Soccer: My Favorite Hobby My favorite hobby is playing soccer. I

Soccer: My Favorite Hobby
My favorite hobby is playing soccer. I started liking soccer after I heard my
dad and my older brother liked playing it. I have been playing soccer since I was
young around five years old. Not only I do like playing soccer, I also like watching
it. When my dad used to play soccer, I would go with him and practice before the
game. Sometimes I’d play and sometimes I watch my dad play. When my dad used
to play, he’d played everyday. So, that’s how I started liking soccer by watching
my dad playing.
Every time I go to the park with my friends, we usually play soccer and we
have fun. Before I went to junior high in the summer, I played for the Dartmouth
United Soccer Club and it was under twelve, actually that time I had so much fun
When I was in grade seven I tried out for the soccer team and I made it. I
liked playing on the team that I joined. At the end of the season, we had our sports
banquet and I won an award for being Most Valuable Player of the team. I didn’t
try out for the soccer team when I was in grade eight because I didn’t feel like
playing. I did try out for the soccer the next year and, in the beginning, I didn’t
make it. But one of the players had to go away, so the coach asked me to join the
team. I joined the team and we went all the way to the quarterfinals before losing
out. In the summertime, I played for the Halifax City Club. The team was not that
bad but there were two teams for my age group: Level One and Level Two. I
played on the Level Two team.
I also played soccer in the wintertime, but it was indoor soccer inside a
gymnasium, which was also a fun time. In High School, I didn’t try out because, if
I made team, there was going to be travelling going on, and would have been quite
expensive. However, at lunchtime in high school my school had intramurals sports
for the students, and soccer is one of them. It was the most fun time I had while at
High School.
I think I was playing soccer for a long time. Now I think I am going to stop
playing for a team and starting playing just for fun. I like to play for fun because
not only I am going to have fun but I can also play with older people. I do think
playing in a soccer field is much better than playing indoor in a gymnasium
because the playing area is small, and you don’t have a lot of space to move
around. On the soccer field, though, you have a lot of space to move around. I wish
I had my dad’s soccer skills because he is very talented player.