Slinfold Parish Council PO Box 315, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 9XX Tel: 01403 785864 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on Thursday 26th February 2015 7.30pm in the Parish Room, Village Hall 24/15 Attendance and Apologies for Absence Those present: Councillors S Bailey (Acting Chair); G Constantine; P Redmond; E Skeates; G Stenton Chandler; H Sherwin-Smith and M Wellesley- Wood Also present, acting Clerk J Bromley Apologies: Cllrs: C Gibson; L Day. There were 9 members of the public present. 25/15 Declaration of Interests and Notification of Change to Members’ Interests No interests recorded. 26/15 Public Speaking None 27/15 Chairman’s Announcements The Chairman reminded all Councillors to check the pink document box as there was quite a lot of information available in there. An E-mail had been received from a resident of Hayes Lane bringing the attention of the Parish Council to a Facebook page that has been running since the Taylor Wimpey consultation, the comments give an insight into what residents feel about the development (many expressions of angst at the loss of yet more countryside habitat for wildlife and further negative impact of more traffic on the Lane). A gathering at the site was arranged on 15th February for residents to have their say and over 200 attended which was covered by WSCT. A biologist lives opposite the field and has recorded: glow worms; bats and nightingales all thriving on the site. A letter had been received from Taylor Wimpey dated 24th February 2015 querying the Parish Councillors’ concern noted at the previous meeting that the consultation was held at short notice thereby not allowing all Parish Councillors to attend. Taylor Wimpey confirmed that standard timings were used and they considered they had a good turnout form the village of 188 people. Parish Councillors confirmed that the minutes of the last meeting remain unaltered and that insufficient notice had been given to enable Parish Councillors to be consulted prior to the public consultation. Notice was given that a public consultation from Slinfold Developments Ltd had been arranged for 27th February 16.30 to 19.30 in the village hall with regard to a development proposed for behind the cricket Club Pavilion. 28/15 Approval of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 29th January 2015 The draft minutes having been circulated were taken as read. Cllr Stenton Chandler asked that the minutes were amended on one point and all agreed. It was RESOLVED that the amended minutes be approved and signed as a true record. 1 29/15 Matters arising from item 5 for information only (as circulated or on the agenda for this meeting) HDC had approved the Parish Council’s decision to name the new development lane at Cherry Tree Farm as Brick Lane. HDC writing to Cherry Tree Farm owners to get their views and if they were in agreement to officially name the road, HDC asked if PC would have any objection – none raised. 30/15 Matters arising from the last Public Session None 31/15 Taylor Wimpey presentation – Lane East of Hayes Lane Presentation from Lynn McIver (LM) (Taylor Wimpey – developers); David Abraham (DA) (Vue Point Consulting – community consultation); Glenn Chambers (GC) (C & A Consulting Eng. Ltd- transport highways, drainage); Andrew Williams (AW) (Boyer – planning consultant) The Chair asked the representatives to introduce themselves and explain their area of responsibility. The notification period with regard to the public consultation was discussed and the developers confirmed that standard times had been adhered to for optimal turnout. Chairman advised it would have been desirable if Taylor Wimpey (TW) had come to the Parish Council earlier and worked with the PC to achieve maximum feedback from all, for both TW and the PC. TW confirmed that 188 attended and 109 feedback forms were completed. DA gave some feedback from the consultation: 20% support with reservations; 70% opposed; 10% no views. Approx. 