______________________________________________________________________________ Keller Engineers, Inc.
1. Only the area needed to effectively perform the proposed bridge replacement and necessary
approach work will be disturbed. All disturbed areas will be restored and revegetated with
native, non-invasive, species as part of construction. The District Environmental Unit will be
contacted to determine the appropriate native species seed mixture to be utilized. Any
seeding and revegetation will conform with Executive Order 13112 to prevent the
introduction or spread of invasive species within the highway right-of-way.
2. An Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan will be approved by the Somerset County
Conservation District for review. Proper construction sequencing and appropriate E&S
Control measures will be implemented and maintained to avoid or minimize E&S impacts.
Any earth disturbance greater than 1 acre will require a General NPDES permit to be
obtained as part of the final design process.
3. Access will be maintained to adjacent properties throughout construction.
4. The contractor will comply with PADEP Title 25 Regulations to minimize impacts to air
quality during construction.
5. Any required staging and waste disposal areas will be located in upland/non wetland areas
removed from sensitive environmental resources. The necessary due diligence determination
for any excess excavated material will be performed during final design.
6. Construction equipment will be well maintained and fitted with properly functioning mufflers
to minimize noise impacts.
7. T&E letters, or HGIS will be updated for this project six months prior to construction.
8. Coordination with utility companies will take place during final design.
9. Any utility involvement will be coordinated with the District Utility Relocation Unit prior to
construction. Appropriate utilities will be notified prior to the start of any excavation in
accordance with PA One Call.
10. The PA Fish and Boat Commission and Somerset County Conservation District must be
notified 7 days prior to any work in or around Flaugherty Creek. No in-stream work of any
kind, (See attached letter from the PFBC in section A-3) will be permitted from April 1st
through July 1st of each year and strict adherence to the approved erosion and sediment
controls will be required due to the presence of the Pennsylvania Endangered Longnose
Sucker. In addition, all equipment and fuel storage tanks must be located a minimum of 100
feet away from any streams, watercourses, or wetlands.
Conduct detailed drainage and geotechnical studies, as necessary, during pre-final and final