Curriculum: 8th Grade Social Studies

PLEASE NOTE: This is a general outline and subject to change; there may be additional
or deleted projects. To enhance the students’ appreciation and understanding of historical
events or important issues, when available the analysis of primary source materials will
be interjected into lessons. Most projects are coordinated with Ms. Zavocki’s Technology
and / or Challenge classes.
The chapters range from three to five lessons, depending on its length a chapter takes
approximately 1½ - 2½ weeks to cover. At the completion of each chapter the students
will be give a test on the content and concepts covered. With the exception of chapter 20
there will be at least one essay question on every test given.
Most of the Chapter dates overlap with another Chapter. By chucking the study of
U.S. History by Era and conceptual ideals the students are able to focus on one principle
at a time rather that simply following a chronological time line. When the eras are tied
together students gain an appreciation for relative chronology and the complexity of our
countries development.
MATERIALS: AMERICAN NATION – Prentice Hall (Chapters 16 - 30)
Student Workbook-Study Guide
Various Primary Source materials (when available primary source
material will be used to enhance the area of study)
Historical Video materials (most chapters are introduced with a short
video to give the students a preview of the material they will be learning)
Projects will be assigned to enhance student learning in various areas of
Chapter 16: Slavery Divides the Nation (1820 -1861)
Examine the conflicts & compromises leading up to the Civil War
Analyze the growing sectionalism over the slavery question
Assess the sectional reactions to Uncle Tom’s Cabin Dredd Scott,
John Brown
Consider rationale for Southern secession
Project: Students will work in groups to identify their candidate’s position on the issues
and create a campaign poster for one of the four candidates; (Lincoln, Douglas,
Breckenridge, Bell) in the election of 1861
Chapter 17: The Civil War (1861-1865)
Identify the Confederate States & slave states that remained in the Union
Examine the strengths & weaknesses of Union & Confederacy
Trace the course of the war & identify turning points
Analyze the impact of the Emancipation Proclamation
Discover the foundation for Union victory & consider Southern reaction
Determine cost of war on nation as a whole
Project: Students will work in groups to create a Civil War Newspaper – Groups will be
assigned a city and battle. Newspaper point of view will be based on location of city and
time frame of the battle. All research will be done in the classroom & technology /
challenge classes.
Chapter 18: Reconstruction and the Changing South (1863 -1896)
Discover the conflicting views on Reconstruction
Evaluate the impact Lincoln’s assassination had on the success of
Assess the impeachment of Andrew Johnson
Consider the achievements and set backs of Reconstruction
Examine the Civil War Amendments (Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen)
Chapter 19: The New West (1865 – 1914)
Examine the culture of the Plains Indians
Discover the impact of mining & railroads on western expansion
Identify the causes & effects of cattle ranching & cattle drives
Consider the effects of western expansion on Indian cultures
Determine the impact of farming the Great Plain & identify challenges
Project: Students work in groups to create a Winter Count or Native American calendar
Chuck Wagon Meal – students will be asked to bring food items to school that are similar
to the food that the cowhands ate on the Cattle Drives
Chapter 20: Industrial Growth (1865 -1914)
Identify leaders in railroad industry
Examine the cause & effects of the growth of the railroad industry
Identify the leaders in big business
Examine the cause & effects of big business
Discover the impact of inventions on industry & U.S. economic growth
Analyze the rise of organized labor
Project: Students will research an inventor & present a reflection focusing on his
inspiration to create the invention & marvel at how that invention has changed to its
present day use
A 5 -8 pages Research Paper on a Twentieth Century issue will be assigned toward the
middle of this trimester. Students will be given a schedule of due dates for various stages
in the writing of the paper. The final paper will be due toward the middle of the third
Chapter 21: A New Urban Culture (1865 – 1914)
Discover the causes & effects of immigration on economic growth
Identify the issues new immigrants faced adapting to American life
Realize the connection between industrialization & the growth cities
Explore the cultural growth of the cities & its impact on American
Project: Students will work in groups to listen to the oral history of an Ellis Island
immigrant then create a skit depicting the immigrants’ experiences
Chapter 22: The Progressive Era (1876 – 1920)
Realize the political, social problems of the Gilded Age
Evaluate the practices of big business
Identify the Progressive leaders & genres they use
Assess the Progressive policies of T. Roosevelt, Taft & Wilson
Trace the progress of the Women’s Rights movement
Recognize the plight of minorities
Chapter 23: Becoming a World Power (1865 – 1916)
Examine the causes & effects of American Imperialism
Identify areas where America took control
Discover the causes & effects of the Spanish American War
Assess U.S. involvement in Latin America & Panama Canal
Chapter 24: World War I (1914 -1919)
Identify causes of World War I
Assess American neutrality
Recognize causes U.S. involvement
Trace course of war & identify turning points
Examine effects war, evaluate Fourteen Points
Chapter 25: The Roaring Twenties (1919 -1929)
Recognize U.S. economic growth & prosperity
Assess American return to isolationism
Examine the impact of Prohibition on American society
Discover the impact of industrial growth & economic prosperity on
American culture
Identify underlying economic weaknesses & the growing social inequity
Research Paper Final Due Date will be toward the middle of the trimester
Chapter 26: The Great Depression (1929 - 1941)
Identify the causes that led to the stock market crash
Determine the effects of the crash
Evaluate FDR New Deal programs
Assess the causes & effects of the Dust Bowl
Examine the effects of depression on American lifestyle
Chapter 27: World War II (1935 - 1945)
Examine the causes that led to World War II
Evaluate U.S. isolationism
Identify the events that drew America in the War
Trace the course of the war & identify turning points
Assess the dropping of the atomic bomb
Examine the effects of World War II
Chapter 28: The Cold War Era (1945 – 1991)
Define the term Cold War
Identify the conditions/tensions that let to the Cold War
Locate the areas of conflict
Examine the hot spots of the conflict; Korea, Cuba, Vietnam
Discover the effects of the tensions on American life
Assess the ending of the tensions
Chapter 29 & 30: Prosperity, Rebellion, & Reform – Into the Future (1945 – Present)
Examine Post War Baby Boom
Trace the Civil Right Movement
Identify civil rights leaders
Project: Decades Project - Students will work in groups to present the History & Pop
Culture of a post war decade