QUIZ BOOK - Association of Grandparents of Indian Immigrants

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Instruction to parents
Screen the stories and choose those stories that will best suit to your child (a
minimum of eight stories must be chosen). There are 26 stories in total suitable
to all ages. In answering you are free to choose more stories. The summaries
(page 2), available with the video, may help to choose the story. All of the videos
are available at www.youtube.com/grandpakanai. But if you prefer a DVD,
please contact agii2000@aol.com.
Quizzes for all stories are available in this book. After watching the story ask
your child to complete the quiz instantly. Help him/her if necessary. Add your
own experience into your discussion.
Print out the quizzes and mail to us as proof of participation or email your
quizzes to agii2000@aol.com.
We can send you a new DVD suitable to your child’s age group and an attractive
certificate of successful completion of Grandpa’s Summer Camp, 2011.
The program is sponsored by the Association of Grandparents of Indian Immigrants and
organized by Rohini Chakravarthy, the granddaughter, along with her friends.
Volume 1: For all ages
Brave little Parrot (Jataka)
The story is taken from Jataka (Buddhist tales), written around 100 CE. It illustrates the power
of the desire to serve others. The story takes the journey through a forest on fire and how the
brave little parrot did the task of putting it off.
Trifling loss (Tagore)
This story is taken from Tagore collection of Samanya Khoti. In this appealing story, the righteous
king does not hesitate to punish his queen and made her beg to compensate the loss she has
caused to the poort.
Ganapathi (Mythological humor)
This funny story from Indian mythology brings home the moral that none of us should have the
ego of unlimited power. Sweet Little Ganesh, who was ready to devour the richest of the Devas,
Kuber, was satisfied with a laddoo (round sweet) from his mother.
4. Monkey and crocodile (Panchatantra)
Today’s stories of Disney stems from the ancient literature of India, the Panchatantra. This
humorous story uses animal characters to convey an eternal message, “Hold to your wits in case
of danger and calamities”.
5. Milkmaid (Ramakrishna)
Spirituality is not a display of our academic achievement. Illiterate Ramakrishna, a noted saint
from India, illumined many educated individuals of east and west with simple stories like this
one. The learned Pundit had to yield to the milk maid for her faith.
6. Stone cutter (folktale)
There is not end of our desire. Budha is noted for giving up his kingdom in search of eternal
happiness. This folk tale from Rajasthan brings to light the fundamental concept of happiness,
7. Savitri (Mahabharata)
This is one of the most famous stories taken from the eternal epic of Mahabharata. It is a story of
human civilization. How Savitri, through her intense love and wits won over the God of Death,
and got back her dead husband. It is a story that tells the human race that our righteous thinking
will be rewarded one day, may not be within our own life time.
8. Prehistoric India (Our roots)
This is a “must see” video for every growing child in the west. It took us nearly five years to make
this excellent presentation with the input from many experts in this field. Their exploration has
put together the history of ancient India, how it took birth and how it changed with time. Many
contradictory thoughts have been straightened up with modern findings. It explains the link
between Indus valley civilization, Saraswati civilization and the advent of Aryan civilization.
9. Ashoka (history)
The greatest of the kings ever lived who at the zenith of his power gave up everything and
became a disciple of Budha. Every child of Indian origin must know his/her roots and cannot
separate from this great king of kings. His iconic Ashoka Chakra of India Government reminds of
his legacy with our lives.
10. Chants from Upanishad (Indian philosopohy)
We often lose the goodness of a spiritual thought by wrapping it with religion. Hindu heritage
calls for universality. A human likes to know what happens after death. How to win over death.
How to make one’s life most satisfying. This knowledge need to be sought for the entire human
race. The ancient slokas with explanation attempt to bring solace to one’s heart. This is meant for
the parents to watch and they should. Tell your children how these concepts came when world
was in its cradle and the Hindu word was not discovered.
11. Angulimal (a story from Buddha’s life)
This heart-warming story depicts the way a bright young boy turned into a criminal due to
miscommunication and neglect from the society. Yet, he was touched by Budha’s divinity t hat
brought solace to his heart.
Barber Syamlal (short story)
This inspirational story illustrates that God lives in the heart of his devotee; he who believes in
Him. When the king realizes His presence in a barber, the king touches his feet and realizes that
his wealth is so little in front of a blessed soul.
