FINAL STATE EXAMINATION IN AMERICAN LITERATURE AND STUDIES (M.A. EXAMINATION) Concerns those who have passed State Exam I The exam consists of two questions: literary history (30-40 min. approx.) and a discussion of a book of literary criticism (15-20 min. approx., see List below). Literary history: The candidate will concentrate on explaining developmental tendencies and important structural features of American literature. The questions will be formulated from wider areas of topics. An independent conception and structuring of the whole answer are also assessed (the answer does not have to follow chronological order). Examples of areas: - development of the American novel (narrative methods in the American novel from its beginnings to the present; contemporary prose and its links with various traditions in the history of the novel; types of characterization in various periods; etc.) - development of the American drama (American versions of comedy and tragedy; American theatre and its audience - position of theatre in public life; the language of the American drama; interpretations of the American realities on the stage; etc.) - development of American poetry (development of poetic forms from colonial to the present period; the language of American poetry; Romanticism and Modernism in American poetry; contemporary and its audiences; etc.) - the history of American thinking about literature (puritan, romantic, transcendental, and modernist views of literature; main directions in literary theory and critical thinking in this century; etc.) These are not exam questions, they should only provide orientation for the candidate as to what will be expected of her/him. The aim of the exam is to show that one has mastered a sufficient volume of facts and knowledge and is capable of independent and inventive thinking. Discussion of a book of literary criticism The candidate will choose one monograph written in English from the list below. She/he will concentrate on: - general characteristic of the method and its place in the history of literary theory or criticism - summary of the main theme of the book - characterization of the material the work is based on - characterization of the outer and inner structure of the work - relation of the work to the contemporary theoretical and critical thinking READING LIST Primary Texts If the title is not specified, or preceded by „from“, read the selection of texts in The Norton Anthology, 5th ed., 1998 ( Q 470 a,b; v seznamu četby označeno N5), or 3rd ed., 1985 (N3) where also many of the works listed below are reprinted. If the publication details of a particular edition are specified, then this is intended only to give a general idea of the extent of reading required where that particular author is concerned. 1. Beginnings to 1800 John Smith, from The Generall Historie of Virginia N5 Thomas Morton, from New English Canaan N5 William Bradford, from Of Plymouth Plantation N5 John Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity N5 Anne Bradstreet, poems N5 Mary Rowlandson, A Narrative of Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson N5 Edward Taylor, poems N5 Cotton Mather, from The Wonders of the Invisible World N5 Samuel Sewall, from Diary N5 Jonathan Edwards, A Divine and Supernatural Light, N5 Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God N5 Images or Shadows of Divine Things N5 Benjamin Franklin, The Autobiography Q 92, N5 J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur, from The Letters from an American Farmer N5 Phillis Wheatley, poems N5 Thomas Paine, from Common Sense N5 from The Crisis N5 Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence N5 The Federalist# 1, 10 N5 Philip Freneau, poems N5 Charles Brockden Brown, Wieland Ef 2179 2. 