I The Omaha Sunday Bee. EDITORIAL SHEET. ESTABLISHED .TUNE 1, MOKXIXG, OMAHA, SUKDAY 1871. DECEMBER , I PAGES SINGLE COPY 1000. 11 riVE 20. TO CENTS. will haydens Santa Glaus make his home at Hayden and commands the Big Store to prepare to receive him. Will bring all his toys and treasures from the frozen north to Hayden Bros., Omaha, Neb., U. S. A. Read his letter! Hayden Bros, will tell you when he comes. Bros. "KIUS KIUNGL13 CASTLR, Near tho North role, Doc. 7. 1000. Subjects, Ilaydcn Hros., Omntm, U. S. A.: Am Juat starting on my Christmas Journey and will mnke my homo during tho holidays with you. Mnko preparations at onco, as my licet reindeer will bring mo to Omaha almost ns swift as tho wind. Have all tho bright children In Omaha In your SANTA CLAUS. store to meet mo. Yours, for Christmas, , , 1'. S. Must havo lots of room. More dolls and toys than over. S. C." "To My Loyal THE GREAT DISPLAY AND SALE OF TOYS BEGINS MONDAY The entire main fioor'filled with beautiful toys and Holiday goods of all descriptions. A grand and astonishingly great as- sortment of bright, new and interestingly novel toys Irom the most famous and noted German factories; thousands of quaint and pretty Swiss and Bavarian toys; tasteful and artistic toys from Italy and France and a most wonderful gathering of toys of all descriptions from our own American factories. Doll heads and doll bodies, sleeping dolls, and dolls that never sleep, jointed dolls Bisque dolls and kid dolls; dressed dolls and thousands of dolls of all kinds and at all prices. Chess, checker and crokinole, and games of all kinds, hundreds of boys tool chests, iron safes and banks, irom trains, fire engines and iron toys of all kinds; warships, soldier camps, toy drums, steam toys; endless assortments of fine iron wagons; boys' velocipedes and shoo-fly- s now on sale. The Greatest, Grandest and Handsomest Showing of Toys and Holiday Goods Remember the 07ily Real Live Santa ever put on sale in the west. Be sure to see this elegant display. It begins Monday. Clans will be at Hayden Bros. He will arrive early this week we will let you know the exact hour as soon as we hear from him again and have a 'grand opening reception for him. PiatlOS sold OH easy payments. Christmas Presents Now Grand Santa Glaus Buy Your Silks for I This Silk Department with its magnificent assortment makes .cnoosing easy, we snow irom lontiay nniu uie nonunys, rue grandest collection of the handsomest Waist Silks and the greatand reliable Black Dress Silks est lot of high-class- , over 500 pieces of new silks in all, and every piece bought specially for this great Holiday Silk Sale. up-to-da- This Wonderful Silk Sale Commences Fromptly at 8 O'clock Monday Morning, $5.00 BEAUTIFUL SILK WAIST PATTEKN8, EACH CONTAINING 3V4 YARDS We place on salo Monday ovor 200 beautiful silk waist patterns lti all tho most stylish shades of rose, turquols, cardinal, hello, cerise, blue, modo, greens, and black, new pllsse, now solo nomlnlc, new bllstory weaves; In fact, ovory pleco Is In It- - j AA elf a beauty and worth per pattern up to $5.00, all go on salo Monday, at I Ux 3.98 98c 45-l- n. nnvgr Sal nuu .98 45-l- n. 27-l- n. 98c 17-l- n. 19-l- n. Flannel Department 30-inc- Bed Blankets extra soft and downy Cotton Bed Blankets, fancy 59C border regular price 75c per pair 95c 8 cases 11-- extra heavy Cotton Bed Blankets, pair 8 cases 12-- extra heavy tan and gray, fancy border, pair. . 