13. Learned Pundit (Ramakrishna)
This is another of Ramakrishna’s way of communicating a great message – “Practical knowledge
is more important than bookish knowledge” – through a humorous story.
Volume 2: For children under 10
14. Hope (a short story)
Swami Yogananda first told this beautiful story during his discourse. Through the narration of
two frogs Swamiji tries to emphasize, “Where is life there is hope”. It is a fundamental belief that
helps to minimize our frustrations of daily life.
15. Priceless gain (Tagore):
This story is taken from Tagore’s collection “Stories and tales (Katha o Kahini)” written in
Bengali poem. Tagore received his Nobel Prize in literature in 1913. Through this story about
Buddha Tagore tries to bring home the value of divine joy which is priceless.
16. Fairs and festivals of India.
This lively and colorful presentation takes your child through various parts of India where
different kinds of festivals are held. The narrator describes the significance and highlights of each
festival and make you a part of the celebration.
17. Beggar king (Folktale of India)
This is one of t he most appealing stories for the children. A powerful king was humbled by a
poor farmer family when he lived with them for a night and sought their help in a critical
moment of his life.
18. Blind men and elephant (Folktale of India)
Our parochial believes may lead to the life of four blind men who could not perceive the
magnanimity of the elephant by touching only a portion of his body.
19. Brahmin’s dream (A short story)
This amusing story, told by the famous writer and cartoonist of India, Shankar, tells us the day
dreaming always ends of with disappointment.
20. Clever calf (A folktale from India)
Here the grandfather is telling a story to his grandchildren in a casual setting. The story
discloses the wit of a small calf and how he won the affection of the animals that surrounded him.
21. Dasharatha (Ramayana)
The life of the righteous king Dasharatha, father of Rama, is depicted in this story with beautiful
illustrations suitable for young kids. The focal point is the relationship between the four brothers
– Rama, Lakshmana Bharata and Shatrughna – during their childhood days.
22. The fisherman who became a holy man (Ramakrishna)
Ramakrishna, the Bengali sage, well known through his leading disciple, Vivekananda, was an
unique story teller. This story illustrates the way he taught people to practice righteous life even
with many short comings and enjoy the divinity with its grandeur.
23. Golden deer (Jataka)
Jataka tales are Buddhist stories that try to dissipate the principles taught Lord Buddha. A
hunter king was taught by a Golden deer that it is not worth to take life for one’s pleasure of
eating. He later became a vegetarian.
24. Rainbow prince (Fairytale from Bengal).
This is a fairy tale from Bengal traditionally told by all Bengali grandmothers to their
grandchildren. It has numerous variations but we tried the capture the one which is most widely
25. Sage and dog (Mahabharata)
The story is taken form Mahabharata that conveys the message that only the worthy recipients
should receive the blessing from a righteous person.
26. Tiger and Brahmin (Panchatantra)
The story is unique in many ways. The background music is provided by Rabishankar and the
narration is made by the famous British actor _____ who played the role of Gandhi. The story
attempts to convey the significance of wit at the time of calamity.
27. Bheema and Hanuman (Mahabharata)
It is a mythological story told with humor. Hanuman (elder) Bheema were both sons of the Wind
God (Pavana), though t hey lived in different times – the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. When
they met, Hanuman played a few tricks that fumigated Bheema but at the end Bheema
recognized his elder brother and felt sorry for his actions.
28. Teacher (A page from history).
Teachers of Nalanda, an ancient university of India that was located in today’s Bihar State,
treated their students equally, may he be prince or a popper. Prince of Varanasi hated his
teacher and wanted to punish him for dealing roughly with him. Then he realized that his strict
education has shaped his life and prepared him to rule the country with responsibility. The
illustrations came from one of our grandchildren and that made the story unique.
29. Parents are Gods (Mythology)
This classical story illustrates the wit of Lord Ganesha who circled the world by circling around his
parents. He considered his parents to be God.
Instructions: Select the letter of the answer and write/type it on the blank space.
