Honors – Advanced Composition (ENG W131: Elementary Composition 1 – IPFW) Fall 2013 Semester Syllabus 8/14 Course Introduction/Writing Sample on Moodle Learning Target: Students will be able to discuss, and understand course outcomes and expectations for W131; Students will reflect on the idea of “composition”. Handout Textbooks Introduce course (course description and schedule) and IPFW credit. Briefly explain the major assignments, clarifying more information will be given as we come to each throughout the course Remind students they must have a 100-page composition notebook no later than Friday. Introduce to Moodle, enroll in course. Moodle Writing Sample: What is “composition”? What does writing mean to you? Homework: Backpack Writing Chapter 8 (69-73) for Friday; Writer’s Notebook Due Friday, Aug. 16! 8/15 Syllabus/ Writer’s Notebook / Final Portfolio Learning Target: Students will be able to understand and define course outcomes and expectations. Discuss Syllabus Discuss Writer’s Notebook Rubric “What are the Rules of Writing” Partner / Group Activity & Discussion Moodle Writing Sample: Goals and Thoughts Remind students they must read and annotate important ideas from the reading for Friday. Homework: Backpack Writing Chapter 8 (69-73) for Friday; Writer’s Notebook Due Friday, Aug. 16! 8/16 Begin Unit #1: Literacy Narrative Discuss Reflections as a Writing Genre Respond in Writer’s Notebook Learning Target: Students will be able to compose poetry, reflecting on personal characteristics; students will collaborate to determine the meaning of “reflection” and “narrative”. Review Writer’s Notebook Rubric & Expectations Writer’s Notebook Entry #1: “I Am” Poetry – Get to Know you activity o First students write individually, then share what they are comfortable with table buddy, then share as class Introduction to Literacy Narratives (pgs. 69-73) o Class Discussion: Talk about what it means to reflect, its purpose, if they ever do it. Homework: Read & Annotate Backpack Writing Chapter 8 (74-77) for Monday Week #1 8/19 Discuss Backpack Writing Reading (74-77) Discuss Literacy Narratives in-Depth / Examples on Moodle Learning Target: Students will be able to make connections between sample reflections and their own experiences with literacy. Discuss Sample Reflection from reading – What are the qualities of a good reflection? Read/Discuss “Proficiency” (on Moodle) as a class Writer’s Notebook – Entry #2: Introduce PQW: Praise, Question, Wish. As I read, have them record in Writer’s Notebook under “Brainstorming and Craft” section. Discuss Lit. Narr. Assignment Sheet and Rubric (on Moodle). Explain prompt, metacognitive (Define), expectations, process, and assessment. Emphasize gradual release throughout semester. o Review Examples, as time allows Homework: None 8/20 Writer’s Workshop: Brainstorming Respond in Writer’s Notebook (Lit. Narrative Brainstorm) Learning Target: Students will be able to identify significant moments in their literary history through brainstorming. Students will be able to develop potential topic ideas for their Literacy Narrative. Review Metacognitive instructions and Rubric Writer’s Workshop: Brainstorming o In Writer’s Notebook, Literacy Timeline (10-15 events from your past) Pick 3-5 and write a brief explanation of what they are Groups of 3-4: Chat about potential topics – tell the stories, give advice on which ones are “preferred” or which ones have potential Pick just one to develop further - 1) Give a general overview of the event. 2) Focus in on the details of the event. 3) What details are going to be most important in defining the significance of the event? Homework: None 8/21-22 Literacy Narrative Example: “Se Habla Español” Respond in Writer’s Notebook (Se Habla) Writer’s Workshop: Sensory Details Respond in Writer’s Notebook (Smell Stimuli) Learning Target: Students will analyze a sample literacy narrative, noting key features and author’s purpose and impact on the audience. Students will utilize sensory details as they write narratives, focusing on the impact the sense of smell has on their memory. Literacy Narrative Example: “Se Habla Español” o Pass out copy of “Se Habla” (Moodle Example) for students to read and annotate, o Discuss as Class: How did this Lit. Narr. make you feel? How did it achieve its purpose? What techniques were used to enhance it? Writer’s Notebook: – “Se Habla” Question #5 – p. 491 on PDF – (Moodle) Writer’s Workshop: Sensory Details o Explain that in order to have the biggest impact with your writing, you must “write small”. o Begin by discussing the significances