p328 Chapter Eight Bonding: General Concepts 1 Contents p330 8-1 Types of Chemical Bonds Coulomb’ s law The energy of interaction between a pair of ions can be calculated using Coulomb’ s law: E (2.3110 19 J nm)( Q1Q2 ) r where E has units joules, r is the distance between the ion centers in nanometers, and Q1 and Q2 are the numerical ion charges. 3 p330 For example, the distance between the centers of the Na+ and Cl- ions is 0.276 nm, and the ionic energy pair of ions is E (2.3110 19 J nm) [ (1)(1) ] 8.37 10 19 J 0.276 nm p331 Questions to Consider What is meant by the term “ chemical bond?” Why do atoms bond with each other to form molecules? 5 p331 Figure 8.1 (a) The interaction of two hydrogen atoms. p331 Bond length Figure 8.1(b) Energy profiles as a function between the hydrogen atoms. As the atoms approach each other (right side of graph), the energy decreases until the distances reaches 0.074 nm and then begins to increase again due to repulsions. Key ideas in bonding Ionic Bonding: Electrons are transferred Covalent Bonding: Electrons are shared equally What about intermediate cases? Polar covalent bond: H F p332 R 1 t c a e p333 Chemical bond What is meant by the term “ chemical bond?” Why do atoms bond with each other to form molecules? How do atoms bond with each other to form molecules? 9 p333 8-2 Electronegativity Linus Pauling(1901-1995) Expected H-X bonding energy = ½ (H-H bond energy + X-X bond energy) △ = (H-X)act - (H-X)exp If X has a greater electronegativity than H, the shares electron(s) will tend to be closer to the X atom. The molecule will be polar, with charge distribution. The greater is the difference in the electronegativities of the atoms, the greater is the ionic compound and the greater is the value of △. 10 Electronegativity: the ability of an atom in a molecule to attract shared electrons to itself. p333 Figure 8.2 The effect of an electric field on hydrogen fluoride molecules Polar molecules 12 p334 The Pauling electronegativity values Figure 8-3 The Pauling electronegativity values. Electronegativity generally 13 increases across a period and decreases down a group. 2 t c a Re p334 The general trend for electronegativity What is the general trend for electronegativity across rows and down columns on the periodic table? Explain the trend. 14 P335 Ex 8.1 Relative Bond Polarities Order the following bonds according to polarity: H–H, O–H, Cl–H, S–H, and F–H. 15 p335 Table 8.1 The Relationship Between Electronegativity and Bond Type 16 p335 8-3 Bond polarity and dipole moments 17 p336 p336 p337 P337 Ex 8.2 Bond Polarity and Dipole Moment For each of the following molecules, show the direction of the bond polarities and indicate which ones have a dipole moment: HCl, Cl2, SO3(a planar molecule with the oxygen atoms spaced evenly around the central sulfur atom), CH4 [trtrahedral(see Table 8.2) with the carbon atom at the center], and H2S (V-shaped with the sulfur atom at the point). 21 Solution: (a) HCl (b) Cl2 (c) SO3 (d) CH4 (e) H2S p338 8-4 Ions: Electron configurations and sizes Predicting Formulas of Ionic Compounds p338 Sizes of ions Table 8.3 Common ions with noble gas configuration in ionic compounds p340 p341 3 t c a Re Choose an alkali metal, an alkaline metal, a noble gas, and a halogen so that they constitute an isoelectronic series when the metals and halogen are written as their most stable ions. What is the electron configuration for each species? Determine the number of electrons for each species. Determine the number of protons for each species. Rank the species according to increasing radius. Rank the species according to increasing ionization energy. Ionic radii 28 What we can “read”from the periodic table: Trends for Atomic size Ion radius Ionization energy Electronegativity Electron configurations Predicting formulas for ionic compounds Ranking polarity of bonds 29 Ex 8.4 Relative Lon Size II Choose the largest ion in each of the following groups. a.Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+ b.Ba2+, Cs+, I-, Te2- P342 P342 Ex 8.3 Relative Lon Size I Arrange the ions Se2-, Br-, Rb+, and Sr2+ in order of decreasing size. 31 8-5 Energy effects in binary ionic compounds p342 p344 p344 Formation of an ionic solid 1. Sublimation of the solid metal • M(s) M(g) [endothermic] (For Li(s) is +161 kJ.) 2. Ionization of the metal atoms • M(g) M+(g) + e[endothermic] (For Li(g) is +520 kJ) 3. Dissociation of the nonmetal • 1/2X2(g) X(g) [endothermic] (For F is +½ (154 kJ) 34 Formation of an ionic solid (continued) 4. Formation of Xions in the gas phase: X(g) + e X(g) [exothermic] (For F- is -328 kJ/mole) 5. Formation of the solid MX: M+(g) + X(g) MX(s) [quite exothermic] (Corresponding to the lattice energy for LiF, which is -1047 kJ./mole) 35 p345 Figure 8.11 Comparing energy changes Born-Haber cycle for NaCl 37 p344 Lattice Energy Calculations p344 p346 8.6 Partial ionic character of covalent bonds 40 The relationship between the ionic character of a covalent bond and the electronegativity difference of the bonded atoms. Figure 8.13 p347 8-7 The Covalent Chemical Bond: A Model p347 Models Models are attempts to explain how nature operates on the microscopic level based on experiences in the macroscopic world. The Localized Electron Bonding Model 42 p350 Fundamental Properties of Models 1. A model does not equal reality. 2. Models are oversimplifications, and are therefore often wrong. 