Westlake High School 2012 – 2013 Ms. Boden's FST Course

Westlake High School 2012 – 2013
Ms. Boden’s FST Course Expectations
vboden@conejousd.org • (805) 497-6711 Ext. 3109
Recommended Materials
 Spiral Notebook
 Notebook Paper
 Pencils/Pens
 Covered Textbook
 Graphing Calculator
Colored Pencils
Graph or Grid Paper
Red Pen
Grading Policy
A: 90-100%
B: 80-89%
C: 70-79%
D: 60-69%
F: < 60%
Grade Breakdown
 55% Tests
 25% Quizzes
 20% Homework and
Course Description
FST stands for Functions, Statistics, and Trigonometry. FST is a three-part class which focuses on probability
and statistics, functions, and trigonometry. The first part covers exploring data, modeling data using
regressions, basic probability and binomial distributions, sequences and series and converting binomial
distributions to the standard normal curve. The second part focuses on exponential, logarithmic and polynomial
functions. The third part of the course covers circular functions, right triangle trigonometry, trigonometric
identities and the polar coordinate system.
Class Information
The following information can be found online on the WHS website: Class Policies, Course Description,
Assignment Sheets, Test Dates and Reviews, Worksheets, Helpful Documents and Webpage Links.
Homework Policy
Homework will be given daily and checked on random days for credit based on completeness. A homework
packet will be due every Friday containing that week’s assignments. This packet will be graded on completion,
effort, neatness, and accurateness, since the students are provided with all homework solutions. That being
said, students are expected to check their homework using the solutions provided before turning in the
assignment. Students must show all work in order to receive credit for the assignment. NO WORK = NO
CREDIT. Copying someone else’s homework is considered cheating and the student will receive
consequences for academic dishonesty. Late homework can be turned in for half credit before the end of that
chapter. Homework turned in after that cut off date will not be accepted. Homework is necessary practice in
order to master the standards and proper completion will help students perform better on assessments.
Classwork and Participation
Classwork is given daily and may be checked or collected at the end of the period. Classwork may consist of
class notes, group work, or individual practice problems. Students are expected to participate in class daily.
They will receive a participation grade each quarter depending upon the effort they show daily to answer
teacher-directed questions and the effort they put into pair-shares with their classmates.
Students are expected to participate in the daily warm-ups at the beginning of every class period. Some warmups the students will be expected to turn in for credit with their homework packets on Friday. If a student is
absent they are expected to make-up any missed warm-ups. They can get the assignment from a classmate,
but copying the assignment from a classmate is considered academically dishonest and there will be
consequences for such actions.
Assessments include all tests and quizzes. They are used to determine mastery of the California State
Standards. If a student is absent only the day before the test (meaning a review day) then he/she will be
expected to take the test on the original test date. TESTS WILL BE REVIEWED WITH STUDENTS IN CLASS,
TAKE THEM HOME. Cheating of any sort is not acceptable on any assessments and serious consequences
will occur if any student is found cheating.
Make-up Procedure
When a student is absent it is his/her responsibility to look in the absent rack and make up the work he/she
missed immediately upon returning to school. Students will receive an assignment sheet at the beginning of
each chapter that lists all of the homework assignments for that chapter. This will also be posted on the class
website and in the classroom. Students who are absent for extended periods of time should try to keep up with
classwork and homework as posted, then meet with me upon their return to schedule any make-up work or
tests. The number of days a student is absent will be the number of days they have to complete their work for
full credit. Students who are absent on a test/quiz day will be expected to take the test in class on the day they
return to school. Students are not to copy their classmate’s work in order to make up their own work and those
found copying will receive consequences for academic dishonesty.
Extra Credit
There will be several opportunities for extra-credit. Students may also participate in Math Club for extra credit.
If a student is unable to complete an extra-credit assignment for any reason no make-up assignments are
given. A student found copying another student’s work will receive consequences for academic dishonesty.
All grades will be posted on Zangle. It is important that the students know their computer and Zangle
passwords at all times.
Attendance and Tardy Policy
Students must come to class on time. Students who are not in his/her seat when the tardy bell rings will be
marked tardy. Students who are tardy or gone for more than 15 minutes will be marked absent. Students who
are absent from class for more than 30 minutes for school activities or sports will be marked absent. Please
see the attendance office to clear such absences. Students who expect to be absent on a test day due to a
sport or school activity need to see me ahead of time to arrange an alternate test time.
Classroom Environment and Teacher Expectations:
Classroom Rules:
 The school and district’s Honesty, Tardy, Harassment, Discipline, Homework, Attendance, and Truant
Policies are to be followed at all times.
 Only one person talks at a time. No talking while the teacher is talking, or while someone is asking a
question. Raise your hand and wait to be called on if you want to speak. I will not tolerate any talking or
disruptions that interfere with the learning of other students or my teaching.
 Come to class everyday prepared, on time, with the required materials, ready to learn.
 The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell (so don’t hang out around the door or bolt when you hear the
 Respect yourself and others. No putdowns! Do not put yourself or anyone else down. (This also means
no swearing). Please be polite!
 Please pick up after yourself. If something falls on the floor, pick it up. If you see garbage on the floor, pick
it up even if it is not yours. Don’t write on the desk or in books. If you see writing that can be erased,
please erase it. Help keep Westlake clean!
 No food or drinks in the classroom (except during lunchtime or after school). Water is ok.
 All cell phones, iPods, and headphones must be put away during class. If a student is using them in
class, I will confiscate the device and the student will receive two detentions. Parents: Please do not call
your child during class!!!! Having an electronic device visible during a test/quiz will result in an academic
dishonesty action.
 Please remove hats and hoods before entering the classroom.
Extra Help
Not understanding your homework is not an excuse for not completing it. I am available most days at lunch for
extra help, but I am always available during lunch on Wednesdays or by appointment to assist students in
understanding the course content. I want every student to be successful in my class so I will provide him/her
with as much opportunity for questions, review, and individual help as I can.
 Websites with good lesson explanations: www.khanacademy.org and
 See www.hotmath.com for HW help. The password is conejo123.
 http://www.youtube.com/ - search: “yourteachermathhelp” or the topic
 Graph Paper: printablepaper.net
***Cheating of any sort is not acceptable and students will receive consequences for their academic
dishonestly along with a zero on the assignment/assessment on which cheating occurred.***
Please have your parent read and sign the bottom of this page and return it to me. I look forward to an exciting
and productive year!
Print Student’s Name: _____________________________ Period: __________
Student Signature: ________________________________ Date: ___________
Print Parent’s Name: ______________________________
Parent Signature: ________________________________ Date: ___________
If there is anything I should know about this student, please write a note below. 