NAME ............................................................................... LAAS ENGLISH LANGUAGE EXAMINATIONS LANGUAGE ATTAINMENT ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Level A1 Certificate Recognised by ICC MAY 2013 INSTRUCTIONS Be sure you have written your name at the top of this page. Do not open this booklet until the exam starts. The order of the exam papers is: PART A Listening, PART B Reading & Usage, PART C Writing. Time allowed for all three parts: 90 minutes [Type LAAStext] MAY 2013 Α A1 LISTENING PAGE 1 LISTENING (25 points) Time: approximately 20 minutes As you listen to the recording, mark your answers in this booklet. Answer all the questions. Give only one answer for each question. After the end of the recording, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers onto your Answer Sheet. Mark them in 2H or HB pencil. LISTENING EXERCISE 1: Numbers 1 to 8 KEN’S FAMILY AND FRIENDS A B C D E F Write the letter of a picture, A to F, in each of the spaces, 1 to 8. You will use some letters more than once. 1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____ 6. ____ 7. ____ 8. ____ [Type LAAStext] MAY 2013 A1 LISTENING PAGE 2 LISTENING EXERCISE 2: Numbers 9 to 15 HOTEL FOR BEES Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each statement, 9 to 12. Circle its letter, A, B or C. 9. The conversation is taking place ____. A. at a school in Greece B. somewhere in France C. inside a small building 10. In the centre of the park, bees will find lots of ____. A. cars B. streets C. flowers Bee Hotel 11. At the bee hotel, visitors can ____. A. make nests B. watch bees C. sleep and eat 12. The bees at the hotel are ____. A. wild B. clever C. funny Walls with leaves and sticks Decide if each statement, 13 to 15, is true or not. Write A for True or B for False in the space beside each number. 13. ____ Maybe people are hurting the bees. 14. ____ Bees help trees to make fruit. 15. ____ People can’t do anything to save the bees. Inside the hotel To learn more about the bee hotel, visit To learn more about the Muttersholtz competition (in French), go to For photos of other buildings in the competition see [Type LAAStext] MAY 2013 B A1 READING & USAGE PAGE 3 READING & USAGE (50 points) You are advised to spend about 40 minutes on this part of the test. You may mark your answers on this booklet while you are working on them. Answer all the questions. Give only one answer for each question. When you have finished, mark your answers on your Answer Sheet using a 2H or HB READING & USAGE EXERCISE 1: Numbers 16 to 25 pencil. Read the text. Then do the exercises on page 4. Fred Astaire: Great American Dancer Fred Astaire was a famous American dancer. He first danced in the theatre in New York with his sister, Adele. Then, Adele got married and left the show. So, Fred went to Hollywood. He made one film, and then his second small dance part was in the film Flying Down to Rio, with a woman named Ginger Rogers. People saw the film and asked the movie studio for more. In their next film, Fred and Ginger danced a lot. They worked together for 6 years, from 1933 to 1939. After that, Fred made 21 more films with other dancers, but only one more, in 1949, with Ginger. Fred was also in several other films but he didn’t dance. He was a good singer and a very good actor, too. Fred carefully planned all of his dances and always wanted the camera to show his whole body. Other films in those days often only showed part of the dancer’s body, like the face, arms or feet. They filmed parts of the dance many times. Then they put the best parts together. Fred Astaire’s films were different. If you watch videos of his dances, alone or with Ginger, you’ll see that there are no ‘breaks’ in the film. Fred and Ginger danced the whole dance, from start to finish. It was usually about five minutes long. It had to be right, so they did it again and again to get one whole, beautiful dance. This was quite difficult, but it was like Astaire’s early years in the theatre. Fred made his last film in 1981, but he was in several TV programmes after that and continued to dance to the end of his life. He died of pneumonia in 1988. Much earlier, in 1959, he wrote a book about his life. It’s called Steps in Time. Of course, it doesn’t tell us about his last 30 years. Learn more at Watch Fred Astaire in: Swing Time Let’s Face the Music and Dance [Type LAAStext] MAY 2013 A1 READING & USAGE PAGE 4 Use the text and the information in the box to answer the questions. Decide if each statement, 16 to 20, is true or not. Write A for True or B for False on your Answer Sheet. 