50% had concerns re flooding and drainage; 1/3 traffic concerns and the ability of Hayes Lane to cope with the added traffic; 50% with ecology and walks around the site being lost. The Scout hut had been repositioned to the North of the plan to accommodate comments. There were many more one off comments. Cllr Wellesley-Wood reported that there had been a protest meeting at the site of over 200 people and that the group should consider public feeling shown by that protest. District Councillor Youtan commented that she thought this to be a tick box exercise going through process that was expected and not having real concern for the village. Cllr Redmond commented that she had spoken to attendees at the consultation who had thought the feedback they were giving was for the Parish Council as well as Taylor Wimpey and this may not have been made clear. AW confirmed that there was a process to be gone through and that this had been followed correctly. HDC had identified the site as a SHLAA site for development between 0-5 years and due to car parking and access points this then became 0-10 years. The Parish Council confirmed that the SHLAA information was incorrect and had now been amended by HDC to a potential site in 5-15 years on the SHLAA report. The Parish have never seen it as a desirable site. GC had met with Richard Speller WSCC re the drainage on the site. A sustainable urban drainage scheme was proposed to take the watershed of the site to the north west. Porous paving; water butts and a wet ecological pond were amongst the proposals for the site. Cllr Wellesley-Wood advised that a bottle neck occurs at the culverts not in the ditches which were all clear. GC confirmed that the watershed from the site by their proposals would be reduced by 70% compared to what it was currently. 2 Cllr Skeates advised that this subject was very technical and would have to be considered by those technically skilled in due course and as such councillors could offer no response. GC advised that a traffic survey had been carried out where required which was at the access point to the site and speed was below 30mph on average. Approximately 600 vehicles per day which was well within capacity. Car parking was haphazard but ultimately does have a positive impact on traffic speed. Councillors expressed serious concerns that the traffic survey had failed to recognise the ‘pinch points’ of Hayes Lane and the knock-on impact on traffic flow through the village. The impact of the new Cherry Tree site as well as extra proposed site traffic from this site should be factored in to see if the traffic could still be accommodated. District Cllr P Youtan asked who TW had spoken to at HDC. TW responded: Rosemary Freeman on 11th February 2015 and Ian Glenn from Transport who had written a scoping note but had not visited on the site. The proposed outline site plan was circulated to councillors. 50 units genuine mix 1- 4 beds, with 35% affordable. A pre-planning process had been gone through and an outline plan would shortly be submitted to HDC. The Chairman then asked if any members of the public had any questions or any comments. A resident gave some local knowledge that Hayes Lane was on a ridge the Northern side of which headed to the River Arun. Heavy rain caused the ditches and Lane to flood and the proposed development will add to problems further down in the village. A resident expressed concern that the error on the HDC SHLAA had resulted in this proposed development which was not suitable for the area. A resident asked when the villagers of Slinfold would be able to assess the potential development sites. Cllr Wellesley-Wood confirmed that there would be a public consultation on 17th and 18th April hosted by the Slinfold Neighbourhood Plan Working Group at the school. The Working Group were aware that the sites were at various stages some at the pre application stage. A resident asked that the Parish Council look at the public enquiry that was held regarding the development of the site some 20 year ago and councillors confirmed this would be a good idea. A discussion regarding the ecology of the site took place, residents had seen: glow worms; nightingales; uncommon butterflies; lizards all on site recently. LM agreed to take a further look into their ecology report. 32/15 Village Shop Cllr Skeates confirmed he had reviewed the lease and consent has now been given in writing to the shop. The valuation and survey were to be put on hold, until the current public survey was finalised. 33/15 Police The report from PCSO Tracy Field was noted, a scam involving victims being telephoned and told their debit card had been used fraudulently was being carried out. Attempts to obtain pin numbers and cards, even to the extent of sending a taxi round for collection, had been made and residents need to be alerted to this. 53 incidences so far in Horsham and a flyer is to be sent out by the police. Report of a suspicious person down Spring Lane was made but nothing further on this. Report of milk stolen from Spring Copse Business Park Report of a suspicious vehicle In Hayes Lane where an attempt at covering the number plates had been made, police attended but the vehicle had left. 3 A meeting is to be arranged with Sgt Miller to address speeding issues in the Village. After this initial meeting there is the possibility of a multi- agency meeting to address all issues and concerns. 