Massacre at Mystic - St. Pius X High School

Massacre at Mystic - DVD Notes
1. What was the Great Migration, and why did the people migrate? What was their
2. Which tribe was one of the most respected and feared Indian Tribes? What were
they like?
3. What were the early relations like between the English and the Natives? What
was the basis of their relationship?
4. What was Wampum? What was it used for and how was it made?
5. How were the religion, customs, and culture different between the Indians and the
English? What impact did these differences have on their relationship?
6. How did disease impact the Native Americans in New England? And the Pequot?
7. How were land beliefs different between the Natives and the English?
8. What were the three ways the English could thought they could legally the land
from the Indians? How could the English justify their actions?
9. Why did tension between the Indians and the Pequot Tribe exist?
10. Who fought against the Pequot with the English? How was their way of war
different then the English?
11. What was the attack at Mystic like? Why did the English burn the fort? What
was the result of the attack?
12. How did the English Indian allies respond to the English attack?
13. Who did the Massacre at Mystic change forever the relationship between the
English and Indians of New England?
14. How did the English treat the Pequot after Mystic?
15. What was the Treaty of Hartford? What were its provisions?
16. How did the Massacre at Mystic shape our history and dictate relations with
Native Americans in the United States?
17. Who was Robin Cassacinamon, and how did he help save the Pequot Tribe?
18. What was the Land like given to the Pequot? What happened to their land over
time? What happened to the Pequot as a result of this?
19. How did three elderly Pequot women revive the Pequot Tribe, and save the
20. What Industry did the Pequot turn to to save their Reservation?