of the senses. Explain we will be focusing on the sense of smell today, something that is often overlooked in narrative writing. o 11 Cups of smell stimuli (like car freshener, orange peel, vanilla, cinnamon, pinesol (on cotton ball), dried apples, perfumes (on cotton ball), etc.). Students record in Writer’s Notebook what they think each is. Discuss as class what each might be, then reveal the answers. Students pick ONE scent and write personal narrative or something creative (think outside the box) about a memory related to that smell, capturing it in detail. Have them record in their Writer’s Notebooks what they learned about the sensory detail of smell today. Homework: Read/Annotate Backpack Ch. 8 (81-87); Read/Review IPFW Handbook Ch. 11 (p101-108); Ch. 12 (p109-111) Ch. 13 (p113-121) and Ch. 14.4 and 14.5 (p123-126) 8/23 Writer’s Workshop: Word Choice Respond in Writer’s Notebook (Verbs w/Verve) Learning Target: Students will evaluate the impact words have on readers, paying specific attention to word choice used within their own writing to convey particular ideas. Discuss reading from textbook as a class – thoughts and responses? Review IPFW Handbook information Writer’s Workshop: Word Choice o Begin by addressing any questions or observations they have about the Chapter 12. Emphasize specific and varied word choice. o Talk about what it means to have good Word Choice. Review and Add to list of strategies they are familiar with (Moodle – Word Choice) o Have students read example Word Choice Blog (Moodle) and then discuss impactful words. o Verbs with Verve - Show list of bland verbs (on I drive). In Writer’s Notebook, pairs have 5 minutes to come up with as many spicy, original, detailed alternatives as possible (no computers, dictionaries, etc.). After time is up, each pair shares alternative verbs. Compile a class list as you go along. If another pair has the same word, both pairs must cross out that word on their list. Only verbs that no other team has will count toward their points. Go through each team (whatever words haven’t yet been called). The team with the most points wins! Focus on Word Choice as you write/develop Draft #1 Homework: Lit. Narrative Draft #1 Due on Monday Week #2 8/26 Writer’s Workshop: Sentence Fluency & Word Choice Respond in Writer’s Notebook Lit. Narr. Draft #1 DUE Today; Learning Target: Students will collaborate to discuss and improve sentence fluency within their writing; Students will identify sentences that need strengthened to fulfill the author’s purpose. Writer’s Workshop: Sentence Fluency o Begin by addressing any questions or observations they have about IPFW Reading. Explain this is the technical side of sentence fluency. o Talk about what it means to have good Sentence Fluency. Review and Add to list of strategies they are familiar with (Moodle – Sentence Fluency) o Use Student example of Lit. Nar. to analyze SF o Highlight every other sentence to better reveal sentence length. Underline every sentence that begins with a noun phrase to reveal repetitive sentence beginnings. o Sentence Stretching (6+1, p202): Start with a simple sentence, then pass it around the room, with each kid adding just one word/phrase to alter or enhance sentence fluency. Example on I drive. Alternative: Kids start Word document on computer, then physically move around the room, entering a new line and adding the next generation of the sentence. Writer’s Workshop: What’s a Thing o Discuss “Thing” and “Stuff” and other Weak Word Choices as a reference for writing o Writer’s Notebook Response Time to “revise” 1st Drafts, paying close attention to sentence fluency and Word Choice Homework: Lit. Narrative Draft #2 Due on Friday 8/27 Writer’s Workshop: Imagery and Fig. Lang. & Description Writer’s Workshop: Writing with Limitations Respond in Writer’s Notebook (Limitations) Learning Target: Students will utilize specific words and phrases in their writing to help their audience recognize ideas being conveyed and to fulfill their purpose with a text. Writer’s Workshop: Writing with Limitations o Writer’s Notebook: Writing with Limitations (6+1 p163) – As class, discuss the feelings, thoughts, emotions, and events that precipitate a moment when you have been incredibly scared. Have students visualize a time in their lives when they have been profoundly afraid. Just before writing, limit kids by not allowing them to use the lists of words (on I drive). After writing for a specific time, share work with partner and then talk as class about how limitations helped and hindered them. Discuss how they should limit their