MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS LOCATION: CBA 5.202 PHONE: (512) 471-3322 WEB: As Informaon Technology (IT) becomes a key driver and enabler of new business models and digital enterprises, the Management Informaon Systems (MIS) program develops leaders who can arculate business value and the strategic role of IT innovaons. MIS students learn not only to analyze, develop, implement, and manage large IT applicaons, but also to extract business value from vast amounts of data collected from transacons, social networks, and sensors available in modern day business and social environments. Students also gain familiarity in developing mobile applicaons. Resources for Learning about Careers in Management Informa!on Systems: · · · MIS Department: h!p:// MIS.aspx h!p:// Are_Popular_Careers_in_Management_ Informaon_Systems.html MIS versus Careers in Computer Science: h!p:// Management Info Syst. Suggested 4-Year Degree Plan (2014-2016 Catalog) Please work with your academic advisor to adjust for your individual plan Fall 1 Calculus 1 ECO 304K Microeconomics RHE 306 Rhetoric & Wring PSY/SOC/ANT UGS 302/303 Spring 1 Calculus 2 ECO 304L Macroeconomics B A 101S Career Planning MIS 301 Intro to Info Tech Visual Perf. Arts Fall 2 ACC 311* Financial ACC GOV 310L American GOV Sci & Tech Pt 1 Spring 2 ACC 312* Managerial ACC B A 324**** Business Comm MIS 325 Database Mgmt GOV 312L Issues & Policies Sci & Tech Pt 1 Fall 3 MIS 333K Web App. Devel MAN 336** or O M 335 STA 371G* Stats & Modeling Free Elecve Sci & Tech Pt 2 Spring 3 MIS Elecve FIN 357 Business Finance MKT 337 Principles of Mkt American History*** Upper-Div NonBus Elecve MIS 353 MIS 374 Internship in MIS Bus System Devel MIS Upper Division Elecve American History*** Upper-Div NonBus Elecve Non-Business Elecve Non-Business Elecve Fall 4 Spring 4 48 STA 309* MIS 304 Elementary Stats Prob Solv. & Prog LEB 323** E 316L, M, N or P Strat Info Tech Mgmt Bus. Law & Ethics Literature MIS 375****+ McCombs Students are required to fulfill the following flags through their coursework at UT Ausn. Courses with the following symbols can fulfill the flag requirement. Check the course schedule for flag designaon. * Quantave Reasoning Flag: 1 Needed *** Cultural Diversity in the US: 1 Needed ** Ethics & Leadership Flag: 1 Needed **** Wring Flag: 2 Needed + Independent Inquiry Flag: 1 Needed -S!ll Needed: Global Cultures Flag