Transcendentalism Today Prewrite

Transcendentalism Today—Prewrite
Transcendentalism Topic_________________________
Purpose—State in one sentence what you want your audience to do or believe at the end of your presentation.
Audience—What strategies will you use to persuade your classmates?
Persona—Credibility—How will you insure that your presentation is professional?
Appeals—What specific appeals will you use?
1. Tagline—What is your tagline? A tagline is a short witty or appealing phrase that is memorable and
encapsulates your entire purpose. “Rediscover Nature.”
2. Logos AND pathos—Name specifically how you will use these appeals.
3. Three Rhetorical Devices—Name and explain 3 devices you will use.
4. Two Quotations—Which two quotations from the works will you use?
Transcendentalism Today
Common Core Standards:
Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources,
using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of
each source in terms of the task, purpose, and audience; integrate information
into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and
overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation.
21st Century Skills:
Learning and Innovation skills
 Creativity and Innovation – work creatively with others
 Critical thinking and Problem solving – use systems thinking, solve
problems, make judgments and decisions
 Communication and Collaboration – communicate clearly, collaborate
with others
Media Literacy
 Create media products
 Apply technology effectively
Task – Create a 3-4 minute multi-media persuasive presentation convincing your fellow classmates of the
importance of one of the Transcendentalist themes and to change their beliefs or behaviors or both based on
your presentation of the significance of Transcendentalism. Each presentation must include pictures, text, and
music in an effective combination, as well as all other required elements. Students are responsible for ensuring
software compatibility before the due date. Groups will present the projects on the SmartBoard.
Process –
1. Groups will use moviemaker software.
2. Groups will include pictures, text, and music to create a 3 – 4 minute persuasive presentation. Any
presentations less than 3 minutes may be failed automatically.
3. Groups will select one major Transcendentalist theme and include all required elements. Students must
complete the required pre-write.
4. Groups will attend to details by carefully editing to assure that no spelling or grammatical errors are present.
Each spelling and grammatical error may result in a half letter grade deduction.
Transcendentalism Today—Project Rubric
Project Topic____________________________
_____Project is a persuasive piece which clearly exhorts your peers to do or believe the importance of a
Transcendentalist theme today. (20)
_____Project includes specific and appropriate appeals (20 EACH, 80 total)
______Logos and Pathos evidence
______Rhetorical Devices (3)
______Quotations from Transcendentalist works (2)
_____Project is an effective combination of text, pictures, and music and uses moviemaker to enhance the
presentation. Groups must use instrumental music, unless they receive teacher approval. (20)
Transcendentalism Today—Project Rubric
Project Topic____________________________
_____Project is a persuasive piece which clearly exhorts your peers to do or believe the importance of a
Transcendentalist theme today. (20)
_____Project includes specific and appropriate appeals (20 EACH, 80 total)
______Logos and Pathos evidence
______Rhetorical Devices (3)
______Quotations from Transcendentalist works (2)
_____Project is an effective combination of text, pictures, and music and uses moviemaker to enhance the
presentation. Groups must use instrumental music, unless they receive teacher approval. (20)
Transcendentalism Today—Project Rubric
Project Topic____________________________
_____Project is a persuasive piece which clearly exhorts your peers to do or believe the importance of a
Transcendentalist theme today. (20)
_____Project includes specific and appropriate appeals (20 EACH, 80 total)
______Logos and Pathos evidence
______Rhetorical Devices (3)
______Quotations from Transcendentalist works (2)
_____Project is an effective combination of text, pictures, and music and uses moviemaker to enhance the
presentation. Groups must use instrumental music, unless they receive teacher approval. (20)
Topics –
1. Be true to yourself
2. Self-Reliance
3. Non-conformity ;]]
4. Greatness
5. Simplicity
6. Living deeply
7. Nature – appreciate
8. Nature – conserve
9. Civil disobedience—not just regurgitation of Occupy Wall Street
10. Women’s rights—a la Fuller
11. you may suggest a related topic – teacher must approve