Lit. Narr. What phrases should they avoid? Continue drafting Lit. Narrative Homework: Lit Nar. Draft #2 DUE on Friday; Read/Annotate Backpack Ch. 5 (51-55) for Friday; o 8/28-29 Writer’s Workshop: Crafting an Exposition Learning Target: Students will engage in per revision exercises, focusing on Content and Rubric elements. Students will examine and craft an exposition and a conclusion that utilize narrative styles and unique voice. Writer’s Workshop: Crafting an Exposition Use examples of starts of stories (YouTube videos - Moodle) to discuss impact: GOOD: Imagery Character’s Thoughts (Could also start with dialogue) Humor Figurative Language Allusion Voice Repetition BAD: Distracting details Random background info (better to start in midst of action) Jump right into the main significance Exposition Forum / PQW o Post a “New” exposition to the forum and respond to three peers by Friday. Homework: PQW Responses (Participation); Lit Nar. Draft #2 DUE on Friday; Read/Annotate Backpack Ch. 5 (51-55) for Friday 8/30 Writer’s Workshop: Peer Evaluation Lit Nar. Draft #2 DUE Learning Target: Students will engage in per revision exercises, focusing on Content and Rubric elements. Discuss Reading from Textbook Writer’s Workshop: Peer Evaluation o RAGS – Have students get into groups of 3 and evaluate each other’s work using the rubric – each student gets a different element of the rubric to assess. They should record constructive criticism in the margins of each paper (might want to model this) – each with a different color and their names identified on the paper. o Each group must come up with the overall winner and pick a passage demonstrating why at this point in the process that particular draft shines. o Try to leave time at end to read comments and ask questions of peer evaluators if possible. Homework: Respond in Writer’s Notebook (Reflection #1); Read/Review Handbook Ch. 6 (p39-50) for Tuesday Week #3 9/2 - Labor Day – No School 9/3 Writer’s Workshop: Self-Revision, Editing, and Comma Use Respond in Writer’s Notebook (Prepositional Phrases) Learning Target: Students will be able to evaluate their word choice and sentence construction, focusing on description, reader clarity, and sensory details. Discuss Reading from textbook. Writer’s Workshop: Self-Revision o Discuss difference between Revision and Editing. o Wordle – Show students how to use Wordle to find repetitive Word Choice. o Show how to track changes of their drafts using Microsoft Word. Review Prepositions with Students Discuss Prepositional Phrase rules (Commas after introductory phrases) o Respond in Writer’s Notebook (Prepositional Phrases) o Discuss what students found. Homework: Conference forms due on Block Day 9/4-5 Writer’s Workshop: Description & Detail Respond in Writer’s Notebook (Object Writing) Learning Target: Students will be able to produce writing that fully describes an object, giving readers a true perception of the “image”. Students will use detail to show their purpose to readers. Writer’s Workshop: Description and Detail o Discuss what imagery is, how to achieve it in writing, and what it adds to a piece. o Bring in objects from home – students will pick a single object, then describe it with figurative language – metaphors and similes, with attentions to sensory details. The object should be the central focus of a poem or short story. As time remains - Work Day – Adding detail to Lit. Narrative Homework: Lit. Narrative Final Draft (#3) Due on Monday 9/6 Instructor/Student Conferences – Literacy Narrative Learning Target: Students will be able to discuss strengths and weaknesses in writing, focusing on improving and revising areas of concern. Work Day / Conferencing Homework: Lit. Narrative Final Draft (#3) Due on Monday; Respond in Writer’s Notebook (Mother Tongue / My Dropout…); Read/Annotate Backpack Ch. 10 (p160-163, 198) Week 4 9/9 Lit. Narrative Final Draft (#3) Due Today Begin Unit #2: “Visual” Rhetorical Analysis Learning Target: Students will be able to define Rhetoric and its role in understanding how authors write. Discuss Textbook readings Discuss Rhetorical Analysis of piece in Writer’s Notebook. o What did the authors do to target their readers and to maintain their interest in the piece? What choices did the authors make when writing their piece, given the audience? Discuss “Visual” Rhetorical Analysis assignment guidelines Homework: Read/Annotate Backpack Ch. 10 (p190-192); 9/10 Discuss Student Examples of Rhetorical Analysis (Moodle) Learning Target: Students will be able to identify patterns, strengths, and weaknesses in Rhetorical