1800-1865 Washington Irving, „Rip van Winkle,“ Q 69, Ef 1271, Ef 179/XXVIII., N5 „The Legend of a Sleepy Hollow“ Q 69, Ef 1271, Ef 179/XXVIII., N5 James Fenimore Cooper, The Pioneers Ef 1207, Ef 160 h The Last of the Mohicans Q 315 „Notions of the Americans“ N3 William Cullen Bryant, poems N5 Edgar Allan Poe, poems Ef 1234, N5, tales Ef 223, Ef 224, Ef 225, N5, essays N5 Ralph Waldo Emerson, essays N5, Ef 100 e, k, V 358 Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave Q 317 Henry David Thoreau, „Resistance to Civil Government“ N5, „Life without Principle“ N5 Walden, or Life in the Woods Q 84, Ef 465, Ef 2677, N5 Margaret Fuller, from The Great Lawsuit N5 Nathaniel Hawthorne, tales Q 28, Q 395, Q 73, N5 The Scarlet Letter Q 62, Ef 1305-1310, Q 28, N5 Herman Melville, „Hawthorne and His Mosses“ N5 „Bartleby the Scrivener“ N5, Ef 454, Ef 1209, Ef 1229, Ef 1359, Ef 1675, Ef 503, Q 112 „Benito Cereno“ N5, Ef 454, Ef 1209, Ef 1229, Ef 1359, Ef 1675, Ef 503, Q 112 Moby Dick Q 27, Ef 1222, Ef 2545 Billy Budd Q 68, N5 3. 1865-1917 Walt Whitman, from Leaves of Grass Q 417, Q 61, Ef 267, N5 Democratic Vistas N5 „A Backward Glance o’er Travel’d Roads“ N5 Emily Dickinson, poems Q 416, N5 Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin Q 447 Samuel Langhorne Clemens, „The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County“ Q 58, N5 from Roughing It N5 The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg Q 58, N3 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Q 315, Q 386, Q 63, N5 Bret Harte, „The Outcasts of Poker Flat“ N5 William Dean Howells, The Rise of Silas Lapham Q 319 Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary Ef 2245 Kate Chopin, The Awakening Q 111, Ef 2296, N5 Henry James, „The Real Thing“ N5, Ef 466, Ef 1215, Ef 1388, Ef 1647 Daisy Miller Q 314, N5 or The American Q 391 The Portrait of a Lady Q 414, Q 438 The Turn of the Screw Q 87, Q 436, N3 The Ambassadors Q 25, Q 413, or The Wings of the Dove Q 451, or The Golden Bowl Q 26, Q 450 Charles W. Chesnutt, The Goophered Grapevine N5 Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage Q 312, Ef 1520 „The Open Boat“ Ef 1532, N5 „The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky“ Ef 1532, N5 Frank Norris, Mc Teague Q 310 or The Octopus Ef 400 Jack London, The Call of the Wild V 397, Ef 198, Ef 1284, Ef 2295 Theodore Dreiser, Sister Carrie Q 313 or An American Tragedy Ef 369, Ef 2585 Henry Adams, from The Education of Henry Adams N5 Charlotte Perkins Gilman, „The Yellow Wallpaper“ Q 398, N5 Edith Wharton, The House of Mirth Q 411 or The Age of Innocence Ef 172, Ef 2579 Willa Cather, O, Pioneers! Q 410 or My Antonia Ef 5, Ef 1326, N5 Gertrude Simmons Bonnin (Zitkala Sa), Impressions of an Indian Childhood, N5 The School Days of an Indian Girl, N5 An Indian Teacher Among Indians N5 4. 1918-1945 Sherwood Anderson, Norton selection from Winesburg, Ohio Ef 491, Ef 1510, Ef 1335, N5 F.Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby Q 221, Ef 1622 Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms Q 223 or The Sun Also Rises Q 399 Eugene O’Neill, one major play (N5 obsahuje A Long Day’s Journey into the Night) Langston Hughes, poems N5 Zora Neale Hurston, Norton selection from Their Eyes Were Watching God Q 379, N5 William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury Q 12 or As I Lay Dying Q 14, N5 Light in August Ef 1008 or Absalom! Absalom! Q 13 Robert Frost, Selected Poems (ed.I.Hamilton) Ef 2687 Ezra Pound, Selected Poems (Faber & Faber) Ef 2246, Ef 2685 E.E. Cummings, poems N5 William Carlos Williams, poems N5 Hart Crane, Norton selection from The Bridge N5 T.S.Eliot, Collected Poems Ec 169, Ec 282, Ec 739, Mi 667, Ec 666, Ef 2512 Marianne Moore, poems N5 Wallace Stevens, Selected Poems (Faber & Faber) Ef 2686 John Steinbeck, Grapes of Wrath Q 222; or Of Mice and Men Ef 782, Ef 1535 and Tortilla Flat Ef 923 Nathanael West, Miss Lonelyhearts or The Day of the Locust Q 66 Richard Wright, Native Son Q 309 5. 1945-2001 Edward Albee, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Ef 1322 or Zoo Story Ef 1612, Q 33, Ef 1279, Ef 2344 Sam Shepard, True West or Buried Child Ef 1915 Bernard Malamud, one collection of short stories Leslie Marmon Silko, one novel, or Louise Erdrich, one novel Joseph Heller, Catch 22 Ef 1372 Ken Kesey, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Ef 1333 Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman Q 65, N5 Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire Ef 2271, Ef 2310, Ef 2679, N5 Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man Q 17, Q 318 Allen Ginsberg, poems N5 Elizabeth Bishop, Complete Poems Ef 1994, Ef 2689 Sylvia Plath, poems N5 Robert Lowell, Selected Poems (Faber & Faber, ed. M. Hofmann) Ef 2684 John Berryman, poems N5 John Ashbery, Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror N5, Ef 2605 James Merrill, Selected Poems (Carcanet ed.) Ef 2688 Jorie Graham, Dream of the Unified Field: Selected Poems Ec 709, N3 Louise Glück, The Wild Iris, N3 Adrienne Rich, poems N5 Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita Ea 2202, Q 401, Mi 736 Norman Mailer, „The Man Who Studied Yoga“ N3 James Baldwin, Norton selection from The Fire Next Time N3 Flannery O’Connor, „Good Country People“, „The Life You Save May Be Your Own“ N5 Eudora Welty, „Petrified Man“ N5 John Cheever, „The Swimmer“ N5 Philip Roth, one novel Saul Bellow, one novel John Updike, one novel John Barth, „Life Story“ N3 Thomas Pynchon, The Crying of Lot 49 Q 325 or Gravity’s Rainbow Ef 2600 or Mason & Dixon Q 446, Ef 2603 Toni Morrison, Beloved Q 337 or Jazz Ef 2323, Ef 2380 Michael S. Harper, poems N5 or LeRoi Jones, poems N5 N. Scott Momaday, Norton selection from The Way to Rainy Mountain N5 Maxine Hong Kingston, „No Name Woman“ N3 Don DeLillo, White Noise Q 328 ,Q 363 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Critical books The candidate is required to choose one of the following books and provide a critical account of it at the examination. Sacvan Bercovitch, Reconstructing American Literary History Da 785 Malcolm Cowley, After the Genteel Tradition V 19 Leslie Fiedler, Love and Death in the American Novel Da 234, Da 720, Da 959 Ihab Hassan, Radical Innocence Da 490 Alfred Kazin, On Native Grounds Da 5, Da 441 R.W.B. Lewis, The American Adam Da 473 Percy Lubbock, The Craft of Fiction D 2492, Mi 1031, V 972 Leo Marx, The Machine in the Garden Da 482 F.O. Matthiesen, American Renaissance Da 92, Da 420, Da 653, Da 749 