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Spencer Milliner
English 6
November 24, 2003
School Uniforms
From the very beginnings of public education, there has always been controversy
over the matter of school uniforms. Students tend to dislike the idea of mandatory
clothing styles although they usually have very little say in the matter. They, fearing the
loss of their individuality, don’t see the benefits. The instatement of school uniforms
diminishes bullying, reduces distractions, and lessens insecurities.
Critics of uniforms say that mandatory clothing styles have negative effects on a
student’s personality and self-worth. This argument is ridiculous, for if a student relies
on fashion to define himself, there is something fundamentally wrong with his selfconfidence. In fact, uniforms actually increase a student’s self-assurance, as it protects
him from being picked on by bullies. When every student wears the same style, no
longer will some be picked on since they can’t afford expensive apparel to fit in. Instead
of being intimidated or feeling like an outsider, they realize that they share a common
bond with their classmates. (more)
Uniforms greatly reduce disruptions in the classroom. Suggestive or
inappropriate clothing can be very distracting to students trying to learn, and by removing
such attire pupils will have an easier time paying attention to lessons. Instead of
worrying about what to wear, students can spend more time thinking about schoolwork
and what they need to accomplish.
Milliner 2
The issue of school violence is another example of where uniforms would be a
major advantage. Uniforms instill a sense of unity and order, displacing chaos. They put
students in a learning mindset, remaining disciplined. Not only do they make students
more prone to follow rules, they protect them against outsiders. In the event of intruders
or a disturbance occurring, students and staff can easily recognize who belongs and who
does not. Valuable time will be saved where split second decisions can prove the
difference between safety and tragedy. (more duh)
School boards often contemplate the introduction of mandatory uniforms, for a
variety of good reasons. They cut down on the amount of bullying that goes on in a
school, removes distractions, and helps instills a sense of order. Not only are uniforms
helpful to the learning environment, they also make students feel better about themselves
and instill a sense of school pride.