Pure Substance Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of State A pure substance is one that has a homogeneous and invariable chemical composition. It may exist in more than one phase, but the chemical composition is the same in all phases. Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq Liquid water, a mixture of liquid water and water vapour (steam), and a mixture of ice and liquid water are all pure substances; every phase has the same chemical composition. A mixture of liquid air and gaseous air is not a pure substance because the composition of the liquid phase is different from that of the vapour phase. Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh zahurul@me.buet.ac.bd http://teacher.buet.ac.bd/zahurul/ Sometimes a mixture of gases, such as air, is considered a pure substance as long as there is no change of phase. Strictly speaking, this is not true. ME 201: Basic Thermodynamics c Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq (BUET) Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of State ME 201 (2012) 1 / 19 c Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq Phase Equilibrium in a Pure Substance (BUET) Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of State ME 201 (2012) 2 / 19 Phase Equilibrium in a Pure Substance Vapour-Liquid-Solid Phase Equilibrium T086 0 ≤ T < 100o C: as T ↑⇒ v ↑ & P = const. T = 100o C: P & T remains constant, v ↑ with heating upto last drop of liquid. T > 100o C: c Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq T087 as T ↑⇒ v ↑ & P = const. (BUET) Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of State ME 201 (2012) Temperature-Volume Diagram for Water 3 / 19 c Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq (BUET) Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of State ME 201 (2012) 4 / 19 Phase Equilibrium in a Pure Substance Phase Equilibrium in a Pure Substance T096 T050 T089 T048 ⇐= Some Triple Point Data T095 Some Critical Point Data c Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq T088 (BUET) Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of State ME 201 (2012) 5 / 19 c Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq Phase Equilibrium in a Pure Substance Phase Equilibrium: Gibb’s Phase Rule Saturation temperature designates the temperature at which vaporization takes place at a given pressure. This pressure is called the saturation pressure for the given temperature. If a substance exists as liquid at the saturation temperature and pressure, it is called a saturated liquid. If the temperature of the liquid is lower than the saturation temperature for the existing pressure, it is called either a sub-cooled liquid (implying T > Tsat (P) or a compressed liquid (implying P > Tsat (P)). When a substance exists as part liquid and part vapour at the saturation temperature, its quality, x is defined as the ratio of the mass of vapour to the total mass. If a substance exists as vapour at the saturation temperature, it is called saturated vapour. When the vapour is at a temperature greater than the saturation temperature, it is said to exist as superheated vapour. (BUET) Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of State ME 201 (2012) 6 / 19 Phase Equilibrium in a Pure Substance Physical Meaning of Some Terminology c Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq (BUET) Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of State ME 201 (2012) 7 / 19 Gibb’s Phase Rule The number of degrees of freedom within a heterogeneous mixture of pure substances is given by Gibb’s phase rule as f = C −P +2 f C P ≡ number of degrees of freedom ≡ number of components (pure substances) in the mixture ≡ number of phases A homogeneous (P = 1) pure substance (C =1) requires f = 1 − 1 + 2 = 2 intensive properties to fix its state. A homogeneous (P = 1) mixture of two pure substances (C = 2) requires f = 2 − 1 + 2 = 3 intensive properties to fix its state. A two-phase (P = 2) pure substance (C = 1) ⇒ f = 1 − 2 + 2 = 1: Each phase requires one intensive property to fix its state & we also need to know how much of each phase is present. c Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq (BUET) Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of State ME 201 (2012) 8 / 19 Phase Equilibrium in a Pure Substance Thermodynamic Surfaces Phase Equilibrium in a Pure Substance Thermodynamic Surfaces Thermodynamic Surfaces T017 P-T phase diagram is composed of three unique curves: 1 Fusion line region of 2-phase solid-liquid equilibrium, 2 Vaporization line region of 2-phase liquid-vapour equilibrium, 3 Sublimation line region of 2-phase solid-vapour equilibrium. These three lines intersect at one point, called the triple point, which is the only point where all three phases can be in equilibrium c simultaneously. Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq (BUET) Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of State ME 201 (2012) 9 / 19 Phase Equilibrium in a Pure Substance T090 P-v-T diagram for a substance that expands on freezing (e.g. water) c Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq Thermodynamic Surfaces (BUET) Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of ME State 201 (2012) Phase Equilibrium in a Pure Substance 10 / 19 Thermodynamic Surfaces T018 At triple point of a pure substance, C = 1, P = 3, and the number of degrees of freedom are f = 1 − 3 + 2 = 0; i.e., there is no flexibility in the thermodynamic state & none of the properties can be varied & still keep the system at the triple point. At critical point, the densities of the liquid & the vapour phases become equal and, consequently, where the physical interface between the liquid & the vapour disappears. c Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq (BUET) Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of ME State 201 (2012) 11 / 19 T092 P-v-T diagram for a substance that contracts on freezing (e.g. CO2 ) c Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq (BUET) Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of ME State 201 (2012) 12 / 19 Phase Equilibrium in a Pure Substance Thermodynamic Surfaces Equation of State Equations of State For simple compressible substances, any intensive property is solely a function of two other independent intensive properties. Equations of State (EOS) have the following form: f (P, v , T ) = 0 Ideal-gas EOS: PV = nRu T Ru PV = mRT ←→ Pv = T = RT ←→ P = ρRT M T047 T046 Contracts on freezing (e.g. CO2 ) Expands on freezing (e.g. H2 O) c Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq (BUET) Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of ME State 201 (2012) 13 / 19 Equation of State 14 / 19 Equation of State van der Waals’ Equation P= P ≡ pressure [kPa] V ≡ volume [m3 ] T ≡ temperature [K] Ru ≡ universal gas constant, 8.314 kJ/kmol.K R ≡ specific gas constant, [kJ/kg.K] c Dr. Zahurul Haq (BUET) Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of ME State 201 (2012) M Md. ≡ molecular weight [kg/kmol] Redlich-Kwong Equation RT v −b − a v2 P= b =⇒ account for the volume occupied by gas molecules a =⇒ account for intermolecular forces of attraction. a = 0.42748 a RT √ − v − b v (v + b) T R 2 Tc2.5 Pc b = 0.08664 RTc Pc Example: Pressure exerted by 3.7 kg CO in a 0.030 m 3 container at 215 K At critical point: ∂P ∂v T = 27 R 2 Tc2 64 Pc , ∂2 P ∂v 2 =⇒ vc = 3b, a = b= Pc vc 3 ⇒ Zc = RTc = 8 = 0.375 T RTc 8Pc =0 T097 c Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq (BUET) Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of ME State 201 (2012) 15 / 19 1 Using ideal gas law: P = 78.7 bar. 2 Using van der Waals’ Eq.: P = 66.9 bar. given, a = 1.463 bar .m 6 /kmol 2 & b = 0.0394 m 3 /kmol 3 Using Redlich-Kwong Eq.: P = 69.2 bar. given, a = 17.26 bar .m 6 .K 1/2 /kmol 2 & b = 0.02743 m 3 /kmol 4 NIST Table −→ P = 69.13 bar. c Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq (BUET) Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of ME State 201 (2012) 16 / 19 Equation of State Equation of State Other Equations of State Generalized Compressibility Chart Departure from ideal gas Reduced properties, PR ≡ Viral Equation Z = B C D Pv =1+ + 2 + 3 + ··· RT v v v Pv Z ≡ RT , for ideal gas, Z = 1 P T Pc & TR ≡ Tc Beattie-Bridgeman Equation RT A (1 − e)(v + B) − 2 2 v v where, A = A0 1 − av , B = B0 1 − vb , e = vTc 3 Benedict-Webb-Rubin (BWR) Equation P= P= RT Bo RT − Ao − Co /T 2 bRT − a aα + + + 6 v v2 v3 v γ −γ c + 3 2 1 + 2 exp v T v v2 c Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq T094 (BUET) Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of ME State 201 (2012) 17 / 19 Equation of State Example: Sp. volume of Water at 20.0 MPa & 520o C Ideal Gas Law: R = videal = Ru M = 8314/18 = 461.89 J/kg-K RT (461.89)(273 + 520) = = 0.0183 m 3 /kg P 20000000 Compressibility Chart: PR = From chart: Z = 0.83. 20 22.09 = 0.905, TR = 793 647.3 = 1.23 v = Zvideal = (0.83)(0.183) = 0.0152 m 3 /kg Tabulated value, based on experimental data: 7→ v = 0.01551 m 3 /kg c Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq (BUET) Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of ME State 201 (2012) 19 / 19 c Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq (BUET) Properties of Pure Substances & Equations of ME State 201 (2012) 18 / 19