Perry Miller, The American Puritans Da 423, Ef 1609 -----, The American Transcendentalists Da 445 Roy Harvey Pearce, The Continuity of American Poetry Da 416, Da 475, V 13 Henry Nash Smith, Virgin Land Da 399, Da 450, Da 487, Da 534 Tony Tanner, City of Words Da 611 Hayden White, Metahistory Mi 349 T.S.Eliot, Essays (Czech Selection) Judith Butler, Bodies that Matter F 1583 Henry Louis Gates, The Signifying Monkey Da 1122 Frank Kermode, Romantic Image, D 5158 Richard Poirier, The Renewal of Literature: Emersonian Reflections Da 1197 John Carlos Rowe, At Emerson’s Tomb: The Politics of Classic American Literature Da 836 Vernon Shetley, After the Death of Poetry: Poet and Audience in Contemporary America Da 1188 Helen Vendler, Soul Says: On Recent Poetry Da 1126, Da 1185 Houston A. Baker, Blues, Ideology, and Afro-American Literature: A Vernacular Theory, Da 1254 Leo Bersani, The Culture of Redemption D 5167 Gilles Deleuze, Cinema 1: The Movement-Image; Cinema 2: The Time-Image FINAL STATE EXAMINATION IN ENGLISH LITERATURE (M. A. EXAMINATION) Concerns those who have passed State Exam I The exam consists of two questions: literary history (30-40 min. approx.) and a discussion of a book of literary criticism (15-20 min. approx., see List below) Literary history: The candidate will concentrate on explaining developmental tendencies and important structural features of English literature. The question will be formulated from wider areas of topics. An independent conception and structuring of the whole answer are also assessed (the answer does not have to follow chronological order). Bring your reading list (model reading list - see below) Examples of areas: - development of the English novel (narrative methods in the English novel from its beginnings to the present; contemporary prose and its links with various traditions in the history of the novel; types of characterization in various periods; etc.) - development of English drama (development of comedy from its beginning to the present period; development of tragedy from its beginning to the present period; English theatre and its audience; language of English drama from the beginning to the present period; historical changes of the interpretation of Shakespeare’s plays; etc.) - development of English poetry (development of poetic forms from the Middle Ages to the present period; language of English poetry; Romanticism and Modernism in English poetry; etc.) - the history of English thinking about literature (renaissance, classicist, romantic and modernist views of literature; main directions in literary theory and critical thinking in this century; etc.) These are not exam questions, they should only provide orientation for the candidate as to what will be expected of her/him. The aim of the exam is to show that one has mastered a sufficient volume of facts and knowledge and is capable of independent and inventive thinking. Discussion of a book of literary criticism The candidate will choose one monograph written in English from the list below. She/he will concentrate on: - general characteristic of the method and its place in the history of literary theory or criticism - summary of the main theme of the book - characterization of the material the work is based on - characterization of the outer and inner structure of the work - relation of the work to the contemporary theoretical and critical thinking List of Critical Studies: These books are available in the departement library. Each student should study at least one of those listed, which will be the subject of the exam, and will be able to show that she/he has acquainted herself/himself with at least two other critical literary monographs in English or Czech of her/his own choice that she/he will include in the list of the books read for the exam. READING LIST IN ENGLISH LITERATURE Beowulf Ee 45, Ee 34, Ee 171 G. Chaucer, Canterbury Tales Ee 150, Ee 93 A selection of Old and Middle English literature based upon K. Crossley-Holland (ed.), The Anglo-Saxon World, OUP 1986 („Heroic Poems“, „Elegies“, section „The Kingdom of God“, „Dream of the Rood“) prezenčně, Eg 519 J.B.Trapp, Medieval English Literature, OUP 1973 (one play; a selection from ME lyrics, from ballads, Malory) prezenčně Boris Ford (ed.), Chaucer and the Alliterative Tradition, vol. 1 (Part I of The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, Penguin 1982, pp. 387-600) prezenčně Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (recommended edition: Penguin Classics, edited by Harrison K. and Cooper, H.) Ee 175, Ee 189, Ee 196, Ee 174, Ee 57 T. Kyd, The Spanish Tragedy Eb 818, Eb 510, Eb 378 C. Marlowe, Doctor Faustus Eb 231, Eb 813, Eb 818, Eb 1052 The Jew of Malta Eb 8, Eb 140, Eb 707 W. Shakespeare, Sonnets Q 205, Eh 502 12 plays (e.g. 4 tragedies, 4 comedies, 2 history plays, 2 romances, etc.) B. Jonson, Volpone Eb 650, Eb 730, Eb 788, Eb 808, Eb 814, Eb 815 J. Webster, The Duchess of Malfi Eb 768, Eb 247, Eb 447, Eb 822, Eb 1053 J. Middleton, The Changeling Eb 372 J. Ford, ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore Eb 822 E. Spenser, Epithalamion prezenčně a selection from The Faerie Queene Ec 718, Ec 674, Ec 438, Mt 162, Ec 31, Ec 695, Ec 672 a selection from the sonnets Mt 162, Ec 31, Ec 695, Ec 672 P. Sidney, Astrophel and Stella A 431, Ec 227, prezenčně A selection of Renaissance prose and poetry (Wyatt, Surrey, Lyly, Nash, More, etc.) A 420, A 438, Ec 667, (A 78, A 316, A 328, A 75, A 392, A 125, Mi 796, A 317) * J. Donne, Songs and Sonnets Ec 771, Ec 690 A selection from metaphysical poetry (Herbert, Crashaw, Vaughan, etc.) A 35, A 444, A 126, viz ( ) J. Milton, Paradise Lost Ec 743, Ec 33, Ec 545, Ec 549, Ec 550 a selection from shorter poems prezenčně, Ec 33 W. Congreve, The Way of the World or Love for Love Q 219, Eb 652, Eb 52, Eb 608, Eb 446 Eb 370, Eb 721 W. Wycherley, The Country Wife Eb 684, Eb 721, Q 219, Eb 248, Eb 401 (and another Restoration drama by Etherege, Farquhar, Vanbrugh, Dryden etc.) A. Pope, The Rape of the Lock prezenčně, Ec 697, Ec 706, Ec 688, Ec 673, Ec 664, Ec 696, Ec 208, Ec 689, Ec 543 Essay on Criticism (extract) prezenčně, Ec 697, Ec 706, Ec 688, Ec 673, Ec 664, Ec 696, Ec 208, Ec 689, Ec 543 A selection of eighteenth-century poetry (Dryden, Thomson, Gray, Young, etc.) A 53, A 443, A 200, viz též ( ) A. Behn, Oroonoko Ea 3278 J. Swift, Gulliver’s Travels Ea 395, Ea 2996, Ea 3085 A Modest Proposal prezenčně, A 464, Ea 2895, Ea 3084, Mi 652 * ( ) antologie pro 14.