34/15 Local Plans and Neighbourhood Planning Cllr Stenton-Chandler presented the Planning Report to the Parish Council. The report was reviewed, approved and the Parish Council RESOLVED the decisions made by the Planning Advisory Committee as appropriate. Details follow: New planning applications: The Planning and Development Committee has reviewed the following applications. HDC has been or will be advised of the Parish Council’s recommendations as follows: HDC Application number DC/15/0134 DC/15/0089 Date validated by HDC Address & Post Code of application Nature of application Name Applicant or Agent Comment 21-Jan-15 Stone Cottage, Lyons Road, Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0QT Single storey link extension, single storey rear extension and garage conversion to form dining room Dr S Webb No objection 4/4 23-Jan-15 Waterland Farm Cottage, Waterlands Lane, Rowhook West Sussex RH12 3PX Demolition of existing cottage and construction of new 2 storey, 3 bedroom house Mrs E Armstrong Refer to HDC for clarification re anomalies on site drawings and purpose of build Applications permitted, refused and withdrawn: HDC Application number Address & Post Code of application Nature of application Status Feedback to HDC Planning Committee (Date) DC/14/2717 Eastedfield Wood, Five Oaks Road Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 Replacement of existing cabin to be used for Woodland Management purposes and recreation (amendments to DC/2280 involving re-siting of cabin) Application Permitted Objection - future development rights should be restricted New detached 2 bedroomed house Application Refused No Objection Replacement swimming pool equipment enclosure Application Refused No Objection Conversion and extension of existing brick shed to provide residential use as a annexe to the main dwelling Affects the setting of a Listed Building Application Permitted No objection provided annex is tied to the main dwelling DC/14/2621 DC/14/2558 DC/14/2009 DC/13/2280 DC/13/1685 4 1 Railway Cotts, Spring Lane, RH13 0RT Park Farm, Park Street, Slinfold RH13 0RB Stablehayes, Five Oaks Road, Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0SX Eastedfield Wood, Five Oaks Road Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 Replacement of existing cabin to be used for Woodland Management purposes and recreation Application Permitted 19/12 - Resolved Objection. Concern that this will become a permanent dwelling. The size is inappropriate for the intended use. Rapkyns Care Centre Guildford Road BBH West Sussex RH12 3PQ Variation of Condition 22 (The development hereby approved shall be used for nursing care of adult patients with mental and/or physical impairment and for no other purpose (including any other purpose in any class of the schedule to the Town and Country (Use Classes) Order 1987) of planning permission DC/10/1889 (Additional special care facilities) Application Permitted HDC 27/9, No Objection 2014/5 Planning applications pending consideration or decision by HDC (for information only) HDC Application number Date received by HDC Address & Post Code of application Nature of application Name Applicant or Agent Feedback to HDC Planning Committee (Date) DC/15/0001/2 23-Dec14 The Cowshed, Nowhurst Lane, West Sussex RH12 3PJ Proposed rear extension, replacement front door and screen set and provision of 1No. section of wall infill Mr & Mrs Hutchinson No Objection 30-Dec15 Ironwood House Clapgate Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0QU Works to 2 trees (Trees in a Conservation Area) Mr R Simms No Objection DC/14/2453 20-Nov14 Aptos, Nibletts Yard, Hayes Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0SA Conversion of Barns Mr Phil Pavey No Objection DC/14/0812 20-May14 Lane End, Lyons Road RH13 0QS Replacement Barn Mr D Williams No Objection DC/15/0030 Appeals: Cllr G S-C asked to attend APP/Z3825/A/14/2224668 Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/Z3825/A/14/2224668 Horsham District Council Planning Application Reference: DC/13/2408 Name of Appellant(s): Gleeson Developments Ltd and Trustees Description of Application: Outline application for the erection of up to 165 residential dwellings (use class C3) including affordable housing, a 60-bed care home (use class C2) with separate staff accommodation, two new vehicular accesses, associated infrastructure, ground works, open space and landscaping (Outline) Enforcements: None Neighbourhood Planning Update 1. Over 50 Plans have now been approved at referenda in England. The latest in West Sussex was Hurstpierpoint 2. Initial contact has been made with Abingdon Strategic Ltd on site in Spring Lane. No plans available yet. 3. Dowsett Mayhew’s Scoping Report for the Sustainability Appraisal was approved. 