1. Brave Little Parrot
1. What do you understand by Jataka tales? ______
a) Buddhist tale
b) Swan
2. Why was the forest on fire? ______
c) Feeling small before the parrot
d) Lighting
3. What bird did the God turn into? ______
e) No
f) Some
4. What put out the forest fire? ______
g) Come and help to carry water
h) Forest fire was gone
5. Did any animal come to help the parrot? ______
i) Eagle
j) By the cry of the eagle
6. Was the parrot able to put out the fire? ______
k) Fireman
l) Cigarette
7. How did the feathers of the parrot get burnt? _____ m) Fairy tale
n) Folk tale
8. Why was the parrot happy? ______
o) Yes
p) Yes with caution
9. What did the parrot say to the elephant? ______
10. Did the parrot go to the fox? ______
Instructions: Select the letter of the answer and write/type on the blank space.
1. The story was originally written in ___
2. The location of the story was ___
3. The name of the queen’s maid was ___
4. The name of the river was ___
5. The name of the bathing ghat was ___
6. How did the king punish the queen ___
7. How did the queen warm herself ___
8. The queen went to take bath in the ___
9. The author of the story is ___
a) Made her beg to compensate
the loss
b) Baruna
c) Bengali poem
d) Burning houses
e) Champak grove
f) Dasaswamedh ghat
g) English
h) Evening
i) Ganges
j) Jamuna
k) Malati
l) Morning
m) Rabindranath Tagore
n) Sent her to jail
o) Varanasi
p) Compassion for poor
10. What is the moral of the story? ___
Ganapathi (Mythological humor)
Instructions: Select the letter of the answer and write/type on the blank space.
1. Who was Shiva? ___
2. Who was Kuber? ___
3. Who was Ganesh’s mother? ___
4. Why Ganesh chased Kuber? ___
5. Where did Kuber go to save his life? ___
6. How many tusks Ganesh had? ___
7. Why Shiva declined Kuber’s invitation? ___
8. Who first started eating in the party? ___
a) Fruit cake
b) Sweet laddoo
c) Feeling small before the parrot
d) Ganesh’s father
e) No
f) Parvati’s husband
g) Parvati
h) He was hungry
i) Two
j) One
k) Ganesh
l) He was too busy
m) Saraswati
n) Money lender to Gods
o) Yes
p) Wind God
9. What did Ganesh’s mother give Ganesh to eat? ___
10. Who was Shiva’s wife? ___
Instructions: Select the letter of the answer and write/type on the blank space.
4. Monkey and crocodile (Jataka)
1. Jataka tales are about? (Get help) ___
2. The book from which the story was taken was
published in? ___
3. Which fruit the monkey loved most? ___
4. How did the monkey fool the crocodile that was
about to drown him? ___
Buddha’s previous birth
Eat the monkey
Crocodile answered when he
5. Why the crocodile could not catch the monkey
when it jumped on his head? ___
6. What was the time of the day when the monkey
was returning home after his visit to the island of
mango trees? ___
7. What is the moral of the story? ___
He left his heart on the tree
The crocodile went to sleep
His eyes were closed
He left his head on the bank
8. The crocodile who was trying to eat the money was
young or old? ___
9. How did the monkey find out that the crocodile
was lying on his step stone? ___
10. Who was cleverer, monkey or the crocodile? ___
Watch out for crocodiles
Keep your wits in time of
The monkey saw his dazzling
5. Milkmaid
1. Who was Ramakrishna? (Get help) ___
Deliver milk
A saint
Everyday morning
He did not have as much
faith in God as he boasted
Took care of her father
She could not catch the boat
Hari (Vishnu)
She overslept
Water the plants
Practice what you preach
9. Why did the Pundit get mad with the milkmaid?
10. The name of which God did the milkmaid chant
while crossing the river? ___
Read from the scriptures
The milkmaid stole his shoes
She was late in delivering the
2. What did the milkmaid do for the Pundit? ___
3. When did she visit the Pundit? ___
4. Why did the Pundit fail to walk over the river? ___
5. Other than milking the cow, what else did the
milkmaid do in the morning before delivering the
milk to the Pundit? ___
6. Why did the milkmaid get late? ___
7. What is the moral of the story? ___
8. What was Pundit’s profession? ___
m Faith in God
6. Stone cutter (folktale).
1. What is a folktale? (Get help)
2. Why was the stone cutter not happy to be the
3. Why did he want to be a merchant? __
a) Inside the cave of the
b) He was tired of his life
c) Contentment is the key to
4. Where was the tiger sleeping? __
5. What was his last wish? __
6. What did he do when he became wind? __
d) Stories of Gods
e) Elephant
f) Because of the cloud
g) Because he had to fight too
7. Why was he not happy when he was a king? __
8. On which animal did the merchant take ride? __
9. When did the stonecutter decide to get back to his
old life? __
10. What is the moral of the story? __
many wars
h) To get back to his old life
i) To become woodcutter
j) Blew over fields and oceans
k) The sun bothered him
l) Camel
m) Traditional stories
communicated from person
to person by word of mouth.