1.75 1 case 114 ltoekville Silver Gray Wool Bed Blankets, pair 1 case Tremont gray wool Blankets, extra fancy border 1.98 worth ?2.75per pair pair gray Blankets, 3.25 Saxonville wool 1 case all 3 cases 10-- 4 4 114 Nounnreil all wool firav and irray and black 4.00 plaids, Blankets, per pair Incase extra fine white wool extra large Wayne Bed Blank5.50 ets worUk7.00 per pair 98 dozen Homemade Bed Comfortors to select from at low prices. 1 niK( Shoes aid Holiday GS-inc- 18-inc- h 72-inc- - h h 04-inc- 72-inc- h - - h ' Faust slippers, slippers, Special Holiday Linen Sales will open Monday and continue nnttl Christinas somethine special every day from now until December 25. Monday wo will place on salo the following articles: Fringed Pattern Cloths with Napkins to match, at $3.50, $4.50 and 0.00. Hemstitched Pattern Cloths with Napkins to match at $3.75, $4.50, $5.50 up to 12.00. Fine Pattern Cloths from 95c each up to $5.00 and 0.00. tine all Linen all Linen Crash at 5c yard; 5i)c at 08c yard; Hue Linen Damask all yard; Damask, at Damask at Cream Cream Damask at 52Jc yard; - Monday Tho Brooks Bros.' mako of womon's flno $3 and $C shoes In vlcl kid, enamel and pat ent leather. All tho newest styles, all sizes and widths on salo at $3, $3.50 and $4.60. The "Ultra" shoes for women. All tho new styles In dork wine, vlcl kid, enamel and patent leathers. AH slzis and widths A to E at $3.50. Women's line vlcl kid lece shoes nt $1.89, $1.76 and $1.29. Worth $3.60, $3 and $2.60. Misses duo kid, lace, $1.50 shoes for 93c. Child's lino kid, lace, $1.25 shoes for 89o. HOLIDAY SLIPPERS ON SALE. Women's fine $1.50 felt, Women's fine Linen Department 42c yard. Great Sale of Fine us Slippers 4 The Leading Dress Goods House of the West Grand Holiday Our lino of rugs and curtains for tuo Hol ft A idays contains all tho new things. If you Wo havo Just received 840 rockors. all aro considering auytmng or tnac Kinu it Clctlonary, $2.50 Wobstcrs' Unabridged oak, with leather and saddlo seats. It took will bo to your Interest to look them ovor. 98c. rugs, Twcnty-Bovc- n $2.25. Axmlnlstcr inch Burlington furniture car to bring a $1.25 King's Copyright books, 25c. Axmlnstor Rugs, $3.75. thom here. Those rockors wero bought Smyrnn rug, $1.23 nnd up. $1.00 Flat books, 3 subjects, 35c. from a factory that Intends to movo its Big lino of enrpets. All sizes In Wilton's, 25c Paper books, 7lc. holiSpecial smyrnaa. Axtnlnlstcrs and 10c Paper books, 2c. In day lino of portieres Just In. A beauty Shakcspcaro completo, 1 volumo, 9Sc. Very pretty and long tapestry curtains. Shakespear, completo, 7 volumes, $1.69. fringe, $2.25 a pair. A largo variety In all styles and colorings, $3. 50, $4 and $5. THE I)ONOHUE12mo. ONLY 12c. Flno laco curtains of all kinds. Special This book Is well bound In fancy colors low prices for tho holidays. and contains tho works of Rosa N. Carey, M. E. Brandon, Mary J. Holmes, E. Mar-dlt- t, Lyal, Blnckraoro, Henty, Cooper, etc., etc. Remember prlco only. A few specials In men's neckwear, muf Lupton's 12mo, clgantly bound, same list flers and fancy suspenders. Men's flno suspenders, ono pair In a box, as tho Donohuc, only 15c. HOLIDAY LEATHER GOODS SALE. nt 60c, 75c and 98c, worth double. Wo carry tho finest lino of leather goods Men's lino mufflers In all tho now styles In tho city nnd wo beat tnem an on prices. at 50c, 75o and 98c. Men's flno neckwear In all tho new styles 60c Elegant seal grain pockotbooks, 25c. per pattern IIUU Monday is Our Busy Day, so Be Sure and Come Early. J8.00 SILK WAIST PATTERNS, containing $10.00 SILK WAIST PATTERNS, tho very 8. 