Lord of the Flies

Name ___________________ class ________
Lord of the Flies – Author Information
1. Who is the author of the book?
2. Where was he born and in what year?
3. What year did he die? How old was he?
4. What did he become fascinated with while at Oxford University?
5. What year was Lord of the Flies published?
6. Name 2 of his other novels.
7. What prize did he receive for Lord of the Flies?
8. What was Lord of the Flies based on?
Name _____________________ class ______________
Lord of the Flies CHAPTER 1 (pg. 7-31)
1. lagoon [
2. specious [
3. efflorescence [ èfflə réss'nss ] 4. enmity [ énmətee ] 5. decorous [ dékərəss, di káwrəss ] 6. matins [ mátt'nz ] 7. chorister [ káwristər ] 8. pliant [
9. bastion[ báschən, bástee ən ] 10. hiatus[ hī áytəss ] Questions
1. What can you tell about the reason the boys were on the plane? Why did
it crash?
2. What is the scar and what caused it?
3. What happened to the adults?
4. Name and describe the first 2 characters we meet.
5. What do the two boys discover in the lagoon? What do they use it for?
6. Who is chosen as chief? How? Who else wants to be leader?
7. What are Jack and the choir in charge of?
8. Why is Piggy angry with Ralph?
9. What is the contrast between Jack and Simon’s response to the bushes
around them?
10. Why doesn’t Jack stick the piglet?
Name _________________________ period
Character Log for Lord of the Flies
1. Ralph
2. Piggy
3. Jack and the Choir (p. 19-end)
4. Simon (p. 22, 24-end)
5. Johnny (p. 17)
6. Sam ‘n Eric (p. 19)
Lord of the Flies
Quiz: Chapter 1
I. Match the character to his action or description:
A. heavy, asthmatic, wears glasses
B. tries to “stick” a pig
C. blows the conch to start the meeting
D. views the bushes as “candles”
E. is attractive and built like a boxer
II. True or False
_____6. The boys were being transported somewhere by boat when the
boat capsized.
_____7. The scar referred to at the beginning is the scar on Jack’s face.
_____8. The author of Lord of the Flies is William Golding.
_____9. The author dies at 50 years of age due to asthma.
_____10. The horrors of WWII were the basis for innate human evil seen in
The Lord of the Flies.
_____11. Ralph explains that they can use the conch shell as a trumpet.
_____12. The boys range in age from 5-18.
_____13. Piggy doesn’t mind being called by his nickname.
_____14. There are no adults on the island as far as the boys know.
_____15. Piggy is interested in learning the boys’ names.
_____16. “Creepers” are vines.
III. Matching Vocabulary
_____17. lagoon
A. bloom
_____18. specious
B. proper
_____19. efflorescence
C. interval; gap
_____20. enmity
D. singer in choir
_____21. decorous
E. deceptive; artificial
_____22. matins
F. flexible
_____23. chorister
G. morning prayer service
_____24. pliant
H. shallow body of water
_____25. hiatus
I. hostility
IV. Short Answer
26. In order to mend Jack’s hurt feelings, Ralph assigns him and the others
the task of ____________________________.
27. Which three boys set out to explore the island and decide if it has
inhabitants? _____________, ______________, _____________.
28. Why didn’t Jack “stick” the pig?______________________________
29. Why was Piggy angry with Ralph? _____________________________
30. What is the shape of the island? _____________________________
Name _________________________ class _______________
Lord of the Flies Chapter 2 (p. 32-47)
1. gesticulated [ je stíkyə làyted ]2. smirking [ smurking ] 3. swath [ swoth ] 4. errant [ érrənt ] 5. ebullience [ i búllyəntence,
6. festooned [
7. tirade [
ence ] -
ed ] tī ráyd ] -
1. What rule does Ralph give at the 1st assembly?
2. How does Piggy help Ralph in his job as leader?
3. What does the frightened boy with the birthmark tell the group? How
does it affect them?
4. What could this thing he is talking about symbolize in the novel? Who is
willing to see if true and who rejects it?