n) Bullock
o) Because of heat
p) After he became a mountain
q) When he tried to become
r) Stories of fairies
s) Never be a stone cutter
7. Savitri (Mahabharata)
1. What is Mahabharata? (Get help) _____
a) Because Satyavan prayed for
his life
2. Who wrote the Mahabharata? (Get help) ____
b) Sanskrit name of India
3. What was the first wish of Savitri? ____
4. What was the third wish of Savitri? ____
c) Vyas
d) To give Savitri many
children from Satyavan
5. Why Yama gave back the life of Satyavan? ____
e) Yama
6. Why did Satyavan live in a hermitage? ____
7. Whose daughter was Savitri? ____
8. Who was Narada? ____
9. Who is the God of Death? ____
10. What was Satyavan doing before he died? ____
f) His father became blind and
lost his kingdom
g) An epic scripture of Hindus
h) To give back the eye sight of
her father in law
i) To keep his promise to give
Savitri her children from
j) A king
k) Give children to her father
l) Cutting wood
m) Eternal sage
n) Balmiki
o) Shiva
8. Prehistoric India
1. Geologically speaking, the present day India was
originally attached to _____?
a) Eatern part of Africa
2. Did people migrate to India before the Dravidian?
c) Hunting, fishing and
3. Who came to India first, Dravidians or Aryans?
d) Continental drift
4. Most anthropologists (according to the current
presentation) believe that humans first evolved in
f) Yes
b) India
e) No
g) Aryans
h) Dravidians
5. What were the occupations of primitive humans
(Homo sapiens? _____
i) Two
j) After
6. Where is Harappa? _____
k) In today’s West Pakistan
7. Which deity of Dravidian civilization still
continued to be worshipped? _____
l) In today’s Nepal
8. Saraswati civilization took birth _____ Dravidian
civilization. (before or after?)
n) Matsyavatar
9. Vedas and Upanishads were contributed by _____
p) Agriculture
10. Which was the first incarnation of Vishnu? _____
m) Before
o) Yes
q) Gondowanaland
9. Ashoka (history)
1. Why is Ashoka so important for the Indian to
know? (Get help and write a few lines)
a) Muslim
b) Allahabad
2. Who was Ashoka’s father? ____
c) Two
3. What was the name of Ashoka’s wife? ____
d) Hindu
4. Which war prompted Ashoka to become a
Buddhist? ____
e) Three
5. What was the name of Ashoka’s son? ____
6. Why Buddhism is not so popular in India? ____
7. Who succeeded Ashoka? (Google) ____
f) Bindusar
g) Patna
h) Sutapa
i) Predominance of Hinduism
j) Mahendra
8. Where was Pataliputra, on today’s map of India?
k) Bidishah
l) Cutting wood
9. How many brothers Ashok had? ____
m) Ajatshatru
10. Who was Ashoka’s wife? ____
n) Successor of Ashoka
11. Ashoke’s wife was a ___
o) Kalinga
10. Chants from Upanishad
1. The chanting in the beginning was from ______?
2. Did “Hinduism” take birth when Upanishad was
written? (Get help) ____
3. Rigveda was written before the Upanishad? ____
(True of False) (Get help)
a) Who is free from his shackles
of desire
b) Aparavidya
c) Paravidya
d) Who has read Ramayana and
4. The prayer Om Sahan Bhabatu means ____
e) Brahman
5. The knowledge beyond the earthly knowledge is
called ____
6. “Mabid Bishavahai” means ____
7. Rishi Saunaka’s conversation with Angeera, the
great seer of truth is mentioned in ____
8. The ultimate truth, as Angeera explains is the ____
9. Mangalacharn is the ____
10. Who can realize Brahman? ____
f) Kathopanishad
g) Let there be no
misunderstanding between
the disciple and the preceptor
h) Invocation prayer
i) Who has read Gita
j) Mundakaupanishad
k) Agnostic
l) Let the supreme protect us
m) Prayer of Benediction
n) Vedas
11. Angulimal
1. Lord Buddha lived through _____
a) Takshasheela
2. Where did Angulimal go to study? ____
b) 1000 years before the birth of
Christ (1000 B.C.)
