Beginning of Cold War Worksheet

Name ________________________
The Cold War
Differing Goals
United States
 World’s richest country
• Cities and factories remained intact
• ________________________________
• Rebuild European governments to promote trade
• ___________________ to stabilize it and Europe
-50 times more deaths
-Many Soviet cities were __________________
-Protect its borders by controlling Eastern Europe
-Keep Germany divided to prevent its waging war
*What kind of governments did the Big Three agree to create in E. Europe?
– ___________________________
*Stalin decided to install _________________ governments in “_____________” countries to protect themselves
– Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech., Romania, Poland, Yugoslavia
Group Think:
1. What does Winston Churchill mean when he says, “an iron curtain has descended across the Continent?”
2. Why was “an iron curtain” present in Europe at the time?
3. Look at the map of Europe in your textbook and determine about where this “iron curtain” was located in
Europe? (pg. 966)
4. What should the United States do in regards to the Soviet Union?
should the United States do?
President Truman adopted a foreign policy called __________________________
Intended to block ________________________________________
How do you go about doing this?
– __________________________________ Soviet Union
– Helping ____________________________________ the Soviet Union
Truman Doctrine
• Truman’s support for countries that rejected communism
• Caused great controversy
• Some people didn’t want the Americans to interfere in other nations’ affairs
• Others argued that the US could not afford to carry on a global crusade against communism
– But he still did
The capital of Germany, Berlin, had been _________________ as well
The Soviet Union cut off ____________________________________________ into Berlin’s western zones
The city faced starvation
Stalin gambled that the Allies would _________________ West Berlin or give up their idea of
Name ________________________
Berlin Airlift
• _______________ and _________________ officials flew food and supplies into West Berlin for nearly
• In May 1949, the Soviet Union admitted defeat and ____________________________
Why is this called the Cold War?
• Cold war = ___________________________________________________________
• Included:
– Spying
– Propaganda
– Diplomacy
– Secret Operations
• Berlin blockaded heightened Western Europe’s fears of Soviet aggression
• Essentially, much of the world joined ____________________________________
• 1949, ____________ western European nations joined with the _________ and ______________ to form a
defensive military alliance
– NATO = __________________________________
Warsaw Pact
• What do you think the Soviet Union will do?
– _________________________________
• Warsaw Pact = Soviet Union, ________________________, Czechosolovakia, _________________,
Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania
Berlin Wall
• East Germans built up a wall to separate East and West Berlin
Heating Up
• US already had atomic bombs
• ________- Soviet Union exploded its own __________ bomb
• President Truman wanted to develop a ___________ deadly weapon _______________ the soviets did
Hydrogen Bomb
• “H-BOMB” - _____________________ more powerful than the A-Bomb
• United states tested first h bomb – __________
• Soviets tested h bomb – _____________
Arms Race
• Eisenhower’s policy – “he ain’t playin”
• ___________________ – a policy of threatening to ______________ in response to any enemy aggression
• In order to do this, the United States strengthened ____________ and began producing stockpiles of
• Soviet Union – doing the same thing
Cold War in the Skies
• There was also a race in _____________ and ________________ between the two countries
• Oct. 4, 1957 – Soviets launched ______________ – the first unmanned _____________ above the earth’s
• 1958 – __________________ launched its own satellite