NET METERING APPLICATION ELECTRIC UTILITY CONTACT INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application Number Consumers Energy Interconnection Coordinator 1945 West Parnall Road (Room P24-332B) Jackson, MI 49201 (517)788-1432 Net Metering E-Mail: Date and Time Application Received CUSTOMER / ACCOUNT INFORMATION Customer Name (Last, First Middle) Electric Utility Customer Information (As shown on utility bill) Customer Mailing Address Customer Phone Number Customer E-Mail Address (Optional) ( ) Electric Service Account # Electric Service Meter Number Are you interested in selling Renewable Energy Credits (REC’s)? Do you have an Alternative Electric Supplier? Yes No Yes No If Yes, Name Notes: Enter name ONLY if your energy is supplied by a 3rd party, not the utility. You must apply to both the Distribution Utility and your Alternate Energy Provider (if applicable) for Net Metering GENERATION SYSTEM SITE INFORMATION Have you Completed a Generator Interconnection Application Yes Interconnection Application Number, if Known No Have you Executed an Interconnection and Parallel Operating Agreement Yes Physical Site Service Address (If Not Billing Address) No Annual Site Requirements Without Generation in Kilowatt Hours kWh/year Peak Annual Site Demand in Kilowatts (only for customers billed on Demand Rates) kW GENERATION SYSTEM INFORMATION System Type (Solar, Wind, Biomass, Fuel Cell, Geothermal, etc) Generator Nameplate Rating Expected Annual Output in Kilowatt Hours kW kWh/year CUSTOMER SIGNATURE AND FEES Attach $25 Net Metering Application Fee Check # Money Order # Sign and Return Completed Application with Application Fee to Electric Utility Contact To the best of my knowledge, all the information provided in this application form is complete and correct. Customer Signature: Form 1217 6-2009 Date Page 1 of 2 SAMPLE ONE-LINE DRAWING NET METERING UL 1741 SCOPE 1.1A COMPLIANT Customer 2 Pole xx Amp Located: House Service Panel Breaker #:a in/out Customer 2 Pole xx Amp Located: House Service Panel Breaker #:Main Visible Break AC Disconnect Located External to Building Lockable, Taggable, Accessible to Utility GEN Utility Installed Revenue Meter Customer Installed Enclosure Inverter / Generator Manufacturer: XYZ Corp Make: AAA Model: 2000aa Voltage: 240VAC Connection: 240 Phase to Phase Note: Legible Hand Drawn One-Line is Acceptable Form 1217 6-2009 Page 2 of 2