CENTRAL STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING AND ECONOMICS COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING ACC 2201 Course Information Term: Fall 2007 Course Name: Financial Accounting Course Number: ACC 2201 Section Number: 03 Course Prerequisites: Contemporary American Business (BUS 1100) Credit Hours: 3 Classroom Location: Smith Room 323 Class Time and Day: MWF 3:00 – 3:50 pm Instructor Information Name: Julia M. Blockberger, MBA CPA Instructor’s Office Room Number: Smith Room 122 Instructor’s Office Telephone Number: (937) 376-6426 Instructor’s e-mail address: jblockberger@centralstate.edu Instructor’s Office Hours: 12 Noon-3:00 pm MWF 11:00 noon-3:00 pm TH Biographical Statement: Ms. Blockberger graduated from Bowling Green State University with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree and majored in Business Statistics. She earned a MBA degree from Wright State University with a concentration in accounting. She is a licensed CPA in the state of Ohio. Required Texts and Materials Text (mandatory to pass course): (Fundamental Accounting Principles by Larson, Wild & Chiappetta 17th Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin Publishers 2005 Supplies/Materials: Working Papers Volume 1, Chapters 1-12 for use with Fundamental Accounting Principles Course Description An introduction to the fundamentals of accounting that includes the accounting cycle for services and merchandising entities. Emphasis is on accounting language, transaction analysis and financial reporting of proprietorships, partnerships and corporations. Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student shall: Learning Outcomes 1. Understand the broad role that accounting information plays in the economy 2. Understand of basic financial statements their nature, purposes and use by business decision makers Assessment Quizzes, Spreadsheet Application, Test Annotated Bibliography of accounting article, Discussion, Flashcards Quizzes, Spreadsheet Application, Test Annotated Bibliography of accounting article, Discussion, Flashcards 3. Ability to use the language of accounting and apply the important concepts on which financial reporting is based 4. Appreciation of general business concepts and processes Quizzes, Spreadsheet Application, Test Flashcards, Flashcards, Annotated Bibliography of accounting article 5. Ability to analyze the impact of basic business transactions on the financial statements of a business corporation 6. Ability to construct basic financial statements for a simple corporate business entity 7. Ability to evaluate the financial performance of a simple corporation on the basis of its financial statements Quizzes, Spreadsheet Application, Test Flashcards, Flashcards, Annotated Bibliography of accounting article Quizzes, Spreadsheet Application, Test Flashcards, Flashcards, Annotated Bibliography of accounting article, Discussion, Read annual report Quizzes, Spreadsheet Application, Test Flashcards, Flashcards, Annotated Bibliography of accounting article , Discussion Quizzes, Spreadsheet Application, Test Flashcards, Flashcards, Annotated Bibliography of accounting article, Discussion Calculate at least one financial statement ratio within each of the following four categories and discuss its usefulness and limitations in making decisions: Liquidity, Activity or turnover, Financial Leverage, Profitably, and Valuation for a company listed on the NYSE. Course Policies Evaluation Policy: The following activities will be used to evaluate students: 1. Exams – There will be four exams during the semester and a final exam. The latter will be comprehensive (covering the entire course). There may be announced or unannounced quizzed given. No makeup quizzes will be allowed. None will be tolerated. Cheating includes, among other things, securing by any means whatever, information about specific content of an exam prior to that exam or giving such information to another student; looking at other student’s work during an exam or allowing another student to look at his work/exam. The penalty for cheating on any exam or quiz will be an automatic “F” for the exam/quiz. 2. Quizzes – Unannounced quizzes will be given as determined by the instructor. 3. Homework and Assignments – Homework must be submitted on day of exam. Homework may be completed and emailed to instructor. 4. Participation – Students are expected to be prepared to discuss solutions to exercises and problems 5. Other – Excel spreadsheet assignments will be graded on accuracy, formulas, format, and presentation. 