Inspired to change our world.
Intel International Science and
Engineering Fair 2010 Program
May 9–14, 2010
San Jose, California
Olivia Schwob
2009 Winner: How Worms Learn, Part III: Mammalian Gene
Expression and Associative Conditioning in Caenorhabditis elegans
Intel International Science
and Engineering Fair
About the Intel ISEF
The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF), a program of Society for
Science & the Public, is the world’s largest international pre-college science competition.
The Intel ISEF is the premiere science competition in the world and annually provides a
forum for more than 1,600 high school students from over 50 countries to showcase their
independent research. Each year, millions of students worldwide compete in local science
fairs; winners go on to participate in Intel ISEF-affiliated regional, state and national fairs to
earn the opportunity to attend the Intel ISEF. Uniting these top young scientific minds, the
Intel ISEF showcases their talent on an international stage, while enabling them to submit
their work for judging by doctoral level scientists. The Intel ISEF annually provides these
students the opportunity to compete for over $4 million in prizes and scholarships.
About the San Jose Host Committee
The San Jose Host Committee was formed as a committee of the Board of Directors of the
International Science and Engineering Fair 2010 Association and chartered with planning
and executing local arrangements of the Intel ISEF 2010. The Host Committee established
a theme for the Intel ISEF 2010 of “Mentoring Global Innovation” with a vision to “Inspire
the next generation of global innovation.” The San Jose Host Committee is showcasing the
value of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education with a key objective
of leaving a permanent Silicon Valley K–12 legacy for STEM education.
Gordon E. Moore Award ...............................................................................12
Intel ISEF 2010 Sponsors.............................................................................13
Grand Awards .....................................................................................................16
Special Awards Organizations ..................................................................18
General Information ........................................................................................20
Event Locator ................................................................................................... 22
Map of San Jose Convention Center .................................................. 24
Map of San Jose State University ..........................................................26
Map of Downtown San Jose ......................................................................28
Daily Office Hours ............................................................................................30
Schedule of Events ....................................................................................... 31
Symposia Schedule...........................................................................................38
Practical Guide and Local Information ................................................48
San Jose Host Committee ...........................................................................50
San Jose Host Committee Board of Directors.................................51
Special Committees .........................................................................................52
Thank You .............................................................................................................53
About Intel .......................................................................................................... 54
About Society for Science & the Public .............................................56
Intel ISEF 2010 Finalist Directory...........................................................65
Table of Contents
Intel International Science
and Engineering Fair
Welcome from Intel
Intel Corporation
Paul S. Otellini
President and Chief Executive Officer
Welcome to the 2010 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.
You, the innovative youth of the world, are fittingly being celebrated
here in Silicon Valley, the birthplace of technological advances that have
changed our world.
Household name brands like Intel, Google, HP, Cisco and many more are
headquartered here in the Silicon Valley. Employees of these companies
are, like you, curious, bright people, and many of them will be coming to
see you — and helping out as judges and volunteers — during this week in
San Jose.
At Intel, we believe strongly that young people like you are the key to
solving the toughest global challenges of our times and that a solid
education lays the foundation for success. That is why we invest
more than 100 million dollars each year in education programs around
the world, from professional development for teachers to science
competitions like this one.
Thank you for allowing Intel to play a small role in your success. And
we have one request for you: take every opportunity to pass on our
enthusiasm about science and math to your friends. Get them involved.
Our world needs a lot more of you.
Paul S. Otellini
President and Chief Executive Officer
Intel Corporation
Elizabeth Marincola
President and Publisher, Science News
Welcome to the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair 2010.
In the 61st year of the ISEF, we congratulate each Finalist on earning the
opportunity to participate, and we thank the parents, teachers, and mentors
who have helped make the journey here possible.
As we gather in San Jose this week, I look forward to meeting many of you,
and to learning about your research. The Intel ISEF represents the world’s
best science from young researchers. By virtue of their scientific curiosity
and achievement, Intel ISEF Finalists have the potential to help solve many
of humankind’s most vexing problems, and contribute to our best global
community. No matter what the future holds for each Finalist, I urge ongoing
communication about the importance of scientific research to family, friends,
and a broader community, and that Finalists stay involved with the Intel ISEF
and the Society for Science & the Public, as many fellow alumni have done.
SSP salutes the volunteers in San Jose and around the country whose efforts
have made Intel ISEF 2010 possible. We particularly thank the 2010 Host
Committee in San Jose which spent so much time and effort over years to
bring us all together. These volunteers share an unwavering dedication to
scientific research and education and have generously given their time and
energy to ensure a successful event.
We acknowledge gratefully the Intel Foundation and the Intel Corporation for
their continued partnership with Society for Science & the Public to bring you
the Intel ISEF. Intel’s global leadership and commitment to science education is
an inspiring example of corporate investment in the future. We also appreciate
and thank the more than 80 other organizations that have provided support
and awards for this year’s Intel ISEF.
Welcome from Society for Science & the Public
Society for Science & the Public
Congratulations. Enjoy a rewarding and memorable Intel ISEF week.
Elizabeth Marincola
President, Society for Science & the Public, and
Publisher, Science News
Welcome from the Governor
State of California
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Barbara Boxer
U.S. Senate
Welcome from the U.S. Senate
State of California
Welcome from the U.S. Senate
State of California
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senate
Michael M. Honda
U.S. House of Representatives
Welcome from the U.S. House of Representatives
State of California
Welcome from the California State Legislature
State of California
Elaine K. Alquist
California State Senate
Joe Coto
California State Legislature
Welcome from the California State Legislature
State of California
Welcome from the Mayor of San Jose
City of San Jose
Chuck Reed
Dana Ditmore
Intel ISEF 2010 Association, Inc.
Welcome to San Jose and Silicon Valley,
It is an honor and a pleasure to welcome all participants of the Intel International
Science and Engineering Fair 2010. On behalf of myself and our Host Committee Chair,
Roger Milovina, as co-executives of the International Science & Engineering Fair 2010
Association, Inc. (a non-profit corporation supporting the planning, fundraising and
execution of Intel ISEF 2010) we are delighted to have so many of the brightest young
minds from around the world here in San Jose to compete for top honors with their
high school peers, while also experiencing the wonders of Silicon Valley, the heart of
innovation and entrepreneurship in the modern world.
We have attended Intel International Science and Engineering Fairs over the past years
and have always walked away both in amazement and with humility at the abilities and
promise of the young men and women who make it to this level. This experience gives
us great hope for the future, which will rely primarily on the innovation and leadership of
young people like you.
Having spent our careers in the Silicon Valley we have been privileged to see how the
results of innovation and entrepreneurship here in the Valley have changed the world and
made it a better place for everyone. We look forward to a future that will be enhanced
by young people the world over who strive for excellence and achievement in all areas of
math, science and engineering.
We encourage you to take this week at the Intel International Science and Engineering
Fair to rub shoulders with your peers from around the world and to also take every
opportunity to benefit from the exposure to richness of the Silicon Valley by engaging
with our sponsor representatives at the Intel ISEF.
Welcome from the San Jose Host Committee
San Jose Host Committee
We are inspired by your accomplishment at making it to this level and are looking forward
to a future that will be brighter as a result of what you will accomplish in your lifetimes.
You are the world’s best hope for a better future. Enjoy your experience at this truly
prestigious event and we wish all of you the best of luck during your competition here
and in your future endeavors.
Dana Ditmore
President Intel ISEF 2010 Association, Inc.
Intel is proud to announce
Gordon E. Moore Award
The new top award for the
Intel International Science and Engineering Fair
Gordon Moore co-founded Intel
Corporation in 1968, serving as
president and CEO as well as
Chairman of the Board before his
retirement in 1997. With degrees
in chemistry and physics from
University of California, Berkeley
(B.S.) and Caltech (Ph.D.), Moore is
widely known for “Moore’s Law,” the
driving pulse of the semiconductor
industry. He and his wife, Betty
Moore, have created the Gordon &
Gordon Moore
Emeritus of the Board
Betty Moore Foundation and are
Intel Corporation
among the world’s most generous
philanthropists. He is widely admired
for his technical leadership and his
role as one of the creators of today’s Silicon Valley, as well as for
his ongoing philanthropic role supporting environmental efforts
and science education and research.
The Gordon E. Moore Award recognizes the Best of the Best among
the outstanding students from around the world who participate in
the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. The winner is
selected on the basis of their outstanding and innovative research,
as well as on the potential impact of their work — in their field and
on the world at large.
The 2010 winner of the Gordon E. Moore Award
will be recognized with an award
in the amount of $75,000.
This year’s Intel ISEF is made possible through
the generosity of the following organizations:
Intel ISEF 2010 Title Sponsor
Intel ISEF 2010—Sponsors
Society for Science & the Public (SSP) and
the San Jose Host Committee, gratefully
acknowledge all the sponsors
and donors of the Intel ISEF 2010.
The Intel Corporation and the Intel Foundation
In the last decade, Intel has invested more than $1 billion,
and Intel employees have donated over 2.5 million hours,
toward improving education in 50 countries.
Intel is actively involved in education programs, advocacy, and
technology access to help tomorrow’s innovators.
We are proud to announce that Intel has renewed
its commitment to the ISEF program and
will serve as the title sponsor of the
Intel International Science and Engineering Fair
through 2019.
Intel ISEF 2010—Sponsors
SSP and the San Jose Host Committee
wish to thank and acknowledge Google for its
generous support of Intel ISEF 2010:
Google is the premier sponsor and
Silicon Valley Host of Intel ISEF 2010
SSP and the San Jose Host Committee
also wish to thank the following
lead sponsors of Intel ISEF 2010:
Anaerobe Systems
Applied Mechanical
Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology
Computer History Museum
Creative Mileage
Davidson Institute for Talent Development
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
GE Energy
Joan and Michael Hackworth Foundation
Joint Venture-Silicon Valley Network
KLA-Tencor Foundation
MCA Public Relations
Micron Foundation
NBC Bay Area
Pivotal Systems
PRx Communication Strategists
San Jose State University
SEMI-Semiconductor Equipment & Materials International
Shell Oil
Silicon Valley Education Foundation
Silicon Valley Leadership Group
SRI International
Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.
Synopsys Outreach Foundation
The Tech Museum
TEL America
United States Environmental Protection Agency
VLSI Research
Intel ISEF 2010—Promotional Sponsors and Partners
SSP and the San Jose Host Committee thank the
following sponsors and partners of the
Intel ISEF 2010:
Intel ISEF 2010 Grand Awards
In 2010, over 1,600 student Finalists earned the
right to attend the Intel ISEF in San Jose as a result
of winning an Intel ISEF-affiliated fair at a local,
regional, or national level.
Finalists in 2010 will compete for over $4 million
in awards and prizes and are judged on their
creative ability and scientific thought, as well as
the thoroughness, skill, and clarity shown in their
projects. 2010 Grand Awards include:
The Gordon E. Moore Award
Intel and SSP are pleased to announce that in 2010 a new top
award of $75,000 will be provided to the top Best in Category
The Moore Award recognizes the Best of the Best among the
outstanding students from around the world who participate in the
Intel ISEF. The winner is selected on the basis of their outstanding
and innovative research, as well as on the potential impact of their
work — in their field and on the world at large.
Intel Foundation Young Scientist Awards
$50,000 awards will be provided to two Best in Category winners
selected for their commitment to innovation in tackling challenging
scientific questions, using authentic research practices, and
creating solutions to the problems of tomorrow.
A trip to the Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar (SIYSS)
( including attendance to the Nobel Prize
ceremonies in Stockholm, Sweden will be provided. The SIYSS is a
multi-disciplinary seminar highlighting some of the most remarkable
achievements by young scientists from around the world. Students
must be 18 years old by December to be considered.
European Union Contest for Young Scientists
An all-expense-paid trip to attend the European Union Contest for
Young Scientists — located in a new city each year — is awarded to
a top team at the Intel ISEF.
Intel ISEF Grand Awards
Presented in each of the 17 Intel ISEF categories, and for Teams
category, Grand Awards are given for four places:
1st Place—$3,000 cash award
2nd Place—$1,500 cash award
3rd Place—$1,000 cash award
4th Place—$500 cash award
Massachusetts Institute of Technology—
Lincoln Laboratory, Ceres Connection
Lincoln Lab has partnered with SSP and the Intel ISEF to promote
science education through a program called the Ceres Connection.
First and second place category award winners at Intel ISEF will
have their names submitted to the International Astronomical
Union (IAU) for naming rights of a minor planet. All minor planets
named in the Ceres Connection program have been discovered
by the Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) program,
operated by Lincoln Laboratory.
Intel ISEF 2010 Grand Awards
Intel Best of Category Awards
Intel will present Best of Category Winners with a $5,000
scholarship. Additionally, a $1,000 grant will be given to their
school and the Intel ISEF-affiliated fair they represent.
Left to right: 2009 Intel ISEF Grand Award winners Li Sallou Boynton,
Tara Anjali Adiseshan, and Olivia Catherine Schwob
Intel ISEF 2010 Special Awards Organizations
Intel ISEF 2010 Special Award Organizations provide educational
scholarships, cash awards, summer internships, scientific field trips
and equipment grants. SSP and the San Jose Host Committee thank
the following organizations for their support of the Intel ISEF.
Acoustical Society of America
Agilent Technologies
Air Force Research Laboratory on behalf of the United States Air Force
American Association for Clinical Chemistry
American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
American Association of Physics Teachers and the American Physical Society
American Chemical Society
American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science
American Dental Association
American Geological Institute
American Intellectual Property Law Association
American Mathematical Society
American Meteorological Society
American Physiological Society
American Psychological Association
American Society for Horticultural Science
American Society for Microbiology
American Society of Pharmacognosy
American Statistical Association
Association for Computing Machinery
Association for Women Geoscientists
Astronomical Society of the Pacific and the American Astronomical Society
AVASC-Ashtavadhani Vidwan Ambati Subbaraya Chetty Foundation
The Cade Museum for Innovation and Invention
CACO Pharmaceutical & BioSience Society
China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)
Coalition for Plasma Science (CPS)
Drexel University
Endocrine Society
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
European Union Contest for Young Scientists
Florida Institute of Technology
GE Energy
IEEE Foundation
IEEE Computer Society
IIT Institute of Psychology
International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
King Abdulaziz and his Companions Foundation for Giftedness and Creativity
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Mu Alpha Theta, National High School and Two-Year College Mathematics Honor Society
National Anti-Vivisection Society
National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance/The Lemelson Foundation
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Friends of NIDA & National Institutes of Health
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Taiwan Science Education Center
North American Benthological Society
Office of Naval Research on behalf of the United States Navy and Marine Corps
Patent and Trademark Office Society
PowerPlus Engineering, Inc.
Psi Chi, The International Honor Society in Psychology
Ricoh Americas Corporation
Sierra Nevada College
Society for Applied Spectroscopy, Northern California Section
Society of Experimental Test Pilots
Society of Exploration Geophysicists
SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering
States United for Biomedical Research (SUBR)
Symantec Corporation / Science Buddies
Synaptics, Inc.
Intel ISEF 2010 Special Awards Organizations
United States Army
United States Coast Guard
United States Environmental Protection Agency
United Technologies Corporation
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
Vacuum Technology Division of the American Vacuum Society
Wolfram Research, Inc.
More information on each of these awards can be found at:
General Information
Intel ISEF participants must wear their name badges to participate in fair
activities and events. Admission to areas of the San Jose Convention Center
(SJCC) is restricted to persons wearing an Intel ISEF name badge.
The SJCC is a smoke-free environment. Outside food and beverages are prohibited in
the SJCC Exhibit Halls.
Sticks and large flags are prohibited during the Awards Ceremonies. Please do not bring
flags or state symbols on stage during the presentation of awards. Sticks from flags
will be confiscated at the door!
Finalists’ medals and certificates may be picked up at Registration, Sunday–Thursday.
All international students and fair directors must check in at the International Desk,
located in the lobby of the SJCC at Registration. Interpreters are available.
About San Jose
Welcome to San Jose! As the nation’s 10th largest city and one of the FBI’s safest
big cities, we’re glad you are here and hope you enjoy your stay. A lot has changed
since this program was here in 2001, including new restaurants, hotels and shopping.
San Jose provides the best mix of entertainment choices, museums, area attractions
and more. As the Capital of Silicon Valley, San Jose is the global center for innovation,
creativity and fun. San Jose is home to more than half of the biggest tech firms in the
world. Be sure to take in the Tech Museum of Innovation; additional museums, theatres
and entertainment venues are all within walking distance of the Center. We hope you
enjoy your stay. If you have any questions on what to do while here, please visit our
concierge in the Convention Center located near the main entrance or the concierge in
your hotel.
Hotel Directory Clarion Hotel
Crowne Plaza
The Doubletree
Fairfield Inn San Jose Airport
The Fairmont San Jose
Hilton San Jose
Holiday Inn San Jose
Marriott San Jose
The Sainte Claire Radisson Plaza San Jose Airport Ramada Limited San Jose
Wyndham San Jose
San Jose Convention Center
Public Safety
Address 1355 N 4th Street
282 Almaden Boulevard
2050 Gateway Place
1755 N 1st Street
170 S Market Street
300 Almaden Boulevard
1740 N First Street
301 S Market Street
302 S Market Street
1471 N 4th Street
455 S 2nd Street
1350 N 1st Street
150 W San Carlos Street
(408) 453-5340
(408) 998-0401
(408) 453-4000
(408) 453-3133
(408) 998-1900
(408) 287-2100
(408) 793-3300
(408) 280-1300
(408) 295-2000
(408) 452-0200
(408) 298-3500
(408) 451-3015
(408) 295-9600
nDon’t answer the door in a hotel room without verifying who it is. If a person
claims to be an employee, call the front desk and ask if someone from their staff is
supposed to have access to your room and for what purpose.
nAlways walk in groups.
nWhen returning to your hotel late in the evening, use hotel main entrance.
nBe observant and look around before entering parking lots.
nClose the door securely whenever you are in your hotel room and use all of the
locking devices.
nDon’t needlessly display guestroom keys or convention badges in public.
nDo not carry large amounts of cash or expensive jewelry.
nDon’t invite strangers to your hotel room.
nPlace all valuables in the hotel’s safe deposit box.
nMake sure sliding glass doors and any connecting room doors are locked.
nIf you see any suspicious activity report your observations to management.
Event Locator
All Intel ISEF 2010 events take place at the
San Jose Convention Center (SJCC) unless otherwise noted.
Event/Group Adult Mixer
Location Tech Museum–Parkside Hall
Marriott Hotel
Ballrooms 1–4
Fairmont Hotel
Gold and Valley Rooms
Excellence in Science & Technology Panel
Center for
Sponsored by Intel Corporation
Performing Arts (CPA)
Adult Pin Exchange
Advisory Council Meeting
AP Testing
Exhibits Exhibit Halls 2–3 5/9–5/14
Finalist and Adult Lounge
Almaden Concourse WiFi hotspot presented by Lam Research
Finalist Resource Center A2
Main Concourses
San Jose State University
Events Center (SJSU-EC)
Tech Museum–Parkside Hall
Marriott Hotel
Willow Glen 1–3
Registration Complex
Main Lobby
Center of Exhibit Halls 2–3
Marriott Hotel
Intel e-Lounge A1/A2 5/9–5/13
Food Concession Stands
Grand Awards Ceremony
Host City Welcome Event Host Committee Office
Housing Information HUB IB Testing
Blossom Hill I and II
Information Desk
Intel ISEF Expo 2010
Intel ISEF Grand Awards Ceremony
Intel ISEF Opening Dinner
Intel ISEF Opening Ceremony
International Office
Locator Card Kiosk
Lost and Found Hall 3 5/10–5/13
SJSU-Tower Hall Lawn
A10 5/9–5/14
HUB and all
Registration Complex
Registration Complex
Main Lobby
Official Party Registration
Main Lobby
Registration Complex
Registration Complex
Main Lobby
Civic Auditorium
Fairmont Hotel
Imperial Ballroom
SJCC A3–6, A4, CPA
Main Lobby 5/09–5/14
Press Room
Public Visitation
Scientific Review Committee (SRC)
Society for Science & the Public
Information Booth
Special Awards Ceremony
Student Mixer
Student Pin Exchange
(Finalists and Student Observers Only) Symposia
Tours Women in Science & Technology Panel
Event Locator
Medals and Certificates
Map of San Jose Convention Center
Map of San Jose Convention Center
Map of San Jose State University
Map of San Jose State University
Map of San Jose
Map of San Jose
Daily Office Hours
Open Daily
Finalist Exhibit Hall and the HUB
Halls 2–3
Sunday (Project Set-up and D&S Inspections)
8:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m.~OFP
Monday (Project Set-up and D&S Inspections) 8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.~OFP
8:00 a.m.–9:30 a.m.~Finalists with Violations only
10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m.~Finalists only for Press/PR purposes
6:00 a.m.–7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m.–11:45 a.m.,
1:15 p.m.–3:45 p.m., 4:15 p.m.–6:00 p.m.~Finalists & Judges only
9:00 a.m.–9:00 p.m.~Public Visitation Day
12:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m.~OFP
Finalist Resource Center
Host Committee Office
Intel e-Lounge
Intel ISEF Expo 2010 booths
International Office
Sunday– Friday
Local Information Desk
Official Party Registration
Retail Store
Tour Booth
8:00 a.m.–9:00 p.m.
Marriott Hotel, Willow Glen 1, 2 & 3
9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
A1, A7, A8
3:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
Hall 1/Expo
10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
12:00 Noon –5:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m.
Lower Lobby
8:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m.–9:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.–12:00 Noon
Ballroom Concourse (by Marriott walkway)
8:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m.
Lower Lobby
8:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
We encourage you to visit
throughout the week for schedule updates.
Sunday, May 9 ______________________
See page 22 for hours and locations of daily recurring events and resource
desks. All events take place in the San Jose Convention Center (SJCC) unless
otherwise noted.
8:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.
(Afterwards by appt.)
Project Drop–Off
SJCC Loading Dock
Note: Finalists transporting their own projects may unload
them only if registered. Each item must be clearly marked with
Finalist’s name, address, and fair ID number. Only Fair Officials
are permitted on the floor before 8:00 a.m. Sunday.
3:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
Intel e-Lounge A1, A7/A8
The Intel e-Lounge provides a wireless hotspot as well as Intel®
Centrino™ mobile technology-based notebook computers to
access the internet and keep in touch with email while you are
at the Intel ISEF. Attendees can also take a break and watch
movies in the visual entertainment area.
8:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m. Setup of Projects/Display & Safety Inspections 8:00 a.m.–9:00 p.m. C3
SRC Interviews
Note: Project must be reviewed and cleared by the Scientific
Review Committee (SRC) before it may be set up. An SRC
violation list will be posted Saturday, May 8 at
4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Advisory Council Meeting
7:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Student Pin Exchange
Fairmont Hotel, Imperial Ballroom
Finalists and Student Observers Only— Casual Attire
This icebreaker event is for Finalists and Student Observers, who
are invited to trade pins and to meet new friends. There will be
food, music, and good times for all.
7:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Adult “Pin” Exchange
Marriott Hotel, Ballrooms 1–4
Casual attire— This is an opportunity for adult OFP members
to exchange pins while the students are at their pin exchange
event. There will be light refreshments and a cash bar.
Schedule of Events
SJCC = San Jose Convention Center
SJSU = San Jose State University
CPA = Center for the Performing Arts
Halls 2-3
Schedule of Events
Monday, May 10 ______________________
8:00 a.m.–12:00 Noon SRC Interviews C3
8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. Project Setup/Display & Safety Inspection
Halls 2–3
Note: Finalists transporting their own projects may unload
them only if registered. Each item must be clearly marked with
Finalist’s name, address, and fair ID number.
8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
Intel e-Lounge A1, A7/A8
8:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Symposia
See full schedule on pages 38–46.
CPA, SJCC A3–6, A4
10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Symposium-From NASA Astronaut to Google Engineer
10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. CPA
Intel ISEF Expo 2010
Hall 1
All Intel ISEF 2010 participants are welcomed and encouraged to
visit this year’s exhibits. Organizations with a science and education
focus, including educational institutions, agencies, corporations and
other sponsors will be on-hand.
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Symposium—Evolution of Touch (Sponsored by Synaptics)
1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. Advisory Council Meeting
1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m.
Women in Science & Technology Panel
The panelists represent Silicon Valley thought leaders. Panelists
will talk about their views of the exciting opportunities and future
of technology, as well as talk about their own career paths. Each
panelist will have a chance to describe their vision, critical career
decisions they have made along the way that have brought them
to their current position, as well as advice for future leaders. There
will be an opportunity for questions, and the panelists are eager to
hear from the students and for an interactive dialog.
Check it out and plan to attend!
Women in Science & Technology Panel
Monday, May 10, 1:00–2:30pm
Center for Performing Arts
Padmasree Warrior, CTO, Cisco
Diane Bryant, VP & CIO, Intel
Moderated by:
Fran Allen, Fellow Emerita, IBM—first Female Turing Award winner
Telle Whitney, President & CEO
Jen Fitzpatrick, VP, Google—one of its earliest employees
Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology
Lily De Los Rios, VP, Product Development, Symantec
3:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m.
Opening Ceremony Dinner
All registered attendees welcome.
6:30 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
Opening Ceremony Pre-Show
Casual Attire— Doors open at 6:15 p.m.
7:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Opening Ceremony
SJSU Events Center
Sponsored by Intel Corporation
The Intel ISEF Opening Ceremony officially kicks off the week of
events for 2010. This high energy event will be lead by master
of ceremonies, Scott Budman, local NBC news anchor, and hosted
by Paul Otellini, President and CEO for Intel Corporation. The
highlight of the evening will be the “Rock Star Panel” featuring
some of Intel’s key engineers, scientists and researchers,
some who have been featured in the recent Intel advertising
campaign, Sponsors of Tomorrow. You will have the opportunity
to ask questions during the event through twitter, so make sure
you have your twitter account set up and include the hash tag
#intelisef when you tweet your questions.
SJSU Green in front of Tower Hall
SJSU Events Center
Opening Ceremony
Meet the “Intel Rock Stars”
Monday, May 10
San Jose State University
Events Center
Genevieve Bell
Intel Fellow, Digital Home Group
Director, User Experience Group
Ajay Bhat
Intel Fellow, Chief Client Architect
Intel Architecture Group
Fayé Briggs
Intel Fellow, Intel Architecture Group
Director, Scalable Server Architecture
Taimur Burki
Senior Environmental Engineer
Lila Ibrahim
General Manager
Emerging Markets Platform Group
Be part of the show!
You can participate in
the discussion with the
Rock Stars by tweeting
questions through twitter.
Make sure you have your
twitter account set up
and include the hash tag
#intelisef when you tweet
your questions.
Start tweeting now!
Schedule of Events
9:30 p.m.
Final Project Violations
Posted at Registration, outside of Exhibit Halls, and on
Tuesday, May 11 ______________________
Project Violation Clearance
Halls 2–3
Note: Both the Scientific Review Committee and Display &
Safety Committee will have conducted a final review of ALL
projects on Monday afternoon. If any problems with a project
are identified during that review, the Finalist’s booth number
will be posted outside the Exhibit Hall. Only those Finalists with
identified problems will be permitted in the Exhibit Hall.
beginning at 8:00 a.m. No others will be admitted. A project
cannot be judged unless all problems have been cleared by
9:30 a.m., Tuesday.
8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. Intel e-Lounge A1, A7/A8
8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Symposia
See full schedule on pages 38–46.
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m.
Symposium—Beyond Animal Testing: More Humane, Better Science
9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Intel ISEF Expo 2010
8:00 a.m.–9:30 a.m.
CPA, SJCC A3–6, A4
Hall 1
10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Press/Public Relations Time with Finalists
Halls 2–3
All Finalists have the opportunity to come to the Exhibit Hall for
scheduled press interviews, to be available for impromptu visits
from visiting sponsors and dignitaries and to check their booth
area. 1:00 p.m.–1:30 p.m.
Symposium—Charles Babbage (1791–1871): English mathematician, philosopher, inventor and
mechanical engineer who originated the concept of a
programmable computer
(Sponsored by Computer History Museum)
2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Excellence in Science and Technology Panel
Presented by Intel Corporation—Casual Attire
All attendees are invited to a conversation with Nobel
Laureates from all over the world. Panelists to attend are:
David Gross, Dudley Herschbach, Douglas Osheroff, Richard
Roberts, and Kurt WÜthrich. The panel will be moderated by
NPR Science Correspondent Joe Palca.
4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Symposium—The Science of Fighting Computer
and Cybercrime (Sponsored by Symantec)
7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
Welcome to San Jose Event
Tech Museum and Parkside Hall
Casual Attire— This will be an evening of interactive science
and technology exhibits, the IMAX, and a wide variety of palate
pleasing foods at both venues. Google will recreate their innovative
environment and invite people to come and play.
Don’t miss the
Excellence in Science and
Technology Discussion Panel
Tuesday, May 11, 2:00 p.m.
Center for Performing Arts
David Gross
Nobel Prize—Physics
Dudley Herschbach
Nobel Prize—Chemistry
Douglas Osheroff
Nobel Prize—Physics
Richard Roberts
Nobel Prize—Physiology or
Kurt WÜthrich
Nobel Prize—Chemistry
Joe Palca
Science Correspondent, NPR
presented by
Intel Corporation
Schedule of Events
Wednesday, May 12 ______________________
6:00 a.m.–7:00 a.m. Final Project Check by Finalists
Halls 2–3
Note: Only Finalists are permitted in the exhibit hall. All materials
the Finalists plan to use during judging should be in place.
Electrical items that can be operated in an unattended mode
should be turned on at this time. Judges will review projects later
in the morning before students report to begin formal interviews
at 8:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. Intel e-Lounge
8:15 a.m.–11:45 a.m. Exhibit Hall Open
Halls 2–3
Finalists at Projects for Interviews— Professional Attire
Finalists & Judges only
8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
See full schedule on pages 38–46.
A1, A7/A8
CPA, SJCC A3–6, A4
10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Symposium—Beyond Animal Testing:
More Humane, Better Science
11:45 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Lunch Break
No outside food may be brought into the Convention Center.
12:00 Noon–5:00 p.m. Intel ISEF Expo 2010
Hall 1
1:15 p.m.–3:45 p.m.
Finalists at Projects for Interviews
Finalists and Judges only— Professional Attire
Halls 2–3
4:15 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Finalists at Projects for Unscheduled Interviews
Finalists and Judges only— Professional Attire
Halls 2–3
7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m. Student Mixer
Civic Auditorium
Casual Attire—A carnival event including games of skill and other
interactive attractions. There will be music, dancing and a light
show. And, of course, all the foods you’d expect to find at a
7:00 p.m.–9:30 p.m. Adult Mixer
Parkside Hall
Casual Attire—Live music, dancing and a buffet to fit every taste.
This will be the perfect venue to relax and enjoy.
Thursday, May 13 ______________________
8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
Intel e-Lounge
A1, A7/A8
8:45 a.m.–9:15 a.m.
Symposium— United States Environmental Protection Agency’s People, Prosperity and the Planet Sustainability
Grants Competition
(Sponsored by United States Environmental
Protection Agency)
9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Intel ISEF Expo 2010 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Symposia
See full schedule on pages 38–46.
Hall 1
CPA, SJCC A3–6, A4
Public Visitation Day
Halls 2–3
10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. All Finalists Required at Projects
Meal vouchers will be provided to Finalists for Lunch.
Halls 2–3
1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Advisory Council Meeting
1:30 p.m.–2:00 p.m.
Symposium—Future Challenges for Photovoitaic Technology
2:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m.
Symposium—Research Ethics: How to Treat People
Who Participate in Research
4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
Symposium— The Transformative Power of Technology on Social Issues
(Sponsored by Google)
7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m. Special Awards Ceremony
SJSU Events Center
(Doors open at 6:30 p.m.)—Professional Attire
Ceremony in which Special Awards Organizations,
academic institutions and government agencies give awards.
Schedule of Events
9:00 a.m.–9:00 p.m. Friday, May 14 ______________________
9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Grand Awards Ceremony SJSU Events Center
Sponsored by Intel
(Doors open at 9:00 a.m.)—Professional Attire
All students are to be seated by 9:15 a.m.
Awards Ceremony where winners from each category are
announced as well as the top overall winners for Intel ISEF
1:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Open for Project Teardown
Halls 2–3
Finalists take down and pack projects for return home.
Any stored packing material will be at project booth by 1:00
p.m. Finalists transporting their own projects will load them
upon completion of packing. Projects being shipped via UPS
or Freeman/heavy freight must be packed and processed for
shipping by 6:00 p.m. Intel ISEF 2010 nametags required at all
times during dismantling. No exceptions will be made!
Symposia Schedule
Symposia sessions are an opportunity to share information with
students, parents, teachers, fair directors, and faculty. Endorsement
of the sessions by SSP or Intel is not implied.
Monday, May 10
8:00 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Center for Performing Arts
1—Talking Science
Jack Franchetti, Jack Franchetti Communications, Inc.
A communications specialist presents a workshop for Intel ISEF Finalists that
teaches guiding principles and techniques to convey the science of your project
in lay terms. Students have declared this program immensely helpful with the
judging process, media interviews, and conversing with the public about their
Type: Presentation
Audience: Teachers & Students
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Room: A3/A6
2—Science Buddies: An Online Library of Tools and Resources to Improve
Project Quality
Kenneth Hess, Science Buddies, Carmel, CA
Science Buddies helps millions of students and teachers prepare for science fairs.
Learn about our newest resources, exciting future plans, and the best ways to
use our site
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors, Teachers & Students
9:15 a.m.–10:15 a.m. Room: A4
3—The Importance of Statistics in Scientific Research
Christopher J. Malone, Winona State University, Winona, MN
Statistics is an important component of scientific research. This workshop will
include a discussion about relevant statistical issues for science fair projects.
Type: Workshop
Audience: Teachers & Students
9:45 a.m.–10:45 a.m. Room: A3/A6
4—Science Research for the Intermediate Level Student
Joan Wagner, Science Teachers Association of New York State (STANYS)
This presentation will provide an overview of a successful middle level science
research program.
Type: Presentation Audience: Teachers & Students
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Center for Performing Arts
5—From NASA Astronaut to Google Engineer
Ed Lu, Google Green Energy Team, Mountain View, CA
Former astronaut Ed Lu speaks about his 12-year career at NASA and his decision to
leave NASA to join Google.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors, Teachers & Students
10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Room: A4
6—Thinking Like a Scientist
Mark Oleksak, Educational Science Consultant, Indian Rocks Beach, FL
Exciting science demonstrations for classroom use, highlighting critical science process
skills using everyday items.
Type: Demonstration
Audience: Fair Directors, Teachers & Students
Symposia Schedule
11:00 a.m.–12:00 Noon Room: A3/A6
7—Judging at the Intel ISEF
Robert Yost, Volunteer Judging Ombudsman
Michele Glidden, Director, SSP Science Education Programs
Join us for a question and answer session about judging at Intel ISEF. Robert will
explain his role to aid students during judging and provide a brief overview of the
judging process for those new to Intel ISEF.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors, Teachers & Students
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Center for Performing Arts
8—Evolution of Touch
Dave Gillespie, Synaptics, Inc., Santa Clara, CA
Come join Synaptics, world leader in touchpads, as they demonstrate the big steps
and missteps in creating a technology to connect people to their computers.
Type: Demonstration Audience: Teachers & Students
Tuesday, May 11
8:30 a.m. –9:30 a.m. Room: A3/A6
9—Expand the Experience! Utilize an Instant Alert System to Reduce Event
Stress and Promote Positive Interactions with the Community
Bianca McRae, Ball State University, Muncie, IN
Experience how cell phone SMS Text Alerts engage and coordinate event participants
around conference tracks and activities by reaching all - anywhere, at any time.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m.
Center for Performing Arts
10—Beyond Animal Testing: More Humane, Better Science
Thomas Hartung, EHS/CAAT (Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing),
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
As the shortcomings of animal testing become increasingly apparent, we turn to new
technologies for more humane and efficient ways to test drugs and chemicals.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Students
9:00 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Room: A4
11—Patents - An Introduction
Markus Steiner, European Patent Office, Munich, Germany
The presenter will give an overview of intellectual property rights with an emphasis
on the European patent system.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors & Students
10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Room: A4
12—2010 Society for Science & the Public (SSP) Fellows Program Overview
Jennifer Carter, Director of Outreach, Society for Science & the Public
The SSP Fellows Program provides funds and training to selected U.S. science
and math teachers who serve under-resourced students to enable interested and
motivated students to perform high-quality independent scientific research.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors & Teachers
Symposia Schedule
10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Room: A3/A6
13—STEM Careers - Connect Science in the Classroom with Career
Opportunities in Science
Tina Lanese, Science Buddies, Carmel, CA
Science Buddies, the non-profit developing free online resources to support handson science, introduces 100 STEM Career Profiles and tips to introduce careers in the
Type: Presentation
Audience: Teachers & Students
10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m.
Center for Performing Arts
14—Talking Science
Jack Franchetti, Jack Franchetti Communications, Inc.
A communications specialist presents a workshop for Intel ISEF Finalists that teaches
guiding principles and techniques to convey the science of your project in lay terms.
Students have declared this program immensely helpful with the judging process,
media interviews, and conversing with the public about their project.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors, Teachers & Students
11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Room: A4
15—The Fellows Application - 101
Jennifer Carter, Director of Outreach, Society for Science & the Public
Are you new to the SSP Fellows application process? Fellows Application - 101 will
show you how to begin, the meanings of special words and phrases you’ll encounter,
hints for preparing your award proposal, and reasons why some proposals aren’t
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors & Teachers
11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Room: A3/A6
16—E-Fair Software — Making your Science Fair Easier and More Efficient
Jill Malcom, Mastodon Art/Science Regional Fair, Crystal City, MO
Talk with fair directors who used the E-Fair software for online registration, check-in,
judging and administration this year and discover how easily it could work for your
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors
1:00 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Room: A4
17—Charles Babbage (1791–1871): English mathematician, philosopher,
inventor and mechanical engineer who originated the concept of a
programmable computer
Chris Garcia, Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA
Computer History Museum Curator, Chris Garcia will examine Charles Baggage
the man, his innovations and eccentricities, and how history and fiction have
remembered him.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Teachers & Students
4:15 p.m.–5:15 p.m. Room: A4
18—Intel Science Talent Search, Guidelines and Information
Caitlin Sullivan, Intel STS Program Manager, Society for Science & the Public
Nancy Aiello, Chair, Intel ISEF SRC and Intel STS Rules Advisor
Hynda Kleinman, Intel STS Judging Committee
Review the entry rules and guidelines for the upcoming Intel Science Talent Search
2011. The STS, now in its 70th year, is America’s oldest and most highly regarded
science contest for U.S. high school seniors. Explore this renowned program for
promising and independents researchers.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Teachers & Students
Wednesday, May 12
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Room: A3/A6
21—Developing a Research Course that Motivates Students
Marion B. Zeiner, Episcopal High School, Jacksonville, FL
Learn how to structure an independent science research course that will motivate
your students to design and conduct outstanding research projects. Handouts
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors & Teachers
Symposia Schedule
4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m. Center for Performing Arts
20—The Science of Fighting Computer Viruses and Cybercrime
Zulfikar Ramzan, Symantec, Technical Director & Architect, Mountain View, CA
Hear about scientific approaches to fighting cybercrime, including techniques from
mathematics, advanced algorithms, statistical machine learning, and large-scale
data mining.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors, Teachers & Students
8:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m. Center for Performing Arts
22—Scientific Review Committee — 2011 Rules and Guidelines
Nancy Aiello, Intel ISEF SRC Chair
Meet with members of the Intel ISEF Scientific Review Committee to learn of changes
in the Intel ISEF 2011 Rules and Guidelines. After a brief presentation, there will be
smaller group sessions where participants will walk through the review of sample
protocols with SRC members.
Type: Panel Discussion
Audience: Fair Directors & Teachers
9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Room: A4
23—Teaching Science Research in the High School
Leonard Behr, University at Albany (SUNY), Albany, NY
The Science Research in the High School program at the University of Albany (SUNY)
has helped teachers lead students into taking part in all aspects of authentic science
research. This presentation aims to make teachers outside of New York aware of this
availabity, and to show them how they may get involved.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors, Teachers & Students
10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Center for Performing Arts
24—Beyond Animal Testing: More Humane, Better Science
Thomas Hartung, EHS/CAAT (Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing),
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
As the shortcomings of animal testing become increasingly apparent, we turn to new
technologies for more humane and efficient ways to test drugs and chemicals.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors & Teachers
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Room: A4
25—The Value of Science Fairs for Every Student
Jane Coles, The Good Hope School, Frederiksted, Virgin Islands
This presentation describes the process used by a small college preparatory
Carribbean school to motivate all of its students to participate in the science fair
Type: Presentation
Audience: Teachers
Symposia Schedule
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Room: A3/A6
26—Microsoft Office Tips and Tricks that Simplify Running a Science Fair
Cris LaPierre, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Microsoft Office is able to perform many tasks needed to manage a fair (sorting,
mailing, counting). This session will show how to use these features. Come join
my 1:00 p.m. Excel-based Judging Software session today to see more of Office’s
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors
1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. Room: A4
27—A New Outreach Opportunity: Science Research Training Workshop for
Teachers and Students
Barbara Lorenzon, Delaware Valley Science Fairs, Inc., Harleysville, PA
This presentation explains how science fairs can raise their science educational
commitment by training new and/or under-represented teachers and students to do
student science research.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors & Teachers
1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. Room: A3/A6
28—Excel-based Judging Software: Registration to Awards Ceremony in
Cris LaPierre, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
An Excel-based program that uses the tips and tricks presented in my 11:30 a.m.
session this morning to automate results tabulation will be demonstrated. This
program can be downloaded for free.
Type: Demonstration
Audience: Fair Directors
2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Center for Performing Arts
29—Up Close and Personal with the Intel ISEF Display and Safety Committee
John Cole, D&S Chair
The D&S chair will discuss issues of the 2010 San Jose fair and address changes for
the Intel ISEF 2011.
Type: Panel Discussion
Audience: Fair Directors, Teachers & Students
3:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Room: A3/A6
30—Average Z-score: Are Your Results Meaningful?
Cris LaPierre, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Most science fairs use average Z-scores to determine winners. However, this method
is only meaningful under specific circumstances, which will be discussed.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors
3:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Room: A4
31—Science News in Science News
Tom Siegfried, Editor in Chief, Science News, Society for Science & the Public
Every two weeks, a team of experienced journalists compiles a magazine with news
from the entire spectrum of scientific disciplines. Come join us to see how they do it.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors, Teachers & Students
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Center for Performing Arts
32—Scientific Review Committee 101
Nancy Aiello, Intel ISEF SRC Chair
The Scientific Review Committee will present an overview of all rules and guidelines.
The presentation will be beneficial for all fair directors and teachers who are new to
Intel ISEF or for veterans who want a rules review.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors & Teachers
Thursday, May 13
8:45 a.m.–9:45 a.m. Room: A3/A6
34—Science from the Student’s Perspective
Stephen Trusheim, STS and ISEF Alumni, Stanford, CA
In this round-table discussion, four accomplished Intel ISEF students will share their
perspectives on science education, fairs, and research projects. Come with your
Type: Panel Discussion
Audience: Fair Directors, Teachers & Students
Symposia Schedule
4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
Room: A3/A6
33—A Guide to Advanced, Independent Research Projects
Amber Hess, Science Buddies, Carmel, CA
A first-place ISEF Grand Award winner gives a guided tour of the Science Buddies
resources specifically developed to help students doing ISEF-level research projects.
Learn about mentors, scientific papers, advanced experimental design, and more.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors, Teacher & Students
8:45 a.m.–9:15 a.m.
Room: A4
35—United States Environmental Protection Agency’s People, Prosperity & the
Planet Sustainability Grants Competition
Cynthia Nolt-Helms, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC
This presentation will provide an overview of an exciting grant competition offered by
the U.S. EPA for college students to design for sustainability.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors, Teachers & Students
10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Room: A3/A6
36—Recommendations for a Better Intel ISEF with the Staff from SSP and the
Advisory Council Recommendations Committee
Tony Ortiz, Chair, Intel ISEF Advisory Council; New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM
Come share your sugestions to improve the Intel ISEF experience. The Advisory
Council’s Recommendation Committee will facilitate the discussion.
Type: Panel Discussion
Audience: Fair Directors & Teachers
11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Room: A3/A6
37— Empowering the Teaching Professional through Project
Management Planning
Jennifer Carter, Director of Outreach, Society for Science & the Public
This presentation will empower the teaching professional with the concepts of project
management and the importance of the development of a comprehensive project
management plan (PMP) for their research programs. Teachers attending this session
will gain a more complete understanding of the subject matter while developing
essential 21st Century applied skills such as incorporating new technologies,
collaboration, communications, and leadership.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors & Teachers
2:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m.
Center for Performing Arts
39—Research Ethics: How to Treat People who Participate in Research
Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Head of the Department of Bioethics at the Clinical Center of the
National Institutes of Health.
Dr. Emanuel will lead a discussion about the ethics of human research based on a new
NIH publication provided to all Intel ISEF 2010 registrants. The discussion will focus on
the seven principles of ethical research.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors, Teachers & Students
Symposia Schedule
1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. Center for Performing Arts
Solving the Crisis in Education — How STEM Education will Prepare the Future
Joe Coto, California State Assembly Member,
Former Superintendent of the East Side Union High School District, California
A third term State Assemblyman, Coto will provide vital insight into the importance of
STEM education for the community and the future workforce.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors, Teachers & Students
2:15 p.m.–2:45 p.m.
Room: A4
38—Future Challenges for Photovoltaic Technology
John Giddings, Computer History Museum, Los Gatos, CA
An overview of the different approaches to photovoltaic energy generation including
current technology and future directions which have not been developed yet.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors & Teachers
3:30 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Room: A4
40—So You Want To Be a Test Pilot?
Colonel Andre Gerner, Society of Experimental Test Pilots (SETP), Vienna, VA
Brief history of experimental flight test and the educational and operational career
path required to become a flight test professional.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Teachers & Students
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Center for Performing Arts
41— The Transformative Power of Technology on Social Issues
Frank Rijsberman, Google, Mountain View, CA
Technology driven philanthropy: uses Google’s strengths to build products
that address global challenges related to health, climate change, green energy, and
disaster response.
Type: Presentation
Audience: Fair Directors, Teachers & Students
Get Involved!
SSP and Intel are excited to announce
that the Intel International Science
and Engineering Fair will be held
in Los Angeles in May 2011
Volunteer, judge,
or interpret!