16. Fred Astaire first danced in the theatre in New York. 17. Fred’s sister was also a dancer. 18. The first film Fred made in Hollywood was with Ginger Rogers. 19. Fred and Ginger made 10 films together. Young Fred and his sister 20. Fred only made films with dances in them. Choose the correct phrase to complete each sentence, 21 to 25. Mark its letter, A, B or C, on your Answer Sheet. 21. ____ planned the dances in Fred Astaire’s films. A. Someone else B. Fred and Ginger C. Only Fred 22. Fred wanted the camera to ____. A. follow him for a whole dance B. film parts of his dance C. show only his arms and feet 23. Most of Fred’s dances were ____ long. A. much too B. about five minutes C. more than an hour 24. Fred died almost ___ film with Ginger Rogers. A. twenty years after his first B. forty years after his last C. seven years after his last 25. Fred’s book ___. A. tells part of his life story B. talks about his TV shows C. teaches us how to dance Fred and Ginger in Swing Time Fred and Ginger Films with Ginger Rogers 1933 Flying Down to Rio 1934 The Gay Divorcee 1935 Roberta 1935 Top Hat 1936 Follow the Fleet 1936 Swing Time 1937 Shall We Dance 1938 Carefree 1939 The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle 1949 The Barkleys of Broadway [Type LAAStext] MAY 2013 A1 READING & USAGE PAGE 5 READING & USAGE EXERCISE 2: Numbers 26 to 30 Choose the correct word to fill each gap. Mark its letter, A to F, on your Answer Sheet. You will use only five of the letters. A HOLIDAY FOR EVERYONE: GREECE! A. fishing Mel and Sue Peters, from London, liked different kinds of holidays. Mel liked to walk in the mountains and sleep __(26)__ in a tent. Sue liked to go to the beach. So, they asked their friend, Steve, about places to visit. Steve had an __(27)__ they both liked. Greece! They went to stay in Tsangarada, a __(28)__ on Mount Pelion. B. outside Every day, Mel walked in the forest or went __(29)__. Sue went to the beach to swim and lie in the sun. Every evening, they went to a restaurant and had a tasty __(30)__. They stayed two weeks and had a great time. C. river D. idea E. meal F. village READING & USAGE EXERCISE 3: Numbers 31 to 35 Choose the correct word to fill each gap in the text. Mark its letter, A, B or C, on your Answer Sheet. DON’T HURT OTHER CHILDREN! At school on Monday, three boys laughed at Jimmy. Bob didn’t like it, but he didn’t say __(31)__. On Tuesday, the boys pushed Jimmy and he __(32)__ down. Again, Bob did nothing. Then, they took a picture of Jimmy in the bathroom. Jimmy wanted to run home and __(33)__. Finally, Bob talked to his teacher about the boys and Jimmy. The teacher __(34)__ the class, “It’s not right to hurt others. It’s not funny. Don’t do it!” The boys didn’t hurt Jimmy __(35)__. Jimmy felt better about school and Bob did, too. 31. A. anything B. nothing C. anyone 32. A. feel B. fell C. felt 33. A. cried B. crying C. cry 34. A. talked B. told C. said 35. A. after B. again C. never European Anti-Bullying Campaign [Type LAAStext] MAY 2013 A1 READING & USAGE PAGE 6 READING & USAGE EXERCISE 4: Numbers 36 to 40 BICYCLES FOR ALL Here are some pictures of people and bicycles. Choose a picture to match each statement about bicycles. Mark its letter, A to D, on your Answer Sheet. You will use one letter more than once. A B C D 36. Some roads are only for bicycles. They’re safe for small children. 37. Teenagers can go on long trips with friends, far from the city. 38. Put a bike in your house. If the weather’s bad, you can still ride. 39. Bicycles are great for the whole family. Parents can teach their kids how to ride. 40. Use your bicycle to go shopping. You won’t have to look for a car park. READING & USAGE EXERCISE 5: Numbers 41 to 45 Ben is buying things for school and Chris, the shop assistant, is helping him. Match one of Ben’s answers with each thing Chris says. Mark its letter, A to G, on your Answer Sheet. You will use only five of the letters. Example: Chris: Can I help you? Ben: ___(EX)___ The answer is A. Yes, please. I need some notebooks. Chris: Ben: Chris: Ben: Chris: Ben: Chris: Ben: Chris: Ben: Chris: Ben: Chris: Can I help you? __(EX)__ A. Yes, please. I need some notebooks. How many do you want? B. Well, I don’t need that many. Just two, please. __(41)__ So, how many subjects do you have? __(42)__ Okay, five notebooks. Anything else? __(43)__ How about this packet of 20 pencils? C. Five. There’s history, Greek, geography, maths, and biology. D. Yes, I think so. How much is it all together? __(44)__ E. Well, I have to have one for each