3. Buddha lived for ____ years
4. The story of Angulimal is described in? ____
c) Paramatthadipani of
5. The name of the king where Buddha lived is ____
d) 563-483 AD
6. Kosala, an ancient kingdom of India, was located
in today’s ____
e) 100
7. The name of Angulimal came because he wore the
garland of ____
f) 80
g) Uttarpradesh
h) Bimbisara
8. Why people hated Angulimal? ____
i) Prasenajit
9. Which was the capital of Kosal? ____
j) Little fingers
10. What was Angulimal’s real name? ____
k) Give children to her father
l) Garland of budding flowers
m) He robbed and killed people
n) Sravasti
o) Ahimshak
12. Barber Shyamlal
1. What did Shyamlal do? _____
a) High caste
2. What deity did Shyamlal worship? ____
b) No
3. Shyamlal belonged to which cast? ____
c) Yes
d) Low caste
4. Did Shyamlal’s wife tell lie about Shyamlal? ____
e) Krishna
5. Who came in disguise of Shyamlal in front of the
king? ____
6. Who messaged the king? ____
f) Cut king’s hair and give
g) Put him in jail
7. Whose reflection did Badshah see in his oil pot?
h) To give back the eye sight of
her father in law
8. What did the king do when he saw real Shyamlal?
i) Fell on his feet
j) A king
9. Why did Shyamlal address, “Oh the dweller of
Baikunth”? ____
10. What was Satyavan doing before he died? ____
11. What did Shyamlal do with the money Krishna
left in his bag?
k) Gave back to the king
l) Put in the bank to earn
m) Distributed to people
n) As Krishna lived in heaven
13. Learned Pundit
1. What was the learned Pundit doing in t he story?
a) “Three-quarter of your life is
2. Who told the story? ____
b) Crossing the river on a fairy
3. In the time scale, when were the Upanishads
written? ____ (Get help)
c) Before 1800 BC
4.Did the Pundit know swimming? ____
d) Ramakrishna, a saint from
5. What did the passenger say before jumping out of
the boat? ____
e) “Half of your life is wasted”
6. Did the knowledge of Upanishad save the Pundit?
“Then your whole life is
gone Punditji”
g) Yes
7. Can you tell, by looking at the sandalwood mark
on the forehead of the Pundit, whether he worships
Vishnu or Shiva? ____ (Get help)
h) No
i) Vishnu
8. How many other passengers were there other than
the boatman and the Pundit? ____
j) Shiva
9. The storm came when the Pundit said, “_____”?
k) Practical learning is more
important than bookish
10. What is the moral of the story? ____
l) Four
m) Two
n) Bookish knowledge is
required for getting practical
Hope (a short story)
1. How many frogs participated in the story
a) “Cow
2. While did the frogs go?
b) Milk pail
3. How did the big from die?
c) Forms butter
4. The small frog jumped out of the pail by landing
d) Evening
on ____
e) Big frog
5. It all happened during _____
f) Morning
6. Who said “Where there is life there is hope”?
g) English
7. How many people came to rescue the frogs?
h) Evening
8. Where did the frogs fall?
i) Three
9. What will happen when you churn milk?
j) Two
10. Which other animals did you see in the picture?
k) Drowned in milk
l) Barn
m) Garden
n) Climbing on the wall of the
o) Due to heat
p) Little frog
q) None
Priceless gain (Tagore)
