Newsletter Term 4 Week 3 PRINCIPAL’S PRATTLE Over the weekend and up until Wednesday, I have had the privilege of managing the Wide Bay 15 Years Girls Cricket team at the Queensland State Championships in Gympie. This is a role I have done for many years and a role I thoroughly enjoy and receive great rewards at seeing young people achieving and developing in sport. I am sure all students who are involved with sport receive enormous benefit from participating in the events but also make many new friendships. Please encourage your child to participate in our sporting activities and remember that just because we come from a small town doesn’t mean opportunities do not exist. Sharmaine Garcia is one of our students who has achieved great things in athletics. Sharmaine went to State Athletics last week and participated in the 100 and 200 metre events. Sharmaine trained very hard with her mum and dad during the lead up to the event and was rewarded with Personal Best times at the championships. Our school community is extremely proud of Sharmaine and her achievements. In the holidays, I took the time to read Bruce and Denise Morcombe’s story “Where Is Daniel?” It is an absolutely outstanding recount of the family and the tragic loss of their son Daniel. It provides some extremely graphic details of events but in doing so provides you with an awareness of how things simply occur. I encourage all parents and guidance to continue to promote child safety and discuss aspects with your child. Bruce and Denise Morcombe have shown strength throughout this tragedy and have developed excellent educational programs for students and parents. Biggenden State School uses these resources as part of our Pastoral Care and School Wide Positive Behaviour lessons. I encourage all people to visit the Daniel Morcombe website and access the resources: PRE-PREP PROGRAM: 23 October 2014 Biggenden State School Pre-Prep program occurs again this Friday. The Pre-Prep students participate in an excellent program that prepares them for Prep the following year. Mrs Sonia Johnson has many years of experience in the Prep classroom having taught Pre-school prior to the Prep year being introduced to our school system. STUDENT FREE DAY On Monday 20th October, 2014 a student free day was held. Staff members travelled to Gayndah to participate in the North Burnett Cluster Professional Development Day. All staff have provided me with excellent feedback on the day, where many have highlighted the Michael Carr-Gregg sessions on Cyber Bullying and Mental Health issues. PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES On Friday, 24th October, 2014 Mrs Judy Dohle and myself will travel to Rockhampton to participate in the final Junior Secondary School Professional Development session conducted by Education Queensland and Griffith University. The day will involve us reflecting on our practices and refining our school Junior Secondary Action Plan. AWARDS NIGHT On the 12th November, 2014 is the Annual Biggenden State School Awards Night. This year students will be required to wear school uniform for this event. Students may choose to wear the formal school uniform or the maroon and gold daily uniforms. Girls will not be permitted to wear the maroon knit short skirts. If you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact the school to seek clarification. VOLUNTEERS: Do you have any spare time? Biggenden State School need volunteers to help with many programs. We need help to hear students read, say their sight words and to help with the Stephanie Alexander Program. Volunteering and working with students is extremely rewarding. Please contact the school if you can give some time. ATTENDANCE: Big on Heart – Respect – Responsibility – Learning. While Striving to Excel Newsletter Term 4 Week 3 Attendance at Biggenden State School is a focus area. Once again this term we will continue to strive to achieve our attendance goal of 96.3% across the school. YEAR LEVEL WEEK 2 TERM YEAR TO 4% DATE % PREP 96.92% 97.7% 1 95.56% 97.8% 2 93.76% 94.4% 3 91.12% 94.4% 4 82% 91% 5 82% 85.9% 6 95% 96.7% 7 87.5% 88.8% 8 96% 92% 9 80.84% 84.6% 10 97.14% 98.6% The Year to Date overall percentage is currently 91.6% with the Semester 2 percentage at 89.8%. Data shows that if your child misses 8 days in a school year, their learning is affected greatly. It is compulsory for students to attend school and I will be making appointments with parents/caregivers whose child is showing high absenteeism to discuss the matter further. We as educators have an obligation to teach students and provide them with the best learning opportunities available. Parents have an obligation to ensure students attend school. Absences will have negative effects on student’s academic results. Please remember that the school must have absenteeism explained. Parents/caregivers need to contact the school when students are away. Please remember that learning does occur every day and the staff are more than happy to prepare work to give to students to ensure they do not fall behind when they are absent. SCHOOL WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR This term our school wide positive behaviour topics focus on being Big On Responsibility. Week three focuses on looking after your belongings. We encourage students to name their equipment and organise their belongings. Another great topic that can be followed through at home. SCHOOL RULE: HEADLICE 23 October 2014 There is always the possibility that your child’s hair may become infested with headlice while he/she is attending school. Continual checking for headlice will hopefully eradicate the reinfestation. Please assist us in eliminating Headlice from our school by checking your children’s hair regularly, and treating the entire family if any infestations are found. It is extremely important for you to check your child’s head for head lice