examples. Discuss reading from Textbook. Review Rhetorical Analysis. Discuss various student examples on Moodle o Patterns observed o Strengths & Weaknesses Look at a Commercial and discuss audience, purpose, choices made by creator to influence, etc… Allow time to review “visuals” for assignment. Homework: Read/Annotate Backpack Ch. 10 (164-165); “Visual” selection due on Block Day 9/11-12 Writer’s Workshop: Analyzing Images Respond in Writer’s Notebook (Optic Theory) Learning Target: Students will be able to identify patterns, strengths, and weaknesses in an author’s presentation of an idea. Students will be able to identify and analyze an author’s approach to their reader’s perception of varying characteristics in an image; Discuss Reading from Backpack Writing from Tuesday o In groups of 3, define Analysis based on the examples provided in the textbook – identify specific features of Rhetorical Analysis as well as examples of each from the selections. Review “Visual” example from Tuesday o Discuss/review “choices” made to influence Review OPTIC Theory PPT Respond in Writer’s Notebook: OPTIC Theory Homework: Read/Annotate Backpack “When Handouts Keep Coming…” (p300-304) for Block Day 9/13 Writer’s Workshop: Rhetorical Situation Respond in Writer’s Notebook (When Handouts) Learning Target: Students will be able to recognize how different authors use different rhetorical methods to accomplish their purpose; Students will be able to define and evaluate an author’s use of rhetorical appeals and fallacies to accomplish their purpose. Writer’s Workshop: Rhetorical Situation, Persuasive Appeals & Fallacy o Select 3 articles from 3 different sources to place side-by-side for look at differences in rhetorical situations. (See Moodle) Discuss the Persuasive Appeals PowerPoint to talk about Rhetorical methods: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Divide the class into groups of 2-3; assign each group a fallacy (p24-25 in BP). They will read the content and also look up other examples/definitions, then record it and a single example on a PP. Then present to the class or Post on Moodle. Read pgs 541-543 (Patterns for College Writing) about Fallacy (Moodle pdf) Homework: Visual Analysis Draft #1 Due on Monday Week #5 9/16 Visual Analysis Draft #1 Due Today Instructor/Student Conferences Learning Target: Students will be able to describe, identify, and discuss strategies used by an author to influence their audience. Instructor/Student Conferences, as needed by students Work Day Homework: Read/Annotate Backpack Ch. 10 (p193-197) for Tuesday 9/17 Writer’s Workshop: Analyzing Persuasion Learning Target: Students will be able to identify, describe, and explain how varying rhetorical methods are used by speakers to accomplish their purpose for their audience. Writer’s Workshop: Analyzing Persuasion o Watch 3 Speeches from TED – Discuss Rhetorical methods used. o Use of Fallacy? Ethos, Logos, Pathos? Body Language? Voice inflection? Props? o Why does the author include their various points? Finish Instructor/Student Conferences, as necessary Homework: Visual Analysis Final Draft (#2) due on Friday 9/18-19 Writer’s Workshop: Rhetorical Strategies Learning Target: Students will be able to evaluate the rhetorical approach of media to identify the purpose of different appeals and strategies in order to accomplish a purpose. Writer’s Workshop: Rhetorical Strategies o Begin by having students review the list of rhetorical strategies, familiarizing themselves with new terms. o Use Queen Gorgo’s speech from 300 to teach how to analyze a speech and identify rhetorical strategies. o Watch several commercials from YouTube Discuss “manipulation” – how do the speakers/creators try and alter the viewer’s perception? Discuss Organization of speaker’s approach Why are the different appeals included? What are some fallacies used? Ethos, Logos, Pathos approaches? o Remaining time will be spent working on analyzing their own speeches and starting to organize their central ideas to focus on one element. Homework: Visual Analysis Final Draft (#2) due on Friday; Read/Annotate Backpack Ch. 10 (p182-189) for Friday; Respond in Writer’s Notebook (Reflection #2) – Lit. Narrative Final Reflection 9/20 Visual Analysis Final Draft (#2) Due Today Begin Unit #3: “Textual” Rhetorical Analysis Writer’s Workshop: Selecting a Speech Discuss Examples of Rhetorical Analysis (TED & Others) Learning Target: Students will be able to define and identify Rhetoric and its purpose as it is used in writing and speaking. Discuss textbook reading for today. Discuss “Textual” Rhetorical Analysis Essay Guidelines o Link w/”Visual” analysis – same concept, different essay focus Writer’s Workshop: Selecting a Speech o Explain requirements significance of speech selection. o Review American Rhetoric.com & “TED” options Writer’s Notebook: Reflect on why analysis is an important life skill. Homework: Watch this Clip on Ted & Respond in Writer’s Notebook for Monday. Week #6 9/23 Writer’s Workshop: Annotating a Speech Learning Target: Students will be able to define and identify Rhetoric and its purpose as it is used in writing and speaking. Discuss Rhetorical Techniques in the TED clip. o Look at elements of voice, audience awareness, word choice, author background Discuss Examples of Rhetorical Analysis (TED & Others) Writer’s Workshop: Selecting and Annotating a Speech o Continue selecting speech. Homework: 9/24 Instructor/Student Conferences Annotated Speech DUE Learning Target: Students will be able to closely examine their own writing to identify strengths and weaknesses. Students will discuss writing with others to understand how revisions might be made. Instructor/Student Conferences – Speech Selection o Homework: Students will work on analyzing their speeches while teacher conferences with individual students for approval of their selections. 9/25-26 Instructor/Student Conferences Learning Target: Students will be able to closely examine their own writing to identify strengths and weaknesses. Students will discuss writing with others to understand how revisions might be made. Instructor/Student Conferences – Speech Selection o Students will work on analyzing their speeches while teacher conferences with individual students for approval of their selections. Homework: 9/27 Homework: Week #7 9/30 Writer’s Workshop: Thesis Statements Respond in Writer’s Notebook (Thesis Statements) Learning Target: Students will be able to assess and evaluate thesis statements; Students will be able to craft mature and developed thesis statements that convey a purpose and argue a point. Writer’s Workshop: Thesis Statements Go over Thesis Writing handout and generate/modify a working thesis. Moodle – Crafting Thesis Statements Activity o In Writer’s Notebook: Brainstorm potential Thesis statements for your analysis o Go over Thesis and Topic Sentences Powerpoint on Moodle In Writer’s Notebook: Brainstorm potential Thesis Extra time? Students continue analyzing and writing. Conference with students as necessary Homework: 10/1 Writer’s Workshop: Topic Sentences Respond in Writer’s Notebook (Topic Sentences) Learning Target: Students will be able to support a thesis statement with details that support and reveal the purpose of an essay. Writer’s Workshop: Topic Sentences o Respond in Writer’s Notebook – Identify multiple topic sentences / rhetorical devices used by the speaker to convey their purpose. o Use topic sentences that support and prove the established purpose (thesis) With a partner, discuss each topic sentence to determine its value/support to thesis. Extra time? Students continue analyzing and writing. Conference with students as necessary Homework: Analysis Draft #1 DUE (Thesis, 5-6 Topic Sentences & at least 4 full paragraphs)on Tuesday 10/2-3 Writer’s Workshop: Peer Revision (Table Partner) Rhetorical Analysis Draft #1 DUE - (Thesis, 5-6 Topic Sentences & at least 4 full paragraphs) Learning Target: Students will be able to critique and evaluate a writer’s analysis of a speech, appraising and justifying their beliefs about the effectiveness of the piece, given the described purpose. o Writer’s Workshop: Peer Revision o Switch papers with a Table Partner; Partner reads each body paragraph and comments on its relationship to the given topic sentence. o Highlight the Thesis – One color Is the thesis arguable and focused on Rhetorical strategies? Highlight the Topic Sentence – a second color Does the topic sentencefocus on Rhetorical strategies and their effectiveness? o Underline evidence used in the body paragraph as support o In a third color, highlight references made to the “audience” of the speech. Does the author use points to persuade readers of the speaker’s purpose, given his/her audience? o Work through every paragraph to provide solid feedback to author. o More time? Work on revising draft of Rhet. Analysis independently. Homework: Read/Annotate Backpack Ch. 18 (p417-418) o 10/4 Writer’s Workshop: Sandwiching Quotes Learning Target: Students will be able to reorganize and revise body paragraphs to effectively support and connect textual evidence and analysis to their thesis statement and to their