Virtual Instrumentation With LabVIEW

Virtual Instrumentation With LabVIEW
NI Course
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Course Goals
• Understand the components of a Virtual Instrument
• Introduce LabVIEW and common LabVIEW functions
• Build a simple data acquisition application
• Create a subroutine in LabVIEW
• Work with Arrays, Clusters, and Structures
• Learn About Printing & Documentation Features
• Develop in Basic Programming Architectures
• Publish VIs on the Web
Section I
• LabVIEW terms
• Components of a LabVIEW application
• LabVIEW programming tools
• Creating an application in LabVIEW
LabVIEW Programs Are Called Virtual Instruments (VIs)
Front Panel
• Controls = Inputs
• Indicators = Outputs
Block Diagram
• Accompanying “program”
for front panel
• Components “wired”
VI Front Panel
Front Panel
VI Block Diagram
While Loop
Boolean Control
Express VIs, VIs and Functions
• Express VIs: interactive VIs with configurable dialog page
• Standard VIs: modularized VIs customized by wiring
• Functions: fundamental operating elements of
LabVIEW; no front panel or block diagram
Express VI
Standard VI
Controls and Functions Palettes
Controls Palette
(Front Panel Window)
Functions Palette
(Block Diagram Window)
Tools Palette
• Floating Palette
• Used to operate and modify
front panel and block diagram
Automatic Selection Tool
Operating Tool
Scrolling Tool
Positioning/Resizing Tool
Breakpoint Tool
Labeling Tool
Probe Tool
Wiring Tool
Color Copy Tool
Shortcut Menu Tool
Coloring Tool
Status Toolbar
Run Button
Continuous Run Button
Additional Buttons on
the Diagram Toolbar
Abort Execution
Pause/Continue Button
Text Settings
Align Objects
Distribute Objects
Resize front panel
Execution Highlighting
Step Into Button
Step Over Button
Step Out Button
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Open and Run a Virtual Instrument
Example finder
Starting a VI
• Open a
blank VI or
• Open an
existing VI
or project
and modify it
• Open a
template to
begin a new
VI or project
Creating a VI
Front Panel Window
Block Diagram Window
Creating a VI – Block Diagram
Wiring Tips – Block Diagram
Wiring “Hot Spot”
Use Automatic
Wire Routing
Click To Select Wires
Clean Up Wiring
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Dataflow Programming
• Block diagram executes
dependent on the flow of data;
block diagram does NOT
execute left to right
• Node executes when data is
available to ALL input terminals
• Nodes supply data to all output
terminals when done
Help Options
Context Help
Online help
Lock help
Simple/Complex Diagram help
Ctrl + H
Online reference
• All menus online
• Pop up on functions in diagram to access online info directly
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Exercise 1 - Convert °C to °F
Debugging Techniques
• Finding Errors
Click on broken Run button
Window showing error appears
• Execution Highlighting
Click on Execution Highlighting button; data
flow is animated using bubbles. Values are
displayed on wires.
• Probe
Right-click on wire to display probe and it
shows data as it flows through wire segment
You can also select Probe tool from Tools
palette and click on wire
Debugging Techniques – Execution Highlighting
– Use execution highlighting to watch the data flow through
the block diagram
– If the VI runs more slowly than expected, confirm that you
turned off execution highlighting in subVIs
Debugging Techniques – Single Stepping
Single-step through the VI to view each action of the VI
on the block diagram
Suspend the execution of a subVI to edit values of
controls and indicators, to control the number of times it
runs, or to go back to the beginning of the execution of
the subVI
– Open subVI and select Operate»Suspend When Called
from the shortcut menu
Debugging Techniques – Probes
– Use the Probe tool to observe intermediate data
values and to check the error output of VIs
and functions, especially those performing I/O
– Retain the values in the wires so that you can
probe wires for data after execution
Debugging Techniques – Breakpoints
– When you reach a breakpoint during execution, the VI
pauses and the Pause button appears red
– You can take the following actions at a breakpoint:
• Single-step through execution using the single-stepping buttons
• Probe wires to check intermediate values
• Change values of front panel controls
• Click the Pause button to continue running to the next breakpoint
or until the VI finishes running
Error Checking and Error Handling
– No matter how confident you are in the VI you create, you
cannot predict every problem a user can encounter
– Without a mechanism to check for errors, you know only that
the VI does not work properly
– Error checking tells you why and where errors occur
• Automatic error handling
• Manual error handling
Error Checking and Error Handling – Automatic
Error Handling
– LabVIEW automatically handles any known error when a VI
runs by:
• suspending execution,
• highlighting the subVI or function where the error occurred,
• and displaying the Error dialog box
– Select File»VI Properties and select Execution from the
Category pull-down menu to disable automatic error
handling for a specific VI
Error Checking and Error Handling – Manual Error
– To disable automatic error
handling for a subVI or
function, wire its error out
cluster to the error in cluster
of another subVI or function
or to an error out indicator
– Use the LabVIEW error
handling VIs,
functions, and parameters
to manage errors
Section II – SubVIs
• What is a subVI?
