An Enterprise Perspective on Cloud Innovation Andy Brown UBS Group CTO Client Facing Technologies CIO UBS: One of the leading financial firms • UBS draws on its 150-year heritage to serve private, institutional and corporate clients worldwide, as well as retail clients in Switzerland • We combine our wealth management, investment banking and asset management businesses with our Swiss operations to deliver superior financial solutions • Present in all major financial centers worldwide, UBS has offices in over 50 countries employing about 66,000 people • UBS shares are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange 2 1Q12 results: Successfully executing our strategy CHF 2.2 billion adjusted pre-tax profit, ~13.0% adjusted RoE Visible progress across business divisions We are ahead of our plan to reduce risk-weighted assets Our capital, liquidity and funding positions remain strong 3 "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein 4 Core themes of the UBS business strategy • Client at the center of everything we do • Industrialization • Effectively manage capital and risk 5 Key UBS technology investment areas Big Data “ Whoever can process and analyze data better is the winner ” Sustainability “ The problem with Green IT is that it runs opposed to how vendors build things ” Consumerization “ Android will change how people interface with applications ” Security & Risk “ A global identity model will likely be derived from Social Networks ” Social “ There is no one-size fits all approach…get tactical and look at specific use cases ” Cloud “ Cloud empowers the entire IT organization ” Our analysis and evaluation of the industry as a whole has led us to focus on and invest in six key strategies 6 How our vision aligns with ODCA • Cloud has been at the centre of the ODCA's activities from the start • Sustainability is expressed through the Carbon Footprint Usage Model • Security and Risk management have been a key area of activity with seven Usage Models now developed within the Secure Federation family • Big Data is a new area of focus at the ODCA with the recent formation of the Data Services Workgroup to facilitate development of new Usage Models in this area 7 What ODCA is all about – Driving data center standardization • Partnerships with standards developing organizations (SDOs) helps to ensure that industry standards meet the needs of the enterprise 8 UBS and ODCA alignment • UBS is in the process of designing our cloud compute capabilities • Cloud’s ability to support technology industrialization is a fundamental building block of our business & IT strategy • Our participation in ODCA and Open Compute are deliberate and part of the “how” for our strategy • ODCA adoption provides a framework for all of us to benefit from Open Compute: Increased power efficiency (~38%)* *Estimated Reduced cost (~24%)* Transparency of processes Facebook benefits from new data center built on open compute standards 9 Enterprise procurement is a small but important part of the cloud supply chain SaaS Fusion PaaS IaaS • Public • Hybrid Private on Premise • Private Off-Premise 10 Cloud Computing at UBS: Why cloud automation? From “IT artisan” to IT revolution • Like the industrial revolution, we have the potential to revolutionize IT through commodity automation • UBS’ Cloud Broker can provide standardized, self-service, demand-driven deployment and support • This allows “IT artisans” to focus on competitive differentiation 11 Using Cloud is core to UBS' Technology Industrialization strategy Application Code Application InterOp Stack App/Web Server Stack (MQ, EMS, sftp) • ODCA brings the ability to industrialize the way compute is delivered by cloud providers RDBMS Stack (Oracle) (Tomcat) simple f ile t ransf er messaging client P/S subscriber Securit y Int egrat ion f or Int erOp Capabilit ies logging & monit oring operat ions deployment OS St ack User Aut hent icat ion Servlet Engine Load Balancing … f or Applicat ion-Web-Server Capabilit ies logging & monit oring HTTP Server operat ions deployment OS St ack f or Dat abase Capabilit ies RDBM S logging & monit oring operat ions deployment OS St ack OS Stack Securit y FP (LOA3+) Availabilit y Feat ure Pack(s) Vendor Hardw are Tools* Virt ual ext ensions* Regionalisation Feat ure Pack Base Conf ig (RedHat Enterprise Linux) St orage/FS Net w ork Connect ivit y Connect ivit y Def ault Base P/S publisher Hardw are Drivers syst em logging Perf ormance