To learn more: 2011
Practical Guide and Local Information
San Jose Restaurants
Amici’s East Coast Pizzeria
225 West Santa Clara Street
Bella Mia Restaurant
58 South 1st Street
Blake’s Steakhouse & Bar
17 North San Pedro Street
City Bagels
52 West Santa Clara Street
City Bar and Grill
Located Inside the Hilton Hotel
Claypot Vietnamese Cuisine
19 North Market Street
Dakoa Sandwich
98 East San Salvador Street
E & O Trading Co-Asian Fusion
96 South 1st Street
El Grullense
400 West San Carlos Street
Emile’s Restaurant- French
545 South 2nd Street
Eulipia Restaurant and Bar
374 South 1st Street
Good Karma Vegan Café
37 South 1st Street
Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant 33 East San Fernando Street
Grande Pizzeria
150 East San Carlos Street
Grill on the Alley
172 South Market Street
Gumbo Jumbo- Creole
80 South Market Street
Haveli Indian Cuisine
167 West San Fernando Street
Hawgs Seafood Bar
150 South 2nd Street
House of Pizza
527 South Almaden Avenue
House of Siam
150 S 2nd Street
Hydration Coffee and Tea Café
310 South 3rd Street
Iguanas Taqueria
330 South 3rd Street
Il Fornaio - Italian
302 South Market Street
Johnny Rockets
150 South 1st Street
Kako Japanese Boat Sushi Bar
384 South 2nd Street
Kim Huong Vietnamese Restaurant
301 West Santa Clara Street
La Pastaia
233 West Santa Clara Street
La Penita Mexican Restaurant 601 South 1st Street
La Taqueria
15 South 1st Street
La Victoria Mexican Taqueria
140 E San Carlos Street
Loft Bar & Bistro
90 South 2nd Street
Lombok Asian Restaurant
22 North Almaden Avenue
Los Cubanos Restaurant
22 North Almaden Avenue
McCormick & Schmick’s Seafood 170 South Market Street
Morton’s Steakhouse
177 Park Avenue
Morocco’s Moroccan Restaurant
86 North Market Street
Mosaic Restaurant
211 South 1st Street
Nazca Peruvian Cuisine
167 West San Fernando Street
Old Spaghetti Factory
51 North San Pedro Street
Original Joe’s Restaurant
301 South 1st Street
Pagoda Restaurant Located inside the Fairmont Hotel
Paulo’s Restaurant
333 West San Carlos Street
Peggy Sue’s - American
185 Park Avenue
PF Chang’s Asian Bistro
98 South 2nd Street
Picasso’s Tapas Bar & Restaurant
62 West Santa Clara Street
Pizza Chicago
155 West San Fernando Street
Rokko Japanese Cuisine
55 South Market Street
San Jose Bar & Grill
85 South 2nd Street
150 S 1st Street
Scott’s Seafood Bar and Grill
185 Park Avenue
Smile Sushi
86 South 1st Street
Smoke-Hawaiian BBQ 152 Post Street
SmokeEaters Hot Wings
29 South 3rd Street
Sonoma Chicken Coop- Rotisserie and Grill 31 North Market Street
Tandoori Oven 150 South 1st Street
Taza Vegetarian Bistro
1 North 1st Street
Tengu Sushi
111 Paseo De San Antonio Walk
Thepthai Thai Cuisine
23 North Market Street
Tres Gringos Baja Cantina
83 South 2nd Street
(408) 289-9000
(408) 280-1993
(408) 298-9221
(408) 275-0151
(408) 287-2100
(408) 280-6111
(408) 286-7260
(408) 938-4100
(408) 275-6299
(408) 289-1985
(408) 280-6161
(408) 294-2694
(408) 294-8585
(408) 292-2840
(408) 294-2244
(408) 294-8626
(408) 971-2200
(408) 287-9955
(408) 292-6882
(408) 295-3397
(408) 298-9968
(408) 995-6023
(408) 271-3366
(408) 977-1414
(408) 934-0888
(408) 293-4568
(408) 286-8686
(408) 295-0434
(408) 287-1542
(408) 298-5335
(408) 291-0677
(408) 279-6037
(408) 279-0134
(408) 283-7200
(408) 947-7000
(408) 998-1509
(408) 282-8888
(408) 295-2828
(408) 288-7488
(408) 292-7085
(800) 257-7544
(408) 294-2558
(408) 294-0252
(408) 961-5250
(408) 977-1130
(408) 283-9400
(408) 947-7778
(408) 286-2397
(408) 287-1399
(408) 971-1700
(408) 294-2238
(408) 292-4266
(408) 293-9976
(408) 287-4098
(408) 292-7222
(408) 292-8292
(408) 275-9491
(408) 292-7515
(408) 278-9888
Locations of Note
Intel Museum Children’s Discovery Museum
Lick Observatory San Jose Museum of Art The Tech Museum of Innovation
Bank of America
Bank of the West
Comerica Bank
California Bank and Trust
Wells Fargo
Copy Centers
FedEx Office Print and Ship Center
Sir Speedy Center
CVS Pharmacy
Walgreens 2200 Mission College Boulevard
Santa Clara, CA 95054
180 Woz Way
7281 Mt. Hamilton Road
110 S. Market Street
201 S. Market Street
(408) 765-0503
99 South 4th Street
777 North 1st Street
2 West Santa Clara Street 50 West San Fernando Street
333 West Santa Clara Street
10 Almaden Boulevard
84 West Santa Clara Street
121 Park Center Plaza #1
(408) 277-7980
(408) 983-0588
(408) 998-6867
(408) 947-5005
(408) 556-5000
(408) 298-1300
(408) 534-3000
(408) 277-6535
15 North 2nd Street
93 East San Carlos Street
185 Park Avenue
(408) 998-2679
(408) 295-4336
(408) 971-0122
821 The Alameda
5 South 1st Street
(408) 291-4550
(408) 283-0835
(408) 298-5437 (408)274-5061
(408) 294-TECH
Grocery Store
Zanotto’s Family Market
1970 Naglee Avenue
(408) 294-9151
The Market by Safeway
100 S. 2nd Street
(408) 292-4010
Offers a range of options including a bakery, deli, and coffee shop which you can enjoy while
dining in or carrying out. Ready-to-eat meals, fresh produce, meat and seafood, sushi, and
catering are all available. *Outside food cannot be brought into the SSJCC*
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library
150 East San Fernando Street
(408) 808-2000
93 East San Carlos Street
88 S 3rd Street
200 South 3rd Street
(408) 295-4336
(408) 293-9803
(408) 275-8777
48 East Santa Clara Street
2425 Samaritan Drive
2105 Forest Avenue
751 South Bascom Avenue
(408) 293-7000
(408) 559-2011
(408) 947-2500
(408) 885-4010
3090 Stevens Creek Blvd
2171 Monterey Highway
2161 Monterey Highway
(408) 241-6040
(408) 938-0831
(408) 660-1703
Santana Row
3055 Olin Avenue
Westgate Mall
1600 Saratoga Avenue
(408) 551-4611
Mailing Services
FedEx Office Print and Ship Center
UPS Store
US Post Office
Western Dental Center
Good Samaritan Hospital
O’Connor Hospital
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Miscellaneous Stores
Best Buy
Shopping Malls
Practical Guide and Local Information
San Jose Host Committee
Society for Science & the Public wishes to thank the dedicated
members of the San Jose Host Committee who have worked
so hard for many years in preparation for the Intel ISEF 2010:
Heidi Black—Outreach Chair
Pam Ceglinski—D&S/HUB Chair
Rob-Bob Ceglinski—Technology Chair
Bob Denny—Security Co-Chair
Bhushan Ekbote—International Co-Chair
Chris Elliott—HUB Tools Co-Chair
Joe Garcia—Transportation/Parking Co-Chair
Scott Guthman—Technology Manager
Bob Haines—Shipping/Receiving Chair
Ken Iwagaki—Bag Assembly Manager
Valerie Lucchesi-Elliott—D&S Co-Chair
Tony James—Exhibit/Set-Up & Layout Chair
Elaine Klingman—Registration Bag Assembly & Retail Store Chair
Bud Koch—International Co-Chair
Craig Laughton—Signage Manager
Brad Meyer—Technology Manager
Peggy Milovina-Meyer—Registration Chair
Roger Milovina—General Manager
Judith Muller—Events Chair
Art Munoz—HUB Tools Co-Chair
Allison Niday—Tour/Transportation Co-Chair
Roy Okuda—Judging Co-Chair
Theo Olson—Volunteer Chair
Howard Peters—Judging Co-Chair
Linda Roberts—Tour/Transportation Co-Chair
Bernadette Shoemate—D&S Co-Chair
Vince Staub—Security Co-Chair
Brian Stewart—Technology Manager
John Turner—Signage Chair
Karen Van Horn—Catering Chair
Noe Veloso—Transportation/Parking Co-Chair
Board of Directors
Jim Bower—CEO, Law Foundation of Silicon Valley
Greg Brown—Director of Marketing, Resource Area for Teaching (RAFT)
Pam Ceglinski—CFO, ISEF 2010 Association
Rob-Bob Ceglinski—Hosting Operations & Tools Engineer,
Adaptive Planning Inc.
Dana Ditmore—President, ISEF 2010 Association
Roy Okuda—Professor of Chemistry, San Jose State University
Charles H. Packer—Attorney, Hopkins & Carley, A Law Corporation
Howard Peters—Retired Doctor of Chemistry and Law
Lynn Shannon—Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
John Swan—President, Sea Harbor Properties
Intel ISEF 2010 Marketing & Communications Committee
Teresa Alvarado—Past President, Silicon Valley Hispanic Foundation
Patti Hansen—Retired, Applied Materials Marketing
San Jose Host Committee Board of Directors
The San Jose Host Committee wishes to thank the following
individuals who have donated their time and support and have
greatly contributed to the success of its efforts:
Kathleen King—CEO, Silicon Valley Family Health Foundation
Louise MacKnight—Retired, SEMI
Michael Martinez—VP, VLSI Research
Marti Remmell—Retired, Applied Materials
Susan Overstreet—Retired, Applied Materials, Sales & Marketing
Special Committees
Society for Science & the Public thanks the dedicated
Committee members of the Intel ISEF 2010:
Advisory Council
Karen Kinsman, Chair
Tony Ortiz, Incoming Chair
Pat Zalo, Secretary
Lucy Adams
Kathleen Bethel
Helio Brochier
Ronda Fields
Bill Gilmore
Jack Johnson
Petr Klan
James Lowery
Brian McEnnis
Sandra Muller
Betty Paulsell
Joyce Stark
LaWana Stewart
Gary Stresman
Martha Vogel
Joan Wagner
Ingrid Weigand
Mary Eileen Wood
Robert Yost
Marion Zeiner
Scientific Review Committee
Nancy Aiello, Chair
Henry Disston
Marcus Friskop
Jen Green
Paula Johnson
Chris Miller
Evelyn Montalvo
Jason Shuffitt
Jim Stevens
Display & Safety Committee
John Cole, Chair
Courtney Butler
Tom Carson
Rob-Bob Ceglinski
Pamela Ceglinski
Kelly Corkern
Bob Haines
Henry Hartman
Diane Hecht
Darcy Hecht
Judy Jones
Valerie Lucchesi-Elliott
Tony Marable
Roger Milovina
Jody Oaks
Bonnie Schmidt
Steve Scott
Cheryl Sturgeon
Dayon Taylor
Jeff Wallock
Tina Webb-Browning
Mimi Alkire
Bill Bennett
S.R. (Buddy) Bounds
Bill Chown
Glen Cook
Ibby Dickson
Mark Dominquez
David Feinstein
Michael Foy
Nadine Haines
Henry Hartman
Charles Joiner
Nancy Kilgore
Hynda Kleinman
James Lowery
Andy Macy
Tony Marable
Neil Vander Schans
Joe Schwer
Larry Sernyk
Sam Snyder
Angie Voigt
Junior Warner
Laura Werner
Michelle Yost
Robert Yost
Thank You
Society for Science & the Public and the San Jose Host
Committee recognize with gratitude the following individuals
and volunteers for their most generous support of
Intel ISEF 2010.
Society for Science & the Public and
the San Jose Host Committee
also gratefully acknowledge
the judges, volunteers, parents, teachers and
fair directors who make the Intel ISEF
possible year after year.
In 1996, Intel became the title sponsor of the ISEF. Since then,
it has heightened the program’s visibility and made the Intel ISEF
a world-renowned program with true international flavor and
participation. Society for Science & the Public thanks Intel
for its many contributions to the Intel ISEF.
Paul S. Otellini
President and Chief Executive Officer
Shelly Esque
Vice President, Corporate Affairs
Intel ISEF Corporate Team
Barbara Carman
Program Manager
Intel Science Competitions
Santa Clara, California
Raju Doshi
Global Marketing Manager
Corporate Affairs Group
Hillsboro, Oregon
Gail Dundas
Senior Communications Manager
Global Communications Group
Hillsboro, Oregon
Keith Hopper
Intel e-Lounge Manager
Hillsboro, Oregon
Karen Merrill
K–12 Events and Logistics Manager
Corporate Affairs Group
Hillsboro, Oregon
Marc Wallis
Events Program Manager
Corporate Marketing Group
Santa Clara, California
Wendy Hawkins
Executive Director
Intel Foundation
Hillsboro, Oregon
And the many Intel employees who support Intel ISEF
and affiliated fairs around the world.
Society for Science & the Public
Society for Science & the Public (SSP), a nonprofit membership
organization based in Washington, D.C., owns and has administered the
ISEF since its inception in 1950. Through the Intel ISEF experience, SSP
encourages students to apply their imagination to excel in the sciences
while exploring their unique and personal visions of the future.
Elizabeth Marincola
President & Publisher, Science News
Michele Glidden
Director of Science Education Programs
Greg Mitchell
Chief Financial Officer
Cait Goldberg
Director of Events
Rick Bates
Director of External Affairs
Harry Rothmann
Director of Internal Operations
Jennifer Carter
Director of Outreach
Tom Siegfried
Editor in Chief, Science News
BJ Cortis
Director of Development
Amy An
Ben Bryan
Laurie Demsey
Marisa Gaggi
Caitlin Jennings
June Kee
Jinny Kim
Sivakami Kumaran
Judy Lewis
James Moore
Nancy Moulding
Anthony Payne
Lisa Proctor
Diane Rashid
Paul Roger
Thomas Smith
Sharon Snyder
Greg Sprouse
Caitlin Sullivan
Randy Williams
Information Technology Specialist
Operations Associate
Domestic Fair Manager
Events Associate
Communications Coordinator
Symposia Coordinator
Science Education Programs Data Manager
Senior Accountant
Advertising Manager, Science News
Systems and Network Administrator
Membership & Communications Associate
Logistics Manager
Accounting Manager
Volunteer Manager
Facilities Manager
Computer Programmer
International Fairs Manager
Information Technology Specialist
Program Manager, Intel Science Talent Search
Operations Associate
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Lam Research Corporation
Congratulates the Intel ISEF 2010 Finalists
Lam Research proudly supports education through grants,
scholarships, and innovative events like Intel ISEF. Our goal
is to invest in educational programs that inspire and
motivate students to pursue an education in math, science,
and technology.
Intel ISEF 2010 Survey
We want your feedback!
Additional opportunity for feedback, facilitated by the
Intel ISEF Advisory Council’s Recommendations Committee:
Recommendations Symposium
Thursday, May 13
10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Room A3/A6
The On-Site Survey collects feedback on
Intel ISEF 2010
activities that take place
while the e-Lounge is open.
During Intel ISEF use the desktop shortcut
in the e-Lounge to access this survey.
After the fair follow the links on
Auburn, 100101, Greater East Alabama Regional Science and Engineering Fair
CS051 1 Sun + 8 Bits = H2O: Digitally Optimizing “Smart” Photovoltaics for a Water
Distillation Application
Nicholas Mycroft Christensen, 18, Senior, Wetumpka High School, Wetumpka,
Alabama, T: Virginia Vilardi
ET019 Catch More Sun: Affordable Energy
Pranjal Bodh Gupta, 15, Sophomore, Auburn High School, Auburn, Alabama,
T: Mary Ann Aglan
ME324T The Effects of Clove Oil on Bacteria Found on Athletic Equipment
Katie Lynn McLaughlin, 18, Senior; Dixie Lee Renfrow, 18, Freshman
Wetumpka High School, Wetumpka, Alabama, T: Virginia Vilardi
Birmingham, 100201, Central Alabama Regional Science and Engineering Fair—
Physical Sciences
CS049 Recognition of Sound Sample Sequences Using Waveform Analysis:
Detecting Stutter Words in an Audio Stream
Wisdom Liang Chen, 17, Senior, The Alabama School of Fine Arts, Birmingham,
Alabama, T: Jo Chambers
EN035 Comparison of Charcoal Produced from the Invasive Pueraria montana var.
lobata (Kudzu), Red Oak, Hickory, and a Commercially Available Charcoal
James Edward Whitfield LeCroy, 18, Senior, Jefferson County International
Baccalaureate School, Birmingham, Alabama,
T: Marilyn Niemann
Birmingham, 100202, Central Alabama Regional Science and Engineering Fair—
Life Sciences
AS049 The Effect of Honey Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) and Antioxidants on Small
Hive Beetle (Aethina tumida) Reproduction and Survival
Lydia Louise McCormick, 17, Senior, Jefferson County International Baccalaureate,
Birmingham, Alabama, T: Marilyn Niemann
PS037 The Potential Allelopathic Suppression of Kudzu (Pueraria montana)
Mason Cole McFarland, 18, Senior, Jefferson County International Baccalaureate
School, Birmingham, Alabama, T: Marilyn Niemann
Huntsville, 100401, North Alabama Regional Science and Engineering Fair— Life Sciences
ME048 Small Heat Shock Proteins as a Novel Therapeutic for Experimental
Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis: A Potential Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis
Dave Raj Praharaj, 17, Senior, Virgil I. Grissom High School, Huntsville, Alabama,
T: Katherine Mousel
PH028 Detecting Cosmic Rays in Your Garage
Matthew Russell Eskridge, 15, Sophomore, Covenant Christian Academy,
Huntsville, Alabama, T: Rhonda B. Lisauckis
Huntsville, 100402, North Alabama Regional Science and Engineering Fair—
Physical Sciences
CB027 Osteogenisis Imperfecta in Dachshunds: Mutation in the Gene, SERPINH1
Courtney Marie Kloske, 14, Freshman, Catholic High School, Huntsville, Alabama,
T: Brian Finzel
ET028 So Easy a Student Can Do It: Engineering an Affordable Electric Vehicle
Joel Jack Tinker, 16, Sophomore, Covenant Christian Academy, Huntsville,
Alabama, T: Rhonda Lisauckis
Huntsville, 100301, Alabama State Science and Engineering Fair— Life Sciences
BI042 The Effect of Heavy Metals on Porphyrin Ring Compounds, Part Two: Hg and
Pb Uptake at the Base of the Food Chain Near Toxic Waste Disposal Sites
Arina Ghosh, 16, Junior, Alabama School of Fine Arts, Birmingham, Alabama,
T: Judith Ann Cantwell
EV043 Destroying More than Ice: The Effects of Road Deicers on
Lumbriculus variegatus
Paul Joseph Styslinger, 16, Freshman, The Altamont School, Birmingham, Alabama,
T: Mary B. Williams
Finalist Directory
Each # next to the finalist’s name indicates previous ISEF participation
An * identifies non-competing projects
T: precedes the name of the Teacher-Sponsor of the Finalist
A T after the booth ID number indicates a Team Project
Finalist Directory
Huntsville, 100302, Alabama Science and Engineering Fair— Physical Sciences
CS306T Model-Driven Configuration of Automated Parking Facilities
Omar Mohammad Ismail, 18, Senior; Jemale Donta Lockett, 18, Senior
Alabama School of Fine Arts, Birmingham, Alabama, T: Jo Chambers,
T: Carol Yarbrough
PH045 Hidden Sounds: Harmonic Symmetry of Human Voices, Year Two
Ellen Marie Price, 17, Junior, Jefferson County International Baccalaureate School,
Birmingham, Alabama, T: Catherine Shields
Livingston, 100801, West Alabama Regional Science Fair EV051 Identifying Sources of E. coli Pollution in Lake Lavada
Katherine Elizabeth Christopher, 16, Junior, Patrician Academy, Butler, Alabama,
T: Brett Morris Evans
Mobile, 100501, Mobile Regional Science Fair CH053 Color Power
Aliesha Daniraee Lewis, 15, Freshman, Murphy High School, Mobile, Alabama,
T: Lisa Sudeiha
EN055 Breakin’ Bridges
Naivasha M. Harris, 16, Sophomore, Murphy High School, Mobile, Alabama,
T: Lisa Sudeiha
Anchorage, 110101, Alaska Science and Engineering Fair
EA023 The Effect of Increased CO2 Emissions on Coastal Erosion Contributors in
Kelsey Ann Meacham, 16, Sophomore, West Anchorage High School, Anchorage,
Alaska, T: Nathan Burnham
PS038 Identifying the Fungal Root Associates of Platanthera orbiculata
Willaby Helen Shuster, 18, Senior, Mount Edgecumbe High School, Sitka, Alaska,
T: Chohla Agehya Moll
Juneau, 110102, Southeast Alaska Regional Science Fair
AS012 The Effects of Water Temperature and pH on the Metabolic Rate of Juvenile
Blue King Crabs (Paralithodes platypus)
Lia Katherine Domke, 17, Junior, Juneau-Douglas High School, Juneau, Alaska,
T: Jonathan Joseph Smith
AS304T How Beach Sediment Composition and Tide Level Affect the Size and Age
Distribution of Butter Clams (Saxidomus giganteus)
Auriel Catherine Clark, 15, Sophomore; Lindsay Bristol Clark, 18, Senior
Juneau-Douglas High School, Juneau, Alaska, T: Jonathan Smith
PS021 The Effects of Seawater pH on Kelp (Saccharina latissima and Agarum
clathratum) Egg Development
Colin Zheng, 16, Sophomore, Juneau-Douglas High School, Juneau, Alaska,
T: Jonathan Joseph Smith
Phoenix, 120101, Arizona Science and Engineering Fair I
AS311T The Relationship between Colony Size, Worker Body Size and Productivity in
Temnothorax regatulus Ants
Damian Cory Alzua, 18, Senior; Chelsea Jewel Powers, 18, Senior
Tucson High Magnet School, Tucson, Arizona, T: Margaret Wilch
CB035 Eliciting an Antiviral Immune Response to Inhibit HIV Infection
Shemonti Rabeya Hasan, 18, Senior, Hamilton High School, Chandler, Arizona,
T: Teresa Clark
Phoenix, 120301, Arizona Science and Engineering Fair II
BI032 Heat Stress Reveals Hexose Transport Rates in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Stanley Palasek, 15, Freshman, Sonoran Science Academy, Tucson, Arizona,
T: Robert Hobbins
MA033 Beta Adjusted Ratio Quantifying Volatility of Mutual Funds
Matthew John Richardson, 16, Junior, Basha High School, Chandler, Arizona,
T: Christina Jahr
Finalist Directory
Phoenix, 120501, Arizona Science and Engineering Fair III
EN038 The Effect of Helium Ion Irradiation on the Tunneling Behavior in Aluminum/
Aluminum Oxide/Lead Junctions
Rahul Mitra, 16, Junior, Corona Del Sol, Tempe, Arizona, T: Rakesh K. Singh
EV035 An Innovative Method to Evaluate the Effects of the Aquatic Environment
on the Chemotaxis of the Amphibian Pathogen Batrachochytrium
Scott Paul Boisvert, 16, Junior, Basha High School, Chandler, Arizona,
T: Christina Jahr
Phoenix, 120601, Arizona Science and Engineering Fair IV
EE051 A Novel Fiber Optic Backlight System Utilizing Controlled Light Attenuation
Scott Douglas Olson, 18, Senior, Highland High School, Gilbert, Arizona,
T: James Archambault
EM063 Sustainability in a Home
Royce Jay Brady, 18, Senior, Red Mesa High School, Teec Nos Pos, Arizona,
T: Sandy Benally
Pima, 120401, Southern Arizona Regional Science and Engineering Fair
CH019 Synthesis of Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles with Polymer Surfactants
Caitlyn Anne Hall, 17, Senior, Vail High School, Tucson, Arizona, T: Donald Adams
EE018 Solar Stirling Capability & Comparison
Cory Nicholson Owan, 15, Freshman, Home School, Tucson, Arizona,
T: Chris Paul Owan
MI304T The Antimicrobial Effects of Commercial Spices and Plant Extracts on
Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Ground Beef
Sumedha Ravishankar, 15, Sophomore; Sirtaj Bir Singh, 15, Sophomore
Empire High School, Tucson, Arizona, T: Micheal R. Frank
Sierra Vista, 120201, Sulpher Springs Valley Electric Cooperative’s Youth Engineering and
Science Fair
CH034 Extraction of Caffeine
Luke Avetian-McMenamin, 17, Senior, Buena High School, Sierra Vista, Arizona,
T: Ken Cantrell
EM041 Erosion: Going, Going, Gone...
Natalie Adelle Dyjak, 17, Junior, Home School, Benson, Arizona,
T: Deborah Jean Dyjak
Arkadelphia, 130101, South Central Arkansas Regional IV Science Fair
CH052 Can You Stomach the Protein? (The Human Stomach: Digestive Reaction to
Ingested Proteins)
Heather Lorece Brown, 16, Junior, Glen Rose High School, Malvern, Arkansas,
T: Connie Marlene Tuggle
MI312T Get Pumped for Sickness
April Lauren Stoops, 17, Senior; Jennifer Lynn Turner, 18, Senior
Glen Rose High School, Malvern, Arkansas, T: Connie Marlene Tuggle
PH044 Magnets vs. Temperature
George Daniel Messersmith, 15, Freshman, Lakeside Junior High School, Hot
Springs, Arkansas, T: Mary Ann French
Conway, 130401, Arkansas State Science Fair
BI306T The Effect of Monosodium Glutamate and Nicotine on Embryonic Chick
Retinal Cells
Lillian Jie Tong, 16, Junior; Elton Kit Zhou, 16, Junior
Little Rock Central High School, Little Rock, Arkansas, T: Annice Steadman
EV040 The Genotoxicity of Environmental Contaminant on HepG2 Cells
Deepa M. Manjanatha, 15, Sophomore, Little Rock Central High School, Little Rock,
Arkansas, T: Annice Steadman
MA046 Orbifolds and Music
Tulsi Manoj Patel, 17, Senior, Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the
Arts, Hot Springs, Arkansas, T: Charles Mullins
Finalist Directory
Fayetteville, 130501, Northwest Arkansas Regional Science and Engineering Fair
CB302T “Prime Steak”
Stephen Michael Widner, 15, Freshman; Lauren Mckenzie Widner, 16, Sophomore
Alpena High School, Alpena, Arkansas, T: Mark B. Welch
EM011 Leaching Lead, Phase Two
James Andrew Rose, 15, Sophomore, Alpena High School, Alpena, Arkansas,
T: Roger Glenn Rose
ET010 Back to the “Greener” Future
Nathanael Louis Mickelson, 16, Sophomore, Alma High School, Alma, Arkansas,
T: Brian Keith Curd
Hot Springs, 130901, West Central Regional Science Fair
CB001 The Paradox of Immortality: Correlating Longevity with a Telomerase Gene
Variant (SNP 2853672)
Londyn Rayne Cullifer, 17, Senior, The Arkansas School of Mathematics, Sciences,
and the Arts, Hot Springs, Arkansas, T: Patrycja A. Krakowiak
ME007 The Effects of Maternal Smoking and Drug Abuse of Fetal Brain
Mary Elizabeth Smith, 18, Senior, Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and
the Arts, Hot Springs, Arkansas, T: Patrycja A. Krakowiak
Jonesboro, 130601, Northeast Arkansas Regional Science Fair
EA003 Effects of UV Radiation, Year Two: Sunscreen Tolerance
Caraline Nicole Vaughn, 16, Sophomore, Nettleton High School, Jonesboro,
Arkansas, T: Jana Karen Hudspeth
EV304T The Needs of Seeds
Ali Nadine Thomas, 14, Freshman; Morgan Elizabeth Petersen, 14, Freshman
Nettleton Junior High School, Jonesboro, Arkansas, T: Annette Rena Holder
MA006 The Math of Getting Lucky
Casey Ann Gibson, 14, Freshman, Nettleton Public Schools, Jonesboro,
Arkansas, T: Annette Rena Holder
Little Rock, 130701, Central Arkansas Regional Science Fair
BI003 Vacuolar Membrane Is Critical for Removing Intracellular ROS
Muhammad Akef Abu-Rmaileh, 15, Sophomore, Little Rock Central High School,
Little Rock, Arkansas, T: Annice Steadman
CS009 Bioinformatic Identification of Novel Protein Domains, Year Two
Kamakshi Lajvanthi Duvvuru, 16, Junior, Little Rock Central High School, Little
Rock, Arkansas, T: Annice Steadman
ME306T Stomp Out Chlamydia!
Audrey Perry Jaquiss, 16, Junior; Chrystal Lau, 16, Junior; Tatiana Vladimirovna
Lupashina, 17, Junior
Little Rock Central High School, Little Rock, Arkansas, T: Annice Steadman
Monticello, 130801, Southeast Arkansas Regional Science Fair
CB020 Cloning and Expression of MRP1-RNAi in Arabidopsis Plants
Victoria Breanna Dawson, 17, Junior, Pine Bluff High School, Pine Bluff, Arkansas,
T: Mattie Glover
CS016 Sudoku...It’s All About the Numbers
Christy Nicole Munson, 17, Junior, Ridgway Christian School, Pine Bluff, Arkansas,
T: Diedre Young
Contra Costa, 141101, Contra Costa County Regional Science Fair
BE040 The One Dollar Auction
Alec Burton Howard, 17, Senior, Deer Valley High School, Antioch, California,
T: Jeff Adkins
EE048 Passive Solar Air Cooling/Heating Using Geological Insulation
William Gregory Thornbury, 15, Sophomore, De La Salle High School, Concord,
California, T: Victoria Acquistapace
EN317T The Testing of Zea Maize and Carica Papaya L. for Genetically Modified
Genes on a Real Time PCR System
Jasmine Gajeton, 17, Senior; Jessica Chiang, 17, Junior
Deer Valley High School, Antioch, California, T: Liz Ritchie
Finalist Directory
Costa Mesa, 140105, Orange County Science and Engineering Fair
EA022 The Development and Validation of a Novel, Eco-friendly Calcium in situ
Precipitation System (ECIPS) for the Mitigation of Liquefaction-Prone Soil
Evelyn Chang, 17, Junior, University High School, Irvine, California,
T: Shannon Bunch
MA055 Effects of Motility and Contact Inhibition on Tumor Viability: A Discrete
Simulation Using the Cellular Potts Model
Jonathan F. Li, 17, Junior, Saint Margaret’s Episcopal School, San Juan Capistrano,
California, T: Jennifer Ross-Viola
Fresno, 140201, Central California Regional Science, Mathematics and Engineering Fair
BE315T An Experiment Investigating the Effect of Cognitive Scaffolding on Math
Test Performance
Sterling Ripley-Phipps, 17, Senior; Jameson J. Schwab, 17, Senior
Yosemite High School, Oakhurst, California, T: Deborah N. Brown
MA034 An Analysis of the Primitive Cycles Existence Conjecture
Dhiraj Rawat Holden, 15, Junior, University High School, Fresno, California,
T: David Gettman
ME062 What Is the Optimal Ratio of Glucose to Fructose that Prevents Fructose
Logan Louis Davis-Wallace, 17, Junior, Clovis High School, Clovis, California, T:
Jeanette Coburn
Livermore, 141201, Tri-Valley Science and Engineering Fair
EN040 Low-Cost Polarization Based GFP Viewer
Harikrishna Rallapalli, 18, Senior, Amador Valley High School, Pleasanton,
California, T: Eric Thiel
MA045 Continued Fraction Convergents and Linear Fractional Transformations
Evan Michael O’Dorney, 16, Junior, Venture School, San Ramon, California,
T: Jim O’Brien
Livermore, 141299, Tri-Valley Science and Engineering Fair II
AS314T The Effects of Creatine Monohydrate on Mice
Bryan Marley Lent, 18, Senior; Brian Manuel Cambra, 17, Senior
Granada High School, Livermore, California, T: Elizabeth Ann Lopez
ME080 Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Using Metabolomic Fingerprints
Rahul Ananth Doraiswami, 16, Junior, Foothill High School, Pleasanton, California,
T: Gregory Martinez
Los Angeles, 140106, Los Angeles County Science and Engineering Fair
CS052 Cooperation and Punishment: A Look at the General Phenomenon of
Retribution through Evolved Strategies for a Modified Prisoner’s Dilemma
Eli Nathan Weinstein, 15, Sophomore, Flintridge Preparatory School, La Canada
Flintridge, California, T: Laura Evelyn Kaufman
MI061 Evaluating the Role of the ESCRT Complex in Host/Cell Interaction and
Stress Response of Candida albicans
David Kenneth Tang-Quan, 17, Junior, Palos Verdes Peninsula High School, Rolling
Hills Estates, California, T: Peter Starodub
Palos Verdes Peninsula, 141301, Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District Science
and Engineering Fair
CB033 In vitro Analysis of a Synthetic Protein: A Model for Enzyme Replacement
Carolyn Sinow, 18, Senior, Palos Verdes Peninsula High School, Rolling Hills
Estates, California, T: Peter Starodub
ME059 Microfluidic Device for Quantitative Single-Cell Profiling of Human
Pluripotent Stem Cells, Year Two
Jane Yoonhae Suh, 18, Senior, Palos Verdes Peninsula High School, Rolling Hills
Estates, California, T: Peter Starodub
Sacramento, 140301, Sacramento Regional Science and Engineering Fair
AS034 A Multipronged Investigation of the Amphibian Pathogen Batrachochytrium
Madeline Berit Sides, 17, Senior, Davis Senior High School, Davis, California,
T: Michael San Francisco
Finalist Directory
EE052 Distributed Learning for Dynamic Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio
Networks: A Decision Theoretic Approach
Angela Yu-Yun Yeung, 18, Senior, Davis Senior High School, Davis, California,
T: David van Muyden
ET316T Algae-based Bio Fuel: The Solution to Global Energy Demands
Mark Dinuka Rupasinghe, 16, Junior; Rohit S. Talreja, 16, Junior
Folsom High School, Folsom, California, T: Eric Wright
Sacramento, 140399, Sacramento Regional Science and Engineering Fair II
ET035 Green Synthesis of Nanowires on FTO Substrates for Organic Dye-based
Solar Cells: Analysis with New Rapid D-SCOPE 2.0
Shyamal Buch, 14, Freshman, Vista del Lago High School, Folsom, California,
T: Greg Gorbach
ME318T Remote Ischemic Preconditioning
Naman Gupta, 17, Senior; Anshum Sood, 17, Senior; Anuhya Venkata Ghorakavi,
17, Senior
Folsom High School, Folsom, California, T: John Fuller
Salinas, 141501, Monterey County Science and Engineering Fair
CS007 A Novel Approach to Text Compression Using N-Grams
Dylan Freedman, 16, Junior, Carmel High School, Carmel, California, T: Michael
EM303T Enhanced Sprinkling System with Energy-Efficient Applications at Stevenson
Michael Lin, 16, Junior; Jimmy Lin, 15, Sophomore
Robert Louis Stevenson Upper School, Pebble Beach, California, T: Jack H. McAleer
MI007 LNSV vs. TBSV: Effect of Virus Competition and Dominance in Different Host
Aradhana Sinha, 13, Freshman, Salinas High School, Salinas, California,
T: Shahida Merchant
Salinas, 141599, Monterey County Science and Engineering Fair II
EE008 The Potential for Electroactive Polymers (EAPs) as Actuators in a Reflected
Light Display Based on Cuttlefish Skin Behavior
Jeremy Jackson Blalock, 18, Senior, York School, Monterey, California,
T: Pam Durkee
EM012 Living Roofs
Frances Wisdom Atkins, 16, Junior, Carmel High School, Carmel, California,
T: Mike Guardiano
San Diego, 140601, Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair
BE034 Pharmaceutical Safety: Risk Perception and Drug Adherence
Michael Joseph Vredenburgh, 18, Senior, Carlsbad High School, Carlsbad, California,
T: Tod Muilenberg
EM314T Biochar: A Viable Method for Soil Improvement, Water Conservation, and
Carbon Sequestration
Brian Lance Hie, 15, Sophomore; Vivek G Vishwanath, 15, Sophomore
Scripps Ranch High School, San Diego, California, T: Elaine Gillum
ME066 Bayesian Modeling of Malaria Dynamics in the Peruvian Amazon:
Potential Application to Malaria Eradication and Validation by Penguin
Malaria Field Study
Kai Maroon Kuspa, 17, Senior, Canyon Crest Academy, San Diego, California,
T: Andrea Lawless
San Diego, 140602, Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair
CH037 Malleable Polymer-Imprinted Porous Silicon Photonic Crystal Composites
Xiaoyu Cao, 16, Junior, Torrey Pines High School, San Diego, California,
T: Julia Newman
CS037 Local Layering of Images with a Natural User Interface
Anna Kornfeld Simpson, 17, Senior, Patrick Henry High School, San Diego,
California, T: Lara Dickens
ET317T Electrochromic Sun-Tracking Windshield
Aaron V Schild, 18, Freshman; Rafael S Cosman, 16, Junior
The Bishop’s School, La Jolla, California, T: Bill Goss
La Jolla High School, La Jolla, California, T: Martin Teachworth
Finalist Directory
San Francisco, 140701, San Francisco Bay Area Science Fair, Inc.
EN033 Characterization and Optimization of the Bonding Forces of a Novel Silicon
Nano-wire Gecko Biomimetic Adhesive
Zoe Elise Dubrow, 16, Junior, Carlmont High School, Belmont, California,
T: Felix Guzman
MI036 Quantitative Analysis of the Effect of Temperature on Bacterial
Growth Rates
Peter Lee Zhan, 16, Junior, Aragon High School, San Mateo, California,
T: Andrea Elaine Gould
San Jose, 140901, Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship
presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering Fair Association
CB038 The Natural Compound Celastrol, a Novel Inducer of the Stress Response
Protein Heme Oxygenase-1, Confers Cytoprotection and Promotes Wound
Repair in Cell Culture
Alex Lee Han, 17, Senior, The Harker School, San Jose, California,
T: Katherine Schafer
ET320T A Novel and Efficient Method of Hydrogen Production: Optimizing the
Microbial Electrolysis Cell and Microbial Fuel Cell Coupled System
# Cheng Cheng, 17, Senior; # Aakriti Jain, 17, Senior
Lynbrook High School, San Jose, California, T: David Taylor
ME075 Identification of a Novel Signal Pathway and Its Therapeutic Targets for
Tobacco Promotion of Lung Cancer
Angela Zhang, 15, Sophomore, Monta Vista High School, Cupertino, California,
T: Pamela Chow
San Jose, 140902, Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship II
Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering Fair Association
CS036 A Super-Encryption Standard for Large Data Using Elementary Chaotic
Cellular Automata
Akshay Nathan, 17, Junior, Lynbrook High School, San Jose, California,
T: George Peck
EE054 A Computer Controlled, Energy-Efficient Continuously Variable Transmission
(CVT) System
David Andrew Zarrin, 15, Freshman, Saratoga High School, Saratoga, California,
T: Robert Kucer
ME320T Engineering a Novel Genetics-Based Early Disease Detection Mechanism
Designed Using an Ontology-Driven Semantically Annotated Microarray
Repository with Thermal Gradient Focusing Mass Spectrometry
# Ritik Malhotra, 17, Senior; Tony Ho, 17, Senior
Lynbrook High School, San Jose, California, T: Amanda Alonzo
San Jose, 140903, Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship III
Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering Fair Association
AS312T Identifying Trends of Wolbachia pipientis Infection in Various Species of
# Jeannie Nguyen Tran, 17, Senior; Katerina Trinh, 17, Senior; Van Hoang Tran,
17, Senior
Oak Grove High School, San Jose, California, T: John Allen
EM047 Determining the Phytoremediation Potential of Brassica rapa with
Arbuscular mycorrhizae as a Plausible Agent for Increasing Heavy-metal
Uptake Using a Water Culture Hydroponic System
Vivien Macnguyen, 18, Senior, Oak Grove High School, San Jose, California,
T: John Allen
ME065 Piece de Resistance: The Synthesis of Complex Dimeric Pyrrole-Imidazole
Alkaloid Natural Product Derivatives and Their Efficacy in Inhibiting and
Dispersing Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms
Justin To, 17, Senior, Oak Grove High School, San Jose, California, T: John Allen
San Jose, 140998, Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship
presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering Fair Association
AS035 Ethology of Friendship among Adult Male Bonnet Macaques (Macaca radiata)
at Arunachala Hill, India
Athman Ramana Adiseshan, 13, Freshman, Ramana Academy, San Jose, California,
T: Mamtha Adiseshan
Finalist Directory
BE035 The Predictability and Abstractness of Language: A Study in Understanding
and Usage of the English Language through Probabilistic Modeling and
Revanth Kosaraju, 16, Sophomore, The Harker School, San Jose, California,
T: Kate Schafer
ME319T The Effects of Caloric Restriction on the Subsequent Stress Resistance and
Chemosensation of Caenorhabditis elegans
Sudarshan Bhat, 18, Senior; Priyanka Athavale, 17, Senior
Lynbrook High School, San Jose, California, T: Amanda Alonzo
San Jose, 140999, Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship
presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering Fair Association
CS040 Continual Adaptation of Acoustic Models for Domain-Specific Speech
David C. Liu, 18, Senior, Lynbrook High School, San Jose, California,
T: Amanda Alonzo
EE310T Aeolus Temperature Regulation System
Nicholas Crispie, 15, Freshman; Kevin Rinaldo Crispie, 15, Freshman
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, California, T: Katie Thornburg
MA035 Crank 0 Partitions and the Parity of the Partition Function
Kaavya Niveda Jayram, 11, Sophomore, Sravani Academy, Morgan Hill, California,
T: Laurens Gunnarsen
Santa Cruz, 141401, Santa Cruz Science Fair
AS011 Birds of Quail Hollow Ranch: A Study of Avian Diversity
Alexander M. Rinkert, 17, Junior, San Lorenzo Valley High School, Felton,
California, T: Nancy Serigstad
CH016 An Investigative Study on Pigmented Gallstones: Is Cu(II)-Induced Oxidation
of Bilirubin Responsible for Their Formation?
Shamik Mascharak, 16, Junior, Santa Cruz High School, Santa Cruz, California,
T: Nancy Serigstad
EV307T Utilizing the Isotopic Signature of Macroalgae to Identify Sources of
Nitrogen in Streams and Rivers Flowing into Monterey Bay, California
Lara Victoria Tromba, 17, Senior; Isabella Marie Tromba, 17, Senior
Pacific Collegiate School, Santa Cruz, California, T: Darrell Steely
Santa Cruz, 141499, Santa Cruz Science Fair II
BI007 Prion and Lipid Membrane Interactions: The Role of
Dilauroylphosphatidylethanolamine in Fatal Prion Disease Propagation
Marie Nielsen, 18, Senior, Pacific Collegiate School, Santa Cruz, California,
T: Darrell Steely
EM305T Postcards from the Bay: A Comparison of Three Phytoplankton Communities
in Monterey Bay
Joanna Katherine Claire Coker, 17, Senior; Kelly Anne Chesus, 17, Senior
San Lorenzo Valley High School, Felton, California, T: Jane Orbuch
AS051 ET017 72
150101, San Luis Valley Regional Science Fair, Inc. The Answer Is in the Solution
Emily Ann Schnoor, 18, Senior, Sargent Hidh School, Monte Vista, Colorado,
T: Ronna Cochran
Optimizing Energy Extraction and Water Conservation of Geothermal
Heating Systems: Part II
John Raleigh Burt, 18, Senior, Sargent High School, Monte Vista, Colorado,
T: Ronna Cochran
Boulder, 151201, Roche Colorado Regional Science Fair
CB015 Pre-Initiation Complexes of SREBP-1a and -2: Mediator-Dependent
Transcriptional Regulation of Fatty Acid and Cholesterol Metabolism
Radhika Rawat, 17, Senior, Boulder High School, Boulder, Colorado, T: Laura
EA009 Colorado River Salinity: Correlation to Geostrata and Mitigation with Carbon
Fiber Capacitors
Tanya Nicole Petach, 16, Junior, Fairview High School, Boulder, Colorado,
T: Jay Donaghy
Generation of a RNA probe for in situ Hybridization
Kelly Kathleen Christensen, 18, Senior; Molly Alysse McMahon, 17, Senior
Monarch High School, Louisville, Colorado, T: Kristin Donley
Brush High School, 150301, Morgan-Washington Bi-County Science Fair
An Examination of Silver Nanoparticles: Antimicrobial Effects and Mitigation
Wyatt Neal Palser, 15, Freshman, Otis High School, Otis, Colorado,
T: Dena Marlee Palser
The Dynamics of Induced Hovering Flight in an Oscillating Airflow at Various
Nathaniel James Thompson, 18, Senior, Brush High School, Brush, Colorado,
T: David L. Miner
Colorado Springs, 150401, Pikes Peak Regional Science Fair
CB312T Analyzing the Separate Toxicity of Engineered Nanoparticles on L1210 Cells
# Lorne Dean Muir II, 16, Sophomore; # Nathan John Weeks, 17, Sophomore
The Classical Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, T: Candus R. Muir
EE020 Closer to Where It Wasn’t: Estimation and Tracking Using Adaptive Filtering
John Tilla Parish IV, 17, Junior, HomeSchool, Colorado Springs, Colorado,
T: Maureen Y. Parish
ET016 Enhancing Algae Biofuels: The Effects of Nitrogen Limitation and Carbon
Dioxide Infusion on the Oil Yields of Nannochloropsis oculata
Sara Ellen Volz, 14, Freshman, Cheyenne Mountain High School, Colorado Springs,
Colorado, T: David Volz
Denver, 151301, Denver Metropolitan Regional Science and Engineering Fair
MA056 Solving Differential Equations with an Analog Computer
Zach Miller, 18, Senior, Cherry Creek High School, Greenwood Village, Colorado,
T: Steve Smith
ME098 Error in MRI: Bias, Random Error, and the Power of Suggestion
Diane Elizabeth Schulze, 16, Sophomore, Cherry Creek High School, Greenwood
Village, Colorado, T: Jessica Olsen
Durango, 150201, San Juan Basin Regional Science Fair
EE033 Next Generation Propulsion: the ALFA mark VI
Jesse Kane Ellison, 18, Senior, Bayfield High School, Bayfield, Colorado,
T: Carl Ellison
PH304T Electrostatic Power Amplification
Tucker J Leavitt, 15, Freshman; Samuel Davis Kater, 15, Freshman
Animas High School, Durango, Colorado, T: Michael Ackerman
PS027 Biodiesel from Sunflowers, Phase III: An Analysis of Planting Dates, Soil
Temperature, and Oil Content
Jordan T. Lestina, 17, Junior, Dove Creek High School, Dove Creek, Colorado,
T: Clint Schurr
Fort Collins, 150501, Colorado Science and Engineering Fair
EV019 The Uptake of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
Benjamin Waring Armstrong, 17, Senior, Monte Vista Senior High School, Monte
Vista, Colorado, T: Gary Wilkinson
ME310T Internal Combat with Melanoma: Triggering an Immune Response through
the Up-Regulation of FAS Using Toll Ligand Combination Treatments
## Laura Katherine Gudvangen, 16, Junior; ## Tonya Alexia Pavlenko, 16, Junior
William J. Palmer High School, Colorado Springs, Colorado, T: Greg Busby
PS052 Aspen in a State of SADness: A Statistical Analysis of the Decline of Populus
tremuloides, Phase II
Nikki Taylor Buhrdorf, 16, Sophomore, Hotchkiss High School, Hotchkiss, Colorado,
T: Douglas Ray Horton
Grand Junction, 150701, Alpine Bank Western Colorado Science Fair
BE045 Voting Systems: An Outcome Analysis, Phase Two
Vikash Evans Hypio, 16, Sophomore, Hotchkiss High School, Hotchkiss, Colorado,
T: Douglas Ray Horton
ET053 A New Look of Alternative Energy
Christy Marie Farnsworth, 18, Senior, Paonia High School, Paonia, Colorado,
T: William Gladbach
Finalist Directory
EV007 PH010 73
Finalist Directory
Greeley, 150801, Longs Peak Science and Engineering Fair
MI057 Irradiation Extermination, Part II: A Portable System to Eliminate WaterBorne Microorganisms
Kelli Ann Lynch, 16, Sophomore, Rocky Mountain High School, Fort Collins,
Colorado, T: Mike Viney
La Junta, 150901, Arkansas Valley Regional Science Fair
EV047 Engineering a Path to Cleaner Water: Phytoremediation of Coal Bed Methane
Produced Water on an Industrial Scale
Casey Brian Campbell, 14, Freshman, La Veta High School, La Veta, Colorado,
T: Pat Keeling
Sterling, 151101, Northeast Colorado Regional Science Fair
AS019 Does Size Matter? A Study of Dietary Supplements and Cellular Hydration
Nathan Lyne Frantz, 16, Sophomore, Fleming High School, Fleming, Colorado,
T: Linda Niccoli
ME022 Mixing Prescriptions? The Inactivation of Tamoxifen by SSRIs on Lumbriculus
Nikki Marie Schmidt, 17, Junior, Merino High School, Merino, Colorado,
T: Carlye Jo Armstrong
Danbury, 160201, Science Horizons, Inc. Science Fair and Symposium
EV004 Biomimetic Insulation: Inspired by the Eastern Tent Caterpillar and Whitetailed Deer
Madeleine Layla Skaller, 16, Junior, Brewster High School, Brewster, New York,
T: Edward Schmidt
PS006 The Cross Pollination of an Edible Pumpkin with a Powdery-Mildew Resistant
Pumpkin to Create an Edible Powdery-Mildew Resistant Pumpkin
Jacob Donald Ness, 17, Junior, New Milford High School, New Milford, Connecticut,
T: Victoria McClelland
Hamden, 160101, Connecticut State Science Fair— Life Sciences BI006 Bioinformatic and Synthetic Approaches to Studying Advanced Glycation
End-products in Eukaryotes
Jason A. Gandelman, 17, Senior, Staples High School, Westport, Connecticut,
T: Nicholas D. Morgan
MI017 Effect of Trans-cinnamaldehyde on Reducing Attachment and Invasion of
Uropathogenic Escherichia coli in Urinary Tract Epithelial Cells
Amoolya Narayanan, 16, Junior, Glastonbury High School, Glastonbury,
Connecticut, T: Veronica Hanlon
Hamden, 160102, Connecticut State Science Fair— Physical Sciences
EN012 An Investigation of Sol-gel Techniques to Fabricate Memristive Devices
Heather Nicole Leask, 17, Senior, Norwich Free Academy, Norwich, Connecticut,
T: Michael Scanlon
EN013 Diatom-CdS Nanostructures as a Method to Enhance the Efficiency of a DyeSensitized Solar Cell
William Cummings Newberry, 18, Senior, Greenwich High School, Greenwich,
Connecticut, T: Andrew Bramante
Washington, 180101, District of Columbia Mathematics, Science and Technology Fair
AS038 The Life of a Planaria
Betlihem Dilnessa Ayalew, 15, Sophomore, Benjamin Banneker Academic High
School, Washington, DC, T: Mandi Ann Jacobson
MA047 On the Lower Central Series Quotients of a Graded Associative Algebra
Anirudha Balasubramanian, 17, Senior, Saint Albans School, Washington, DC,
T: Jarad Schofer
Arcadia, 190101, Heartland Regional Science and Engineering Fair
AS005 How Much Worm Is a Worm?
Monica Michelle Hernandez, 15, Freshman, Okeechobee Freshman Campus,
Okeechobee, Florida, T: Erica Richonda Manson
Finalist Directory
PH011 How Will Coil Variance and Displacement Affect Signal Transmission by
Electromagnetic Coupling?
