6/11/11 Growth and Muscle Production 32 The goal of these lectures is to discuss basic physiology associated with the control of growth and muscle production. The sections for this lecture are: Animal growth and animal development Muscle: structure, myogenesis, growth Notes on whole-body growth Notes on hormonal regulation of growth Life is a series of chemical reactions occurring in compartmentalized environments. The main purpose of life is to keep itself alive Physiology, the study of how life works, is based on the simultaneous occurrence of the following three concepts: levels of organization structure / function relationship homeostatic regulation Growth & Muscle Development Growth, general and normal expansion of size as produced by accretion of tissues similar in constitution to that of original tissue or organ Hypertrophy, cells increase in size Hyperplasia, cells increase in number Accretion, cells accumulate or secrete 1950 True growth, e.g. increase in muscle/bone Fattening, accumulation of fat Whole body growth, from cell changes up Development, temporal collective changes today Muscle Production involve homeostatic responses leading to a steady state that is borderline to a pathological state (thus they are more susceptible to diseases). 1 6/11/11 Human Growth & Development Mother & son. At 8-foot-4, Leonid Stadnik, 33 years old, is the tallest human being on the planet (2005) Arnold Schwarzenegger. He won several world bodybuilders competitions and until recently was the governor of California. Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the human and farm animal’s ability to grow. Muscle growth, a main tissue that increased its weight, does so by multiple reasons, ultimately affecting undifferentiated muscle cells. Animal Growth & Development Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the human and farm animal’s ability to grow. Muscle growth, a main tissue that increased its weight, does so by multiple reasons, ultimately affecting undifferentiated muscle cells. 2 6/11/11 Animal Growth & Development Market Hog Performance 1950 today Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). Animal Growth & Development The economic contribution of meat animal production in the USA is significant (approx. 40% of total farm income). Therefore, … 1950 today Implementation of animal technologies that may improve animal performance can mean the difference between operational success and failure. For example … Paylean (ractopamine a ß agonist) is a compound added to swine diets to improve efficiency. It stimulates growth in some tissues and blunt growth in others. Its use require changes in type / amount of dietary proteins provided to maximize the benefits. Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). 3 6/11/11 Animal Growth & Development how to get from here 1950 to here. today Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). Skeletal Muscle Structure, Miogenesis, Growth Muscle tissue has relatively large cells harnessed in a vast network of connective tissue (epimysium, fasciculi, perimysium, primary bundle, scondary bundle, intramuscular fat or marbling, endomysium, sarcolemma). 4 6/11/11 Skeletal Muscle Structure, Miogenesis, Growth Muscle tissue has relatively large cells harnessed in a vast network of connective tissue (epimysium, fasciculi, perimysium, primary bundle, scondary bundle, intramuscular fat or marbling, endomysium, sarcolemma). Skeletal Muscle Structure, Miogenesis, Growth Selected Myofibrillar and Other Cytoskeletal Proteins Located in Muscle Fibers Muscle tissue has relatively large cells harnessed in a vast network of connective tissue (epimysium, fasciculi, perimysium, primary bundle, scondary bundle, intramuscular fat or marbling, endomysium, sarcolemma). 5 6/11/11 Skeletal Muscle Structure, Miogenesis, Growth Approximate Composition of Mammalian Skeletal Muscle (percent fresh weight basis). Muscle tissue has relatively large cells harnessed in a vast network of connective tissue (epimysium, fasciculi, perimysium, primary bundle, scondary bundle, intramuscular fat or marbling, endomysium, sarcolemma). DO YOU SEE A PROBLEM ? Skeletal Muscle Structure, Miogenesis, Growth Multinucleated units like skeletal muscle cells are incapable of undergoing division. Myoblasts or muscle cell precursors are responsible for increasing muscle mass. In the G1-phase of the cell cycle, myoblast are sensitive to growth factors and steroids. 6 6/11/11 Skeletal Muscle Structure, Miogenesis, Growth Multinucleated units like skeletal muscle cells are incapable of undergoing division. Myoblasts or muscle cell precursors are responsible for increasing muscle mass. In the G1-phase of the cell cycle, myoblast are sensitive to growth factors and steroids. Skeletal Muscle Structure, Miogenesis, Growth Satellite cells are quiscent or dormants since they remain capable of re-entering the proliferative cell cycle without dividing. They are the apparent target for growth promotants used in adult animals, such as ßagonists, GH, IGF, steroids. 7 6/11/11 Skeletal Muscle Structure, Miogenesis, Growth Satellite cells, located between the sarcolemma and the basal lamina, are activated to proliferate and ultimately fuse with each other to form new muscle fibers. This rarely occcurs normally in adults, but might be the site of action of some growth promotants. Skeletal Muscle Structure, Miogenesis, Growth Satellite Cells Satellite cells, located between the sarcolemma and the basal lamina, are activated to proliferate and ultimately fuse with each other to form new muscle fibers. This rarely occcurs normally in adults, but might be the site of action of some growth promotants. 