CH 10 TEST Review Sheet – Imperialism and the Spanish American

CH 10 TEST Review Sheet – Imperialism and the Spanish American War
1.) This man started the second Cuban Revolution against Spanish rule from within the United States
2.) This man was the leader of the “Rough Riders” and later became a U.S. President?
3.) This President became know for his “Dollar Diplomacy”?
4.) This Naval Officer wrote an important book that influenced the expansion of the U.S. Navy,
saying that American expansion and imperialism depended on a strong Navy?
5.) This President was know for his “Moral Diplomacy”?
6.) This man was President of the United States during the Spanish-American War?
7.) This Filipino patriot led his rebels along with American forces to help capture Manila on August
13, 1898?
8.) This man was one of the most well know Yellow Journalists of the late 1800s, he helped promote
support for Cuban independence in his popular magazine The New York Journal?
9.) What is Isolationism?
10.) What is a Collective Security?
11.) What is Internationalism?
12.) What is Imperialism?
13.) Name for the addition of a new territory to an existing one?
14.) Where and when did the Spanish American War begin?
15.) Where and when did the sinking of the Battleship U.S.S. Maine take place?
16.) List the Reasons for American Imperialism and expansion in the late 1800s?
17.) What idea was expressed by “The White Man’s Burden”?
18.) What was “Manifest Destiny”?
19.) What were the main arguments against Imperialism in the late 1800s, early 1900s?
20.) Who was Queen Lilioukalani?
21.) What events eventually led to the Spanish-American War?
22.) What was the main event that turned the U.S. toward war with Spain?
23.) What was the most important and largest land battle of the Spanish American War?
24.) Name the Spanish Commander that was given the nickname “The Butcher” because of his cruelty
toward the Cuban people?
25.) What is Yellow Journalism, what was its role in the war?
26.) What was later concluded that sunk the U.S.S. Maine?
27.) Who was the American commander that led the U.S. Fleet in the Philippines and in the attack of
Manila Bay?
28.) What was the De Lome Letter?
29.) Who were the “Rough Riders”?
30.) How long did it take the U.S. Fleet to defeat the Spanish Fleet at Manila Bay?
31.) What was unique about the 9th and 10th Black Calvary in the U.S. army during the Spanish
American War?
32.) What is the significance of the Treaty of Paris, and what were its terms?
33.) What did the Platt Amendment state/do?
34.) What was the nickname given to the Spanish American War?
35.) What did the “Open-Door” policy state?
36.) What did the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine give the U.S. the right to do?
37.) What was the Boxer Rebellion?
38.) What was the significance of the building of the Panama Canal?