Nathan Alexander Schwan, 15, Sophomore, DeSoto County High School, Arcadia,
Florida, T: Marlou Zolkos
Bartow, 191402, Polk Region Science and Engineering Fair
BI008 Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulation of Protein Aggregation:
An Insight into Protein Aggregation Properties in Alzheimer’s Disease
Prachiti Hemant Dalvi, 17, Senior, International Baccalaureate School at Bartow
High School, Bartow, Florida, T: Debbie Kennon
CB008 Ceramide-Enriched Domains in Mixed Lipid Bilayers: Unraveling the Mystery
Behind Demyelination in Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Pranali Hemant Dalvi, 17, Senior, International Baccalaureate School at Bartow
High School, Bartow, Florida, T: Debbie Kennon
Brooksville, 193001, Hernando County Regional Science and Engineering Fair
EE009 Piezo-Power
Adam Brian Schuster, 14, Freshman, F.W. Springstead High School, Spring Hill,
Florida, T: Colleen Doulk
ET012 The Effect of a Wind Turbine’s Rotor Design on Its Voltage Output
Jacob Charles Pulawski, 15, Freshman, F.W. Springstead High School, Spring Hill,
Florida, T: Colleen Doulk
Brooksville, 193002, Hernando County Regional Science and Engineering Fair— West
BE009 The Effect of the Amount of Time Students Text on Phones to the Number
of Mechanical Errors in a Writing Assignment Nature Coast Technical High
School, Brooksville FL
Sumer Ryan Doulk, 15, Sophomore, Nature Coast Technical High School,
Brooksville, Florida, T: Angela Miller
CS008 The Effect of VPN Compression on Data Throughput
Alexandra Lee Rey, 15, Freshman, Hernando High School, Brooksville, Florida,
T: Steven Stokes
Bushnell, 192301, Sumter County Regional Science Fair
EM004 The Down-Low on DO: An Analysis of the Measure of Dissolved Oxygen
in Mining Pit Quarries’ Hypolimnion and Their Ability to Sustain Aquatic
Hannah Renee Perkins, 18, Senior, South Sumter High School, Bushnell, Florida,
T: Emily Keeler
EV310T The Effects of Various Organic Substances on Strains on Environmental
Priya Singh, 16, Junior; ## Heather Lynne Nielsen, 17, Junior
The Villages Charter High School, The Villages, Florida, T: Monica Acosta
PS005 Microbial Ecology: Interactions of Coliforms with Medicago sativa
Kelly Nicole Howard, 17, Junior, The Villages Charter High School, The Villages,
Florida, T: Shelbie Wiley
Crystal River, 190501, Citrus Regional Science and Engineering Fair
EE001 How Salinity Effects Magnetohydrodynamic Propulsion
Kohlton Thomas Bendowski, 14, Freshman, Crystal River High School, Crystal
River, Florida, T: Charles Mulligan
MI002 A Creature Feature: The Monsters that Came from the Ketchup Packets
Hunter A. White, 18, Senior, Crystal River High School, Crystal River, Florida,
T: Greg Biance
Fort Myers, 190701, Thomas Alva Edison Kiwanis Science and Engineering Fair I
CH008 Extraction of Zinc through Phytoremediation Using Brassica juncea
Haleigh Rae Hitzing, 15, Sophomore, Island Coast High School, Cape Coral, Florida,
T: Allan Dyen-Shapiro
ME012 Treatment of Diabetic Vascular Disease by Targeting TGF-β 1 Gene
Samantha Renae Prabakaran, 14, Freshman, Fort Myers High School, Fort Myers,
Florida, T: Jansi Rani Prabakaran
Fort Myers, 190702, Thomas Alva Edison Kiwanis Science and Engineering Fair II
CS004 Examining the Effects of Different Random Number Generators on Perlin
Noise with Different Number Distributions
Jacob Allen Dufault, 17, Junior, Canterbury School, Fort Myers, Florida,
T: Carl Melamet
Finalist Directory
CS005 The Universal Translator: Real Time Voice to Voice Computer Assisted
Language Translation
Connor Austin Metz, 16, Junior, Dunbar High School, Fort Myers, Florida,
T: Catherine Soberano Griffin
Fort Pierce, 190801, Treasure Coast Regional Science and Engineering Fair
AS302T Beetle Mania II: Effect of CO2 Enrichment on the Growth of Tropical Soda
Apple (Solanum viarum) and the Resulting Immature Survival and Adult
Reproduction of Gratiana boliviana (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Gerald Francis Condon, 18, Senior; # Todd Joseph Condon, 16, Sophomore
Lincoln Park Academy, Fort Pierce, Florida, T: Mark Lacey
MA002 Contrasting the Waltz of Pi, Music of Pi and Music of the Golden Number Phi
Danae Jean Pick, 15, Sophomore, Olivet Private School, Port Saint Lucie, Florida,
T: Deanna Jean Pick
MI004 Evaluation of Burkholderia pyrrocinia (FL728) and Paenibacillus lentimorbus
(FL92) for the Presence of Genes Encoding the Biosynthesis of Pyrrolnitrin,
Pyoluteorin, Phenazine, and 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol Antibiotics
Stephanie Page Hoskins, 17, Senior, Lincoln Park Academy, Fort Pierce, Florida,
T: Nancy Hosie
Fort Walton Beach, 190901, Northeast Panhandle Regional Science and Engineering Fair
BE003 Improving ADHD Treatment: A Comparison of Stimulant Medication
Treatment for Children with ADHD, Computerized Cognitive Training of
Attention and Working Memory, and the Combination of the Two
Kevin Michael Knight, 17, Junior, Collegiate High School at Northwest Florida State
College, Niceville, Florida, T: Ross Hamilton
CH001 Physical and Chemical Analysis of Hydrogen Peroxide Used in an Autoclave
for Sterilization: Year Six of an Ongoing Study
Aubrey Ward Craig, II, 16, Junior, Collegiate High School at Northwest Florida
State College, Niceville, Florida, T: Kurt G. Teets
Fort Walton Beach, 190902, Southeast Panhandle Regional Science and Engineering Fair
ET301T A Current Event: An Ongoing Study of the Production of Clean Tidal Energy
Kyle Scott Saleeby, 15, Freshman; Katherine Marie Stone, 16, Sophomore
Niceville Senior High School, Niceville, Florida, T: Cyndi Stone
Fort Walton Beach High School, Fort Walton Beach, Florida, T: Tavia Marez
MI003 Prevention of Central Venous Catheter Associated Infections: A Study
of Efficacy of Silver Nanoparticles on Reducing Bacterial and Fungal
Colonization and Biofilm Formation
Stephanie Yeeshan Hsiang, 15, Sophomore, Niceville High School, Niceville,
Florida, T: Regina Gaskin
Ft. Lauderdale, 191101, East Broward County Science Fair
ME100 The Effects of the Antioxidant N-acetyl Cysteine on Breast Cancer TumorInitiating Cell Growth
Steve Charles, 17, Junior, Coconut Creek High School, Coconut Creek, Florida,
T: David Steven Fenster
PH060 Regression Analysis of Color and Redshift for Quasi-Stellar Radio Sources
Dylan Cunningham Greaves, 16, Junior, American Heritage School, Plantation,
Florida, T: Radleigh Santos
Ft. Lauderdale, 191102, West Broward County Science Fair BE046 Anxiety and Depression Level Patterns in Response to Hormonal Fluctuation
across the Menstrual Cycle
Carolina Jaramillo, 15, Sophomore, American Heritage School, Plantation, Florida,
T: Dawn Gregor
ET058 Ethanol Production: Determining the Optimal Conditions for the
Saccharification of Sugar Beet Pulp
Anna Maria Joykutty, 16, Junior, American Heritage School, Plantation, Florida,
T: Bill Jenkins
Ft. Lauderdale, 191103, North Broward County Science Fair
BE047 Determining the Efficacy of Brain Synchronization Training on Subjects with
Developmental Delays
Danielle Nicole Scheer, 18, Senior, Pine Crest School, Fort Lauderdale, Florida,
T: Jennifer Gordinier
Finalist Directory
CS053 Effects of Saccadic Eye Movement on Continuous EEG
Brittany Alexa Zelch, 16, Junior, Pine Crest School, Fort Lauderdale, Florida,
T: Jennifer Gordinier
Gainesville, 191001, Alachua Region Science and Engineering Fair
BI009 Inulin vs. Cellulose in Ethanol Fermentation
Apurv Suman, 16, Sophomore, Oak Hall School, Gainesville, Florida,
T: Sandra Swindler
ME093 Aptamer-conjugated Gold Nanorods for Personalized Detection and
Nanothermal Treatment of Glioblastoma Cancer Cells
Muna Oli, 17, Junior, Eastside High School, Gainesville, Florida,
T: Virginia Christensen
ME309T Neutralization of E. coli Lipopolysaccharide with a Novel Recombinant ASS
Protein Treatment
# Gabriel Molina, 16, Junior; # Alvin Wang, 16, Junior
Oak Hall School, Gainesville, Florida, T: Sandra Swindler
Green Cove Springs, 196001, Clay Rotary Regional Science and Engineering Fair
CS002 Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Alexander Sergeevich Gandzyura, 18, Senior, Ridgeview High School, Orange Park,
Florida, T: Mary Turner
ME010 A Comparison of the Efficacy of Alternative Therapeutic Agents against
Colon, Pancreatic, and Urinary Bladder Cancer Cell Proliferation, in vitro
Christopher Daniel Louviere, 16, Junior, Ridgeview High School, Orange Park,
Florida, T: Eric Dion Laywell
Jacksonville, 191201, Northeast Florida Regional Science and Engineering Fair
AS301T Analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans’ Growth and Developmental Response to
Ultraviolet Radiation
MiKyle Ivy Crockett, 16, Junior; Kristen Nicole Huyghue, 15, Sophomore
Episcopal High School of Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Florida, T: Marion B. Zeiner
ET003 The Application of an Electromagnetic Induction Coil Input Frequency
Gradient to Conjoin the Lift and Propulsion Systems of an Electromagnetic
Suspension Vehicle
Christopher Joseph Davlantes, 17, Junior, Bishop Kenny High School, Jacksonville,
Florida, T: Victoria Schmitt
PS004 Optimizing Root Growth in Arabidopsis by Root Competition and Phosphate
Brigitte Mercedes Wittmer, 15, Sophomore, Episcopal High School of Jacksonville,
Jacksonville, Florida, T: Marion B. Zeiner
Jacksonville, 191202, Northeast Florida Regional Science and Engineering Fair
AS002 Examining Dietary Preferences in Manouria emys Based on Olfactory and
Visual Cues: A Behavioral Analysis of Food Selection, Year Six of the
M. emys Investigations
Richard Schinco Schaffer, 17, Junior, Stanton College Preparatory School,
Jacksonville, Florida, T: Gigi Hornilla
ET004 Piezoelectric Nanogenerators: Optimizing Zinc Oxide Nanowire Quality
through the Use of Gold/Copper Alloy Catalysts
Morgan McKay Monroe, 17, Junior, Episcopal High School of Jacksonville,
Jacksonville, Florida, T: Marion B. Zeiner
MI303T Fruit Punch: An Epic Knock-Out Match between the Antioxidant HeavyWeight Champions!
Sarah Michelle McIntyre, 17, Junior; Ariel Isabelle Burnett, 17, Junior
Stanton College Preparatory High School, Jacksonville, Florida,
T: Gigi Regena Hornilla
Jensen Beach, 193101, Martin County Regional Science and Engineering Fair
ET011 Improving the Power Output of Photovoltaic Cells with Cooling Systems
Karl Maxwell Wallace, 17, Senior, Jensen Beach High School, Jensen Beach, Florida,
T: Laura Pate
EV014 The Mitigation of CO2 by the Effects of Coccolithophorid Biofixation
William Li, 16, Junior, South Fork High School, Stuart, Florida, T: Donna Fitzpatrick
Finalist Directory
Kissimmee, 194101, Osceola County Schools Science and Engineering Fair
EE024 Squeeze of a Screw
Mark Philippe Schoeni, 17, Senior, Celebration High School, Celebration, Florida,
T: Leslie Rivera
PH006 The Effect of Temperature and Salinity on the Accuracy of Locating an
Under Water Object Using Multilateration
Erin Nicole Lewis, 17, Junior, Harmony High School, Harmony, Florida,
T: Jane Berkley
Lake City, 191301, Suwannee Valley Regional Science and Engineering Fair
BE008 A Comparative Study of Comprehension Differences in Struggling Readers
Using Phrase and Character Spaced Models, Year Three
Lindsey Brooke Saunders, 16, Junior, Union County High School, Lake Butler,
Florida, T: Renae Allen
PH009 Plasma Production Varying with Electrode Gauge
Kelly Elizabeth Gray, 16, Sophomore, Union County High School, Lake Butler,
Florida, T: Renae Allen
Melbourne, 191701, South Brevard Science and Engineering Fair AS008 Are the Feeding Practices of Apis mellifera Significantly Affected by
Deviation(s) from Foraging Schemata through Landmark Manipulation or
Andrea Lynn Lazzari, 18, Senior, Melbourne High School, Melbourne, Florida,
T: Joseph Daniel Estevez
CB304T Damaging Escherichia coli Containing a pGAL Plasmid with UV Light to
Idenitfy Beta Galactosidase
Fiona Lynn Kearns, 17, Junior; Lauren Elizabeth Allison, 16, Junior
Palm Bay High School, Melbourne, Florida, T: Michael O’Donnell
ET055 Synthesizing Hydrocarbon Derivatives as an Alternative Fuel Source
Using Natural Coal (Anthracite) and Hydrogen in a Cobalt Molybdenum
Hydrodesulphurization Process
Justin Kenrick Ramsaran, 16, Junior, Palm Bay High School, Melbourne, Florida,
T: Michael O’Donnell
Merritt Island, 191801, Brevard Intracoastal Regional Science and Engineering Fair
MA011 Risk Mitigation Strategies for Quants: From Blackjack to the Stock Market
Talia Kate Greene, 15, Sophomore, Cocoa Beach Junior/Senior High School, Cocoa
Beach, Florida, T: Veronica Duys
ME021 Using Interference RNA to Silence Cancer
Jenna Lynne Pappalardo, 16, Junior, Satellite High School, Satellite Beach, Florida,
T: Joseph William Scott
Merritt Island, 193401, Brevard Mainland Regional Science and Engineering Fair EE015 Stair Climbing Stability, Year Three
Zachary Harrison Melnik, 16, Junior, Viera High School, Viera, Florida,
T: Elizabeth Youngs
ME020 Do Aromatic Oils Affect Offspring Gender Ratio in Drosophila melanogaster?
Shaghayegh Saeidi, 16, Sophomore, Cocoa High School, Cocoa, Florida,
T: Elizabeth Ann Hickey
Miami, 191901, South Florida Science and Engineering Fair I
CB047 The Effects of Mucin-4/Sialomucin Complex on the Expression of ErbB2,
ErbB3 and ErbB4 in Breast Adenocarcinoma Cells
Shanique Anthonet Martin, 17, Senior, Maritime and Science Technology
Academy, Miami, Florida, T: Wafa Khalil
ME081 Synergistic Effect of Turmeric Force on Gemcitabine Cytotoxicity in
Pancreatic Cancer Cells by Modulation of Apoptosis
Renuka Ramchandran, 14, Freshman, John A. Ferguson Senior High School, Miami,
Florida, T: Francisco Jurado
Miami, 191902, South Florida Science and Engineering Fair— II
AS039 Ocean Acidification and the Post Metamorphic Growth of Lytechinus
Charnelle Kanisha Bland, 18, Senior, Maritime and Science Technology Academy,
Miami, Florida, T: Wafa Khalil
Finalist Directory
AS045 Techniques for Mapping and Assessing Populations of the Threatened
Elkhorn Coral, Acropora palmata, on Coral Reefs within the Florida Keys
National Marine Sanctuary
Lindsey Leona Precht, 17, Junior, Gulliver Preparatory School, Pinecrest, Florida,
T: Karen Cateriano
Miami, 191903, South Florida Science and Engineering Fair III
EA025 Quantifying Hydroperiod Fluctuations across an Everglades Wetland through
Microscopic Analysis of Siliceous Microfossils
Christopher Allen Sanchez, 17, Senior, Felix Varela Senior High School, Miami,
Florida, T: Nicholas Oehm
EM048 Interpreting the Nutrient Limitations, Seasonal Variations, and Salinity of
Florida Bay in order to Analyze Shifts in Species and Biomass Productivity
Jonathan Anthony Prendergast, 18, Senior, Felix Varela Senior High School, Miami,
Florida, T: Teresa Casal
Miami, 191904, South Florida Science and Engineering Fair IV
ME082 Does the Dilated Cardiomyopathy Functional Phenotype Predominate over
that of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and Restrictive Cardiomyopathy?
Erin Maria Alexander, 17, Junior, Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School, Miami,
Florida, T: David Buncher
PH046 Stealth Science: Does Surface Area and Angle Measure of a 3-D Object
Affect the Scattering of Visible Light as Measured by a Lux Meter Making
the Object More or Less Stealthy?
Eric Alexander Riehl, 15, Freshman, Westminster Christian School, Palmetto Bay,
Florida, T: Lisa Garrido
New Port Richey, 193601, Pasco Regional Science and Engineering Fair
PH054 Observing and Manipulating Plasma in Regards to Electrical Phenomenon
Cornelius Christoffel van Wyk, 16, Junior, James. W. Mitchell High School, Trinity,
Florida, T: Ed Braddy
PH307T Utilizing a Variant of the Lorentz Force Equation to Analyze Magnetosphere
Supplementation and Shielding from Ionizing Radiation
# Jonathan Tyler Calton, 17, Junior; # Alex Allan Curry, 16, Freshman
Sunlake High School, Land O Lakes, Florida, T: Michelle Claire Hock
Ocala, 192101, Big Springs Regional Science Fair
ME004 Site Directed Mutagenesis of the Anti-Inflammatory Myxoma Viral
Protein M-T7
Navya A. Reddy, 16, Junior, Vanguard High School, Ocala, Florida, T: Robert Hoki
PH003 Isolation of Magnetic Properties of Corona Plasma Particles in an ElectroHydrodynamic Thruster
Garen Manoogian, 18, Junior, Vanguard High School, Ocala, Florida, T: Robert Hoki
Orlando, 192001, State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida MA010 Universal Law for the Distribution of Odd Periodic Cycles within Chaos in
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: A Fine Classification of Odd Cycles, Year III
Almas Abdulla, 16, Senior, West Shore Junior Senior High School, Melbourne,
Florida, T: Paula Ladd
ME097 The Efficacy of Gene Cell Therapy Using CD11b+ Monocytes Transfected
with Protease as a Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease, Third Year Study
Jasmine Samaiya Roberts, 16, Junior, Paul R. Wharton High School, Tampa, Florida,
T: Carmen Austin
Orlando, 192201, Dr. Nelson Ying-Orange County Science Exposition— Physical Science
BE002 The Effects of Borderline Hypothyroidism on Quality of Life and Daytime
Michael Andrew Fairchild Harding, 17, Senior, Lake Highland Preparatory School,
Orlando, Florida, T: Jill Smith
ME003 The Synergistic Effects of Tolfenamic Acid and Radiation on Sp1 and
Survivin in Head and Neck Cancer
Shannon Somer Stockton, 16, Junior, Lake Highland Preparatory School, Orlando,
Florida, T: Jill Smith
Finalist Directory
MI302T Assays in the Determination of Hemolytic Bacterial Colonies on Paper
Currency and Sterilization Techniques Using Silver Nitrate as a Microbial
Paden Thomas Brunault, 14, Freshman; Miles Robert Neslaw, 14, Freshman
Edgewater High School, Orlando, Florida, T: Carie Lynn Lopatka
Orlando, 192202, Dr. Nelson Ying-Orange County Science Exposition— Life Sciences
CH002 Catalytic Decomposition and Oxidation of Propanol Utilizing Size-Selected
Platinum Nanoparticles
Elaine Zhou, 17, Junior, Lake Highland Preparatory School, Orlando, Florida,
T: Jill Smith
EN301T The Use of an Electroless Intermetallic Coating to Reduce Infrared Emissivity
and Temperature Oscillation in Metal Alloy Saw Blades
# Gennifer Reid Rubin, 17, Junior; # Audrey Christine Leasure, 17, Junior
Lake Highland Preparatory School, Orlando, Florida, T: Jill Smith
PH002 Self-Assembly of DyW30 Molecules on Graphene-based Nanotransistors
Austin Evanne Coye, 16, Sophomore, Lake Highland Preparatory School, Orlando,
Florida, T: Jill Smith
Palmetto, 190201, Manatee Lockheed Regional Science and Engineering Fair EE077 Solar Sail, Year Two
Steven Munn Jeanes, 16, Sophomore, Bradenton Prepatory Academy, Bradenton,
Florida, T: Sean Gates
MA044 Measuring the Distance between Two Objects by Using the Parallax Method
Lucca Norton, 16, Senior, Bradenton Preparatory Academy, Bradenton, Florida,
T: Daniel Oryschak
Panama City, 192501, Florida Three Rivers Regional Science and Engineering Fair
PS040 Loss of Turgor Pressure: through Phototropism or Photosynthesis?
Sarah Victoria Warkander, 14, Sophomore, Rutherford High School, Panama City,
Florida, T: Heather Scadova
Pensacola, 192601, West Panhandle Regional Science and Engineering Fair
EE002 Creation of a 3D Environment with Binocular Vision
Dylan Cooper Dalrymple, 15, Freshman, Pensacola High School, Pensacola, Florida,
T: Cherie Chrisco
PH001 The Design of a High Resolution AC Magnetic Susceptometer
Stephen Alexander McCrory, 18, Senior, Pensacola High School, Pensacola, Florida,
T: Kathy Smith
Port Orange, 190601, Tomoka Region Science and Engineering Fair
CB014 Rapid Quantification of Salicylic Acid (via Biosensor) in npr1 Background
Arabidopsis thaliana Ethyl Methanesulfonate Mutants
Deepak Sathyanarayan, 17, Junior, Spruce Creek High School, Port Orange, Florida,
T: Andrea White
EM028 A Cleaner Trip on Acid: Can Carbon Dioxide Be Removed from Internal
Combustion Engine Exhaust at Its Source?
Steven Louis Toub, 16, Sophomore, Spruce Creek High School, Port Orange,
Florida, T: Deborah L. Milford
Saint Augustine, 192701, River Region East Science Fair
CB011 Exosomes as Vectors: A Comparison of Nonviral Transfection Methods
William Douglas Meadow, 16, Junior, Ponte Vedra High School, Ponte Vedra,
Florida, T: Kathryn J. Kehoe
Sanford, 192901, Seminole County Regional Science, Mathematics & Engineering Fair
ET302T The Future of Energy: Organic Solar Cells
# Jyoti Lodha, 17, Junior; # Aamna Dhillon, 17, Junior; # Ruchi Sudhir Jahagirdar,
16, Junior
Seminole High School, Sanford, Florida, T: Heather Clayton
PH004 Electronic Characteristics of Semi-conducting Nanotubes
Justin Wesley Brooks, 18, Senior, Lyman High School, Longwood, Florida,
T: Sean David Campbell
PH005 Measurement of the Effects that Bell Vibrations Have on the Sound of
a Trumpet
Alan Earl Marcus, 16, Junior, Lake Brantley High School, Altamonte Springs,
Florida, T: Shirley Nieto
Finalist Directory
Sanford, 192902, Seminole Science Festival
EM301T Earth’s Leftovers: Increasing Compost Kinetics by Using an Organic
Shelby Elise Koos, 16, Sophomore; Tiffany Michelle Swinney, 15, Sophomore;
Alyson Elizabeth Sapirman, 15, Sophomore
Crooms Academy of Information Technology, Sanford, Florida, T: Elke Harris
ME005 A Study of T Cell Viability for the Development of Anti-Cancerous Agents
Katia Samer Chadaideh, 17, Junior, Lake Howell High School, Winter Park, Florida,
T: Vanessa Moosavifazel
PS003 Analysis of Plant Promoter Expression Abilities as an Alternative to Viral
Promoters in Transgenic Produce
Stephen Taylor Bethel, 17, Junior, Lake Brantley High School, Altamonte Springs,
Florida, T: Shirley Nieto
Sarasota, 193901, Sarasota Regional Science, Engineering and Technology Fair
CS035 Does Practice Make Perfect? The Role of Training Neural Networks
Brittany Michelle Wenger, 15, Freshman, The Out-Of-Door Academy, Sarasota,
Florida, T: Michael Newhams
EN054 Body Armor Utilizing a Shear Thickening Fluid
Jared Joseph Carter, 18, Senior, Sarasota High School, Sarasota, Florida,
T: Andrew Raymond Harshman
Tallahassee, 193201, Capital Regional Science and Engineering Fair EV002 Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Signatures of Climate Change Found in
Fossils from Inner Mongolia
Linda Wang, 16, Junior, Lawton Chiles High School, Tallahassee, Florida,
T: Angela Breza-Pierce
ME006 Antibody-Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles: Targeting and Treating Cancer in a
Dynamic Environment
Philip Samuel Schlenoff, 18, Senior, Maclay School, Tallahassee, Florida,
T: Mary Judith King
Tampa, 193301, Hillsborough Regional Science Fair
EE075 The Application of Hot-Wire Anemometry to the Mapping of Boundary
Layer Flows
Mark Thomas Parrish, 18, Senior, Chamberlain High School, Tampa, Florida,
T: Mary Wilson
Tavares, 195001, Lake Regional Science & Engineering Fair
CH038 The Effect of Curcumin on the Oxidation of N-acetyl-tyrosine in an in vitro
Cu(II)/H2O2 Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Chelsea Lynn Massaro, 16, Sophomore, Christian Home & Bible School, Mount
Dora, Florida, T: Laura Barker
Vero Beach, 193801, Indian River Regional Science and Engineering Fair BI043 The Effects of Increased Gravitational Forces on the Crystallization of the
Amino Acid Glycine, Year Three
Kirk John Henf, 18, Senior, Sebastian River High School, Sebastian, Florida,
T: Karyn Pawlowski
CH315T Temperature Variance in Forensic Luminol Reactions
Stephanie Lynn Rosser, 17, Senior; Katelyn Shaye Ward, 18, Senior
Sebastian River High School, Sebastian, Florida, T: Karyn Pawlowski
West Palm Beach, 193501, Palm Beach County Science and Engineering Fair— Region I
CS045 Grammar Agnostic Syntactical Validation of Natural Language
Tucker Sterling Elliott, 17, Junior, Suncoast Community High School, Riviera Beach,
Florida, T: Ronald Howard
West Palm Beach, 193502, Palm Beach County Science and Engineering Fair— Region II
ET045 Wave Energy Systems: The Future of Energy
Lawrence Zachary Bright, 17, Junior, Suncoast Community High School, Riviera
Beach, Florida, T: Ronald Howard
West Palm Beach, 193503, Palm Beach County Science & Engineering Fair— Region III
PS042 Growth Form in Intertidal Lichen Zonation
Luizetta Vadimovna Navrazhnykh, 16, Sophomore, Florida Atlantic University
High School, Boca Raton, Florida, T: David Kelly
Finalist Directory
West Palm Beach, 193504, Palm Beach County Science & Engineering Fair— Region IV
EA026 Climatological Predictions for the Northwest Passage: Unmasking the Signal
Zachariah Quinn Moustafa, 16, Sophomore, Alexander W. Dreyfoos High School of
the Arts, West Palm Beach, Florida, T: Stephen Anand
Albany, 200101, Darton College/Merck Regional Science Fair EN036 Biomechanically Assisting the STS Movement
Spencer R Wilson, 17, Junior, Colquitt County High School, Moultrie, Georgia,
T: Tommy Edison Hall
ET043 Biomass Gasification
John Stephen Barber, 16, Junior, Colquitt County High School, Moultrie, Georgia,
T: Vance Alan Hurst
Athens, 200201, Georgia State Science and Engineering Fair
BI037 The Use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Deep Brain Stimulation
Raja Selvakumar, 14, Freshman, Milton High School, Milton, Georgia,
T: Karol Higgins
CH046 Investigating Photo-Induced Proton Transfer in Associated Solutions
Kaj Andrew Hansen, 16, Junior, Carrollton High School, Carrollton, Georgia,
T: Kristie Bradford-Hunt
PS304T Finding a Transcription Factor in Eucalyptus grandis that Regulates Wood
Jason Ye, 16, Sophomore; Rebekah Bau, 17, Junior
Cedar Shoals High School, Athens, Georgia, T: Ruiqin Zhong, T: Stella Guerrero
Athens, 200202, Northeast Georgia Regional Science and Engineering Fair
BE044 Social Experience Modulates Drosophila Aggressive Behavior
Andrew Wooyoung Kim, 17, Junior, Cedar Shoals High School, Athens, Georgia,
T: Stella Guerrero
Atlanta, 200301, Atlanta Science and Mathematics Congress
CB028 Colocalization of Nlp in Mitosis & Oogenesis of Drosophila melanogaster
Maza Rose Tchedou, 17, Senior, Carver School of Health Sciences and Research,
Atlanta, Georgia, T: Malaika E. Jordan
EV031 How Does Urbanization Affect Aquatic Biota?
Lucy Caroline Leonard, 15, Sophomore, Henry W Grady High School, Atlanta,
Georgia, T: Nikolai Curtis
Brunswick, 200501, Coastal Georgia Regional Science and Engineering Fair
MI005 The Efficiency of Green Tea in Inhibiting Transformation
Kiyokuni Yamada, 16, Sophomore, Glynn Academy, Brunswick, Georgia,
T: Ingrid Brown
MI006 Waste to Energy: Microbial Fuel Cells
Christopher Austin Paschal, 15, Sophomore, Glynn Academy, Brunswick, Georgia,
T: Ingrid Brown
Buford, 201501, Gwinnett Regional Fair
EM050 Styrofoam’s Achilles Heel: The Effect of Oliophilic Bacteria on Styrene
Giovanni Righi, 16, Sophomore, Collins Hill High School, Suwanee, Georgia,
T: Laura Herbig
EN326T Low Cost, High Tech: Engineering a Gel Electrophoresis Apparatus
Michelle Jacqueline Lowe, 17, Senior; Peter J. Nelson, 17, Junior
Brookwood High School, Snellville, Georgia, T: Jonathon Wetherington
ME058 Targeting the MAPK Signaling Cascade and Its Effects on Trastuzumab
Resistance in Metastatic Breast Cancers
Emily Rose Summerbell, 18, Senior, Collins Hill High School, Suwanee, Georgia,
T: Laura Herbig
Decatur, 200302, Dekalb Science & Engineering Fair
CB054 Interactions between Drosophila Lamin Proteins and Df31
Denis Coral Jaimes, 17, Senior, Cross Keys High School, Atlanta, Georgia,
T: Angela Irene Tonn
ME323T The Relationship between Functional Vision and Retinal Cell Response in
C57BL/6 Mice
# Sanjay Menon, 17, Senior; ## Peter Bau, 17, Senior
Chamblee Charter High School, Chamblee, Georgia, T: DeAnn Peterson
Finalist Directory
Griffin, 201101, Griffin RESA Regional Science Fair
ET304T H2O Derived Hydrogen Fuel Operating an Internal Combustion Engine
## Sonya Jooma, 18, Senior; Tuure Novian Pasto, 18, Senior;
Michael Cameron Martin, 17, Senior
Fayette County High School, Fayetteville, Georgia, T: Dana Camp
ME009 The Role of PGC-1α in the Pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease
Sonika Reddy, 18, Senior, Fayette County High School, Fayetteville, Georgia,
T: Dana Camp
PS007 Plant Tissue Culture: Screening of Blueberries’ Vulnerability to Bacterial Leaf
Scorch Disease
Lauren Marie Cook, 16, Junior, Spalding High School, Griffin, Georgia,
T: Kristine S. Ahrens
McDonough, 200601, Henry County Science and Engineering Fair
BE018 Academic Dishonesty: Factors to a Student’s Success
Krupa H. Merchant, 15, Sophomore, Dutchtown High School, Hampton, Georgia,
T: Barbara L. Heusel
ET015 Improving Wind Turbines with Winglets
Daniel J. Dorminy, 15, Freshman, Sola Fide Home School, McDonough, Georgia,
T: Ann W. Dorminy
PH302T How Do Different Colored Light Waves Affect the Speed of a Solar
Paneled Car?
Sarah Kathryn Meng, 16, Sophomore; Heather Michele Ham, 16, Sophomore
Union Grove High School, McDonough, Georgia, T: Keron Gwaltney
Milledgeville, 200701, Georgia College & State University Regional Science and
Engineering Fair
CS001 Robust Video Tracking through Multiple Occlusions
Thomas Frederick Wilkason, 17, Junior, Mount de Sales Academy, Macon, Georgia,
T: Ronald McLachlan
EE006 Low Cost and Efficient High-Pressure Electrolyzer
Kenneth Charles McGill, 15, Sophomore, Baldwin High School, Milledgeville,
Georgia, T: Susan Elaine McGill
Savannah, 200901, Savannah Ogeechee Regional Science and Engineering Fair
EE026 The Design and Development of a Modified Piston-less Rotary Engine for
Improved Thermal Efficiency
Eric Lau, 15, Sophomore, Savannah Arts Academy, Savannah, Georgia,
T: Kathy Maher
Hilo, 210801, Hawaii District Science and Engineering Fair
BI304T A New Spin on Green Energy: Increasing Hydrogen Evolution in a Spirulina
Derived Photobiological System
# Megan M Kurohara, 16, Junior; Hannah Rojeski, 16, Junior
Hilo High School, Hilo, Hawaii, T: Pascale Pinner
CB010 Gene Dosage and Expression in Human Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines
Nolan Mint Kiyoshi Kamitaki, 17, Senior, Waiakea High School, Hilo, Hawaii,
T: Jamie Y. Nekoba
PS050 Diversity of Foliar Fungal Endophytes in Wild and Cultured Metrosideros
polymorpha Inferred from Environmental PCR and ITS Sequence Data
Mali’o Wanda Kodis, 18, Senior, Waiakea High School, Hilo, Hawaii, T: Jamie Nekoba
Honolulu, 210101, Hawaii Association of Independent Schools Science and
Engineering Fair
ET321T Solving the Current Dilemma: An Innovative Approach to Create Alternative
Energy Using Oceanic Phenomena
## Diana Yuri Cabral, 17, Senior; ## Noelle Rani Owen, 18, Senior
St. Andrew’s Priory School, Honolulu, Hawaii, T: Michael Grech
PH043 A Comparison of Similar Planetary Systems of WASP-2
Travis Le, 15, Sophomore, Punahou School, Honolulu, Hawaii,
T: Tiffany Marie Coke
PS039 Molecular Taxonomy of Indigenous Hawaiian Ferns
Amelia Harvey, 17, Senior, Kamehameha High School-Kapalama, Honolulu, Hawaii,
T: Lawrence Mordan
Finalist Directory
Honolulu, 210201, Hawaii State Science and Engineering Fair
EM319T What Is the Optimum Environment for Fungus Growth in Vinasse from Sugar
Cane Molasses for a Potential Fish and Animal Feed Ingredient?
# Sarah Mieko Tamashiro, 16, Junior; # Lindsay Sumiko Fujimoto, 16, Junior
Saint Andrew’s Priory School, Honolulu, Hawaii, T: Michael Grech
ET044 A Design of a Tethered Lighter than Air Power-Generating Wind Turbine
Kelsi Sumiko Watanabe, 15, Sophomore, Mililani High School, Mililani, Hawaii,
T: Nel Venzon
MA048 New Triangular Inequalities in the Form of s-a, s-b, and s-c
Kang-Ying Liu, 17, Junior, Saint Andrew’s Priory School, Honolulu, Hawaii,
T: Michael Grech
Lihue, 210701, Kauai Regional Science & Engineering Fair
EE074 Desalination of Sea Water: A Comparison of Processes
Isaaca G. Hoglen, 15, Sophomore, Kauai High School, Lihue, Hawaii,
T: Kevin Johnson
ET322T Does Height Affect the Volts?
Ashley Jean Bonilla, 16, Sophomore; Alyssa Noriko Braun, 15, Sophomore;
Meghan Sakae Fujimoto, 15, Sophomore
Kauai High School, Lihue, Hawaii, T: Kevin Matthew Johnson
EV044 Decreasing the Acidity of Ultisols through Sequestered Carbon Soil
Megan Delilah Walsh, 15, Sophomore, Kauai High School, Lihue, Hawaii,
T: Kevin Matthew Johnson
Pearl City, 210501, Leeward District High School Science Fair EM318T Identifying the Effects of Locally Grown Plants on Mealworm Weight
and Mortality
Michelle P Tagapuen, 18, Senior; Ilora Danne Nola Mendoza, 19, Senior;
Rizzaly Aquino Agustin, 17, Senior
Waipahu High School, Waipahu, Hawaii, T: Michael Sana
MI051 Screening Hawaiian Marine Derived Yeast and Fungi for Production of AntiBacterial Compounds
Genardine Arizala, 17, Senior, Waipahu High School, Waipahu, Hawaii,
T: Michael Sana
Wailuku, 210601, Maui Schools Science and Engineering Fair
PH311T Muon Detection at Elevation
Taylor Tsuyoshi Shong Wong Nakamura, 16, Junior; Michael Owen Flynn, 17, Junior
Maui High School, Kahului, Hawaii, T: Keith Takashi Imada
Arlington Heights, 230501, Illinois Junior Academy of Science North Suburban Region VI
Science and Engineering Fair
EA016 Drowning Out Drought: The Effect of Collision and Coalescence on Secondary
Ice Multiplication in Mixed-Phase Clouds
Nicole Sophie Torosin, 17, Senior, Niles North High School, Skokie, Illinois,
T: Jacklyn Naughton
EE039 Harvesting Human Energy: The Effect of Magnetic Field Flux on Induced EMF
Elan Meir Ness-Cohn, 15, Sophomore, Niles North High School, Skokie, Illinois,
T: Jacklyn Naughton
Chicago, 230101, Chicago Public Schools Student Science Fair— Region I
BI022 Protein Assay Alternatives
Philippe Alexandre Chlenski, 15, Sophomore, Lincoln Park High School, Chicago,
Illinois, T: James S. Galinski
PH030 Efficiency of Thermoelectric Power Conversion in Bi2Te3
Daniela Jane Flax, 15, Freshman, Lincoln Park High School, Chicago, Illinois,
T: Teresa Andrasz
Chicago, 230102, Chicago Public Schools Student Science Fair— Region II
CS024 Detection of Prostate Cancer Using Image Analysis
Saad Syed Nasser, 18, Senior, Northside College Preparatory High School, Chicago,
Illinois, T: Lidia Ortiz
Finalist Directory
ME052 BV-2 Cell Response to Detrimental Stimuli
Madeline Grace Rollins, 15, Junior, Walter Payton College Prepatory High School,
Chicago, Illinois, T: Jacqueline Barge
DeKalb, 230601, Illinois Junior Academy of Science Region V Science and Engineering Fair
CB025 Delayed Use of Calcineurin Inhibitors and High Dose Mycophenolate Mofetil
as Initial Immunosuppressive Therapy for Liver Transplant Recipients with
Pre-Transplant Renal Dysfunction
Amishi Bajaj, 16, Senior, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, Aurora, Illinois,
T: Judy Scheppler
CB307T Characterization of BACE 1 Endocytosis
Mehal Nilesh Shah, 17, Junior; Ruchi Aggarwal, 16, Junior
Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, Aurora, Illinois, T: Judith Scheppler
CH027 Specific Cellular Uptake of Targeted Liposomes in Cancer Cells
Daniel Hyungseok Pak, 15, Junior, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy,
Aurora, Illinois, T: Haekyong Pak
Edwardsville, 230201, Illinois Junior Academy of Science Region XII Science Fair
AS020 Lysine and Methionine Requirements of Chicks Fed Low Protein CornSoybean Meal Diets, A Three Year Study
Rosemary Frances Chapple, 18, Senior, Waterloo High School, Waterloo, Illinois,
T: Melinda McDermott
Macomb, 230301, Heart of Illinois Science and Engineering Fair
CH033 Development of a User and Eco-friendly Procedure for the Oxidative
Cleavage of Alkenes
Prem P. Thottumkara, 17, Junior, Macomb High School, Macomb, Illinois,
T: Thomas Tjark Johnson
MA058 Investigating Complexity Class NP-Complete
Laurence Paul Bordowitz, 18, Senior, Macomb High School, Macomb, Illinois,
T: Thomas Johnson
Springfield, 230401, Illinois Junior Academy of Science Region X Science Fair ET040 Solving the Modern Energy Crisis: A Comprehensive Study of the
Effectiveness of Biofuels as a Clean Renewable Energy Source
Brady Mark Holst, 17, Junior, Southeastern High School, Augusta, Illinois,
T: Carolyn Thersa Phillips
EV036 Tile Line Trauma
Brian Allan Buss, 18, Senior, Southeastern High School, Augusta, Illinois,
T: Carolyn Theresa Phillips
Angola, 240101, Northeastern Indiana Tri-State Regional Science Fair EE063 Optimal Angle of Attack for Untwisted Wind Turbine Blades
Lexie Kae Buchs, 17, Junior, DeKalb High School, Waterloo, Indiana, T: Susan Zuber
EM039 Foundry Sand: Waste or Beneficial, Year Three
Kayleigh Sue Warner, 17, Junior, DeKalb High School, Waterloo, Indiana,
T: Susan Zuber
Bloomington, 240201, South Central Indiana Regional Science and Engineering Fair
PH016 A Mathematical Model of Spiral Galaxy Evolution
Harrison Hugh Gaebler, 17, Junior, Bloomington High School North, Bloomington,
Indiana, T: John Portle
PH058 Can I Verify that the Gravitational Acceleration of an Object Rolling Down an
Inclined Plane Is in Fact 9.8 m/s Squared?
Samantha Rae Johnson, 14, Freshman, Lighthouse Christian Academy,
Bloomington, Indiana, T: Joachim H. Ladwig
Evansville, 240301, Pott Foundation Tri-State Regional Science and Engineering Fair
CH021 Studies on Drug Microencapsulation
Tony Huang, 15, Sophomore, F.J. Reitz High School, Evansville, Indiana,
T: Kary M Kahle
EN018 What Type of Wood Glue Is the Strongest When It Comes to Holding
Wood Together?
Lewis Martin Nugent, 16, Sophomore, North Daviess Jr/Sr High School, Elnora,
Indiana, T: J. Merle Callahan
Finalist Directory
Fort Wayne, 240401, Northeast Indiana Regional Science and Engineering Fair
BI018 Biochemical and Structural Characterization of the IcmR-IcmQ Complex, DotA,
and DotF of Legionella pneumophila
Abhishek Chintapalli, 17, Senior, Homestead High School, Fort Wayne, Indiana,
T: Jeremiah Farelli
CB023 Effects of Isoflavones on the Modulation of Immune Response in Fish
Liver Cells
Jay H Parekh, 15, Freshman, Homestead High School, Fort Wayne, Indiana,
T: Ahmed Mustafa
Gary, 240501, Calumet Regional Science Fair
AS015 Relay Landscape Learning: A New Mode of Learning in Honeybees,
Apis mellifera
Neil Kondamuri, 17, Senior, Munster High School, Munster, Indiana,
T: Shaun Kondamuri
MA016 Computer Modeling Reveals a Novel Property Describing the Relationship
between Triangles and Their Internal Hexagons
Nathan Kondamuri, 15, Freshman, Munster High School, Munster, Indiana,
T: Shaun Kondamuri
Greencastle, 241101, West Central Indiana Regional Science and Engineering Fair CB007 The Role of Ctf18 in the Promotion of Chromosome Condensation in
Cancer Cells
Emma Elisabeth Sperry, 14, Freshman, Terre Haute South Vigo High School,
Terre Haute, Indiana, T: Melanie Beth Huber
EN016 The Effect of Wood Hardness on the Speed of Fire by Friction
Thomas Peter Foulkes, 17, Junior, Terre Haute North Vigo High School,
Terre Haute, Indiana, T: Glen M. Cook
Hanover, 240901, Southeastern Indiana Regional Science Fair
CH009 Lichens, Limestone, and Trees: Using X-ray Fluorescence Analysis to
Quantify Elements
Kristen Paige Kirkland, 18, Senior, Eastern High School, Pekin, Indiana,
T: Sharon Ann McElroy
ME014 Determining the Anitproliferative Effects and Role of Apoptosis on Human
Lung Cancer Cells by Quercetin
Shannon Renee Sacksteder, 18, Senior, Eastern High School, Pekin, Indiana,
T: Sharon Ann McElroy
Indianapolis, 240601, Central Indiana Regional Science and Engineering Fair
EE037 Hovercraft, Phase III
Christopher Allyn Taylor, 18, Senior, Northview High School, Brazil, Indiana,
T: Rachel Lynn Sparks
MI307T Evolution of the H5N1 Virus: A Study of How Single Nucleotide
Polymorphisms Affect Host and Regional Variability in the H5N1 Virus
Boning Han, 18, Senior; Lauren Hannah Stephens, 17, Senior
North Central High School, Indianapolis, Indiana, T: Carl Gibson
Indianapolis, 240701, Indiana Science and Engineering Fair
BI027 How Does the Ebola Matrix Protein, VP40, Form Virions at the
Lipid Membrane?
Michael David Hunckler, 16, Junior, Marian High School, Mishawaka, Indiana,
T: Ken William Andrzejewski
CH309T Comparison of Redox Titration with a New Density-Based Device for the
Analysis of Chrome Plating Bath Solutions
Yae Eun Oh, 18, Senior; Jasmine Starr Podell, 17, Junior
Marian High School, Mishawaka, Indiana, T: Ken William Andrzejewski
EV037 Environmental Effects of Carbon Nanotubes as Shown via the Indicator
Organism Triops longicaudatus
Gabriel Scott Stephens, 17, Freshman, East Noble High School, Kendallville,
Indiana, T: Mark A. Liepe
Muncie, 240801, East Central Indiana Regional Science Fair
EM013 The Implications of Chrysanthemum Blossom Extract on an Invertebrate
Food Chain, Phase Three
Jack Alexander Fruth, 17, Junior, Northwestern High School, Kokomo, Indiana,
T: Patricia Arnette Zeck
Finalist Directory
EV009 Acid Mine Drainage Remediation: A Novel Approach, Phase II
John Tyler Barnes, 16, Sophomore, Northwestern High School, Kokomo, Indiana,
T: Patricia Arnette Zeck
South Bend, 241001, Northern Indiana Regional Science and Engineering Fair
BI010 Can Secreted Proteins from Whole-cell Mycobacteria Be Directly Detected
Using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry?
Timothy Dillon Trippel, 16, Junior, Marian High School, Mishawaka, Indiana,
T: Ken William Andrzejewski
ET014 Improving Cathode Kinetics and the Rate of Reaction in a Direct Methanol
Fuel Cell
Jeffrey Donald Martin, 17, Senior, John Adams High School, South Bend, Indiana,
T: Nevin Longenecker
Valparaiso, 241301, Northwestern Indiana Science and Engineering Fair
ET036 It’s Ship Shape
Brandon B. Benninger, 15, Freshman, Boone Grove High School, Valparaiso,
Indiana, T: Kenneth Snow
ET042 Wingtip Vortices
Zakary John Sipich, 18, Senior, Kouts Junior-Senior High School, Kouts, Indiana,
T: Evelyn L. Ames
West Lafayette, 241201, Lafayette Regional Science and Engineering Fair
BI014 Effects of UV Irradiation on Embryonic Lethality in C. elegans jun-1 and
xpf-1 Deletion Mutant Worms
Carissa Janine Pekny, 15, Sophomore, West Lafayette Junior-Senior High School,
West Lafayette, Indiana, T: Marshall Overley
ME032 Improving the Long-term Functionality of Intracortical Electrodes:
Understanding and Mitigating Astrogliosis in Reactive Brain Tissue.