established purpose. Writer’s Workshop: Sandwiching Quotes o Go over Sandwich Method Powerpoint on I drive. Writing Introductions – Forum on Moodle o Go over Introductions pdf from Norton on Moodle. Homework: 2nd draft of Rhetorical Analysis due on Monday Week #8 10/7 Work Day / Conferencing Respond in Writer’s Notebook (Voice – At 52) Learning Target: Students will be able to experiment with the use of unfamiliar styles in writing. Work Day and Conferencing Respond in Writer’s Notebook – Voice at Age 52 o How might you be able to look at writing or rhetorical situations through another’s eyes to infer the purpose behind different actions? Homework: 2nd draft of Rhetorical Analysis and Conference Form due on Monday 10/8 Writer’s Workshop: Refinement Instructor/Student Conferences – Rhetorical Analysis Rhetorical Analysis Draft #2 DUE Learning Target: Students will be able to closely examine their own writing to identify strengths and weaknesses. Students will discuss writing with others to understand how revisions might be made. Writer’s Workshop: Refinement o Go over What Not To Do PowerPoint. o Use Get Some Help forum and read student examples. o Leave time for revision and reuploading of Draft #2 to Moodle. Explain they may continue to reupload so long as I have not responded to their drafts. Instructor/Student Conferences – Draft #2 o Students will work on developing/revising their drafts while teacher conferences with individual students. Homework: 10/9-10 Instructor/Student Conferences – Rhetorical Analysis Respond in Writer’s Notebook (Reflection #3) Learning Target: Students will be able to closely examine their own writing to identify strengths and weaknesses. Students will discuss writing with others to understand how revisions might be made. Peer Revision of 2nd Draft (Partner/Table Group) Instructor/Student Conferences – Draft #2 o Students will work on developing/revising their drafts while teacher conferences with individual students. Respond to Reflection #3 in Writer’s Notebooks (if conference is finished) Homework: Read/Annotate Backpack Ch. 13 (p290-293, 330), Read/Annotate Backpack Ch. 14 (p332-335, 378) 10/11 Finish Instructor/Student Conferences – Rhetorical Analysis Begin Unit #3: Argumentative Essay Introduction to Position Arguments Introduction to Proposal Arguments Learning Target: Students will be able to closely examine their own writing to identify strengths and weaknesses. Students will discuss writing with others to understand how revisions might be made; Students will be able to define different styles of Argumentation, discussing strategies used to best appeal to an audience. Finish Instructor/Student Conferences – Rhetorical Analysis – as necessary. o Work time as needed to revise drafts based on conferences & Feedback o Respond to Reflection #3 in Writer’s Notebooks (if conference is finished) Introduction to Argumentation o Discuss Readings as a class. o Types of Arguments (Proposal and Position) Introduce Research-based Argument Assignment and Rubric. Homework: Read/Annotate Backpack Ch. 13 (p312-315) and Read/Annotate Backpack Ch. 14 (p358-367) for Friday Week #9 10/14 Writer’s Workshop: Brainstorming Respond in Writer’s Notebook (Topic Brainstorm) Learning Target: Students will be able to apply lessons from Rhetorical Analysis essay to their own arguments, utilizing effective strategies to target their selected audience. Discuss reading from Textbook (Ch. 13 and 14) o How does this influence your approach? Writer’s Workshop: Brainstorming o Discuss need for strong, relatable topic. o Have kids write 3-4 bullet points down in their Writer’s Notebook that they are considering as an argumentative topic. o In Writer’s Notebook, Demonstrate the Roles list and have a student model with you how to discuss and generate potential, more meaningful topics. Extra Time? Have kids begin researching or posting to Topic Selection Forum Homework: Rhetorical Analysis Final Draft due on Block Day; Continue brainstorming potential argumentative topics. 