KINE 4300 -

KINE 4300 Final Exam Practice Test
1. Which of the following factors will help to ensure that a
test is objective?
 a well-defined scoring method for the test
2. What is the characteristic of an assessment task
relating to the setting in which the assessment is
designed to occur called?
 authenticity
3. What is a major threat to the validity of subjective test
 bias
4. Developing a table of specifications demonstrates
what type of validity?
 content-related validity
5. An open-ended item on a questionnaire is most like
which type of written test item?
 essay
6. Which of Bloom's categories of educational objectives
is most like Ebel's category of "factual information"?
 knowledge
7. A table of specifications for a written test helps to
answer which of the following questions?
 what to test
8. If a table of specifications calls for 20% of the 50
questions on a test to measure recall (knowledge)
and 30% of them to measure strategy, how many of
the test items should deal with recall (knowledge) of
 3
9. A teacher is scheduled to give an examination to four
classes on December 1. The teacher begins
coaching duties on December 1. If the four classes
have been covering the same material in class and
average 25 pupils each, what type of test should the
teacher administer and why?
 multiple-choice; more time to construct the test
than to correct it
10. What is the major difference between objective and
essay items?
 Objective items are more reliable.
11. What increases when additional items are added to
a written test?
 reliability
12. Assuming that 15% body fat is considered ideal for
males, how much weight must Shawn lose if he
weighs 200 lb and has been measured to be 21%
 14 lb
13. In a true/false test the majority of the items are of
what type?
 knowledge
14. Which of the following items would probably
correlate the highest with laboratory methods of
estimating maximal oxygen uptake?
 9 min run
15. Ideally, how difficult should the items be that
comprise written achievement tests?
 Most items should be of moderate difficulty.
16. Which of the following is most important with an
achievement test?
 the discrimination index
17. What major advantage do multiple-choice questions
have over true/false items?
 Guessing is less of a factor.
18. The following information was obtained on a recent
item analysis of a sample multiple-choice question:
answer option A---difficulty = .14 and discrimination
= -.10; answer option B---difficulty = .20 and
discrimination = -.24; answer option C---difficulty =
.48 and discrimination = .48; answer option D--difficulty = .18 and discrimination = -.01. The correct
answer to this sample item was C. Estimate the
quality of the test question.
 good item
19. What do item characteristics difficulty (P) and
discrimination (r or D) impact?
 both a and b
20. For a 50-item test given to 140 students,
approximately how many of the answer sheets
would be used in an item analysis?
 76
21. What type of validity is provided by having a fellow
teacher review the items on the test?
 content validity
22. Which of the following is the primary concern when
grading an essay examination?
 objectivity
23. Which type of reliability estimate would least likely
be used with a written test?
 intraclass reliability
24. To whom should alternative assessments be
 the students
25. What should be the first step in the grading process?
 determining instructional objectives
26. A meaningful alternative assessment must consist of
which of the following two parts?
 assessment task and performance criteria
27. Which of the following subject areas is more likely to
have used forms of alternative, performance-based
assessment for evaluating students?
 physical education
28. What is the best way to make a multiple-choice item
more difficult?
 include more options
29. The most popular youth fitness batteries include
health-related fitness tests. Which test battery
includes a test of motor fitness?
 the President's Challenge
30. Use the following information to determine the
correct composite score: test A---weight 35%, score
90; test B---weight 35%, score 88; and test C--weight 30%, score 70.
 86
31. Grading is a
 summative evaluation
32. What is the biggest disadvantage of using arbitrary
standards in grading?
 consistency
33. Ideally, which of the following should be most
reflected in a student's grade?
 the achievement of each student
34. You want to grade on the "normal curve." What
characteristic of the distribution are you most
concerned about?
 how skewed the class is
35. How does the ACTIVITYGRAM differ from the
 The ACTIVITYGRAM measures typical daily
36. Which type of test is LEAST likely to appear in a
health-related fitness test battery?
 agility
37. What type of test item is least likely to appear in a
health-related physical fitness test battery?
 balance
38. A test battery contains the following three items:
distance runs, skinfolds, and trunk extension. What
does the test battery measure?
 health-related physical fitness
39. What method should be used to obtain a composite
score when scores from the various tests involved are
measured on an interval scale and are normally
 standard score method
40. Which method of assigning grades provides the
teacher with the most information about student
performance on a given test, but is highly studentdependent?
 natural breaks