5. What is the grotesque dead thing that the boys inched up the rock?
6. Why do the boys grab Piggy’s glasses?
7. What changes had to be made as a result of the fire?
8. Who accepted the responsibility for tending the fire?
9. What happens to the fire? Is it anyone’s fault?
10. What happens to the boy with the birthmark?
Lord of the Flies
Quiz: Chapter 2
Short Answer
1. What is the rule that Ralph establishes at the first meeting?
2. What does the frightened boy say he saw?
3. What is the importance of building the fire on the mountain?
4. What do the boys use to start the fire?
5. What happened to the boy with the birthmark during the fire?
True or False
_____6. The fire goes out because of a bad storm.
_____7. The boy with the birthmark speaks because he is scared.
_____8. The grotesque dead thing turns out to be a huge dead log.
_____9. The boys use all their waterproof matches to start the fire.
_____10. Sam ‘n Eric take responsibility for tending the fire.
_____1. gesticulated
a. decorated
_____2. smirking
b. lively and enthusiastic
_____3. swath
c. made gestures
_____4. errant
d. long angry speech
_____5. ebullience
e. smile insolently
_____6. festooned
f. path
_____7. tirade
g. stray or wander off the path
What do Simon, Piggy and the boy with the birthmark all have in common?
Name ________________________ class ___________
Lord of the Flies Chapter 3 (p. 48-57)
1. tendril [ téndril ]2. node [ nōd ]3. oppressive [ ə préssiv ]4. abyss [ ə bíss ] 5. inscrutable [
6. vicissitudes [ v
7. contrite [
8. antagonism [ an tággə nìzzəm ]9. opaque [ ō páyk ]10. susurration
11. sepals [
sépp'ls ] -
1. How can you tell time has passes between chapters 2 and 3?
2. How successful is Jack on his second hunt?
3. Who is the only one that helps Ralph build the huts?
4. What is Jack’s new compulsion?
5. What conflict arises between Ralph and Jack?
6. What two groups with differing goals are emerging?
7. How does Simon get along with the littluns? What does he do?
8. Where does Simon go to be alone?
Lord of the Flies
Quiz: Chapter 3
1. Name one way you can tell time has changed between chapters 2 and 3.
2. Describe how Jack hunts for the pig.
3. What do the boys drink fresh water out of?
4. Who helped Ralph build the huts?
5. What is Jack obsessed with? How can you tell?
6. Why is Ralph mad at Jack?
7. Name one thing Simon does for the littluns.
8. Why does Simon go off by himself and where does he go?
____1. tendril
a. hostility
____2. oppressive
b. repentant
____3. abyss
c. cannot see through it
____4. inscrutable
d. leaf that curls
____5. contrite
e. stifling
____6. antagonism
f. deep gorge
____7. opaque
g. difficult to understand
____8. vicissitudes
h. unexpected change or fate
Name __________________________ class ___________
Lord of the Flies Chapter 4 (p. 58-75)
1. incursion [
2. carcass [
3. blatant [ bláyt'nt ] 4. taboo [
5. mirage [
6. gyration [jī ráysh'n ] 7. vagrant [ váygrənt ] Questions
1. What to the littluns do all day?
2. Why does Roger, throwing stones at the littluns, aim to just miss?
3. How do Jack and his tribe kill the pig?
4. Is the killing of the pig essential to the survival of the group? Explain.
What was neglected while Jack and the hunters were out killing the pig?
5. Why do the boys enjoy retelling the story of killing the pig?
6. How does Ralph react to hearing about the pig hunt? Why? Do you
think Ralph is jealous?
7. How are Piggy’s glasses broken? Does Jack feel guilty?
8. Ralph and Piggy are angry with Jack and the hunters for letting the fire
go out, yet they join the feast. Why?
9. Why does Jack yell at Simon and throw meat at his feet?
10. What kind of dance and chant do the boys do? What does it remind you
Lord of the Flies
Quiz: Chapter 4
1. Name two things the littluns do all day.
2. What does Piggy suggest they make?
3. Why didn’t they get rescued by the ship?
4. Where does Piggy get hit (both times) and by who?
5. What happened to Piggy’s glasses?
6. Who became the pig in the reenactment of the hunt?
7. Why does Ralph call a meeting after the reenactment of the hunt?
_____1. incursion
a. unacceptable
_____2. carcass
b. optical illusion
_____3. blatant
c. very obvious
_____4. taboo
d. a raid
_____5. mirage
e. dead body of animal
Name ___________________________ class _________
a person, place, thing or event that stands for itself and
something beyond itself.
