Self-Concept Project: The Game of Your Life

Self-Concept Project: The Game of Your Life
Your self-concept plays a large role in how you communicate. Your past experiences, personal interests
and activities, home life, and accomplishments constantly affect how you interact with others and
evaluate your self worth. The goal of this project is to help you identify your own self-concept in order for
you to become a better communicator and understand intrapersonal communication.
Each student must create a board game, much like the board game “The Game of Life.” Your board
game will use a variety of spaces to give information that represents who you are as an individual. For
example, on the original “Game of Life,” the board had one space on it that read “Spring Break trip to
Europe. Pay $5000.” On your board game, you may have a space that says “Christmas Vacation in
Switzerland. Pay $5000” if this is an event that helped shape the person who you are today.
Each student is required to create the following for his/her game:
 Create an original board using posterboard for playing the game. (Size requirement – 22’” x 28”)
o Game board must have between 35 - 50 spaces that describe your self-concept. All
spaces must describe you in some way, either by words or illustration. You may have
blank spaces on your board, but they do not count toward the requirement.
o You must develop a game strategy. You may model your game after other board games
(Sorry, Life, Chutes and Ladders, etc.) Make your game exciting to play!!
o Instructions will be written on a notecard and attached to back.
o As long as four people would be able to physically play the game, youour board can be in
any shape that your wish.
o Your first name must be featured on the front of the board. Your name must be
incorporated into the theme of the board. For example, if your game has a beach theme
and your name is Kori, you could have the “O” in your name look like a beach ball and
the “I” look like a palm tree.
 Include game pieces for at least 4 people to be able to play the game. These 4 game pieces must
also describe who you are. One dimensional please and must fit the envelope that will be
provided by teacher.
****Gameboards are to be flat and one dimensional. Our storage space is limited and we must
transport gameboards for grading purposes.
Possible Topics to Include on your Game:
Past & Present:
Cultural traditions/family history/nationality
Favorite TV shows/band/movies
Family history/nationality
Part time jobs
Accidents/traumatic events
Fun vacations
Favorite color
Meaning of your name(s)
Dream vacation
College you want to attend/major
Where you want to live
Dream career
Dream car
Game of Life Speech
1 Major Grade
You will be responsible for presenting a two to three minute speech on your game of life. The speech
must explain three spaces on your board and why those spaces are the most significant in your life. Your
speech must follow the outline format given in class.
The Game of Your Life
Oral Presentation Rubric
Name __________________________________________________
25 pts. Planning Sheet (complete)
10 pts. Introduction/ Attention Step
30 pts. Body (3 spaces discussed in detail)
10 pts. Conclusion/Frame
5 pts.
Eye Contact
5 pts.
Body Language (stance, posture, movement,
gestures, poise and confidence)
5 pts.
Voice (volume, fillers, tone, expression, etc.)
10 pts. Use of time (2 - 5 minutes)
Time: ________________
Penalty Pts.
Planning Sheet for ”The Game of Your Life” Oral Presentation
Name ______________________________________________________
Attention Step:
Thesis Statement:
Game Space 1:
Game Space 2:
Game Space 3:
For Game of Your Life Project
Please use this rubric to help you ensure that you have completed
all portions of the project!!
Board Game – 1 major grade:
15 points
Neatness, spelling, punctuation, grammar
15 points
50 points
35 - 50 spaces (each space is worth one point)
5 points
Game pieces for 4 players placed in envelope
attached to board
5 points
First name incorporated into theme of game and
displayed on front of board
10 points
Instructions for game strategy on notecard and
attached to back of game board
Presentation – 1 major grade:
25 pts.
Planning Sheet/Outline
10 pts.
Introduction/ Attention Step
30 pts.
Body (3 spaces discussed in detail)
10 pts.
5 pts.
5 pts.
5 pts.
10 pts.
Eye Contact
Body Language (stance, posture, movement,
gestures, poise and confidence)
Voice (volume, tone, expression, etc.)
Use of time (2 – 5 minutes)
Game Board Grading Rubric
The Game of Your Life Project
Name _______________________________________________________
15 points
Neatness, spelling,
punctuation, grammar
20 points
Creativity /Effort
Board Appropriate Size
50 points
35 - 50 spaces – self concept
5 points
Attached to back.
Penalty Points
First Name
incorporated into theme of game and
FEATURED on front of board
5 points
Game pieces – for 4 players
placed in envelope and attached to back
5 points
- on notecard.