4. The WG has now received notice of 8 potential sites. Since these sites more than fulfil any potential housing need in the Parish it was decided to hold a Public Consultation on these in April 5. Slinfold Developments has decided to move directly to a Public Consultation on its site to the North of the Cricket Pitch 6. The target date for production of the Draft Plan will be advanced. Dates to be confirmed at the next meeting. 7. Further funding from Locality will be available in April, which should meet planned costs until submission of Draft Plan. 8. Next Meetings Wednesday 18th March & Tuesday 21st April 5 35/15 Reports from the District Councillor(s) and County Councillor Cllr. Kitchen (County) spoke on Local and National traffic controllers having acknowledged that there was a difference in flight paths pre and post the summer trials and that this was being looked into. Cllr. Youtan (District) spoke regarding the East of Hayes Lane site and that she had asked to be informed by HDC planners if they were approached by anyone regarding this site. No such notification had been received. Advised that Mr S Ali (Prime UK Land Ltd) had approached HDC re development of Lower Broadbridge Farm and Lyons Farm but the consensus of opinion among the planners was not to support such an application. HDC had agreed their budget last night and there were to be no Council tax increases. 36/15 Finance SPC Ref Payee £ Saxon Weald DD N/A Saxon Weald £58.98 CLERKS SALARY 200779 121 MRS M BURROUGHS CLERKS EXPENSES 200780 122 MRS M BURROUGHS ECO SALARY & EXPENSES 200781 123 MR T MOTHE Pension 200782 124 WSCC Pension Fund £229.16 Hall Rental 200783 125 Slinfold Village Hall £69.50 NP 200784 126 Jane Bromley Clerk 200785 127 Jane Bromley Survey Monkey 200786 128 MRS M BURROUGHS Chair Allow 200787 129 Camilla Gibson Grant 200788 130 CAGNE TOTAL i) £29.04 £26.00 £500.00 2,275.42 Comment Monthly charge for garage rental VAT Salary 0.00 Expenses 0.00 Salary & Expenses 0.00 Clerks & PC Hall Rental December PC £27.50, NP £42.00 NP Admin Acting Clerk hours and expenses Feb to March 2015 Chairman's Allowance Grant awarded Jan 2015 9.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.33 0.00 0.00 14.17 It was RESOLVED to approve payments totalling £2275.42 for February 2015 (as reviewed by members present). Details of salaries are available upon request. ii) Bank Account updates -Lloyds account is now open but the Coop account will be run down before it is used. Cllrs Bailey and Gibson to provide Clerk with passport and utility bill to enable them to apply as signatories. A complaint was made to Lloyds Group Chief Executive for the delay in opening the new account which resulted in the account being opened the same day and a compensation payment of £286. 6 37/15 Communications with Councillors To be carried forward to the next meeting. 38/15 Land behind Hayes Lane/Cherry Tree Tree removal on the site is to occur commencing 2nd March. 39/15 Highways & Footpaths Hayes Lane drainage update – Cllr Wellesley-Wood with regard to proposed works under Operation Watershed, proof of flooding is required; therefore no progress at the moment. The lights had gone out on the corner of Hayes Lane. 40/15 Consultations, Meetings and Projects Nothing to report 41/15 Clerks Announcements and Documents for Circulation Parish Councillor nomination packs had been circulated. A timetable of important dates for submission of nominations was included and councillors were reminded that the nomination forms must be delivered by hand. 42/15 Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies The Youth Club is going well (20 children at the last meeting). If attendance numbers continue they would be looking for permanent premises. Parish Cottages should be included in the Parish Conservation area or an application for their listing made. 43/15 Member’s questions and comments If was anticipated that the Clerk, Mary Burroughs would be back at the next full Parish Council meeting. 44/15 Items for the monthly Slinfold Magazine Bank scam as reported by PCSO Tracy Field. Upcoming Neighbourhood Plan Consultation on 17th and 18th April 2015 45/15 Next meeting(s) 7 Thursday 05-Mar-15 Finance - CANCELLED 7.30pm Thursday 26 - Mar- 15 Parish Council 7.30pm Thursday 23-Apr-15 Highways 6:30pm Thursday 23-Apr-15 Finance 7.30pm Thursday 30-Apr-15 Annual Parish Meeting 7.00pm Thursday 30-Apr-15 Parish Council Follows APM