv qðuvÞ qðv2 Þ qðvwÞ þg þ þ fu þ qt qx qy qz 1 qp q qv 2 þ AM ¼ þ AM V H r v, r0 qy qz qz qu qv qw þ þ ¼ 0, qx qy qz ð39Þ (40) qðT; SÞ qðT; SÞ qðT; SÞ qðT; SÞ þu þv þw qt qx qy qz q qðT; SÞ AðT;SÞ ¼ r2 ðT; SÞ, þ AðT;SÞ V H qz qz ð41Þ where AM V ðk; ; gÞ is a generalized form of the vertical ðT;SÞ ðT;SÞ eddy viscosity coefficient, AV and AH are vertical and horizontal eddy diffusivity coefficients, correspondingly, k the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) per unit mass, and the eddy dissipation rate (EDR) due to viscosity. The lateral eddy ðT;SÞ viscosity AM ¼ 10 m2 s1 . H ðx; yÞ ¼ AH In GETM, the process of drying and flooding is incorporated in the hydrodynamical equations through a parameter g which equals unity in regions where a critical water depth Dcrit is exceeded and which approaches zero when the thickness of ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 814 a b Fig. 12. Temporal variability of the sea level (first panel), total transport (third panel), upper layer transport (fourth panel) and shallow area transport (fifth panel). The correlation between sea level height and shallow area is shown in the second panel; (a) spring tide (on the left), (b) neap tide (on the right). Positive values correspond to landward transport. ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 the water column D ¼ H þ z tends to a minimum value Dmin : D Dmin g ¼ min 1; , (42) Dcrit Dmin where H is the local depth (constant in time), taken as the bottom depth below mean sea level in the model area. Actually, the ‘‘drying corrector’’ reduces the influence of some terms in the momentum equations in situations of very thin fluid coverage on the intertidal flats. The minimum allowable thickness Dmin of the water column is 2 cm and the critical thickness Dcrit is 10 cm (Burchard and Bolding, 2002, and SWBBF). For a water depth greater than 10 cm ðDXDcrit Þ; g ¼ 1, and the full physics are included. In the range between critical and minimal thickness (between 10 and 2 cm), the model physics are gradually switched towards friction domination, i.e. by reducing the effects of horizontal advection and Coriolis acceleration in Eqs. (38) and (39) and varying the vertical eddy viscosity coefficient AM V according to AM V ¼ nt þ ð1 gÞng , (43) 2 where ng ¼ 10 m2 s2 is a constant background viscosity. The eddy viscosity nt is obtained from the relation k2 , (44) where cm ¼ 0:56 (see, e.g. Rodi, 1980). The drying and flooding algorithm is volume and mass conserving (Burchard et al., 2004). In GETM, the momentum equations (38) and (39) and the continuity equation (40) are supplemented by a pair of equations describing the time evolution of the TKE and EDR (k2 turbulence model). Close to the bed, TKE and EDR are governed by the law of the wall with nt ¼ c4m ðub Þ3 , (45) 1=2 kðz0 þ z0 Þ cm pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi where ub ¼ tb =r is the friction velocity at the sea floor, tb ¼ rnt ðqu=qzÞ is the bed shear-stress, z0 is the distance from the bed, z0 is the bottom roughness length, k is the von Karman constant, and rw is the water density. The parameter z0 , which gives a general representation of the bottom roughness is taken constant over the whole area (SWBBF). Obviously, this simplification does not account for complex bedforms (e.g. ripples), which are impork¼ ðub Þ2 ; e¼ 815 tant elements of the local bedload transport. Because in this study we do not address local morphodynamics, but rather larger scale balances, we avoid the introduction of additional parameterizations on small-scale topography. In the horizontal, we resolve the model domain with equidistant steps of 200 m, the horizontal matrix including 324 88 grid-points in the zonal and meridional directions, respectively. This horizontal resolution is still too coarse to resolve currents in the minor channels, which could motivate further research, in particular, if combined with more sophisticated parameterizations. In the vertical, the model uses terrain-following coordinates. The vertical discretization consists of 10 equidistant layers extending from the bottom H to the sea surface z. Because z changes continuously during the model integration the thickness of the water column D becomes a function of the sea level, the vertical discretization changes with time. The model can be run in a 3-D barotropic mode, as well as a fully baroclinic model. The arguments given in Section 2 speak for using the former mode because the East Frisian Wadden Sea is a well mixed water body. Furthermore, working with ðT; SÞ ¼ const facilitates the understanding of processes associated with the TIS drift only. Otherwise, variable temperature and salinity fields would largely ‘‘contaminate’’ the simulations. Thus, focusing on cases with no fresh water flux from the coast enables us to illustrate more clearly the basic physics addressed in this paper. Nevertheless, simulations with more realistic forcing (including fresh water flux from land) have been carried out, just to give an idea about how different the responses to tidal forcing in homogenous ocean are from the ones in a more realistic (baroclinic) tidal system. We carried out three types of simulations: (I) in idealistic (‘‘I’’ stays for idealistic) basins, (RT) in realistic (R) basins with realistic tidal (T) forcing, and RTB in realistic