and keep checking every 2 days until there are no head lice found for 10 consecutive days. If you do find head lice, commence effective treatment immediately and be sure to complete the process of treatment. This will help prevent head lice from spreading. Teachers will reduce head-tohead contact activities while head lice are known to be around. If for any reason you are having difficulties treating the head lice on your child effectively, please contact the school on Telephone: 4127 6333. FRUIT BREAK: Fruit/protein break is held in the Primary School each morning for students to stimulate their brain for the learning time ahead of them. Fruit/protein break is also occurring in the Secondary School. Students are to take with them a piece of fruit or protein at the start of classes and it can be eaten in class at a time they choose but must be before the commencement of Period 3. Students will not be permitted to leave the room to collect their food nor will they be permitted to eat unhealthy food during this time. BREAKFAST CLUB: Breakfast Club is held every Wednesday morning in the Home Ec Room and a special thankyou again this term to Biggenden Foodworks, Biggenden Apex Club and the Biggenden State School P & C for sponsoring this great initiative. We are always looking for donations and parent/guardian assistance with Breakfast Club. Honey, vegemite, jam and milo are required for Big on Heart – Respect – Responsibility – Learning. While Striving to Excel Newsletter Term 4 Week 3 Breakfast Club if anyone could donate them, please. A Big thankyou to Angel Dickens who donated much needed items yesterday to our breakfast club. A special thank you to Moira Thompson our school chaplain who co-ordinates breakfast club each week. Moira does great work in our school and the Chaplaincy program is always looking for donations to ensure Moira’s great work continues. Chaplaincy is not fully funded by the government and a great deal of fundraising is required to maintain this excellent program. BIGGENDEN STATE SCHOOL WEBSITE: Please remember that the school has an active website which is constantly being upgraded with newsletters, information and documents. Please go to Biggenden State School also uses the QSchools App. Please contact the school if you need further instruction on connecting to the App. LITERACY AND NUMERACY RESOURCES: Inserted in this week’s newsletter is an excellent resource on assisting your child with literacy and numeracy. 23 October 2014 Tyson Buckley Yr 3/4 For working very hard in maths Aleah Tayler Yr 5/6 For her terrific transition into Biggenden State School and always having her homework completed. Tyson & Aleah GOTCHA WINNERS: Primary Secondary - - Janay Brady Cara Tucker PREP – YEAR 2 AWARDS Oscar Wykes Luke Burt Ryley Gibbs Madeleine Radel Oscar Wykes 40 Sight words Reading 60 books Spelling Trying very hard to finish her work. Luke Burt Ryley Gibbs Madeleine Radel OCTOBER 24 Eye Testing program Under 8’s NOVEMBER 5 Ajax/Milo Swimming Carnival (NEW DATE) 12 Awards Night 13 Biggenden & District Swimming Trials 19 – 21 P-6 Boyne Island Camp 27 Year 10 Dinner 28 Final Day for Year 10’s DECEMBER 12 End of 2014 School Year School Resumes Tuesday 27 January 2015 PARADE AWARDS STUDENTS OF THE WEEK: UNIFORMS It is now only 9 weeks until Christmas. Parents must order their child’s / children’s uniform needs for 2015 now. Order forms have been sent home but are available from the school office. ALL ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY 28 NOVEMBER. ORDERS WITH CORRECT PAYMENT AND CONTACT DETAILS CAN BE LEFT AT THE SCHOOL OFFICE FOR COLLECTION BY THE P&C ASSOCIATION. These will then be available for collection before school next year. Dates for the uniform shop to be open will be advised at a later date The P&C Big on Heart – Respect – Responsibility – Learning. While Striving to Excel Newsletter Term 4 Week 3 23 October 2014 Association will no longer be carrying numbers in each size and would appreciate your assistance with this matter. SPORTS NEWS ATTENTION Please note the formal school uniform is now available to all students in years 7 – 10. Boys – Black pants & white shirt Girls – Maroon Skirt & white shirt AJAX v MILO SWIMMING CARNIVAL Wednesday 5th November 9.15 am start Order forms are available at the school office. These items are not in stock in the uniform shop so must be ordered in. No surplus stock will be ordered. All welcome PREP – YEAR 6 CAMP Last week you should have received a letter outlining all the details about the upcoming camp to Boyne Island. Awards Night Please remember the deposit of $25.00 needs to be paid by 31 October so numbers can be finalised. Any students wishing to join the camp after this date will need to pay the full price of $165.00 If you have any enquiries about the camp please don’t hesitate to contact the school. CHAPLAINCY NEWS Memorial Hall 7.00 p.m. Wednesday 12 th November, 2014. Presentation of academic, sporting and special awards R.A.O.K. Have you done your act of kindness for someone? After school Kids’ Club meets every Tuesday 3pm to 4.30pm. Free food, activities and a chance to star in a Christmas Play Free Dress - Fashion of the Field Melbourne Cup Day, Tuesday 4th Big on Heart – Respect – Responsibility – Learning. All welcome to attend. While Striving to Excel Newsletter Term 4 Week 3 23 October 2014 November. Gold coin donation towards Biggenden School Chaplaincy TUCKSHOP Over the next few weeks leading up to Christmas some items may become unavailable as we near the end of the year in preparation for the defrosting freezers. Alternative items will be given. Friday 24th October – Meal Deal Day $5.00 Pie, Lamington or Choc Cake and a drink. Lamingtons and Chocolate Cake can be purchased separately for $1.20 each. Please order in a paper bag as usual. Big on Heart – Respect – Responsibility – Learning. While Striving to Excel