Ashley Marie Sankari, 18, Senior, Jefferson High School, Lafayette, Indiana,
T: Joseph D. Ruhl
Ames, 250301, State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa
AS033 The Effects of Food Deprivation in Agonistic Contests between Male Juvenile
House Crickets, Acheta domesticus
Robert Keith Pak, 17, Junior, Valley High School, West Des Moines, Iowa,
T: Jane Busby
ET037 Levoglucohol: Engineering Ethanologenic E.coli for Levoglucosan Utilization
Avanthi Sai Ajjarapu, 16, Junior, Ames High School, Ames, Iowa, T: Laura Jarboe
EV319T Farm Feeding Practices: Exploring Solutions for Environmental Sustainability
Pearl Sawhney, 15, Sophomore; Minna Ghofrany Mohammadi, 15, Sophomore
Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment, Fairfield, Iowa, T: Mousumi Dey
Cedar Rapids, 250101, Eastern Iowa Science and Engineering Fair
CH029 Optimization of Adsorption of Fluorouracil onto Chemically Synthesized
NanoZeolite Y
Nikhil Arjun Dhuna, 18, Senior, Burlington Community High School, Burlington,
Iowa, T: Elizabeth Sanning
CH307T A Combined Approach: Comparing Liquid Runway Deicer Performance
Characteristics with Their Impact on Aircraft Corrosion, Catalytic Oxidation,
the Environment, and the Economy
# Bailie Jo Bryant, 17, Senior; # Lynnely Greye Parker, 18, Senior
Central Lee High School, Donnellson, Iowa, T: Alicia Danyel Schiller-Holland
ET025 Warning about Warming: A Global Problem with a Fuel Cell Solution—An
Evaluative Analysis Assessing a Competitive Option Amongst the Proton
Exchange Membrane, Reversible, Direct Methanol, and Microbial Fuel Cells as
a Mechanism of Eliminating Idling Emissions
Pavane Gorrepati, 16, Sophomore, Rivermont Collegiate, Bettendorf, Iowa,
T: Linda Hampton
Finalist Directory
Sheldon, 250501, Western Iowa Science and Engineering Fair PS034 The Cranberry Effect, Year V: The Quantification of Trans-Resveratrol in
Vaccinium macrocarpon vs. Vitaceae Species for Economical Extraction
Erin Renae Brasser, 16, Sophomore, South O’Brien Community School District,
Paullina, Iowa, T: Kevin Jay Brasser
Wichita, 260201, Kansas State Science and Engineering Fair
EA018 The Shape of Change: Using Graphical and Statistical Analysis to Assess
Current and Future Climate in Central Kansas
Nicholas Kalon Van Swol, 17, Junior, Hiawatha High School/ Kansas Academy of
Math and Science, Hiawatha/ Hays, Kansas, T: Ronald G. Keller
EM036 Carbon Sequestration: Hydroxide Air Capture (The Artificial Tree)
Tyler Austin Clark, 17, Junior, St. John High School/ Kansas Academy of
Mathematics and Scie, St. John/ Hays, Kansas, T: Ronald G. Keller
Bowling Green, 270101, Southern Kentucky Regional Science Fair
ET023 The Effects of Spin on Rocket Flight
Aaron Blake Shepperd, 15, Sophomore, Hart County High School, Munfordville,
Kentucky, T: Linda Gosser
Highland Heights, 270301, North Area Counties of Kentucky Exposition of Sciences—
Life Sciences
EM014 Nitrate Reduction in Simulated Nitrate Wastewater by Biobarrier Filtration
Monica Elizabeth McFadden, 15, Freshman, Notre Dame Academy, Park Hills,
Kentucky, T: Mary Ethel Parrott
Highland Heights, 270302, North Area Counties of Kentucky Exposition of Sciences—
Physical Science
EE011 Prototype Solar-Powered Liquid Piston Engine, Phase II
Kelly Maria Kleier, 17, Junior, Notre Dame Academy, Park Hills, Kentucky,
T: Mary Ethel Parrott
Lexington, 270801, Central Kentucky Regional Science and Engineering Fair
AS004 The Effect of Plumage Coloration on Extra-Pair Paternity in the
Indigo Bunting
Eugenia Pushkarskaya, 18, Senior, Paul Laurence Dunbar High School, Lexington,
Kentucky, T: Heidi Anderson
CB301T RNAi as a Safe Method of Insect Population Control
Joseph Corbett Ferguson, 17, Junior; Roshan Palli, 16, Junior
Paul Laurence Dunbar High School, Lexington, Kentucky, T: Heidi Melcher
EN003 Spatial Correlation of Graphene Etching Tracks Towards Nanoribbon
Arunita Kar, 16, Junior, Paul Laurence Dunbar High School, Lexington, Kentucky,
T: Heidi Melcher Anderson
Louisville, 270201, Louisville Regional Science Fair— Physical Science CH024 Separation of CO2 Using SAPO-34 Membrane
Junaid Akbar, 16, Sophomore, Ballard High School, Louisville, Kentucky,
T: Ronda Fields
EE029 A New Solar Energy Material Search Strategy
Megan Katherine Mercer, 17, Junior, Ballard High School, Louisville, Kentucky,
T: Ronda Fields
EN309T Comparative Analysis: Sorbothane versus Non-Newtonian Fluids
David Booth, 18, Senior; Tyler James Chumbley, 17, Senior
Saint Xavier High School, Louisville, Kentucky, T: Gregory Cambron
Louisville, 270202, Louisville Regional Science Fair— Life Science
CB017 Computational Analysis of Protein Function of Alzheimer Proteins
Sanjana Thota, 16, Junior, Ballard High School, Louisville, Kentucky,
T: Ronda Fields
Finalist Directory
EV025 The Comparison of Detritus, Large Woody Debris, and Biomass Production in
Upper Green River Basin Kentucky
Aimee Michelle Turner, 15, Freshman, Ballard High School, Louisville, Kentucky,
T: Belinda Hafell
EV311T Health Effects of Metal Nanoparticles: The Role of Hypoxia Inducible Factor1α in MMP-2 and MMP-9 Production by Human Monocytes Exposed to Nickel
Yixin Li, 17, Junior; Yihua Li, 17, Junior
Ballard High School, Louisville, Kentucky, T: Belinda Hafell
Louisville, 270203, duPont Manual High School Regional Biological Sciences Fair
CB305T Reactivation of the Epigenetically Silenced Tumor Suppressor Gene TFPI-2
by Curcumin Inhibits Invasiveness and Induces Cell Death in Liver
Cancer Cells
# Anna Yu Duan, 17, Junior; # Monali Gautam Haldankar, 16, Junior
duPont Manual High School, Louisville, Kentucky, T: Glenn Zwanzig
ME027 The Effect of Alcohol on Global DNA Methylation and Gene Expression in
Murine Embryonic Fibroblasts
Jahanzeb Kaikaus, 17, Junior, duPont Manual High School, Louisville, Kentucky,
T: Bobby Murphy
ME036 Sequence Similarity between Rotavirus and Insulin-Regulating Genes
Mary Olivia Richardson, 15, Freshman, duPont Manual High School, Louisville,
Kentucky, T: Glenn Zwanzig
Louisville, 270204, duPont Manual High School Regional Physical Sciences Fair
CS015 ABReader: An Application to Analyze, Interpolate and Extrapolate Data from
Auditory Brainstem Responses
Ankush M. Gupta, 16, Sophomore, duPont Manual High School, Louisville,
Kentucky, T: Glenn Zwanzig
EN023 Engineering Microfluidics Based Technologies for Rapid Sorting of White
Blood Cells
Vinay Ashok Raj, 16, Sophomore, duPont Manual High School, Louisville, Kentucky,
T: Glenn Zwanzig
ET307T Converting Ammonium Hydroxide into Hydrogen for Energy Usage by
Electrolysis and Photoelectrochemical Reduction
Manpreet Kaur Chopra, 16, Junior; Asif Rahman, 16, Junior
duPont Manual High School, Louisville, Kentucky, T: William Deines
Richmond, 270701, Kentucky Science and Engineering Fair
EM313T Integrating Programmable Thermostats with the National Digital
Forecast Database XML Web Service and Web Scheduler to Maximize
Energy Efficiency
Neil Nijhawan, 16, Sophomore; Kush Nijhawan, 16, Sophomore
duPont Manual High School, Louisville, Kentucky, T: Glenn Zwanzig
EN051 In vitro Study of Thermal Ablation Capabilities of Gold-Gold Sulfide
Nanoparticles for Human Liver Cancer Therapy
Suhas Ravindranath Bharadwaj, 16, Junior, duPont Manual High School, Louisville,
Kentucky, T: Glenn Zwanzig
ET041 Maximizing Hybrid Rocket Motor Efficiency for Evaluating Recycled Fuels
Megan Lynn Perkins, 15, Sophomore, duPont Manual High School, Louisville,
Kentucky, T: Glenn Zwanzig
Richmond, 270702, Kentucky Science and Engineering Fair
CS034 Accurate Prediction and Tracking of Lung Cancer
Vedant S Kumar, 16, Junior, duPont Manual High School, Louisville, Kentucky,
T: Glenn Zwanzig
ME073 Unveiling the Molecular Machinery that Drives Ca2+—Triggered Platelet
Granule Secretion
Yue Zhao, 18, Senior, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Lexington, Kentucky,
T: Heidi Anderson
MI309T Host Gene Expression Profiling during TBSV Infection of Saccharomyces
Tamas Nagy, 17, Junior; Patrick Durfee Michael, 16, Junior
Paul Laurence Dunbar High School, Lexington, Kentucky, T: Heidi Anderson
Finalist Directory
Alexandria, 281001, Louisiana Region IV Science Fair
BE017 You Are What You Eat
Alexis Amy Caletka, 17, Junior, Holy Savior Menard Central High School,
Alexandria, Louisiana, T: Tonya Shepherd
CH020 Efforts toward the Synthesis of Enantiomerically Enriched Pyrazole
Amino Acids
Matthew Tsao Kiok, 18, Senior, Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts,
Natchitoches, Louisiana, T: Benjamin Lasseter
Baton Rouge, 280101, Louisiana Science and Engineering Fair
BI034 Prostate Carcinogenesis as Assessed by the Comet Assay and
Michelle Asha Khare, 17, Senior, Caddo Parish Magnet High School, Shreveport,
Louisiana, T: Kris Clements
MA042 The Square-Root-of-Time Rule and the US Stock Market: Utilizing the JarqueBera and Hurst Analyses to Assess the Validity of Time-Scaling in Volatility
Shiqi Shan, 16, Junior, Caddo Parish Magnet High School, Shreveport, Louisiana,
T: Kris Clements
ME316T The Effect of Adrenal Fatigue on Different Age Groups
Caroline Grand, 16, Sophomore; Caroline Couvillion, 16, Sophomore
Saint Joseph’s Academy, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, T: Linda Kerr Messina
Baton Rouge, 280201, Louisiana Region VII-Science and Engineering Fair
AS303T Determining the Optimal Scaffold for Three-Dimensional Bone Formation
Using Bovine Adipose-Derived Adult Stem Cells
# Melissa Severn McDowell, 17, Senior; Michael Charles McDowell, 15, Freshman
Saint Joseph’s Academy, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, T: Linda Messina
Catholic High School, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
CB002 Carboxy-terminal Modulator Protein in Adipocytes
Elly Kathryn Bringaze, 17, Junior, Saint Joseph’s Academy, Baton Rouge, Louisiana,
T: Linda Messina
EM006 The Feasibility of Reinforcing the Mississippi River Embankments with
Borrow Harvested via Flocculation
Alaina Brooke Leggette, 16, Junior, Saint Joseph’s Academy, Baton Rouge,
Louisiana, T: Linda Messina
Bossier City, 280301, Bossier Parish Community College Louisiana Region I Science and
Engineering Fair
CB009 Identification of a New Link in Gene Silencing: Acetylation of the Methyl
Binding Protein MeCP2
Stephanie Michelle Axelson, 18, Senior, Airline High School, Bossier City, Louisiana,
T: Dawn Sassy Williams
ME050 Characterization of the Angiogenic Phenotype in Prostate
Cancer Progression
Kaylee Danielle Self, 17, Senior, Parkway High School, Bossier City, Louisiana,
T: Sassy Williams
Houma, 280501, Terrebonne Parish Science Fair
EN004 Protecting Levees from Wave Erosion: Rocks, Trees, Marsh
Andre James Simoneaux, 16, Junior, South Terrebonne High School, Bourg,
Louisiana, T: Angela West
ET008 Coal from Cane
Cole William Bergeron, 15, Freshman, Houma Junior High School, Houma,
Louisiana, T: Anne Buquet Barrios
Lafayette, 280601, Louisiana Region VI Science and Engineering Fair
ET018 Do the Enzymes Spezyme CP and Novozyme 188 Affect the Production of
Free Sugars and Ethanol in the Ammonium Treated Leaf of Sacchaurum
officinarum Compared to the Ammonium-Treated Leaf of Sorghum bicolor
Using Lignocellulosic Biomass Hydrolysis?
Kai Addrianne Williams-Spraggins, 17, Senior, Lighthouse Christian High School,
Abbeville, Louisiana, T: Carol G. Bradley
Finalist Directory
EV018 The Effects of Ground Water in Aquifers and Surface Water on Drinking
Water Quality in Schools
Brianna Marie Schumann, 18, Senior, Ovey Comeaux High School, Lafayette,
Louisiana, T: Lisa B. Ranney
EV309T Quantitative Assessment of Water Quality and the Study of Rain Variation in
the Coulee Baton Microwatershed
Julie Rene Matte, 17, Senior; # Paul Christopher Greagoff, 18, Senior
Ovey Comeaux High School, Lafayette, Louisiana, T: Lisa B. Ranney
Lake Charles, 280701, Louisiana Region V Science and Engineering Fair
EE043 Programmable Logic Controller Used to Program Alarms for Child Car Seats
Virginia Lynne Martin, 17, Senior, Academics Etc., Lake Charles, Louisiana,
T: Katherine Winstead Martin
EV052 The Role of Corticosterone in the Endocrine Chemistry of Xenopus laevis
(African Clawed Frog)
Anita Vasudev Saraf, 15, Sophomore, Alfred M. Barbe High School, Lake Charles,
Louisiana, T: Kathy Jackson
New Orleans, 281101, Greater New Orleans Science and Engineering Fair
CB053 The Effect of the Magnetic Field of a Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnet on the
Reproduction Rate of Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells
Kinga Janina Malkinska, 14, Freshman, Benjamin Franklin High School,
New Orleans, Louisiana, T: Mary Mysing-Gubala
ET052 Concentrated Solar Power System: Utilizing Fresnel Lens and
Temperature Control
Caleb George Gestes, 16, Sophomore, John Curtis Christian School, River Ridge,
Louisiana, T: Cathy J. Boucvalt
St. James Parish, 280801, St. James Parish Science Fair
ET001 Is Solar Power Practical for Louisiana?
Katie Ann Chiasson, 16, Junior, St. James High School, St. James, Louisiana,
T: Kermit J. Gauthreaux
PS001 What’s Your Flavonoid?
Brianna Leilani Bourgeois, 17, Junior, Lutcher High School, Lutcher, Louisiana,
T: Kermit J. Gauthreaux
PS301T Hydroponics T(w)oo!
## Drake Charles Duhon, 18, Senior; Anitress Jahnae’ Vaughn, 17, Senior
Lutcher High School, Lutcher, Louisiana, T: Kermit J. Gauthreaux
Saint James High School, Saint James, Louisiana
Baltimore, 300801, Morgan State University Science-Mathematics-Engineering Fair
EE076 The VEX Robotics Challenge for Engineering and Mechanical Design for
Applied Robotics Technology
Eon Dwayne Duzant, 17, Junior, W.E.B. DuBois High School, Baltimore, Maryland,
T: Marvin Todd Martin
MI050 Broccoli Going Green and Its Effect on Bacteria Growth 2010
Alexis Diamond Kennedy, 15, Freshman, Paul Laurence Dunbar High School,
Baltimore, Maryland, T: Mamie Marzella Green
College Park, 300401, ScienceMontgomery— I
MA026 Decycling Densities of Tessellations
Jacob Benjamin Hurwitz, 17, Senior, Montgomery Blair High School, Silver Spring,
Maryland, T: Elizabeth Glenn Duval
ME046 Critical Role of TGFb1/Smad3 Signaling in Hepatic Metabolism: A Novel
Therapeutic Target for Metabolic Syndrome
Samirkumar S Devalaraja, 17, Senior, Thomas Sprigg Wootton High School,
Rockville, Maryland, T: Lesli Adler
PH305T Validation of Parabolic Ion Trap Geometries for Application within
Quantum Computing
Jennifer Wang, 17, Senior; Grace Calvert Young, 17, Junior
Montgomery Blair High School, Silver Spring, Maryland, T: Elizabeth Duval
The Potomac School, McLean, Virginia
Finalist Directory
College Park, 300402, ScienceMontgomery— II
CB024 Identifying Novel Small Molecule Inhibitors of Androgen Receptor Activity
for Treatment of Hormone-refractory Prostate Cancer
Rachael Chi-Kue Lee, 17, Senior, Walt Whitman High School, Bethesda, Maryland,
T: Melanie Hudock
CH026 Investigation of Nano-Structured Super-Hydrophobic Coating on
Structural Substrates
Nivetita Ravi, 14, Freshman, Clarksburg High School, Clarksburg, Maryland,
T: Nick Caretti
Glen Burnie, 300101, Anne Arundel County Regional Science and Engineering Fair EE016 Light Beam Communication: The Effect of Received Signal Power and
Ambient Background Light on the Signal to Noise Ratio and Optimal
Threshold of Free Space Optical Communication
Bradley Joseph Natarian, 17, Junior, Old Mill Senior High School, Millersville,
Maryland, T: Meijiao Sara Chen
EM017 Electrochemical Remediation of Acid Mine Drainage
Luke Steven Andraka, 15, Freshman, North County High School, Glen Burnie,
Maryland, T: K. Gruner
Largo, 300601, Prince George’s Area Science Fair
EE059 Simulating Ocean Water for Video Laser Communication
Mark Evan Ragland, 17, Senior, Saint Marys Ryken High School, Leonardtown,
Maryland, T: Elizabeth Schuck
MA036 Batter Up
Demi Shareece McCoy, 17, Senior, Dr. Henry A. Wise, Junior High School,
Upper Marlboro, Maryland, T: Pamela Davis
Towson, 300701, Baltimore Science Fair
MA028 An Analogue of the Collatz Problem and Its Connection to Cantor Sets
Se-Ho Kim, 17, Junior, Marriotts Ridge High School, Marriottsville, Maryland,
T: Paul Eckert
ME057 Functional Characterization of Wilms Tumor (WTI) Promoter Region in
Cancer Cells
Sarina Amanda Raman, 16, Junior, Mount Hebron High School, Ellicott City,
Maryland, T: Diane Bella Cockrell
Waldorf, 300501, Charles County Science Fair
EN042 The Pain Free Socket 2.0: Eliminating Phantom Pain in Amputees Using
Thermal Biofeedback Incorporated into Prosthetics
Katherine Emily Bomkamp, 18, Senior, North Point High School for Science,
Technology and Industry, Waldorf, Maryland, T: Ellen Estevez
PH047 Satellite Constellations: A New Way for Determining Atmospheric Densities
Cayley Erin Dymond, 14, Sophomore, North Point High School for Science,
Technology, and Industry, Waldorf, Maryland, T: Cheryl Swartzwelder
Walkersville, 300201, Frederick County Science and Engineering Fair
BI028 Novel Inhibitors of Cytokines Signaling: Drug Candidates for the Treatment
of Cancer and Inflammation
Joanna Ray-Jia Yeh, 18, Senior, Urbana High School, Ijamsville, Maryland,
T: Nadya Tarasova
CB036 The Role of CDNB in Understanding the Mechanisms of Action of JS-K:
A Promising Anti-Leukemia Compound
Stephen Alexander Lavanier, 17, Senior, Governor Thomas Johnson High School,
Frederick, Maryland, T: Monika Zofia Kaczmarek
Boston, 310701, Massachusetts Region VI Science Fair
CB043 The Optimization of the Quality of RNA by Use of FastPrep-24
Herman Li, 16, Junior, John D. O’ Bryant School of Mathematics and Science,
Roxbury, Massachusetts, T: Michael Sullivan
EV320T Caution: Water Undrinkable
Tiffany Rose Armstrong, 19, Senior; Michele Pacheco, 17, Senior; Victoria
Catherine Green, 18, Senior
East Boston High School, East Boston, Massachusetts, T: Kristen Cacciatore,
Jamaica O’Brien
Finalist Directory
Bridgewater, 310101, Massachusetts Region V Science Fair
EM046 The Effect of Magnesium Acetate on the Capability of Synechocystis sp.
Strain PCC 6803 Suspended in Calcium-alginate to Remove Lead (II) from
Contaminated Aquatic Environments
Christina Anne-Josiane de Fontnouvelle, 15, Sophomore, Wellesley High School,
Wellesley, Massachusetts, T: Matthew Boody
ET319T Will Waves One Day Power the World?
Rachel Ann Campbell, 16, Sophomore; Tyler Austin Green, 16, Sophomore
Plymouth North High School, Plymouth, Massachusetts, T: Nancy Rozak
PS035 Dependence of Leaf Litter Decomposition on Species and Temperature
Vincent Huang Lin, 15, Freshman, Falmouth High School, Falmouth,
Massachusetts, T: Christine Brothers
Cambridge, 310201, Massachusetts State Science & Engineering Fair
BI033 Characterization of Mice Fibroblast Cell Adhesion to Osteopontin
Olive W. Tang, 17, Junior, Boston Latin School, Boston, Massachusetts,
T: Kathleen Bateman
CB041 The Effects of Curcumin and Paclitaxel on Breast Cancer Cell Survival and
the Nuclear Factor Kappa B Pathway
Lola Yu, 18, Senior, Somerville High School, Somerville, Massachusetts,
T: Sebastian LaGambina
EE318T Automated Paper-Recycling Machine
Matthew Arbesfeld, 16, Sophomore; Benjamin Edelstein, 16, Sophomore
Lexington High School, Lexington, Massachusetts, T: Ceanne Tzimopoulos
Fall River, 310401, Massachusetts Region III Science Fair
CB310T Polyol Cryoprotectants and Acclimatization to Freezing
Thomas John Carroll, 16, Sophomore; Zachery Allen Gouveia, 15, Sophomore
Somerset High School, Somerset, Massachusetts, T: Jennifer Bertoncini
ME071 Killing Cancer’s Cause: A Model to Target Cancer Stem Cells
Meghan Lynn McHugh, 16, Sophomore, North Attleboro High School, North
Attleboro, Massachusetts, T: Alexander James Hatzberger
North Adams, 310501, Massachusetts Region I Science Fair
CH042 Can You Wipe Away the Evidence?
Jordan Lynn Eichelser, 18, Senior, Taconic High School, Pittsfield, Massachusetts,
T: Laura Rose Schneider
CS041 Modeling Electrical Demand Using Artificial Neural Networks for Sustainable
Power Generation
Andrew William Ellis, 17, Junior, Westfield High School, Westfield, Massachusetts,
T: Renee Sweeney
Somerville, 310301, Massachusetts Region IV Science Fair
EV038 Finding the Optimal Conditions for Algae Growth under the Presence of
Carbon Dioxide
Lauren Cushman Ransohoff, 16, Sophomore, Lexington High School, Lexington,
Massachusetts, T: Ceanne Tzimopoulos
ME070 Molecular Modeling of Viral Protease Inhibitors: Focus on Dengue Fever
Andrew Warren Navia, 16, Junior, Lexington High School, Lexington,
Massachusetts, T: Janice Compton
Worcester, 310601, Massachusetts Region II State Science Fair
CB042 The Effect of Chemotherapeutic Vincristine on Transposon MobilizationInduced Flanking Sequence Mutation Rates of Drosophila melanogaster
Smita Shukla, 17, Junior, Massachusetts Academy of Mathematics and Science
at WPI, Worcester, Massachusetts, T: Judith Sumner
CS042 Head-Guided Wheelchair Control System
John Blood Hinkel, III, 18, Senior, Hopkinton High School, Hopkinton,
Massachusetts, T: Valerie Lechtanski
EM316T The Bioremediation of Atrazine Using P. putida
Christopher Scott Jarvis, 17, Junior; Daniel Patrick Lukason, 16, Junior
Hopkinton High School, Hopkinton, Massachusetts, T: Valerie Lechtanski
Finalist Directory
Ann Arbor, 320101, Southeast Michigan Science Fair
EE064 Breaking Point - Testing the Structural Integrity of Concrete Using Alternate
Methods of Reinforcement
Alexander Matthew Zuelke, 18, Senior, Whiteford High School, Ottawa Lake,
Michigan, T: Janet Weygand
EE319T The Effect of Humidity on Solar Cells
Deniz Ismail Karabakal, 14, Freshman; Rohan Paul, 14, Freshman
Huron High School, Ann Arbor, Michigan
MI049 Effects of Ibuprofen on H. littoralis Feeding Reflex
Jeannette A. Daida, 15, Sophomore, Huron High School, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
T: Dee Drake
Berrien Springs, 320901, Berrien County Regional Science Fair
CH313T Effects of Temperature, pH, Sodium Fluoride and Artificial Sugars on Ethyl
Alcohol Fermentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Kevin Jay Green, 14, Freshman; Andrew Christian Lybbert, 15, Freshman
Lakeshore High School, Stevensville, Michigan, T: Lynda Mitchell Smith
Big Rapids, 320701, Mecosta-Osceola Science and Engineering Fair
EA014 Geological History of Ferris Flats: Implications for a Re-advance of the
Saginaw Ice Lobe
Brady Alexander Hasse, 16, Sophomore, Mecosta Osceola Math, Science &
Technology Center, Big Rapids, Michigan, T: Laura Forbes
PS028 Effect of Metal Halide and Fluorescent Lighting on the Overall Health of
Phaseolus vulgaris
Jarek Alan VanOrder, 16, Sophomore, Mecosta Osceola Math, Science &
Technology Center, Big Rapids, Michigan, T: Laura Forbes
Detroit, 320201, Science and Engineering Fair of Metropolitan Detroit, Inc.— #1
CS019 A Parallel Computational Framework for Solving Quadratic Assignment
Problems Exactly
Michael Christopher Yurko, 16, Senior, Detroit Catholic Central High School, Novi,
Michigan, T: Alan Barker
EE031 High Efficiency Unity Power Factor Battery Charger
Norman Luwei Jin, 15, Junior, Notre Dame Preparatory School, Pontiac, Michigan,
T: Michelle Garcia
ET312T “Hairodynamics”: The Effects of Different Wind Velocities and Different Hair
Lengths on the Drag Force of a Model Track Sprinter’s Head
Frank Walter Woo, 16, Junior; Tammy Yuwen Hsia, 18, Senior
Macomb Mathematics Science Technology Center, Warren, Michigan,
T: Greg McMillan
Detroit, 320202, Science and Engineering Fair of Metropolitan Detroit, Inc.— #2
CS020 Finding Efficient Shellsort Sequences Using Genetic Algorithms
Kevin David Wang, 17, Senior, Wylie E. Groves High School, Beverly Hills, Michigan,
T: Marla Fallucca
EM032 The Impact of Soil Thermal Diffusivity Variance on Geothermal Heating
Peter Nicholas Gardner, 18, Senior, Dearborn Center for Mathematics, Science,
and Technology, Dearborn Heights, Michigan, T: Kim Shawver
PH303T H-α [O III] Photometry of Galactic Plane Candidate Planetary Nebulae
Laree Danielle Gardner, 18, Senior; Genevieve Ying Wang, 18, Senior;
Stephen J. Morrison, 16, Junior
Grosse Pointe North High School, Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan, T: Ardis Herrold
Grosse Pointe South, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan
Detroit, 320203, Science and Engineering Fair of Metropolitan Detroit, Inc.— #3
CB022 Characterizing Novel Loci Important for Demyelinating Peripheral
Neuropathy: A Study of the SOX10 Regulated Enhancer Regions at
BCAS3 and DLG4
Nithya P Vijayakumar, 16, Junior, Detroit Country Day School, Beverly Hills,
Michigan, T: Gene Menton
ME043 High Cholesterol Impairs Water and Gas Transport in Red Blood Cells and Is
Ameliorated by the PLA2 Inhibitor ONO-RS-082
Siddhartha Gautama Jena, 16, Sophomore, International Academy, Bloomfield Hills,
Michigan, T: Chrystal Osinski
Finalist Directory
Detroit, 320205, Michigan Science and Engineering Fair
EE065 Helius: A Solar-Tracking Mechanism for Efficiency Max. of
Photovoltaic Modules
DMontae Gregory Jones, 18, Senior, Saginaw Arts & Sciences Academy, Saginaw,
Michigan, T: Matthew Miller
ME084 Glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) Transferase 2 (GCNT2) Gene Expression Highly
Influences Breast Cancer Metastasis and Promotes an EpithelialMesenchymal Transition (EMT)
Sherwin Zhang Wu, 17, Senior, Detroit Country Day School, Beverly Hills,
Michigan, T: Gene Menton
Flint, 320301, Flint Area Science Fair
CS014 Optimizing the Deflation Strategy of a Divide and Conquer Eigensolver with
a Genetic Algorithm
Matthew R. Bauerle, 16, Sophomore, Bauerle Homeschool, Fenton, Michigan,
T: Mark A. Wicks
PH014 Solar Sails: Which Design Is Most Efficient?
Noah James Gagnon, 17, Senior, Gagnon Home School, Goodrich, Michigan,
T: Thomas Jeremiah Gagnon
Kalamazoo, 320801, Southwest Michigan Science & Engineering Fair
EN313T Switchgrass: A Source of Biofuels and Fibers
Mallory Ruth Busso, 16, Junior; Lauren Marie Raycraft, 16, Junior
Kalamazoo Area Mathematics and Science Center, Kalamazoo, Michigan,
T: John William Goudie
MI055 Evaluation of the Killing Effects of Antibiotics with Equine
Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils against Streptococcus equi and
Rhodococcus equi
Rachel Marie Rudlaff, 17, Senior, Kalamazoo Area Mathematics and Science
Center, Kalamazoo, Michigan, T: John William Goudie
PH023 Reducing the Computation Time of a N-Body Galactic Simulation
Evan Haley Fletcher, 17, Senior, Kalamazoo Area Mathematics and Science
Center, Kalamazoo, Michigan, T: John WIliam Goudie
Port Huron, 320601, St. Clair County Science and Engineering Fair
EA028 Does Well Depth Affect Tetracycline Concentrations in Ground Water?
Frederick Thomas Duemling, 15, Sophomore, Saint Clair High School, Saint Clair,
Michigan, T: Terry Parks
MI310T Inhibition of Beta-Lactamases: Determining the Efficacy of Saw Palmetto,
Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3), Glycerol Monolaurate, and Lactobacillus
acidophillus as Beta-Lactamase Inhibitors
# Ishan Harshad Mehta, 15, Sophomore; # Nithin Reddy Tumma, 16, Sophomore
Port Huron Northern High School, Port Huron, Michigan, T: Terry Parks
PH041 For the Love of Tennis
Dannie Lynn Fountain, 16, Junior, Saint Clair High School, St. Clair, Michigan,
T: Terry Parks
Saginaw, 320401, Saginaw County Science and Engineering Fair
EM001 Researching a Relevant Remedy to Repair Riparian Residences: Exploring
the Effectiveness of Ceratophyllum demersum and Lemna valdiviana in
Absorbing Nitrates from Freshwater Sources
Nicole Elizabeth Smith, 18, Senior, Saginaw Arts and Sciences Academy, Saginaw,
Michigan, T: Matthew H. Miller
EV001 The Pyrolytic Synthesis of Biocchar and Biofuel from Biowaste: An Analysis
of Its Potential to Amend Fuel Crisis and Food Security
Andrea Aleah Pugh, 15, Sophomore, Saginaw High School/Saginaw Arts and
Sciences Academy, Saginaw, Michigan, T: John David Barnes
Bemidji, 330201, Northern Minnesota Regional Science Fair
BI001 Unique Loading Patterns of the Rho Family GTPase TCL
Forrest Ryan Guilfoile, 18, Senior, Bemidji High School, Bemidji, Minnesota,
T: Michael Hamman
Finalist Directory
EM007 The Effects of Varying Depths of Water on the Germination Rate of Carex
hystericina in Its Natural Habitat
Tiffany Colleen Tischer, 17, Senior, Lincoln High School, Thief River Falls,
Minnesota, T: Cheryl Marie Winkler-MIller
EM302T The Comparison of Compression Strength Endpoints on Concrete
Lorrisa Rose Craigmile, 17, Freshman; Leandra Marie Craigmile, 14, Freshman
Lincoln High School, Thief River Falls, Minnesota, T: Cheryl Marie Winkler-MIller
Duluth, 330301, Northeast Minnesota Regional Science Fair
EA002 The Coronae Paradox: The Use of Magellan Radar Data to Determine the
Overall Geologic History of Circular Lows on Venus, in Order to Determine
the Process(es) of Coronae Formation, Phase III
Courtney Catherine Jackson, 17, Junior, Cloquet Senior High School, Cloquet,
Minnesota, T: Cynthia Ann Welsh
ET007 Phase I of II: Designing and Fabricating a Wind Tunnel for Wind Turbine
Efficiency Testing
Christina Marie Serena, 17, Junior, John F. Kennedy High School, Babbitt,
Minnesota, T: Ellen Pierce
EV303T Global Climate Change: The Influence of Temperature Differentiation on
Embryo Female-to-Male Phenotypic and Genotypic Sex Reversal in the
Medaka Fish, Phase III
# Benedict Leo Scheuer, 17, Senior; # Bethany Judith Rosemore, 16, Sophomore
Cloquet Senior High School, Cloquet, Minnesota, T: Cynthia Ann Welsh
Mankato, 330401, South Central/North Minnesota Regional Science and Engineering Fair
BE006 Harp Therapy’s Effect on the Medulla Oblongata
Katherine Jane Steffl, 16, Junior, St. Mary’s High School, Sleepy Eye, Minnesota,
T: Patti Ann Braulick
BE301T Predictability: Understanding How and Why We Develop First Impressions
and How Personal Characteristics Relate to Having Predictable Responses to
Image and Sound
# Isaiah Martin Butler, 16, Junior; Megan Elizabeth Gilliland, 16, Junior;
Boston Marie Portner, 17, Junior
Saint Mary’s High School, Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, T: Patti Ann Braulick
ET021 Advances in Oscillating Water Column Development
Michael Reed Glawe, 18, Senior, Cathedral High School, New Ulm, Minnesota,
T: Judy Ann Luker
Mankato, 330501, South Central/South Minnesota Regional Science and Engineering Fair
ET013 Decomposing Energy
Max Aaron Keller, 17, Senior, Alden-Conger High School, Alden, Minnesota,
T: David Duane Bosma
EV012 Darter Communities: Their Status in Turbidity Impaired Waters of the Greater
Blue Earth River Basin
Lina Wang, 18, Senior, Loyola High School, Mankato, Minnesota, T: Shannon Fisher
EV305T The Phytoremediation of Petroleum in Typha latifolia
# Amber Jean Erickson, 17, Senior; Presley Devon Morua, 17, Junior
Alden-Conger Public High School, Alden, Minnesota, T: David Duane Bosma
Mankato, 330601, Southwest/North Minnesota Regional Science and Engineering Fair
CH018 Exploring Mpemba Effect
Daniel Michael Kassen, 18, Senior, Mayer Lutheran High School, Mayer, Minnesota,
T: Gary L. Loontjer
ET005 Comparing the Efficiencies of Various Blends of Ethyl Alcohol in a Single
Cylinder, Four Stroke Engine
Adam Lee Broderius, 17, Junior, Glencoe Silver-Lake High School, Glencoe,
Minnesota, T: Roxanne Marie Stensvad
Mankato, 330701, Southwest/South Minnesota Regional Science and Engineering Fair
AS003 Testing Methods to Isolate and Grow Equine Lawsonia intracellularis
Samantha Kay Welu, 15, Sophomore, Marshall Senior High School, Marshall,
Minnesota, T: Theresa Marie Welu
ME008 In vitro Testing of Proprionibacterium Acnes with Specific Avian Antibodies
Taylor Elizabeth Welu, 17, Junior, Marshall Senior High School, Marshall, Minnesota,
T: Theresa Marie Welu
Finalist Directory
Minneapolis, 330801, Twin Cities Regional Science Fair
ME001 Food Additive or Carcinogen? Carrageenan Inhibits ASB Activity and Induces
Cell Invasion Involving RhoA Activation and MMP-9 Secretion
Prithwis Kumar Mukhopadhyay, 17, Junior, Woodbury High School, Woodbury,
Minnesota, T: Sumit Bhattacharyya
ME301T The Effects of Oxygen on Smooth Muscle Cell Function: A Potential Role in
Preventing Intimal Hyperplasia
Ashley Rebecca Santilli, 18, Senior; Emily Kathryn Bostrom, 17, Senior
Burnsville Senior High School, Burnsville, Minnesota, T: Jennifer J. Hugstad-Vaa
PS002 Identification of a Super Hybrid Rice Variety Guangzhan 635/1128 Using
Simple Sequence Repeat Molecular Markers
Tiffanie Faye Stone, 18, Senior, Academy for Science and Agriculture, Vadnais
Heights, Minnesota, T: Amy Erbeck Stone
Minneapolis, 330802, St. Paul Science Fair
BE001 Music Therapy
Houa Xiong, 14, Freshman, John A. Johnson Senior High School, Saint Paul,
Minnesota, T: Denice Winegar
MA001 On the Lattice Representations and Linear Extensions of Series-Parallel and
(m+n)-free Posets
Martin Ayalde Camacho, 14, Senior, Central High School, Saint Paul, Minnesota,
T: Yan Zhang
Minneapolis, 330803, Western Suburbs Science Fair
EE003 An Efficiency Study of a Head Controlled Computer Interface Using
Embedded Circuitry
Gavin Grant Ovsak, 15, Junior, Eden Prairie High School, Eden Prairie, Minnesota,
T: Princesa VanBuren Hansen
ME002 Role of PKC iota/lambda in Carrageenan-induced Inflammatory
Pain Response
Charles David Morris, 18, Senior, Breck School, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
T: Lois Fruen
ME302T Expanding a Gene Expression Profile for Theiler’s Virus as a Diagnostic Tool
for Multiple Sclerosis
Addison Lawrence Weiler, 16, Junior; Ava Kathryn Mokhtari, 18, Senior
Breck School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, T: Lois Fruen
Moorhead, 330901, Western Minnesota Regional Science Fair
ET009 Levitation by Magnetization: A More Efficient Source of Wind Energy?
Alexander Scott Madlom, 16, Sophomore, Park Christian School, Moorhead,
Minnesota, T: Krista Rankin
PS010 The Champion of Photosynthesis Or When 3 = 4
Are the Photosynthesis Pathways for C3 and C4 Plants all they are Cracked
Up To Be when Exposed to Varying Amounts of Light?
Loida Garcia Guajardo, 15, Sophomore, Park Christian School, Moorhead,
Minnesota, T: Darin Eisinger
Rochester, 331101, Rochester Regional Science Fair
EE305T Autonomous Robotic Rubik’s Cube Solver
Spencer August Berglund, 14, Freshman;
David Alexandre Joseph Campeau, 15, Freshman
Mayo High School, Rochester, Minnesota, T: John MacDonald, T: Deb De Young
MA003 Grids and Greenery: Mathematical Models of Invasive Species
Cathryn Margaret Manduca, 18, Senior, Century High School, Rochester,
Minnesota, T: Cheryl Moertel
MA004 Explaining Wind Farm Output Using Regression Analysis
Kate Alexandra Geschwind, 15, Freshman, Mayo High School, Rochester,
Minnesota, T: John MacDonald
Saint Cloud, 331201, David F. Grether Central Minnesota Regional Science Fair and
Research Paper Program
BE013 Learning Styles and ADHD: The Utilization of VAK Methodology and DSMIV Criteria to Enhance Educational Development and to Find a Correlation
between Learning Styles and ADHD
Travis Coleman Sigafoos, 16, Sophomore, Champlin Park High School, Champlin,
Minnesota, T: Kevin Girard Molohon
Finalist Directory
EV006 The Effects of Urbanization: What Are the Effects of Land Use on Benthic
Macroinvertebrate Biodiversity and Water Quality in the Elm Creek
Karin Lynette Sather, 17, Junior, Champlin Park High School, Champlin, Minnesota,
T: Kevin Molohon
St. Paul, 330101, Minnesota Academy of Science State Fair
CH035 Medicinal Applications of Bis(trimethylsilyl)acetylene in Copper(I)-Catalyzed
Azide-alkyne “Click” Chemistry
Daniel Alexander Mokhtari, 18, Senior, Breck School, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
T: Lois Fruen
EV316T Effects of Cardenolides in Milkweed on Monarch Butterfly (Danaus
plexippus) Development
Kara Marie Lillehaug, 18, Senior; Kristina Louise Tester, 17, Senior
Breck School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, T: Lois Fruen
MI043 Using Reverse Vaccinology to Identify Gene Candidates for Use in a Vaccine
to Prevent Escherichia coli-induced Post-weaning Diarrhea in Swine
(Sus domestica)
Somer Marie Drummond, 18, Senior, Breck School, Golden Valley, Minnesota,
T: Lois Fruen
Winona, 331001, Southeast Minnesota Regional Science Fair
BE007 Who Am I? The Role Situational Factors Play When Understanding the
Jean Louise Leighton, 16, Sophomore, Winona Senior High School, Winona,
Minnesota, T: Kenneth Mann
BE302T Socio-Economic Factors and Test Scores in Wisconsin
Jamie Lea Ginther, 17, Junior; Tyler Alan Tullius, 16, Junior
Cochrane-Fountain City High School, Fountain City, Wisconsin, T: Solomon Simon
PH008 Is Luke Skywalker’s Home Planet, Tatooine, Physically Plausible?
Albert D. Kim, 18, Senior, Winona Senior High School, Winona, Minnesota,
T: Kenneth Mann
Biloxi, 340101, Mississippi Region VI Science and Engineering Fair
EE055 Don’t Break the Surface Tension: Designing a Biomimetic Water
Strider Robot
Emily Louise Baas, 17, Junior, Saint Patrick Catholic High School, Biloxi, Mississippi,
T: Deborah Longo Worrel
Booneville, 340201, Mississippi Region IV Science Fair
PH038 Point of Impact
James Luke South, 16, Sophomore, Tishomingo County High School, Luka,
Mississippi, T: Malcom Brown
Greenville, 340301, Mississippi Region III Science and Engineering Fair EE073 Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
Michael Anthony Booker, 18, Senior, Greenville Weston High School, Greenville,
Mississippi, T: Susie Belle Shorter
EE329T Solar Thermal Water Heater
Tambirya Denesia Barney, 18, Senior; Briana Denice Mouldin, 17, Senior; Kenneth
Ray Jones, 17, Freshman
Simmons High School, Hollandale, Mississippi, T: Leticia Latrice McTiller
ME083 A Miraculous Cost-Effective Natural Dietary Intervention that Reverses an
Epidemic of Obesity, Diabetes, Hypertension, & Arthritis in the Mississippi
Delta: The Effects of Organic Safflower Oil & Flax Seed Oil with Vitamin D &
a Multivitamin
Ericka Maxine Wheeler, 16, Sophomore, Greenwood High School, Greenwood,
Mississippi, T: Rylander G. Lee
Hattiesburg, 340401, University of Southern Mississippi Region I Science and
Engineering Fair
AS016 Effect of Resveratol, A Phytoalexin, on Weight Gain, Leg Strength, and Wing
Length of Gallus gallus Chicks
Wendell Shane Riels, 17, Junior, Seminary High School, Seminary, Mississippi,
T: Cherie Humphrey
Finalist Directory
BE015 Perception of Environmental Issues
Kelly Elizabeth Liles, 16, Sophomore, Oak Grove High School, Hattiesburg,
Mississippi, T: Monica Donohue
Jackson, 340501, Mississippi Region II Science and Engineering Fair AS026 The Identification of a Homolog of the ExtraCellular Matix Protein, hLAMP-1
in 24 Hour- 72 Hour Zebrafish Embryo
Ambria Nicole McDonald, 17, Senior, William B. Murrah High School, Jackson,
Mississippi, T: Allan Ray Sinning
AS309T Diet Pills: Ruse or Real?
# Apas Aggarwal, 18, Senior; # Divya Shenoy, 16, Senior
Saint Andrew’s Episcopal School, Ridgeland, Mississippi, T: Sandra Hindsman
EE038 Novel Development of Multiple Brushless Direct Current Synchronous
Electric Motors: A Four Year Discourse
Andrew Garrett Amis, 18, Senior, Clinton High School, Clinton, Mississippi,
T: Richard West
Mississippi State, 340701, Mississippi Region V Science and Engineering Fair
EV331T Correlation between Hydrogen Ion Concentration and Malignant Neoplasms
Madison Lyric Burchfield, 17, Junior; Jessica Chu, 17, Junior; Leena Samir El-Sadek,
17, Junior
Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science, Columbus, Mississippi,
T: Mary Davidson
ME079 The Effects of Leukotoxin on the Immune System
Ryan WesLee Lawrence, 17, Sophomore, Starkville Christian School, Starkville,
Mississippi, T: Kate Little
ME092 Candy Confusion II
Sarah Kathryn Bowles, 15, Freshman, Ackerman High School, Ackerman,
Mississippi, T: Christina Lyn McDaniel
Oxford, 340901, Mississippi Region VII Science and Engineering Fair
CH043 Computational Optimization of Carbon Dioxide Capture: Exploring
Conformations of an Aryl Amidourea Cavitand for More Efficient Trapping
of CO2
Rosalie Shinwei Doerksen, 14, Freshman, Oxford High School, Oxford, Mississippi,
T: Marni Herrington
EE056 Developing an Automated Sun Seeking Solar Panel System
Dora Young Chen, 15, Freshman, Oxford High School, Oxford, Mississippi,
T: Marni Herrington
EE311T Saving Water through Weather Analysis; Using Precipitation Probabilities
and Moisture Sensing in Lawn Irrigation
# Alexander Joseph Mullen, 18, Senior; ### Cathy Hsi Chen, 18, Senior
Oxford High School, Oxford, Mississippi, T: James Joseph Reidy
Starkville, 340601, Mississippi Science and Engineering State Fair CH048 Species Selective Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors as Insecticides
Samantha Sapumalee Nanayakkara, 16, Junior, Mississippi School for Mathematics
and Science, Columbus, Mississippi, T: Mary Davidson
MI048 Germs versus Spices: The Power of Flavor against Pathogenic Bacteria
Sajal Kumar Tiwary, 14, Freshman, Sumner Hill Junior High School, Clinton,
Mississippi, T: Lynda Collins
Cape Girardeau, 350101, Southeast Missouri Regional Science Fair
CH015 How Do Gases Affect Fall Rate?
Logan Payne Ressel, 14, Freshman, Saxony Lutheran High School, Jackson,
Missouri, T: Nicolai Richard Love
PS018 The Effects of Allium sativum on the Germination and Seedling Growth of
Oryza sativa
Austin Blake Pierce, 15, Freshman, South Pemiscot High School, Steele, Missouri,
T: John David Walls
Finalist Directory
Fayette, 351101, Three Rivers Regional Science and Engineering Fair
BE321T Banjo Pickin’ Music: Good for the Mind? The Effect of Bluegrass Music on
11th Grade Grammar Test Scores
Meredith Claire Brick, 18, Senior; Bailey Marie Keith, 17, Junior
Chillicothe High School, Chillicothe, Missouri, T: Stacy A. Surber
ME094 Does Whey Protein Effect a Rat’s Weight and Activity Level?
Travis Robert Clay, 15, Freshman, La Plata R-II High School, La Plata, Missouri,
T: Mary Feldkamp
PS048 Algae Growth, Year Two
Mallory Anne Eitel, 15, Sophomore, La Plata R-II High School, La Plata, Missouri,
T: Mary Feldkamp
Hillsboro, 351001, Mastodon Art/Science Regional Fair
EN022 Effects of Different Types and Sizes of Recycled Plastics on the Strength
of Concrete
Ryan Elmer Headrick, 15, Sophomore, Seckman Senior High School, Imperial,
Missouri, T: Kelly Steinbrueck
EV026 The Effect of Evergreen Covering on the pH of Pond Water
Danielle Elizabeth Krouper, 16, Sophomore, St. Clair High School, St. Clair, Missouri,
T: Ben Joseph Martin
Jefferson City, 350201, Lincoln University Regional Science Fair
EV016 Determining the Effects of Greywater on the Efficiency of Nitrogen Removal
in Septic Systems
Mary Maxine Luber, 16, Junior, Camdenton R-3 High School, Camdenton, Missouri,
T: Chris Reeves
MI019 Bacterial Silencing: The Discovery of Quorum Quenching Soil Microbes for
the Development of Antimicrobial Compounds
Sonia Grace Sundar Rao, 17, Senior, Camdenton R-3 High School, Camdenton,
Missouri, T: Chris Dean Reeves
Joplin, 350301, Missouri Southern Regional Science Fair MI039 A Comparative Study of Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL) and
Non-ESBL Escherichia coli: Screening for Multidrug Resistances and Plasmid
Analyses Using Miniprep and Plasmid Curing Methods
Taylor Diahann Gaines, 14, Freshman, Seneca High School, Seneca, Missouri,
T: Shannon Diahann Sample
MI040 Evaluating Antimicrobial Activity of Organically Synthesized Oximes and
Naturally Occurring Polyphenols
Jordanne Nicole Wright, 17, Junior, Seneca High School, Seneca, Missouri,
T: Shannon Diahann Sample
Kansas City, 350401, Greater Kansas City Science and Engineering Fair
BE033 The Youlla Effect: Original Research on Human Facial Recognition by the
Subconscious Mind
Grant Perry Samms, 18, Senior, Olathe North High School, Olathe, Kansas,
T: Greg Kifer
ME063 Role of TSPYL1, FGIF, and MTF-1 in Gamma-globin Gene Activation
for Treatment of Hemoglobinopathies: A Tissue Study in Novel Binary
Transgenic Mouse Models
Prarthana Jignesh Dalal, 16, Junior, Shawnee Mission East High School, Prairie
Village, Kansas, T: Coleman Ogdon
Saint Joseph, 350701, Mid-America Regional Science and Engineering Fair
CB044 Modeling and Applications of Suppressor tRNAs to the Boolean
Satisfiability Problem
Eric McLaran Sawyer, 18, Senior, Central High School, Saint Joseph, Missouri,
T: Jay Lee Meyers
EE023 The Power of the Sun: Comparison between Photovoltaic Solar Cells amd
Stirling-Cycle Engines
David Allyn Litherland, 17, Junior, Mid-Buchanan High School, Faucett, Missouri,
T: Lindsay Michelle Ussary
EN319T Applications of Faraday Shielding
Barron Collins Roberts, 18, Senior; Chelsey Maxine Bartlett, 18, Senior;
## Sirish Veligati, 17, Senior
Central High School, Saint Joseph Missouri, Missouri, T: Jay Lee Meyers
Finalist Directory
Springfield, 350901, Ozarks Science and Engineering Fair
EM049 The Effects of Natural Peroxidase as a Lignin Decomposer in
Modern Landfills
Lexis Ann Sherman, 15, Sophomore, Mansfield High School, Mansfield, Missouri,
T: Pamela Sue Probert
PS041 Effects of SGB Liquids on Triticum aestivum
Kaysha Michaele Ousley, 18, Senior, Mansfield High School, Mansfield, Missouri,
T: Pamela Sue Probert
St. Louis, 350801, Greater St. Louis Science Fair
ME011 A Study of Types I and II Diabetes Using Insulin Gene Microsatellites
Amy Elizabeth Meyer, 17, Senior, Oakville Senior High School, St. Louis, Missouri,
T: Christine Susan Mehigh
PS009 Impatiens shimianensis sp. nov (Balsaminaceae): A New Species from
Southwest China Based on Morphological and Molecular Evidence
Gechen Zhang, 17, Junior, Rockwood Summit High School, Fenton, Missouri,
T: Cheryl Ruth Apperson
St. Peters, 350501, Missouri Tri-County Regional Science and Engineering Fair
BE012 The Relationship between Cognitive Demand and Stress
Chase Tyler Huggins, 18, Senior, Saint Charles West High School, Saint Charles,
Missouri, T: Heather Horstmann
BE304T The Study of the Placebo Effect in Relation to Probiotic Yogurt
Lydia Catherine Harvengt, 16, Junior; # Kaystin Lynn Weisenberger, 18, Senior
Wentzville Holt High School, Wentzville, Missouri, T: Jennifer Berendzen
PS016 A Comparison of the Efficacy of Standard Commercial Mouthwash vs.
