KINE 4300 -

KINE 4300 Test 3 Practice Test Answers – The Correct
Answers are in RED
1. To whom should assessments be meaningful?
 parents
 school administrators
 the teacher
 fellow teachers
 the students
2. What should be the first step in the grading process?
 recording the scores
 summing the scores
 averaging the scores
 determining the weight for each test score
 determining instructional objectives
3. A meaningful assessment must consist of which of the
following two parts?
 assessment task and performance criteria
 stated purpose and student outcomes
 normative standards and scoring procedures
 authentic setting and ecological validity
4. The most popular youth fitness batteries include
health-related fitness tests. Which test battery
includes a test of motor fitness?
 the President's Challenge
 both a and b
 neither a nor b
5. Grading is a
 measurement process
 formative evaluation
 summative evaluation
 criterion-referenced evaluation
6. What is the biggest disadvantage of using arbitrary
standards in grading?
 consistency
 accuracy
 representation of student performance
 feasibility
 none of the above
7. You want to grade on the "normal curve." What
characteristic of the distribution are you most
concerned about?
 how homogeneous the class is
 how heterogeneous the class is
 how skewed the class is
 the class mean and standard deviation
8. How does the ACTIVITYGRAM differ from the
 The ACTIVITYGRAM is easier to use.
 The ACTIVITYGRAM can be used for all ages.
 The ACTIVITYGRAM measures typical daily
 The ACTIVITYGRAM is part of the
9. Which type of test is LEAST likely to appear in a
health-related fitness test battery?
 agility
 endurance
 flexibility
 strength
10. What type of test item is LEAST likely to appear in a
health-related physical fitness test battery?
 muscular endurance
 strength
 cardiovascular endurance
 balance
11. A test battery contains the following three items:
distance runs, skinfolds, and trunk extension. What
does the test battery measure?
 health-related physical fitness
 cardiovascular efficiency
 muscular endurance
 motor fitness
12. What should be the first step in the grading process?
 recording the scores
 summing the scores
 averaging the scores
 determining the weight for each test score
 determining instructional objectives
13 Which of the following tests measures components of
health-related physical fitness?
 dips and 440 yd dash
 flexed-arm hang and sit-up test
 1 mi run and standing broad jump
 12 min run and 50 yd dash
14 Which of the following is the major factor preventing
measurement of maximal oxygen uptake in a high
school physical education class?
 feasibility
 objectivity
 reliability
 validity
15 Using a mean composite score or a total composite
score would make no difference under which of the
following conditions?
 Every individual score was obtained for
every student.
 All scores were in T score format.
 Objectives were weighted equally.
 When natural breaks occur in the data.
16 The lack of a clear definition of what a particular grade
means negatively affects which of the following
attributes most seriously?
 objectivity
 relevance
 reliability
 validity
17 Which of the following is the LEAST important
consideration in determining objectives?
 whether the objective can be measured
 whether the necessary facilities are
available to meet the objective
 whether all students have an equal
opportunity to accomplish the objective
 whether the objective is a defensible
educational goal
18 What is the advantage of considering a grade to be a
measurement rather than an evaluation?
 It is less susceptible to a particular teacher's
 Measurements require less precision than
 Evaluations convey less information than
 Evaluations don't convey reward or
19 What method should be used to obtain a composite
score when scores from the various tests involved
are measured on an interval scale and are normally
 There is no way to obtain composite scores
in this situation.
 normalizing method
 rank method
 standard score method
20 If scores were normalized, what T score would be
assigned to a score that happened to fall at the mean
of its raw score distribution?
 0
 50
 75
 need mean and standard deviation data
 one standard of achievement for each test
 two standards of achievement for each test
 three standards of achievement for each
 percentiles
 standard scores
22 If a teacher assumes the normal curve to extend from
-3 to +3 standard deviation units, uses a grading
system having five grades (A, B, C, D, F), and has
composite scores that are precisely normal in shape,
what percentage of A's will she award?
 1.5%
 3.5%
 5.5%
 need more information
23 When is the grading procedure most seriously
affected by the fact that all testing is unreliable to
some degree?
 when a relative grading system is used
 when an absolute grading system is used
 when grading is based on improvement
rather than achievement
 when grading is based on achievement
rather than effort and attitude
24 Tests such as curl-ups and push-ups
 are positively related to body weight
 are negatively related to body weight
 are unrelated to body weight
 are positively related to BMI
 are unrelated to BMI
25 Adequate practice trials by children taking a fitness
test will improve
 reliability
 relevance
 validity
 feasibility
 all of the above
26 What is a test battery?
 a youth fitness test
 an adult fitness test
 a valid test
 a series of test items
27 Which test item is NOT common to all youth fitness
test batteries?
 body composition
 aerobic capacity
 flexibility
 strength
28 What differentiates the FITNESSGRAM from most
other youth fitness batteries?
 the lower reliabilities reported
 the computer program available
 the evaluative system is criterion-referenced
 the types of items used to test fitness
29 What is the biggest disadvantage of using arbitrary
standards in grading?
 consistency
 accuracy
 representation of student performance
 feasibility
 none of the above
30 Grading is a
 measurement process
 formative evaluation
 summative evaluation
 criterion-referenced evaluation
31 Use the following information to determine the correct
composite score: test A---weight 35%, score 90; test
B---weight 35%, score 88; and test C---weight 30%,
score 70.
 73
 78
 83
 86
32 Which method of assigning grades provides the
teacher with the most information about student
performance on a given test, but is highly studentdependent?
 normal curve
 teacher standards
 natural breaks
 norms
33 Which statement would most likely be made by a
teacher using an absolute grading system?
 An equal number of A's and F's will be given
in this class.
 All scores below 70% of the maximum will
be considered failures.
 The student achieving the highest score will
receive an A.
 The scores on each test will be relatively
normally distributed.
34 Physical activity behaviors during childhood are
 unrelated to adult physical activity behaviors
 useful in the prediction of academic
 related to adult physical activity behaviors
 useful in the prediction of adult athletic