CPR Questions

Grade 9 CPR Unit
Physical Education – Set 1
Read your “High School CPR” booklet (p. 3-4) and answer the following questions in
complete sentences. Answer them on a separate sheet of paper and place your name on it.
1. What does CPR stand for?
2. List the 4 R’s of CPR and briefly explain each one in your own words (don’t copy from the
3. What is the “key” to surviving an emergency?
4. List all the elements in this “key” to survival.
5. What does each organ need in order to survive? How do the organs get this?
6. Approximately how long can the brain last without serious damage if it does not have oxygen?
7. What blocks an artery and what happens when the artery is blocked?
8. Differentiate between the terms: angina and heart attack.
9. What is infarction?
10. Define cardiac arrest. Explain what happens to the ventricles in cardiac arrest.
11. What is the most common form of cardiac arrest? Is it treatable?
12. What is Ventricular Fibrillation?
Grade 9 CPR Unit
Physical Education – Set 2
Read your “High School CPR” booklet (p. 5-7) and answer the following questions in
complete sentences. Answer them on a separate sheet of paper and place your name on it.
1. What two actions are you performing when you are doing CPR?
2.. Explain defibrillation. In your answer, be sure to describe what a defibrillator is. Are
defibrillators common today?
3. What is a PAD?
4. Explain how a stroke can occur. How is it similar to a heart attack?
5. List 3 results that may come from having a stroke.
6. What is another name for a stroke?
7. Risk Factor – define what a risk factor is?
8. List 2 uncontrollable ways of getting heart disease and stroke.
9. What is the leading cause of heart disease in Canada?
10. What does the term “lots of fat in the blood” mean? How does the fat get there?
11.List the 4 ways that you can limit fat in your diet.
12. What does diabetes do to the body? What are two things people with diabetes should do?
13. What happens to the heart of someone who is obese? Why is this not good?
14. How does lack of exercise contribute to heart disease and stroke? Explain.
15. How does stress contribute to heart disease and stroke? Explain.
16. List 4 ways, from the information you gathered, that you can improve your chances of not
getting heart disease and stroke.
Grade 9 CPR Unit
Physical Education – Set 3
Read your “High School CPR” booklet (p. 8-10) and answer the following questions in
complete sentences. Answer them on a separate sheet of paper and place your name on it.
1. What is “Early Recognition” referring to?
2. List and describe the 5 P’s or signals of a heart attack.
3. List all the possible symptoms of a stroke.
4. Is it important to get heart attack and stroke victims to the hospital quickly? Explain.
5. List 2 reasons why people may have trouble accepting that hey are having a stroke or
heart attack.
6. Should you listen to someone who has the signs, but doesn’t believe they are having a
heart attack? Why?
7. List and describe the 5 things you can do to help someone who is having a heart attack or
8. What can you do to help make sure the ambulance finds you quickly?
9. List 2 other things you can have ready for the paramedics upon their arrival to help them.
10. What is the best way you can find out medical information on someone who is
11. What does CAB-D stand for?
12. Is it necessary to ask permission to a conscious person who requires assistance? Why?
13. What does the law assume when you come across an unconscious person who requires