Herbal-Based Mouthwash on the Control of Oral Plaque Formation
Kaitlin Elizabeth Larkin, 16, Junior, Wentzville Holt High School, Wentzville,
Missouri, T: Jennifer Berendzen
Billings, 360101, Billings Clinic Research Center Science Expo
CB037 Identification of Genes Involved in Resveratrol Action on Saccharomyces
cerevisiae Growth
John David Mueller, 16, Junior, Billings Central Catholic High School, Billings,
Montana, T: Debora Ruth Wines
EM042 The Effects of Nutrient Supplementation on in situ Bioremediation
Adair Louise Borges, 17, Senior, Billings Senior High School, Billings, Montana,
T: Dawn Carson
ME317T The Identification of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Potential
Carriers Associated with High-risk Environments
Tyler Lee Nelson, 16, Junior; Margaret Marie Wilmouth, 17, Junior;
Kenda Lisanne Laber, 16, Junior
Billings Central Catholic High School, Billings, Montana, T: Debora Ruth Wines
Butte, 360201, Montana Tech Regional Science and Engineering Fair
ET032 Nuclear Power: The Next Generation Locomotive
William A. Wright, 17, Junior, Belgrade High School, Belgrade, Montana,
T: Taylor W. Hansen
EV321T The Effects of Milltown Dam Removal on Macro Invertebrate Populations
in the Clark Fork River
Bryce Charles Caye, 18, Senior; Luke Alan VonLanken, 17, Senior
Sentinel High School, Missoula, Montana, T: Brett Andrew Taylor
ME053 Myocardial Inflammation in Young Adults Exposed to Air Pollution
Rodolfo Villarreal-Calderon, 17, Senior, Big Sky High School, Missoula, Montana,
T: James Lawrence Harkins
Great Falls, 360401, Montana Region II Science and Engineering Fair
EA011 The Study of Inclusions in Yogo Sapphires Extracted from the Vortex Mine
Near Utica, Montana
Katelyn Elizabeth Gibbs, 17, Junior, Great Falls High School, Great Falls, Montana,
T: Larry Fauque
Finalist Directory
PS026 The Investigation of Antimicrobial Properties of Bark from Selected
Local Trees
Allison Elizabeth Bye, 18, Senior; Haeli Elizabeth Turner, 17, Senior
North Toole County High School, Sunburst, Montana, T: Amanda Joan Becker
The Effects of Kochia Extracts on the Susceptibility of Solanum Tuberosum
to Potato Virus Y (PVY)
Misha Ann Kearns, 18, Senior, North Toole County/Sunburst High School,
Sunburst, Montana, T: Amanda Joan Becker
Havre, 360301, Hi-Line Regional Science and Engineering Fair— MSU-Northern EV015 A Study of Macroinvertebrates as Indicators of Water Quality in a
Montana Stream
Harold Blake Whitford Jr., 16, Sophomore, Box Elder High School, Box Elder,
Montana, T: Melanie Ann Schwarzbach
PS020 Phytoremediation: Does Age Make a Difference?
Kaylene Jay Ramos, 18, Senior, Box Elder High School, Box Elder, Montana,
T: Melanie Ann Schwarzbach
Missoula, 360501, Montana Science Fair
CH041 Malathion: Chemoselective Hydrolysis via Enzymatic Means
Katherine Zeita Michels, 17, Senior, Big Sky High School, Missoula, Montana,
T: James Lawrence Harkins
EM317T Waste Management for Cattle Feedlots: Engineering a System for the
Eco-friendly Treatment of Feedlot Waste
Jacqueline Rae Stergar-Elliott, 17, Junior; Ellen Marie Hyams, 17, Junior
Billings Central Catholic High School, Billings, Montana, T: Debora Ruth Wines
MI047 Purification and Identification of a Peptide Antibiotic Produced by the
Human Microbiome Bacterium, Bacillus flexus
Andrew James Macgregor, 17, Junior, Butte High School, Butte, Montana,
T: Andrea A. Stierle
Franklin, 370101, Central Nebraska Science and Engineering Fair
EV013 Chimney Filter from Activated Carbon and Cellulose Fiber
Kevanie Anne Mones Damit-og, 16, Senior, Wicox-Hidreth Public School, Wilcox,
Nebraska, T: Marjorie Mones Damit-og
PS019 How Much Nitrogen Does Glycine max Add to the Soil?
Matthew S. Gerdes, 15, Freshman, Franklin Public School, Franklin, Nebraska,
T: Randall G. Lienemann
Nebraska City, 370201, Greater Nebraska Science and Engineering Fair
EN041 A Ballistic Vest with Composite Trauma Plate Insert: A Prototype
Connor James Rise, 17, Junior, Brownell-Talbot College Preparatory School,
Omaha, Nebraska, T: Jon Mayo
ME072 Factors Affecting the Regeneration of Dugesia tigrina
Marie Danielle Goering, 18, Senior, Lakeview High School, Columbus, Nebraska,
T: Edward Leo Kinzer
Elko, 380101, Elko County Science Fair
AS023 The Effects of Genotypic Pheremons on Inbreeding of Drosophila
Rio Anthony McMahon, 15, Sophomore, Spring Creek High School, Spring Creek,
Nevada, T: Jeff John Van Orman
MI029 Thermophilic Microbes of the Elko Hot Hole Geothermal Area
Kirsten Rae Perry, 16, Sophomore, Elko High School, Elko, Nevada,
T: Brian Zeiszler
Las Vegas, 380201, Southern Nevada Regional Science and Engineering Fair
EA012 Isolation of Troglobitic Bacteria in the Sunken Gardens, Lehman Caves
Alexandra Elane Wheatley, 17, Junior, Northwest Career and Technical Academy,
Las Vegas, Nevada, T: Carol Testa Adamson
EM310T Determining the Best Geological Makeup of Sand for Man-Made Beaches
Caitlyn Josette Smith, 17, Senior; Kaela Renee Stender, 17, Senior
Edward Clark High School, Las Vegas, Nevada, T: Gabriele Eileen Ward
Finalist Directory
MI028 Development of Antibacterial Resistance in Bacteria Chronically Exposed
to Triclosan
Aleksandar Jamborcic, 18, Senior, Northwest Career and Technical Academy,
Las Vegas, Nevada, T: Carol Testa Adamson
Reno, 380301, Western Nevada Regional Science and Engineering Fair I
AS028 Laboratory Environment Naturality as a Varying Factor in the Stress Levels
and Scientific Viability of the Swiss Laboratory Mouse
Casey J Acklin, 14, Freshman, The Davidson Academy of Nevada, Reno, Nevada,
T: Elizabeth Walenta
PH032 Fission Vision: The Detection of Prompt and Delayed Induced Fission
Gamma Radiation, and the Application to the Detection of Proliferated
Nuclear Materials
Taylor Ramon Wilson, 15, Sophomore, The Davidson Academy of Nevada,
Reno, Nevada, T: Elizabeth Walenta
PS302T The Effects of Sodium Benzoate on Brassica Rapa’s Growth Rate, Maturity
Rate, and Fecundity
Claudia Nicole Dennler, 16, Sophomore; Samantha Rose Dennler, 14, Freshman
Pershing County High School, Lovelock, Nevada, T: Valdine Marie McLean
Jersey City, 400201, Hudson County Science Fair
EE044 Motion Powered Recharger
Vatsal Pandya, 14, Freshman, Dr. Ronald E. McNair Academic High School,
Jersey City, New Jersey, T: Robert Joseph Toegel
EV034 Sources of Sedimentary Organic Matter in New York, Jamaica Bay Region
Elaine Gomez, 18, Senior, Union City High School, Union City, New Jersey,
T: Nadia E Makar
Lawrenceville, 400301, Mercer Science and Engineering Fair BI023 Inhibition of Histone Deacetylases
Neeli Mishra, 17, Senior, West Windsor-Plainsboro High School South, Princeton
Junction, New Jersey, T: Benjamin A. Garcia
ME054 Are Eosinophils, in Human Lung Cancer, an Independent Prognostic
Akreeti Maskey, 17, Senior, Hamilton High School East, Hamilton, New Jersey,
T: Deborah Ryan
New Brunswick, 400101, North Jersey Regional Science Fair— Senior Division
EN312T Hydrogen Production by Urea Electrolysis
Christopher Alan Pang, 17, Senior; Michael Jonathan Wu, 17,
Junior; Edbert Kang Li, 16, Junior
Watchung Hills Regional High School, Warren, New Jersey, T: Sophia Gershman
MA024 Deligne Categories and Representation Theory in Complex Rank
Akhil Mathew, 18, Senior, Madison High School, Madison, New Jersey,
T: Pavel Etingof
ME039 The Double Life of hTERT: Idenfitication of a Novel Function and an
Explanation of Mechanism Involving the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
Linda Zhou, 18, Senior, Academy for Medical Science Technology, Hackensack,
New Jersey, T: Donna Leonardi
New Brunswick, 400102, North Jersey Regional Science Fair— Junior Division
MA025 Benford’s Law Failure in Different Bases of Recursive Functions
Aaron Lawrence Zweig, 13, Freshman, Randolph High School, Randolph,
New Jersey, T: David Alan Zweig
MI027 Altering Lentiviral Tropism by Pseudotyping with Specific
Receptor-Mediated Proteins
Thomas Scott Silver, 16, Sophomore, Bergen Academy for Medical Science and
Technology, Hackensack, New Jersey, T: Robert Pergolizzi
Finalist Directory
Albuquerque, 410101, Central New Mexico Regional Science and Engineering Challenge
ET313T Water as an Alternative Fuel
Aaron Wayne Murphy, 19, Senior; Joshua Allen Rupley, 17, Junior
Rio Grande Enrichment Studies, Albuquerque, New Mexico, T: Curtis Hoier
PH026 Traveling the Interplanetary Superhighway: An Autonomous Spacecraft
Navigation System
Erika Alden DeBenedictis, 18, Senior, Albuquerque Academy, Albuquerque,
New Mexico, T: Kiran Manne
PH027 Clockwork in M1
Travis Nathaniel Crockett, 16, Sophomore, V. Sue Cleveland High School,
Rio Rancho, New Mexico, T: Karen McPherson
Albuquerque, 410401, National American Indian Science and Engineering Fair AS009 Nutritional Responses: The Effects of Dietary Carbohydrates, Lipids, and
Proteins on the Memory and Neuromuscular Responses of Procambarus
Bretton Roy Medlin, 16, Sophomore, Grove High School, Grove, Oklahoma,
T: Keliana D Steen
AS010 Circadian Rhythms Interrupted: The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on the
Reproduction Rate of Drosophila melanogaster
Joshua A. Mease, 16, Sophomore, Grove High School, Grove, Oklahoma,
T: Keliana D Steen
Albuquerque, 410402, National American Indian Science and Engineering Fair MA012 Markov Matrices Applied: Testing the Accuracy of the Markov Chain Using a
Popular Board Game
Wyatt Vann Dunham, 15, Freshman, Grove High School, Grove, Oklahoma,
T: Keliana D Steen
PS022 The Effects of Selected Isomers and Heavy Metals on the Chemical Kinetics
of Polyphenol Oxidase
Laura Jessica Chesnut, 16, Junior, Miami High School, Miami, Oklahoma,
T: Sally A. Fenska
Albuquerque, 410403, National American Indian Science and Engineering Fair EE017 Learning from the Past: Heat Transfer in Ancient Native American Buildings
Nicholas C Rajen, 16, Junior, Eldorado High School, Albuqerque, New Mexico,
T: Neil Meharg
EM019 Engineering a Rain Garden to Control Road Run-off in Scanlon Creek and an
Assessment of Rain Gardens as the Best Storm Water Management Practice,
Phase IV
Logan Joseph Pallin, 17, Senior, Cloquet Senior High School, Cloquet, Minnesota,
T: Cynthia Ann Welsh
Albuquerque, 410102, Central New Mexico Regional Science and Engineering Challenge
CH031 Investigating and Characterizing Flow Rates in Capillary Tubes
Ujwal Chadha, 15, Sophomore, Del Norte High School, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
T: Luis Ramos
CS023 Probabilistic Computation of Pi Using Parallel Processing on the Graphics
Processing Unit
Alexandra Marie Porter, 14, Freshman, La Cueva High School, Albuquerque,
New Mexico, T: Lisa Shibata
Farmington, 410201, San Juan New Mexico Regional Science and Engineering Fair
EM043 Formulating Trends of Nematode Distributions Based on the Modified
Baermann Funnel Extractions and Using the Four Corners Nematode from
Soil Samples Collected in San Juan County of New Mexico. Providing a Guide
for Environmental Management during Site Restoration Project
Laura B. Lane, 16, Junior, Aztec High School, Aztec, New Mexico,
T: Michael K. Lane
ET308T From Wastewater to Electricity: A Study of Mediator Style Microbial
Fuel Cells
# Matthew Joseph Detmer, 15, Sophomore; Daniel Peter Jensen, 16, Sophomore
Piedra Vista High School, Farmington, New Mexico, T: Gail Silva
The End Zone: Measuring Antimicrobial Effectiveness with Zones
of Inhibition
Yarely Quintana, 15, Freshman, Farmington High School, Farmington, New Mexico,
T: Robert Watson
Grants, 410301, Four Corners Regional Science and Engineering Fair
MA007 Finding a Pattern in Diseases
Mitchell Craig Brown, 17, Senior, Grants High School, Grants, New Mexico,
T: Shelby Lee Alexander
MI008 Will Melaleuca alternifolia Enhance the Effects of Antibiotics against
Resistant E. coli Strains (35218 and 25922)?
Cassandra Lee Gutierrez, 17, Senior, Grants High School, Grants, New Mexico,
T: Shelby Lee Alexander
Las Cruces, 410501, Southwestern New Mexico Regional Science and Engineering Fair
AS029 A Bug’s Light: Insect Predilection to Light Color, Phase IV
Daniel Seguro Samora, 15, Freshman, Alamogordo Senior High School,
Alamogordo, New Mexico, T: Geraldine Ann Samora
ET031 Increased Energy Transfer from Small Wind Turbines
James Lee Clark, 17, Senior, Mayfield High School, Las Cruces, New Mexico,
T: Yvette Alene Moore
EV313T Compact Florescent: A Bright Idea?
Erick Valentin Chavez, 18, Freshman; Amanda Caitlyn Edington, 17, Senior
Deming High School, Deming, New Mexico, T: Creighton Lee Edington
Las Vegas, 410601, Northeastern New Mexico Regional Science and Engineering Fair
EE022 Underground Imaging
Alexander Kent Kendrick, 17, Junior, Los Alamos High School, Los Alamos,
New Mexico, T: Brian Kent Kendrick
EE027 SLF Communications: The Miner’s Life Line
Sophie Marie Swingle, 18, Senior, McCurdy High School, Espanola, New Mexico,
T: Irina Cislaru
EE302T Beat the Heat: A Reversible One Way Heat Panel
Ryan C. Erickson, 16, Junior; Holly C. Erickson, 14, Freshman
Los Alamos High School, Los Alamos, New Mexico, T: Barbara Musgrave
Portales, 410701, Southeastern New Mexico Regional Science and Engineering Fair
EE034 Green Engine: An Exploration of Small Engine Design
Brantley Chance Henson, 17, Junior, Carlsbad High School, Carlsbad, New Mexico,
T: Raymond Nance
EV330T To Swim or Not to Swim...
Valerie Ann Lopez, 16, Junior; Sophia Maria Jimenez, 17, Senior
Loving High School, Loving, New Mexico, T: Vickie Connally
MI030 Comparison and Identification of Antibiotics Produced by Bacteria in
High-Nutrient and Low-Nutrient Environments
Hee Sung Park, 18, Senior, Carlsbad High School, Carlsbad, New Mexico,
T: Raymond Nance
Socorro, 410801, New Mexico Science and Engineering Fair - Life Sciences
EV326T Biological, Physical and Chemical Indicators of Ungulate Grazing Pressure on
Montane Streamswith a Description of a Previously Unidentified Invasive
Species in the Valles Caldera National Preserve
Nathaniel Reichert Clements, 16, Sophomore; Jose P. Abeyta III, 15, Sophomore
Los Alamos High School, Los Alamos, New Mexico, T: Eva Abeyta
MI054 Fighting Bac!!, Phase III: The Effects of Flavonoid Fractions from Cranberry
Extract Inhibiting Proliferation of Escherichia coli
Jordan Mark Grainger, 17, Junior, Rio Rancho High School, Rio Rancho,
New Mexico, T: Jennifer Miyashiro
PH053 Galaxy in a Bucket: Understanding Spiral Galaxy Formation Using a Simple
Modeling System
Nikita Michael Bogdanov, 16, Sophomore, Albuquerque Academy, Albuquerque,
New Mexico, T: Jim Mims
Finalist Directory
MI060 105
Finalist Directory
Socorro, 410802, New Mexico Science and Engineering Fair— Physical Sciences
AS044 Use of Regression Analyses to Build Ecological Models of Poison Dart Frogs
in Their Native Habitats
Gabriel Thailand Joachim, 16, Sophomore, Cibola High School, Albuquerque,
New Mexico, T: Lorna S. Joachim
Long Island, 420901, Long Island Science and Engineering Fair— I BE022 The Effects of Issue-Based and Character-Based Attack Ads on Intent to
Vote and Perceptions of Candidates
Aaron Michael Levine, 17, Senior, Roslyn High School, Roslyn Heights, New York,
T: Allyson J. Weseley
BI303T The Role of Perspiration Constituents in the Attraction of Culex pipiens to
Ruchi Jayesh Shah, 15, Sophomore; Garima Yadav, 15, Sophomore
Sachem High School North, Lake Ronkonkoma, New York, T: Monica Jean Marlowe
CB016 Neurons and Glia Exhibit Different Adhesion Complexes in the Embryonic
Chicken Retina: R-cognin-mediated Aggregation and Intercellular
Ryohei Ozaki, 17, Senior, Paul D. Schreiber High School, Port Washington,
New York, T: John Schineller
Long Island, 420902, Long Island Science and Engineering Fair— II BE021 Risky Business: What Cognitive Factors Influence Risk Taking in the
Academic Setting?
Joseph Hunter Yagoda, 17, Senior, William A. Shine Great Neck South High School,
Great Neck, New York, T: Michelle Sorise
CB306T High Glucose Levels Alter Morphine Signaling Systems: A Novel Pathway for
Sugar Addiction
Jan Gong, 17, Junior; Charles Cheng Yu, 16, Sophomore
Garden City High School, Garden City, New York, T: Steven J. Gordon
The Wheatley School, Old Westbury, New York, T: Paul Paino
ME034 The Novel Use of Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) to
Observe Apoptosis in Oligodendrocytes
Pragya Kakani, 18, Senior, Jericho Senior High School, Jericho, New York,
T: Serena McCalla
Long Island, 420903, Long Island Science and Engineering Fair— III EM031 Pore Size Reduction of Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) Scaffolds for High
Performance Microfiltration
Brandon Li, 17, Senior, Jericho Senior High School, Jericho, New York,
T: Serena McCalla
EN311T Building Enhanced Bioscaffolds: Improving the Stability and Wound
Healing Properties of Biocompatible Scaffolds Using Hydrogels and
Electrospun Fibers
Salonee Shah, 17, Senior; # Michelle Theresa Leonetti, 18, Freshman
Walter Tresper Clarke High School, Westbury, New York, T: Veronica Macerino
Long Beach High School, Long Beach, New York
EV027 Environmental Toxin 4-Nonylphenol and Autoimmune Diseases: Using DNA
Microarray to Examine Genetic Markers of Cytokine Activity
Celline Kim, 17, Senior, Manhasset High School, Manhasset, New York,
T: Peter Guastella
Long Island, 420904, Long Island Science and Engineering Fair— IV AS021 Effects of Starvation on Wild Type and Adipose60 Mutant Drosophila
Alyssa Chelsea Ehrlich, 17, Senior, South Side High School, Rockville Centre,
New York, T: Todd Russo
BI015 Modification of Fibrinogen Clotting in the Absence of Thrombin: A Novel
Surface Chemistry Approach with Biomedical Applications
Pooja Rambhia, 17, Senior, Jericho High School, Jericho, New York,
T: Serena McCalla
Finalist Directory
ET310T The Effect of Solid Acid, Base, and Enzyme Catalysts on Transesterification
and the Purity of the Fuel Formed
Jonathan David Tam, 16, Freshman; James Charles Krach, 16, Junior
Manhasset High School, Manhasset, New York, T: Peter Guastella
Long Island, 420908, Long Island Science and Engineering Fair— V
EN025 A Molecular Automaton with Built-in Visual Display for Filovirus
Julia Elizabeth Poje, 17, Senior, Valley Stream South High School, Valley Stream,
New York, T: Jeffrey Hsi
ET314T Heat Exchange System: Using Local Bay Water to Increase Heating and
Cooling Efficiencies in a Residential Application
Griffin Dell Shapiro, 17, Junior; Zakaria Idrissi Seghrouchni, 17, Junior
Long Beach High School, Lido Beach, New York, T: Cody James Onufrock
ME038 Caspase Dependent Apoptotic Pathways in HCT-116 Colon Cancer Cells
Jessica Taylor Lovett, 17, Senior, Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns and
Rockaway, Cedarhurst, New York, T: Rebecca P. Isseroff
Long Island, 420909, Long Island Science and Engineering Fair— VI
CB019 The Development of siRNA Delivery Systems for Oncogene Suppression in
Human Cancers
Jason Michael Littman, 17, Senior, Plainview-Old Bethpage John F. Kennedy
High School, Plainview, New York, T: Mary Lou O’Donnell
EM308T Enhancing Biofilters: The Impact of Abscisic Acid on the Sequestration of
Heavy Metals by Euglena gracilis
# Jackie Bokor, 16, Junior; # Hannah Michele Berkowitz, 16, Junior
Long Beach High School, Lido Beach, New York, T: Cody Onufrock
MI025 The Effects of Grazer Exclusion on the Colonization of Hard Substrates by
Microbial Communities
Joshua Andrew Lewin-Jacus, 18, Senior, Lynbrook Senior High School, Lynbrook,
New York, T: David Shanker
Long Island, 420912, Long Island Science and Engineering Fair— VII
BE307T Analysis of the Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Learning Behavior
and Cognitive Deficit in a Drosophila Model: A Potential Target for
Neuroprotective Pharmacotherapy
# Shaunak Krishan Bakshi, 16, Junior; ## Peter Hans Massey, 17, Senior
Manhasset Senior High School, Manhasset, New York, T: Peter Guastella
EE028 Lighting the Future: The Power Output of Titanium Dioxide Solar Cells Using
Various Dyes
Chaimaa Makoudi, 18, Senior, General Douglas MacArthur High School,
Levittown, New York, T: David Stephen Friedman
MA023 Super Kahler-Ricci Flow
Joshua William Pfeffer, 17, Senior, North Shore Hebrew Academy High School,
Great Neck, New York, T: Allen Laurence Sachs
Long Island, 420917, Long Island Science and Engineering Fair— VIII
BE023 Understanding the Psychosocial Factors Related to Low Mammography
Adherece amongst Low-Income, Urban African Americans
Kevin Young Xu, 18, Senior, Roslyn High School, Roslyn Heights, New York,
T: Allyson J. Weseley
CH023 A Novel Chemical Synthesis for>1 m2
Graphene Sheets
Paul Chandrica Masih Das, 17, Senior, Lawrence High School, Cedarhurst,
New York, T: Rebecca Isseroff
EN308T Construction of a Contrast-Enhanced Brain-Mimicking Hydrogel and
Simulation of the Mechanical Effects of Implantable Brain Electrodes
Rohit Anish Ramani, 17, Senior; Neil Pathak, 17, Junior
Half Hollow Hills High School East, Dix Hills, New York, T: Michael Lake
Herricks High School, New Hyde Park, New York, T: Renee Barcia
New York City, 420905, New York City Science and Engineering Fair I
EA303T ESR Dating Early Men and Their Tools at Pradayrol, France and
Ainikab I, Russia: “So Easy a Caveman Can Do It!”
Israt Ahmed, 17, Junior; Xiao Y. Zhou, 16, Junior; Stephanie S Chen, 17, Junior
Francis Lewis High School, Fresh Meadows, New York, T: Bonnie Blackwell
Stuyvesant High School, New York, New York
Finalist Directory
ME049 Structural Basis for the Recognition of RNA by the Fragile X Mental
Retardation Protein (FMRP)
Cynthia Chen, 17, Senior, The Brearley School, New York, New York,
T: Richard White
MI034 The Interactions of CotO Suggest a Novel Method of Spore Inactivation
Jack Benjamin Greisman, 18, Senior, Stuyvesant High School, New York, New York,
T: Jonathan Gastel
New York City, 420906, New York City Science and Engineering Fair II
BI021 Computational Analysis of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Substrates in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Leads to a Novel Computational
Identification Mechanism
Manjinder Singh Kandola, 17, Senior, Queens High School for the Sciences at
York College, Jamaica, New York, T: Joel Blickstein
CH030 Synthesis of Zirconium and Hafnium Phthalocyanines for Gratzel-type
Solar Cell
Kemakorn Ithisuphalap, 18, Senior, Manhattan International High School,
New York, New York, T: Marigle Barbosa
New York City, 420907, New York City Science and Engineering Fair III
BE310T The Effects of an Action Video Game on Reducing the Gender Gap in
Geometry Scores
Klaudia Kluzinski, 16, Junior; Angela Lee, 16, Junior
Forest Hills High School, Forest Hills, New York, T: Ofra Biener
CS022 New Morphological Features for Automated Classification of Galaxy Images
Obtained in Deep Space Surveys
Andrei V. Nagornyi, 18, Senior, Stuyvesant High School, New York, New York,
T: Michael Zamansky
ET029 A Simulation Using C++ to Evaluate the Performance of the Columbia
University Non-Neutral Torus Stellarator Based on a Pedersen Model
for Optimization
Soo Kyoung Kim, 18, Senior, Bronx High School of Science, Bronx, New York,
T: Julie Mankiewicz
New York City, 420910, New York City Science and Engineering Fair IV
CB030 Evaluation of Antibacterial and Anticancer Properties of
Capnella imbricata Extracts
Katrina Yue Kay Koon, 17, Senior, Stuyvesant High School, New York, New York,
T: Sarah Salm
New York City, 420911, New York City Science and Engineering Fair V
CB029 The Effect of Biomimetic Polymers on the Endothelial Glycocalyx
Sheraz Tariq, 18, Senior, Manhattan Center for Science and Math, New York,
New York, T: Charlene Chan-Lee
EV032 Evaluation of Hydraulic Conductivity from Grain Size Analysis and Slug Test
in Araihazar, Bangladesh
Ho Chit Siu, 17, Senior, Bronx High School of Science, Bronx, New York,
T: Julie Mankiewicz
New York City, 420914, New York City Science and Engineering Fair VI
MA027 On the Construction of an Uncountable Class of Transcendental Numbers
Yevgeniy Rudoy, 18, Senior, Stuyvesant High School, New York, New York,
T: Peter Brooks
ME051 Dying Young: Mortality from Pandemic Influenza and Pneumonia by
Age Group
Andrew George Sherlock, 14, Sophomore, Hunter College High School, New York,
New York, T: Philip Jeffery
Poughkeepsie, 420601, Dutchess County Regional Science Fair MA050 Fractals and Fugues: Analyzing Music with Math
Rachel Danielle Perfecto, 16, Junior, Roy C. Ketcham High School, Wappingers
Falls, New York, T: Stephen Kenney
Queens, 420913, New York State Science and Engineering Fair
CB021 A Genetic Investigation of Autism: The Role of Type III Neuregulin-1/ErbB4
Signaling and Contactin4 Expression in Neurodevelopment
Alexis Eleni Tchaconas, 17, Senior, Commack High School, Commack, New York,
T: Richard Mark Kurtz
Finalist Directory
EN024 Refinement of Solar Cell Morphology in Bulk Heterojunction Nanoparticle
Polymer Composites
Mubarrat Nuvid Bhuiyan, 17, Senior, Jericho Senior High School, Jericho, New York,
T: Serena McCalla
EN310T Orientation and Differentiation of Adult Dental Pulp Stem Cells on
Electrospun Fiber Scaffolds
Yesha Maniar, 18, Senior; Julie Chang, 17, Junior
Herricks High School, New Hyde Park, New York, T: Renee Barcia
Queens, 420918, New York State Science and Engineering Fair— II
EM309T Mussels: A Natural Solution to Bug Spray Toxicity: Evaluation of Geukensia
demissa as DEET Biofilters in Runoff Water
Jane E. Smyth, 16, Sophomore; Arianne Papa, 16, Sophomore
Long Beach High School, Lido Beach, New York, T: Veronica Ade
ME037 Expression Profiling of Putative microRNA in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
Samantha Brooke Halpern, 17, Senior, Roslyn High School, Roslyn Heights,
New York, T: Allyson Weseley
MI026 Attachment Factor Secretion in Uropathogenic E. coli Bacteria
Erica Brooke Portnoy, 16, Junior, Commack High School, Commack, New York,
T: Richard Mark Kurtz
Rochester, 421401, Central Western Section-Science Teachers Association of New York
State Science Congress
MI038 Reexamining the Mechanism-of-Action of Hoechst 33342 upon Candida
albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Yeast Cells
Stanford Jeremy Schor, 17, Senior, Brighton High School, Rochester, New York,
T: Deborah Reynolds
Syracuse, 421001, Greater Syracuse Scholastic Science Fair
BI039 The Nutritional Loss in Foods due to Non-Enzymatic Browning
Joshua Jayme Nubla, 17, Senior, East Syracuse-Minoa Central Highschool,
East Syracuse, New York, T: Sally B Mitchell
EA021 Sedimentary Varve Record of Climate Change and the Last Deglaciation of
Central New York
Hannah Rachel Valentino, 15, Sophomore, Valentino Home School, Mexico,
New York, T: Karen Rose Valentino
Syracuse, 421701, Dr. Nelson Ying Tri Region Science and Engineering Fair
EE071 Maximization of Daylight with Thermal Mass Modification in an Eastern,
Mid-Atlantic High School
William T. Chauvin, 18, Senior, Valley Central High School, Montgomery, New York,
T: Joseph Fracalossi
ME076 A Monomer-Enriched Grape-Seed Polyphenolic Extract Attenuates the
Progression of Cognitive Behavioral Dysfunctions in the Tg2576 Transgenic
Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Phoebe Elizabeth Kurtzman, 17, Senior, Suffern High School, Suffern, New York,
T: Susan Madigan
MI308T Evolution through Ribosomal Proteins
Rasheen Gartrell Powell, 15, Sophomore; Fiona Amy Lee Hennig, 15, Sophomore
City Honors School, Buffalo, New York, T: Kelly Ann Hyla
Troy, 421101, Greater Capital Region Science and Engineering Fair
CB034 UVA1 Skin Irradiation Modulates the Migration of Dendritic Cells:
A Novel Mechanism for the Potential Beneficial Effects of Phototherapy
on Systemic Disease
Alydaar Rangwala, 17, Junior, The Albany Academies, Albany, New York,
T: David Buran
EA020 Identifying Diagnostic Characters in the Tooth Enamel Microstructure of
Dromaeosaurid Dinosaurs
Emma Justine Hoffman, 17, Senior, Rondout Valley High School, Accord, New York,
T: Elissa Jury
Utica, 421201, Utica College Regional Science Fair
BE032 “You Catch More Flies with Honey!”
James Michael Kobylanski, 17, Senior, Rome Catholic High School, Rome,
New York, T: Sandra Engle
Finalist Directory
Westchester, 420915, Progenics Westchester Science and Engineering Fair
BE027 The Investigation of Latin Americanization in the United States: An
Interracial Socialization Study of American and Brazilian Pre-Adolescents
Camila Sorese Linneman, 18, Senior, Ossining High School, Ossining, New York,
T: Valerie May Holmes
ME047 The Affect of Contrast Density and Mixing Procedure on Layering of Contrast
in Myelography: An in vitro Model
Jacob Harris Miller, 18, Senior, Mamaroneck High School, Mamaroneck, New York,
T: Guido Garbarino
ME314T Cardiovascular Risk Factors: The Effect on Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology,
Brain Volumes and Cognition in Asymptomatic Subjects
# Marcela Lizeth Erazo, 17, Senior; # Lauren Elizabeth Browne, 18, Senior
Fox Lane High School, Bedford, New York, T: Nancy Williams
Westchester, 420916, Progenics Westchester Science and Engineering Fair
AS024 Quantifying the Relative Abundance of Juvenile Atlantic Sturgeon in the
Hudson River
Sean Patrick Maiorano, 18, Senior, Ossining High School, Ossining, New York,
T: Valerie May Holmes
AS308T An Investigative Study of Environmental Factors Affecting Migration of
Juvenile American Eels in the Lower Hudson River Estuary
Laura Louise Hellmich, 17, Senior; Dara Michelle Illowsky, 17, Senior
Ossining High School, Ossining, New York, T: Valerie Holmes
BI019 Brain Leucine Sensing Modulates the Rate of Hepatic Triglyceride Secretion
in vivo
Florence Xavia Kuhl, 18, Senior, Ossining High School, Ossining, New York,
T: Valerie May Holmes
Westchester, 420919, Progenics Westchester Science and Engineering Fair
BE309T Examining Top-Down Control in Cognition and Perception
Charlotte Kleiman, 16, Junior; Alina Lesnovskaya, 16, Junior
Ossining High School, Ossining, New York, T: Valerie May Holmes
CB026 The Role of the MiR-106b-25 Cluster in the Promotion of Gliomas
Jovypeter Thevarkattu Paily, 17, Senior, Briarcliff High School, Briarcliff Manor,
New York, T: Michael Inglis
EN029 Analyzing the NCI-60 Cancer Cell Lines Using Data Obtained from GenomeWide ChIP-X Experiments
Jayanth Krishnan, 16, Junior, Mahopac High School, Mahopac, New York,
T: Marsilio Mark Langella
Westchester, 420920, Progenics Westchester Science and Engineering Fair
BE025 Obesity and Depression: Differential Responses to Environmental Stress
Sarah Averi Albala, 17, Freshman, John Jay Senior High School, Cross River,
New York, T: Ann-Marie Lipinsky
BE308T Gaining Insight into the Lives of Families that Have a Child with “Special
Needs”: A Nationwide Study of “Typically Developing” Siblings
Morgan Bailey Blueglass, 17, Junior; Tyler Hayden Lipperman, 17, Senior;
Elyse Mara Blueglass, 17, Junior
Somers High School, Lincolndale, New York, T: Greg Horrace; Yorktown High
School, Yorktown Heights, New York, T: Michael Blueglass
MI033 A Solution to the Worldwide Malaria Epidemic: A Comprehensive Study
of Iron and Nitric Oxide’s Effect on the Growth and Survival of
Toxoplasma gondii
Matthew Karmen McIntyre, 17, Junior, Yorktown High School, Yorktown Heights,
New York, T: Michael Blueglass
Charlotte, 430303, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Regional Science Fair
AS014 The Effects of Elevated Temperature on Hypoxia Tolerance in Eastern
Oysters, Crassostrea virginica
Brianna Dane’ Levonia Frink, 18, Senior, Harry P. Harding University High School,
Charlotte, North Carolina, T: Inna Sokolova
Finalist Directory
EM002 Creating a Solar Powered UV Water Filtration Device
Bobby D. Lee, 17, Junior, Sunnydale High School, Charlotte, North Carolina,
T: Terry Lee
MI301T The Effects of EDTA/Tetracycline on Wolbachioa pipientis
Edwin Haro Chavez, 16, Junior; Michael Sean Sturdivant, 17, Senior
E.E.Waddell High School, Charlotte, North Carolina, T: Tamica Antoinette Stubbs
Durham, 430501, North Carolina Central Region III Science Fair
CH045 Using a Conjunctive Reagent and Isolating Enantiomers through
Classical Resolution
Grant Alexander Wilson, 17, Senior, Hillside High School, Durham, North Carolina,
T: Michael Cherry
EN039 Environmentally Responsible Processing of Nylon 6, A Two Year Study
Xavier Joyner, 17, Senior, Wake Early College of Health and Sciences,
Raleigh, North Carolina, T: Alan Tonelli
MI311T Host Range Mutations of the Sindbis Virus
Myles Xavier Hodge, 16, Junior; Mykellah Brianna Jarvis, 17, Junior
Wake Early College of Health and Sciences, Raleigh, North Carolina,
T: Raquel Hernandez
Knightdale High School, Knightdale, North Carolina
Raleigh, 430601, North Carolina State Science Fair
AS313T Effect of Adelges tsugae on Sasajiscymnus tsugae Egg Production
Rebekah Morgan, 15, Freshman; Yohana Dierolf, 15, Freshman;
Erika Kate Williams, 15, Freshman
Brevard High School, Brevard, North Carolina, T: Jennifer Strickland Williams
MA043 On the Period Lengths of the Parallel Chip-Firing Game
Tian-Yi Damien Jiang, 16, Senior, North Carolina School of Science and
Mathematics, Durham, North Carolina, T: Daniel Teague
ME074 The Study of β-lactam penicillins in the Presence of β-lactamase Inhibitors in
Penicillin Resistant Escherichia coli Containing Class A β-lactamases
Rebecca Lynn Gregory, 18, Senior, North Carolina School of Science and
Mathematics, Durham, North Carolina, T: Amy L Sheck
Raleigh, 430602, North Carolina State Science Fair— II
CH044 Saponification within the Home
Peyton Elizabeth Brown, 15, Sophomore, Harry P. Harding University High School,
Charlotte, North Carolina, T: Keisha Kirkpatrick
EE060 The Automated Mailbox
Zach Kenneth Williford, 17, Senior, D. H. Conley High School, Greenville,
North Carolina, T: Susan Purser
EN320T Developing a Non-Intrusive Method for Measuring Wall Insulation
Rachel Marie Jenkins, 18, Senior; Mark Anthony Poczontek, 17, Senior
D.H. Conley High School, Greenville, North Carolina, T: Coleman Bailey
Devils Lake, 440201, North Central North Dakota Science and Engineering Fair CH050 The Effects of Heat on the Reduction Property of Antioxidants
Aunika Lynn Swenson, 17, Junior, Dickinson High School, Dickinson, North Dakota,
T: CaraLee Kathryn Heiser
EV049 Mold Identification and Analysis of Zea mays
Preston J. Gilderhus, 17, Junior, Maddock Public School, Maddock, North Dakota,
T: Sam Gutormson
Fargo, 440401, Southeast North Dakota Regional Science and Engineering Fair
EV050 An Inquisition into the Hydro-Conditions of Tile Drainage Runoff
Patrick Charles Gulan, 18, Senior, Hankinson High School, Hankinson,
North Dakota, T: Marcus John Friskop
PS049 The Pesticidal Effects of the Antioxidant Lutein on Agriculture
Alyson Denae Hubrig, 18, Senior, Hankinson High School, Hankinson,
North Dakota, T: Marcus John Friskop
Fargo, 440701, North Dakota State Science and Engineering Fair
AS048 An Investigation of Insecticidal Attributes Derived from Chitin
Tanner John Coppin, 16, Sophomore, Hankinson High School, Hankinson,
North Dakota, T: Marcus John Friskop
Finalist Directory
EN053 The Ideal Design
Jonathan Matthew Ketterling, 15, Sophomore, Wishek Public High School, Wishek,
North Dakota, T: Joshua Wiest
Grand Forks, 440601, Northeast North Dakota Regional Science and Engineering Fair
CS050 XOR Encryption Revisited
Carl Robert Kolbo, 15, Sophomore, Lakota High School, Lakota, North Dakota,
T: Sue Bahe
PH057 Mathematical Music
Nathan Lynn Kinneberg, 18, Senior, Dakota Prairie High School, Petersburg,
North Dakota, T: Mary Lyn Gleason
Jamestown, 440501, Southeast Central North Dakota Science and Engineering Fair
AS047 Color Feeders Birds Prefer
Tanner Jon Meidinger, 15, Freshman, Ashley Public School, Ashley, North Dakota,
T: Bruce Speidel
MI059 What’s in Your Shower? Metal vs. Plastic
Bea Ann Fischer, 18, Senior, Ashley Public School, Ashley, North Dakota,
T: Bruce Speidel
Mandan, 440101, Southwest Central North Dakota Regional Science and Engineering Fair
MA057 Planet Parallax
Holly Ann Krumm, 15, Freshman, Strasburg Public School, Strasburg,
North Dakota, T: Bill A. Malaski
MI058 Dairy Farmers’ Dream II
Matthew Joseph Schaefbauer, 15, Freshman, Strasburg Public School, Strasburg,
North Dakota, T: Bill A. Malaski
Williston, 440901, Northwest North Dakota Regional Science Fair
CH051 Cellulosic Ethanol
Jasmine LouAnn Kreft, 15, Freshman, Trinity Christian School, Williston,
North Dakota, T: Annette Marie Kreft
ME096 Nothin’ Cools Me Down Like a Hot Cup O’ Tea
Chris Lee Weeks, 17, Sophomore, Trinity Christian School, Williston, North Dakota,
T: Annette Marie Kreft
Alliance, 451101, Ohio Region XIII Science and Engineering Fair
BI029 Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 7a1 and Its Relationship to Pyridoxine
Dependent Epilepsy
Conor David Freeland, 17, Senior, Minerva High School, Minerva, Ohio,
T: Molly Winters
ET318T PEM Productivity: An Analysis of Efficiency-Affecting Aspects in Polymer
Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells through Pressure Transducers in a Pressure
Decay Model
Angela Jean Smith, 16, Sophomore; Jackson Lee Frazier, 15, Sophomore
Louisville High School, Louisville, Ohio, T: Robert Sudomir
MI042 Identification of Human Pathogens in Commercially-Available Cigarettes
Tyler Daniel Kubina, 17, Junior, Tuscarawas Valley High School, Zoarville, Ohio,
T: Lucinda Martin
Archbold, 450801, Northwest Ohio Science and Engineering Fair
EM015 Possible Bioremediation of Lake St. Marys, Ohio via Dreissena polymorpha
Andrew Benedict Favorito, 16, Junior, Paulding High School, Paulding, Ohio,
T: Lee Ann Martindale Favorito
ME018 The Effects of Cinnamomum cassia on Glucose Uptake
Ashley Nicole Hoehn, 17, Senior, Ottoville High School, Ottoville, Ohio,
T: Nancy Jane Kroeger
Athens, 450301, Southeastern Ohio Regional Science and Engineering Fair
MI009 Vitis labrusca Anthocyanin Identification and Their Antibacterial Effects on
Capra hircus Hoof Rot Bacteria
Sarah Marie Cox, 15, Sophomore, Zane Trace Local Schools, Chillicothe, Ohio,
T: Jason Allan Clark
Finalist Directory
PS011 Is There Gene Flow from Genetically Modified Glycine max to Other
Benjamin Eliott Lewis, 16, Junior, Jackson High School, Jackson, Ohio,
T: Stephen Cochran
Cincinnati, 451200, University of Cincinnati Science and Engineering EXPO
BI011 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Gramicidin A at Extreme Temperatures
Ravi Uday Sheth, 16, Junior, Sycamore High School, Cincinnati, Ohio,
T: Beth Quinones
EN019 Viability of a Photoinduced Electron Spin Alignment Creating a Magnetic
Event in a Polymer
Michael Vincent Di Mascio, 18, Senior, Waynesville High School, Waynesville, Ohio,
T: Denise Blevins
EN306T The Optimization of a Microbial Fuel Cell
Samuel Joseph Sohlden, 17, Senior; Damien Walsh, 18, Senior
Sycamore High School, Cincinnati, Ohio, T: Beth Mary Elizabeth Quinones
Cleveland, 450401, Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair
EN027 Can Recycled Plastics Be Used to Reduce Landfill Waste, Help Improve
the Infrastructure of Buildings, Roads, Highways and Bridges and Reduce
Greenhouse Gas?
John Charles Boykin, 15, Sophomore, St. Peter Chanel High School, Bedford, Ohio,
T: Nicole Geiger
ME045 Factors Affecting the Prescription Volume (V100) of the Tandem/Ring
HDR Applicator
Anirudh Krishna, 16, Junior, Solon High School, Solon, Ohio, T: Anthony Sanson
Cleveland, 450402, Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair
EN028 Aligning Silicon Nanowires for Use in Nanoelectronic Device Fabrication
Peter James Mintun, 18, Senior, Hawken School, Gates Mills, Ohio, T: Nik Sopko
PH024 Electromagnetic Induction
Christopher Micheal Heintz, 15, Sophomore, West Geauga High School,
Chesterland, Ohio, T: Kristin Gregory
Dayton, 450601, Montgomery County Science and Engineering Fair
CH012 Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Radiation for Standoff Chemical Sensing and
Threat Detection, Phase IV
Michael Aaron Gord, 17, Junior, Dayton Christian High School, Miamisburg, Ohio,
T: Jane Martin
ME017 Brain Activation and Mapping with Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Shannon Marie Bidwell, 15, Freshman, Dayton Christian High School, Miamisburg,
Ohio, T: Jane Martin
Marion, 450901, Marion Area Science and Engineering Fair
BE024 The Effect of Congruent and Incongruent Facial Expressions on
Remembering the Emotions of Others
Willa Grace Kerkhoff, 15, Freshman, Mount Vernon High School, Mount Vernon,
Ohio, T: Richard Cunningham
ME042 On the Effectiveness of the Flu Vaccine: A Computational Study
Shambavi Sadayappan, 16, Senior, Village Academy, Powell, Ohio, T: Brent Jones
Shaker Heights, 450709, Hathaway Brown Upper School Fair
CB003 Feeding Studies and Immunofluorescent Analysis of Feeding Circuit in Lean
Syndecan-3 Null Mice
Diana Basali, 18, Senior, Hathaway Brown School, Shaker Heights, Ohio,
T: Patricia Hunt
EA304T Effect of Solar Exposure on the Atomic Oxygen Erosion of Hubble Space
Telescope Bi-Stem Thermal Shield Aluminized-Teflon FEP
Aobo Guo, 16, Junior; Claire Ashmead, 16, Sophomore
Hathaway Brown School, Shaker Heights, Ohio, T: Patricia Hunt
EN007 Use of Gas-filled Lipid Microbubbles for Ultrasound-modulated Drug Release
from in situ Forming PLGA Implants
Rebecca L. Forcier, 17, Senior, Hathaway Brown School, Shaker Heights, Ohio,
T: Patricia Hunt
Finalist Directory
Upper Arlington, 451102, Central Ohio Regional Science and Engineering Fair
BI026 Finding the Structure of a Protein: Testing a New Paramagnetic Tag on the
E. coli Protein GB1 by Solution NMR
Manjari Randeria, 15, Sophomore, Upper Arlington High School, Columbus, Ohio,
T: Laura Brennan
ME061 Rational Drug Design Methods for the Identification of a Novel Negative
Allosteric Modulator of a4b2 Nicotinic Receptors
Ameya Ashish Deshmukh, 16, Junior, Upper Arlington High School, Upper
Arlington, Ohio, T: Laura Allison Brennan
Wilberforce, 450501, Miami Valley Science and Engineering Fair
EV028 Can Drugs Be Found in Stream Systems?
Alison Kristine Tune, 18, Senior, Springfield High School, Springfield, Ohio,
T: Pam Jo Clark
MI032 The Effect of UV-C Radiation on Catalase Activity in Staphylococcus
Epidermis and in vitro
Andrew Nickolas Abboud, 17, Junior, Tippecanoe High School, Tipp City, Ohio,
T: Scott Snyder
Ada, 460101, Oklahoma State Science and Engineering Fair
CB309T Evaluating Novel Methods for Reversing the Denaturation Process
in Catalase
Ban He, 18, Senior; Jennifer Marie Spillers, 16, Sophomore
Miami High School, Miami, Oklahoma, T: Sally Ann Fenska
ET038 Eco Energy
Courtney Marie James, 14, Freshman, Muldrow High School, Muldrow, Oklahoma,
T: Mary Ellen Butler
Bartlesville, 460401, Bartlesville District Science Fair
ME023 Table Troubles
Nicole Marie Biddinger, 15, Freshman, Bartlesville High School, Bartlesville,
Oklahoma, T: Cheryl Lynn Fentress
MI015 Showerhead Bacteria: What Dangerous Microorganisms Are Lurking Inside?
Kaitlin Alissa Loyd, 16, Junior, Bartlesville High School, Bartlesville, Oklahoma,
T: Betty Ann Henderson
Edmond, 460501, Central Oklahoma Regional Science and Engineering Fair EM009 Heavy Metal Bioremediation: Relief for a Ravaged Land
Paige Hunter Parrack, 16, Junior, Southmoore High School, Moore, Oklahoma,
T: Darla Wyatt
EM010 Carbon Bio Capture: Solving the CO2 Dilemma
Bryan Austin Johnson, 15, Sophomore, Southmoore High School, Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, T: Darla Kay Wyatt
Miami, 460701, Northeastern Oklahoma A&M Science and Engineering Fair
EV021 Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal Contamination: Utilizing Freshwater
Aquatic Plants to Remove Lead, Cadmium, and Zinc
Lacey Taylor Jobe, 16, Sophomore, Grove High School, Grove, Oklahoma,
T: Keli D. Steen
Muskogee, 460801, Muskogee Regional Science and Engineering Fair
EN017 ENERGIZE: Optimization of a Process to Determine Algal Species
Present in a Sample Prior to Fermentation through Single-Strand
Conformational Polymorphism
Charlotte Sophia Kirk, 17, Senior, Westville High School, Westville, Oklahoma,
T: Jolene Faddis
ME056 Baby’s Breath: Can I Change the Efficiency of a Baby’s Respiratory Rate?