basins with tidal and buoyancy (B) forcing (see Table 1). Three simulations belong to the I-class where the grid and dimensions of the computational area are the same as in the realistic simulations. In the first I-experiment (IS, ‘‘S’’ stays for shallow), the depth changes linearly from 20 m at the open boundary to 2 m at the coast (Fig. 13). Because the prescribed tidal forcing at the open boundary has an amplitude of only 1:5 m, there is no flooding and drying in this simulation. In the second simulation, the bottom is 20 m deeper (ID). In the third I-simulation, the bottom is 2 m ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 816 Table 1 Description of numerical simulations Simulation Topography IS Idealistic, shallow Idealistic, deep Idealistic, flooding and drying Realistic Realistic ID IFD RT RTB Tidal forcing Buoyancy forcing p p p p p p Fig. 13. Bottom topography in idealized (I-) experiments (see legend and Table 1). shallower than in IS, i.e. this simulation allows flooding and drying of the near-coastal area (IFD). The comparison between IS and ID gives an estimate of the TIS drift, the comparison between IS and IFD is supposed to explain the competition between transports due to drying and flooding and the TIS transport. The simulation with realistic topography and both tidal and buoyancy forcing (RTB) is used here in order to (1) find an answer to the question about the competing TIS and gravitational circulation and (2) to produce improved estimates for the responses of a realistic (baroclinic) coastal system. The details of RTB are subject to a separate publication. The forcing data in runs R (sea level and salinity at the open boundaries) are generated by the operational model of the BSH (Bundesanstalt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie). The BSH model is a 3-D prognostic model (Dick and Sötje, 1990; Dick et al., 2001), which operates in two versions: (1) a coarse resolution model including the North Sea and Baltic Sea (grid size is 10 km) and (2) a higher resolution model of the German Bight where the horizontal resolution is 1:8 km. The boundary conditions at the open boundaries are formulated using tidal values calculated from the tidal constituents of 14 partial tides. The model predicts currents, water level, water temperature, salinity, and ice coverage. At the sea surface, the model is forced with meteorological and wave forecasts (wind, atmospheric pressure, wave characteristics, air temperature, specific humidity, and clouds), which are provided by the German Weather Service (Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD). The output of the BSH model incorporates the main elements of the regional circulation, which is the coastal wave associated with the well known amphidromy at ð55:5 N; 5:5 EÞ. The tidal signal crosses the model area from west to east in 50 min. The vertical motion of the sea level at the open boundary and its slope provide the major driving force for the model (more technical details describing the forcing of our regional model are given in SWBBF). The simulations analysed by SWBBF focus on a very short period, October 16–18, 2000, which is representative for the general conditions during spring tide and excellently illustrate the asymmetry of transports in the vertical plane. For the aims of the present paper, we reran these simulations for a longer period (one month) overlapping the above period and produced new model diagnostics (RT). The extended runs now focus on the control of the TIS drift on the exchange through the inlets and the contribution of baroclinicity. The simulations in RTB are carried out for the same period as for RT. The observed fresh water fluxes from the main tributaries in the region are taken from an internal report of the Niedersächsischer Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft und Küstenschutz, Aurich, Germany. 5.2. TIS transport in basins with movable boundaries In all simulations with an idealistic topography (IS, ID, IFD), the response to harmonic tidal forcing ðM2 Þ reveals a simple structure of the currents (Fig. 14). The surface velocity in ID is about half of that in IS, which is purely a result of the larger depth in ID. The comparison of the results in IS and IFD reveals that the change of ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 817 a b c Fig. 14. Tidal response in I-experiments, (a) IS, (b) ID, (c) IFD. Meridional velocity in the middle of idealized basins (in cm s1 ) is plotted as a function of distance from coast and time. Positive values point seawards. topography, although relatively small, has a pronounced effect on the currents. Shallower depths tend to increase the surface velocity. However, in IFD an asymmetry is formed in the near-coastal zone (compare Fig. 14a and c). Because the major focus of this paper is to illustrate the role of the TIS transport we interpret our simulations as sensitivity studies aimed at checking whether the model can resolve this transport. Because it is difficult to define the TIS transport in areas subject to flooding and drying, we Table 2 TIS transport vz Simulation IS ID IFD Transport per unit length ð103 cm2 s1 Þ 5.2 1.4 3.0 show the results from the three simulations only for the wet area. The overall result is presented in Table 2 as an area integrated TIS transport vz. ARTICLE IN PRESS 