1. What was the title of the original story? ___
a) Sudas
2. What was the name of the gardener? ___
b) Prasenjit
3. What was the name of the king? ___
c) Around the time of Ashoke
d) Mali
Who was Buddha? ____ ____
5. What did the gardener pick up from his pond?
e) Ajatshatru
6. Whom did he try to sell his flower first? ___
g) Yes
7. Did the gardener sell his flower to Buddha? ___
h) No
f) A saint
8. What did the gardener get from Buddha, which he i) Rose
thought to be priceless? ___
j) Lotus
9. Was the king on a horse? ___
k) His blessings
10. When did Buddha take birth? (Google) ___
l) Mulyaprapti
m) King of Magadh
n) About 600 years before the
birth of Christ
o) A prince who left his
pleasures in search of cause
for human sufferings
p) A merchant
q) Guard
Fairs and festivals of India
1. Diwali is observed during ____ season.
1. Puri, Orissa
2. Holi is the festival of ______?
2. September-October
3. Durga Puja is celebrated during the month of
3. November
4. Light
4. Ratha Yatra festival is a big festival of ____?
5. Spring
5. Dewali is the festival of _____?
6. Colors
6. Holi comes in _____?
7. Harvest
7. The temple of Brahma is located in ____?
8. Autumn
8. Sonepur is located in ____?
9. Jains
9. Maha Mastakabhiseka is attended by ____?
10. Pushkar, Rajasthan
10. Pongal is a _____ festival?
11. Muslims
11. Kumbh means ____
12. Summer
13. Pitcher
14. Punjab
15. Bihar
16. Utttarpradesh
17. Gujrat state
17. Beggar king (Folktale of India)
1. The king went out for ___ .
2. The king went to a _____ when he was lost?
3. What did the king give to the host before leaving?
4. What did the guard do after reading the chit of
paper? ____
5. What was the king doing when the farmer arrived
at the palace _____?
6. Why did the farmer return home without meeting
the king?
7. Which deity the king was praying to? ____
8. What did the king do when he heard the reason of
the farmer to return home empty handed? ____
a) Took to the palace with
b) September-October
c) Put him in jail
d) Praying in his temple
e) To seek help for the village
facing famine
f) Farmer’s house
g) Battle
h) Sitting in his court
i) He found the king a begging
j) 10 gold coins
k) A chit of paper
9. What is the moral of the story? ___
l) Summer
10. Why the farmer went to the king?
m) King taking bath
n) Krishna
o) Shiva
p) Touched his feet
q) Share your belongings
18. Blind men and elephant (Folktale of India)
a) Did the blind men ever saw an elephant? ___ .
a) Drums
b) How many blind men were there?
b) No
c) Raja is the Indian name for a ____.
c) Yes
d) Where did the king live? ____
d) Three
e) King
e) What did the first blind man say about the
elephant? _____
f) Six
g) In a palace
f) Why did the second blind man describe the
elephant to be a snake?
h) Sitting in his court
i) It is like a wall
g) Why did the third blind man thought the elephant
to be a spear? ____
h) The blind man who was touched the ear of the
elephant thought it to be _____ ?
i) What is the moral of the story? ___
j) Was the king a good person?
j) He was touching the tail.
k) A fan
l) Do not go near an elephant
m) He was touching the tusk
n) You know the whole when
you put all its parts together
o) Yes
p) No
q) He was touching the trunk
19. Brahmin’s dream (A short story)
1. What did the Brahmin do for living? ___ .
2. What did he get in his begging?
3. Where did he put the flour that he got from
4. Which animals did he dream to buy? ____. ____
a) Put your daydreams into
b) No
c) Yes
d) She goats
e) Cow
5. What was his plan to do with the milk? ____
f) A pot of ata or flour
6. What did he plan to sell to the king? _____
g) Begging
7. Did the Brahmin plan to marry?
h) Make sweets
i) Clothes
8. Did he plan to have children? ____
9. What did the Brahmin’s plan to do if the children
disturbed him during his nap time ____ ?
10. What happened to the flour that he begged? ___
11. What is the moral of the story?
j) In an earthen pot and hang
over his head.
k) In his tin can under the shelf.
l) Don’t cook your pie in the
Fell on his head and on the
n) Tiger for his zoo
o) Pearls and diamonds
p) Beat them
20. Clever calf (A folktale from India)
1. Who is the author of the story? ___ .
a) Bheema
2. Pancha Kalyani?
b) Loved
3. What was the name of the calf? ____.
c) Hated
4. All farm animals _____ her?
d) Parbat
e) Five good qualities
5. What was the name of the bull? _____
f) Luthia
6. Did the bull like the calf that was so naughty to
g) Shankar
7. Shyama was a ___ ?
i) Cow
8. What did the fox think of himself?
j) King.