4 to 4 yards, all styles and colors, a big finest silks made, both light and dark shades, many patterns worth bargain, many worth $6.00, $7.50 $7.50, $3.00 and $10.00, all go at and $8.00, all go on salo only t To Every Lady Silks are Always an Appreo'ative Christmas Gift. BUY A SILK SKIRT OF THAT FAMOUS WINSLOW TAFFETA Six yards will mako plant tho 1st of January and wo thcrcforo a skirt. Wo havo black and ovor 100 colors to select from. When buying t A A got a much lower prlco than would otherI Bill wlso havo been glvon. Then tho quantity n taffeta why not the best. Tho reputation of tho Wluslow taffeta extends was another Inducement. .These rockors from ocean to ocean; now on sale at. havo Just come to hand and at this season I1LACK GRENADINE Handsomo Tho very BLACK ORENADINE of thu yeas Is most opportune. There aro wldo Imported, wide, worth $2.00, styles, and best Just live styles, and from now until Xmas only $4.00, on salo at at worth wo will sell these rockers at tho following BLACK TAFFETA SPECIAL. prices. wide, worth $1.00, for. ...59c I1EST CREPE DE CHENE Black $3.25 Rockers, $1.93. ...C9c nnd all colors, worth $2.00 wide, worth $1.25, for.. Jl.iiO Rockers, $2.50. wide, worth 75c, for... ...39c on sale at $5.23 Rockers, $2.85. Romeniber, all oak, golden finish, carved Great Sale of Fine Black Silk Dress Patterns backs, new styles, cobbler and saddlo scats omlcu upon. Theso aro Bvory pattern Is tho newest style every yard can you ever If you nro Interested In rockors, you will of. . tho biggest black silk dress pattern bargains n.w surely conio hero. Wo havo become famous natteni of Finn lllack Satin de I. you. worth $12.00. on a:o at only 110.50 pattern or Flno lllack l'eau lo Sole, worm jm.uo. on Bale at anlv In tho past for rocker sales, but this $11. SW pattern of Flno lllack Peau do Sole, worth U7.00, on salo at only U.iH pattern of Flno Hlaok Clros Oraln. worth JlS.uo. on salo at only eclipses all other efforts. Wo havo also re ju.au pattern of Flno Hlack Satin Ducliesso, worth J17.W. on salo nt only eclved In tho past week a great many finer pattern of Flno Hlack French Oulnot Taffeta, worth $20, on snlo nt only $12.50 rockers, of tho best makes, and most ap To fill moll orders send In at onco. proved styles nnd finishes. Also music cabinets and desks. Mahogr.ny music cabinet, $3.05. Ladles' desks, $3.50, $1.50, $5.00 and $6.50 Great variety of fancy parlor pieces and h 9c new wide Fancy Outing Flannel, per yard 8 cases arrlvulu. : i2io Our furniture department Is overflowing 1 enso Fancy Bed Ticking, per yard brght, new articles, tompttng to look I2ic with 1 case Fancy Art Denims, per yard nt and nil Joy brfngers to tho happy recipient of any one of thom. You cannot afford 2 cases Mottled Flannel, plain colors, pink, gray and blue buy until you havo seen us. Gic toChllds nor yard Morris chair, reversible valour 75C cushions, oak or mahogany frames, brass 10 dozen all. wool Skirt Patterns regular price 1, each for back, n $3.50 chair for $1.95. The 840 rod 1 case Cream Baby Flannel, per yard. most comfortablo and serviceable child's chair on the market. 