Include page numbers of where mentioned in book
Conch shell-
Signal fire-
Hunts of the pigs-
Snake-thing / beastie-
Piggy’s glasses-
Any others?
Name ______________________ class ____________
Lord of the Flies Chapter 5 (p. 76-94)
1. perpetually- [ pər péchoo əlee ]2. derisive [
3. theorem [
4. convulsion [ kən vúlshən ] 5. appalled [ ə páwld ] 6. jeer [ jeer ] 7. indigo [
8. incantation [ ìn kan táysh'n ] 9. ludicrous [
10. discursive [ di skúrssiv ] -
1. At first Ralph was surprised at how easily he could speak and think. How
is that changing? What is the reason?
2. Why did Ralph call the assembly?
3. What does “taken short” mean?
4. Why do you think things are breaking up?
5. What brings Ralph into closer sympathy with Piggy?
6. Describe the boys’ attitude about the beast.
7. How does Simon feel about speaking up? What is it about “mankind’s
essential illness” that he is trying to explain?
8. Why does Piggy encourage Ralph to blow the conch after the meeting
breaks up? Why doesn’t Ralph want to? Why is it important to Piggy
that Ralph remain chief?
9. What is the significance of the title “Beast from the water”?
The Lord of the Flies
Quiz: Chapter 5
1. Why does Ralph call a meeting?
2. Ralph addresses six specific things at the meeting. List 3 of the 6:
3. When the littlun tells about his nightmare and that he saw something
among the trees, who stand up and says they were wondering around in
the dark? Why was this person doing this?
4. Name two things the boys think the beast may actually be.
5. What does Simon say the beast is? What does this mean?
6. Why doesn’t Ralph want to blow the conch when things start to get out
of control?
7. What is Piggy most scared of as Jack and his hunters leave the meeting?
8. At the end of the chapter, what does Ralph and Piggy wish for and why?
Lord of the Flies
Name________________________class _____
Vocab Test: Chapters 1-5
Chapter 1
_____1. lagoon
A. firm position
_____2. specious
B. gap
_____3. efflorescence
C. proper
_____4. enmity
D. shallow body of water
_____5. decorous
E. hostility/hatred
_____6. matins
F. bloom
_____7. chorister
G. deceptive/artificial
_____8. pliant
H. morning prayers
_____9. bastion
I. choir singer
_____10. hiatus
J. flexible
Chapter 2
_____1. gesticulated
A. angry speech
_____2. smirking
B. enthusiastic
_____3. swath
C. path
_____4. errant
D. made gestures
_____5. ebullience
E. decorated
_____6. festooned
F. smiling insolently
_____7. tirade
G. stray off the path
Chapter 3
_____1. tendril
_____2. node
_____3. oppressive
_____4. abyss
_____5. inscrutable
_____6. vicissitudes
_____7. contrite
_____8. antagonism
_____9. opaque
_____10. susurration
_____11. sepals
change of fortune
profound depth
part of a flower
a leaf that curls
can’t see through it
soft whispering
socially unacceptable
optical illusion
very obvious
circular movement
a wanderer
dead body of an animal
shrub/purple-blue dye
uncontrollable fit
chant of magic words
mock (make fun of)
idea assumed true
mocking scornful
dismay, shock
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
_____1. perpetually
_____2. derisive
_____3. theorem
_____4. convulsion
_____5. appalled
_____6. jeer
_____7. indigo
_____8. incantation
_____9. ludicrous
_____10. discursive
Name ______________________ class __________
Lord of the Flies Chapter 6 (p. 95-108)
1. What is the sign that came down from the grown-up world? Who saw it
land? How is it ironic?
2. Describe “the castle”
3. Why are Sam and Eric so frightened while tending the fire?
4. How has the significance of the conch changed?
5. Does Simon believe Sam and Eric’s story? How does he imagine the
6. What does Simon say about the beast once they get to castle rock?
7. Why does Ralph become angry with Jack and his followers once they
explore castle rock?
8. Describe the beast described by the boys.
Lord of the Flies
Quiz: Chapter 6
1. What is the sign that comes down from the grownups?
2. Why are “Samneric” so frightened when they are tending the fire?
3. How has the significance of the conch changed?
4. What does Simon believe about the beast?
5. Describe the “castle”.
6. What happens on the mountain while the boys are searching “the castle”
that Ralph notices?