Destin Stratton, 15, Freshman, Muskogee High School, Muskogee, Oklahoma,
T: Dawn Rachelle Gott
Oklahoma City, 460901, Oklahoma City Regional Science and Engineering Fair
BE041 Holland Code Quiz and Personal Choices
Bayan H. Abdallat, 15, Sophomore, Dove Science Academy, Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, T: Emil Jivishov
A Comparative Analysis of the Proteins in Different Types of Beans and
in Chicken
Meghna P. Singh, 15, Sophomore, Classen School of Advanced Studies,
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, T: Carolyn M. Bish
461001, East Central Oklahoma Regional Science and Engineering Fair
A Study of the Effectiveness of Pharmaceutical Filtration Methods from
Shane Matthew Sellers, 17, Junior, Latta High School, Ada, Oklahoma,
T: Susie Stevens
Tulsa, 461101, Tulsa Regional Science and Engineering Fair
CS006 Optimizing Deterministic Numerical Primality Testing Algorithms for
Maximum Performance
Joseph Christopher Woodson, 16, Sophomore, Home School, Tulsa, Oklahoma,
T: Pamela Kay Woodson
Wilburton, 461201, Eastern Oklahoma Regional Science and Engineering Fair
ME013 Synthetic Lycopene: Barrier to A549 Human Carcinoma Lyng Cells from
UVC Light, 4th Year Study
Taylor Kade Runyan, 18, Senior, Atoka High School, Atoka, Oklahoma,
T: Micki Lynn Runyan
Finalist Directory
BI035 Seminole,
Albany, 470205, Central Western Oregon Science Expo
CH305T Bisphenol-A Levels in Store Receipts
Yan Ellen Yin, 15, Sophomore; Madeline Kate Hamlin, 15, Sophomore
Crescent Valley High School, Corvallis, Oregon, T: Ryan Kanter
EA024 The Effect of Catastrophic Forest Fires on the Hydrologic Properties of
Mazama Ash Soils in Southern Oregon
Rachel Jane Porter, 17, Junior, Tillamook High School, Tillamook, Oregon,
T: Clair Thomas
PH018 Adiabatic Quantum Evolution for NP-Complete and Physical Problems
Yale Wang Fan, 18, Senior, The Catlin Gabel School, Portland, Oregon,
T: Andrew Merrill
Gresham, 470103, Gresham Science Expo
CS021 BeatHoven: Identifying and Inventing Solutions to Obstacles Hindering
Automatic Transcription of Polyphonic Music of a Single Instrument
Vighnesh Leonardo Shiv, 16, Junior, Catlin Gabel School, Portland, Oregon,
T: Andrew Merrill
EA302T The Domino Effect of Global Warming: An Experimental Study of the Positive
Feedback Mechanism (PFM) due to Global Warming on Methane Emissions
and a Model to Quantify Its Worldwide Effect in the 21st Century from
Anthropogenic and Natural Wetlands
Naomi C Shah, 14, Freshman; Priyam C Shah, 17, Senior
Sunset High School, Portland, Oregon, T: Chetan P. Shah
EE047 A Novel Navigational Aid for the Blind
Rose Doris Perrone, 18, Senior, The Catlin Gabel School, Portland, Oregon,
T: Veronica Anne Ledoux
Hillsboro, 470202, Beaverton-Hillsboro Science Expo
CH003 Investigating Insulating Compounds for the Optimization of Dye-Sensitized
Solar Cells
Alexander Patrick McCarthy, 18, Senior, Liberty High School, Hillsboro, Oregon,
T: Milton Scholl
EA301T Change We Can Believe In: Evolution of Tidal Constituents in the
Pacific Basin
Hari Ramesh Caushik, 16, Junior; Andrei Secasiu, 16, Junior; Himanshu
Satishchandra Pandey, 17, Senior
Westview High School, Portland, Oregon, T: Debra Cooper
EM003 Got Iron? nZVI: An Improvment in Ocean Fertilization
Jingxian Zhang, 16, Junior, Westview High School, Portland, Oregon,
T: Debra Cooper
Finalist Directory
Hillsboro, 470401, Beaverton-Hillsboro Science Expo— II
AS001 Effects of Overexpression and Deletion of TBPH Genes on Motor Function of
Drosophila melanogaster
Joshua Miles Dreyzen, 18, Senior, Southridge High School, Beaverton, Oregon,
T: Caitlin Anderson
BE004 Ability to Suppress the Expression of Fear in Human ApoE Mice
Matthew Samuel Agam, 16, Junior, Beaverton High School, Beaverton, Oregon,
T: Mikel Anthony Blok
BI301T Catalyzing Acetaldehyde Oxidation Using Curcumin
Ashwin Kumar Malynur, 16, Junior; Daivik Jared Orth, 17, Junior
Beaverton High School, Beaverton, Oregon, T: Mikel Anthony Blok
Portland, 470101, Intel Northwest Science Expo— Life Sciences
CB046 Multi-Modal Confocal Mosaicing Microscopy for Non-Melanoma Skin
Cancer Detection
Nathaniel Wei-Sen Chen, 16, Junior, Merlo Station High School, Beaverton, Oregon,
T: Joel Laney
PS036 Optimizing Novel Phragmidium violaceum in vitro Inoculations for Advancing
Rubus armeniacus Biological Control, Year III
Ann Christine Bernert, 17, Junior, West Linn High School, West Linn, Oregon,
T: Jon Isensee
PS308T Steam Sterilization to Replace Field Burning
Bradly Jarred Hamburger, 18, Senior; Joel Philip Hamburger, 18, Senior
Tillamook High School, Tillamook, Oregon, T: Clair Oliver Thomas
Portland, 470203, Aardvark Science Exposition
CS303T The Classification and Recognition of Emotions in Prerecorded Speech
Akash Krishnan, 15, Sophomore; Matthew Fernandez, 16, Sophomore
Oregon Episcopal School, Portland, Oregon, T: Steve Decker
EM029 Toxicity of Surrogate Organoclay Surfactant to Straight-Chain HydrocarbonDegraders and Potential for Organoclay Biodegradation
Laurie Ann Rumker, 17, Junior, Oregon Episcopal School, Portland, Oregon,
T: Parmely Herbert Pritchard
ME033 The Effects of Epoxyeicosatrienoic Acids and Their Metabolites on
Myocardial Function and Perfusion during Acute Myocardial Ischemia
Matthew A. Nugent, 16, Junior, Oregon Episcopal School, Portland, Oregon,
T: Peter G. Langley
Portland, 470102, Intel Northwest Science Expo— Physical Sciences
CS043 Automatic Parallelization through Dynamic Analysis
Kevin Michael Ellis, 18, Senior, Catlin Gabel, Portland, Oregon, T: Andrew Merrill
EN321T Making the Best Better: Optimizing the TiO2 Semiconducting Layer for
Applications in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Amy BC Tang, 16, Junior; Anjali Jaba Das, 18, Senior
Westview High School, Portland, Oregon, T: Debbie Cooper
PH048 Analysis and Synthesis of Quantum Gates Based on Hybrid Logic
Anugraha Rajendran, 18, Senior, Tualatin High School, Tualatin, Oregon,
T: Marek Perkowski
Portland, 470104, Portland Public Schools Science Expo
EM018 Using Thermal Infra-Red Satellite Imagery to Measure Water Surface
Temperatures in Large Rivers
Vicki Lam, 18, Senior, Benson Polytechnic High School, Portland, Oregon,
T: Jean Eames
EN021 Generation of Electricity from Algae in Multi-Organism Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Daniel Morgan Scott, 16, Sophomore, Benjamin Franklin High School, Portland,
Oregon, T: Merrit Dalton
ME308T Ask PEAT: Determining if Online Music Videos are Safe for Teens with
Photosensitive Epilepsy
Mariah Bruns, 15, Freshman; Annelise Cummings, 14, Freshman; Alexander Eskil
Harding, 15, Freshman
Saint Mary’s Academy, Portland, Oregon, T: Ronda Royal
Cleveland High School, Portland, Oregon
Harrisburg, 480201, Capital Area Science and Engineering Fair BE014 It Ain’t Over ‘til the Knockout Mouse Sings
Benjamin Rogers Bauchwitz, 16, Junior, Hershey High School, Hershey,
Pennsylvania, T: Jason Ambler
EA005 Orbit Determination of Near-Earth Asteroids
Tongji Li, 18, Senior, Hershey High School, Hershey, Pennsylvania,
T: Jason Sibbach
Lancaster, 480301, North Museum Science and Engineering Fair
BI025 Is There a Genetic Similarity between Mutations that Cause Curly Hair in
Dogs and in Humans?
Sarah Elizabeth Thompson, 15, Freshman, Hempfield High School, Landisville,
Pennsylvania, T: Neal Andrew Kuhn
EA019 Developing a Process for Seismo-Acoustic Imaging Applied to
Humanitarian Demining
Marian Joan Bechtel, 15, Freshman, Lancaster Catholic High School, Lancaster,
T: Vasantha Kittappa
Philadelphia, 480401, Ben Franklin Science Fair
CS044 Modeling Bullet Paths through a Hawker Hurricane’s Wing
Aaron Gabriel Feldman, 15, Sophomore, Charter School of Wilmington, Wilmington,
Delaware, T: Beenu Gupta
ME078 Effect of Anti-Tumor Endothelial Marker 7 Related Antibody on Angiogenesis
Susmitha Ganti, 16, Sophomore, Central High School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
T: Michael J. Fowler
Philadelphia, 480402, Benjamin Banneker Science Fair
ET046 A Homemade Microbial Fuel Cell
Brendan Eugene Betts, 15, Freshman, Easton Area High School, Easton,
Pennsylvania, T: Kathleen Sobkow
MA049 Analysis and Development of Novel Computational Complexity
Kenneth Ka Au, 15, Freshman, Downingtown High School West Campus,
Downingtown, Pennsylvania, T: Steven J Houdeshel
Philadelphia, 480403, Delaware Valley Science Fair
ME077 Androgen Therapy: A Double-Edged Sword for Prostate Cancer
Kushal Ulhas Naik, 17, Senior, The Charter School of Wilmington, Wilmington,
Delaware, T: Meghna Ulhas Naik
ME321T Epigenetic Biomarker Assays for Colon Cancer Screening
# Benjamin Paul Song, 16, Junior; Quan Chen, 18, Senior
Methacton High School, Eagleville, Pennsylvania, T: Robert Helm
PH042 Development of a Resonant Optical Cavity Simulation
Moyukh Chatterjee, 18, Senior, High Technology High School, Lincroft,
New Jersey, T: Michael T. Roche
Finalist Directory
West Linn, 470204, CREST-Jane Goodall Science Symposium
CH304T Small Scale Aluminothermic Titanium Reduction
Dylan James Hinrichs, 18, Senior; Alexander H. Wise, 18, Senior;
Aaron Christopher Waller, 18, Senior
West Linn High School, West Linn, Oregon, T: Jon Lyon Isensee
EM023 Rhodamine Dye Retention in Silica Isolated from Diatoms Cyclotella
meneghiniana and Thalassiosira sp.
Kalia S. Bistolas, 17, Junior, Wilsonville High School, Wilsonville, Oregon,
T: Jay Schauer
EM024 Design, Fabrication, and Evaluation of a Deployable in situ Nitrate Sensor for
Real-Time Analysis of Sediments
Avilash Kalpathy Cramer, 17, Senior, West Linn High School, West Linn, Oregon,
T: Amy E. S. Schauer
Finalist Directory
Philadelphia, 480404, Marie Curie Science Fair
BI036 Role of Toxic N-Acetyl Aspartate on Oligodendroglial Cell Development in
Canavan Disease
Gazelle Meriam Zerafati, 16, Junior, The Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania,
T: Jeffrey Goldader
ME085 Towards Building a Respiratory Monitoring Device: Assessing the Accuracy
of a Thermistor-based Sensor
Nicole Yeechi Tsai, 16, Junior, High Technology High School, Lincroft, New Jersey,
T: Michael T Roche
Pittsburgh, 480501, Pittsburgh Regional Science and Engineering Fair
ME044 Improving Stethoscope Hygiene at Two Community Hospitals
Ariel Lynne Schroeder, 18, Senior, Saint Joseph High School, Natrona Heights,
Pennsylvania, T: Cathy Greco
PH022 Assessing the SBOS Method of Identifying T Tauri Stars
Inga Saathoff, 16, Junior, Oil City Area Senior High School, Oil City, Pennsylvania,
T: Timothy Spuck
Reading, 480601, Reading and Berks Science and Engineering Fair
EE032 Creating and Evaluating a Low Cost Interactive Whiteboard
Gregory James Scanlon, 14, Freshman, Holy Name High School, Reading,
Pennsylvania, T: Mary Ann Buchanan
EE035 A Maze Solving Robot
John Frank Keller Jr, 18, Senior, The King’s Academy, Mohrsville, Pennsylvania,
T: Linda Rentschler
York, 480701, York County Science and Engineering Fair
CH017 Synthesis and Quantitative Analysis of the Effect of Concentration and pH
on the Ion-Exchange Capacity of Metal Polyacrylates Using Copper
Nicholas T. Wilson, 17, Junior, Dallastown Area High School, Dallatown,
Pennsylvania, T: Rodney Martin
EN014 Controlled Release of Acetylsalicylic Acid from Acrylic Polymers
Purnima Malik, 16, Junior, Central York High School, York, Pennsylvania,
T: Dianna Jean Guise
Warwick, 490101, Amgen Rhode Island Science and Engineering Fair
BE028 The Relationship between Socioeconomic Status, Dietary Habits, and Health
Christian Durango, 17, Senior, Times Squared Academy, Providence, Rhode Island,
T: Mark Fontaine
EV033 Does T.F. Green Airport’s De-Icing Affect Water Quality?
Nathan Edward Andrews, 16, Junior, Bishop Thomas F. Hendricken High School,
Warwick, Rhode Island, T: Lou A. Ventura
Aiken, 200401, Central Savannah River Area Science and Engineering Fair
AS018 Effects of Alternate Feeding Times on Hamsters
Hagan Maree Capnerhurst, 14, Freshman, Batesburg-Leesville High School,
Batesburg-Leesville, South Carolina, T: Stephanie Burgess
Charleston, 500201, Low Country Science Fair
CB045 Regulation of Zinc Transporters within the Prostate Epithelium Has a Direct
Correlation with the Development of Cancer in the Prostate
Jacob Khan Sterling, 14, Sophomore, Academic Magnet High School, North
Charleston, South Carolina, T: Mini Narayanan
EE062 Engineering a Superior Horse-Tying Device
Somer Harper Hand, 15, Sophomore, Academic Magnet High School, North
Charleston, South Carolina, T: Lisa Staley
Columbia, 500301, USC Central South Carolina Region II Science and Engineering Fair
EE061 Can the Concept of Stereo Vision Be Applied in Robotics?
Arjun Aggarwal, 15, Sophomore, Lexington High School, Lexington,
South Carolina, T: Praveen Aggarwal
EE328T Friction Increasing Forearm Sleeve
Mark Alexander Morgan, 18, Senior; David Richard Stephens, 18, Senior
Dutch Fork High School, Irmo, South Carolina, T: Lisa M. Maylath
Finalist Directory
EM059 The Effect of Biomass Type on Hydrothermally Carbonized Biochar as a Soil
Supplement and Energy Source
Afia Zarrin Khan, 15, Sophomore, Spring Valley High School, Columbia,
South Carolina, T: Dale Soblo
Florence, 500401, Sand Hills Regional Science Fair MI046 Impact of Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate(DEHP) on the Mortality, Growth, and
Reproduction of Caenorhabditis elegans
Chia Yu JaJa Liao, 15, Sophomore, Wilson Senior High School, Florence,
South Carolina, T: Karen Herbert
Greenville, 500501, Greenville County Science and Engineering Fair
ET027 An Experimental Study to Harvest Hydrocarbons with Combustion Flue
Gases from Fossil Fuel Power Plants
Bryan Matthew Lu, 16, Sophomore, Southside High School, Greenville,
South Carolina, T: Tom Rogers
PH029 Evaluation of Astrometry as a Tool for Finding Exoplanets
Joseph Steven Mangelsen, 17, Senior, Southside High School, Greenville,
South Carolina, T: Tom Rogers
Hilton Head Island, 500101, Sea Island Regional Science Fair— Junior Division
AS040 The Effect of Genetic Mutation in Drosophila melanogaster in Food Odor
Katherine Marie Neal, 16, Sophomore, Beaufort Academy, Beaufort,
South Carolina, T: Jill Luckey
ME322T The Effectiveness of Adding a Photosensitizer to the Photodynamic
Treatment of Infected Tooth Roots and Dental Implants Under A
naerobic Conditions
Adam Brandon Oppenheimer, 16, Sophomore; Mark Ryan Oppenheimer, 14,
Hilton Head Preparatory School, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina,
T: Tina Webb-Browning
PS043 The Effects of pH Level on Seed Germination and Plant Growth
Tyler Madison Gaines, 15, Sophomore, Beaufort Academy, Beaufort,
South Carolina, T: Jill Luckey
Hilton Head Island, 500102, Sea Island Regional Science Fair— Senior Division
BE316T A Functional MRI Study of Brain Activation during the Reading of Music
Timothy A Ochsner, 17, Junior; # Qiuzi Zhu, 16, Junior; # Cara Marie Borelli, 16,
Hilton Head Preparatory School, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina,
T: Tina Webb-Browning
EE066 Engineering a Hydroelectric Turbine to Harness the Energy of Tidal Change
Reid William D’Amico, 17, Junior, Hilton Head Preparatory School, Hilton Head
Island, South Carolina, T: Tina Webb-Browning
EM051 The Effectiveness of Various Types of Drainage Systems and the Production
of an Ideal System
Brittney Whittingham Parker, 16, Junior, Hilton Head Preparatory School, Hilton
Head Island, South Carolina, T: Tina Webb-Browning
Spartanburg, 500601, Piedmont South Carolina Region III Science Fair
CH314T Determining the Viability of Certain Organic Materials as Water Impermeable
Barriers for a Green Food Tray
Lauren Elizabeth Carter, 17, Junior; Aric Daniel Reviere, 17, Junior
Paul M. Dorman High School, Roebuck, South Carolina, T: Joey Gardner
Aberdeen, 510101, Northern South Dakota Science and Math Fair ET311T Hydrogen Horsepower
Derek Roger Dumdie, 16, Sophomore; Jadyn Kirk Miller, 16, Sophomore
Selby Area High School, Selby, South Dakota, T: Gary Lee Fahrni
MI023 UV Radiation vs. Mutation: Effects of Radiation on Antibiotic Resistance
Ashley Marie Miller, 17, Junior, Aberdeen Central High School, Aberdeen,
South Dakota, T: Jan Palmer
Finalist Directory
PS025 A Comparison of DNA between Flower Cultivars with an Emphasis on
Rosa Species
Libby Sophia Wiswall, 18, Senior, Aberdeen Central High School, Aberdeen,
South Dakota, T: Charles Hermansen
Brookings, 510201, Eastern South Dakota Science and Engineering Fair BE311T How Much Does Texting Affect the Human Reaction Time?
Christopher Berneil Aslesen, 18, Senior; Jacob Raymond Tschetter, 18, Senior
Florence High School, Florence, South Dakota, T: James Leonard Chilson
EE049 VSR-2 Talos: FG, the Final Ultimatum
Adam Bradley Halverson, 18, Senior, Garretson High School, Garretson, South
Dakota, T: Julie Mueller
ET033 Twin Turbines
Nicholas Edward Mueller, 17, Junior, Garretson School District 49-4, Garretson,
South Dakota, T: Julie Mueller
Mitchell, 510501, South Central South Dakota Science and Engineering Fair
AS307T Growth of Mealworms (Tenebrio molitor) When Fed Protein Supplements
Alexis Whitney Olson, 16, Sophomore; Tayler Rae Doorn, 16, Sophomore
Mitchell High School, Mitchell, South Dakota, T: Julie Ann Olson
EE036 Nature’s Electricity
Taylor Frances Kinyon, 16, Sophomore, Plankinton High School, Plankinton,
South Dakota, T: Bob Sprang
EV029 Chemical and Environmental Degradation of Oseltamivir Phosphate
Ashley Marie Thelen, 18, Senior, Mitchell High School, Mitchell, South Dakota,
T: Julie Ann Olson
Rapid City, 510301, High Plains Regional Science and Engineering Fair
AS032 The Influence of Antiparasitics on Parasite Burden and Immune Response to
Viral Vaccination
Nathan Sven Wilen, 18, Senior, Belle Fourche High School, Belle Fourche,
South Dakota, T: Richard Banks
Chattanooga, 520101, Chattanooga Regional Science and Engineering Fair
BI012 Can Distillation Be Used as a Metabolic Quantifier?
Amber Rose Gardner, 16, Sophomore, Home School, Dayton, Tennessee,
T: Thomas A. Gardner
ET020 GEET Fuel Processor Emissions and Efficiency
Rocky L. Schaeper, 19, Senior, Sale Creek High School, Sale Creek, Tennessee,
T: Thomas Gardner
Clarksville, 520601, Middle Tennessee Science and Engineering Fair
ME055 Linking Food and Mood: Insulin Regulation of the Norepinephrine
Vidiya Sathananthan, 18, Senior, Martin Luther King, Jr. Magnet High School,
Nashville, Tennessee, T: Sabrina Robertson
PH039 The Efficiency of a Small Particle Accelerator at Irradiating Various Targets
and Producing Radiation
Adam Joseph Bowman, 14, Freshman, Montgomery Bell Academy, Nashville,
Tennessee, T: James Dickens
Cookeville, 520201, Cumberland Plateau Regional Science and Engineering Fair
EV045 The Quantity and Quality of Spring Waters: For Emergency Home Land
Security Crisis
Tiffany Tu, 15, Freshman, Cookeville High School, Cookeville, Tennessee,
T: Peter P. Li
PS310T Poo to New
Sarah Jones, 16, Sophomore; Trent James Vickers, 17, Junior
DeKalb County High School, Smithville, Tennessee, T: Tina Fletcher
Jackson, 520301, West Tennessee Regional Science and Engineering Fair
AS043 Estimating Terrestrial Salamander Populations in Agriculture Areas Using
Mark and Recapture Techniques
Nathaniel Wade Hubbs, 15, Sophomore, Camden Central High School, Camden,
Tennessee, T: Karen Gauthier
Finalist Directory
EN043 The Efficiency of Bridge Truss Based on Force Resistance Compared to Cost
Rachel Estelle Coleman, 17, Senior, Westview High School, Martin, Tennessee,
T: Tina Richele Coleman
Knoxville, 520401, Southern Appalachian Science and Engineering Fair
EN322T Ultrascale Modeling of Supercapacitors for Electrical Energy Storage
Linus Hauming Liang, 17, Senior; Jonathan Linden Bryan, 18, Senior
Oak Ridge High School, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, T: Tamara Jo Carneim
ET051 Comparison of Alternative Processes for Producing Biofuels from
Sweet Potatoes
Ryan Christopher Davis, 17, Senior, Morristown Hamblen High School East,
Morristown, Tennessee, T: Robert Edward Gant
MI052 Investigating Cell to Cell Clumping on a Molecular Basis in the Bacterium,
Azospirillum brasilense
Taylor Wesley Jones, 17, Junior, Alcoa High School, Alcoa, Tennessee,
T: Harry DeYoung
Memphis, 520501, Memphis-Shelby County Science and Engineering Fair— North Region
EV046 Soil Mediums which Absorb the Most Pollutants
Jonathan L. Lin, 16, Sophomore, White Station High School, Memphis, Tennessee,
T: Crystal Davis
ME060 Cell Death: A Problem or a Solution?
Shivam Anami Patel, 17, Junior, White Station High School, Memphis, Tennessee,
T: Crystal Davis
Austin, 532002, Austin Energy Regional Science Festival
CS003 Off-line Character Recognition Using Vector Trained Artificial Neural
Matthew Joseph Chang, 17, Junior, Chang Home School, Austin, Texas,
T: Frederick Robert Chang
MA005 Creating and Deducing Structure Using Domination Numbers in
Permutation Graphs
Maxim Ilya Wimberley, 17, Junior, Liberal Arts and Science Academy, Austin,
Texas, T: Weizhen Gu
ME303T Encapsulate to Mitigate: A Study of the Controlled Release of FITC-Dextran
Microencapsulated in PLGA
Shantanu Abhishek Banerjee, 16, Sophomore; Varun Akella Koneru, 16,
Westwood High School, Austin, Texas, T: Michele Acker
Brownsville, 531001, Rio Grande Valley Regional Science and Engineering Fair
EE013 “Compress Me Light”: Harnessing the Mechanical Power of Springs
Emely Louise Morales, 16, Junior, James Pace High School, Brownsville, Texas,
T: Dora E. Lopez
EN303T Near Infrared Upconversion Phosphors for Biomedical Imaging
Matthew Raigosa, 18, Senior; David Ortiz, 18, Senior
Weslaco East High School, Weslaco, Texas, T: Daniel Thomas Plas
ME019 Nerve Regeneration: Embryonic Factors Promote Adult Axon Regrowth in a
Gastropod Model
Maria Luisa Rangel, 18, Senior, Weslaco East High School, Weslaco, Texas,
T: Daniel Thomas Plas
Dallas, 530701, Beal Bank Dallas Regional Science and Engineering Fair— Life Sciences
EM008 The Algae-Mobile 2: Creating an Energy Sufficient Anti-Pollutant Device in
the Exhaust of a Car
Param Jaggi, 15, Junior, Plano East Senior High School, Plano, Texas,
T: John Thompson
EV302T CO2 Here, CO2 There, CO2 Everywhere: A Test of Carbon Dioxide on Various
Sources of Gases
Neeraja Balachandar, 14, Freshman; Elise Nicole Howard, 15, Freshman
Shepton High School, Plano, Texas, T: Deanna Shea
Finalist Directory
PS008 Algae—the Green Fuel: Optimizing Growth and Lipid Composition in Algae
through Environmental Stress
Wenxi Li, 16, Sophomore, Thomas Chilton Jasper High School, Plano, Texas,
T: Pat Kite
Dallas, 530702, Beal Bank Dallas Regional Science and Engineering Fair— Physical Sciences
CH007 Lights, Quantum Dots, Action!
Amy Cindy Chyao, 15, Sophomore, Williams High School, Plano, Texas,
T: Julie Baker
EE007 VIAS: Creating a Visually Impaired Assistance System Prototype
Shravan Shaastri, 14, Freshman, Jasper High School, Plano, Texas, T: Pat Kite
EE301T Bring to Light: The Development of a Novel PFO Inverse Organic Light
Emitting Diode
# Elisa Bisi Lin, 18, Senior; ## Ian Chan, 18, Senior
Plano West Senior High School, Plano, Texas, T: Deanna Shea
Plano East Senior High School, Plano, Texas
El Paso, 530801, Sun Country Science Fair
EE330T Wireless Unlimited
Juan Natividad Cano, 17, Senior; Alan Efrain Garcia, 18, Senior
Americas High School, El Paso, Texas, T: Juan Gonzalez
PH061 How Are Wind Fields Disturbed?
Nicolas Raul Watkins, 17, Junior, Captain John L. Chapin High School,
El Paso, Texas, T: Pedro Isaias Calderon
PS051 Soil Absorption vs. Plant Growth
Jami Renee Delgadillo, 18, Senior, Americas High School, El Paso, Texas,
T: Elizabeth Espinosa
Fort Worth, 530901, Fort Worth Regional Science and Engineering Fair
EN005 Novel Thermogelling Dispersions of Polymer Nanoparticles for Controlled
Drug Delivery
Peter D. Hu, 18, Senior, Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science, Denton,
Texas, T: Liping Tang
ET305T Cylindrical Organic Solar Cells with Carbon Nanotube Charge Collectors
Raymond Lou, 16, Junior; Dante Zakhidov, 16, Junior; # Navaneeth Goduwin
Ravindranath, 16, Junior
Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science, Denton, Texas, T: Richard Sinclair
Houston, 531101, Science Engineering Fair of Houston— Life Sciences CB013 Transdifferentiation: A Gateway to Diabetes Treatment
Laurel Rose Bingman, 16, Junior, The Academy of Science and Technology at
TWCP HS, The Woodlands, Texas, T: Richard A. Perzan
EV024 Getting Carried Away, IV: Investigating Environmental Consequences of Soil
Treated with Polyacrylamide and Polyvinyl Alcohol
Cameron Bradley Strong, 18, Senior, The Woodlands College Park High School,
The Woodlands, Texas, T: Richard Perzan
Houston, 531102, Science Engineering Fair of Houston— Physical/Engineering Sciences
CH028 Development of a Low-Cost Electrochemistry System and a Novel Approach
to Determine Fundamental Physical Properties of Oxygen, Phase II
Sunil Kochikar Pai, 16, Junior, The Kinkaid School, Houston, Texas, T: Dennis Kliza
ET022 Novel Method: Detecting High Energies in Sonoluminescence
Lyric Elizabeth Gillett, 18, Junior, Cornerstone High Homeschool, Houston, Texas,
T: Melody Canellis Gillett
ET309T Return to Serenity: Turning Noise into Renewable Energy
Feng Ling, 17, Senior; Zhiyang Zeng, 18, Senior; Pengxiang Xu, 19, Senior
Bellaire High School, Bellaire, Texas, T: Gigi Nevils
Kilgore, 531201, East Texas Regional Science Fair
EM062 Methods for the Reduction of Methane Released during the Cultivation
of Rice
John Hill Price, 17, Junior, Navasota High School, Navasota, Texas,
T: Toni Dale Jezisek
Laredo, 531401, United Independent School District Regional Science Fair
PH017 Sounds from Above
Monica Alejandra Torres, 14, Freshman, United High School, Laredo, Texas,
T: Kathryn Navarro
Finalist Directory
Lubbock, 531501, South Plains Regional Science and Engineering Fair
MA032 Regiomontanus’ Angle Maximization Problem: Accounting for Distortion
William Grant Murray, 19, Senior, Christ the King Cathedral High School, Lubbock,
Texas, T: Lynne W. Brown
MI041 Antifungal Effects and Identification of Eisenia foetida Bacteria on
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), an Amphibian Pathogenic Fungus,
Year II
## Jayton Lewis Rainey, 16, Junior, Slaton High School, Slaton, Texas,
T: Shari Singleton
Odessa, 531601, Permian Basin Regional Science Fair
CS301T My Future, My Robot
Gatlin Wayne Douglas, 18, Senior; Wesley Wilkerson White, 17, Senior;
Viviana Salazar, 17, Senior
Odessa Senior High School, Odessa, Texas, T: Cheri Whalen
MI013 The Effectiveness of Using Hand Sanitizer in a School Setting
Megan Mae Khoury, 16, Junior, Trinity School of Midland, Midland, Texas,
T: Chuck Bell
PS017 The Very Variable Shin Oak
Nathan Caleb Taylor, 16, Sophomore, Taylor Home School, Lamesa, Texas,
T: Susan Taylor
San Angelo, 531701, District XI Texas Science Fair
BI002 Antifreeze Protein vs. Artificial Polymer
Taylor Christian Velarde, 15, Sophomore, Cornerstone Christian School,
San Angelo, Texas, T: Evelyn Gordon
BI031 Thank You for Not Smoking
Brooklynn Fayth Carney, 15, Sophomore, Cornerstone Christian School,
San Angelo, Texas, T: Evelyn Gordon
EN302T Insulation Nation
Robert Joseph Brust, 13, Freshman; Luis Ignacio Salinas, 15, Freshman
Del Rio Freshman School, Del Rio, Texas, T: Melva Cortez
San Antonio, 531801, Alamo Regional Science and Engineering Fair I
CH302T Investigation of Rain-X® and Sunscreen Coating, Year Three:
Protection Against Radiation-Induced Oxidative Stress
Derek Robert Lam, 15, Freshman; Brigette Mary Lee, 15, Sophomore
Keystone School, San Antonio, Texas, T: Jason Russell Nydegger
EN010 The Effects of Pier Type on a Riverbed’s Erosion
Alyssa Marie Bennett, 16, Junior, John Jay Science and Engineering Academy,
San Antonio, Texas, T: Richard Lawrence
EN011 Development of an Antimicrobial Acrylic Resin, Year Two
Catherine Yang Fan, 18, Senior, Tom C. Clark High School, San Antonio, Texas,
T: Debbi Sochia
San Antonio, 531802, Alamo Regional Science and Engineering Fair II
BI013 Assessing the Risks Associated with P2Y1-Receptor Stimulation of
Astrocytes as a Treatment for Stroke
Carolina D. Lopez-Trevino, 16, Junior, John Jay Science & Engineering Academy,
San Antonio, Texas, T: Dan Sweet
ME031 Novel Role of PARP-4 as a Potential Target in Breast Cancer
Olga Y. Skirda, 17, Senior, Health Careers High School, San Antonio, Texas,
T: Dan Sweet
ME311T The Effects of Light Therapy on the Growth of Propionibacterium acnes and
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Christine Joy Paguio Tan, 15, Sophomore; Christine Gail Paguio Tan, 15,
Keystone School, San Antonio, Texas, T: Jason Russell Nydegger
San Antonio, 531803, Alamo Regional Science and Engineering Fair III BE020 Algebra: Not the Same Old Game - Educational Gaming for Knowledge
Neil Martin Redfield, 17, Senior, John Jay Science and Engineering Academy,
San Antonio, Texas, T: Dan Sweet
Finalist Directory
PS024 Mysteries of Autism
Nupur Manoj Shambharkar, 15, Sophomore; Jessica Rae Rice, 16, Sophomore
Winston Churchill High School, San Antonio, Texas, T: Claire Vollmar
Under the Rainbow - Phase 3: How Different Colored Light Affects
Vegetable Plants
Katharine Nicole Beason, 16, Junior, James Madsion High School, San Antonio,
Texas, T: Joshua Anderson
San Antonio, 530401, ExxonMobil Texas Science and Engineering Fair
AS046 Creating RNAi Based Anthelmintics
Elizabeth Lo-Ra Dick, 17, Senior, Seguin High School, Seguin, Texas,
T: Donna Boelter
CB311T Inducing Apoptosis in Embryonic Stem Cells by Adding Capsaicin as
a Model for Capsaicin’s Effect on Cancerous Cells
Samantha Anne Brokenshire, 18, Senior; Devyn Marie Miller, 18, Senior
Vista Ridge High School, Cedar Park, Texas, T: Michele Johnson Mann
EV048 Get the Lead Out: The Removal of Lead from Water Using Common Seashells
Madeline Maley Landon, 16, Sophomore, Friendswood High School, Friendswood,
Texas, T: Theresa Adair Lawrence
San Antonio, 530402, ExxonMobil Texas Science and Engineering Fair
EN052 Reduce, Reuse, Insulate?
John Alexander Roberts, 18, Senior, The Academy of Science and Technology,
The Woodlands, Texas, T: Larry Walker
EN325T Stealing from Nature
Cameron David Stadtfeld, 18, Senior; Todd Michael Ollre, 17, Senior;
Robert Matthew Graham, 18, Senior
William B. Travis High School, Richmond, Texas, T: Melissa Alane Paul
ET054 Optimization of a Novel High Efficiency Photo-Thermovoltaic Concentrator
Solar Cell, A Second Year Study
Rounok Joardar, 16, Junior, Plano West Senior High, Plano, Texas, T: Deanna Shea
Waco, 532001, Central Texas Science and Engineering Fair
CH005 Astrobiology: Life in the Universe, Year IV
Sandy Ren, 17, Junior, Midway High School, Waco, Texas, T: Melissa Rhoden
EN002 Efficiency of Two Novel Biodegradable Polymers at Various
Temperature Levels
Nisha Pillai, 17, Junior, Temple High School, Temple, Texas, T: Carol Colwell
Cedar City, 540501, Southern Utah Science and Engineering Fair CS031 The Limits of Artificial Intelligence: Can a Computer Really Understand an
English Essay?
Nicholas Hansen, 15, Sophomore, Carbon High School, Price, Utah, T: Dan Taylor
PS032 Hybrid Fitness among Members of Wild and Cultivated Rubus L. (Blackberry
and Raspberry)
Jared Bryce Weaver, 19, Senior, Southern Utah Center for Computer, Engineering,
and Science, Cedar City, Utah, T: Ben Kaufman
Cedar City, 540601, Southwest Utah Science and Engineering Fair
EE050 Swarm Robotics
Bryce Joseph Reitano, 15, Freshman, Dixie Middle School, St. George, Utah,
T: Terri Lusk
ET034 The Power of the Wind
Calan Kay Olsen, 17, Junior, Manti High School, Manti, Utah, T: Sunny Smith
Layton, 540101, North Davis Area Science and Engineering Fair
BI020 Metal Ion Prevention of Insulin Fibril Formation
Frances Loren Hubley, 17, Junior, Woods Cross High School, Woods Cross, Utah,
T: Janette Duffin
PH306T What Color Light Shines Best through Fog?
Andrew Quinn Ross, 15, Freshman; Jed Donald Grow, 14, Freshman
Clearfield High School, Clearfield, Utah, T: Jana D. Barrow
Finalist Directory
PS030 Determining the Environmental Impact Created by the Replacement of
Indiginous Wetland Species (Specifically Typha latifolia) by the Invasive
Species Phragmites australis
Chase Wyatt Bourgeous, 18, Senior, Syracuse High School, Syracuse, Utah,
T: Nannette Gunty
Ogden, 541001, Harold W. & Helen M. Ritchey State Science and Engineering Fair of Utah
— Life Sciences
EM033 The Effects Pesticides on the Viability of Macro Invertebrates, Specifically
Artemia franciscana, Phase III
Alexa Anne Lunt, 17, Junior, Weber High School, Pleasant View, Utah,
T: Lareen Radle
EV030 Viral Contamination: A Field Evaluation on the Presence of Viruses in
Treated Sewage from Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Kassandra Wilson, 16, Junior, Weber High School, Ogden, Utah, T: Lareen Radle
Ogden, 541002, Harold W. & Helen M. Ritchey State Science and Engineering Fair of Utah
— Physical Sciences
AS025 Can Hydrostatic Pressure on Eggs Cause Sterility in All Trout Species?
Tylynn Marie Barker, 15, Freshman, Weber High School, Pleasant View, Utah,
T: Matt Patterson
EA015 Computational Simulations of Ring Systems around Rhea Using N-Body
Integrated Programs
Ian Alexander Sohl, 15, Sophomore, DaVinci Academy of Science and the Arts,
Ogden, Utah, T: Deborah Neal
Ogden, 541101, Weber Area Science and Engineering Fair— #1 Life Sciences EA013 Phinding LifeUnderstanding the Relationship between Phi and the
Possibility of Life on Extrasolar Planets
Samantha Emily Keith, 18, Senior, Weber High School, Pleasant View, Utah,
T: Matthew Leduc
ET030 An Investigation of Photovoltaic Enhancement Methods
Lindsey Johnson, 14, Freshman, Orion Junior High School, Harrisville, Utah,
T: Matthew Patterson
Ogden, 541301, Weber Area Science and Engineering Fair— #2 Physical Sciences
BE026 Do People Read Faster and Comprehend Better When They Read on Paper
or on the Computer Screen?
Lucy Ann Kunzler, 14, Freshman, Orion Junior High, Harrisville, Utah,
T: Matthew Patterson
ET026 Generation of Electricity from Ocean Wave Oscillation by Employing
Quintuple Independent Magnet Shaft Assemblies
Jessica Kelsey James, 17, Junior, Weber High School, Pleasantview, Utah,
T: Tiffany Swenson
Ogden, 541601, Weber Area Science and Engineering Fair— #3 General EN030 What Are the Effects of Recycled Materials on Concrete Strength?
Elias Bradley Johnson, 14, Freshman, Orion Junior High School, Ogden, Utah,
T: Matt Patterson
PS029 Sustained Algae Growth in an Enclosed Agitated Environment
Kaylee Shandale Glenn, 15, Sophomore, Weber High School, Pleasant View, Utah,
T: Matt Patterson
Provo, 541201, Central Utah Science and Engineering Fair
CS304T S.T.E.V.E. - Artificial Intelligence - and Tic Tac Toe
Andrew Ryan Larsson, 16, Junior; Daniel Scott James, 15, Freshman
American Leadership Academy, Spanish Fork, Utah, T: Jennifer Watson
EA017 Got Dielectrics? Simulating the Electrical Properties of Sea Ice
Ryan Thomas Baker, 16, Sophomore, Hillcrest High School, Midvale, Utah,
T: Jonathan Miller
EE045 Demonstration of Terahertz Waveguides Using Structured Metal Films
Albert Cui, 18, Senior, Hillcrest High School, Midvale, Utah, T: Phil Talbot
Provo, 541202, Central Utah Science and Engineering Fair— North
CB032 Classification of Nicotinic-Acetylcholine Receptors in the Hippocampus
through Ion Current Analysis
Strom Truman Clark, 15, Sophomore, Karl G. Maeser Preparatory Academy,
Lindon, Utah, T: Nathan Robert Marshall
Finalist Directory
CH308T Pore-Size Characterization of Monolithic Capillary Columns for High
Performance Liquid Chromatography
Kenneth Wayne Lee, 17, Senior; Garth Anthony Lee, 16, Junior
American Fork High School, American Fork, Utah, T: Haylee Stewart
Pleasant Grove High School, Pleasant Grove, Utah, T: David Van Dijk
MA029 Randomized Artificial Maps for Epidemiological Studies of Sporadic
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Jane Margaret Cox, 15, Sophomore, Timpview High School, Provo, Utah,
T: David S. Shelton
Provo, 541203, Central Utah Science and Engineering Fair— South
CS028 Silent as a Ninja: Network Security Made Easy
Jordan Robert Conlin, 18, Senior, Wasatch High School, Heber City, Utah,
T: Kimberly Conlin
EE309T Auto Collision Avoidance
Albert Lynn Payne, 15, Sophomore; Christine Marie Stone, 18, Senior
Provo High School, Provo, Utah, T: Ty Scott Robinson
EM037 Erosion Control of Mountainside through Asexual Propagation Using
Rhus glabra Cis-montana
Ellie Antonia Vawdrey, 18, Senior, Hillcrest High School, Midvale, Utah,
T: Deborah Housekeeper
Salt Lake City, 542001, Salt Lake Valley Science and Engineering Fair
BI030 The Effect of Location of a DNA Base Mismatch on the Stability of a
Hybridized DNA Duplex
Charles Preston Blakemore, 17, Junior, Academy for Math, Engineering and
Science, Salt Lake City, Utah, T: Tanya Vickers
EE312T Regenerative Braking
Erick Yiqing Chen, 16, Junior; Delian Tihomirov Asparouhov, 16, Junior
West High School, Salt Lake City, Utah, T: Maren Hansen
MI044 Antibacterial and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Myricetin against an
Acne-Causing Bacterium, Third Year Study
Lori Kim, 17, Junior, Homeschool, Salt Lake City, Utah, T: Kevin K Kim
Northfield, 550101, Vermont State Science and Mathematics Fair
CB055 The Effect of Injecting Stem Cells into Cadaveric De-cellularized Lungs
Pooja Tushar Desai, 16, Junior, South Burlington High School, South Burlington,
Vermont, T: Curtis Roger Belton
CH054 The Effect of Heat Treatment on Calcium Lactate Crystallization on
Cheddar Cheese
Flora Kathleen Su, 17, Junior, South Burlington High School, South Burlington,
Vermont, T: Curtis Roger Belton
Arlington, 560101, Northern Virginia Science and Engineering Fair EN006 Regarding the Applications of Semiconducting Carbon Based Single-Walled
Yosyp Shvab, 16, Junior, T. C. Williams High School, Alexandria, Virginia,
T: Shawn Lowe
ME015 The Effect of Age on Ability to Perceive High Frequencies
Julia Kathryn Black, 15, Freshman, Yorktown High School, Arlington, Virginia,
T: Mary Knight
Ashburn, 560901, Loudoun County Science and Engineering Fair
CH025 Investigating the Growth and Nucleation Process of C60 Fullerene
Nanowhiskers via Formation Structures
Nicholas Mark Worth Sharp, 18, Senior, Dominion High School, Sterling, Virginia,
T: Denise Lynne Wingfield
MI306T Investigating the Antimicrobial Properties of the Flatulence and Hemolymph
of Drosophila melanogaster
Joanne Marie Guidry, 18, Senior; Robert Matthew Daitzman, 18, Senior
Loudoun Academy of Science, Sterling, Virginia, T: Jennifer Andrews Flynn
Finalist Directory
Charlottesville, 560201, Virginia Piedmont Regional Science Fair
CB005 HPV Oncogene E6 Target Histone Acetyl Transferases in Cancer Cells
Arun Brendan Dutta, 16, Junior, Western Albemarle High School, Crozet, Virginia,
T: Wally Adesina
MI016 The Effect of Different Inocula and Media on the Power Output of
Microbial Biobatteries
Sarah Katherine Hooper, 17, Junior, Charlottesville High School, Charlottesville,
Virginia, T: Matthew Shields
Fairfax, 560301, Fairfax County Area I Regional Science and Engineering Fair
ET024 Reducing Wing Induced Drag through the Addition of Adaptive Tip Sails,
Part II
Joseph Anthony Gerner, 17, Senior, George Marshall High School, Falls Church,
Virginia, T: Amy Speegle
ME313T A Novel Gallium and Zinc Nitrate Based Intravenous Medicine for the
Treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Nosocomial Infections
Aditya Samir Mazmudar, 15, Sophomore; Atif Javed, 17, Junior
Fairfax High School, Fairfax, Virginia, T: Kristin Webster
Fairfax, 560302, Fairfax County Area II Regional Science and Engineering Fair
EN026 Use Black to Keep Your Teeth White: The Effect of Various Light Types on
the Ability to Detect Signs of Dental Caries
Vina Phuong Nguyen, 16, Junior, Hayfield Secondary School, Alexandria, Virginia,
T: Mary M. Spatz
PH021 The Effect of Relative Drag on Sonic Sled Velocity
Alexander Matthew Atkinson, 15, Freshman, Oakton High School, Vienna, Virginia,
T: Kay Mikula
Fairfax, 560303, Fairfax County Area III Regional Science and Engineering Fair
EE030 A New Approach to Encryption: Modification of Rossler’s Chaotic Equations
to Create a Encrypted Communication System with Signal Masking and
Automatic Self Synchronizing Decryption
Curtis Adrian Khol, 17, Senior, James Madison High School, Vienna, Virginia,
T: Martin Romeo
ME041 Novel Identification/Subjugation of Prostate Cancer Cells’ Intrinsic
Resistance Mechanism to Cisplatin
Jong Hyuck Won, 17, Senior, Langley High School, McLean, Virginia,
T: Alfredo Velena
Fairfax, 560304, Fairfax County Area IV Regional Science and Engineering Fair
AS022 Comparison of Canine Lyme Disease between Virginia and Maryland
Shahleen Zehra Ahmed, 17, Senior, Chantilly High School, Chantilly, Virginia,
T: John P King
Fairfax, 560305, Fairfax County Regional Science and Engineering Fair
EN315T Optimization of Platinum Nanoparticles for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel
Cells Using Pulse Electrochemical Deposition
Andrew James Touloukian Swoboda, 16, Junior; Ryan Dennis Lindeborg, 15,
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology, Alexandria, Virginia,
T: Brian Kennedy
Dana Hills High School, Dana Point, California
MI031 pVISIA, Vaccine Vector for Antigen Presentation
Vishwajith Sridharan, 18, Senior, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and
Technology, Alexandria, Virginia, T: Paul Cammer
PH025 The First Electronic Structure Calculations and Determination of Related
Properties for Radium
Aryan Iden Khojandi, 18, Senior, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and
Technology, Alexandria, Virginia, T: Robert E. Latham
Harrisonburg, 560501, Shenandoah Valley Regional Science Fair
AS037 The Effect of Pesticides on the Chemotaxis of Planaria
Christina yah-yun Lee, 14, Freshman, Sherando High School, Stephens City,
Virginia, T: Tracy Sawyer
Finalist Directory
EV039 The Effect of Turbidity on Light Scattering: A Study of Refracted Light
through a Cloudy Medium
Holly Elizabeth Peterson, 16, Sophomore, Sherando High School, Stephens City,
Virginia, T: Tracy Sawyer
Lynchburg, 560701, Central Virginia Regional Science Fair
EN031 The Effect of Recycling on the Tensile and Crush Strength of Paper
Noah Jackson De La Hunt, 17, Junior, Central Virginia Governor’s School,
Lynchburg, Virginia, T: Shannon Beasley
MI035 The Growth of Microflora on Silicone Wristbands
Timothy Devon Morris, 17, Junior, Central Virginia Governor’s School for Science
and Technology, Lynchburg, Virginia, T: Cheryl Lindeman
Norfolk, 561201, Tidewater Science Fair
BI005 The Effect of Amyloid Beta Exposure on Protein SUMOylation in
Mouse Astrocytes
Jessica Mingming Lee, 16, Junior, York High School, Yorktown, Virginia,
T: Amy Holtschneider
EM016 The Impact of Temperature and Food Availability on the Viability of the
Early Developmental Stages of the Marine Copepod, Acartia tonsa
Young-Ah Lee, 18, Senior, New Horizons Governor’s School for Science and
Technology, Hampton, Virginia, T: Lisa Field
Norfolk, 561301, Virginia State Science and Engineering Fair
BI038 Targeting Mitochondrial Topoisomerase I (TOP1mt) to Trigger a Novel
Pathway for Anti-Tumor Drugs
Swetha Pasala, 17, Senior, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and
Technology, Alexandria, Virginia, T: Andrea Cobb
CB048 Cancer Immunotherapy Research Vaccine: Mannose Glycoprotein
Encapsulated PLGA Fluorescent Nanoparticles Biotinylated for Conjugation
with CpG Oligodeoxyribonucleotide for Breast Cancer Research
Riley C. Ennis, 16, Junior, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and
Technology, Alexandria, Virginia, T: Andrea Cobb
Richmond, 561601, Metro Richmond Science Fair
CH036 Mimicking the Lotus Leaf: Employing Natural Processes of Micro- and Nanotexturing to Convert a Hydrophilic Surface into Hydrophobic Based on
Cassie-Baxter wetting
Saumil Bandyopadhyay, 14, Freshman, Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School for
Government and Intern, Richmond, Virginia, T: Anna Shore
EE053 Hybrid Polymer Solar Cells Based on Zinc Oxide Nanorods and the WaterSoluble Polymer PTEBS
Andrew Douglas Sylvester, 17, Senior, Mills E. Godwin High School, Richmond,
Virginia, T: Denise Williams
Roanoke, 561101, Western Virginia Regional Science Fair
CS018 Deterministic Lexical Categorization Using Genetic Algorithms
Dru Harrington Knox, 18, Senior, Roanoke Valley Governor’s School for Science
and Technology, Roanoke, Virginia, T: Linda Gooding
ME040 The Development of Therapeutic Agents from Garlic to Treat Malignant
Human Glioblastoma Multiforme Brain Tumors
Se Woong Jeong, 18, Senior, Roanoke Valley Governor’s School for Science and
Technology, Roanoke, Virginia, T: John Kowalski
Bremerton, 570101, Washington State Science and Engineering Fair AS031 An Evaluation of Invasive Tunicates in Pleasant Harbor, Washington
Marley Elizabeth Iredale, 17, Senior, Sequim High School, Sequim, Washington,
T: Debra K. Beckett
BE031 Working Memory Span and Its Correlation to Gender, GPA, Sleep and
Other Factors
Kathryn Rose McClintic, 15, Sophomore, Cedarcrest High School, Duvall,
Washington, T: Kellie Halverson
Finalist Directory
Kennewick, 570201, Mid-Columbia Regional Science and Engineering Fair
ME035 Inhibition of Vascular Cell Migration by Bisdemethoxycurcumin:
A Bioinformatics Based Approach to Identify Target Genes
Shalini Ramanan, 16, Junior, Hanford High School, Richland, Washington,
T: Sreejayan Nair
PH019 Experimental Study of Viscosity Using Stokes’ Law: Examining and
Correcting Stokes’ Law’s Limitations in Viscometry
Katrina Lynn Hui, 15, Sophomore, Richland High School, Richland, Washington,
T: Greg Fetrow
Tacoma, 570301, South Sound Regional Science Fair
EE327T The Design and Construction of a Rugosity Substrate Profile Gauge and
Comparison with the in situ Chain Method
Lauren Michelle Farwell, 17, Senior; Kate Noel Donahue, 18, Senior
Bellarmine Preparatory School, Tacoma, Washington, T: Dave DeGroot
EM038 Design and Development of a Portable Light Trap for Sampling Brachyuran
Crab Larvae
Heather Marie Eberhart, 18, Senior, Bellarmine Preparatory School, Tacoma,
Washington, T: Ron Nilsen
ME064 The Coronary Calcium Scan: Investigating the Early Prediction and
Awareness of Coronary Heart Disease in Women
Preeti Anita Prakash, 16, Junior, Curtis Senior High School, University Place,
PS033 580301, West Virginia State Science and Engineering Fair
Does Azadirachta indica Affect the Motility and Life Cycle of
Meloidogyne inconita?