2,98 Carpets and Drapery $1.23. Women's Child's flno nt Faust slippers, Child's flno Men's fine, $1 59 Men's Neckwear at 25c and 4oc. genuine Butter Good country butter, 12o per pound. China Dept. High-A- Dress Goods rt 25 pieces of extra line French Venetians, in all the leading inches wide, made by Malguel, Hue de' U.e, Paris. The regular price is 5.00 per yard, but to reduce our present stock we shades, GO will sell on Monday, per yard, at 3.50 Our 3.50 Venetians, all colors 2.50 Our. 2.50 Venetians, all colors ,98 Our 1.50 Venetians, all colors 980 All Omaha ladies are well acquainted with our beautiful lino of foreign cheviots. We ask them to read the following prices: Our 4.08 Furhnir Zibelines will go at, per yard 3i 50 per go at, Our 3.08 Furhair Zibelines will yard 2 98 Our 3.50 Furhair Zibelines will go at, per yard 2.25 Our 1.08 fine Lupins Cheviot will go at 98c Our English Suiting we sell at 1.50, will go in this 98C sale, at . 1.50 Qgc go sell at we will at. Our Prunellas 98C Our Broadcloths, fine finish shades Our Lansdowne, all 980 Our doubl warp Homespuns 98C double-faceGolf Cloth Our 98c h 4G-inc- h 54-inc- 42-inc- 58-inc- Groceries 48-inc- t. Great special salo in mo grocery ucpiu-monof the only few a Tho' following nro many things which must Interest every economical OVER 30,000 STYLES ALWAYS ON IT AND. We wholesale dress goods to merchants cheaper than any other jobbing house in the west. 54-inc- 1 housewife; h , h h d h Black Dress Goods 2.98 black English Crepon, fine lustre, line style 1.98 Cheviots 98c 98c Our stock of flno china, glass, Eighteen pounds granulated sugar, $1. etc.. for tho holidays is completo; tho finest 1.75 1.50 soap, 25c Venetians and 98c Eleven bars bost laundry lino of cut glass: lino fancy china In din Pall of Jelly, 16c. 2.98 per at patterns, will go yard, sold 50 on dress exclusive this ner sets and odd pieces; finest Tcplltz statu Ten pounds genuine New York stato buck- arv you every saw; lamps, tho finest manu sale at, per yard, only six yards each 98c factuied. In fuct you can find In our china wheat, 60c. that, patterns dopt. any kind or stylo bt goods made In this 35c. sold 10 Appliqued at 45.00, French high grade Ten pounds Nebraska buckwheat, or any forolgn country. Honey, per pound, 10c. 50.00 and 00.00 each, on this sale all will go for entire patSuperior breakfast food, mado from best Special China Sale of tern, for 5.00 pacKago, liw. hard wheat, g of over 5,000 pieces of flno decorated odd pancake Hour; now d French Challis and Flannels and all for French Headquarters nieces of china. Wo will mention some of goods, per package, 8Vsc. pouna, newest per materials. waist them: n the raisins, Plates Virginia blackberries, per pound, 9c, Cups nnd saucers,.. Be. apples, New Arrival of French Dress Goods Best Now York evaporated Fruit (iisnes Olive dishes New bright Santa Clara prunes, 3V4c. From Schearur, South Et cie, Paris, in dots, Persians, em Jelly plates California prunes (extra New bright Cheese plates 10c. nnd other styles. largo), broideries Oatmeal nappies New, bright, large, Frencn prunes, nw. Cnrd trays Celery trays Now San Jose county peaches, 8',4c. Spoon trays New Butto county peaches, 10c. Clioroiuto cups Mugs Now fancy Mulr peaches (best on the Fruit saucers market), 12c. Sugars