7. Why does Ralph become angry with Jack and his followers?
8. Compare the “beastie” that the littluns think they see to what is actually
Name ______________________ class _______
Lord of the Flies Chapter 7 (p. 109-123)
1. Why are Ralph’s fingernails bitten? What does he mean by “be sucking
my thumb next”?
2. What is the physical condition of the boys hiking along the shore? Do
they seem to mind?
3. Why do you think Simon says “You’ll be back all right”? What does he
seem to be implying about his own future?
4. How can you tell Ralph’s life hasn’t always been easy?
5. What is Ralph’s daydream about his childhood? What dramatic purpose
does this accomplish?
6. Describe the hunt which takes place in this chapter.
7. How does Ralph react to the first hunt in which he participates?
8. What game do the boys play after the hunt? How do you think Robert
9. Why does Simon go off alone?
10. What important question does Ralph ask Jack? What is Jack’s answer?
11. Who climbs the mountain to see the beast? How do they react?
12. What do Ralph, Roger and Jack find at the top of the hill? Do they
realize what it is?
Name ________________________ class ________
Lord of the Flies Chapter 8 (p. 124-144)
Very important chapter! Read carefully!
1. Who blows the conch for the assembly? Why?
2. How do the rest of the boys react to Jack’s suggestion that Ralph be
replaced as leader? How does Jack respond?
3. How can you tell that Jack has grown very antagonistic towards Ralph?
4. Are you surprised at the boys’ vote? Is Jack surprised? How does he
5. What does Simon say they should do? How do the others react?
6. What choices do the boys have once they confirm there is a beast?
What does Simon suggest?
7. How does Piggy change after Jack leaves? Why?
8. Why can’t the boys keep the signal fire on the mountain anymore? How
do they solve that problem?
9. What is done about the fire?
10. What does Jack tell his band of followers?
11. how does this hunt differ from the previous ones?
12. What adjectives would you use to describe the killing of the sow?
Assuming the boys may be on the island a long time, why was killing this
sow an especially stupid thing to do?
13. What did the hunters do with the head of their kill? Why is it called
“The Lord of the Flies”?
14. Who is Lord of the Flies?
15. What do Jack and his followers do and say to Ralph’s group?
16. What does the Lord of the Flies “say” to Simon?
17. What is the “beast”?
Lord of the Flies
Quiz: Chapter 8
1. What is the beast the boys saw on the mountain?
2. Why does Jack call a meeting?
3. What does Simon suggest they do after the meeting?
4. Where do they move the fire? Why?
5. Where do most of the biguns go after Jack leaves?
6. Describe the hunt that takes place in this chapter. How is it different
from the others?
7. What do Jack and his followers steal from Ralph’s group?
8. What does Jack put on the stick that is sharpened at both ends and why?
9. What happens between Simon and the Lord of the Flies?
10. What happens to Simon at the very end of Chapter 8?
Name ____________________ class _________
Lord of the Flies Chapter 9 (p. 145-154)
1. What does Simon discover about the ape-like beast? How does he feel
when he makes the discovery?
2. Why do you think Simon releases the tangled parachute lines? What
does this show about him?
3. Ralph teases Piggy by squirting water toward his glasses. How would
Piggy usually react? Why this change, do you suppose?
4. Why do Ralph and Piggy go to the pig roast?
5. When Ralph and Piggy come upon Jack’s party, what is it that “breaks the
6. Jack “looked down from his paint at Ralph and Piggy.” What does that
rather unusual sentence convey that more common phrasing would not?
7. Who crawls out of the forest? Why don’t the boys recognize him? Or
do they?
8. How does the mood of the chapter change as the rain ceases?
Name ______________________________ class ___________
Lord of the Flies Chapter 10 (p. 155-168)
1. How is the title of this chapter symbolic?
2. What excuses do Ralph, Piggy, Sam and Eric give to excuse their part in
Simon’s death? Why?