9. What was the fox’s plan? ___
k) Sheep
10. Who kicked the fox into the air?
l) A friend of the calf
h) Tagore
m) Maid who took care of the
farm animals
n) To kill the calf
o) Yes
p) No
q) The owner
21. Dasharatha (Ramayana)
1. Where from this story was taken? ___ .
2. Who was Dasharatha?
3. How many children Dasharatha had? ____.
a) Drums
b) King of Koshala
c) Ramayana
d) Four
4. What was the name of Dasharatha’s eldest son?
e) Rama
f) Six
5. Ayodhya was on the bank of river? _____
6. Who was Shravankumar?
7. Who was the brother who stayed close to
Bharata? ____
g) He killed the only son of a
blind hermit by accident.
h) Saraju
i) Mahabharata
j) Shatrughna
8. Who was Manthara?
k) Lakshman.
9. Who was the mother of Rama? ___
10. Who was the royal priest of Dasharatha?
l) To keep his father’s promise
to her queen Kaikeyi.
11. How did Dasharatha die?
m) Maid of Kaushalya
12. Why Dasharatha was cursed?
n) He died of shock
o) Maid of Dasharatha
p) Kaushalya
q) Vashishtha
r) Biswamitra
22. The fisherman who became a holy man (Ramakrishna)
1. Where was the fisherman stealing fish?
a) He climbed up on a tree
2. When the thief saw people chasing him, what did
b) To give a name
he do?
3. At what time the fisherman went to steal? ____.
4. What is the moral of the story? ____
c) He posed like a holy man
d) Lake
e) In the early morning
f) At night
5. Why did the couple bring their child to the holy
man? _____
g) Private pond
h) Holy practices may help you
6. Did the house owner personally come to see the
thief, now a holy man?
become holy.
i) Yes
7. Where did the fisherman hide his net? ____
j) No
8. Did the thief fool everybody?
k) Dug it underground
9. Did the fisherman leave his old profession? ___
l) To bless
10. So, if you pray every morning, even you do not
m) Under a bush
believe in God, will you become a holy person?
n) Never steal
o) Tell the truth
p) Drowned in the pond
q) He jumped out of the court
23. Golden deer (Jataka)
1. Jatakatales are connected with the previous lives
of ___ . (Get help)
2. Before the king met the Golden deer, he was a
3. The Golden deer was a ____.
4. The king went to hunt with his ____
5. The king lived in the city of ____?
a) Sarnath (near Varanasi)
b) To save a pregnant doe
c) Buddha
d) Meat eater
e) Banaras/Varanasi
f) Stag
g) Vegetarian
h) Son
6. Why did the golden deer offered his life to the
i) Cook
j) Female deer
7. Why the king chose to become a vegetarian?
k) Dalai Lama
8. The first teaching of Buddha was in ____?
l) When he heard that the
golden deer is ready to give
his life to save a doe
9. Another name of the Golden deer was ____?
10. In which language Buddha spread his message in
India? (Get help)
m) Banyan deer
n) Pali
o) Sanskrit
p) Hindi
24. Rainbow prince (Fairytale from Bengal)
1. What was the name of the princess? ___ .
2. Whom did the princess choose to marry?
3. Where did the witch hide the consciousness of the
prince? ____.
a) Asked the guards to throw
the maid from the top of the
b) Malati
c) In a red parrot
4. What happened to the caged birds? ____
d) Princess of Rainbow land
5. What was the name of the maid of the princess?
e) Nilanjana
6. Why did the princess get mad with her maid?
g) The prince of Rainbow land
7. What did the maid do with the red bird? ____
h) She asked to free the caged
8. What did the princess do with her maid?
9. Whom did the prince marry? ___ ____
10. What is the moral of the story? ____
f) Rupanjali
i) The maid of the princess
j) Be kind and compassionate
k) A friend of the princess
l) Put in the bird cage
m) Put in jail
n) She asked to marry her
o) The king set them free
p) Set her free
Sage and dog (Mahabharata)
1. Mahabharata was written ______ Ramayana?
(Get help)
2. Name the first wild animal the sage transformed
the dog to ____
3. What was the last transformation of the dog?
4. Did the elephant eat other animals? ____
a) No
b) In forest
c) Rhinoceros
d) After
e) Be grateful to people for
their favor.
