Florida Gulf Coast University Lutgert College of Business Executive MBA Program MAN 6289: Organizational Development & Change (CRN: 12034) Spring, 2014 INSTRUCTOR: Terence Leary MA, MS, MBA, Ph.D. DAY: Meets: Fridays (1/3, 1/17, 1/31, 2/14, 2/28, 3/14, 3/28, 4/11, 4/25) CLASS LOCATION & TIME: Lutgert Hall 4201 → 1-5 PM OFFICE: Merwin Hall 196 PHONE: 590-7172 EMAIL: tleary@fgcu.edu (CANVAS System) OFFICE HOURS Tuesday: 2-4 PM & Thursday: 2-4 PM or by appointment LCOB Vision: The Lutgert College of Business will be nationally renowned in providing students with the education & capabilities to take leading roles in a diverse and global environment. LCOB Mission: The Lutgert college of Business educates students from Southwest Florida & beyond to address local & global business challenges. We are dedicated to student learning, scholarship, service & community relationships that foster entrepreneurship & economic growth. Catalog Course Description: This course delves into development as a process of planned change to improve an organization's problem-solving skills and its overall effectiveness within a changing and complex environment, including behavioral effects of power and authority, formal organizations, structural variation, leadership, motivation, and organizational change. Course Overview: The seminar focuses on relevant behavioral science principles and practices to help organizations build their capacity to change & achieve greater effectiveness. Lecture, Discussion, Team presentations, Video/DVD & Case study will be utilized to understand these topics providing a frame of reference applicable to “real time” environments. 1 TEXTBOOK Cummings, T.G., F.J., & Worley, C.G. (2009) Organizational Development & Change (10th Edition); ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Harvard Business Review: Case Studies Whole foods: Balancing Social Mission & Growth Monique Leroux: Leading Change@ Dejardins Foxconn Technologies Kitchen Best: Ethics When Doing Cross-Boundary Business in Southern China Designing Trustworthy Organizations (Article) Other GDSA (Group Development Stage Analysis) & PERFORM Model (Organizational Effectiveness: Teams) DISC Personality Assessment ( Organizational Effectiveness) STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Course Format and Evaluation Lecture, discussion, team presentations, videos & case studies will be used to enhance your understanding of various Organizational Change & Development topics providing a frame of reference applicable to “real time” environments. Class participation is essential. Course Assessments will include: A team presentation (2 per team) of key topics within chapters to coincide with syllabus (timetable). You will sign up for teach-backs during class #1. I will coach teams (scope, delivery, duration). 3 papers (guidelines/scope to be provided) HBR: Case Study #1 (Organizational change initiative) HBR: Case Study #2 (Ethics issue-Organizational change) Final Paper & additional presentation: Case Study (2 per team) → topic of interest (Org. Change) & suggestions to implement Class Participation (essential) based on value added contributions. Basic knowledge of SPSS application to data analysis 2 EMBA EMBA Learning Outcomes Technological Graduates will be able to proficiency use technology to facilitate life-long learning, to enhance leadership development and to add value to stakeholders , customers and employers Communicati In their leadership on skills positions, graduates will be able to convey information within meaningful contexts and with appropriate delivery and interpersonal skills. Teamwork Graduates will be able to and work with others in diverse interpersonal and cross-functional skills environments and to lead as the need arises. Systems Graduates will understand orientation the interrelated nature of the various functional areas of organizations and the information needs and flows of organizations Creative and analytical thinking They will also be able to lead and to adapt to changes in the internal and external environments. Graduates will be able to link data, knowledge, and insight to make quality strategic decisions on a timely basis. MAN 6289 Learning outcomes N/A Assessment Relate orally and in writing relevant information on organizational development & change initiatives. N/A Identify, diagnose and evaluate the need for change and organizational development Illustrate the dynamics/issues implementing change. Learn techniques to measure results N/A Formulate strategies and tactics for organizational change and OD interventions N/A Case Study Paper N/A 3 Appreciation of the diverse environment of business Ethical framework Graduates will have a global perspective of the diverse demographics and environment of organizations. Develop competency in applying principles of managing change and organizational development to organizations. They will understand the issues and challenges encountered by profit and not-for-profit entities, and entrepreneurial enterprises. Examine the major theories and perspectives concerning organizational development and change. Explore the critical issues associated with change and organizational development In their leadership roles, graduates will understand that organizations operate within a global environment with a responsibility to their stake-holders to consider the organizations’ impact on legal, ethical, social & environmental issues. N/A Case Study Paper Academic Honesty Statement All students are expected to follow the guidelines for academic behavior standards set forth in the “Code of Conduct” section of the Student Guidebook. These policies will be strictly enforced. Cheating and/or plagiarism (defined as representing the words or ideas of others as your own) will not be tolerated under any circumstance. Anyone engaging in cheating or plagiarism on any assignment will receive a grade of 0 for that assignment. Multiple instances of cheating and/or plagiarism will result in failing the course and may lead to further disciplinary action. Please review these standards in the Student Guidebook. 