3. How do Jack’s leadership styles differ from Ralph’s?
4. Why does Jack have Wilfred beaten? How do Roger and Robert react to
5. What offering is Jack’s group going to continue to make to the beast?
6. Ralph tries to keep Sam and Eric motivated to keep the fire burning, but
he can’t remember why it is important. Why not? What is happening to
7. What is Ralph’s “nightly game of supposing”? Why does he play it?
8. Why do Jack and his followers attack the four boys in the hut?
9. During the attack, it seemed that there were “a dozen other”. Why?
How many were there really? Who was Ralph actually fighting with?
Lord of the Flies
Quiz: Chapter 10
Name________________________class _____
Short Answer
1. Whose death are Piggy and Ralph mourning?
2. How does Ralph feel about his death? Why?
3. Describe how Sam and Eric deal with the consequences of his death.
4. Compare Jack’s leadership skills to those of Ralph.
5. Why is Wilfred beaten?
True or False
_____6. Robert thinks it is funny that Wilfred is beaten.
_____7. The sacrificial offering Jack makes to the beast is the head of
their kill.
_____8. Ralph’s nightly “game of supposing” is when he fantasizes about
being rescued.
_____9. Jack’s group attacks the four boys in the hut to steal the knife.
_____10. Ralph and Eric were fighting each other.
_____11. conch
A. saint-like
_____12. signal fire
B. symbol for rescue
_____13. Simon
C. his glasses start the fire
_____14. Ralph
D. is a dictator (takes control)
_____15. Jack
E. symbol for law
_____16. Piggy
F. feels his role as leader is falling
Multiple Choice
_____17. Because of the death in Chapter 9, Ralph starts to lose a grip on
A. reality
B. hatred
C. joining tribes D. starving
_____18. What are the four boys in the hut awakened by?
A. the beastie B. the other tribe C. a storm
D. the conch
_____19. Why has Jack and his tribe stolen the item from the four boys?
A. to cut up their pig
C. to start a fire
B. to call a meeting
D. they were hungry
_____20. As
the fire on the beach begins to go out, Ralph begins to think
they should join Jack’s tribe
he should restart the fire
he should go for a swim and forget about it
they’ll never get rescued
Name __________________________ class _______
Lord of the Flies Chapter 11 (p. 169-172)
1. The four boys left on the beach after Piggy’s glasses have been stolen
don’t want to be “savages” like Jack and his group. How do they plan to
make the distinction?
2. Who’s idea is it to go to Jack and demand Piggy’s glasses? Are you
surprised that he wants to go?
3. What is ironic about Piggy’s question, “What more can Jack do than he
4. On the way to Casle Rock, Ralph’s band sets off across the beach which is
“swept clean like a blade that has been scoured.” What tone is set by
this detail and setting?
5. What happens when Ralph’s band arrives at Castle Rock? Should Ralph
have foreseen this outcome?
6. How is Piggy killed? What do you think he sees / experiences before he
7. What do you know about Roger?
8. What is meant by the narrator’s statement that “the hangman’s horror
clung around Roger”?
9. How do the “savages” treat Sam and Eric? What is the significance of
the fact that Roger “edges past the chief, only just avoiding pushing him
with his shoulder”?
Name _________________________ class _______
Lord of the Flies Chapter 12 (p. 183-202)
1. Why does Ralph crack the skull of the “Lord of the Flies”? Does it make
him feel better?
2. How does Ralph learn about Jack’s plan for him? What are the plans?
3. Where is Ralph going to hide?
4. How do jack’s boys know where to find Ralph?
5. How does Golding describe Ralph’s flight across the island?
6. Once Ralph starts running from his pursuers, he knows he must decide
quickly what to do. What are his choices?
7. Why does Jack start the whole area on fire?
8. What is the irony of the fire?
9. What do you think would have happened without adult intervention?
10. What is the “better show” the Navy officer thought the British boys
should have made? Do you think the boys would have made a better
show if Jack had not been there? Explain.
11. What is ironic about the fact that the adult who saves the band of boys
from their own savagery is a naval commander?
12. Why does Ralph cry at the end of the book/ How do the other boys
respond as well?
13. What comparison is implied at the end of the book?
Name ___________________________ class ______________
Map of the Island Project
Lord of the Flies
Create an accurate map of the island using passages from your book. Pages
that may assist you include: 9, 12, 25-26, 28-29, 55-57, 204-206.
1. Make sure you include the following:
 scar
 food (animals and fruit)
 mountain
 jungle/forest
 beach/lagoon
 platform
 huts
 coral reef
 signal fire
 castle rock
2. Put a key/legend on your map.
3. Draw two characters from the book and list 5 characteristics next to
their picture.
