Employment and Appeal Panel (Mansel Park Primary) – Appendix IV PAPER TO GOVERNING BODY REDUCTION OF BREAKFAST CLUB STAFFING STAFFING OF BREAKFAST CLUB FINANCIAL YEAR 07/08 Summary This paper seeks confirmation from the governing body that a reduction of 17 hours per week in the non teaching staff of the Mansel Park Primary breakfast club needs to be made from, the latest, May 2007. If the governing body ratify the proposed non-teaching staff plan, the agreed procedure for handling the reduction in breakfast club non-teaching staff will be followed. Purpose The purpose of this paper is to propose a staffing plan which will meet the needs of the breakfast club with appropriate numbers of staff to effectively deliver a high standard of breakfast club to the pupils of the school, whilst ensuring that the cost of staff employment is within the allocated budget. Falling numbers have led to a reduction in income and it is impossible to sustain the club with the current staffing. The governing body will need to take steps to reduce costs if the breakfast club is to continue into the financial year 07/08. Based on staff salaries/average expenditure on sundries and approx income 1.9.0631.3.07 Expenditure Income Salaries £8318 Fees £2950 Sundies £1000 Children Fund Grant £4000 £9318 £7950 £9318 Expenditure over income 1 -£1368 Employment and Appeal Panel (Mansel Park Primary) – Appendix IV Present position Numbers on roll as at 31.01.07 26 pupils Staffing 4 x Breakfast Club Assistants as follows: Employee A Employee B Employee C Employee D Grade 3 Scale .10 - 8.5 hours per week (term time only) Grade 3 Scale .10 - 8.5 hours per week (term time only) Grade 6 Scale .18 - 8.5 hours per week (term time only) Grade 4 Scale .10 - 8.5 hours per week (term time only) Financial Implications The income from breakfast club subscriptions will not be able to support the current level of staffing. (Extra income in the form of funding from outside agencies is not guaranteed) Expenditure At current staffing levels, the cost of staffing next year would be approximately £11,750. The food and sundries required for the children would be approximately £60 x 39 weeks = £2340 Public Liability Insurance approximately £200 The overall income based on parental subscription would be approximately £4,680. (This is dependent on every child paying £5.00 per week whether they attend for 5 days or less and no refunds for absence) Needless to say we expect an overspend at the end of this financial year which will also have to be found from next year’s budget. There can be no savings made in any other areas. There is no expenditure for public utilities or administration as the school does not charge the breakfast club for either. Proposed Staffing There can only be one model of staffing as follows: (Based on an inflation rise of approx 3% on 06/07 rates) 2 x Breakfast Club Assistant @ 8.5 hrs per week 8.5 hrs/37 hrs x 44.3 weeks/52 x £14270 fte = £2792.81 x 2 = £5585.62 2 Employment and Appeal Panel (Mansel Park Primary) – Appendix IV Conclusion If the governing body ratifies the proposed new staffing structure, the headteacher will seek support of Lifelong Learning and Leisure Personnel to implement the new staffing structure in accordance with agreed model procedures, with effect from May 2007. It should be noted that the governing body are being asked to make a decision about a reduction in posts, and will not be involved in decisions about selection of individuals for potential redundancy should this become necessary. Governors may be required to sit on an Appeals panel at a later stage in the process. Personnel will carry out the necessary consultation with trade unions on behalf of the governing body and provide support and information for staff affected by the decision to reduce the establishment. 3