f) Prehistoric animal
g) Leopard
5. Why did the sage get mad at the dog? _____
h) Wild elephant
6. What is the moral of the story? ____
i) He was planning to kill the
7. Which animal came after the leopard? ____
8. Where did the sage live?
9. Was the sage afraid of wild animals? ___
10. When the dog was transformed into tiger, did he
j) Mouse
k) A gorilla
l) A fierce tiger
m) Before
continue to have his austere diet?
n) Yes
o) At the same time
p) Sages must punish bad
Tiger and Brahmin (Panchatantra)
1. The story was taken from? ___ .
a) Vishnu
2. Are Brahmins good people?
b) Yes
3. To whom did the tiger swear? ____.
c) Mahabharata
4. Where was the tiger when the Brahmin first met
him? ____
d) Jataka
5. Did the Brahmin set the tiger free from the cage?
f) Panchatantra
6. Which animal did the Brahmin meet first?
h) Elephant
7. How did the fox got the tiger back to the cage?
8. Was the peepal tree happy with his life? ____
9. Who saved the Brahmin from the tiger?
10. Whom did the Brahmin meet before meeting the
fox? ___
e) No
g) Never trust a tiger
i) Clever fox
j) Do not trust your enemy
k) Water buffalo
l) Eagle
m) In the cage
n) By asking the tiger to show
where he was
11. What is the moral of the story?
Bheema and Hanuman (Mahabharata)
1. Who humbled the arrogant Bheem? ___ .
a) Kunti
2. Why Bheem and Hanuman were brothers? ____
b) Archery
3. Bheem was well known for his ____.
c) Kosal
4. The name of the kingdom ruled by Pandavas and
Kauravas was ____
5. Pandavas were the ___
6. What was the name of Bheem’s mother?
7. Kauravas were ___ ____
d) Strength and valor
e) Hanuman
f) When Bheema went to fetch
the fragrant flower for
g) Hastinapur
9. Why the Pandavas were sent to exile? ___
h) Pavan (wind god) was their
common heavenly father.
i) Five sons of Pandus
10. Who was the wife of Bheema?
11. Draupadi was married to ____
k) Duryodhan
12. When did Hanuman meet Bheema
l) Cousins of Pandavas
8. The eldest brother of the Kauravas was ___
Sons of Dhritarashtra
m) Draupadi
n) Five Pandava brothers
o) The lost their kingdom in the
dice game
p) When Bheema was taking
bath in a lake
q) Kauravas
r) Because they were defeated
in a war
Teacher (A page from history)
1. The story starts with the king of _____?
a) Keshab
2. How many children the king had?
b) Canning
3. Where was Nalanda on the map of India? ____.
c) Rahul
4. Why was the prince punished? ____
d) One
5. How did the teacher punish him? _____
e) Four
f) He stole peas
6. What was the name of the prince?
g) Kashi
7. How did the prince go to Nalanda? ____
h) State of Bihar
8. What is the moral of the story? _____
i) Doing extra work
9. Why did the prince invite his teacher during
j) Ayodhya
coronation? ___
10. Did the prince whip the teacher?
k) To take revenge for the
punishment he received from
the teacher.
l) On car
m) Yes
n) On bullock cart
o) No
p) Punishment of a teacher is
with the goal to make you a
better person in future.
q) By train
Parents are Gods (Mythology)
1. Who were Ganesh’s parents? ___ .
a) Two
2. Who was Kuber?
b) A demon
3. How many tusks Ganesh had? ____ _____.
c) Shiva and Parvati
4. Who went to attend the party thrown by Kuber ?
5. What did Parvati give to Ganesh? _____ (Get
d) Money lenders to Gods
e) One
f) Rama and Sita
g) Richest person in heaven and
6. Who was the principle guest of Kuber’s party ?
h) Ganesha
7. Ganapathy was angry because _____?
i) A sweet laddoo
8. Why Ganapathy chased Kuber?
j) Other Gods laughed at him
9. What did you learn from this story? ___
k) Parvati
10. Did Kuber have his lesson?
l) There was not enough food
m) Be aware of Ganesh
n) Don’t have a false pride
o) Yes
p) Luxmi
q) No
r) Saraswati