4. Put the title of the book on your map.
5. You need to color these.
6. You will be presenting these to the class.
Name ________________________________ class _____
Creative Project for Lord of the Flies
1. Make a collage to illustrate several aspects of the novel. This should be
on a poster board.
2. You must include symbols, themes, characters and other important
aspects from the book.
3. Next to each picture, you must have a written explanation of how the
picture pertains to the book.
4. You may draw, cut out pictures from magazines or get them off the
5. You must have at least 10 pictures in your collage. For each additional
picture, you will earn bonus points.
6. You will be presenting these to the class. You will be graded on your
collage and your presentation.
7. This project is worth 100 points.
Lord of the Flies
Name________________________class _____
I. True or False
_____1. Jack and Ralph were the first two boys to appear on the island.
_____2. The littlun with the birthmark is never seen after the brush fire.
_____3. Simon feels the “beast” lives on top of the mountain.
_____4. All the boys try to either excuse or deny their part in Simon’s death.
_____5. The other boys enjoy wounding the boar, but Ralph does not.
_____6. Jack hunts because the boys must have meat to survive.
_____7. Ralph thinks the tribe wants to destroy him because he represents sense and order
_____8. The boys are rescued by the same plane that dropped them off on the island.
_____9. Piggy was thought to be the most ignorant on the island.
_____10. The boys established the rules on the island when they first arrived.
_____11. The island was heart-shaped, symbolizing the “heart of darkness”.
_____12. The boys learned to make fire by rubbing two sticks together.
_____13. Lord of the Flies was meant only to be an adventure story.
_____14. The hunters left a sow’s head as a gift for the “beast”.
_____15. Ralph thought their only salvation was in following the rules.
_____16. Wild animals and snakes were soon discovered on the island & referred to as “creepers”.
_____17. The boys on the island range in age from 5 – 18.
_____18. William Golding died at age 50 from asthma.
_____19. Lord of the Flies was published in 1954.
_____20. Two of Golding’s other novels were Free Fall and Pigman.
II. Matching
_____21. Simon
A. chapter chorister and leader of the savages
_____22. Piggy
B. intellectual
_____23. boy with the birthmark
C. boy who killed Piggy
_____24. Ralph
D. leader with the conch
_____25. Roger
E. littlun lost during the fire
_____26. officer
F. discovers the “beast”
_____27. Sam ‘n Eric
G. twins
_____28. Jack
H. adult who rescued the boys
_____29. Roger
A. intelligence and perceptivity
_____30. Simon
B. “taken short”
_____31. Ralph
C. primitive fear
_____32. Piggy
D. Jack’s right-hand man
_____33. the conch
E. Christ-like goodness
_____34. signal fire
F. antagonist
_____35. beastie
G. law and order
_____36. Jack
H. original chief
_____37. littluns
I. civilization and rescue
_____38. Parachutist lands
A. castle rock
_____39. Jack establishes his headquarters
B. scar
_____40. Simon sits alone and thinks
C. on the mountain
_____41. Ralph hides
D. in the jungle
_____42. plane touches down
E. massed thicket
_____43. Ralph wants the fire as a
F. conch
_____44. used to summon the others
G. signal
_____45. The conch was broken at the same time..
A. the officer arrived.
_____46. When the conch was blown…
B. a littlun was discovered missing
_____47. During the first forest fire
C. Jack became a true leader.
_____48. while looking at the pig’s head…
D. he left the “conch group”.
_____49. After Jack called the assembly….
E. Piggy was killed.
_____50. The manhunt for Ralph halted when…
F. the first assembly was organized.
_____51. The fire was out when a ship passed due to
G. Jack and the choir were hunting.
_____52. When he led the raid to steal the fire…
H. Simon was killed.
_____53. Ralph joined the dance just before…
I. Simon talked with the “beast”.
_____54. Ralph claims that he is…
J. in the boys themselves.