Swetha Krishna Doppalapudi, 15, Sophomore, Morgantown High School,
Morgantown, West Virginia, T: Eric Kincaid
Keyser, 580401, West Virginia Eastern Panhandle Regional High School Science Fair
CB040 Kombucha Tea: The Effects of a Cure-All Tea on Breast Cancer Cells
Dahyana Arias, 16, Sophomore, Musselman High School, Inwood, West Virginia,
T: Brenda Waterworth
ET039 The Effect of Winglet Shape on the Induced Drag of an Airplane
Taylor Mason Hose, 15, Sophomore, Hedgesville High School, Hedgesville,
West Virginia, T: Andrew Ferber
Montgomery, 580501, Central and Southern West Virginia Regional Science and
Engineering Fair
EV329T Is Soil and Water Conservation Becoming a Major Global Concern?
# Nadia Banks Miller, 17, Junior; # Nevada Banks Miller, 17, Junior
Sherman High School, Seth, West Virginia, T: Joan Cooleen Banks-Miller
West Liberty, 580701, West Liberty State University Regional Science and
Engineering Fair
AS027 My Space! A Study of Gause’s Law of Competitive Exclusion with Upper Ohio
River Valley Crayfish
Vincent Jacob O’Leary, 14, Freshman, Wheeling Central Catholic High School,
Wheeling, West Virginia, T: Zachary Loughman
Glendale, 590401, Nicolet Science and Engineering Fair
AS030 The Effects of Different Genera of Algae on the Phosphorus Excretion and
Oxygen Depletion of Quagga Mussels (Dreissena bugensis)
Christopher Linabury Welker, 14, Freshman, Nicolet High School, Glendale,
Wisconsin, T: Gary Stresman
EE012 Nanoparticle Optimization of Specific Impulse of a Novel Ionic Engine:
A Link to nanoFET NEMS/MEMS Thrusters
Alexis Emily Block, 16, Sophomore, Nicolet High School, Glendale, Wisconsin,
T: Gary Alan Stresman
Finalist Directory
ME307T Mesenchymal Genes Are Upregulated in Putative Murine Mammary Cancer
Stem Cells
# Rachel Ann Wilkinson, 15, Sophomore; # Katelynn Connell McShane, 15,
Nicolet High School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, T: Gary Stresman
Madison, 590801, Capital Science and Engineering Fair
AS017 Iron Concentration of Quagga Mussel Glue and Its Effect on Shipwrecks
Amanda Grace Savagian, 17, Senior, Divine Savior Holy Angels High School,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, T: Betty Jo Azpell
BI311T Measurement of Photoperception of Brassica rapa
Kathleen Sara Ralph, 16, Junior; Amber Jasmine Kazi, 18, Senior
West High School, Madison, Wisconsin, T: Scott Woody
EM025 Monitoring Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria Using Quantitative Polymerase
Chain Reactions
Arezu Hajar Monawer, 18, Senior, Madison West High School, Madison, Wisconsin,
T: Jeffrey A. Starke
Milwaukee, 590501, Badger State Science and Engineering Fair
EN009 Designing a Force-Sensing Device to Aid in the Treatment of Idiopathic Toe
Walking through Motivation
Isabelle Cicely Gill, 14, Freshman, Nicolet High School, Glendale, Wisconsin,
T: Gary Alan Stresman
ET315T Mediator-Less Microbial Fuel Cell
Joseph David Tarnowski, 14, Freshman; Spencer McKinely McAfee-Gundrum, 14,
Nicolet High School, Glendale, Wisconsin, T: Gary Stresman
ME095 Regulation of the Latent-Lytic Switch of Epstein-Barr Virus by MiRNAs and
Iris J. Xu, 18, Senior, James Madison Memorial High School, Madison, Wisconsin,
T: Cynthia Kellor
Milwaukee, 590601, University School of Milwaukee Science Fair
CH004 Synthesis of Silica Aerogels
Meredith Grace Marks, 17, Junior, University School of Milwaukee, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, T: Robert Juranitch
PH007 The Effects of the Core Construction of a Golf Ball on Its Elasticity
David Thomas Rosenberg, 17, Junior, University School of Milwaukee, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, T: Paul Greeney
Sheboygan, 590103, Lakeland Science and Engineering Fair
EA010 Monitoring Lake Superior Seiches at Bayfield, Wisconsin
Genevieve K. Gephart, 18, Senior, Bayfield High School, Bayfield, Wisconsin,
T: Richard B. Erickson
EE025 Novel Heating Approach in Dynamic Spraying of Nano Particles
Alice Wei Zhao, 16, Senior, Sheboygan North High School, Sheboygan, Wisconsin,
T: Hella Willis
Laramie, 600201, Wyoming State Science Fair EN020 Commercial Glazes: Their Affects on the Physical Properties of Ceramics
Anthony Reed Smith, 17, Senior, Greybull High School, Greybull, Wyoming,
T: Joel M. Kuper
EN307T Decolorization and Free Fatty Acid Extraction of Waste Cooking Oil by
Adsorption, Percolation, and Gas Stripping
Lingga Adidharma, 15, Freshman; Widya Adidharma, 18, Senior
Laramie Senior High School, T: Angelica Varca
ME030 Dendritic Spines: A Window into the Molecular Basis of Autism Spectrum
Disorders (ASDs)
June Xuejun Sun, 16, Junior, Laramie High School, Laramie, Wyoming,
T: Angie Varca
Tirana, 880101, Albania Science and Engineering Fair
AS036 The Acquaintance and Study of Endangered Insects in the Tirana District
Strictly for Protection Purposes
Kristi Mitre, 17, Senior, Gjimnazi Ismail Qemali, Tirane, Albania, T: Alma Meta
EV318T Determining Sea Pollution by Analyzing Metallothioneins in Mytilus
Eni Kodra, 16, Junior; Enxhi Vrapi, 17, Junior
Turgut Ozal College, Tirane, Albania, T: Laureta Canga
MA040 Prime Numbers and New Regularities
Rina Ismailati, 17, Senior, Gjimnazi Ismail Qemali, Tirane, Albania,
T: Mustafa Ustuner
Finalist Directory
Powell, 600301, Northern Wyoming District Science Fair
EM005 Improving Mine Reclamation Outcomes with Soil Amendment Variations
Travis Cole Sylvester, 16, Sophomore, Greybull High School, Greybull, Wyoming,
T: Joel M. Kuper
EV003 Effectiveness of Natural Aluminosilicates in the Removal of Heavy Metal
Contaminants from Solution
Joseph Sean Sylvester, 18, Senior, Greybull High School, Greybull, Wyoming,
T: Joel M. Kuper
EV301T Evaluating Pesticide and Herbicide Contamination of Big Horn River
Sediments Using GC/MS
Jessica Fay Hunt, 16, Sophomore; Kyra LaDon Cundall, 16, Sophomore
Greybull High School, Greybull, Wyoming, T: Joel M. Kuper
Pago Pago, 610101, American Samoa Science Fair
EM060 The Preference in Predation of the Native Aquatic Bug, Anisops nasutus,
on the Larvae of Four Mosquito Species Found in American Samoa
Faaloloi Teo, 16, Junior, Tafuna High School, Pago Pago, American Samoa,
T: Joserose S Jyothibhavan
PH055 The Dilatant and Impact Resistant Properties of a Cornstarch Suspension
Washington Kumar Nair, 16, Junior, Tafuna High School, Pago Pago, American
Samoa, T: Joserose S Jyothibhavan
Termas de Rio Hondo, 770101, National Science Fair of Argentina EE314T Reusing Electronic Ballasts to Save Electrical Energy
Alberto Erminio Gil, 18, Freshman; German Norberto Dominguez, 18, Freshman
“Ingeniero Santiago Barabino” Technical School #2, La Banda, Santiago Del Estero,
Argentina, T: Ricardo Alberto Moreno
MI045 Watch H2Out!
Augusto German Niez Gay, 17, Senior, Instituto San Jose Adoratrices, Concordia,
Entre Rios, Entre Rios, Argentina, T: Graciela Lile Roldan
Termas de Rio Hondo, 770102, National Science Fair of Argentina— II
PH308T Measurement of the Earth-Moon Distance by a Dynamic Method
Lucas Andres Conci, 18, Senior; Juan Jose Velasco, 18, Senior
Instituto Parroquial Bernardo D’Eloa, Villa Carlos Paz, Cordoba, Argentina,
T: Ivan Heriberto Bustos Fierro
Termas de Rio Hondo, 770103, National Science Fair of Argentina— III
EN318T The Secret Scents of the Cactus
Marisol Del Valle Quinteros, 14, Freshman; Elda Guadalupe Seballos, 15,
CBU Rural Estacion Chuna, Chuna, Cordoba, Argentina, T: Carment Nicolasa Correa
Termas de Rio Hondo, 770104, National Science Fair of Argentina— IV
EV323T Alkaline Rainfall
Sol Paskvan, 17, Freshman; Lucas Matias Gille, 17, Freshman
Colegio San Ignacio, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina, T: Marta Luz Meineri
Finalist Directory
Termas de Rio Hondo, 770105, National Science Fair of Argentina— V
EE313T Automatization of Milling Machine Axis
Juan Ignacio Gnero, 19, Senior; Juan Pablo Maspons, 19, Senior
Escuela Industrial Superior, Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Argentina,
T: Roberto Carlos Pampiglioni
Melbourne, 851215, BHP Billiton Science Awards
PH036 An Improved Metric for Visual Differentiation Using Colour-Modified Clinical
Eye Charts
Jonathan David Sapolinski, 16, Junior, Redeemer Baptist School, North Paramatta,
New South Wales, Australia, T: Stuart Malcom Garth
PH037 GapRite: A Simple Method for Setting Safe Gaps between Vehicles When
Harry Ned Anderson, 15, Sophomore, Lyneham High School, Lyneham, Australian
Capital Territory, Australia, T: Viktor Halas
Sydney, 850215, Young Scientist
EE046 Using Environmental Temperature Gradients to Produce Continuous
Energy Outputs
Ellenore Isobel Forrester, 15, Sophomore, Redeemer Baptist School,
North Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia, T: Stuart Malcolm Garth
EM030 Flood Levees: The Composition of Sandbags
Rachel Marie Woodhouse, 16, Sophomore, Roseville College, Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia, T: Janet Pemberton
Austria, 850212, Vienna International Science and Engineering Fair
CH312T Research on the Usability of Low-cost Materials in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
Andreas Wagner, 19, Senior; Juergen Koechl, 19, Senior
HTL Braunau Am Inn, Braunau am Inn, Upper Austria, Austria, T: Wolf Peter Stockl
Minsk, 850233, BelJunior
CS013 Hardware and Software of a Smart House
Dmitry A. Kabak, 16, Sophomore, Polytechnical Gymnasium #6, Minsk, Belarus,
T: Mikalaeva E. Alena
MA009 Extremal Properties of l.c.m. and g.c.d. for Sequences
Volha U. Shumskaya, 17, Junior, Gymnazium #56, Minsk, Belarus,
T: Barys V. Zadvorny
MA302T Special Transformations of Vectors and Matrices
Aliaksandr N. Yeutukhovich, 16, Sophomore; Yauhen S. Babakhin, 16, Sophomore
State Educational Institution “Gymnasia #13”, Minsk, Belarus, T: Ihar A. Badziahin
Campinas, 850136, Escola Americana De Campinas
BI017 Ethanol Production Yield Improvement by Sterilization of the Sugar Cane
Juice (Garapa) via Microwave
Alejandro Mariano Scaffa, 17, Senior, Escola Americana de Campinas, Campinas,
Sao Paulo, Brasil, T: Mauricio Fernando Gozzi
CH306T Returnable Process of PET Bottles—The Study
Vanessa Estefano Uriza, 15, Sophomore; Pamela Michelena De Marchi Gherini, 16,
American School of Campinas, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brasil, T: Mauricio Gozzi
PH020 Assessing Changes in Collagen Levels of Prostate Tissue of Castrated Rats
Using Non-linear Optics
Bruna Favetta, 16, Junior, Escola Americana de Campinas, Campinas, Sao Paulo,
Brasil, T: Mauricio Fernando Gozzi
Finalist Directory
Novo Hamburgo, 790101, International Fair of South America— MOSTRATEC
EN314T Revo Foot: Low Cost Orthopedic Prosthesis to Lower Limb Amputations,
Produced from Recyclable Materials
Eduardo Trierweiler Boff, 18, Senior; Lucas Strasburg Ferreira, 18, Junior
Fundacao Escola Tecnica Liberato Salzano Vieira da Cunha, Novo Hamburgo,
Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, T: Ramon Fernando Hans
MI011 Utilization of the Fungus Aspergillus niger on Wastewater Treatment II
William Lopes, 20, Senior, Fundacao Escola Tecnica Liberato Salzano Vieira da
Cunha, Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, T: Markus Wilimzig
MI012 Matricaria chamomilla Extract: An Alternative Strategy on the Fight
Against Acne
Cassio Felipe Stumm, 18, Senior, Fundacao Escola Tecnica Liberato Salzano Vieira
da Cunha, Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, T: Carla Kereski Ruschel
Novo Hamburgo, 850119, FECIT Feira Estadual de Ciencia e Tecnologia do RS
BE011 Student Connection
Andressa Cardozo Rodrigues, 16, Junior, Colegio Presidente Emilio Garrastazu
Medici, Bage, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, T: Milene Rodrigues de Quadros dos Santos
MA301T Mathematical Modeling in Analysis of Farming Systems of Broiler Chicken
Sergio Luiz Back, 16, Junior; Edson Granemann dos Passos, 17, Junior
Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia Catarine, Rio do Sul,
Santa Catarina, Brasil, T: Paula Andrea Grawieski Civiero
PS014 Fertilizer Influence in Germination and Seedlings Production of a Brazilian
Atlantic Rainforest’ Species, Schinus terebenthifolius
Daiane Fraga Dias, 16, Junior, Colegio Fundacao Bradesco Gravatai, Gravatai,
Brasil, T: Raquel Ilha Simoes
Novo Hamburgo, 850120, FENACITEC— National Science and Technology Fair
BE010 Gemara and Gematria: A Case Study on the Effects of the Use of
Sociocultural Contextualizing for the Learning of Mathematics
Tamara Gedankien, 17, Senior, Escola Brasileira Israelita Chaim Nachman Bialik,
Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil, T: Rogerio Giorgion
BE305T Wake Up to Environment: Methodology Practice in Environmental Education
through the Management of Solid Waste
Aline Ribeiro Pinho, 16, Junior; Marina Maciel Marques, 17, Junior; Mayara Zayra
Franco Araujo, 18, Junior
Colegio Estadual Liceu de Maracanau, Maracanau, T: Ana Kedyna Ribeiro
BI004 Weaving Health: The Weaving of Antimicrobial Substances from the Ootheca
of the Spider, Phoneutria nigriventer
Leonardo de Oliveira Bodo, 15, Junior, Dante Alighieri, Sao Paulo, Brasil,
T: Sandra Maria Rudella Tonidandel
Sao Paulo, 830102, FEBRACE-SP— Feira Brasileira de Ciencias e Engenharia—
Regional Sao Paulo
EM020 Photobioreactor for Carbon Sequestration
Victor Marelli Thut, 15, Freshman, Colegio Dante Alighieri, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil,
T: Luciana Bastos Ferreira
EM307T Recycling of Styrofoam: Application in Retention of Water Heavy Metal Ions
Amanda De La Rocque Rodrigues, 18, Senior; Carlos Henrique Leite da Silva, 18,
Senior; Paolo Damas Pulcini, 18, Senior
ETEC Getulio Vargas, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil, T: Roberto Sanches
EN015 Ecological Agents Effect on Synthetic Tanning of Tilapia Fish Skin
Priscila Oliveira Andre, 18, Senior, ETEC Carmelino Correa Junior, Franca, SP, Brasil,
T: Eliane Aparecida Basali
Sao Paulo, 830103, FEBRACE-S-SE— Feira Brasileira de Ciencias e Engenharia—
Regioes S-SE
EM021 Analysis of Absorption/Adsorption of Heavy Metals in Aquatic Environments
with the Use of Pistia stratiotes
Natalia Giuzio, 16, Freshman, Colegio Interativa, Londrina, PR, Brasil,
T: Murillo Bernadi Rodrigues
Finalist Directory
EM022 Construction of a Continuous Flow SODIS System with PET Bottles
Integrated to a Water and Waste-Water Treatment System
Karoline Elis Lopes Martins, 18, Senior, Centro Federal de Educacao Tecnol≤gica
de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, SP, Brasil, T: Guilherme Fernandes Marques
EN304T Impregnation of Zirconium Oxide and Silver Nanoparticles in a Dressing
Aimed at Activating Skin Blood Flow and Antimicrobial Effect
Gabriela Schaab da Silvia, 18, Senior; Kawoana Trautman Vianna, 17, Senior
Fundacao Escola Tecnica Liberato Salzano Vieira da Cunha, Novo Hamburgo, RS,
Brasil, T: Silvia Staniscuaski Guterres
Sao Paulo, 830104, FEBRACE-N-NE-CO - Feira Brasileira de Ciencias e Engenharia—
Regioes N-NE-CO
BE016 Nutrition Education in Brazilian Schools—A New Methodology.
Heitor Geraldo da Cruz Santos, 15, Freshman, Associacao Educacional e Cultural
Arco-Iris, Recife, PE, Brasil, T: Emilia Aureliano de Alencar Monteiro
EN305T Air Quality Promotion: The Use of the ZnO/U.V Photocatalytic System in
the Analysis and Control of Microbial Pathogens Present in Contaminated
Indoor Environments
Paulo Ricardo Maciel Nascimento, 17, Senior; Gabriel Nascimento da Silva Santos,
17, Senior
Escola Santa Teresinha, Imperatriz, MA, Brasil, T: Jose Fabio Franca Orlanda
ME026 Identification of Biological Insect Larvicides
Joao Batista de Castro David Junior, 17, Senior, Colegio Estadual Liceu de
Maracanau, Maracanau, CE, Brasil, T: Maria das Gracas Franca Sales
Canada, 620401, Youth Science Canada — Team Canada Zone 7
BE043 Slow It Down to Speed It Up: Breaking through the Window of Autism
Adelina Corina Cozma, 14, Freshman, Bayview Secondary School, Richmond Hill,
Ontario, Canada, T: Gillian Krebs
PS047 The Effect of Anti-Oxidants on Plant Dynamics through Fertilizer
Use Efficiency
Supritha Nilam, 17, Senior, Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School, St. Catharines,
Ontario, Canada, T: Gerry Hinton
Canada, 625401, Youth Science Canada — Team Canada Zone 1
EM057 Got Gas?: Feasibility of a Methane Capture System
Kimberly Nicole Gulevich, 17, Senior, North Peace Secondary School, Fort St. John,
British Columbia, Canada, T: Troy Boyd
EM058 Grasping Water: Exploring a Novel Method of Inducing Precipitation
Yiyue Zhao, 18, Senior, Sir Winston Churchill High School, Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada, T: Victor Shieh
Canada, 625701, Youth Science Canada — Team Canada Zone 2
CB050 Do NMDA Receptors Affect Early Brain Development?
Claire Louise Edgcumbe, 18, Senior, Kitsilano Secondary, Vancouver, Canada,
T: Carrole Moore
CB051 Functional Analysis of Telomerase Mutations in Dyskeratosis congenita
Katherine Taneille Johnson, 17, Senior, North Peace Secondary School,
Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada, T: Tara Beattie
Canada, 625801, Youth Science Canada — Team Canada Zone 3
EM056 Novel Synthesis: Imidacloprid CYP450 Pesticide Synergist from Dill Lowers
Surface Runoff Toxicity
Emma Jean Graham, 16, Sophomore, Lisgar Collegiate Institute, Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada, T: Paul Cermak
EN324T Mini Magnetic Muck Managers
Vivienne Hui Xian Tam, 17, Junior; Janelle Hui Min Tam, 14, Sophomore
Waterloo Collegiate Institute, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, T: Herbert Deruyter
ME091 Catechin’s Anti-angiogenic Effects in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
Brian McTaggart Krug, 16, Junior, John F. Ross C.V.I., Guelph, Ontario, Canada,
T: Jim Petrik
Finalist Directory
Canada, 626101, Youth Science Canada — Team Canada Zone 4
CB052 Molecular Insights on DNA Uptake and Transit Pathways in Saccharomyces
Uliana Maria Kovaltchouk, 17, Senior, Sisler High School, Winnipeg, Manitoba,
Canada, T: R. Daniel Gietz
ET050 Bio-Inspired Photonic Fuel Cell
Dheevesh Arulmani, 14, Freshman, Gordon Graydon Memorial Secondary School,
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, T: Bradley Easton
Canada, 626501, Youth Science Canada — Team Canada Zone 5
CS047 Aesalon: Visualizing Dynamically-Allocated Memory in Real-Time
Kent Andrew Williams-King, 16, Senior, Argyll Centre, Calgary, Alberta, Canada,
T: Alison Hancox
EE070 Robust Displacement Estimation Employing Inexpensive Webcam Based
Optical Flow
Christopher Stephan Nielsen, 16, Junior, Homeschool, Calgary, Alberta, Canada,
T: John Nielsen
Canada, 850243, Youth Science Canada — Team Canada Zone 6
MA052 Constructing Inverse Limits with Upper Semi-Continuous Functions
Yong Zhi Zhou, 17, Senior, Pinetree Secondary School, Coquitlam, BC, Canada,
T: George Lin
PH052 Development of a High Speed Flash Technique for Compact Digital Cameras
Ryan Peng, 18, Senior, Centennial Collegiate, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada,
T: Cameron Milner
Edmonton, 626201, Alberta Science Fair Foundation
CB049 Determining the Role of the PTEN/PI-3K Pathway in Regulating the
Intracellular Expression and Localization of the Oncoprotein B-Catenin
Zichao Kang, 17, Senior, Old Scona Academic High School, Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada, T: Kay Jauch
EE069 2 for 1 Wheelchair: Improving Autonomy through the Development of
Multi-Functional Mobility Aids
Gary Stanley Kurek, 18, Senior, Bonnyville Centralized High School, Bonnyville,
Alberta, Canada, T: Janine R. Shalka
Hamilton,ON, 620101, Bay Area Science and Engineering Fair
CB039 Morphological and Functional Characterization of Lower Female Genital Tract
Epithelial Cell Cultures in Different Growth Conditions
Vivian Wingsee Leung, 17, Senior, Abbey Park High School, Oakville, Ontario,
Canada, T: Tim O’Byrne
EV317T Are Eco-Tergents Truly “Gents”?
Ream Elbadri, 16, Junior; Sara Abu Obaid, 16, Junior
North Park Collegiate Vocational School, Brantford, Ontario, Canada,
T: Tineke Nurse
ME068 Detection of UV Protection: Assessing SPFs in a Bacterial Model
Wardah Nasir, 16, Sophomore, Westmount Secondary, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada,
T: Timothy Groves
Pucon, 850141, 7th EXPLORA National Youth Science Conference
PS303T Phytochemistry and Antioxidant Activity of Gunnera tinctoria Stem
Sharon Priscila Castro Perez, 17, Freshman; Diego Ignacio Baeza, 17, Freshman
Instituto Cristiano Gracia y Paz, Valdivia, De los Rios, Chile,
T: Laura Luisa Torres Carrillo
Beijing, 680401, Children Science Fair of Beijing
EE010 The Development of Recyclable Gliding Sonde
Yuqing Huang, 16, Junior, Beijing 101 Middle School, Beijing, Beijing, China,
T: Lixia Ma
PS012 Aqueous Extract of Lemon Leaves as a Novel Powerful Insecticide against
Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Whitefly)
Xiangbo Meng, 17, Junior, Beijing 101 Middle School, Beijing, China, T: Lixia Ma
Finalist Directory
Beijing, 680405, CASTIC-(China Adolescents and Technology Invention Contest), Beijing
ET306T Having Our Cake and Eating It Too: Novel Composite Membranes with Low
Methanol Permeability and Good Proton Conductivity for Direct Methanol
Fuel Cells
Liang-Bo Shen, 17, Sophomore; Kan-Ran Tan, 17, Sophomore
Beijing No.4 High School, China, Beijing, China, T: Zhong-Ming Wang
ME016 SL7207 Strain of Attenuated Salmonella typhimurium Targets to Inhibit
Melanoma in Mice
Zhonglun Zhao, 18, Senior, The High School Affiliated to Renming University of
China, Beijing, China, T: Keke Fan
PS013 A Preliminary Study on the Role of Auxin Distribution in Stress Avoidance of
Plant Roots
Yilin Fan, 17, Senior, The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China,
Beijing, China, T: Keke Fan
Fuzhou City, 680407, CASTIC (China Adolescents Science & Technology Invention Contest),
AS007 Study on Biological Control of Panonychus citri by Using Fungal
Bio-Control Agents
Qijin Wu, 17, Senior, Fuzhou No. 1 Middle School, Fuzhou, Fujian, China,
T: Qunlin Zhang
BI302T Effect of Environmental Factors on Tanshinone Content and Related
Synthesis Gene Expression of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge
Wenqi Lu, 17, Senior; Xinyan Yang, 17, Senior; Junjun Wu, 17, Junior
No. 7 High School of Chengdu City, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, T: Yang Tang
MI014 A Simple and Quick Detection of Panama Disease Pathogen
Chengyan Zhan, 18, Senior, Fuzhou No.3 Middle School, Fuzhou, Fujian, China,
T: Lizhen Wei
Guangzhou, 680406, CASTIC (China Adolescent Science & Technology Invention
Contest), Xinan
EA007 The Short-cycle Digital Seismometer
Jianting Qiu, 19, Junior, Shenzhen Second Senior High School, Shenzhen,
Guangdong, China, T: Guoying Wang
EE019 The Study of the Socket that Suits for the Use of Special or Ordinary People
and Under Some Special Environments
Yinkui Wang, 18, Senior, Liuzhou City Railway No.1 Middle School, Liuzhou,
Guangxi, China, T: Jinfeng Zhu
Shanghai, 680402, CASTIC (China Adolescents Science and Technology Invention
Contest), Shanghai
AS305T Silkworm Characteristics Improvement through Genetic Hybridization:
Phagous and Resistance Optimization
Si Rui Huang, 17, Sophomore; Yue Zhu, 17, Junior; Fei Chen, 18, Junior
Shanghai Wei Yu High School, Shanghai, Shanghai, China, T: Min Wang
EA008 The Research on Application of Common Digital Camera in Meterological
Visibility Measurement
Zi Mu Su, 17, Senior, No. 2 Secondary School Attached to East China Normal
University, Shanghai, Shanghai, China, T: Baowei Wang
MA017 Simulation Study of Stable Metro Braking with Real Time Closed-loop System
Based on Optimization Model
Jia Hao Xu, 16, Sophomore, High School Attached to Fudan University, Shanghai,
Shanghai, China, T: Chengpeng Du
Shanghai, 680409, The Children Science Fair of Shanghai
CS010 Matrix Based Discrete Logarithms Public Key System (MBDL) and Its
Application in SecurID
Yang Gao, 18, Senior, Northeast Yucai School, Shenyang, Liaoning, China,
T: Peng Gong
EE303T Research on a Mechanical Detecting Pipe-Rat with Steerable Double
Driving Wheels
XingYuan Xu, 18, Senior; XinYi Gong, 18, Senior; Tian Zhang, 18, Senior
Liaoning Province Shiyan High School, Shenyang, Liaoning, China, T: Biao Tang
Finalist Directory
PS015 Antimicrobial Effect of Cuminum cyminum Fruit Extract and Isolation
of Its Active Components
Fangzhou Xiao, 17, Junior, No. 2 Secondary School Attached to East China Normal
University, Shanghai, China, T: Weiyi Lou
Tianjin, 850404, Sichuan Science Fair
CS025 Self-Organizing Behaviour in a Social Network Representation of Information
Nelson Zhang, 16, Junior, Shanghai American School, Shanghai, China, T: Alan Chan
CS307T Synchronous Tangible Augmented Reality
# Darren Lim, 16, Junior; # Hyun Ki Lee, 18, Senior; # Lai Xue, 17, Junior
Chengdu International School, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, T: Glen Robert Walenda
MI037 Development and Application of Novel Screen for Detecting BiofilmInhibiting Metabolites in Four Bacteria Strains: E. coli, B. subtilis,
A. tumefaciens and P. aeruginosa
Christina Kun Wang, 17, Junior, Shanghai American School, Shanghai, Shanghai,
China, T: Alan Chan
Wuhan, 680403, CASTIC: (China Adolescent Science & Technology Invention
Contest), Huadong
EE014 The 3 Fan Type Wheel and the Magnetic Flydisk
Ye Tian, 18, Senior, Nanjing Foreign Language School, Nanjing, Jiang Su, China,
T: Changjie Song
EV010 Color Method and Application in Water Quality Data Analysis
Linbo Shao, 18, Senior, Hangzhou Xuejun High School, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China,
T: Zemin Shi
EV306T Study of Gobiocypris rarus Evaluating Environmental Hormone Effect:
The Effect of 17β-estradiol and 4-nonyl-Phenol on Gobiocypris rarus
YouRan Zhang, 17, Senior; Bingjie Hu, 18, Senior; Peng Wang, 18, Senior
Beijing No. 159 Middle School, Beijing, Beijing, China, T: Yong Liu
Wuhan No.2 Middle School, Wuhan, Hubei, China, T: Yan Ai
No.1 Middle School Attached to Central China Normal University, Wuhan,
Hubei, China, T: Xinhua Wan
Taipei, 680101, Middle Taiwan Regional Science Fair AS013 Why Spiderman Cannot Do without His Silk? Effects of Dragline Silk on
Jumping Performance of Jumping Spider (Hasarius adansoni)
Yung-Kang Chen, 16, Junior, National Taichung First Senior High School,
Taichung City, Taiwan, Chinese Taipei, T: Kai-Jung Chi
ME025 YWHAZ(14-3-3zeta) Involves in the Metastasis of Lung Adenocarcinoma
through Wnt Signaling Pathway
Tsung-Han Chan, 17, Junior, National Taichung First Senior High School,
Taichung City, Taiwan, Chinese Taipei, T: Jeremy J. W. Chan
Taipei, 680201, South Taiwan Regional Science Fair
MA014 Analysis of Single-Elimination Tournaments
Chi-Hua Wang, 18, Senior, National Pingtung Senior High School, Pingtung,
Chinese Taipei, T: Kung-Ming Chang
MA303T Ballot Problem Approached from n-dimensional Paths
Te-Wei Hsu, 18, Senior; Justin Tony Hou, 18, Senior
Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Senior High School, Kaohsiung City,
Chinese Taipei, T: Yu-Tsai Chung
PH015 Nonlinear Diffusion Dynamics Measured by Using a Simple LightTransmission Method
Yu-Sheng Huang, 17, Junior, National Chia-yi Senior High School, Chaiyi City,
Chinese Taipei, T: Wen-Tang Lee
Finalist Directory
Taipei, 680301, National Science and Engineering Fair of Republic of China
CH303T Synthesis and Analysis of the New Superconducting Material - FeSe
Chi-Chieh Lin, 18, Senior; Jacqueline Hung, 18, Senior
Taipei Municipal First Girls’ Senior High School, Taipei City, Taiwan, (R.O.C)
Chinese Taipei, T: Maw-Kuen Wu
EE021 Low-Aberration Variable-Focus Liquid Lens
Eric Chiwei Shiao, 15, Sophomore, Taipei Municipal Chien-Kuo Senior High School,
Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C), Chinese Taipei, T: Tsing-Tshih Tsung
MA015 Maximizing the Lion’s Share
Hsin-Po Wang, 16, Junior, Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School, Taipei City,
Taiwan (R.O.C.), Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.), Chinese Taipei, T: Tseng Chun-Hsiung
Medellin, 710101, Colombia Science & Engineering Fair
AS050 Birds Species in Belen Rincon Neighborhood
Alejandra Alvarez Garcia, 18, Junior, Alcaldia de Medellin, Medellin, Antioquia,
Chinese Taipei, T: Esther Lucia Duque Restrepo
AS318T Development of Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) Fed with
Three Types of Prey (Diets)
Laura Munoz Baena, 17, Senior; Wendy Andrea Valencia_Montoya, 17, Senior
Institucion Educativa Centro Formativo de Antioquia, Medellin, Antioquia,
Colombia, T: Lucila Medina
ET057 Use of an Electric Shock Received from a Lightning by a Building’s
Lightning Rod
Alejandra Aristizabal Buitrago, 19, Senior, Gimnasio Los Pinares, Medellin,
Antioquia, Colombia, T: Liliana Leiva
San Jose,
850211, Feria Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia
Natural Vanillin Extraction Using Cell Suspensions
Jose Pablo Corrales-Villalobos, 17, Junior; Jorge Adolfo Piedra-Navarro, 17, Junior
Colegio Cientifico de Costa Rica, Sede San Carlos, Santa Clara de San Carlos,
Alajuela, Costa Rica, T: Wayner Montero-Carmona
San Jose, 850236, Feria Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia— I
EV324T Study of the Effect of Organic Decomposer on the Incidence of Stable Flies
(Stomoxys calcitrans) (L.) in Pineapple Stubble (Ananas comosus) (L.) Merr
Susana Beatriz Garita-Araya, 17, Junior; Alexia Quiros-Rojas, 18, Junior
Colegio Cientifico de Costa Rica-Sede San Carlos, Santa Clara de San Carlos,
Alajuela, Costa Rica, T: Wainer Montero Carmona
San Jose, 851211, Feria de Tecnologia e Ingenieria
EE322T Sensorial, Audiovisual and Tactile Stimulation System (S.E.S.A.T.)
Elvis Andrey Zamora-Mora, 17, Junior; Raquel Emilia Ramirez-Moreno, 17, Junior;
Karol Beatriz Quiros-Espinoza, 17, Junior
Colegio Tecnico Don Bosco, San Jose, Costa Rica, T: David Francisco Ulloa-Aguilar
Dvur Kralove nad Labem, 850223, Students’ Professional Activities (SPA)
CH022 New Nanogold-based Derivative of a Drug against Alzheimer’s disease
Jan Machal, 18, Junior, Gymnazium, Brno-Reckovice, Brno, Czech Republic,
T: Katerina Cibulkova
CS017 Intelligent Robot
Monika Svedirohova, 20, Senior, SPSE Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic,
T: Miroslav Dvorak
EE306T New Principle: Vertical Filament Winding Machine for Composite Tubes
Jan Mares, 19, Senior; Martin Ron, 19, Senior; Jan Patak, 20, Senior
Gymnazium, Susice, Fr. Prochazky 324, Susice, Czech Republic,
T: Stepanka Baierlova
Aarhus, 850110, Unge Forskere
ME028 Phosphodiesterase 10A: A Prospective Target for Development of
Antipsychotic Medications
Jacob Reeh, 19, Senior, Orestad Gymnasium, Copenhagen, Denmark,
T: Jannete Hansen
MI021 Evolutionary Study of P. aeruginosa in Chronic Lung Infections of Cystic
Fibrosis Patients
Mikkel Mohr Madsen, 19, Senior, Middelfart Gymnasium & HF, Middelfart,
Fyn, Denmark, T: Soren Molin
Aarhus, 851110, Unge Forskere
CB018 Vulvar Cancer: Is Human Papilloma Virus the Etiological Factor?
Liane Dupont, 17, Junior, Alssund High School, Sonderborg, Denmark,
T: Birthe Zimmermann
Finalist Directory
Prague, 851223, AMAVET Czech Republic Science Fair
CH006 Application of Ultrasound in the Synthesis of Nanoparticles
Barbora Pavlikova, 18, Freshman, Gymnasium Brno - Reckovice, Brno, South
Moravian region, Czech Republic, T: Frantisek Zachoval
EN001 Prospective Thermoelectric Tellurides
Patrik Cermak, 19, Senior, SPSE a VOS, Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic,
T: Jaroslav Svadlenka
Alexandria, 791301, Intel Bibliotheca Alexandrina Science & Engineering Fair BE042 A Closer Look at Relationships between Youth’s Recreational Activities and
Their General Knowledge
Aida Tarek Abdou, 14, Freshman, Alexandria Language School, Alexandria, Egypt,
T: Abeer Ahmed Nabile
EE067 Pedestrian, We Are Here to Save You: Designing Analysis for Double Frontal
Fluid Bag (DFFB)
Romisaa Abd el halim Samhoud, 16, Sophomore, El Nasr Girls College, Alexandria,
Egypt, T: Mahmoud Salah Abokhedr
EM320T How to Overcome the Next Worldwide Depletion in Conventional
Gas Production?
