Saturday Climbing Chart.doc

Saturday Climbing Analysis (graphic organizer/metaphor analysis)
1. How is the changing relationship between Barry and Moira like their climb up the cliff? Make
a chart like the following, with a column for the climb (in other words, the PLOT), one for the
relationship (specifically, what is and has been the dynamic of Barry and Moira’s history) and
one for the symbols (the author imbeds these to create extended metaphors):
E.g. At the beginning of the
E.g. After Barry’s wife
E.g. The rope is a symbol of
story, Barry is leading;
leaves, he is the only parent. not only their physical
Moira is following
He tries to protect Moira by
connection on the mountain
providing unhesitating
by also of their relationship.
They are “tied” together by
duty, love, responsibility
Barry is afraid of falling
He’s worked so hard at his
Barry pounds in another
and Moira’s relationship
chock nut to consolidate his
that he doesn’t want it to
gains in case something
fall apart because of one
should happen.
small incident
Should something happen,
hopefully it won’t
completely ruin their
Moira deviates from the
She wants to show her dad
The overhang is a major
route her father has set
that she isn’t a little girl
obstacle that Moira was
anymore and that she can
able to conquer but her
think for herself. Also that
father wasn’t. It helps show
she’s every bit as capable as
that she can do everything
her father.
Barry can and then some.
Moira picks up the pitons
Moira is trying to show that
Moira picks up the pitons
and chock nuts her father
she is more responsible than and chock nuts her father
has left behind, for possible
what her father gives her
has left behind, thus
later use
credit for
showing her level of
They sit side by side on the
They’ve overcome an
The top of the cliff
obstacle together which has
symbolizes a triumph both
strengthened their
of them have made, both
physically and in their
Barry doesn’t know how to
Barry realizes how
The difficult rock face is an
climb further; Moira shows
intelligent his daughter is
obstacle that helps Moira
him a way up
and that maybe he should
prove to her father that
let her have more freedom
she’s as intelligent as her
to decide things for herself
father, if not more so
A barrier is broken between
Cautiously holding onto the
them as Barry realizes
rope, Barry allows her the
Moira is as capable as he is
freedom to solve the
and that she can think for
problem of the rock face for
herself rationally
herself while ensuring that
Moira leads; Barry follows
nothing can possibly
happen to her
2. Write two or three sentences explaining how Barry has influenced Moira. Provide at least two
quotations or examples from the story to PROVE your answer.
By being so overly protective of her, he was never really influencing her at all but by getting
them into rock climbing together, he’s taught her to believe in herself and to challenge herself.
As Moira deviates from Barry’s path, she’s learning to be more independent and confident in
herself. As she leads the way towards the end of the story it helps set in stone that independence
and confidence she’s gained from the previous weeks.