818 E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 Consistent with the theory, the landward transport decreases in the simulation with idealistic deep topography (ID) compared to the shallow topography in IS. The effect of movable boundaries through drying and flooding (IFD) introduces a more complex response. If the decrease in depth provides the major control one would expect the TIS transport in IFD to be larger than in IS. However, our simulations show just the opposite effect, which demonstrates that flooding and drying competes with the TIS transport. The differences in the transports in these simulations with idealistic topography are comparable to the mean transports, indicating that the compensation of different effects could be an important mechanism in the Wadden Sea dynamics. 5.3. The circulation in the East Frisian Wadden Sea and transports through the inlets Because part of the simulations used in the present study are the same as reported in the study of SWBBF, the results below are presented very briefly and with more focus on the transports through the inlets. The circulation in the model area is dominated by westward transport during ebb and eastward transport during flood (Fig. 15). It has been demonstrated by SWBBF that, while the transport through the inlets is mainly governed by the amplitude of the tidal oscillations (see Eq. (27)), the along-shore circulation as well as the circulation in the intertidal areas are governed by the spatial properties of the forcing signal. Our simulations are consistent with observations (e.g. Santamarina Cuneo and Flemming, 2000) demonstrating that maximum velocities in the Otzumer Balje exceed 1 m s1 . There is a pronounced similarity between the simulated dynamics in the individual inlets, particularly in the larger ones (from the Harle to the Accumer Ee), which confirms that the dynamics in the individual basins obey the same physical balances. 5.4. Temporal variability of velocity profiles The evolution of the tidal signals over time, as well as along and across the tidal channels, is the main subject discussed in the remainder of this paper. We will first illustrate this process with the help of time versus depth diagrams in Fig. 16, plotted for the middle location in the first and last sections in Fig. 1. The ratio between depth and tidal amplitude for the two locations is about 10 and 3, respectively. We can thus expect that the effects resulting from a large external Froude number will apply in this case. The time versus depth plots of transport and turbulence in Fig. 16 demonstrate that two velocity maxima are simulated every tidal period. The first maximum corresponds to the flood and the second one to the ebb. During most of the time, the entire water column shows relatively strong vertical gradients in velocity and therefore a high level of turbulence. Only during slack water (duration of 1 h) the level of turbulence diminishes significantly. Fig. 16a clearly shows the asymmetry of the simulated tidal signals. This asymmetry is revealed by the difference between the time intervals during which the maximum flood and ebb are established (SWBBF). The maximum ebb velocity is observed shortly before the rate of sea-level fall reaches its maximum. However, the maximum flood velocity is delayed by 2 h with respect to the maximum rate of sea-level rise. These general properties of transports through the inlets, as explained by SFW, reflect the case of hypsometric control of the basin area presented in Section 2 (Fig. 4b, the black curve). With increasing distance from the inlet (i.e. when approaching the coast) the asymmetry in the tidal response changes in such a way that the velocity maxima, which are close to each other at the time of high water, come close to each other at the time of low water. This means that the relative length of the periods during which maximum flood is established change. The numerical simulations thus enable to distinguish two types of asymmetries corresponding to ones following from theoretical considerations and analysis of observations: (1) an asymmetry driven by hypsometric control (SFW, see also Figs. 7a and 9a), and (2) an asymmetry dominated by the shallow channel (Fig. 4b, the red curve). The analysis of tidal asymmetries by SWBBF and SFW is extended in the present paper in order to gain a better understanding of the spatial characteristics of the signals. To this end, we show in Fig. 17 the time versus north–south distance diagram for the zonally averaged surface current in the back-barrier basins of Langeoog and Spiekeroog. The patchy structures in the back-barrier area are due to the fact that the channel direction changes several times, the zonal average thus depends on the ratio between channel and flat ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 819 a b c d Fig. 15. Vertically integrated velocity during high water (a), ebb (b), low water (c) and flood (d) phases of spring tidal cycle. areas. More important in the present context is that the flood maximum, particularly in the basin of Spiekeroog, is sharper and is situated closer to the coast. This is additional proof that the tidal response of the Wadden Sea is characterized by a pronounced spatial variability. ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 820 a b c d Fig. 16. Time (expressed by number of periods) versus depth diagrams of along-channel pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi currents at the deepest part of sections 2 (a) and 7 (c). The corresponding level of turbulence (measured by friction velocity u ¼ t=r) for the same sections is shown in (b) and (d). The data are remapped from a sigma coordinate system with time variable thickness of the water column onto an equidistant z coordinate system. This results in the stepwise change of the sea level, which is just an artefact of the vertical discretization in the z coordinate system. The temporal evolution of the level of turbulence (Fig. 16b,d) follows the evolution of velocity (the time of appearance of maximum velocity almost coincides with the time of appearance of maximum friction velocity). The important difference between the two patterns (on the left and on the right of Fig. 16) is that maximum velocities are at the sea surface (the model is tidally driven), whereas the maximum friction velocity is at the bottom where the turbulence is generated. 5.5. Cross-channel velocity asymmetry The asymmetry of the along-channel velocity presented as a function of time and cross-channel distance is illustrated in Fig. 18. The distance in these diagrams is proportional to the difference between the number of grid points on the section line (see Fig. 1 for the position of section lines). The general transport properties are manifested by an almost symmetrical appearance of the current cores, ‘‘coming close to each other’’ at the time of high water (the interval between times when maximum current is reached is shorter) and ‘‘very distant’’ (longer time interval) at low water (Fig. 18a). Superimposed on this major asymmetry in the tidal response is the cross-channel asymmetry manifested by the southward (looking in the direction of the transport) displacement of the current core during the flooding tide and northward (this time toward the Island of Spiekeroog) displacement of the core during the ebbing tide. This is a usual behaviour of geophysical fluids on a rotating earth, and the simulations (also observations, see Section 3) demonstrate that the Coriolis force is not negligible, although in coastal systems such as the East Frisian Wadden Sea the first-order balance is between friction and pressure forces. The analysis above is not definite because the curvature of the channels can also result in a displacement of the core of the current during ebb and flood. Because changing the geometry of the ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 821 a b Fig. 17. Time versus distance from the coast diagrams of the cross-shore (meridional) current zonally averaged for the tidal basins of Langeoog (upper panel) and Spiekeroog (bottom panel). Positive values correspond to landward current. channels would necessitate another set of idealized experiments, and it would not be straightforward to establish the relevance of theoretical experiments to the real channel system, we carried out a simple experiment with a zero Coriolis parameter and compared it with simulations of RT. Because the effects discussed below are well traced only in the deep channels we take a zoomin look at the central region of our area of interest. Fig. 19a illustrates that the sea level in the coastal zone is slightly lower in the case when we account for the earth’s rotation. More pronounced are the differences between simulated transports (Fig. 19c), indicating that in the deep channels there are two well pronounced zones where the differences are either positive or negative. It is expected that in the case without earth’s rotation the flow in the channel would have a maximum in the deepest parts. If the Coriolis force is important (in the case when we account for the earth’s rotation) the flow will tend to be displaced to the right (looking in the direction of the flow). Simulations show that the velocity is larger along the banks in the case with earth’s rotation, which could indicate that during ebb the core of the current is displaced to the east whereas during flood it is displaced to the west. However, the differences (Fig. 19c) are much smaller than the averaged (Eulerian mean) meridional velocity (Fig. 19b), indicating that the above mentioned effects are relatively small. ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 822 a b Fig. 18. Temporal variability of current magnitude along meridional sections, (a) Section 1, (b) Section 7, see Fig. 1 for the position of section lines. The time versus distance along the section plots are for z ¼ 1:5 m below mean sea level. The distance is given as the interval between grid points ð200 mÞ. During a short time at low water this depth gets dry, therefore the white strips in the figure. This representation of the results (with separating strips) was chosen because white strips represent a clear timing indicator. The length of the section in the figure is shorter than the sections in Fig. 1 because below 1:5 m the number of wet points is smaller. 