_____55. Simon thinks the beast…
K. “in charge” on the island in the end.
III. Multiple Choice
_____56. Ralph is elected chief mainly because
he possesses
A. the conch.
B. Piggy’s backing.
C. owns a knife.
D. inside knowledge of the island.
_____57. Jack is the only one who
A. wears a black cloak.
B. forgets about rescue.
C. owns a knife.
D. is cruel to Piggy.
_____58. Jack’s triumph in capturing his first
kill is overshadowed by
A. his regret that Ralph did not come too.
B. letting the signal fire go out.
C. being wounded by an animal.
D. the death of one of his hunters.
_____60. The “beast on the mountaintop” is
A. a “snake-thing”.
B. a pig’s head
C. a dead parachutist.
D. Piggy.
Ralph considers giving up being
chief but is advised not to by
A. Sam ‘n Eric.
B. Piggy.
C. Jack.
D. Roger.
_____61. Jack becomes leader of his tribe by
A. an open election with all the choir’s
B. stealing the conch from Piggy.
C. forcing Roger to join him.
D. leaving the group and inviting others
to follow.
_____62. Moving the fire from the mountains
to the beach is suggested by
A. Ralph.
B. Piggy.
C. Simon.
D. Jack.
_____63. The only one to actually climb the
mountain in daylight and confront the
beast is
A. Jack.
B. Sam ‘n Eric.
C. Piggy.
D. Simon.
_____64. In the darkness, the boys think they
are killing the beast but it is actually
A. Simon.
B. Piggy.
C. the littlun with the birthmark.
_____65. During the raid, Piggy runs to protect
A. the littluns.
B. the conch.
C. Ralph.
D. Percival.
_____66. Wilfred is tied up and beaten because
A. Jack ordered it.
B. he fell asleep on guard duty.
C. he refused to betray Piggy.
D. he let the fire go out.
_____67. Piggy insists on visiting Jack’s tribe to
A. start a signal fire on the mountaintop
B. join the tribe.
C. destroy them.
D. get his glasses back.
_____68. At this visit, Jack orders the
capture of
A. Wilfred.
B. Piggy.
C. Simon.
D. Sam ‘n Eric.
_____69. A huge rock destroys Piggy along with
A. Simon.
B. his glasses.
C. the conch.
D. the sow.
_____70. Piggy is killed by
A. Roger.
B. Jack.
C. Sam ‘n Eric.
D. Ralph.
_____71. If captured, Ralph knows his fate will be
A. being tied up and beaten.
B. death - stick sharpened at both ends
C. death - pushed off a mountaintop.
D. death- being crushed by a rock.
_____72. Ralph’s hiding place is betrayed by
A. his footprints.
B. Wilfred.
C. Sam ‘n Eric.
D. his sneeze.
_____73. Ironically, Ralph’s life is saved by
A. help of the boys that betrayed him.
B. smoke intended to force him out.
C. Jack’s inability to actually kill him.
D. Roger’s conscience.
_____74. Ralph wept after his rescue for
A. the end of innocence
B. Piggy’s death.
C. the darkness of man’s heart.
D. all of the above.
_____75. The “Lord of the Flies” was symbolized
A. by Ralph.
B. by the pig’s head.
C. by Piggy.
D. by the snake.
_____76. The nationality of the boys was
A. American.
B. British/English.
C. French.
D. German.
_____77.How many boys were killed on the island?
A. three
B. two
C. four
D. five
_____78. To escape from the savages, Ralph
decides to
A. climb a tree.
B. run into a cave.
C. hide in a massed thicket.
D. kill Eric.
_____79. When the boys first landed on the
island, their main diet was
A. pork.
B. fish.
C. seaweed.
D. fruit.
_____80. Simon tried telling the boys the
“beast” was
A. a snake.
B. hiding in the thicket.
C. only the littluns dreams.
D. man’s essential illness.
_____81. Henry was protected by the stones
Roger was throwing because of
A. a tree.
B. Ralph’s orders.
C. the conditioning of civilization.
D. his innate kindness.
IV. Short Answer
82. Name the people that died on the island. What do they all have in common (besides the obvious)?
84. What does Simon’s death symbolize? Why?
85. What is ironic about the dead paratrooper? Why?
86. Who are the three boys that came to raid Ralph’s group?
87. What did it mean when Sam ‘n Eric told Ralph that Roger had sharpened the stick at both ends?
88. Name something from the book that could be seen as a symbol. Explain why or how.
89. Describe how the killing of the sow is symbolic.
90. If you could change something about this book, what would it be? Why?