Project Number Five - California State University, Sacramento

Management Information Science 175
Group Project for the Semester
Project Number: Five
Point Count: 150 Points
Due Date: May 18, 2001
Preparation for the Project:
Effective systems development requires a team effort. The team usually consists
of stakeholders and users, managers, systems development specialists, and
various support personnel. This team, called the development team, is
responsible for determining the objectives of the information system and
determining the objectives of the information system and delivering to the
organization a system that meets these objectives.
You are to find three (3) other persons and form a working team. The members
represent other emphasis at the College of Business here at CSUS. Therefore, it
is a cross-functional team. The coverage of your project turn-in will state the
names of the persons on the team, their emphasis within the College of
In this project the development team will work together to develop a system to
help an organization with this goal: to keep better contact with its members and
customers. The process will follow the phases of the System Development Life
Cycle (SDLC) in sequence. After you have chosen the development team, each
member should choose a different role to play: chief information officer, systems
analyst, senior-level management, and stakeholder and/or user. Someone from
this group should also be chosen as project leader.
Organizational Write-Up (500 words):
The organization – What is the name of the organization? How many
employees does it have? Where is it located? What are its main business
activities? What are its products or services? Who are its customers and
members? Who might be the stakeholders and user associated with a customer
contact system?
Requirements for the System Application – Page 1
MIS 175 – Management Information Science
for Managers
Environment – Who are the potential customers and members? From where
does the organization draw its customers and members? Who are the suppliers?
What outside pressures (such as government regulation, the economy, the
“green” movement does the organization have? What competition does it have?
Note that even clubs and teams have competition (other clubs or teams, leisure
time, work, as do nonprofit organization soliciting donations).
Create a document that will give someone who knows nothing about the
organization an understanding about the nature of the business. Doing this
thoroughly will set the scene for your next steps.
Following are the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), develop
an application of your choice. The components of the SDLC are as follows:
SI – Systems Investigation
 Potential problems and opportunities which you wish to investigate
 Data flow diagram of the present system
Create a dataflow diagram showing procedures leading to an accomplished goal
as it presently is performed. These processes are ones you should change.
SA – Systems Analysis
 Attempts to answer the question, “What must the information system do to
solve the problem?”
 Suggest alternatives for problem solution
For this component you are to examine a problem. Discuss the problem
pinpointing the various factors of importance (300 words with word count at the
end of the component. )
Proposed solution to the problem using an overview of 200 words. (As this is an
MIS class you are to use a computer in the application when solving the
SD – Systems Design
 “How will the information system do what it must do to solve the problem?”
 Create a spreadsheet in which you have outlined the equipment and
proposed costs with detailed breakdown of the different components and
 This is the technical design component
 Creation and acquisition of the system components
 Involves system outputs, inputs, user interface
Output: Focus on the output first. This section should have a description of at
least five reports (samples) that in your system. The outcome for this section will
be sample reports showing sample data. These should include a paragraph
Requirements for the System Application – Page 2
MIS 175 – Management Information Science
for Managers
about each, explaining how the report will be used, how often it will be printed,
and its contents.
Input: Once you have determined the designed outputs, examine the kinds of
data necessary as inputs to the application. The outcome for this section is to be
sample data entry screen showing how the data would be placed on the screen
for data input and what kinds of friendly prompts you would place on the screen
to assist the eventual user in data entry and editing.
Database design: Once you have an idea of the outputs and inputs that are
necessary, use the skills developed in Chapter 5 to design the database
requirements The outcome will be data requirements list with the following format
SI – Systems Implementation
 Suggestions of system implementation
 Creating or acquiring the various system components
Outline of the costs of hardware, software, and personnel
Discuss the purchase plan to follow with plans for implementation.
SM – Systems Maintenance
 What is the goal of the system
 Measuring outcomes – types of metrics which will be used
Describe methods used to determine the quantity and quality of the project
Project contribution. Describe the role of each member of the team. What did
the person accomplish as part of the team..
Coversheet with the name of your team members.
Organizational development (500 words – place a word count at the end of
this component.)
For each of the team members indicate their emphasis and the role each
person took on the team (e.g. James Smith – emphasis International
Marketing – Team Manager)
Number of the project, date due, time the class meets.
Hardcopy production as outlined in this project describing each of the steps:
Written description of the organization
Overview of the problem or opportunity your team will investigate
Dataflow diagram of the processes of the problem or organization
Description of the problem or opportunity to investigate
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for Managers
5. Description of the proposed solution for the application
6. Systems design (including input/output. database examples.)
7. System implementation outline
8. Outline plan of system implementation
9. Description of outcomes and their measurement
10. Project contribution of the team members.
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MIS 175 – Management Information Science
for Managers