3. Models become more complicated as they age. 4. We must understand the underlying assumptions in a model so that we don’ t misuse it. 43 p348 p350 8-8 Covalent Bond Energies and Chemical Reactions 45 p351 p352 Ex 8.5 △H from Bond Energies Using the bond energies listed in Table 8.4, calculate △H for the reaction of methane with chlorine and fluorine to give Freon-12(CF2Cl2). CH 4 ( g ) 2Cl2 ( g ) 2 F2 ( g ) CF2Cl2 ( g ) 2 HF ( g ) 2 HCl ( g ) 8-9 The Localized Electron Bonding Model p354 A molecule is composed of atoms that are bound together by sharing pairs of electrons using the atomic orbitals of the bound atoms. 49 Localized Electron Model 1. Description of valence electron arrangement (Lewis structure). 2. Prediction of geometry (VSEPR model). 3. Description of atomic orbital types used to share electrons or hold long pairs. 50 p354 8-10 Lewis Structure Shows how valence electrons are arranged among atoms in a molecule. Reflects central idea that stability of a compound relates to noble gas electron configuration. 51 p355 Lewis Structures 1. Sum the valence electrons. 2. Place bonding electrons between pairs of atoms. 3. Atoms usually have noble gas configurations. 52 Ex 8.6 Writing Lewis Structures Give the Lewis structure for each of the following. a. HF, b. N2, c. NH3, d. CH4, e. CF4, f. NO+ P357 p357 8-11 Exceptions to the Octet Rule p358 Ex 8.7 Lewis Structures for Molecules That Violate the Octet Rule I Write the Lewis structure for PCl5. P360 P361 Ex 8.8 Lewis Structures for Molecules That Violate the Octet Rule II Write the Lewis structure for each molecule or ion. a. ClF3 b. XeO3 c. RnCl2 d. BeCl2 e. ICl4- 57 8-12 Resonance p362 P363 Ex 8.9 Resonance Structures Describe the electron arrangement in the nitrite anion (NO2-) using the localized electron model. Rules Governing Formal Charge p366 Ex 8.10 Formal Charges Give possible Lewis structures for XeO3 , an explosive compound of xenon. Which Lewis structure or structures are most appropriate according to the formal charges? P366 8-13 Molecular Structure: The VSEPR Model p367 VSEPR Model The structure around a given atom is determined principally by minimizing electron pair repulsions. 63 p369 Predicting a VSEPR Structure 1. Draw Lewis structure. 2. Put pairs as far apart as possible. 3. Determine positions of atoms from the way electron pairs are shared. 4. Determine the name of molecular structure from positions of the atoms. 65 Ex 8.11 Prediction of Molecular Structure I P369 Describe the molecular structure of the water molecule. Solution The Lewis structure for water is There are four pairs of electrons: two bonding pairs and two nonbonding pairs. To minimize repulsions, these best arrangement in a tetrahedral array, as shown in Fig. 8.17. Figure 8.17 p369 p370 p370 p371 P373 Ex 8.12 Prediction of Molecular Structure II When phosphorus reacts with excess chlorine gas, the compound phosphorus pentachloride (PCl5) is formed. In the gaseous and liquid states, this substance consists of PCl5 molecules, but in the solid state it consists of a 1 : 1 mixture of PCl4+ and PCl6- ions. Predict the geometric structures of PCl5, PCl4+, and PCl6-. Solution p373 The Lewis structure for PCl5 is shown. Five pairs of electrons around the phosphorous atom require a trigonal bipyramidal arrangement (see Table 8.6). The Lewis structure for the PCl4+ ions (5+4(7) -1 = 32 valence electrons) is shown. There are four pairs of electrons surrounding the phosphorus atom in the PCl4+ ion, which requires a tetrahedral arrangement of the pairs. The Lewis structure for PCl6- (5 + 6(7) + 1 = 48 valence electrons) is shown. Since each electron pair is shared with a chlorine atom, an octahedral PCl6- anion is predicted. P373 Ex 8.13 Prediction of Molecular Structure III Because the noble gases have filled s and p valence orbitals, they were not expected to be chemically reactive. In fact, for many years these elements were called insert gases because of this supposed inability to form any compounds. However. In the early 1960s several compounds of krypton, xenon, and radon were synthesized. For example, a team at the Argonne National Laboratory produced the stable colorless compound xenon tetrafluoride (XeF4). Predict its structure and whether it has a dipole moment. 73 Solution The Lewis structure for XeF4 is The xenon atom in this molecule is surrounded by six pairs of electrons, which means an octahedral arrangement. The arrangement in Fig. 8.20(b) is preferred, and the molecular structure is predicted to be square planar. There is an octahedral arrangement of electron pairs, but the atoms form a square planar structure. Although each Xe-F bond is polar, their structure causes the polarities to cancel. Thus XeF4 has no dipole moment as shown in the margin. p374 Ex 8.14 Structures of Molecules with Multiple Bonds P376 Predict the molecular structure of the sulfur dioxide molecule. Is this molecule expected to have a dipole moment? Solution We must determine the Lewis structure for the SO2 molecule, which has 18 valence electrons. The expected resonance structures are The structure of the SO2 molecule expected to be Vshaped, with a 120-degree bond angle. The molecule has a dipole moment as shown: Molecules Containing No Single Central Atom p377 p379 The VSEPR Model- How Well Does It Work? VSEPR 78 VSEPR: Two Electron Pairs 79 VSEPR: Three Electron Pairs 80 VSEPR: Four Electron Pairs 81 VSEPR: Iodine Pentafluoride 82