8 6/11/11 Skeletal Muscle Structure, Miogenesis, Growth Satellite Cells quiscent satellite cell activated myoblasts daugther cell returning to quiscence proliferating myoblasts fusion with pre-existent microtubes myoblasts commited to myogenic linage myoblasts fusion into new myotubes and new myofibers Satellite cells, located between the sarcolemma and the basal lamina, are activated to proliferate and ultimately fuse with each other to form new muscle fibers. This rarely occcurs normally in adults, but might be the site of action of some growth promotants. Skeletal Muscle Structure, Miogenesis, Growth SC quiescent SC SC commited to fusion SC SC myogenic into activated proliferatingg linage myotubes SC maturation into myofibers Satellite Cell (SC) Satellite cells, located between the sarcolemma and the basal lamina, are activated to proliferate and ultimately fuse with each other to form new muscle fibers. This rarely occcurs normally in adults, but might be the site of action of some growth promotants. 9 6/11/11 Skeletal Muscle Structure, Miogenesis, Growth Factor Satellite Cells Proliferation Differentiation Migration E2 increase FGF increase decrease Ghrelin decrease increase HGF increase decrease IGF-I increase increase IGF-II increase increase IL-6 increase IL-15 increase equivocal increase increase Satellite cells, located between the sarcolemma and the basal lamina, are activated to proliferate and ultimately fuse with each other to form new muscle fibers. This rarely occcurs normally in adults, but might be the site of action of some growth promotants. Skeletal Muscle Structure, Miogenesis, Growth Satellite Cells Factor Proliferation Differentiation Migration Leptin increase decrease LIF increase Myostatin decrease increase PDGF increase T increase TGF-beta equivocal equivocal TNF equivocal decrease VEGF increase increase decrease increase increase increase Satellite cells, located between the sarcolemma and the basal lamina, are activated to proliferate and ultimately fuse with each other to form new muscle fibers. This rarely occcurs normally in adults, but might be the site of action of some growth promotants. 10 6/11/11 Skeletal Muscle Structure, Miogenesis, Growth control fiber # feed restricted Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). Skeletal Muscle Structure, Miogenesis, Growth Percentage (%) Tissue weight water fat muscle fat protein bone ash Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a diret reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). 11 6/11/11 Whole Body Animal Growth Red of Muscle Fibers White Characteristics in Domestic Meat Animals and Birds Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). Skeletal Muscle Structure, Miogenesis, Growth muscle fiber size white white red muscle fiber # red white red Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). 12 6/11/11 Whole Body Animal Growth double muscled normal Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). Whole Body Animal Growth Distribution of Body Components During Growth and Development Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). 13 6/11/11 Whole Body Animal Growth Satellite cells respond to growth promotants Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). Whole Body Animal Growth Examples of growth promotants Effect of Exogenous GH on Muscle Fiber Size in Boars, Gilts and Barrows. Effect of betaAdrenergic Agonists on Muscle Fiber Size. But what are they increasing ?? Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). 14 6/11/11 Whole Body Animal Growth Effect of Major Genes on Histochemical Traits of Valuable Muscles in Different Species Data from genetically modified animals Data from promotant treated animals Relative Change (% control) in Amount of Type 1, 2A, 2Ax & 2B Myosin Heavy Chain (MyHC) Isoform in Longissimus Muscle of Pigs Feed PAYLEAN over a 6 week Period. Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). Whole Body Animal Growth Examples of growth promotants Effect of Cimaterol on Muscle Fiber Type Composition in Young Friesian Bulls Effect of Implants (RALGRO and SYNOVEX-S) on Muscle Fiber Type Composition in Cattle Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). 15 6/11/11 Hormonal Regulation of Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Implanted Cattle with Estradiol (E2) and Trenbolane Acetate (TBA) Alone or in Combination Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). Hormonal Regulation of Growth Stress - related factors Cas and others Major Effects of GH SS GHRH GH Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). 16 6/11/11 Hormonal Regulation of Growth Stress - related factors Cas and others GH on Pig Growth and its Carcass SS GHRH GH Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). Hormonal Regulation of Growth Stress - related factors Cas and others hGRF on Lamb Growth and Carcass SS GHRH GH Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). 17 6/11/11 Hormonal Regulation of Growth Adrenergic hormones Response to Adrenal Medulla Stimulation Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). Hormonal Regulation of Growth Zilpaterol, Steers Growth and Carcass Performance Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). 18 6/11/11 Hormonal Regulation of Growth Satellite cells respond to growth promotants Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). Hormonal Regulation of Growth Average daily gain, or the daily increase in weight, is a direct reflection of the animal’s ability to grow. By increasing it, producers can rise more livestock in a given amount of time (compare increase efficiency or gain vs. fat / lean ratios vs. profitability). 19 6/11/11 Hormonal Regulation of Growth A Chihuahua walking with a Great Dane more than 50 times its mass. Hormonal Regulation of Growth 20 6/11/11 Hormonal Regulation of Growth 21