10/15 Writer’s Workshop: Arguing a Thesis Learning Target: Discuss reading from homework o How should thesis statements be written? o What are the qualities of a solid thesis statement for an argumentative piece? Writer’s Workshop: Arguing a Thesis o Based on topic selected, identify a position and several reasons to support the position to create a working thesis and record it on Moodle forum. Homework: 10/16-17 – ** Rhetorical Analysis Final Draft (#3) DUE Writer’s Workshop: Topic Selection Learning Target: Students will be able to defend argumentative topics, providing support for their position with valid claims. Review “Dead Topics” list with students – seek out unique and personally applicable arguments. Writer’s Workshop: Finding a topic o Remind students about Looping: 1) Narrow down topic if you don’t already know (Use brainstorm list from previous week). If you do, settle in on what your stance is going to be. 2) Consider who your audience will be. 3) Begin generating the arguments you would present for support – keep ethos, pathos, and logos in mind. o Demonstrate tips for Inspire. Homework: Rhetorical Analysis Final Draft due on Block Day; Read/Annotate Backpack Ch. 13 (p318-321) for Tuesday 10/18 No School – Parent/Teacher Conferences Week #10 10/21 No School – Fall Break 10/22 Writer’s Workshop: Finding Sources Argument Proposal Due (on Moodle) Learning Target: Have students post potential arguments to Topic Forum for feedback from peers. o Include possible points/arguments made for support of selected topic. o Peers suggest “viability” of each argument and potential arguments for it. Discuss Backpack Ch. 16 (p391-401) Writer’s Workshop: Finding Sources o Review Source requirements for argumentative essay Print all sources o Discuss Inspire / Helmke Library (JSTOR) o Submit websites to Moodle Forum for approval from Mr. Slater Chat with students about their potential topics. Homework: Read/Annotate Backpack Ch. 15 (p384-389) for Block Day 10/23-24 Writer’s Workshop: Argument and Audience Respond in Writer’s Notebook (Voice & Audience) Learning Target: Writer’s Workshop: Argument and Audience o Writer’s Notebook: Writing with Voice: Practice writing to a certain audience. The scenario: You got a speeding ticket. The audience (assign one, could work in groups so each has a different one): Boyfriend/Girlfriend, BFF, Parents, Court Official. Write independently for 1015 minutes, then chat with group about differences in voice. Finally, debrief as entire class. (See Powerpoint on I drive) o Write to two different audiences – what is the difference? Discuss in groups. While students will be arguing for those who disagree with them, they will need to define their audience more. Have them refer to their original looping and then identify the audience at the top of every draft. Homework: Argument Draft #1 due on Block Day (Thesis and 8 possible Topic Sentences) 10/25 Writer’s Workshop: Finding Sources / Incorporating Learning Target: Writer’s Workshop: Finding Sources / Incorporating Evidence Chat with students about their potential topics. Homework: Argument Draft #1 due on Block Day (Thesis and 8 possible Topic Sentences) Week #11 10/28 Work Day Learning Target: Respond in Writer’s Notebook (Reflection #4) 10/29 Discuss Dartmouth Article on Argumentation Writer’s Workshop: Organization Learning Target: Writer’s Workshop: Organization o Have students read http://www.dartmouth.edu/~writing/materials/student/ac_paper/write.shtml BEFORE class and notes 3 insights, 2 questions, and 1 application. o Discuss article as a class. Writing Conclusion for Argument Essay Powerpoint on I drive. Then on the same draft from above have them revise, tweak, or rewrite their conclusion with a solid, purposeful call to action while keeping their audience in mind. Then give time to work on draft. Homework: 10/30-31 Writer’s Workshop: Peer Revision (Author Concerns) Learning Target: This will be the draft I offer feedback on Homework: Argument Draft #1 DUE 11/1 Example: Documentary Film Learning Target: Week #12 11/4 Example: Documentary Film Learning Target: 11/5 Discussion of documentary and Argument Learning Target: Discussion / Argumentation Example on Moodle Homework: Read/Annotate Singer’s “Solution” (Handout) 11/6-7 Writer’s Workshop: Incorporating Evidence Learning Target: Homework: Argument Draft #2 DUE 11/8 Learning Target: Writer’s Workshop: Incorporating Evidence, cont. o Go over how and why to include Graphics in papers. Point out the MLA guides and example paper formatting on Moodle. o Go over Synthesizing Sources PowerPoint. Kids will need a lot of time to work through their example. They should type it so it can be displayed and Workshopped on the LCD. Hold contest for best paragraphs in different categories – refer to PowerPoint on I drive. Homework: Read/Annotate “Singer Solution to World Poverty” (handout) for Monday; Argument Draft #2 due on Monday Week #13 11/11 Learning Target: Argumentative Essay Draft #2 Due Today! Argumentation Example: “The Singer Solution to World Poverty” o In groups of 4, have literary circles with the questions from Norton p880, focusing on argumentation, evidence, conceding