5.6. Tidal response along tidal channels The asymmetry in the tidal response in the deep and shallow parts of the tidal channels (described in the previous subsection) motivated us to analyse the transition of the signal between these two extremes (i.e. the changing interval between the time of occurrence of high and low water) in greater detail. These extremes are illustrated in Fig. 20a, b by the temporal variability of transports in the surface and deep layers (deeper than 2 m below mean sea level). In the deep channel, the model qualitatively simulates the same peculiarities as discussed on the basis of observations: a quasi-periodic signal with a sawtooth like form, characterized by a short descend time and a much longer ascend time. The appearance of minima and maxima in the upper layer almost coincide with the appearance of these extrema in the deep layers. This is just a demonstration that the vertical structure of the signal is rather simple, as already shown in the EOF analysis of the available observations. The difference in the two signals (upper and deep layer) is (1) the magnitude of the transport, and (2) the pronounced inflection in the upper layer curve. The former difference is due to the fact that the upper layer is much thinner than the deeper one. The latter difference is associated with the fact that the deep layer curve is more representative for the total transport. It depends on the hypsometry of the entire tidal basin (see SFW). In basins with a linear hypsometry, where the permanently submerged area is substantial, the sawtooth-like curve shows only a small inflection. In the case when the entire basin falls dry at low water, the curve has a form corresponding to the upper layer curve shown in Fig. 12 (we remind that the phase lag in the representation of observations and simulations is due to the different initial phase). Another important result here is that the integral of the upper-layer curve is larger during flood than during ebb, which results in a net landward transport of 40 106 m3 per tidal period across Section 1. This transport is larger than in the observations, which may be due either to different forcing conditions, to insufficient space resolution of the strait, or to smaller friction in the model than in nature. However, for the qualitative analysis it is more important that the upper layer transport (landward) is compensated by a net ebb transport in the deep channels (in the same way as in the observations). When approaching the shallow sections, the net upper layer transport decreases (from 30 106 m3 across Section 2, down to 106 m3 across Section 5). Possible consequences of this vertical asymmetry are discussed below. ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 823 I a b c Fig. 19. Sensitivity of dynamics to earth’s rotation. Time mean of: (a) difference between sea level simulated with and without earth’s rotation, (b) meridional surface currents in the case with earth’s rotation, and (c) difference between meridional surface currents simulated with and without earth’s rotation. The situation in the shallow channel (Fig. 20b) is quite different from the one in the deep channel. Here, the upper layer signal has a larger amplitude than the signal in the deep layer. This is explained by the fact that the contribution of the channel area to the total area of cross-section 7 is much smaller in comparison to the case of Section 1. This statement is supported by the following values. ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 824 a b c d Fig. 20. Temporal variability of transport across Section 1 (a) and 7 (b), see legend. The phase diagrams (c and d) give an idea about the different correlation between upper and deep layer transports in deep and shallow channels. The colours in these diagrams follow as: black, red, green, blue, and yellow, which makes it possible to see the rotation in the phase plane. The abbreviations in the plots ‘‘D. L.’’ and ‘‘S. L.’’ are for deep layer and surface layer, correspondingly. For the cross-sections in Fig. 1, which extend over 10 grid steps ð2000 mÞ, the mean section area in the upper layer is 3000 m2 (we remind that the amplitude of the sea-level variability is 1:5 m). However, the deep Section 1 has an area of 6700 m2 , Section 4 of 2050 m2 , Section 6 of 1200 m2 , and Section 7 of 500 m2 . Therefore, as we have seen in Fig. 20b, the transport across the shallow sections is mostly dominated by the surface layer transport, the latter being controlled by a non-linear tidal response. The dynamics of tidal flats are characterized by a pronounced time lag between surface and deep layer transports on the flats. The deep layer transport reaches its flood maximum earlier than the surface maximum is reached. By contrast, the ebb minimum appears much later than the minimum in the surface layer transport. It is thus clear that the model captures the major variability pattern in shallow water and we see that the sawtooth-like pattern of the transport curves in the deep sections reverses (faster increase of flood current and much slower establishment of ebb current maximum), as was the case in the theoretical analysis (Fig. 4). Even though the tidal response appears to follow relatively simple variability patterns (see also Section 4), the analysis of our simulations in the phase plane described by the surface and upper layer transport provides a better explanation of the variability. The two ‘‘leaves’’ in the phase plane are due to the four different slopes in the curve of the surface transport (before and after the inflection, and before and after maximum flood velocity). These leaves ‘‘rotate’’ in