• Making an icon and
connector for a subVI
• Using a VI as a subVI
Block Diagram Nodes
Expandable Node
Function Generator VI
Same VI, viewed three different ways
Yellow field designates a standard VI
Blue field designates an Express VI
Expanded Node
• A SubVI is a VI that can be used within another VI
• Similar to a subroutine
• Advantages
– Modular
– Easier to debug
– Don’t have to recreate code
– Require less memory
Icon and Connector
• An icon represents a VI in other block
• A connector shows available
terminals for data transfer
Express SubVI Nodes
– Express VIs are a special type of subVI
• Require minimal wiring because you configure them
with dialog boxes
• Save the configuration of an Express VI as a subVI
– Icons for Express VIs appear on the block
diagram as icons surrounded by a blue field
Icons/Expandable Nodes
Block Diagram – Wires
– Transfer data between block diagram objects through wires
– Wires are different colors, styles, and thicknesses,
depending on their data types
– A broken wire appears as a dashed
black line with a red X in the middle
DBL Numeric
Integer Numeric
1D Array
2D Array
Sub VIs
Steps to Create a SubVI
• Create the Icon
• Create the Connector
• Assign Terminals
• Save the VI
• Insert the VI into a Top Level VI
Create the Icon
• Right-click on the icon in the
block diagram or front panel
Create the Connector
Right click on the icon pane (front panel only)
Assign Terminals
Save The VI
• Choose an Easy to Remember Location
• Organize by Functionality
– Save Similar VIs into one directory (e.g. Math Utilities)
• Organize by Application
– Save all VIs Used for a Specific Application into one
directory or library file (e.g. Lab 1 – Frequency
• Library Files (.llbs) combine many VI’s into a single file, ideal for
transferring entire applications across computers
Insert the SubVI into a Top Level VI
Accessing user-made subVIs
Functions >>All Functions >> Select a VI
Drag icon onto target diagram
Tips for Working in LabVIEW
• Keystroke Shortcuts
– <Ctrl-H> – Activate/Deactivate Context Help Window
– <Ctrl-B> – Remove Broken Wires From Block Diagram
– <Ctrl-E> – Toggle Between Front Panel and Block
– <Ctrl-Z> – Undo (Also in Edit Menu)
• Tools » Options… – Set Preferences in LabVIEW
• VI Properties – Configure VI Appearance,
Documentation, etc.
Section III – Data Acquisition
• Data acquisition (DAQ) basics
• Connecting Signals
• Simple DAQ application
DAQ Device
Terminal Block
Data Acquisition in LabVIEW
Traditional NI-DAQ
Specific VIs for
• Analog Input
• Analog Output
• Digital I/O
• Counter operations
Next generation driver:
• VIs for performing a
• One set of VIs for all
measurement types
DAQ – Data Acquisition
Temperature Acquisition using the DAQ Assistant
Data Acquisition Terminology
• Resolution - Determines How Many Different Voltage
Changes Can Be Measured
– Larger Resolution  More Precise Representation of Signal
• Range - Minimum and Maximum Voltages
– Smaller range  More Precise Representation of Signal
• Gain - Amplifies or Attenuates Signal for Best Fit in
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Hardware Connections
Exercise 2 – Simple Data Acquisition
Complete Convert C to, then create
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Section IV – Loops and Charts
• For Loop
• While Loop
• Charts
• Multiplots
While Loops
Repeat (code);
Until Condition met;
LabVIEW While Loop
While Loops
1. Select the loop
2. Enclose code to be repeated
3. Drop or drag additional nodes and then wire
While Loops
– Iteration terminal: returns number of times loop has
executed; zero indexed
– Conditional terminal: defines when the loop stops
Iteration Terminal
Conditional Terminal
While Loops – Tunnels
– Tunnels transfer data into and out of structures
– The tunnel adopts the color of the data type wired to the
– Data pass out of a loop after the loop terminates
– When a tunnel
passes data into
a loop, the loop
executes only
after data arrive
at the tunnel
For Loops
Until i=N:
Repeat (code;i=i+1);
LabVIEW For Loop
Pseudo Code
For Loops
– Create a For Loop the same way you create a While Loop
– If you need to replace an existing While Loop with a For
Loop, right-click the border of the While Loop, and select
Replace with For Loop from the shortcut menu
– The value in the count terminal (an input terminal)
indicates how many times to repeat the subdiagram
For Loops – Conditional Terminal
You can add a
terminal to
configure a For
Loop to stop
when a Boolean
condition or an
error occurs
For Loops – Conditional Terminal
For Loops configured for
a conditional exit have:
• Red glyph next to the
count terminal
• Conditional terminal
in the lower right
Timing a VI – Wait Functions
– A wait function inside a loop allows the VI to sleep for a set