-19. století D. Defoe, Robinson Crusoe Q 200, Ea 110 a, b Moll Flanders Ea 2807 S. Richardson, Pamela (extract) Ea 208, Ea 2999 Clarissa (extract) Ea 120 H. Fielding, Tom Jones Q 203, Ea 2806, Ea 3077 T. Smollett, The Expedition of Humphrey Clinker Ea 318 e, f, Ea 3022 L. Sterne, Tristram Shandy Ea 380, Q 220, Ea 3081 A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy Ea 382 O. Goldsmith, The Vicar of Wakefield Ea 388, Ea 3027 H. Walpole, The Castle of Otranto Q 195, Ea 216, Ea 3028 M.G. Lewis, The Monk Ea 152, Ea 2952 A. Radcliffe, The Mysteries of Udolpho Ea 116, Ea 2591, Ea 2596 J. Gay, The Beggar’s Opera Eb 718, Eb 125 h R.B. Sheridan, The School for Scandal Eb 192, Eb 193, Eb 684, Eb 1051 R. Burns, a selection of poetry Mi 825, Ec 67, Ec 226, Ec 26, Ec 423, Ec 95 W. Blake, Songs of Innocence Ec 104, Mi 826, Ec 687, Mi 676, Ec 449 Songs of Experience Ec 104, Mi 826, Ec 687, Mi 676, Ec 449 W. Wordsworth, „Tintern Abbey“ prezenčně, Ec 119, Ec 686, Mi 677, Ec 685, Ec 245 „Ode: Intimations of Immortality“ prezenčně, Ec 119, Ec 245 from The Prelude Ec 69 preface to the 2nd edition of Lyrical Ballads prezenčně, D 4818, Ec 686 S.T. Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Ec 156, D 308, Ec 665, Ec 126, Ec 727 „Kubla Khan“ prezenčně, Ec 665, Ec 126, Ec 727 from Biographia Literaria (Ed 156 a, b) G.G. Byron, Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage Ec 621,Ec 151 The Giaour Ec 151 The Prisoner of Chillon Ec 151 Don Juan (I, II, III) Ec 149 a, Ec 151, Ec 671 P.B. Shelley, Prometheus Unbound Eb 9, Ec 676, Ec 729, Ec 684, Ec 701, V 572, Ec 478, Ea 2212 „Ode to the West Wind“ prezenčně, Ec 676, Ec 729, Ec 684, Ec 701, V 572, Ec 478, Ea 2212 A Defence of Poetry A 197, Ed 58, Ed 52, Ec 676, Ec 729, Ec 684, Ec 701, V 572, Ec 478, Ea 2212 J. Keats, „Ode to a Nightingale“ prezenčně, Ec 676, Ec 763, Mi 827, Ec 730, Ec 742, Ec 7 „Ode to a Grecian Urn“ prezenčně, Ec 676, Ec 763, Mi 827, Ec 730, Ec 742, Ec 7 Eve of St Agnes Ec 676, Ec 763, Mi 827, Ec 730, Ec 742, Ec 7 A selection of nineteenth century poetry (R. Browning, E.B. Browning, A. Tennyson. Christina Rossetti, A.C. Swinburne, E. Lear, G.M. Hopkins, etc.) A 278, A 118, A 124 b, viz ( ) J. Austen, Pride and Prejudice Ea 144 a, Ea 2601, Ea 2955 Emma Ea 144 e, Q 320, Ea 2597, Ea 3088 M.W. Shelley, Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus Ea 2809, Ea 3089 W. Scott, The Heart of Midlothian Ea 3092, Ea 3043 (or another novel) C. Dickens, Great Expectations Ea 133/V., Q 7, Ea 3105, Mi 895, Mi 911 David Copperfield Ea 133/VIII., Ea 3288, Ea 3308 Hard Times Ea 133/X., Ea 2958, Ea 2945, Mi 912, Ea 3104, Mi 897 W.M. Thackeray, Vanity Fair Q 9, Ea 123 k, Ea 3074 a,b,c, Mi 891 W. Collins, The Woman in White Ea 2961, 3286 or The Moonstone Ea 1871, Ea 3200, Ea 3287 C. Brontë, Jane Eyre Q 5, Ea 252 a, Ea 2962, Ea 3090, Ea 3184 E. Brontë, Wuthering Heights Q 6, Ea 34, Ea 3091, Ea 3031, Ea 3159, Ea 2946 E. Gaskell, Mary Barton Ea 3019 G. Eliot, Silas Marner Ea 126, Q 8, Mi 941, Mi 942 The Mill on the Floss Ea 153 d, Ea 2947, Ea 3032, Mi 658 Middlemarch Ea 153 k, Ea 3095, Ea 3147, Mi 656 L. Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Q 194, Ea 591 Through the Looking-Glass Ea 2939 R.L. Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Ea 272 d, Ea 3156, Ea 3309 G. Meredith, The Egoist Ea 124 f; knihovna Britských studií T. Hardy, The Return of the Native Ea 250 d Tess of the d’Urbervilles Ea 250 a, Q 55, Ea 2963, Ea 3164 a,b, Ea 3101 Jude the Obscure Ea 250 c, Ea 3100, Ea 3018, Mi 660 A selection from T. Carlyle, J. Ruskin, M. Arnold, W. Pater O. Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray Ea 429, Ea 3034, Mi 662, Ir 353 The Importance of Being Earnest Eb 205, Q 167, Eb 729 Salome Eb 207 J. Conrad, Heart of Darkness Q 350, Q 80, Ea 279 v, Ea 2971, Ea 3098, A 288, Ea 3312 Lord Jim or Nostromo Ea 279 d, Q 79 nebo Ea 279; Ea 3097 A. Bennett, Riceyman Steps Ea 407, Mi 955 (or another novel) J. Galsworthy, The Forsyte Saga Ea 47 H.G. Wells, Tono-Bungay Ea 255/XII., Ea 3298 The Time Machine Ea 25 (or another novel) K. Mansfield, a selection of short stories E.M. Forster, Passage to India Ea 294 c, Q 81, Ea 3157, Ea 2844, Ea 3107 Howards End Ea 294 a, Mi 600 D.H. Lawrence, Sons and Lovers Ea 979, Ea 2630, Q 76 The Rainbow, Ea 1754, Ea 2334, Q 77 Women in Love Ea 981, Q 199, Mi 616, Ea 3305 A selection of short stories and poems Q 197 J. Joyce, Dubliners Ea 295, Q 11 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Q 78, Ea 2578, Ea 3106, Mi 584 Ulysses Q 201, Ea 2560 V. Woolf, Mrs Dalloway Ea 1490, Q 75, Mi 608, Ea 3297, Ea 3311 To the Lighthouse Ea 111, Q 10, Mi 609 Orlando Ea 1491, Ea 3172 a selection of short stories Q 196 A. Huxley, A Brave New World Ea 2443, Ea 3187(or another novel) W.S. Maugham, a selection of short stories Ea 2312, Ea 2314 T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land Q 202, Ec 737, Ef 2004, Ec 739, Mi 667, Ec 666, Ef 2512 „The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock“ Ec 169, Ec 282, Ec 737, Ef 2004, Ec 739, Mi 667, Ec 666, Ef 2512 a selection from the essays („Tradition and the Individual Talent“, etc.) A selection of early twentieth century poetry (W.B. Yeats, S. Sassoon, W. Owen, W.H. Auden D. Thomas, etc.) A 60, A 205, V 452, A 342, A 208, A 310, A 48, A 277, A 177, A 157, V 459 J.M. Synge, The playboy of the Western World Eb 35 a, Eb 836, Ir 355, Ir 260, Ir 382 G.B. Shaw, Pygmalion Eb 23 and one more play S. O’Casey, The Shadow of a Gunman, Eb 659 G. Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four Q 355, Ea 2932, Mi 594 a selection from the essays Q 372 G. Greene, The Power and the Glory Q 198, Ea 3261 The Honorary Consul C.P. Snow, The Masters Mi 963 In Their Wisdom K. Amis, Lucky Jim Ea 2580 Jake’s Thing Ea 2678 J. Wain, Hurry on Down Ea 2730, Q 371 J. Braine, Room at the Top Ea 2159, Ea 2634 A. Sillitoe, Saturday Night and Sunday Morning Ea 2204, Mi 954 (or another novel) W. Golding, Lord of the Flies Ea 2207 The Spire Ea 2589 L. Durrell, The Alexandria Quartet Ea 2318 + Ea 2327 + Ea 2333 + Ea 2255 ; Ea 3265 A. Burgess, A Clockwork Orange Ea 2762 D. Lessing, one novel I. Murdoch, Black Prince or A Word Child, Q 106 M. Spark, The Ballad of Peckham Rye Ea 2930 B. Bainbridge, Bottle Factory Outing Ea 2929, Ea 3180 Injury Time Ea 2729 A. Wilson, No Laughing Matter Ea 2851, Ea 2891 B.S. Johnson, Christe Malry’s Own Double Entry Ea 3179 J.G. Farrell, Troubles Ea 2624 or The Siege of Krishnapur Q 178 J. Fowles, The French Lieutenant’s Woman Q 171 The Collector Ea 2481 D. Lodge, Changing Places Ea 2690 Small World Ea 2751 G. Swift, Waterland Ea 2753 J. Barnes, Flaubert’s Parrot Ea 2983 K. Ishiguro, The Remains of the Day Q 243, Ea 2829 S. Rushdie, Midnight’s Children Ea 2679 Shame Ea 3051 A. Carter, Nights at the Circus Ea 2746 J. Winterson, The Passion Q 262 I. McEwan, The Cement Garden Ea 2700, Ea 3053 H. Kureishi, The Buddha of Suburbia Knihovna britských studií J. Osborne, Look Back in Anger Eb 299, Q 357 S. Beckett, Waiting for Godot Eb 486, Q 348 H. Pinter, The Caretaker Eb 646, Q 166 E. Bond, Lear Eb 651 T. Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead Eb 522 A. Wesker, The Merchant, Eb 1101 B. Friel, Translations Eb 700 One play by C. Churchill or C. Keatley or D. Hare A selection of post-war poetry (P. Larkin, T. Hughes, S. Heaney, T. Harrison, etc.) A 390, A 437, A 421, Mi 809, A 290, V 462, A 361 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Critical books M.H. Abrams, The Mirror and the Lamp V 190, D 4882 Walter Allen, The English Novel D 2954 Tradition and Dream D 4237, Mi 521 Alžbětinské divadlo I Eh 412 a Alžbětinské divadlo II Eh 412 b Alžbětinské divadlo III Eh 412 c F.W. Bateson, English Poetry and the English Language D 1121 David Bevington, From Mankind to Marlowe D 2728, D 2955 Wayne C. Booth, The Rhetoric of Fiction D 2963, Mi 1032 Malcolm Bradbury, The Social Context D 4104, Mi 533 Cleanth Brooks, The Well Wrought Urn Lord David Cecil, Victorian Novelists D 2973 T.S. Eliot, Eseje William Empson, Seven Types of Ambiguity Q 96 Northrop Frye, Anatomy of Criticism D 3814 Martin Hilský, Současný britský román D 4194 Modernisté D 4892 Jan Kott, Shakespearovské črty D 2800 F.R. Leavis, Great Tradition D 2415, D 3048, Mi 1022 David Lodge, Language of Fiction D 4042 Toril Moi, Sexual / Textual Politics D 4375 Christopher Norris, Deconstruction, Theory and Practice F 1415 René Wellek, Austin Warren, Theory of Literature D 3094, D 3254, D 4024 Elaine Showalter, ed. The New Feminist Criticism Da 800 Zdeněk Stříbrný, Shakespearovi předchůdci D 2879 Shakespearovy historické hry D 2645 Martin Procházka, Romantismus a osobnost D 4778 Ian Watt, The Rise of the Novel D 2839 FINAL STATE EXAMINATION IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS (M. A. EXAMINATION) Státní závěrečná zkouška z anglického jazyka je zaměřena na celistvý, integrovaný pohled na systém anglického jazyka a jeho fungování v aktu komunikace. Předpokládá znalost všech jazykových Rovin, které byly předmětem studia v I. cyklu a v povinných seminářích pro specializaci anglický jazyk ve II. cyklu. Kandidát má prokázat schopnost popsat a vysvětlit jazykové jevy v širších souvislostech systémových a komunikativních z konfrontačního hlediska (z pohledu češtiny). Své teoretické znalosti má být schopen aplikovat na samostatný rozbor textu. Průběh zkoušky: Zkouška trvá 60 minut a zahrnuje tři otázky. Těžištěm první jsou základní jazykové roviny, druhá je zaměřena na oblasti probírané ve specializačních seminářích. Třetí otázka se týká odborné monografie, kterou si kandidát zvolí sám z předepsaného seznamu (viz příloha). Vyžaduje se charakteristika monografie a odpovědi na některé konkrétní otázky. SZZK probíhá v angličtině a při stanovení celkové známky se přihlíží k jazykové úrovni kandidáta. K SZZK ze specializace anglická lingvistika se vyžaduje prostudování dvou monografií. U zkoušky kandidát uvede jednu monografii z odstavce A a jednu monografii z odstavce B, z nichž komise určí jednu, která bude součástí SZZK. A (1) M.A.K. Halliday - R. Hasan: Cohesion in English B 1937 (2) G.N. Leech: The Principles of Pragmatics (3) D. Crystal - D. Davy: Investigating English Style B 2474 (4) D. Bolinger: Meaning and Form B 2087 (5) R. Quirk: The Use of English B 1192 (6) B.M.H. Strang: A History of English B 1499, B 1546, B 2400 B (1) G.N. Leech: Semantics (2nd ed.) B 2603 (2) P.H. Matthews: Morphology B 2576 (3) V. Adams: Introduction to Modern English Word-Formation B 1858, B 2355 (4) D.A. Cruse: Lexical Semantics B 2352 (5) A.C. Baugh - T. Cable: A History The English Language B 2401 (6) R. Quirk - C. Wrenn: An Old English Grammar B 2402