and contesting. o Discuss as class. Homework: Read “Don’t Make English Official – Ban It Instead” Handout for Tuesday 11/12 Learning Target: Discuss Argument from Baron’s article “Don’t Make English…” Writer’s Workshop: Peer Revision Teacher/Student Conferences Homework: Writer’s Notebook Argumentative Essay Reflection; Read “Anti-Intellectualism in America” Handout for Block Day 11/13-14 Learning Target: Discuss Argument made in “Anti-Intellectualism” o Focus on Rhetorical Strategies used to make the argument o Do you use these in your paper? Writer’s Workshop: Self-Revision Teacher/Student Conferences Homework: 11/15 Learning Target: Writer’s Workshop: Conceding and Contesting o Pass out Conference Form. o Writer’s Notebook: Loop: Spend 7-10 minutes having the kids write an argument AGAINST their point of view on the topic. This will get them to think more critically about how their audience will feel and how to approach those counterarguments in their paper. Then on one copy of Draft #2 have them note where they can concede (acknowledge) and contest (refute) based on their specific audience. Time to work on paper in class Hand out Conference Form for students to complete for Monday Homework: Argument Draft #3 Due on Monday; Conference Forms Due on Monday Week #14 11/18 Learning Target: Argumentative Essay Draft #3 Due Today! Teacher/Student Conferences over Argumentative Essay Homework: 11/19 Learning Target: Teacher/Student Conferences over Argumentative Essay Homework: 11/20-21 11/22 Week #15 11/25 Learning Target: Writer’s Workshop: Self-Revision Teacher/Student Conferences Homework: Argumentative Essay due on Tuesday w/Metacognitive Piece 11/26 Learning Target: Argumentative Essay Final Draft Due Today! Writer’s Workshop: Voice / Word Choice Review Homework: 11/27-28 – No School Thanksgiving Break Learning Target: Writer’s Workshop: Comma Usage Homework: 11/29 – No School: Thanksgiving Break Learning Target: Writer’s Workshop: Self-Revision Homework: Writer’s Notebook due by 3:00 on Monday (Final Submission) Week #16 12/2 Writer’s Notebook due by 3:00 pm Today! Learning Target: Homework: 12/3 Learning Target: Homework: 12/4-5 Learning Target: Writer’s Workshop: Peer Revision Homework: 12/6 Learning Target: Introduce / Discuss Final Portfolio Homework: Week #17 12/9 Learning Target: Writer’s Workshop: Portfolio Homework: 12/10 Learning Target: Writer’s Workshop: Portfolio & Presentations Homework: 12/11-12 Semester Portfolio due BEFORE 4:00 PM Today! Learning Target: Writer’s Workshop: Portfolio & Presentations Homework: 12/13 Learning Target: Writer’s Workshop: Portfolio Presentation Work Day Homework: Week #18 12/16 - Begin Portfolio Presentations 12/17 - Finals / Portfolio Presentations 12/18 - Finals/ Portfolio Presentations 12/19 - Finals/ Portfolio Presentations 12/20 No School / Possible Snow Make-Up Day **All Drafts MUST be submitted via course Moodle site & Printed for class BEFORE day they are due. **Only 1st Drafts will receive electronic commentary from Mr. Slater **All 2nd/3rd Drafts will be discussed with Mr. Slater in person during daily or scheduled writing conferences Key Units & Dates: Unit #1: Literacy Narrative # of Class Days: 13 Draft 1: 8/28 (2 pgs. minimum) Draft 2: 9/3 (3 pgs. minimum) Final Draft: 9/10 (3-5 pgs. Maximum) Unit #2: Rhetorical Analysis (Visual) # of Class Days: Draft 1: 9/16 (1-2 pgs.) Final Draft: 9/20 (2 pgs. Maximum) Unit #3: Rhetorical Analysis (Textual) # of Class Days: Draft 1: 9/30 (2 pgs. minimum) Draft 2: 10/4 (Completed, but “rough” analysis) Final Draft: 10/14 (3-4 pgs. Maximum) Unit #4: Argumentative Essay # of Class Days: Draft 1: 10/16-17 (thesis and 8-10 potential topic sentences) Draft 2: 10/25 (2-3 pgs. minimum) Draft 3: 11/11 (4-5 pgs. minimum) Final Draft: 11/20-21 (7-9 pgs. or 2750 Word Maximum) Unit #5: Op-Ed Argument # of Class Days: Draft 1:11/26 Final Draft: 12/4-5 (2 pgs. or 650 Word Maximum) Writer’s Notebook: Approx. 25 Entries 10-15 Single Draft, Hand Written Essays & Responses 10-15 Writer’s Workshop Activities (roughly 2 pages each, hand written) 5-6 pages Formal, Polished writing (Single Draft Essays) Due on 12/2 BEFORE 3:00 pm Final Portfolio & Presentations: Due on Friday, 12/13 BEFORE 3:00 pm Reflective Letter (3 pgs minimum) Course Assessment 2 revised single draft essays + originals from Writer’s Notebook Revised Literacy Narrative Revised Rhetorical Analysis (Visual) Revised Rhetorical Analysis (Written) Revised Argumentative Essay Revised Op-Ed piece 12 class days for revision and conferencing Submitted as part of Final Portfolio