Directions for Starting Your Glog 1. Go to 2. Click the red “Register” button on the homepage 3. Follow the instructions on the site to sign up (see Ms. Hardy if you do not have an email address) 4. Once you are signed up, click “Create Glog” 5. Play around with features until given further directions Rules for Using Technology 1. Ask three before you ask me 2. Experiment before you ask how to do something 3. Ask three before you ask me Glogster Assignment (100 Points) (Presentations due next Wednesday, February 10th) 1. For this assignment, you will be creating your own Glog. 2. Your Glog will focus on the novel that you have read for class and on the theme of “Relationships” 3. Please choose things to include from the list below that add up to, at least, 100 points to complete the assignment. 4. You may do up to ten (10) points of extra credit for this assignment. *Mandatory: One to two (1-2) minute presentation in class explaining your Glog content. Include: Title and author, Favorite part of the novel, explain and show what you chose to include in your Glog, describe what you liked best about the Glog activity. 40 Points: - Include a Voice Thread or Video discussing the use of Exposition, Problem/Conflict, Climax, and Resolution in your novel. Also, you must talk about how the theme of “Relationships” works in your novel. **In order to make a video, the computer you are using needs to have a built in web-cam 20 Points: - Explain what the Exposition, Problem/Conflict, Climax, and Resolution are in your novel. 15 Points: - Include a paragraph explaining one (1) theme that is found in your novel - Discuss at least one (1) Static and one (1) Dynamic character(s) that is found in your novel and why you would label them in this way. 10 Points: - Include a list of other works from the author that wrote your novel or a list of other writings on the any major theme(s) that are found in your novel (i.e. writings on Teenage Drug Use and/or Violence could be included if you are reading That Was Then, This is Now by S.E. Hinton) - Include five (5) pictures from the book or a movie on the book (do not include more than one (1) picture from a movie) - A note from a main character in your novel to the people looking at your Glog - Write a To-Do list as one of the main characters in your novel with at least eight (8) tasks written. - Include a video that relates to your novel in a large or small way and briefly explain in a caption (Ex. For Harry Potter, you might use a video on Magic, Spiders, Giants, Boarding Schools, Trains, Friendship, Bullying, Quiddich (or related sport i.e. LaCrosse), etc.) 5 Points: - Three (3) links to other appropriate websites about your novel - Link to at least two (2) book reviews on your novel - Post music that has something to do with either your novel or a main theme covered in your novel (i.e. a song about homelessness would be appropriate for the book, Monkey Island) (Limit: One (1) song per Glog) - Description of the main character(s) (Limit: 3 Characters) (5 points each) - Include a definition of realistic fiction and why your novel fits into that category