subject. Okay, just two. Is that all? F. Thanks, but I already have one. __(45)__ G. Yes, I’d like some pencils, too. That will be four euros and 60 cents. [Type LAAStext] MAY 2013 C A1 WRITING TOPICS PAGE 7 WRITING (25 points) You are advised to spend about 30 minutes on this part of the test. You may use a blank sheet of paper as a draft. Write your task in the space provided on the back of your Answer Sheet in pencil or pen. You have ONE writing task to do. Choose either Topic A or Topic B. Write your task in about 70 words on your Answer Sheet. EITHER THIS TOPIC TOPIC A: Look at this picture of Steve and his friends at school. In about 70 words, describe the picture and say what is happening in it. Use the words under the picture. Add any other words you wish. Begin like this: Jim and Raul are making a video. ... Jim-Raul-make-video Raul-hold-camera Jim-help wear-trouser-shirt Steve-be-star be-good-student-school laugh-shout be-happy friend-be-happy be-great-day-everyone wear-nice-clothes after-school-have-party [Type LAAStext] MAY 2013 A1 WRITING TOPICS PAGE 8 OR THIS TOPIC TOPIC B: Look at the pictures of Dan, Tom and the football team. In about 70 words, write what happened. Use the words below each picture. Add any other words you wish. Begin like this: Dan and Tom were good friends. ... Dan-Tom-be-good friend Saturday-go-parkgo-same school play-football Jane-be-team kick-ball-score-lot-goal Greg-be-there-too ask-Greg-play-team be-not friendly-not-smile at first-not-want then-all-play-win-match Greg-be-happy-be-team 1 [A1 LISTENING TEST – 13A] Scripts 1 – KEN’S FAMILY AND FRIENDS 2 – HOTEL FOR BEES ANNC LAAS Listening Test, May 2013. Copyright, Panhellenic Federation of Foreign Language Centre Owners, Athens, Greece. [intro music] ANNC Hello, students. This is your A1 Listening test. Before we start, please make sure that your name and code number are on the front of your Test Booklet. [5 sec] 2 [A1 - 1 – KEN’S FAMILY AND FRIENDS] ANNC Now, open your Test Booklet. As you listen, write your answers in this Test Booklet. At the end of the test, you will have time to mark your answers on the computerised Answer Sheet. Now, let's go on. Look at Listening Exercise ONE. You can see six pictures of Ken and his family and friends. Each picture has a letter. You will hear EIGHT questions about the pictures and you will use the letters to match each picture to a question. You will use some letters more than once. Now, take a short time to look at Listening Exercise ONE in your Test Booklet. [20 sec] ANNC Good. Now, when you hear each question, write the letter of the correct picture in the spaces, 1 to 8, at the bottom of the page. You will hear this exercise just once, but you will hear each question twice. Are you ready? Number 1. Ken walks to school every day with his sister, Sally, and his brother, Timothy. Where can you see them? Ken walks to school every day with his sister, Sally, and his brother, Timothy. Where can you see them? Just write the letter of the picture in space number one. [3 sec] Number 2. Ken’s father works in the city. The car park is very expensive. So he walks to the Metro station and takes the train to work. Where can you see Ken’s father? Ken’s father works in the city. The car park is very expensive. So he walks to the Metro station and takes the train to work. Where can you see Ken’s father? [3 sec] Number 3. Ken does his homework. Then, he plays games on his computer. His favorite game has houses to build, and Ken usually makes one house every day. Where can you see Ken and his computer? Ken does his homework. Then, he plays games on his computer. His favorite game has houses to build, and Ken usually makes one house every day. Where can you see Ken and his computer? [3 sec] Number 4. Ken plays basketball in a team with four other boys. This year, they won all their matches. Which picture shows Ken and his team? Ken plays basketball in a team with four other boys. This year, they won all their matches. Which picture shows Ken and his team? 3 [3 sec] Number 5. At five o’clock, Ken’s dad finishes work and leaves his office. He gets the train and arrives home at about six o’clock. Where can you see him at the train station? At five o’clock, Ken’s dad finishes work and leaves his office. He gets the train and arrives home at about six o’clock. Where can you see him at the train station? [3 sec] Number 6. On Saturdays, Ken’s mother goes shopping. She buys enough food for five people for a week and she brings it home in the car. Which picture shows Ken’s mum at the supermarket? On Saturdays, Ken’s