Description of the Morphology and Dynamics of a Carbonate Sandy Tidal Flat, Shroud Cay, Exumas Gregor Eberli and Maaike Petrie Project Purpose For the tidal channel sand and tidal flat complex located behind Shroud Key in the Exuma Island Chain, this project will: 1. Quantitatively measure the channel and delta size and spatial distribution and describe the morphology; 2. Evaluate and describe the size and distribution of sediments within the delta and channel; and 3. Measure physical controlling processes; 4. Use seismic data to describe subsurface morphology. Scope of Work This project focuses on the tidal channel sand a tidal flat complex at Shroud Cay (Figure 1). During the first year of this study we will focus on collecting information on the sediments, flow, and wave characteristics of these areas. The second year we will focus on analyzing data collected in Summer 2007 to describe the complex characteristics. Key Deliverables Quantitative measures of the sizes, shapes, and spatial trend metrics of the complexes, and description of the attributes (type, size, sorting) of sediments within those bodies. Collectively, this information can be used to develop a description of the spatial distribution of sedimentological settings at Shroud Cay. Project Description Construction of meaningful geologic models requires information on the size, shape, and orientation of geologic bodies and the size, distribution, porosity and permeability of the grain populations of these bodies. To acquire this data, this project includes four general steps: 1) generating and analyzing facies maps; 2) exploring grains within the morphologies; 3) assessing controlling parameters; and 4) interpretation. 1. Remote sensing data provide aerial maps that can be used to map facies and sedimentary bodies (Figure 1). Data from these maps will be enhanced with data collected during site visits and will assist in generating validated maps. 2. Sediment samples will provide information on the dynamics of sediment production and transport in these systems. For this project, we will collect samples from several environments, then analyze the samples in terms of constituents, grain size, and sorting. 3. We will analyze data provided and collected on the bathymetry and flow velocity. For this project, we will analyze high-resolution data available to explore the bathymetry and we will collect data on current flow velocities in and around the flat and channel. 4. Steps 1-3 provide an information on the distribution of different sediment types and the geologic bodies in which they occur and the nature of currents in and around carbonate tidal flats and channels. The final aspect of the project will involve interpretation of the accumulated data. Using remote sensing imagery we will place observations in the context of their environment and provide a description on the character and controls on currents, how the sediment attributes reflect current activity, and how all of these data can be used to better understand and predict ancient grainstone analogs. Expected Results Descriptions of the attributes (size, shape, geometry, relief) of geomorphic bodies and correlation to the processes of sedimentation. INSERT FIGURE Figure 1. Location of study area, Shroud Cay with inlet sand complex, tidal The inlet channel sand complex and tidal flat indicated.