93 a 1st midterm (3).doc

6. (A) if
7. (A) interrupted
8. (A) other
9. (A) with
10.(A) had given
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(B) although
(B) warned
(B) the other
(B) to
(B) gave
(C) the moment
(C) scolded
(C) another
(C) on
(C) to give
(D) unless
(D) blamed
(D) more
(D) by
(D) giving
I. Cloze: 30%
I will never forget Margaret Murphy. Last summer on our way to the beach
for vacation, my husband and I decided to __(1)__ a different route to avoid the
slow-moving highway traffic. While we were waiting at a red light, an elderly
lady __(2)__ on a chair outside a nursing home caught my eye. Her eyes __(3)__
mine, which seemed to beckon me to come to her. So, __(4)__ going on with our
journey, I convinced my husband to stop his car for a talk with the lady, who later
introduced herself as Margaret Murphy. Her face was perfect __(5)__ some
In reading Silent Spring, we witnessed how Rachel Carson, a courageous
woman, challenged the chemical industry and raised important questions about
humankind's impact on nature. __(11)__ in 1962, at a time when technology
seemed to __(12)__ a brighter tomorrow, Silent Spring, however, exposed the
hazards of the pesticides, questioned human's faith in technological development,
and even helped set the stage for future environmental movement. In the most
famous chapter, "A Fable for Tomorrow", Carson depicted how a nameless town,
wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. Our conversation became animated __(6)__
we discovered her late sister used to be my best friend. We talked merrily until a
nurse __(7)__ us because it was time for Margaret to take medication and have a
nap. Reluctant to say goodbye at first, Margaret felt relieved and happy when I
promised her __(8)__ visit on our return from the beach a week later. Sadly,
however, what awaited us seven days later was a box with a letter attached
__(9)__ it from Margaret, who, according to the nurse, died peacefully in her sleep.
In the letter, Margaret thanked us for stopping by, thus __(10)__ her some happiest
__(13)__ in the center of America, got affected by the extensive use of chemicals.
Before the invention of the pesticides, everything there seemed to live in __(14)__
with its surroundings, and the place was famous for the abundance of its bird life,
__(15)__ the flood of migrants pouring through in spring and fall. However, the
spraying of DDT, __(16)__ struck the whole town like a blight, __(17)__ all life
there, fish, birds, flocks of chicken, apple blossoms, and children __(18)__. By
describing such an imaginary tragedy, Carson warned everyone that DDT killed not
only harmful insects but also useful ones, __(19)__ the birds that feed on them.
days in her life. Inside the box was a gift brooch for me. With it, my memory
of her will last forever.
1. (A) make
(B) take
(C) ride
(D) fly
2. (A) seated
(B) seated herself (C) who seated
(D) sat
3. (A) fixed upon
(B) were fixing upon
(C) fixing upon
(D) were fixed upon
4. (A) in spite of
(B) instead of
(C) in addition to
(D)in contrast to
5. (A) besides
(B) aside from
(C) because of
(D) but for
About eight years after the publication of the book, the use of pesticides was banned
in many areas of the world. But perhaps the most important legacy of Silent Spring
was a new public awareness that nature was vulnerable to human intervention.
People should always give second thoughts about applying technology in nature, and
the possible damage done __(20)__ nature can thus be reduced.
11. (A) Publishing
(B) To publish
(C) It published
(D) Published
12. (A) modify
(B) modifying
(C) promise
(D) promising
13. (A) lay
(B) lain
(C) lied
(D) lying
14. (A) prosperity
(B) harmony
(C) nature
(D) plenty
15. (A) and
(B) by
16. (A) where
(B) that
17. (A) silenced
(C) and was silenced
18. (A) included
(B) including
(C) which
(D) with
(C) which
(D) and
(B) was silenced
(D) which silenced
(C) inclusive of
(D) that included
26. (A) the apple of his eye
(C) a figure of fun
27. (A) looked
(B) saw
28. (A) in a flash
(B) on stage
29. (A) in contentment
(B) a pain in the neck
(D) a piece of cake
(C) watched
(D) viewed
(C) in store
(D) in the midst
(B) in tranquility
19. (A) but also
20. (A) at
(C) as well
(C) with
(C) in agony
30. (A) engaging
(D) in satisfaction
(C) lurking
(D) gazing
(B) which
(B) to
(D) along with
(D) against
Once upon a time, in a kingdom lived a semi-barbaric king. He wasn’t a tyrant,
yet he had his own way of __(21)__ justice. Any subject suspected of committing a
crime was to __(22)__ in the arena. The king sat high on his throne and __(23)__ the
suspect to step into the amphitheater. Directly opposite the suspect __(24)__ two
identical doors. The suspect was to decide which door to open. As a matter of fact,
(B) embracing
II. Grammar: 20%
31. This two-story frame residence is believed _____ around 1885.
(A) to be built
(B) being built
(C) that was built
(D) to have been built
32. Helen stood in the silent kitchen, her heart _____ wildly.
his choice would decide __(25)__ he was to be wedded to a fair lady or be killed by
a hungry tiger.