6. Class Demeanor – Student behavior in class will also be evaluated in determining the final grade. The student is expected to behave and perform in a professional manner (e.g. be punctual, dress appropriately especially on Wednesdays and be attentive during class). Respect the rights of all participants by turning off any device that could cause a disturbance during class (this includes pagers, cell phones and personal alarms). Negative behavior patterns in class (e.g. unexcused absences, tardiness, class disruptions, wearing hats, eating, drinking, smoking and sleeping) could result in a reduction of up to 10% of a student’s grade. . Grading Policy: The student’s final grade for the course will be calculated as follows: Activities/ Percentages (Or Points) Evaluation Methods Exams 70 % Quizzes 10 % Homework and Assignments 14 % Participation 2% Other 2% Class Demeanor 2% Total 100% The final letter grade will be based on the following scales: Percentages (Or Points) 90 – 100 80 – 89 70 – 79 60 – 69 Below 60 Letter Grade A B C D F Interpretation Superior (Very High) Above Average (High) Average (Satisfactory) Below Average (Low/Poor Work) Failure Attendance Policy: Regular class attendance is required and necessary in this course. When the number of unexcused absences exceeds 3 credit hours, the student will automatically receive an F in this course. This is a university policy and there are no exceptions (see University Catalogue). Tardiness/Lateness Policy: Students are expected to be in the classroom or laboratory at the appointed time of class. Students reporting to classes ten minutes or later on two separate occasions during the quarter will accumulate one absence. Each subsequent late reporting to class may be counted as an absence based on the discretion of the instructor. Academic Integrity/Honesty Policy: Academic dishonesty in any shape or form will not be tolerated. Written or other work submitted by a student must be the product of his/her own efforts. Plagiarism, cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty, including dishonesty involving computer technology and cell phones, are prohibited. Students caught engaged in any form of academic dishonesty could automatically receive an F in the course. ADA Policy: CSU provides individuals with disabilities reasonable accommodations to participate in educational programs, activities and services. Students with disabilities requiring accommodations to participate in class activities or meet course requirements should contact the Office of Student Disability for their CSU accommodation letters. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and present the accommodation letter to the instructor Other Policies: Additional help will be provided by the instructor, if needed. Please schedule an appointment. Tutoring will be suggested if determined beneficial to the student. Homework solutions will be available in the instructor’s office. Computer Lab assistance will be provided at the student’s request Instructional Methods: Instruction by Lecture, Problem Solving, Homework Assignments, Spreadsheet Problems . Amendments to Syllabus: This syllabus provides a general plan for the course. The instructor reserves the right to amend this syllabus at any time. Any such change will be announced, and if practical, distributed in class. As with all other class requirements, the student is responsible for being present to receive such changes. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING COURSE SCHEDULE WEEK Week 1 CHAPTER 1 TOPIC Accounting in Business Week 2 2 Week 3 3 Week 4 4 Week 5 5 Week 6 6 Analyzing and recording transactions Adjusting Accounts and Preparing Financial Statements Completing the Accounting Cycle Accounting for Merchandising Operations Inventories and Cost of Sales Week 7 8 Week 8 9 Week 9 10 Week 10 & 11 13 Week 12 14 Long-Term Liabilities Week 13 & 14 17 Analysis of Financial Statements Review WED Week 15 Final Exam Cash and Internal Controls Accounting for Receivables Plant Assets, Natural Resources, and Intangibles Accounting for Corporations HOMEWORK Quick Study 1-1,1-3,1-4,1-6,1-8; Problem 1-8A Excel, Problems 18B, 1-10B,1-12B,1-13B Quick Study 2-1; Exercise 2-14,215; Problems 204A excel, 2-6B; BTN 2-8 Questions; Problem 3-4A Excel; BTN 3-10 Exercise 4-10; Problem 4-2B, 4-3 A Excel, 4-6B; BTN 4-10 Quick Study 5-8; Exercise 5-13; Problem 5-3A Excel, 5-1A; BTN 57,5-10 Quick Study 6-6,6-7; Problem 6-2A Excel,6-1B,6-2B,6-3B, 6-5B, 6-7B; BTN 6-10 Exercise 8-2,8-10,8-11,8-12; Problem 8-1A,8-2A,8-4A Excel Exercise 9-9; Problem 9-1B, 9-3B, 9-5B Exercise 10-7,10-10, 10-11, 10-14; Problem 10-1A Excel, 10-7A Excel; BTN 10-10 Exercise 13-1,13-3,13-4,13-16,1317; Problem 13-7A Excel, 13-4B, 13-8B Quick Study 14-1; Exercise 14-8, 14-18; Problem 14-2A excel, 14-8A, 14-9A, 14-10A Quick Study 17-1, 17-2, 17-5; Exercise 17-4; Problem 17-1A Excel DEC 12, 2007 2 PM