mother goes shopping. She buys enough food for five people for a week and she brings it home in the car. Which picture shows Ken’s mum at the supermarket? [3 sec] Number 7. Everyone in the family has a busy life, but on Sundays, they always have dinner together. The food is tasty and the family enjoys the meal. Which picture shows this? Everyone in the family has a busy life, but on Sundays, they always have dinner together. The food is tasty and the family enjoys the meal. Which picture shows this? [3 sec] Number 8. Ken is the oldest child in his family. He loves his brother and sister and he tries to look after them if their parents aren’t there. Where can you see Ken with his brother and sister? Ken is the oldest child in his family. He loves his brother and sister and he tries to look after them if their parents aren’t there. Where can you see Ken with his brother and sister? [3 sec] That's the end of the first exercise. Take a short time to finish your answers. [10 sec] [no repeat] 4 [A1 - 2 – HOTEL FOR BEES] 386 wds PAUL – adult male MARIE – adult female ANNC ANNC In this exercise you will hear a TV programme about a strange building. Before you listen, take a short time to look at the questions for Listening Exercise TWO in your Test Booklet. [20 sec] ANNC Good. You will hear Marie Clement, the TV reporter. She’s talking to Paul Valjean, about a hotel for bees. As you listen to the conversation, choose the correct word or phrase to complete each statement, 9 to 12. Circle its letter, A, B or C, in your Test Booklet. Then decide if statements 13 to 15 are true or not. Write A for True or B for False in your Test Booklet. Now, here is the conversation. Are you ready? [music] MARIE PAUL MARIE PAUL MARIE PAUL MARIE PAUL MARIE PAUL MARIE Today I’m in France, at a competition. Students in the competition draw and make small buildings that are good for nature. My guide is Paul Valjean, And we’re going to see a very interesting little building, a hotel for bees! Right, Marie. Now, if we walk down this way, we’ll see it in just a minute. Paul, the bee hotel is in the middle of the park, right? Yes, we put it far away from the street and cars so the air is clean. Also, there are lots of flowers around for the bees to visit. Here we are. Oh, nice! Tell me more. Well, on the inside of the walls, there are glass windows. On the outside, the walls are open. And some of the spaces have leaves, grass and sticks and other things bees like. So, the bees can make their nests in the leaves. Yes, and people can sit inside and watch them work. Is this the first house for bees and people together? Hmm, I don’t know. It may be the first. But if it isn’t, it’s still a very clever idea. It brings people and nature together. Bees are fun to watch. These are wild bees and they live like this in nature. So, visitors can learn a lot about them. Why is that important? 5 PAUL MARIE PAUL MARIE PAUL MARIE PAUL MARIE [fade] Well, you know, all around the world, many bees are dying. We aren’t sure why. But maybe people are hurting them. We use cars and poisons. These may make the bees ill. Also, we cut down trees and take fields to build more cities. The bees need flowers and trees to live. So, we need to learn about them and help them stay well, right? Right! Bees are important for us. They help the trees to make fruit. If we don’t have bees, we won’t have food to eat. Do these bees also make honey? Of course, all bees do. But we don’t take the honey here. The bee hotel is … well, it’s a school for nature. We can learn and change what we do. We can make the world a safer place for bees. And that helps us, too! Yes, it does! Paul, this has been very interesting. [fade] I love sitting here … but let’s walk over to the river house … [music] ANNC Now take a short time to look at your answers. Then you will hear the conversation again. [15 sec] ANNC Now, here is the conversation again. Are you ready? [repeat ‘Today I’m in France, ... to ... over to the river house …'] ANNC That's the end of the second exercise. Take a short time to finish your answers. [15 sec] ANNC [exit music] That's the end of the listening test. You now have a short time to mark your answers on the computerized Answer Sheet. Mark them in pencil. Thank you. ΕΞΕΤΑΣΕΙΣ LAAS - ΜΑΙΟΣ 2013 ΛΥΣΕΙΣ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΩΝ A1- ELEMENTARY Parts A & B 1A 41 E 2C 42 C 3F 43 G 4B 44 B 5C 45 D 6D 7E 8A 9B 10 C 11 B 12 A 13 A 14 A 15 B 16 A 17 A 18 B 19 A 20 B 21 C 22 A 23 B 24 B 25 A 26 B 27 D 28 F 29 A 30 E 31 A 32 B 33 C 34 B 35 B 36 C 37 D 38 A 39 C 40 B