One day, the king found his only daughter and a handsome young man hugging
in a garden. He considered the young man __(26)__, so he ordered the youth be
escorted to the prison and a few days later, he assembled his people to witness the
fate of the young man in the arena.
On the day for the trial, the young man showed no fear at all. He __(27)__ the
princess straight in the eye, believing that she would offered him the right choice.
(A) was beating
(B) beating
(C) beaten
( D) to be beaten
33. _____ by the flu, Mr. Johnson was advised by his doctors not to travel on
Sunday to Senegal for the first meeting.
(A) Stricken
(B) To strike
(C) Strike
(D) Striking
34. _____ the assistance of a professional guide, the area is ideal for mountain
(A) With
(B) Upon
(C) Because
(D) As
35. Two million British children suffer _____ mental distress, according to the
Suddenly, the young man chose the left door and was torn to pieces __(28)__. Alas!
Never would he know how the princess’ soul burned __(29)__ when she pictured the
beautiful lady and her beloved boyfriend __(30)__ each other.
21. (A) administering
(B) associating (C) applauding
(D) doing
22. (A) be put to jail
(B) be put to death
(C) be put on trial
(D) be put out of court
23. (A) implored
(B) implied
(C) sentenced
(D) signaled
24. (A) had
(B) have
(C) were
(D) are
25. (A) whether
(B) whatever
(C) however
(D) no matter
Mental Health Foundation.
(A) into
(B) from
(C) as
(D) by
36. The boy _____ in the mudslide was rushed to hospital.
(A) injures
(B) injured
(C) injuring
(D) who injuring
37. _____ that she could never learn to play the piano, she stopped taking lessons.
(A) Convinced
(B) Convincing
(C) Having convinced
(D) Being convincing
38. It was a great party last night. You _____. Why didn't you?
(A) should come
(B) ought come
(C) should have come
(D) ought to come
39. _____ is known to everyone, Sagittarius people are independent and
(A) Such
(B) Which
(C) What
(D) As
40. She is treating the animal as if it _____ her child.
(A) is
(B) was
(C) were
happy worker but lately I've been associating the whistler with a nervous person
making compulsive noises. The tapping, tapping, tapping of my typewriter as the
keys hit the paper is a lovely sound to me. I often like the sound of what I write
better than the looks of it.
(D) has been
41. People in New York ________.
(A) care much about emergencies
(B) don’t know how to appreciate loud noise
(C) are attracted by a variety of sounds
(D) are used to sirens
42. How does the author relate to sounds at night?
(A) He exaggerates quiet sounds.
(B) He believes taps should be turned off.
III. Reading Comprehension: 10%
A few minutes ago, walking back from lunch, I started to cross the street
when I heard the sound of a coin dropping. It wasn't much but, as I turned, my
eyes caught the heads of several other people turning too. A woman had dropped
what appeared to be a dime. The tinkling sound of a coin dropping on the
pavement is an attention-getter. It can be nothing more than a penny. Whatever the
coin is, no one ignores the sound of it. It got me thinking about sounds again.
We are besieged by so many sounds that attract the most attention. People in
New York City seldom turn to look when a fire engine, a police car or an
ambulance comes screaming along the street. When I'm in New York, I'm a New
Yorker. I don't turn either. Like the natives, I hardly hear a siren there.
At home in my little town in Connecticut, it's different. The distant wail of a
(C) He imagines sounds that do not exist.
(D) He thinks it’s rather quiet at night.
43. The writer dislikes whistling because ________.
(A) it doesn’t sound as lovely as the sound of typewriter
(B) it annoys him
(C) he is not happy anymore
(D) it reminds him of tense people
44. How does the writer feel about sounds in general?
police car, an emergency vehicle or a fire siren brings me to my feet if I'm on the
sofa and brings me to the window if I'm in bed. It's the quietest sounds that have
most effect on us, not the loudest. In the middle of the night, I can hear a dripping
tap a hundred yards away through three closed doors. I've been hearing little
creaking noises and sounds which my imagination turns into footsteps in the
middle of the night for twenty-five years in our house. How come I never hear
those sounds in the daytime?
