ISLAM PROGRESSION BELIEFS,TEACHINGS AND SOURCES AT1 PRACTICES AND WAYS OF LIFE AT1 EXPRESSING MEANING AT1 IDENTITY, DIVERSITY & BELONGING AT 1 MEANING, PURPOSE & TRUTH AT1 VALUES &COMMITMENTS AT1 Worship of Allah. Islamic belief in angels e.g everyone has two angels looking after them. Family life Allah is the one true God, the creator and provider of all good things Islamic values expressed in everyday life. UNIT 1 Allah is the Islamic name for God. Muslims believe that: Allah is the One True God and has no partners Allah is the Creator Allah sent guidance through the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the Qur’an. The revealed book for Muslims, treated with great respect Muslims serve Allah in many ways, including daily salah. Cleanliness before prayer(wudu) Festivals, specifically Id-ul-Fitr and Id-ulAdha. Stories from the life of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) The naming of a child Preparing for and celebrating festivals Belief in the hereafter Respect for each other, parents, elders and children and guests Honesty and good manners Responsibility for all creation Importance of visiting AT2 pupils should reflect, ask their own questions and suggest answers to questions such as e.g. How do you learn good manners/ how to welcome guests? Do you believe in angels? Which other religions feature angels? What do you think is the role of angels? Page 1 of 5 ISLAM PROGRESSION BELIEFS,TEACHINGS AND SOURCES AT1 PRACTICES AND WAYS OF LIFE AT1 EXPRESSING MEANING AT1 IDENTITY, DIVERSITY & BELONGING AT 1 MEANING, PURPOSE & TRUTH AT1 VALUES &COMMITMENTS AT1 Shahadah and acts of worship Read Surahs 16:1-21, 66-70, 77-83 on the wonders of creation. The meaning of Ummah in Islam The future- belief in the hereafter Islamic values expressed in everyday life -family life, the roles of mother and father. UNIT 2 Belief in Allah as the one true God Sources of guidance include: The Qur’an, Stories from the life and traditions of Prophet Muhammad -Salah and wudu, the meaning of the actions. Sawm and Id-ul-Fitr Stories about the Prophets Ibrahim, Musa, Dawud and Isa Zakah and Khums Features of Mosques, why are Mosques special places for Muslims? Qur’an is treated with respect. Islamic greetings, and their meaning. Human beings are the best of His creation. Respect for teachers, elders, the learned and wise Concern for the poor - Hajj and Il-ud-Adha Birth rituals AT2 pupils should reflect, ask their own questions and suggest answers to questions such as: - What does Islam teach us about treating others with respect? Consider ‘idols’ in Islam and how people respond to them. Consider why Muslims may prefer to keep their traditions and texts in their original language. What are the meanings of certain names in Islam and why might people choose them for their children? How was your name chosen? Discuss the importance for Muslims of putting Islamic principles and beliefs into practice. Talk about self-discipline in Islam – why it is important and how it might be achieved? Page 2 of 5 ISLAM PROGRESSION BELIEFS,TEACHINGS AND SOURCES AT1 PRACTICES AND WAYS OF LIFE AT1 EXPRESSING MEANING AT1 IDENTITY, DIVERSITY & BELONGING AT 1 MEANING, PURPOSE & TRUTH AT1 VALUES &COMMITMENTS AT1 Muslims believe that Allah is the One True God who has no partners and nothing is comparable to him The attributes of Allah recorded in Surah 1, Surah 112. and Surah 59: 22-24 e.g. Ar-Rahman (all Gracious), Ar-Rahim (All Merciful) Further study of Tawhid Worship –Friday prayers (Jumu’ah) The principles of equality are demonstrated by salah when it is performed in a group. The importance of religion, culture, family and social structures for a Muslim in modern Britain. The importance of the Mosque The Day of Judgement, Akhirah (life after death) and Qadar. The life of Prophet Muhammad in its historical context. Charitable acts (sadaquah), acts of kindness, thoughtfulness and those directed at the welfare of society The importance of self-discipline in Islam and how this might be achieved. Obedience, responsibility and loyalty. Islamic conduct and ethics The significance of Islam in the ordering of Muslim family life. Human beings have a responsibility to care for the environment. -Sadaqah UNIT 3 Acts of worship, giving thanks, asking forgiveness, praying for others Study the compilation of Hadith. Hygiene and diet Fasting The passages of the Qur’an which describe Allah as the provider of all good things e.g. 10:5-6; 30:20-24 and 16:1-21, 66-70, 77-83 How and why Qur’an is treated with respect. Islam's answers to questions about the universe. Respect for people of other faiths Muslims and other ‘people of the book’ (Jews and Christians) AT2 pupils should reflect, ask their own questions and suggest answers to questions such as e.g. How can your actions benefit society? Discuss the importance of Islamic teaching on giving to those in need. Do you believe that your life will be judged? What good / bad deeds have you done today? What would you ‘submit’ to? Page 3 of 5 ISLAM PROGRESSION BELIEFS,TEACHINGS AND SOURCES AT1 PRACTICES AND WAYS OF LIFE AT1 EXPRESSING MEANING AT1 IDENTITY, DIVERSITY & BELONGING AT 1 MEANING, PURPOSE & TRUTH AT1 VALUES &COMMITMENTS AT1 Through the study of Qur’anic text, consider the human rights guaranteed by the application of Shari’ah. The impact of Islamic religion on history, tradition and values. Belief in Akhirah (life after death). Islamic teachings on accountability and moral decisionmaking. UNIT 4 Allah's attributes How Tawhid permeates all aspects Absolute monotheism of thought and practice. Iman (faith) Muslim community Qur’an as the main life in Great Britain source of Shar’iah. and Europe. law Examine how Muslims relate to non-Muslims. Compare rights under the Shari’ah with aspects of British legal practice. The challenges for a Muslim person of living in a modern multi-faith society. Islamic world view. Greater and lesser jihad How naturally occurring patterns e.g. snowflakes, honeycombs, spiders webs, might contribute to an understanding of Tawhid. Islamic teachings on responsibility and the nature of effective leadership. Islamic teaching to contemporary issues Different views regarding the Developing spiritually succession to the by trying to be a good prophet, Sunni and example Shi’ah AT2 pupils should reflect, ask their own questions and suggest answers to questions such as e.g. would you want to live under Shariah law? Give reasons for your answer. Is Jihad a good ideal to strive for? Is Islam fairly represented in the British press? Page 4 of 5 ISLAM PROGRESSION BELIEFS,TEACHINGS AND SOURCES AT1 PRACTICES AND WAYS OF LIFE AT1 EXPRESSING MEANING AT1 IDENTITY, DIVERSITY & BELONGING AT 1 MEANING, PURPOSE & TRUTH AT1 VALUES &COMMITMENTS AT1 How Shariah affects every day life – Islamic artists, scholars and scientists. Practising Islam in a non Muslim environment Islamic literature and culture The impact of religious differences in politics Beliefs about life after Islamic education death Usury and interest Al-Mahdi-the rightly guided one who will Islamic economic appear and lead the values Ummah and restore justice on earth Ecological issues UNIT 5 Beliefs about Allah The importance of Tawhid. Political Beliefs about humanity – all created from one soul, mutually interdependent Economic Social Religious aspects of Shariah AT2 pupils should reflect, ask their own questions and suggest answers to questions such as e.g. How does Islam influence politics in the Middle East? What is the effect of many rulers being Sunni Muslims, while the majority of the population may be Shi’ah? Are Islamic laws regarding usury helpful in modern Britain? Page 5 of 5