Antigone Portfolio The portfolio that you are about to create is worth up to 200 points. You are able to determine your grade based on the assignments that you choose to do, how much each is worth, and how well each is done. This assignment is in lieu of a test on Antigone. Below are fifteen (15) assignments from which you must choose. You may choose any of the assignments to get the grade you want. Keep in mind that doing the assignment does not guarantee that you will get all of the points. The value of each assignment is based on its difficulty. The portfolio must be placed inside a report folder with the assignment number and point value in the upper right corner of each page of each assignment. All assignments must be typed using Times New Roman font, 12 point. Note that assignments #1, #14, #15, and #16 are required as part of the portfolio. Obviously, there are more than 200 points available. It is possible therefore to earn extra credit. However, unless you complete all sixteen assignments, you will not be able to earn more than 200 points. 1. Prepare a character analysis of the following five characters: Antigone, Ismene, Creon, the Sentry, and Haemon. Include the role that he/she plays, what eventually happens to each of them, and a description of their personalities, and how they change through the course of the play. This may be in chart or essay format. (25 points)* 2. Write a fully developed essay comparing two of the characters in the play and their philosophical differences. (25 points) 3. Prepare a time line of ten events in the play. (10 points) 4. Prepare a glossary of 20 vocabulary words from the play (include definition, root word, origin, as well as the page and line #). (10 points) 5. Prepare a chart of ten (10) mythological references in the play and explain why each was used. (20 points) 6. Prepare a crossword puzzle of at least twenty items from the play. (10 points) 7. Prepare a newspaper, appropriate for the time period, with at least five (5) articles and two advertisements relating to the play. You may make it the size of a regular newspaper, but must have an 8 1/2 X 11 copy in your portfolio. (20 points) 8. Design and make masks representing two (2) of the characters in the play. Sketches of the masks and an explanation of the reasoning behind the designs must appear in the portfolio. (20 points) 9. Prepare a short (3 - 5 minute) skit, rap, song, etc. of some portion of the play. Include a written copy in your portfolio. You may present this as a live presentation in class or on video. (20 points) 10. Prepare a biography of the author of the play in essay form. (10 points) 11. Create a presentation board of the events of the play. When designing this, imagine that this is being used in court by either the defense or the prosecution. Include an 8 ½ x 11 sketch of the board in your portfolio. (20 points) 12. Design and make an advertising pamphlet or a poster and a ticket for the play. Be sure to include all important information. (10 points) 13. Prepare a literary analysis that examines dramatic irony, paradox, and allusion. This may be in essay or chart form. (15 points) 14. Prepare a plot diagram of the play that includes exposition, rising action, climax, conflict, falling action, and denouement. (15 points)* 15. Present an overview of the play incorporating a synopsis (plot), method of character development, setting, tone, mood, and theme analysis. (30 points)* 16. Prepare a fully developed essay discussing the changes and/or choices faced by any three characters from the play. (25 points)* ****ALL DIRECTIONS MUST BE EXPLICITLY FOLLOWED IF FULL CREDIT IS DESIRED.****