the shallow extension of the ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 channel to orient themselves along the y-axis (note the different scales of the two plots). Two questions arise from the comparison of the two extreme situations as exemplified at cross-section 1 and 7. First, how representative are the total transports for the variability in the tidal channels (we remind that the channel in the Section 7 has a small contribution to the area of Section 7)? Second, how different would the results be if we analysed velocity instead of transport (we remind that the curves in Fig. 4 show velocity)? The answers to these questions follow from Fig. 21, where we show the velocity across several sections at different depths. That some of the curves disappear during part of the tidal 825 period is due to the fact that (at the corresponding depth of the sample results) the channel section has fallen dry. Fig. 21 demonstrates several important points: (1) the signal is almost coherent at all levels, (2) the velocity shear is larger in the shallower part of the channel (compare Sections 1 and 2), (3) the amplitudes of the oscillations in Section 5 are smaller compared to those in Section 7 (this is not observed in the case of total transport), and (4) the slopes of the curves clearly demonstrate that a substantial change in the shape of the tidal signal occurs mostly in the shallow parts of the channels where the tidal range becomes comparable to the a b c d Fig. 21. Temporal variability of along-channel velocity sampled from the model simulations at section 1 (a), 2 (b), 5 (c), and 7 (d). The data correspond to the deepest profile. The depths corresponding to every curve are given in the legends. The numbers in the legend give the number of level in z coordinate system used to plot the data. The distance between levels in this coordinate system is 0:25 m. The last number corresponds to the last layer above the bottom. Some differences in sampling depth in different stations are due to the different depth of channels. Positive values correspond to landward transport. ARTICLE IN PRESS 826 E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 depth, (5) the three types of velocity curves revealed in the theoretical case (Fig. 4) are well developed along the axis of the channel. We reiterate that no exact analogy exists between enclosed tidal basins and channels. However, we can roughly assume that the channels play the role of the inlet and their drainage area the role of the tidal basin. The agreement between 3-D simulations and the simple theory indicates that this assumption is valid. The transition of the tidal response along the channels is summarized in Fig. 22 where we show the along-channel transport across the sections in the upper and deep layers plotted against time and distance (for the position of the sections see Fig. 1). The transport at the deep level has almost a coherent appearance in the first two sections. The change in the oscillation pattern is the largest between Section 3 and 4 where the channel changes direction. In addition, the channel cross-sectional area is about three times smaller there than along Section 1. This trend continues down to Section 7 where the cross-sectional area is an order of a b Fig. 22. Time versus distance (from section 1) diagram of transports in the deep layer (a) and surface layer (b). Positive values correspond to eastward transport. ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 827 Fig. 23. Velocity profiles in the deepest parts of sections in Fig. 1 averaged over one tidal period. Positive values correspond to landward transport. magnitude smaller than the area of the deep part of Sections 1–3. For these reasons, the effects resulting from the shallowness of the channels and tidal flats begin to dominate and the transport maxima are displaced towards low water. Unlike the case of the deep layer transports, the surface layer ones follow almost the same variability pattern, and the slight slopes of the contours in Fig. 22 give a measure for the retardation of the signal on the tidal flats. The fact that the maxima are not in the section nearest to the inlet demonstrates that recirculations occur between Sections 1 and 4. This could indicate that the displacement of water does not only follow the deep channels, but also occurs outside them. 5.7. The vertical circulation cell The TIS drift is considered below on the basis of numerically simulated data. As in the case of the observations, the velocity in the deep channels averaged over the tidal period is directed towards the open sea in the deep layers and towards the coast in the surface layer (Fig. 23). The zero point is close to the level of mean low water. With increasing distance from the open sea, the velocity shear Fig. 24. Stokes stream function. The plot seems ‘‘shallower’’ than the profiles in Fig. 23 because, by plotting, the shallower of the two neighbouring stations is taken (S.No. is section number, see Fig. 1). decreases (green line). However, up to the shallowest extension of the channel the velocity profile reveals a two-layer structure of the currents. At all locations, the transport in the surface layer is landward. The decrease of the mean velocity above the level of the surface maximum results of the fact that the period of averaging is the same at all depths. However, during part of that time the shallow levels fall dry and the current is zero. The two-layer transport along the channel is well represented by the Stokes stream function (Fig. 24). ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 828 The larger size fractions would become subject to export by ebb currents in the deep channels. This stream function is defined as u¼ w¼ dc , dz (46) 5.8. The role of buoyancy dc dx (47) and illustrates the landward transport in the surface layer and the seaward transport in the deep layer. Accounting for the vertical circulation cell, we can anticipate that the finer sediments (dominating the surface layer) are transported towards the coast. Here, we compare results from simulations RT and RTB with the aim to estimate the role of baroclinicity and its importance for surface transports in a very shallow ocean. The difference between surface currents (Fig. 25b) and TIS transport (Fig. 25c) in the two experiments averaged for one month proves that, although we deal with a a b c Fig. 25. Time averaged difference between baroclinic and barotropic simulations (‘‘baroclinic-barotropic’’). (a) Sea level, (b) meridional surface currents, (c) meridional TIS transport. ARTICLE IN PRESS E.V. Stanev et al. / Continental Shelf Research 27 (2007) 798–831 well mixed estuarine system, the baroclinicity has a pronounced effect on the long term averages. The major difference between surface velocities in the two simulations is observed in the coastal zone (a ROFI regime). In these areas, fresh water enhances the seaward surface transport. While this result can be expected, the origin of pronounced differences between the two simulations north of the barrier islands (Fig. 25b) is less clear. Presumably, it is due to ‘‘retention’’ of fresh water in several areas (see differences in sea level in Fig. 25) or the joint effect of baroclinicity and relief. In the context of the issues addressed in this paper, it is more important to analyse the differences in the TIS transport simulated in a baroclinic and a barotropic case (Fig. 25c). The general conclusion from this plot is that in the deep areas (north of the barrier islands and in the deep channels) the relative difference of meridional velocities is negative. Thus, in these areas, the TIS transport in a baroclinic ocean is enhanced. On the tidal flats, by contrary, baroclinicity works against the TIS transport. It may be expected that the two effects tend to compensate each other. The mean transport due to the difference between the baroclinic and the barotropic case is comparable to the mean transport shown in Fig. 19b, which reveals that, even in the well mixed estuaries, baroclinicity cannot be neglected when addressing long-term processes. 6. Summary and conclusions In this paper, we have analysed the tidal response of a typical back-barrier tidal flat in the East Frisian Wadden Sea. Simple theoretical concepts of a shoaling and narrowing tidal inlet connecting the open sea with the tidal flat allowed us to demonstrate the existence of quite distinct response patterns in velocity and transports. Using ADCP observations for spring and neap tide periods we were able to extract the major spatial patterns and their time variability (EOF-Analysis). Numerical simulations based on a 3-D primitive equation model were used to further quantify the horizontal and vertical circulation in the tidal channel and on the tidal flats. The major results are the following: (i) near surface transports (tidally averaged) are landward and are dominated by a TIS drift, whereas deeper layer transports are seaward and are defined by the hypsometric properties of the connected intertidal basin, (ii) in the deeper parts of the tidal 829 channel, the tidal signal shows a clear ebb dominance, whereas on the shallower parts of the channels and the intertidal flats we observe a flood-dominance, (iii) dynamics associated with flooding and drying tend to oppose the TIS transport, (iv) baroclinicity due to the fresh water flux from the coast also opposes the TIS transport, as could be expected. However, the changes of dynamics in the deep channels and north of the barrier islands are something less trivial. In these areas, effects of baroclinicity add to those of the TIS transport. Some authors assume that the landward transport of fine sediment is a result of a transport asymmetry dominated by the flood current (Groen, 1967; Postma, 1982). Larger flood velocities or temporal asymmetries would thus create a more efficient mechanism for the resuspension of sediments deposited at slack tide. This contributes to a longer retention time of suspended particles in the water column as a result of which they are gradually transferred towards the coast. However, as demonstrated by observations and model simulations (SWBBF and SFW), the tidal channels in the East Frisian Wadden Sea are ebb dominated and the channel networks are similar to a fluvial drainage system on land (Flemming and Davis, 1994; Flemming, 1998). This apparent contradiction has been resolved in the present study by demonstrating that the tidal flats of the Wadden Sea are in fact flood dominated, and that the resulting asymmetry evidently promotes a landward transport of progressively finer sediments. 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