4 Disability Accommodations Service Florida Gulf Coast University, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the university’s guiding principles, will provide classroom and academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities. If you need to request an accommodation in this class due to a disability, or you suspect that your academic performance is affected by a disability, please see me immediately or contact the Office of Adaptive Services. The Office of Adaptive Services is located in Howard Hall 137. The phone number is 590-7956. Grading Each assignment will be graded on a 100 point scale and weighted as follows for each factor: Assessment Numeric Value (Weight) Team Presentation (teach-back) 20 points Paper #1 (Case Study) 15 points Paper #2 (Case Study) 15 points Paper #3→Team Paper (Final) 26 points Class Participation: 3 pts.@ 8 classes 24 points An additional 5 extra credit points can may by achieved through participation in possible research opportunities provided by the professor. After calculating grades on a numeric scale your final letter grade for the course will be determined as follows: A AB+ B 93-100 90-92.99 87-89/99 83-86.99 BC+ C F 80-82.99 77-79.99 70-76.99 0-69.99 5 Course Policies: Each • • • • • • • student will be responsible for the following: All materials listed in the text/syllabus Class participation and attendance All work assigned in class, whether on the syllabus or not All written work submitted (guidelines to be disseminated) Correct spelling & grammar for all presentations & submissions Reading all material to be discussed in the class, prior to the class. Teamwork (class projects) is strongly suggested Participation Policy: • Class participation is a vital component to your learning in this class. Discussions in this class can surface powerful personal opinions, ideas etc. Students need to respect & honor the sensitivity of the information shared by others in the course. Participation grades are assigned for each class session 1-9 & will each be worth a maximum of 3 points. Each student’s daily participation grade is determined by both the quality & the frequency of comments made by the student; those comments are evaluated in direct comparison to the participation of other students in the class. In other words, simply speaking in class does not guarantee participation points- only value added comments will result in participation points. Late Work: • Incompletes are awarded only in the rarest of cases. Assigned work not handed in at the designated time will not be accepted for full credit. Work handed in within 24 hours after the due date & time will be penalized 25% of the grade. Work handed in more than 24 hours will be penalized 25% of the grade. Work handed in more than 24 hours late will be given a grade of Zero (0). Fatal Error Policy • Papers will not be graded if there are three or more fatal errors (listed below) on a single page or nine errors in total (whichever comes 6 first). At that time, the paper will be returned to you & you will have one week to fix it (visit the writing center, have a knowledgeable resource proof it, etc.). If you don’t make the necessary corrections, you will receive a grade of zero on the paper. If you do make the corrections, your paper will be graded & will receive a reduction of 5% off the original grade. o Each instance of the following is a fatal error: I. Misspelled word II. Sentence fragment III. Run-on sentence or comma splice IV. Mistake in capitalization V. Serious mistake in punctuation VI. Error in verb tense or subject/verb agreement VII. Sentence ending with a preposition VIII. Improper citation or lack of a citation where one is needed IX. Serious grammatical error that obscures or obfuscates the meaning X. Misuse of terminology Other: • Cheating: Anyone caught cheating will receive an automatic grade of F • Cell Phone/Electronics: Laptops, iPods, cell phones, & all other electronic equipment must be OFF & stowed when class is in session. No exceptions, unless the device is being used for class purposes & approval ahead of time by the professor. If you use the electronic devices during class without prior approval form your professor, your grade for the course will be lowered. • Plagiarism: Plagiarism includes using the work or words of others without proper citations. Copying an assignment from a friend, roommate, etc. is plagiarism. Any plagiarized work will be given a grade of zero (0). • Student Observance of Religious Holidays All students @ FGCU have a right to expect that the University will reasonably accommodate their religious observances, practices and beliefs. Upon prior notifications to their instructors, students shall be excused from class or other scheduled academic activity to observe a religious holy day of their faith. 7 Course Syllabus Class/Day 1-3 1-17 1-31 2-14 2-28 3-14 Topic Syllabus/Introduction Part 1 (Ch. 1-3): Overview of OD Video: Gung Ho & Discussion Read Chapters 1-3 st 1 presentation: OD Process (A) Chapters 4-7 & Discussion Introduction: SPSS & Data Collection/Evaluation nd 2 presentation: OD Process (B) Chapters 8-11 & Discussion In teams, Review assigned case 3rd Team: OD Intervention Chapters 12 & 13 & Discussion DISC & GDSA Assessments & Discussion View“ Abilene Paradox” Video 4th Team: OD Techno-structural Chapters 14, 15 & 16 & Discussion In teams, Review assigned case Continue DISC & GDSA Review Submit paper: case study Determine final team topic (2 members per team) of interest Lecture: HR Processes (Leary) Team Debrief →articles Discussion: Diversity & Burnout as a strategic issue; Video: Prejudice /Diversity • • • • • • Assignments Select “teach back” Chapters (2 per team) Read Hurley article (HBR) Read: Lenscrafters & Gap (case studies) Read chapters 4-7 Read Chapters 8-11 Read Case Study (HBR) Monique Leroux: Change @ Dejardins→Leading & Managing Change Read Chapters 12& 13 Complete GDSA Analysis Complete DISC Read Chapters 14,15 & 16 Read Case Study (HBR) Whole Foods: Balancing Social Mission & Growth →Technostructure • Complete paper (4-6 pages) for submission based on case study • Read Chapters 17 & 19 • Read Hogan Articles • Read Leary et al. (2013)• • • • • HR Interventions • Read Chapters 21,23 &24 • Read Case Study (HBR): Kitchen Best: Ethics When Doing CrossBoundary Business • Complete paper (4-6 pages) for submission based on case study 8 3-28 4-11 4-25 5th Team: Strategic Change Nonindustrially & Globally/Discussion Debrief: Case Study (Teams) Submit paper: Case Study Case Study: the Bob Knowlton Story (OD/HR Intervention) Debrief Case Study: FOXCON Teams assemble: final presentation scheduled for 4-25 Read Chapter 25 Read Case Study: FOXCON Technology Group • Prepare for Final team Presentations ( 2 members per team): Topic of Interest & Suggested strategy for implementation Team presentations (5 teams); discussion & CELEBRATE!!! • • 9