Word - EBUS Academy

Physical Education 12
Active Date:
EBUS Academy
Bag 8000, 187 East Victoria St.
Vanderhoof, BC Canada V0J 3A2
Phone: 1-800-567-1236
Course Start-Up Assignment
Welcome to EBUS Academy. Enclosed you will find everything needed to complete your course Start-Up
assignment. Once you have completed this assignment please submit it via email to
To be considered active in this course you must:
Complete/submit a current enrollment form, available on the web page www.ebus.ca
Fill out this cover sheet
Complete the following Start-Up assignment for this course
Contact information
Student Email:
High School:
Regular progress reports are sent to you via email or available to you online. Please provide email addresses
that you would like these reports notices to go to (e.g. parent, school counselor, etc.). Parent email addresses
are mandatory for students under age 19.
Parent Name/Email:
Counselor or Supervisor Name/Email:
Hope to finish this course by:
After completing this assignment, visit ‘my.ebus.ca ’ to continue your course work.
If you have not yet received your welcome email with instructions on accessing your course, please call our
Help Desk at 1-800-567-1236 ext. 2255. If you are a continuing student, please use your existing EBUS login
Name: _________________________________
Email: ___________________________________
Physical Education 12
Start-Up Assignment
Please submit your work to EBUSActivations@sd91.bc.ca or by fax to 1 250 567 5794. Once your assignment
has been received you will be contacted by a teacher.
Learning Goals: Analyze and describe the effect of professional sports role models on the choice of
personal lifetime activities.
Approximately 2 - 3 hours
/55 marks (5% of course mark)
1. Think of at least one, but as many as three, professional athletes that you have admired. Think of
the reasons why you have admired these athletes.
Write a 300 – 500 word essay using the following questions to guide your writing:
What qualities, skills, achievement, etc. attracted you to these athletes?
Would you describe this athlete as a role model to you? to society in general? Why or why
Has this athlete had any impacts on you (positive or negative) in terms of your own choices,
decisions, etc.?
Do you think that professional athletes should be held to a higher level of moral conduct than
others? Why or why not?
Reflecting on your own experience in admiring professional athletes, what message would you
teach young people looking for athletic role models?
50 marks (5% of course mark)
Please reference any resources, including websites, that you reference.
Physical Education 12
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Name: _________________________________
Email: ___________________________________
2. Contact information (5 marks):
Name: _________________________________
Email: _________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________
High School: __________________________________
Regular progress reports are mailed out, please record other email addresses that you would like these reports
to go to (ex. Parents, school counselor, etc.)
Name, Position, Email: _____________________________________________________________________
Name, Position, Email: _____________________________________________________________________
Name, Position, Email: ____________________________________________________________________
As this is an online physical education course and 100 hours of activity is required, I may need to verify your
participation in recorded activities. Please provide me with the names of adults (minimum 1) that I can contact.
These could include your parents, coaches, supervising teachers, etc. I may or may not contact these people.
Name: _________________________________
Email: _________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________
Name: _________________________________
Email: _________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________
Name: _________________________________
Email: _________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________
Are you hoping to finish this course over:
Semester (5 months) _______
10 months ____________
You have reached the end of your Start-Up Assignment. Ensure that all is complete and submit to
EBUSActivations@sd91.bc.ca or by fax to 1 250 567 3943. Thank you and welcome to PE 12!
Physical Education 12
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