I'm quite clear in my mind what the good sounds are and what the bad sounds
are. I've turned against whistling, for instance. I used to think of it as the mark of a
(A) They make him feel homesick.
(B) He believes they are part of our lives.
(C) He thinks they should be ignored.
(D) He prefers loud noises to silence.
45. What is the meaning of the word besiege in the second paragraph?
(A) to deceive
(B) to distract
(C) to surround
(D) to catch
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IV. Structure: 10%
Hundreds of different species of plants and animals have arrived in the United
States. __(46)__ Some of these new "residents" have caused problems for
agriculture or for the environment. The Mediterranean fruit fly, for example,
V. Vocabulary: 12%
1. At the graduation ceremony, my professor asked if I would stay in touch.
Without h________n, I said, “Of course,” and he almost cried at my quick
positive response.
arrived in California on some imported fruit in the 1970s. __(47)__ In California,
however, it multiplied very quickly. Soon the California fruit industry was in
trouble. The government had to take serious measures, including using lots of
chemicals to try to kill the flies. However, they have not managed to get rid of the
fly altogether.
__(48)__ It may not harm us directly, but it may change the environment. And
that may cause problems for the plants or animals that were living there before.
Loosestrife is a plant that came to America some time in the 19th century. It may
2. The scene of the victims in the air crash has been h________ing the rescuer to
this day.
3. Out of j________y, Jill began to speak ill of her popular friend Judy.
4. Her fancy outfit gave me the i________n that she was very rich, but I was
5. He has been working long hours in the sun these days. No wonder Paul has a
dark c________n.
6. I have a________ed him many times that the computer is safe to use, but he
have been carried as seeds on the back of some sheep from Europe. Or someone
may have brought the seeds to plant in their garden. __(49)__ It is a pretty plant,
with a purple or pink flower. But when a lot of loosestrife grows in one place,
other plants cannot grow there. The birds and small animals that depend on those
other plants cannot stay there, either. __(50)__
just doesn’t trust me.
7. To look s________r, Marilyn works out at the gym every two days
and sticks with healthy food.
8. Smoking at school is strictly f________n. If you do so, you will receive
severe punishment.
9. May is so rich because she inherited a s________l fortune from her late
10. When she saw her boyfriend talking with a beautiful girl, she was
A. As loosestrife spreads, they may have trouble finding a place to live, and that
may eventually lead to their extinction.
t________ing with anger. She was shaking so badly that she couldn’t even
stand well.
11. An e________t from the author’s new thriller will appear in this weekend’s
magazine. If you want to know about the book, you can read the magazine.
12. Tina used all her powers of p________n to convince her conservative parents
that there was nothing wrong to have a piercing in the ears.
B. In any case, loosestrife now grows along rivers and lakes all over North
C. In its original home in the Mediterranean area, it had never caused much
D. Sometimes the damage caused by an immigrant species is not measurable in
E. This number has increased greatly as international travel and business have
VI. Translation: 18%
 不要喋喋不休地講著妳在我這把年紀時功課有多好。妳沒看到我在忙著
Multiple choice:
Stop (1) ________ ________ about how well you did in school when you were
my age. Don’t you see that I’m (2) e________ ________ doing this science
1.-10.: BADBB
21.-30.: ACDCA BAACB
31.-40.: DBAAB
41.-45.: DADBC
46.-50.: ECDBA
11.-20.: DCDBD CAADB
Although he kept saying it was (3) ________ ________ ________ a little help,
Martha was very (4) ________ ________ his timely help.
1. hesitation
2. haunting 3. jealousy 4. impression
5. complexion
6. assured
9. substantial
10. trembling 11. excerpt 12. persuasion
7. slender/slimmer
8. forbidden
As a third grader, I am no longer able to spend much time doing things I like.
But I have no complaints. After all, studying hard is the only (5) ________
________ ________ a good university.
rattling on
engaged in
nothing more than
grateful for/thankful for
key to attending
was accused of
The young couple/lay side by side on the beach/, enjoying the sunbathing.
The young man (6)________ a________ ________ kidnapping the little girl,
but he insisted that he was innocent.
(7) 這對年輕人併躺在沙灘上,享受日光浴。(… , Ving… )