this week only creamers brlc-a-bra- c, two-pou- self-risin- Two-poun- sc. Four-crow- Deep Gut in Heating Stoves for Bon-bon- Teas and Coffees s Hpooners Oyster bowls nakers TlUllau hundreds of other useful and handsomo nrtiriea. They oro values that ara sold Hiui from 25c to $1.00 each Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Ladles' silver watches, $2.45. Men's lino $1.35 gont, Everett house slip- - i Ladles' gold filled watches from $3,00. Wo carry tho largest assortment In the pers, 90 cents. wool soles for women's city and a beautiful lino of new goods for "Poerless" the Holidays. Full lino of silverware. slippers, 19 cents. nt alligator, seal, $1.00 Elegant Men's flnu silk handkerchiefs In whlto ana etc., only 50c. Morroco, 75c. faucy corors at 25c, 60c and $2.00 sollU seal books, only $1.00. Men's lino cambric nanokercniers at &c, 10c, 15o and 25c. 60c Shopping bags, 25c. Tho larcest line of men's nno gloves on $1.00 Shopping bags, 60c. salo hero at 49c, 75c and 98c. 60c Fancy garters, 25c. Men's working cloves and mittens at 25c Bias velveteen binding, 2ie. 45c. and IOC TOOTH BRUSHES, 6C EACH. 98c. sweaters at $2 and $1.50 Men's 25C & 35C RIBBONS, 9C YD. Men's cardigan Jackets at $1 and up. SPECIALS FOR THIS SALE. Mantol clocks from $1.98 up. 9S cents. hour and Largo Iron Parlor clocks, strlko, cathedral gong; worth $1.75 felt embroidered Faust half-ho$10,00, on salo Monday at $4.95. felt house slippers, 34c. China clocks at $1.98. Boys' watches In fancy nickel cases. 1.25 red felt, 89 cents. American movement, $2.60. gun Boys' metal watches, American red felt slippers, 65c, velvet, embroidered slippers, movement, $3.00. cents. Sale Book g Tea dust (this year's crop), 20c. per pound. Sun dried Japan tea, 35c. per pound. (worth 50c), our English breakfast leader, 35c. Good gmdo Itlo coffee, 12c por pound. Nlcn Santos coffeo, 16c per pound. Golden Itlo coffee, 17o por pound. Bogota blend coffeo. 21c per pound. Broken Mocha and Java, 10c per pound, Big Meat Sale Monday No. Ten-poun- 1 d sugar-cure- d hams, 90c. Best new bologna, Cc. Boneless cottago hams, 11c. Pickled trlpo, 3'ic Potted ham (per can), 4e. bacon, 13c. Fancy sugar-cure- d Solid packed oysters, 35c. Best German summer sausage, h g 10c. cans of best lard, The best and finest Double-ITeatinBase Burner made THE KEGAL UNIVERSAL usually sells at 45.00; at this :7.50 sale THE BADIANT STEWART, nothing better made; sells regular at 45.00. This sale. 35.50 Twenty-incCYCLONE HOT BLAST, with a Double-HeatinJacket; will heat a hall; a regThis stove. 25.00 ular17.50 sale Sixteen-incCYCLONE HOT 15.00 stove. BLAST; regular h 15e. Armour's lunch sausage, 8c. Frankfort sausage, three pounds for ' .SS.40- coin rn.id x inn nun, Plcklod pig pork, 12c. Oood salt pork (diamond cut), 7V4c 25c. WHITE HOT BLAST tho handsomest heater of this kind made; regular 20.00 113.50 stove. This sale Oak Stove; rogular 111.00. This salo HAYDEM BROS. $6.03 Oak Stove; regular 113.00. oSELLS on QUALlTyf This Steel Uanga In Omaha, with high large 18x22 Inch oven, extra Cook; regular No. 8, Four-Hol- e This sale lined throughout, Duplex oven, Extra largo No, 8 Cook, with or coal; a regular 38.00 wood grate, for with whlto enameled reservoir; regular salo The best $9.40 913.50. morning closet, 8.05 heavy asbestas h price, 23.00. This sale $17.49 range. This salo , (29.43