amount of time
– Allows the processor to address other tasks during the wait
– Uses the operating system millisecond clock
Elapsed Time Express VI
– Determines how much time
elapses after some point in your
– Keep track of time while the VI
continues to execute
– Does not provide the processor
time to complete other tasks
Waveform chart – special
numeric indicator that can
display a history of values
Controls >> Graph Indicators
>> Waveform Chart
Wiring Data into Charts
Single Plot Charts
Multiplot Charts
Iterative Data Transfer
– When programming with loops, you often need to know the
values of data from previous iterations of the loop
– Shift registers transfer values from one loop iteration to the
Iterative Data Transfer – Shift Registers
– Right-click the border and select Add Shift Register from
the shortcut menu
– Right shift register stores data on completion of an iteration
– Left shift register provides stored data at beginning of the
next iteration
Iterative Data Transfer – Initializing
Run once
VI finishes
Block Diagram
Run again
1st run
2nd run
Output = 5
Output = 5
Output = 4
Output = 8
Iterative Data Transfer – Stacked Shift Registers
– Stacked shift registers remember values from multiple
previous iterations and carry those values to the next
– Right-click the left shift register and select Add Element
from the shortcut menu
Exercise 3 – Using loops
Students build Use a
Section V – Arrays & File I/O
• Build arrays manually
• Have LabVIEW build arrays automatically
• Write to a spreadsheet file
• Read from a spreadsheet file
Adding an Array to the Front Panel
From the Controls >> All Controls >> Array and
Cluster subpalette, select the Array Shell
Drop it on the screen.
Adding an Array (cont.)
Place data object into shell (i.e. Numeric Control)
Creating an Array with a Loop
• Loops accumulate arrays at their boundaries
Arrays – Auto-indexing Input
• If the iteration count terminal is wired and arrays of
different sizes are wired to auto-indexed tunnels, the
actual number of iterations becomes the smallest of the
Arrays – Auto-indexing Output
– When you auto-index an array output tunnel, the output
array receives a new element from every iteration of the loop
– Auto-indexed output arrays are always equal in size to the
number of iterations
Creating 2D Arrays
File I/O
File I/O – passing data to and from files
- Files can be binary, text, or spreadsheet
- Write/Read LabVIEW Measurements file (*.lvm)
Writing to LVM file
Reading from LVM file
Write LabVIEW Measurement File
• Includes the open, write, close and error handling functions
• Handles formatting the string with either a tab or comma
• Merge Signals function is used to combine data into the
dynamic data type
Exercise 4 – Analyzing and Logging Data
Students build Temperature
Section VI – Array Functions & Graphs
• Basic Array Functions
• Use graphs
• Create multiplots with graphs
Array Functions – Basics
Functions >> All functions>> Array
Array Functions – Build Array
• Selected from the Graph palette of Controls menu
Controls>>All Controls>>Graphs
Waveform Graph – Plot an array of
numbers against their indices
Express XY Graph – Plot one array
against another
Digital Waveform Graph – Plot bits
from binary data
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Right-Click on the Graph and choose Properties
to Interactively Customize
Exercise 5 – Using Waveform Graphs
Section VII – Strings, Clusters, & Error Handling
• Strings
• Creating Clusters
• Cluster Functions
• Error I/O
• A string is a sequence of displayable or nondisplayable
characters (ASCII)
• Many uses – displaying messages, instrument control, file
• String control/indicator is in the Controls »Text Control or
Text Indicator
• Data structure that groups data together
• Data may be of different types
• Analogous to struct in C
• Elements must be either all controls or all indicators
• Thought of as wires bundled into a cable
Creating a Cluster
1. Select a Cluster shell
2. Place objects inside the shell
Controls >> All Controls >> Array & Cluster
Cluster Functions
• In the Cluster subpalette of the Functions>>All
functions palette
• Can also be accessed by right-clicking on the cluster
(Terminal labels
reflect data type)
Bundle By Name
Cluster Functions
Unbundle By Name
Unbundled cluster
in the diagram
Error Clusters
• Error cluster contains the following information:
–Boolean to report whether error occurred
–Integer to report a specific error code
–String to give information about the error
Error Handling Techniques
• Error information is passed from one subVI to the next
• If an error occurs in one subVI, all subsequent subVIs are
not executed in the usual manner
• Error Clusters contain all error conditions
• Automatic Error Handling
