Name - andrusapush

Andrus AP United States History Chapter 19 Reading Study Guide #2 P. 547-546
Study the maps of the Late 19th Century Imperial Powers (P. 546-546) then read Imperialism (P. 548-549)
1. What were the justifications of Imperialism?
2. How did the British benefit from their Empire?
3. Why was the Gold Standard Act (or Currency Act) of 1900 a “victory for conservatism”?
4. Why was trade linked with imperial ambitions?
5. What were some of the intellectual justifications of imperialism?
6. Why did some Americans view Latin America as “ours”?
7. Briefly describe how the Kingdom of Hawaii came to be a US possession?
8. Why was the United States military interested in Hawaii?
9. What is “Yellow Journalism”?
10. How did Yellow Journalism help fan the flames of war fever regarding the Spanish American War?
11. How did the US come to possess some of the Samoan Islands?
12. How did the Cuban Revolt lead to war between the US and Spain?
13. What happened to the Maine, how was it used as a pretext for war?
14. Why was the Spanish American War a “Splendid Little War” according to some?
15. How did Theodore Roosevelt (TR) influence the capture of the Philippines?
16. Describe the fighting on the island of Cuba.
17. Who were the Rough Riders? What role did they play in capturing the island?
18. Why do you think TR was so insistent in getting his Rough Riders to the front and engaging in battle?
19. How did Puerto Rico come into US possession?
20. Briefly describe its evolution to its current status as a Territory of the United States.
21. Name the FOUR territories gained from the Spanish in the Spanish American War.
22. Who started the Anti-Imperialist League? Why did they oppose Empire?
23. Why were Cuba & the Philippines more difficult to control compared with Alaska, Hawaii & Puerto Rico?
24. In what ways was the US grant of Cuban “independence” (1902) hardly independence at all?
25. Describe the basic events of the Philippine War.
26. Why do you think this war is not lauded or celebrated (hardly mentioned) in most of US history?
27. When did the Philippines finally get their independence from the US?
28. What was the concept of the “Open Door” policy as it related to China?
29. How did the Boxer Rebellion help the US secure its “Open Door” for trade with China?
30. This chapter contains many interesting, clever and even funny political/editorial cartoons. Go back through
the chapter and pick one that you like or that drew your interest and be prepared to share your thoughts with the
class. List the cartoon you chose, and what you plan to say about it below.