© ATM 2008 • No reproduction (including Internet) except for legitimate academic purposes • copyright@atm.org.uk for permissions A CREATIVITY TAXONOMY George Hardy describes his categorisation of practical mathematical tasks using drama, body maths and a host of outlandish props. Over the last year or so I have been experimenting with my approach to teaching maths students according to their preferred learning styles, in particular, the visual and the kinæsthetic. The motivation to work with kinæsthetic styles came from my rediscovery of People Maths, Hidden Depths (Bloomfield and Vertes, 2005). They define ‘people maths’ as ‘using people to form the moving pieces of a mathematical activity, be it a puzzle, a sum, a diagram or a demonstration ... with the emphasis heavily on discussion within the group taking part’ (Bloomfield and Vertes, 2005: 7). These discussions within participant groups then lead to the discovery of the hidden mathematical depths to which their title refers. I liked this idea but also wanted to involve the students in a kinæsthetic way that was entertaining and therefore a visual stimulus to those students who elected to watch instead of participate. This way the kinæsthetic learners could engage and benefit from various levels of discussion and the visual learners could observe and be brought into discussion by the teacher at appropriate times. I decided to try some ideas with my Y10 class (set 2 of 5, 30 students) and I issued them with diaries in which they could record their experiences and thoughts after a ‘people maths’ lesson. In my own reflections, I initially began to categorise the lessons under the following three headings, partly as a means of furthering the invention of more activities within each classification. Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3 1 Demonstration In this category, students are used as props or dynamic parts of a topic. For example, students form ‘living’ straight-line graphs as a directed role play, with x-y axes taped on the floor (figures 1-2). Another example would be using individual whiteboards to expand two brackets using the ‘box method’, with students constructing a ‘living’ box (figure 3). 26 MATHEMATICS TEACHING INCORPORATING MICROMATH 211 / NOVEMBER 2008 Academic copyright permission does NOT extend to publishing on Internet or similar system. Provide link ONLY © ATM 2008 • No reproduction (including Internet) except for legitimate academic purposes • copyright@atm.org.uk for permissions 2 Teamwork Here, students also role play, but design the dramatic input and choreography themselves. One striking example of this is the manipulation of equations. Students use individual whiteboards to write out the initial equation; then, as a chorus line, they step forward for each stage of the equation’s development, amending their whiteboards as necessary and reciting the developed equation as they proceed (figure 4). Fig 5 Fig 6 Starting with the end in mind 3 Creative display Fig 4 With students in their established people maths teams, they were asked to display a concept, with an ‘anything goes’ attitude to the items employed. For example, students were asked to construct a 3D toy for a child and calculate its volume. Possible items that students could utilise included carrots, parsnips, ice-cream cornets, traffic cones and hoops (from the PE department), beach balls and polystyrene spheres. Using these, and sugar paper, a wide range of high quality 2D and 3D displays was generated. I have found it quite helpful to focus on a prop to use in a classroom situation without initially knowing what the application will be. (I refer to the prop in question as being ‘classroom-able’ in some way.) One example was a plastic foldaway skip that holds sand or waste. I knew I wanted to put students into one of these! (This, I think, can be traced back to watching Tiswas on Saturday morning children’s TV in the 1970s!) After mulling the idea over, I decided to sit several students under the skip and demonstrate selection without replacement, using a Tiswas-ian selection device of a boxing glove on a metre rule to tap the chosen student gently to indicate that they had been selected (figure 7). Having created several lessons that could be categorised in the manner described above, my thoughts turned to finding a more specific classification that would highlight the creative process underlying each invented lesson, and this is the creativity taxonomy that I came up with. Fig 7 Fig 8 Roleplay / choreography / song The essential idea here is that students become the mathematics under consideration. Often the adjective ‘living’ can precede the mathematical topic being studied; in demonstration or team mode, students have enacted living lines, living graphs, living equations, living circles and living cones in the classroom (figures 5-6). Writing and performing songs as an aid to memory also falls into this category. Another idea came as the result of office banter, when one colleague commented on another’s patterned shirt, referring to it as his ‘graph-paper’ shirt. My initial reaction was to want to draw a graph on the shirt in question, which quickly developed into a ‘eureka’ moment in which graph paper T-shirts were created. These T-shirts (figure 8) turn drawing graphs, solving simultaneous equations and shading inequalities into physical activities, and are MATHEMATICS TEACHING INCORPORATING MICROMATH 211 / NOVEMBER 2008 Academic copyright permission does NOT extend to publishing on Internet or similar system. Provide link ONLY 27 © ATM 2008 • No reproduction (including Internet) except for legitimate academic purposes • copyright@atm.org.uk for permissions made from transfer paper ironed on to inexpensive T-shirts. (Boys have transfers on front and back, and for girls just the back has a transfer.) Starting with a lively student in mind When planning for a lesson in which I had to manage students full of energy, I considered the lesson’s learning objectives and then mentally picked my ‘cast of players’. I found myself thinking that two of my students would enjoy physically demonstrating two supplementary angles using their outstretched arms, for example. With a photograph of this fed straight into my electronic whiteboard, I could then superimpose straight lines and angles over these students and engage the class in finding missing angles. The fact that students known to the class appeared on the board made the others focus all the more. Always on the job I firmly believe that everywhere we go, whatever we do, there are ideas that can feature in a creative lesson. For instance, the ingredients on a box of muesli can lead to a practical, with ingredients being combined in the correct ratio to make a muesli mix. On Brighton pier I noticed one of those displays that you pop your head into and have a photo taken, with the caption ‘just married’ or something similar. I took this idea into the classroom with the help of the design and art departments, and created a ‘Pythagoras plenary’ board for students to use when feeding back to the class on what they had learned (figure 9). The crawlthrough tunnel from my own children’s old tent served well as part of a number machine exercise, in which crawling through the tunnel adds 4 to each participant’s starting number. Fig 9 Using pupils as props As we saw before, students can use their arms to show that approximately three diameters form a circumference (see figure 5). In a ‘living’ equation, students can form the equation by each holding a part of it on an individual white-board. On occasion, if I want to focus on the operations carried out to each side of an equation, I choose two tall students to be margin lines, and have other students holding whiteboards either side of the margins, indicating the given step. Students can be props in finding how many cubic centimetres are in a cubic metre (figure 10) and can each become two units when demonstrating Pythagorean Triples. (Figures 11 and 12 show a 3-4-5 and a 7-24-25 triple being modelled using six and 28 volunteers respectively, each holding two rulers.) Choose to use props I have used a ‘hop, jump’ investigation in which students walk over hoops laid flat on the floor, choosing either to hop one hoop or to jump two hoops, and investigate the various distances walked. The decision to use actual hoops in the classroom, as opposed to an artist’s illustration on a page, completely transforms the lesson and focuses the students on the task. Raid the kitchen Fig 10 28 Under the original broad heading of ‘creative display’, items such as carrots, parsnips and ice cream cornets were borrowed from the kitchen. Loaves of bread can be used to demonstrate the cross-section MATHEMATICS TEACHING INCORPORATING MICROMATH 211 / NOVEMBER 2008 Academic copyright permission does NOT extend to publishing on Internet or similar system. Provide link ONLY Fig 11 © ATM 2008 • No reproduction (including Internet) except for legitimate academic purposes • copyright@atm.org.uk for permissions Fig 12 of a rectangular prism (and other prisms). In my experience, students’ interest increases when any type of food is brought in to the lesson. Raid the toybox Like the kitchen items, toys attract students’ attention. I extended a discussion on co-ordinates in all four quadrants of my classroom by placing a toy doll on a light fitting and asking students to supply x and y co-ordinates and estimate the z coordinate, which was the height of the doll above the floor. If I had just asked for an estimate of the height of the light fitting, the response would have been slender compared to the enthusiasm students exhibited towards the doll figure. I have also used dolls to ‘walk’ the parts of a vector sum. Conclusions Comments from the students’ diaries included the following: • “It’s good for all the students because it applies to all learning styles; this makes you feel involved and it helps you learn.” • “As an auditory learner, I feel that watching the people maths helps me to be a visual and active learner also.” • “They say that if a lesson is fun, kids learn better. And I like people maths because it is fun.” • “I like the Pythagoras plenary because it is funny to watch the people talk about the lesson.” Students have found these lessons stimulating and memorable; this latter quality is especially important when revisiting topics for the purpose of revision. A lesson that has a memorable ‘hook’ to it is likely to be retained by the student. My ‘creativity taxonomy’ set out here is an invitation to the classroom teacher to design their own kinæsthetic and visual lessons by dipping, in an inventive way, into the categories listed above. Reference Bloomfield, A. and Vertes, R. (2005) People Maths, Hidden Depths, ATM www.atm.org.uk/buy online/products/act059 George Hardy is an advanced skills teacher and lead practitioner at Northampton Academy. g.hardy@northampton-academy.org MATHEMATICS TEACHING INCORPORATING MICROMATH 211 / NOVEMBER 2008 Academic copyright permission does NOT extend to publishing on Internet or similar system. 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