# Omar Amin Ghorab, 17, Junior; Zeyad Ali Emam, 16, Junior; Mohammed Ayman
Zerban, 15, Sophomore
House of English, Alexandria, Egypt, T: Mohamed Nasr Elrouby
Cairo, 790301, Egypt Science Fair
EE068 Speed Limitation System
Ahmed Samir Rashed Nouh, 16, Sophomore, Mohamed Zahran Experimental
Language School, Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt, T: Mina Anton Boghdady
EM053 Domestic Plastic Shredder
Abdullah Saied Elmenoufy, 16, Sophomore, Dar el Tarbiah American School, Cairo,
Egypt, T: Dina Salem Ahmed
EM321T Biological Treatment of Captured Carbon Dioxde
Yousr Mostafa Al Shaarawy, 15, Sophomore; Sarah Mostafa Al Shaarawy, 15,
Alexandria House of English, Alexandria, Egypt, T: Aya Ihab Rezeika
Tartu, 850403, Estonian Young Scientist Contest
MI024 Bacteria Saving the Environment.Factors Influencing the Phenol Tolerance
of Soil Bacterium, Pseudomonas putida
Kristina Aare, 18, Senior, Narva Senior High School of the Humanities, Narva,
Ida-Virumaa, Estonia, T: Rita Horak
Finalist Directory
Tbilisi, 700101, Georgia Republic Regional Science Fair
MA037 Amazing Property of Bisectors
Roman Chalidze, 16, Junior, Georgian-American High School, Tbilisi, Georgia
Republic, T: Mamuka Meskhishvili
Osnabrueck, 630101, Jugend Forscht
CS011 X-Finder - The Electronic Guardian Angel
Maximilian Lukas Reif, 14, Freshman, Justus-von-Liebig-Gymnasium Neusab,
Neusab, Bavaria, Germany, T: Angelika Graba
EA004 Moor and More - Processes in Bogs
Justin Ulf Muller, 17, Junior, Europaschule Gymnasium Westerstede, Westerstede,
Niedersachsen, Germany, T: Heinz Uwe Riegel
EM052 640101, Guam Island-Wide Science Fair
Developing an Attractant for Mass Trapping the Invasive Coconut
Rhinoceros Beetle
Anran Li, 16, Junior, St. John’s School, Tumon Bay, Guam, T: Aubrey Moore
Hong Kong, 680408, Hong Kong S&T Invention Contest
EE315T Anti-bumping Safety Door
Wing Ki Woo, 15, Sophomore; Yu Hei Bithia Wong, 16, Sophomore;
King Lam Kwan, 16, Sophomore
Heep Yunn School, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, (R.O.C), T: Tat Fai Choi
EM045 Self-Reinforced Polymer Composite from Postconsumer Waste
Chun Hei Lam, 18, Senior, Shun Tak Fraternal Association Yung Yau College,
the New Territories, Hong Kong, (R.O.C), T: Chung Hong Henry Ho
ME069 Oolong Tea Extract Inhibits the Growth and Proliferation of Human
Cancer Cells
On-Ki Lee, 16, Sophomore, Shun Tak Fraternal Association Yung Yau College,
the New Territories, Hong Kong, (R.O.C), T: Chung Hong Henry Ho
Hong Kong, 681408, Hong Kong Science Fair
CS038 CryptoDefender: A Smart Way to Protect Your Files
Tin Lok Chung, 15, Freshman, Maryknoll Fathers’ School, Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
(R.O.C), T: Yuen Man To
EM044 Inedible Cellulosic Ethanol
Hoi Ming Chu, 18, Senior, Carmel Pak U Secondary School, Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
(R.O.C), T: Yuen Yu Ip
EM315T Removal of Cooking Fume and Odors in Cooking Exhaust
Chi Kong Leung, 18, Senior; Pak Sum Lo, 18, Senior; Tin Chi Choi, 17, Senior
Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Yuen Long), Yuen Long, Hong Kong, (R.O.C),
T: Alta Yuk-Ning Choi
Budapest, 850111, Innovation Contest for Young Scientists
EE324T Processor Cooling Engine
Krisztina Sugar, 18, Senior; David Szabolcs Simon, 18, Senior
Szent Margit Secondary School, Budapest, Hungary, T: Katalin Gambar
Ahmedabad, India, 850207, Initiative in Research and Innovation in Science
CH047 Extraction of Natural Carbonaceous Nanomaterials from Soil Sources:
Exploration of Properties and Applications
Aritra Chowdhury, 17, Junior, South Point High School, Kolkata, West Bengal, India,
T: Partha Pratim Roy
A Novel Design of Chair to Assist in Climbing Stairs
Lakshmi Rajesh, 15, Sophomore; Vibha Suresh, 15, Sophomore
V V S Sardar Patel High School, Bangalore, Karnataka, India,
T: Padma Cudli Venugopal
Vidya Vardhaka Sangha Sardar Patel High School, Bangalore, Kanataka, India,
T: Padma C.V
Investigation of Antimicrobial Property of Ervatamia coronaria Flower
Kaushik Srivatsan Krishna Swamy, 16, Junior, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,
Mandya District, Karnataka, India, T: Remani Karthiyayani
Ahmedabad, India, 850308, Initiative in Research and Innovation in Science
EE321T Design of a Novel, Low-cost, Easy to Use, Auto-disposable Syringe
Manosij Ghosh Dastidar, 17, Junior; Anarta Roy, 17, Junior
South Point High School, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, T: Partha Pratim Roy
MA051 An Innovative Instrument for ‘n’-SECTING an Angle Performs Classical
Constructions and Goes Beyong to Plot n-th Root of Unity
Abhiroop Lahiri, 18, Senior, South Point High School, Kolkata, West Bengal, India,
T: Partha Pratim Roy
PH049 A Theoretical Study of the Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves from Two
Reflection Type Diffraction Gratings
Sourav Sarkar, 17, Senior, Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya, Narendrapur, Kolkata,
India, T: Partha Pratim Roy
Finalist Directory
Jakarta, 850140, BE317T On Behalf Development: Economic opportunities vs. Environment
Wafiakmal Miftah, 15, Junior; Afrizal Afrizal, 17, Junior;
Lutfi Fachry Muhammad, 17, Junior
SMA Plus Negeri 17, Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia, T: Widya Grantina
EN046 SUPER-EGG : Simple and Innovative Technology for Traditional
Preserved Food
Mohammad Pandi Alam, 15, Sophomore, SMA Negeri 2 Jombang, Jombang,
Jawa Timur, Indonesia, T: Arif Wibowo
EV041 Pseudomonas: Its Possible Use in Reduction of Ferric Ions in Water
Jayu Pramudya, 17, Senior, Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Surakarta, Surakarta,
Central Java, Indonesia, T: Soekarno Soekarno
Dublin, 650101, BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition
PH059 Sparkling Physics
Caoimhe Bond, 16, Sophomore, Loreto College, Coleraine, Londonderry, Northern
Ireland, T: Brian McKenna
Jerusalem, 850222, The Israeli Young Scientists Contest
EN032 Hydrogels for Rehabilitation of the Herniated Spine Disc
Adi Friedman, 17, Senior, Leo Baeck, Haifa, Israel, T: Rutt Ash
PH031 Study of Magnetic Properties for Nanocrystalline Materials
Daniel Neimark, 17, Senior, Religious Comprehensive “AMIT” High School,
Beer Sheva, Israel, T: Victor Malamud
Milano, 850208, I Giovani e le Scienze
BI016 No More Sting Pain and Toothache Thanks to the Sodium Bicarbonate
Elalim Zen Vukovic, 18, Junior, Liceo Scienifico Lorenzo Mossa, Olbia - OT, Sardinia,
Italy, T: Antonietta Carbone
MA305T Mathematical Study of the Overflowing of the River Po
Giovanni Battista Zanaboni, 18, Senior; An-phi Nguyen, 18, Senior; Andrea Labo,
18, Senior
Liceo Scientifico “Lorenzo Respighi”, Piacenza, Piacenza, Italy, T: Giovanna Busconi
Finalist Directory
Tokyo, 660101, Japan Students Science Awards
AS310T Can Rose Bitterling Spawn in a Dummy Mussel?: Wonder of Amino Acids that
Induce Spawning and Ejaculation
Fumiaki Taniguchi, 18, Senior; Takanori Hirata, 17, Junior;
Arata Nishigaki, 17, Junior
Seifu High School, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan, T: Yoshihiko Kanoh
CB031 Acidification of Digestive Vacuoles Is Regulated by pH of the Ingested Food
in Paramecium
Hoko Nakada, 17, Junior, Urawa Daiichi Girls High School, Saitama-shi, Saitama,
Japan, T: Akira Kanno
PS031 Conservation of an Endangered Plant, Nymphoides indica by a Simple and
Novel Method
Noriaki Namba, 17, Junior, Niigata Prifectural Kashiwazaki Shoyo Secondary
Education Sc, Kashiwazaki-shi, Niigata, Japan, T: Toshihiko Miyamoto
Tokyo, 660201, Japan Science & Engineering Challenge
CH310T Application of Water-Soluble Polymer Acid Catalyst to Saccharification
of Biomass
Noriyoshi Oka, 18, Freshman; Shohei Ochiai, 18, Senior; Taiki Sunaba, 18, Senior
Okayamaichinomiya, Okayama in Japan, T: Makoto Mishima
EN037 Development of a Low-cost EMG-based Human Interface Device and
Associated Applications
Jun Nishida, 18, Senior, Nara Women’s University Secondary School, Nara,
Nara, Japan, T: Takahisa Komeda
MA039 The Calculation Methods for Sum of k to the mth Power
Kazuki Hirakawa, 18, Senior, Jonan, Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan,
T: Teruhiko Shimizu
Amman, 790201, Science Fair of The Jordanian Ministry of Education
ET002 Generating Electricity from Cactus
Razan Hamzeh Abdul-Nabi, 16, Junior, Pineer Center for Talented Students,
Al korah, Jordan, T: Mohammad Ali Amayreh
MA304T Prime Numbers Study Using Computational Methods
Khaled Mahmoud Al-Hamad, 16, Junior; Mahmoud Majed Mansour, 17, Junior
The Jubilee School, Amman, Amman, Jordan, T: Moh’d Ali AbuDayah
MI020 Antimicrobial Activity of a Phenolic Compound Extracted from the Rind of
Punica granatum against Klebsiella Pneumonia, Haemophilus Influenzae and
Acinetobacter Species
Ghayda Ismat Alhawamdeh, 15, Sophomore, Jumana Secondary School for Girls,
Ramtha, Irbid, Jordan, T: Hela Fathi Al-Merie
Amman, 790202, Science Fair of the Jordanian Ministry of Education— II
EE004 The Energy Generator Speed Bump
Ibrahim Abdulrahman Khalaf, 16, Junior, Al-Ra’ed Al-Arabi Schools, Amman, Jordan,
T: Ahmad Ali Obeidallah
EE005 Braille Keyboard
Yaman Jamal Alali, 15, Junior, Jubilee High School, Amman, Jordan,
T: Abdelkhaleg Badri Al-Shboul
EV312T Bernolli Vintori Sidewalk
Yazeed Saqer Abdel Fattah, 16, Junior; Abdul Kareem Hassan Darwazeh, 16, Junior
Al Ra’ed Al Arabi School, Amman, Jordan, T: Ahmad Ali Obeidallah
Amman, 790203, Science Fair of the Jordanian Ministry of Education— III
BE005 The Impact of a Set of Training Programs on the Serotonin Hormone in
a Sample of (8–9) Year-Old Students with Learning Disabilities and Its
Correlation to Their Achievement and Behavior (An Experimental Study)
Mohammad Mesbah Al-Refai, 16, Junior, Modern Systems Schools, Amman, Jordan,
T: Ali Musleh Alodat
Alternate Source of Energy for a Lower Consumption of Petroleum Fuel
in Vehicles
Ramzi Azzam Shweihat, 16, Junior; Omar Raouf Farwagi, 16, Junior
Modern Montessori School, Amman, Khalda, Jordan, T: Raed Mustafa Shami,
T: Eman Mohammad Abdel Razzaq Asad
Utilizing Solar Energy and Magnetism to Accelerate Plant Growth and Seed
Germination & Enriching Sand or Infertile Soil with All the Requirements of
Plants, to Obtain Fertile Lands Ideal for Agriculture
Zeina Hani Khalaji, 17, Junior, Modern Montessori School, Amman, Jordan,
T: Eman Mohammad Abdel Razzaq Asad
Astana, 850232, DARYN National Junior Science Projects Competition
CS026 The Analysis of the Lever Mechanism with Computer Application
Raushan Askhatkuzy Kengesbayeva, 18, Junior, High-School # 176, Almaty,
Kazakhstan, T: Zhumadil Zhanabayevich Baigunchenkov
CS027 Transliteration from Kirill to the Latin, Arabic Alphabit and Back to Front
Transliteration from Latin Alphabet to the Kirill Alphabet
Almas Tilegenov, 18, Junior, Republican Specialized in Physics and Math, Almaty,
Almaty, Kazakhstan, T: Aigul Aitzhanovna Kokhayeva
MA309T Improviny of Inequalities between Means
Abylay Galymzhanuly Kuanyshov, 18, Junior; Assel Almazbekovna Aliyeva, 18,
High-School #134, Almaty, Almaty, Kazakhstan, T: Oleg Vladimirovich Pak
Finalist Directory
Beirut, 870101, Lebanon Science Fair
BE036 Smart TV
Hamza Farouk Mallah, 16, Sophomore, Iman High School, Saida, South, Lebanon,
T: Abdel Wadod Nakozi
BE037 The Anti-Rob Bag
Walid Ahmad Chamma, 16, Sophomore, Rawdat Al- Fayhaa High School, Tripoly,
North, Lebanon, T: Ahmad Al Arja
BE312T Blind Service
Reem Ghazi Mrad, 15, Freshman; Farah Hussain Hajjar, 17, Junior; Siba Hussain
Hajjar, 14, Freshman
Al Bayyader School, Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, T: Kawsar Mehio
Beirut, 871101, Lebanon Science Fair
ET048 Producing Electricity from the Air Caused by Ocean Waves
Hadi AbedelHadi Hotait, 16, Freshman, College Notre Dame des Soeur Antonine,
Nabateyeh, South, Lebanon, T: Wassim Rihan
ET049 Highways Go Green
Mohammad Ghazi Issa, 17, Senior, Rafic Hariri High School, Saida, South, Lebanon,
T: Mohamad Ghali
PS307T Automatic System for Agriculture Irrigation
Ali Al Akbar Ahmad Jouni, 18, Freshman; Bilal Mohamad Ghamloush, 17, Junior;
Mohamad Ahmad Ghaddar, 17, Junior
Ghaziyi Official High School, Saida, South, Lebanon, T: Mohamad Khalifeh
Balik Pulau, 850245, MRSM Young Scientist
CH011 Synthesis of Copper (II) Carboxylates from Used Cooking Oil
Nurul Haiza Sapiee, 17, Junior, Taiping MARA Junior Science College, Taiping,
Perak, Malaysia, T: Wan Rohani Harun
EE304T Self Generating Electric Fan (SGE-Fan)
Raja Muhammad Nur Saifullah Raja Omar, 17, Junior; Muhamad Farid Muhamad
Khosim, 17, Junior; Amirul Mustaqim Roslee, 17, Freshman
Taiping MARA Junior Science College, Taiping, Perak, Malaysia,
T: Wan Rohani Harun
Finalist Directory
EV017 The Evaluation of Typha Sp. as an Effective Oil Absorbent
Peranika Enzri, 17, Junior, Mara Junior Science College Balik Pulau, Pulau Pinang,
Malaysia, T: Madam Fatini Md Ali
Kuala Lumpur, 850227, National Schools Science Innovation and Engineering Competition
EV308T Natural Oil Boom
Nor Adibah binti Mohd Hadzir, 17, Sophomore; Nuradiza binti Rani, 17,
Sophomore; Rohaizah Binti Mohd Faijan, 17, Sophomore
Kolej Tunku Kurshiah, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia,
T: Wan Suryani Wan Mohd Razali
ME024 Fertility Booster: A Sudy on the Efect of Eurycoma longifolia JACK on Etrous
cycle of Female Rats. A New Hope for the Infertilities
Muhammad Adib Abas, 14, Freshman, Sultan Mohamad Jiwa Science Secondary
School, Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia, T: Noraini Mohd Ismail
Puebla, 850219, Gran Encuentro Nacional de Ciencia Joven
CH039 The Design of a Cooling System for Culture Media
Grace Calva-Valencia, 17, Junior, Centro de Bachillerato Tecnologico Industrial y
de Servicio, Panotla, TLAXCALA, Mexico, T: Marcos Tetlalmatzi -Cuatecontzi
CH040 Air Purifier, Adsorption of Greenhouse Effect: CO2
Edwins Williams Sombrerero Sanchez, 16, Senior, Conalep Plantel Puebla 1,
Puebla, Mexico, T: Rigoberto Salas Varela
CS305T Optical Recogniton Hand Signs
Irma Nayely Jara Diaz de Leon, 16, Sophomore;
Tania Janeth Rodriguez Diaz de Leon, 17, Sophomore
Centro de Bachillerato Tecnologico, industrial y de Servicio, Aguascalientes,
Aguascalientes, Mexico, T: Antonio Diaz de Leon Gonzalez
Puebla, 850249, Gran Encuentro de Ciencia Joven
EE316T Ozone Washington Machine
Neftali Vera, 17, Senior; Diana Luz Hernandez, 16, Senior; Claudia Lopez Montero,
17, Senior
Escuela Preparatoria Oficial Anexa a la Normal Numero 1 de N, Nezahualcoyotl,
Mexico, T: Martin Andres Flores Rios
ME067 Organic Biotalc Extrated from the Fruit Dehydration
Martha Elvira Gonzalez Apolonia, 18, Freshman, Escuela Preparatoria Official
Numero 138, San Pedro El Alto, Mexico, T: Flora San Juan Hernandez
PH040 Pascal’s Principle Applied to a Footbridge for the Disabled
Erick Esteban Lara Pacheco, 15, Senior, Centro Escolar Zama, Estado de Mexico,
Coacalco, Mexico, T: Edgar Ortiz Galvan
Puebla, 850250, Gran Encuentro de Ciencia Joven
Leslie Gonzalez Huerta, 17, Senior, Escuela Vocacional/Universidad de
Guadalajara/Sistema de Edu, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Jalisco, Mexico,
T: Sandra Lina Leon Lara
BE313T Aprendimex
Sergio Miguel Rodriguez Hernandez, 18, Senior;
Maria Guadalupe Patino Aguilar, 19, Senior
Colegio de Estudios Cientificos Y Tecnologicos del Estado d, San Juan de la Vega,
Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico, T: Julio Flores
Puebla, 850251, Mexico-ITESM National Fair
PH309T Humidity Detector
Jose Omar Chavez Garcia, 16, Junior; # Karen Anali Garcia Medina, 17, Senior
Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sinaloa, Guamuchil, Sinaloa, Mexico,
T: Alvaro Perez
Rabat, 910101, Morocco Science Fair
EE323T iMohalil: Making Distant Control Easy
Ibrahim Ardi, 18, Sophomore; Nadir Belhaj, 17, Sophomore
Imam Elghazali, Meknes, Morocco, T: Mohammed Ali Belhaj
PORT-HARCOURT, 850108, Nigeria Science Fair
CH316T Kaffot Universal Indicator
David Udoessien Essien, 15, Junior; Thompson Aniedi Idara, 14, Junior;
Wisdom Anthony Egbong, 15, Junior
Community Secondary School, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria,
T: Ndem Emoh Okon
EE072 The Electronic Community Guard
Olajumoke Tolulope Adebayo, 15, Junior, Doregos Private Academy, Lagos,
Lagos, Nigeria, T: Oluseyi Olaide Lawal
ME099 Making of Anti Skin-Infection Cream from Local Materials (Herbs)
Kehinde Abodunrin, 17, Junior, College of Education Demonstration Secondary
School, Ikere Ekiti, Nigeria, T: Taiwo Oloruntola
Finalist Directory
MA059 Method of the Areas
Younous Obari, 16, Sophomore, Demnate School, Demnate, Morocco,
T: Halloumz Ardelaziz
Belfast, 850206, Sentinus Young Innovators
CH311T The Development of a Lycopene-based Sun Cream
Nicole Ingrid Lynch, 19, Senior; Aoife Maire Erin White, 19, Senior
St. Mary’s College, Londonderry City, Ulster, Northern Ireland,
T: Ann Marie Blanking
Oslo, 850104, Norwegian Contest for Young Scientists CB012 Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells into Neural Tissues
Anastasiya Dykyy, 19, Senior, Trondheim Katedralskole, Trondheim,
Sor-Trondelag, Norway, T: Sissel Holmern
Islamabad, 800101, National Science Olympiad
CH010 Preparation of Black Ink from Fruit arils of Pomegranate (Punica granatum)
Zain Shami, 17, Junior, Headstart School, Islamabad, ICT, Pakistan, T: Pervez Aslam
CH301T Cost effective and Industrial Pollution Prevention Dyeing of Wool and
Polyamide Substrates with Extracts of Natural Sources
Muhammad Sohail Mustafa, 17, Senior; Asjad Shaheen, 17, Senior;
Amir Shahzad, 17, Senior
Defence Authority Degree College for Men, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan,
T: Sheeba Rizvi
EV008 Usage of Lolium sp. and Paspalum sp. to Decrease Lead Content against
Air Pollution
Sheeraz Munir Soomro, 15, Freshman, PAKTURK International Schools and
Colleges Khairpur Branch, Khairpur Mir’s, Pakistan, T: Murat Yakut
PH034 PH035 900101, Palestine Regional Science Fair
Electronic Stick for the Blind
Nour W.I. Alarda, 15, Freshman; Asil F.S Shaar, 14, Freshman
Askar Basic Girls School, Nablus, Nablus, Palestine, T: Jameela S.M. Khaled
Safe Electrical Wall Socket
Woroud N.H Alrimawi, 15, Sophomore, Qasem Alrimawi Secondary School,
Beit Rima, Ramallah, Palestine, T: Nima H. M. Faqih
The Flexible Car Bumper
Mahmoud S.A Iriqat, 16, Junior, The Arab Institute School, Abu Dees, Ramallah,
Palestine, T: Ahmed K. A. Ammouri
Finalist Directory
Pasig City, 850132, Intel Basic Philippine Science Fair
EV328T Use of Natural Flocculants in Mitigating Harmful Algal Blooms (Red Tides)
Maria Clara Isabel De Los Reyes Sia, 15, Sophomore; Marc Abegonia Mapalo, 16,
Junior; Jean Reni Briones De Guzman, 16, Sophomore
Philippine Science High School - Eastern Visayas Campus, Palo, Leyte,
Leyte, Philippines, T: Janeth Morata Fuentes
MI056 Microbial Inhibitory Activities of Extracts from Seven Philippine Seaweeds
MarcArthur Jordan Irlandez Limpiado, 16, Sophomore, Philippine Science
High School-Eastern Visayas Campus, Tacloban City, Leyte, Philippines,
T: Janeth Morata Fuentes
Pasig City, 850332, Intel Philippine Applied Science Fair
EM061 Disposable Diapers Decomposed by Trichoderma harzianum into Fertilizer
Using Basella alba as Test Plant
Jennifer Arangcon Doromal, 16, Sophomore, La Filipina National High School,
Tagum City, Davao del Norte, Philippines, T: Mylene Guitang Coquilla
PH310T Investigation of Corn Cob Ash (CCA) as a Material for Semiconducting
Temperature Sensor
Hanna Frusein Siman Escobido, 16, Sophomore; Kristine Ann Morata Fernandez,
16, Sophomore; Brayl Gutierrez Ymbol, 16, Sophomore
Caraga State University - Cabadbaran Campus, Cabadbaran City, Agusan del Norte,
Philippines, T: Benito Aragon Baje
Lisboa, 850107, Portuguese Contest for Young Scientists
EV314T Umbilicus rupestris: A Small Step in Phytoextraction, But a Big Step in
Susana Brito Duarte Sousa, 18, Senior; Diana Raquel Quaresma Duarte, 18,
Freshman; Tania Oliveira Brandao, 18, Senior
Escola Secundaria de Arouca, Arouca, Portugal, T: Gloria Regina de Pinho Tavares
Arecibo, 670201, Arecibo Regional Science Fair
BE039 Effects of an Educational Program about Melaleuca quinquenervia in the
Attitude of Communities’ Students Living Adjacent to Tortuguero Lagoon
Elias K Pabon, 17, Senior, Lino Padron Rivera, Vega Baja, Puerto Rico,
T: Maris Judit Rodriguez
EE317T A New Gadget Solar Charger and Voltage Generator
# Christopher Santy Gonzalez-Santiago, 18, Senior; Stephanie De Jesus, 17, Senior
Dra. Maria Cadilla de Martinez, Arecibo, Puerto Rico, T: Lizette Aguilar Garcia
ME090 Would a Natural Antiseptic Be More Effective than the Common Alcohol
Antiseptic in Eliminating E. coli, ATCC(25922) and S. aureus ATCC(29213)?
Zuleika de Jesus-Rodriguez, 14, Freshman, Francisco Ramos Sanchez, Utuado,
Puerto Rico, T: Ana Maria Negron
Bayamon, 670301, Bayamon Regional Science Fair I
BI041 Chemical Comparison of the Cheiranthus cheiri Plant with Commercial
Lester J. Rosario, 17, Senior, Jose Rojas Cortes High School, Orocovis, Puerto Rico,
T: Ruth Rosa
EM323T Study of the Wind Energy in the Francisco Oller High School
Mercedes D. Almanzar, 16, Junior; Cindy Cordova, 16, Junior
Francisco Oller, Catano, Puerto Rico, T: Yanira Vega
ET047 Production of Biodiesel from Terminalia catappa L., Natural Almond of
Puerto Rico: “New Model Sustainable Energy”
Angelinet Rodriguez-Sotomayor, 15, Freshman, Abelardo Diaz Alfaro, Toa Alta,
Puerto Rico, T: Ruth Rosa
Caguas, 670401, Caguas Regional Science Fair
BE318T Perspective Regarding the Use of Biotechnology in Puerto Rico’s Agriculture
Kiara Rivera, 16, Sophomore; Rafael Rodriguez, 17, Senior
Juana Colon, Comerio, Puerto Rico, T: Jackeline Colon
Finalist Directory
EN047 Improved Portable Burn Treatment Unit: Testing Simulation
Gabriel Francisco Justiniano, 18, Senior, Guamani Private School, Guayama,
Puerto Rico, T: Jorge Luis Rodriguez
ME087 Prevalence of Polymorphic CYP2D6 Allele 4 in the Puerto Rican Population
Nathalie Fuentes, 18, Senior, Jose Gautier Benitez High School, Caguas,
Puerto Rico, T: Lourdes Hernandez
Guaynabo, 670901, San Juan Archdiocesan Region I Science Fair
EE308T The Motorcycle Air Bags
Gabriel Enrique Silva, 17, Junior; Derek Radames Morales-Acosta, 17, Junior
Colegio Nuestra Senora de la Piedad, Carolina, Puerto Rico,
T: Pedro Juan Martinez-Torres
MA022 Egyptian Fractions in Light of Algorithms
Sebastian Sueiras, 16, Junior, Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola, San Juan, Puerto Rico,
T: Wilma Giol
ME029 Assessment of Potassium Bromate Concentrations in Bread: A Commonly
Used Preservative with Carcinogenic Potential
Antonio Francisco Rivera Viscal, 17, Junior, Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola,
San Juan, Puerto Rico, T: Wilma Giol
Guaynabo, 670902, San Juan Archdiocesan Region II Science Fair
BE019 The Effects “Chat” May Have in the Written Composition of Teenagers
between the Ages of Fourteen and Sixteen Years
Luis Alejandro Vazquez, 16, Junior, Colegio Maria Auxiliadora, Carolina, Puerto
Rico, T: Mayra Lopez
EE307T Light Your Jack
Francisco Ivan Rivas, 15, Sophomore; Juan Ramon Ibanez, 16, Sophomore
Colegio La Piedad, Carolina, San Juan, Puerto Rico, T: Pedro Juan Martinez
EV023 The New Filter! Honeycomb of Apis mellifera
Yailene Marie Bueno, 15, Sophomore, Nuestra Senora de La Piedad, Isla Verde,
Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico, T: Pedro Juan Martinez
Guaynabo, 670903, San Juan Archdiocesan Region III Science Fair
EM306T New Treatment System for Runoff Water Using Natural Filters and
Biomass Remnants
# Laura Genesis Roldan, 16, Sophomore; Odemaris Carrasquillo, 16, Sophomore
Colegio Maria Auxiliadora, Carolina, Puerto Rico, T: Mayra Lopez
EV022 Is Chlorohyll a Surrogate Marker for Water Pollution in Lakes?
Conrado Andres Asenjo-Molina, 15, Freshman, Academia del Perpetuo Socorro,
San Juan, Puerto Rico, T: Enid Y. Pereira
MI022 Antibiotic Sensitivity of MRSA in Different Populations
Luis Alejandro Acaba, 16, Sophomore, Academia del Perpetuo Socorro, San Juan,
San Juan, Puerto Rico, T: Maribel Garcia
Guaynabo, 670904, San Juan Archdiocesan Region IV Science Fair
AS306T Plankton Population Census in the Eastern Shore of Puerto Rico:
The Atlantic Ocean (Phase IV)
Alejandro Manuel Taveira, 18, Senior; Ruben Oscar Bras, 18, Senior; Guillermo
Francisco Mirandes, 17, Senior
Colegio Marista, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, T: Isabel Perez
EM026 Sustainable Use of West Indian Natural Ecosystems for Rubber Production
Lorianny Rivera, 17, Senior, Colegio Maria Auxiliadora, Carolina, Puerto Rico, T:
Mayra Lopez
EM027 Buildings Constructions with Concrete and Recycled Materials
Desiree Janice Nieves, 17, Junior, Colegio Marista, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico,
T: Isabel Perez
Humacao, 670701, Humacao Regional Science Fair
AS042 The Nervous Function of Aurelia aurita (moon jellyfish) and Its Relation to
Discrimination of Certain Shapes and Colors
Adolfo Rodriguez-Velazquez, 17, Junior, Florencia Garcia High School, Las Piedras,
Puerto Rico, T: Mayra Cancel-Sanchez
Finalist Directory
EM055 Comparative Analysis of Acidification Effects on Structural Decalcification
between Samples of Coral Exoskeletons Montastraea cavernosa and
Diploria clivosa
Angelica I. Cruz-Lebron, 17, Senior, High School Luis Munoz Marin, Yabucoa,
Puerto Rico, T: Migdalia Molina
EN323T Electrospun Polymer Nanofibers Containing Antibiotics
Yarely Chiselle Davila-Vazquez, 17, Senior;
Yelitzzah Michelle Fernandez-Rodriguez, 17, Senior
Escuela Especializada en Bellas Artes, Humacao, Puerto Rico, T: Ildamarys Brunet
Mayaguez, 671101, Mayaguez Regional Science Fair
AS316T Effect of the Isopropyl Alcohol on the Spin Pattern of
Nephila clavipes Spider
Ralphdy Vergne, 14, Freshman; Fadi Tarek Abumoala, 14, Freshman
Blanca Malaret, Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico, T: Edison Ortiz
MI053 Cinnamomum verum (cinnamon) as a Natural Fungicide
Ruth M. Martell, 15, Sophomore, Centro Residencial de Oportunidades Educativas,
Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, T: Brenda M Cabrera
PH051 Solar Interaction with Earth Climate at the North Pole
Alex Rafael Padilla-Cruz, 16, Junior, Ines Maria Mendosa, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico,
T: Danelix Cordero
Mayaguez, 671801, SESO Regional Science Fair
BE303T Construction and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Attitudes of
Parents of Teenagers toward Reggaeton
Coral Marina Reyes, 16, Sophomore; Isamar Mayol-Calderon, 17, Senior
Episcopal Cathedral School, San Juan, Puerto Rico, T: Mayra Santana
EN008 Superhydrophobicity in Plants of Puerto Rico
Maria Cristina Sepulveda, 15, Sophomore, Southwestern Educational Soceity,
Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, T: Evelyn Montalvo
MI010 Silver Nanoparticles and Spectroscopy: Powerful Techniques for Bacterial
Detection on Bioterrorism
Veronica Maria Biaggi, 16, Sophomore, Southwestern Educational Society,
Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, T: Alexandra Marie Saavedra
Ponce, 670801, Ponce Regional Science Fair BI308T Effectiveness of Plectranthus amboinicus (Indian borage), Salvia officinalis
(Sage) and Ocimum basilicum (Basil) Plant’s Leaves Extracts to Eliminate the
Solepnosis invicta (Red Fire Ant)
Jamarys Torres-Diaz, 17, Senior; Jackeline Torres-Questell, 18, Senior
Elvira M. Colon Negron, Santa Isabel, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico,
T: Maria Elisa Thiele Solivan
EM054 Management and Conservation of Sighting Areas of the West Indian
Manatee (Trichechus manatus) in the South-Central Costal Area of Puerto
Rico and Physical, Chemical and Biological Characterization of Its Natural
Habitat, Phase IV
Luis Enrique Valentin-Alvarado, 17, Senior, Elvira M. Colon Negron, Santa Isabel,
Puerto Rico, T: Maria Elisa Thiele Solivan
ME086 Phytochemical and Pharmacological Analysis, in vitro of the Leaves Extracts
of Rubus florulentus and Momordica charantia L. and Its Bactericide Effect
on Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
as a Fungicide in Candida albicans, Rhizopus sp., Aspergillus niger and
Penicillium sp.
Emmanuel Alexis Cruz, 18, Senior, Escuela Elvira M. Colon Negron, Santa Isabel,
Puerto Rico, T: Maria E. Thiele
San Juan, 670101, Western Regional Mathematics Fair
MA018 Formula to Find the Borders of Square Number Wish Are Name Yani’s
Yaniria Ayala-Lopez, 15, Sophomore, Ramon Power y Giralt, Las Piedras, Puerto
Rico, T: Marilee Soto Torres
MA019 Novel Relationship between Square Shapes
Angel Rafael Agrinsoni-Santiago, 16, Junior, Florencia Garcia High School,
Las Piedras, Puerto Rico, T: Maria Mercedes Cruz-Orellana
Finalist Directory
MA306T C-MEC Program
Angel X. Garcia-Colon, 15, Sophomore; Omar L. Serrano-Velazquez, 15, Sophomore
Ramon Power y Giralt, Las Piedras, Puerto Rico, T: Marilee Soto Torres
San Juan, 670601, Eastern Regional Mathematics Fair
MA020 Analyzing the Fibonacci Sequence, Phase Two
Hector Luis Maldonado-Perez, 16, Senior, Croem High School, Mayaguez, Puerto
Rico, Puerto Rico, T: Edwin Benvenutti-Justiniano
MA021 The Membership Problem in Z[x]
Axel Antonio Garcia-Burgos, 17, Senior, Croem High School, Mayaguez, Puerto
Rico, T: Edwin Benvenutti-Justiniano
MA307T Studying the Polar Equation of the Rosette Conchoids Flower
Dielmarie Negron-Rivera, 17, Junior; Angel Javier Pacheco-Santiago, 16, Junior
Francisco Morales High School, Naranjito, Puerto Rico,
T: Liza Marie Rodriguez Rodriguez
San Juan, 671401, San Juan Regional Science Fair
BI040 Imaging the Apoptotic Effect of Tunicamycin in MDA-MB-231 Human Breast
Cancer Cells Line
Karla Patricia Ramos, 16, Junior, University Gardens High School, San Juan,
Puerto Rico, T: Annia Elacy Calcatto
EM322T The Effect of Ecological Roofs in Reducing Water Runoff and Temperature
as Compared to Regular in Concrete Roofs
Amanda Kristel Hernandez-Lopez, 18, Senior; Yamira Rentas-Vazquez, 18, Senior
University Gardens High School, San Juan, Puerto Rico, T: Annia Elacy Calcano
PS046 The Susceptibility Degrees of the Variety of Coffea arabica Species to the
Coffee Berry Borer (Hypothenemus hampei)
Genesis Maldonado, 17, Senior, Colegio Congregacion Mita, San Juan, Puerto Rico,
T: Juanita Hernandez
Bucharest, 720101, Romania Science and Engineering Fair
CS048 NeurosLab Rapid Application Development for Artificial Intelligence
Ionut Alexandru Budisteanu, 16, Freshman, National College “Mircea cel Batran”,
Ramnicu Valcea, Romania, Romania, T: Mirela Mlisan
EE325T A New Approach to Accident Prevention Systems: Designing a Low-Cost
Driver Assistance System to Prevent Traffic Collision
Cristian Emilian Rosu, 18, Senior; Paul Stelian Sucala, 18, Senior
“Emanui Gojdu”” National College, Oradea, Bihor, Romania, T: Tamas Levente
Silvania National College, Zalau, Bihor, Romania, T: Levente Tamas
Moscow, 850203, Junior— I
BI310T A New Approach to the Synthesis of (+)-Castanospermine
Evgeniya O. Gorbacheva, 16, Junior; Vladislav I. Kurilin, 17, Junior
State Moscow Chemical Lyceum No. 1303, Moscow, Russia,
T: Alexey Valeryevich Lesiv
CH049 Dibenzyl glycosyl Phosphate Synthesis on Ion Exchange Resin
Dmitry Vladimirovich Vasilyev, 17, Junior, GOU Moscow Chemical Lyceum No.1303,
Moscow, Russia, T: Anna Mikhailovna Shpirt
MA054 Hyperbolic Triangles of the Maximum Area and Two Fixed Sides
Evgeniia Iskanderovna Alekseeva, 16, Junior, GOU Lyceum “Vtoraiia shkola”,
Moscow, Russia, T: Pavel Vitalyevich Bibikov
Moscow, 850231, Junior— II
CS308T Modeling of Self-reconfiguring Nanorobot Communities
Alexander A. Bokov, 16, Junior; Dmitry V. Ulyanov, 16, Junior
GOU Lyceum of Information Technologies #1533, Moscow, Russia,
T: Valeria A. Smolyaninova
MA053 Six Lines Passing through Feuerbach Point
Fedor A. Ivlev, 17, Junior, Kolmogorov’s Spesialized Educational Scientific Center
of MS, Moscow, Russia, T: Alexey Alexandrovich Zaslavskiy
Finalist Directory
PH056 A Study of Nanostructured Titanium Coat of Cathode Foil by SPM
Sergey Vyacheslavovich Shpak, 18, Junior, GOU Lyceum 1511, Moscow, Russia,
T: Sergey Olegovich Elyutin
Nizhny Novgorod, 850135, ROST
PH012 Research of Emission Current in Luminescent Lamps
Oleg Fedorovich Sevryukov, 17, Junior, Lyceum # 87, Nizhny Novgorod,
Nizhegorodskaya, Russia, T: Alexandra Alexandrovna Ovsyannikova
PH013 Sandstorm in a Teacup: Patterns in a Vibrated Granular Layer
Ivan Alexandrovich Lazarevich, 16, Junior, Lyceum # 40, Nizhny Novgorod,
Nizhegorodskaya, Russia, T: Vasily Andreevich Rekshinsky
PH301T Research of Atmosphere Influence on Propagation of Electromagnetic Wave
Lilia Nikolaevna Khrapunova, 16, Sophomore; Antonina Mikhailovna Toropkina, 15,
Sophomore; Anastasia Andreevna Shaykina, 15, Freshman
School # 2 of Dzerzhinsk, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhegorodskaya, Russia,
T: Lev Vasilievich Pigalitsyn
Lyceum # 40, Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhegorodskaya, Russia,
T: Alexey Fedorovich Belenov
St. Petersburg, 850401, Intel Baltic Science and Engineering Fair
CH032 Hybrid Materials Based on Silicon Dioxide and Rhodamine 6G, Synthesis
and Properties
Yaroslav S. Fadeev, 16, Junior, School 11 of Vichuga, Vichuga, Ivanovskaya obl.,
Russia, T: Yuriy S. Marfin
MA030 Involutions on Cohomology Algebras
Andrey A. Gorshkov, 17, Junior, Center of Mathematical Education, SaintPetersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, T: Sergey O. Ivanov
MA308T An Improvement of the Hardy Condition
Bogdan O. Neterebskiy, 17, Junior; Konstantin A. Anisimov, 16, Junior
Center of Mathematical Education, Saint-Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia,
T: Alexander V. Zhelezhnyak
Riyadh, 860101, Mawhiba Science & Engineering Fair, Central Region
BE029 Game Power: A Game Environment for Measuring ICT-enhanced Skills of
Young Students
Abdulaziz Khalid Alguhunaim, 18, Senior, Asrary School, RIYADH, central,
Saudi Arabia, T: Nabeel S Ayoub
BE320T Make Us Closer
Maha Khalid Aldoughaim, 18, Junior; Mariya Saeed Alghamdi, 17, Junior;
Rahaf Saleh Albathi, 17, Junior
Dar Al-Uloom Private School, Riyadh, central, Saudi Arabia,
T: Najla Mohammed Alsaadan
EE040 Satellite Solar Panel Launch Support & Release Mechanism
Abdulmohsen Mohammed Albelushi, 18, Senior, Dahrahan Ahliyaa School,
Dahrahan, central, Saudi Arabia, T: Alvar Saenz Otero
Riyadh, 860102, Mawhiba Science & Engineering Fair, Western Region
EE041 Knee Eye Device (KED)
Bayan Mohammed Mashat, 15, Sophomore, Dar AlTarbiah AlHadiatha Schools,
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, T: Hanan Ahmed Abdulhameed
EM034 Rapid Intervention: A Practical Solution for the Butane Explosions
Mohammed Khalid Shafi, 18, Senior, Alshafi Private Schools, Taif, Saudi Arabia,
T: Mohammed AlOstaz
EM311T Gray Matters: Using Grey Water from Air Conditioning Units to Reduce
Bathroom Water Consumptiom
Tahani Osamah Badeeb, 18, Senior; Abrar Saleh AlTurkistani, 18, Senior; Raneem
Abdulelah Binismail, 18, Senior
AlFerdous Private Schools, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, T: Nouf Marzoug AlOurfi
Riyadh, 860103, Mawhiba Science & Engineering Fair, Eastern Region
EM035 H2O Splitting Using Photon in Chemistry
Noor Tawfeek Alawadh, 17, Junior, Jabal Alnoor Highschool, Khobar, Saudi Arabia,
T: Naser Alaqeeli
Baby Thermo Hat
Nauf Abdullah Alghamdi, 15, Freshman, Albassam Private School, Dammam,
Saudi Arabia, T: Muna Hammarshah
Caution! You Are Not Sitting Right! A Pad that Guides You to the Right
Sitting Posture
Tyma Mohammed Hezam, 16, Sophomore; Aminah Saleh Alsaihati, 16, Sophomore;
# Hayfa Khaled Al Bassam, 16, Sophomore
Dhahran Ahliyya Schools, Damman, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia, T: Salma Raad
Riyadh, 860104, Mawhiba Science & Engineering Fair— 4
CS030 Frobenius Problem Advantages over Encrypting Methods
Hassan Mohammed Alsibyani, 17, Junior, Dar Alfikr Schools, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,
T: Mark Oleksak
EE079 Jump out! Rescue Rope
Sara Yaser Shawoosh, 17, Junior, The Model Children Garden School, Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia, T: Yaser Abdullah Shawoosh
EV315T Catching IRContributing in Solving Global Warming by Finding the Most
Efficient Surface for Reducing Reflection of Infrared Light from the Sun in
order to Reduce the CO2 Absorption for the Radiation
Ahmad Omar Bayonis, 18, Senior; Abdullah Mohammed Aldosari, 18, Senior;
Abdullah Ibrahim Alkanhal, 17, Senior
Asrary Schools, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, T: Nabeel Ayoub
Riyadh, 860105, Mawhiba Science & Engineering Fair— 5
CS029 90’s to 09’s: Reusing Computers in Smart Ways
Yazan Mohammed Alshehri, 17, Junior, AlBassam Schools, Dammam, Eastern
Province, Saudi Arabia, T: Hussai Adel Abdulfattah
EV325T Heavy Metals in Mines
Saud Dakhel Alharbi, 18, Senior; Rakan Thareeb Almutairi, 16, Sophomore;
Humoud Saleh Almutairi, 16, Sophomore
Alhakm Bin Hesham Public School, Mahd Althahab, Saudi Arabia, T: Tariq Almutairi
ME088 Super Swabs
Fatimah Abdelhakim jalal Al din Abdelhakim, 15, Sophomore, Eleventh Highschool,
Almadina, Western Province, Saudi Arabia, T: Sana’a Abdulrahman Alahmadi
Riyadh, 860106, Mawhiba Science & Engineering Fair— 6
BE030 The Hearing Glasses
Mahmoud Motaz Ghulman, 16, Sophomore, Dar Althikr Schools, Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia, T: Khalid Mohammed Alkhateeb
CB308T Study the Radiosensitivity and Carrier’s Frequency of Ataxia talengectasialike Disorder (ATLD)
# Fhad Abdulelah Almusharraf, 18, Senior; # Abdulaziz Sultan Almugairin, 18,
Senior; # Ahmed Rashed Alhomaid, 18, Senior
Riyadh Schools, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, T: Ghazi Alsbeih
EE042 The Safe Drill
Omar Ahmed AlHussain, 18, Senior, Aldeffi Schools, Aljubail Industrial City,
Saudi Arabia, T: Ahmed Ali Alhussain
Finalist Directory
ME089 ME315T
Singapore, 850242, Singapore Science and Engineering Fair
CB004 EGCG Mitigates Parkinson’s Disease-associated Mutant LRRK2-induced
Neurotoxicity via Protein Translation Modulation
Jingjie Cheng, 16, Sophomore, Raffles Girls’ School (Secondary), Singapore,
Singapore, T: Shaun Gerard De Souza
CS012 Automated Characterization of Ultra-Light Metal Foam from CT
Reconstructed Images
Zheng Fu Edrei Chua, 18, Senior, National Junior College, Singapore, Singapore,
T: Si Ling Ang
ME305T Potential of Barnacle Cement in Dentistry
# Joseph Qianbo Ang, 17, Senior; Clement Jian Xing Lee, 18, Senior;
Timothy Jie Han Sng, 17, Senior
Hwa Chong Institution, Singapore, Singapore, T: Gary Howard Dickinson
Finalist Directory
Bratislava, 850501, AMAVET-Slovak Association for Youth, Science & Technology
CH014 Optimalization of the New Synthesis Method of Stobadine Precursors,
Respectively Its Analogues
Marek Buchman, 17, Junior, School for Extraordinary Gifted Children, Bratislava,
Slovakia, T: Mgr. Vladimir Snirc, PhD.
EV322T Analyzing Water Samples by LIBS Method
Matej Veis, 18, Senior; Juraj Hasik, 18, Senior
Spojena Skola Novohradska, Bratislava, Slovakia, T: Marcela Morvova
MA038 Analysis of Evacuation from Closed Spaces
Jan Hoffmann, 17, Junior, Gymnazium Alejova 1, Kosice, Slovakia,
T: Jaroslav Kurcina
Bratislava, 852501, Scientia pro Futuro
CB303T Influence of Lead on Guard Cells in Leaf Epidermis of Allium cepa L.
Marian Babincak, 17, Junior; Juraj Goc, 17, Junior
Gymnazium a ZS sv. Mikulasa, Presov, Slovakia, T: Miriam Feretova
CH013 Chemical Analyses of Hazardous Substances and Polycyclic Aromatic
Hydrocarbons in the Smoke of Incense Sticks Detected by Gas
Chromatography—Mass Spectrometry
Filip Kunc, 18, Senior, Gymnazium Ivana Kupca, Hlohovec, Slovakia,
T: Andrea Krupova
EV011 The Impact of Organic Pollution from the Nitra River on the Diversity of
Ciliates in the Chotina Tributary
Silvia Hnatova, 16, Junior, Gymnazium Parovska 1, Nitra, Slovakia, T: Olga Kopcova
Pretoria, 850205, Expo for Young Scientists— South Africa
CS302T Making Chemistry Easier with Genii
Werner van Zyl, 17, Junior; Gideon Christiaan Kruger, 17, Junior
Duineveld High School, Upington, Northern Cape, South Africa, T: Wanda Rossouw
ET006 Going Clean, Flying Green: Decreasing of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from a
Jet Engine
Keegan Clive Moore, 17, Junior, Rand Park High School, Randburg, Gauteng,
South Africa, T: Jenny Lee Young
EV005 Lichens as Weathering Agents of Sandstone
Danielle Taljaard, 17, Senior, Bethlehem Voortrekker High School, Bethlehem,
Free State, South Africa, T: Benette Brits
Daejon City, 850334, KSEF (Korea Science & Engineering Fair)
BI024 Der Teil und das Ganze: A Study on the Character of Abeta Fragment (9-28)
Ji Hye Kim, 17, Junior, Chungnam Science High School, Gongju-si, T: Hee Kune Lee
EM312T Recycling Used Cooking Oil for the Production of Hydroxy Fatty Acids by
Microbial Conversion
Sunyoung Hwang, 17, Senior; Eric Young-Oh Jang, 17, Senior; One Park, 17, Senior
Korean Minjok Leadership Academy, Gangwon, Gwangwon, South Korea,
T: Man-wi Han
PH033 Finding the Minimum Energy Conformation of Protein-like Heteropolymers
by Greedy Neighborhood Search
Joon Suk Huh, 18, Senior, Home School, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea,
T: Hee Kune Lee
Seoul, 850226, Korea Olympiad in Informatics
CS033 Integration of Devices through the Virtualization in the Web
Dongjun Lee, 19, Senior, Korea Digital Media High School, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do,
South Korea, T: Jungin ParK
CS039 IT-SPACE: A Planner for Allocating Objects in a Space Using
Meta-heuristic Algorithm
Jun Young Yun, 17, Junior, Whimoon High School, Seoul, Seoul, South Korea,
T: Jae jun Shim
Finalist Directory
EN316T A Study on the Effectiveness of Masks Made from Korean Traditional Paper
in Preventing Droplet Infection of Influenza A Virus
Wonseok Oh, 14, Freshman; Jaein Lee, 14, Freshman
Home School, Goyang, Gyeonggi, South Korea, T: Sebeen Oh
Seoul, 851226, Korea National Science Fair
EA305T A Study on the Features of Gudul Used for Korean Heating System (Ondol)
Subin Shin, 19, Senior; Hyun-A Choi, 19, Senior
Damyang Hing School, Damyang-gun, Jeollanam-do, South Korea,
T: Song Cheol Kim
EN048 Why Our Ancestors Preferred Drumsticks Made from Trifoliate Orange
(Poncirus trifoliata Rafin)
Bonjun Ku, 16, Sophomore, Je Mul Po, Incheon, South Korea, T: Dalho Kim
EN049 A Study on Eco-Friendly Utilization of Typha orientalis Fruits for Insulation
and Wallpaper
Kay Hyun Joo, 17, Senior, Changduk Girls High School, Seoul, South Korea,
T: Jee Young Joung
Colombo, 850701, Sri Lanka Science & Engineering Fair
AS317T The Effect of the Moon on the Water Composition of Bees’ Honey (Appis
indika) in Bee Hives
Adeesha Udayarekha Game Kankanamalage, 17, Junior; Lasitha Lakmal Thotage,
20, Senior; Vinushi Lakshani Hettithantrige Dona, 17, Junior
WP/Kalutara Gnanodaya College, Kalutara, Western, Sri Lanka,
T: Vineetha Pushpalatha Perera
CS032 Novel Computer Controlling Wireless Device for Handicapped People
Ganindu Nanayakkara, 20, Senior, Ananda College, Colombo - 10, Western,
Sri Lanka, T: Amith Dharmapala
EE058 Safe Motor Cycle Side Stand
Ritigahawaththa Arachchillage Dimalka Maduranga Karunajeewa, 19, Senior,
Ruwanwella Rajasinghe Central College, Ruwanwella, Sabaragamuwa, Sri Lanka,
T: Uduwe Gamaralalage Anil Chaminda Gunarathna
Stockholm, 690101, Utstallningen Unga Forskare
AS315T Adscita Statices Nightly Variations of Appearance in a Moth
Markus Enekvist, 18, Freshman; Tor Ragnar Djarv, 18, Senior
Katedralskolan, Lund, Sweden, T: Magnus Hellden
Bangkok, 850134, National Science Projects Competition
EA027 Paleontological Study of Permian Gastropoda at Khoa Noi, Amphoe Takhli,
Changwat Nakhonsawan, Central of Thailand
Chatchalerm Ketwetsuriya, 17, Senior, Takhliprachason, Takhli, Nakhonsawan,
Thailand, T: Suwannee Phomprasit
PS045 Leaf Extracts of Euphorbiaceae Can Eradicate the Field Crab,
Somanniathelphusa sexpucntata
Malinee Meeta, 16, Sophomore, Phanomsarakam “Phanomadunwitthaya”,
Chachoengsao, Chachoengsao, Thailand, T: Niran Luangsawan
PS305T Falling Pattern of Tabebuia Seeds Was Affected by Their Internal/External
Characteristics and Physical Structure
Nuti Hutasingh, 15, Sophomore; Katthida Cheevarungnapakul, 16, Sophomore;
Norapon Charoentanachot, 16, Sophomore
Bodindecha (Sing Singhaseni) School, Wangthonglang, Bangkok, Thailand,
T: Patchara Pusuntisumpun
Bangkok, 850237, Young Scientists Competition
AS041 Sources of Phytoplanktons Found in Alimentary Canal of Rastrelliger
neglectus Babies at the Maerumpueng Bay, Prachuab Khiri Khan, Thailand
Srisuda Rojsatien, 18, Junior, Princess Chulabhorn’s College Phetchaburi, Cha-am,
Phetchaburi, Thailand, T: Kanita Sukjarern
Finalist Directory
EN044 Innovative Use of Anaerobic Effective Microorganisms for Natural Rubber
Latex Coagulation
Suppachai Nindum, 17, Junior, Khunhanwittayasan School, Khunhan, Sisaket,
Thailand, T: Sawai Onkaew
PS306T Modification of Breeding Rice Grains through Artificial Colors, Flavor and
Smell Used in Prevention of Grain-Consuming Birds
Saifon Nopnipa, 17, Sophomore; Aphitchaya Nopphalert, 16, Sophomore
Phanomsarakham “Phanomadunwitthaya” School, Phanomsarakham,
Chachoengsao, Thailand, T: Niran Leungsawan
Ankara, 850238, Tubitak Fair
BI305T Migraine Treatment with Cyber Bee Pheromone Mask
Esen Duhan, 18, Senior; Emel Ezerce, 18, Senior
KTSO Computer Technical High School, Edirne, Edirne, Turkey, T: Hasan Avcu
EN034 Effects of Oxygen Plasma on Biological Systems
Bilge Zeren Aksu, 18, Senior, Ankara Science High School, Ankara, Turkey,
T: Murat Sariz
MA031 Barycentric Coordinates and Their Applications
Bayram Safa Cicek, 17, Junior, Ankara Fen Lisesi, Ankara, Turkey, T: Mehmet Sahin
Istanbul, 850214, 12th National Environmental Project Olympiad
BI307T Preparation of Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) Based Nanosensors for
Cocaine Determination: To prepare Quartz Crystal Microbalance Sensors
Which Can Determine Addictive Chemical Substances from Blood
Sevket Efe Gullerci, 15, Freshman; Ekrem Gundogdu, 15, Freshman
MEV Private Science College, Ankara/Turkey, Ankara, Turkey, T: Zeynel Abidin
EE057 Synthesis of Ternary Semiconductor Nanocrystals (CuInSe2 CuGaSe2,
Cu(InGa)Se2) as New Generation Solar Cell
Idil Ozdamar, 15, Freshman, Izmir Private Fatih Science High School, Izmir, Turkey,
T: Umit Karaca
EN045 Using Waste Televisions and CRT Tubes in Heavyweight Concrete for
Radiation Shielding
Muhammet Can Sayar, 15, Sophomore, Private Beylikduzu Fatih High School,
Istanbul, Marmara, Turkey, T: Orhan Yigit
Istanbul, 850314, 11th International Environmental Project Olympiad
PS309T SERA-2020
Tugberk Vural, 16, Sophomore; Aytekin Guclu, 18, Senior
Nevvar Salih Isgoren Industrial Vocational High School, Izmir, Turkey, T: Halil Uzun
Kyiv, 850103, Intel-TechnoUkraine
CS046 Hardware-sofTware RehabilitAtIoN gamING solution for Cerebral PAlsy
Bohdan Kachmar, 16, Junior, Lviv Physics and Mathematics Lyceum, Lviv, Ukraine,
T: Vadym Markelov
MA310T Addition Chains with Variations
Vladyslav Krasnolutskyy, 16, Junior; Dmytro Bondarenko, 17, Junior
Kyivo-Pecherskiy Lycee No. 171 “Leader”, Kyiv, Ukraine, T: Vilaly Polonskyy
PH050 Innovative Method for Determination of “Hard” and “Easy” Axes in the
Transparent Magnetic Films
Sergiy Lavrentyev, 16, Junior, HC “School-lyceum” No. 3 them. Makarenko,
Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine, T: Nikolaj Karpenko
Kyiv (Kiev), 850402, Intel - EcoUkraine
EM040 The “Green” Way of Layered-Double Nickel Hydroxide: From Waste to
Electric Energy
Olexandr Tokarev, 16, Junior, Chemical Ecological Lyceum, Dnipropetrovsk,
Ukraine, T: Vadim Kovalenko
London, 730101, UK Young Scientists and Engineers Fair CB006 A Novel Regulatory Mechanism in Cancer-linked Cell Signaling
Hannah Taylor Stuart, 19, Senior, The King’s School, Canterbury, Canterbury,
Kent, United Kingdom, T: Simon Rudge
EA006 Can GIS Help Conserve Fossils on the Jurassic Coast?
Thomas William Hearing, 18, Senior, The Thomas Hardye School, Dorchester,
United Kingdom, T: Judith Wardlaw
London, 730103, Young Engineers for Britain
EE078 Cooker Smart
James Sinclair Popper, 18, Senior, Marlborough College, Marlborough, Wiltshire,
United Kingdom, T: Nicolas Mark Allott
ET056 Alarmed and Heated Fuel Tanks Suitable for Retro-fitting and Available for
All Commercial Vehicles
Simon David Brookes, 18, Senior, Balcarras School, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire,
United Kingdom, T: Jeff Draisey
Finalist Directory
MA041 Properties of Families of the Simson Lines of Inscribed Polygons
Yevgeniy Gruver, 16, Junior, General Specialized Sanatorium Boarding School For
Gifted Children, Donetsk, Ukraine, T: Vladimir Potyomkin
Tacuaremb≤, 820101, Feria Nacional de Clubes de Ciencia
BE319T Historical Investigation about Archeological Remains Found at
“Calera de las Huerfanas”
Angelica Gonzalez Fernandez, 17, Senior; Andrea Martinez Genes, 17, Senior
Liceo Numero 2, Carmelo, Colonia, Uruguay, T: Maria Robaina Antia
EN050 Eco-concrete: A Good Use for the Rice Husk
Werner Nicolai Wasen, 17, Senior, Liceo Dr. Anibal Acosta Estape, Rio Branco,
Cerro Largo, Uruguay, T: Maria Gloria Comesa±a
EV042 New Natural Fertilizer
Martina Panfilo, 15, Sophomore, Santa Elena, Lagomar, Canelones, Uruguay,
T: Giancarlo Geymonat
Dalat, 890101, Intel Vietnam Science and Engineering Fair
AS006 Using Toads : An Effective Method of Destroying Insects
Phuong Thi Xuan Doan, 17, Junior, Duc Trong High School, Duc Trong, Lam Dong,
Vietnam, T: Anh Quynh Truong Nguyen
EM304T Decomposition of Organic Waste from Households and Schools under Their
Fermentation Methods Combined with Farming of Perionyx excavatus
Ha Thi Thu Dinh, 17, Junior; Vu Kim Thanh Tran, 17, Junior
Dateh High School, LamDong, Vietnam, Dateh, Vietnam, T: Thin Van Nguyen
MA008 Problems of Distances and Their Applications to the Measurements
in Practice
Uy Van Ha Nguyen, 17, Senior, Le Quy Don High School for Gifted Students,
Da Nang, Vietnam, T: Son Duy Thai Nguyen
St. Croix, 610201, The Virgin Islands Science Fair
EV327T Global Information System and Global Positioning System in Reducing
Endangerment of Dermochelys coriacea (Leatherback Turtles) Nesting
Habitats in St. Croix, VI
Stephanie Rhoden, 16, Freshman; Mendrell Symphorien, 19, Senior; Jaleel
Benjamin, 16, Junior
St. Croix Educational Complex, Kingshill, St. Croix, Virgin Islands,
T: Ann Marie Gibbs
Finalist Directory
St. Croix, 610202, The Good Hope School Science Fair
MA013 Finding a Mathematical Relationship in Human Proportions
Diana Judith Cardenas, 15, Freshman, The Good Hope School, Frederiksted,
Virgin Islands, T: Valicia Burke-France
MI018 Killer Extracts: A Study on the Antibacterial Effectiveness of Medicinal
Plants of the U.S. Virgin Islands
Eliza Walton Mongeau, 16, Sophomore, The Good Hope School, Frederiksted,
St. Croix, Virgin Islands, T: Jane Coles
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