M onit oring process scheduling t ask execut ion File Syst em Shell Int egration t o Invent ory (discovery) St andard Tools/Ut ils Syst em M onit oring Remot e M gmt Deployment Backup LOA2 Securit y FP Def ault Base messaging server Def ault Base managed f ile t ransf er Def ault Base Nat ive Product Virtualization or Cloud IaaS ⁻ Standard Data LOA4 Securit y Logging LOA4 Pat ch M gmt Policy LOA4 Access Cont rol Policy Enf ocmnt LOA4 Service & Prot ocol Enf ocmnt zero-out age f ailover LOA4 Packet Filt er Cont rolled Privilege Elevat ion Tw o-Fact or Aut h. Secured Key M gmt (Cent ral) LOA3 M onit oring Rules LOA3 Securit y Logging LOA3 Pat ch M gmt Policy LOA3 Access Cont rol Policy Enf ocmnt LOA3 Service & Prot ocol Enf ocmnt Direct ory / Ident it y M gmt Int egrat ion Passw ord Policy Basic Key St ore & M gmt Basic Securit y M onit oring Basic Securit y Logging Pat ch M gmt Policy Basic Access Cont rol Policy Enf ocmnt Service & Prot ocol Enf ocmnt ⁻ Standard Cloud 0 synchronous replication Break-Glass CID/PII Privilege Washing / Access Obf uscat n Encrypt ion Libraries 1 Signing LOA3 Packet Filt er Nat ive Product LOA Framework aut omatic f ailover backup 2 recovery asynchronous replication manual f ailover 3 4 Nat ive Product s Def ault Base Hard CrossHard LOA4 Jurisdict ion Tw o-Fact or Token M onit oring L1 access Aut h. (HSM /TPM ) Rules • UBS is committed to developing automated delivery of services built on: ⁻ Standard Stacks Compute Resources Def ault Base Operational Ecosystem Application Libraries • A core concept for UBS is industrialization BCM Framework 12 Cloud computing at UBS: The constraints we need to optimize • UBS and most global finance companies, struggle with unprecedented regulation, change, complexity, and market pricing pressure • IT must adapt to rapidly changing business needs while lowering spending… How? −Be agile to start, stop, scale projects with less investment −Implement policy to embed governance, control, transparency −Improve standardization −Reduce risk in operating environments − Automate routine tasks 13 UBS has identified a cloud broker as a required enterprise capability Example: SDLC Automation 14 …and a required component of the target state Key benefits to UBS Cloud service providers are using automation to deliver agility; The ODCA helps us to engage with that community • ODCA has allowed us to amplify our voice in the marketplace by articulating our key needs within common Usage Models: ⁻ Security ⁻ Regulation ⁻ Automation ⁻ Transparency • RFP templates that have come from Usage Models help us to engage with Service Providers and shorten time to action • Open source model for collaboration with other members drives quality and reduces internal workload 16 Accelerate ROI via ODCA Usage Model deployment • Benefits of solution alignment Usage Models Featuring RFP Verbiage • Simplifies RFP Issuance Carbon Footprint • Streamlines Industry Focus on IO Control the Right Priorities • Enables buying with Confidence for Open, Industry Standard Solutions Provider Assurance Security Monitoring VM Interoperability • Provides Scale to Accelerate Market Adoption Simplifies Procurement & Focuses Prioritized Innovation 17 ODCA’s role is accelerating cloud solutions Prioritize Unified Voice Accelerates Market Delivery Deliver Solution Testing and Deployments based on a Common Foundation Share Today’s Learning forms Foundation for Tomorrow’s Requirements 18 The ultimate benefits of working together Accelerate $50B of cloud services1 Saving $25B in TOTAL annual IT spend within 5 years2 1: Source: Projections based on IDC Cloud Services Forecast, May 2010. Assumes a 25% acceleration in cloud services from IDC estimate between 2010 and 2015 2: Source: Estimated 15% reduction in operational costs based on Bain’s $142B annual spending estimates. 19 "He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils; for time is the greatest innovator“ - Francis Bacon 20 Your Forecast for today • Expand your network – Meet with executives and architects from some of the largest IT shops in the world • Shape your cloud strategy – Engage with ODCA leaders as they discuss POC & deployment best practices • Access the latest solutions – Learn about top solutions provider’s cloud solutions that meet ODCA's requirements • Streamline purchasing & planning – Utilize ODCA's Performance Engine Assistant Tool to integrate ODCA requirements into 2012 cloud RFPs 21 Enjoy Forecast! 22