error clusters
Section VIII - Case & Sequence Structures,
Formula Nodes
Case Structures
• In the Structures subpalette of Functions palette
• Enclose nodes or drag them inside the structure
• Stacked like a deck of cards, only one case visible
Functions >> Execution control
Exercise 6 – Error Clusters & Handling
Sequence Structures
• In the Execution Control subpalette of Functions palette
• Executes diagrams sequentially
• Right-click to add new frame
Formula Nodes
• In the Structures subpalette
• Implement complicated equations
• Variables created at border
• Variable names are case sensitive
• Each statement must terminate with a semicolon (;)
• Context Help Window shows available functions
Note semicolon
Section IX – Printing & Documentation
• Print From File Menu to Printer, HTML, Rich Text File
• Programmatically Print Graphs or Front Panel Images
• Document VIs in VI Properties » Documentation Dialog
• Add Comments Using Free Labels on Front Panel &
Block Diagram
• File » Print… Gives Many Printing Options
– Choose to Print Icon, Front Panel, Block Diagram, VI Hierarchy,
Included SubVIs, VI History
• Print (Programmatically Prints a Front Panel)
– Functions » All Functions » Application Control
• Generate & Print Reports (Functions » Output » Report)
Documenting VIs
• VI Properties » Documentation
– Provide a Description and Help Information for a VI
• VI Properties » Revision History
– Track Changes Between Versions of a VI
• Individual Controls » Description and Tip…
– Right Click to Provide Description and Tip Strip
• Use Labeling Tool to Document Front Panels & Block
Section X – Basic Programming Architecture
• Simple VI Architecture
• General VI Architecture
• State Machine Architecture
Simple VI Architecture
• Functional VI that produces results when run
– No “start” or “stop” options
– Suitable for lab tests, calculations
• Example: Convert C to
General VI Architecture
• Three Main Steps
– Startup
– Main Application
– Shutdown
State Machine Architecture
• Advantages
– Can go from any state from any other
– Easy to modify and debug
• Disadvantages
– Can lose events if two occur at the
same time
0: Startup
1: Idle
2: Event 1
3: Event 2
4: Shutdown
Exercise 7 – Simple State Machine
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Section XI – Remote Front Panels
• View & Control LabVIEW Front Panels from a Web
• Requires no programming
• Remote clients see “live” front panel updates
• Multiple clients can view the same panel
• Only one client can control the front panel at a time
Remote Panel Web Publishing Tool
•Tools » Web Publishing Tool…
•Click Save to Disk
and VI is embedded
into an HTML file
•After file is saved, it
can be reopened and
customized in any
HTML editor
Remote Front Panels - Resources
• NI Developer Zone
– Search for Remote Front
– Tutorials & Instructions Are
Available for Download
– Information on
Incorporating Web
Cameras into Remote
Panel Applications
Section XII – Additional Topics
• Property Nodes
• Local Variables
• Global Variables
• DataSocket
• Binary File I/O
– Cannot pass data between parallel loops with a wire
– Variables allow you to circumvent normal dataflow by
passing data from one place to another without connecting
the two places with a wire
Variables - Block diagram elements that allow
you to access or store data in another location
Variables can be of the following types:
• Local—Stores data in front panel controls and indicators
• Global —Stores data in special repositories that can be accessed
from multiple VIs
• Functional Global—Stores data in While Loop shift registers
• Shared—Transfers data between various distributed targets
connected together over a network
Variables – Using in a Single VI
• Use local variables to pass data within a single VI
Variables – Using Between VIs
• Use a global variable or a single process shared
variable to share data between multiple VIs
– Use a global variable to share data among VIs on the same
computer, especially if you do not use a project file
– Use a single process shared variable if you may need to
share the variable information among VIs on multiple
computers in the future
Variables – Using Between VIs
• Single Process Shared
Variables – Creating Shared Variables
– You must have a project open
to create a shared variable
– Variable configuration data is
stored in Project Libraries
– LabVIEW will automatically
create a library if the variable
was not created from an
existing library
Shared Variables – Configuration Options
• Set Variable Type to Single Process
Where Do I Go From Here?
• Example programs (Help» Find Examples…)
• LabVIEW Student Edition (
• Web resources (
– NI Developer Zone (
– Application Notes
– Info-labview newsgroup (
– Instrument Driver Library (