Transcendentalism Today Group Members___________________________________________ Topic_____________________________________________ Arizona Standards: Writing Process: Strand 1: Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, Publishing Writing Applications - Persuasive: The author presents an issue and expresses an opinion in order to convince an audience to agree with the opinion or to take a particular action. 21st Century Skills: Learning and Innovation skills Creativity and Innovation – work creatively with others Critical thinking and Problem solving – use systems thinking, solve problems, make judgments and decisions Communication and Collaboration – communicate clearly, collaborate with others Media Literacy Create media products Apply technology effectively Task – Create a 3-5 minute multi-media presentation demonstrating that transcendentalist philosophies are still worth pondering today. Presentation should provide explanation of the philosophy which exhibits an understanding of the philosophy, and include evidence of the value of considering these philosophies today. Each presentation should include at least one quotation from one of the Transcendentalist works we read in class. Each presentation must include pictures, text, and music in some combination. Groups are responsible for ensuring software capability before the due date. Groups will present the projects on the SmartBoard. Process – 1. Groups will use moviemaker software 2. Groups will include pictures, text (with at least one appropriate quotation), and music to create a 3 – 5 minute presentation. 3. Groups will select one major Transcendentalist theme and apply it to modern life. 4. Groups will attend to details by carefully editing to assure that no spelling or grammatical errors are present. Assessment – 1. Class members will assess groups based on rubric 2. Mrs. Reynolds will assess groups based on rubric 3. Final grades based on 1 and 2 above Topics – 1. Be true to yourself 2. Non-conformity 3. Simplicity 4. Nature – appreciate 5. Nature – conserve 6. you may suggest a related topic – teacher must approve