BUSINESS MANAGEMENT S5/6 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Homework given on a weekly basis. Pupils also research Scottish organisations and are given an opportunity to do a presentation, verbal or written or using powerpoint, to the class on a topical business event. Core notes and homework past paper, type exercises are differentiated at the Higher / Intermediate 2 level. Exemplar nabs are given as homework to assist pupils to pass the 3 internal assessments which they complete throughout the year. Try to make sure that there are suitable working conditions at home, e.g. away from distractions such as the television. Offer encouragement at all times. Take positive and active interest in your child’s work and examine the standard of work in jotters. If homework is unclear, remind child to ask the teacher, parents can also contact the school. Parents could introduce their child to the many resources available to help with homework, e.g. library, internet etc which are useful for helping with projects. Visits to museums which have special events relevant to the subject could be helpful with homework. Encourage good presentation. Insist that work of a poor standard is repeated Sign homework If your child is absent, check they have copied any notes which they may have missed in class. HOMEWORK POLICY BUSINESS MANAGEMENT S5/6 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Continued LEVEL Higher & Intermediate DATE/MONTH 0F ISSUE 1 June TIMESCALE Weekly 1.30 hours 24 August 7 September 21 September 28 September 5 October 19 October 16 November 23 November Weekly 1.30 hours Weekly 1.30 hours Weekly 1.30 hours Weekly 1.30 hours 30 November 5 January 11 January 18 January Weekly 1.30 hours Weekly 1.30 hours 1 February to 11 February 22 February 26 April HOMEWORK POLICY Weekly 1.30 hours Weekly 1.30 hours CONTENT OF TASK Business in Contemporary Society: Presentation by pupils to class. Extended response questions and case studies. Past paper type question used also. Pupils may also be asked to do some research and bring in topical business style newspaper articles. These various types of homework are used at least weekly throughout the course Business Information and ICT Decision Making in Business Internal Organisations Nab Exemplar Homework Unit 1 NAB Assessment BDA – Marketing and Operations NAB Exemplar homework Unit 2 NAB Assessment BDA – Finance and Human Resource Management NAB Exemplar homework UNIT 3 NAB Assessment Revision for prelims: The weeks leading to S5/6 prelims will include past paper case studies and questions S5/6 Exams SQA Revision: Past papers and revision for SQA exams SQA exams start