POSITION DESCRIPTION Youth Services - Leaving Care/Postcare MOIRA MOIRA Inc provides a range of support services for people with disabilities and children, families, youths, and older persons in Melbourne and throughout Victoria. MOIRA takes an innovative, person- and family-centred approach in providing targeted, outcomes-based services. MOIRA’s Vision To enable all persons, regardless of ability and circumstance, to live independent, fulfilling lives with and within their chosen community. MOIRA’s Values 1. MOIRA provides value to individuals and families through targeted, outcomes-based, sustainable service. 2. MOIRA takes an innovative, person- and family-centred approach and, often in partnership with other organisations, develops new solutions. 3. MOIRA is as transparent, simple and consistent as is practicable, including in our communications and business processes. 4. MOIRA takes every opportunity to advocate for its vision. Position Summary: To increase access for young people aged between 16 and 18 years who are in or have been in foster care or kinship care that are subject to a custody or Guardianship to the Secretary. Or, young people aged 15 – 18 years who have exited state foster care or kinship care, were subject to a Custody or Guardianship to the Secretary Order and subsequently seek post care assistance up to 21 years. To increase access to education, employment and training pathways through collaboration with schools, other youth services, training facilities and employers. To encourage these young people to develop career goals and work towards a long term sustainable career, ensuring they are linked to family (where appropriate), community and have pathways to housing, health and developmental needs. To build capacity of ‘at-risk’ young people through access to mentoring programs by providing opportunities for community mentors to connect, inspire and encourage young people to reach their full potential by offering a non-judgmental relationship and becoming a positive and motivating influence in their lives. To be available to work occasional out of hours. 1\5 D:\106747461.doc Issue 08 July 14 POSITION DESCRIPTION Youth Services - Leaving Care/Postcare Organisation Overview 2\5 D:\106747461.doc Issue 08 July 14 POSITION DESCRIPTION Youth Services - Leaving Care/Postcare Key Responsibilities: Functional Responsibilities 3\5 To provide individual support that will increase the young person’s personal and practical skills, maintaining a positive relationship with young people Work with the young person to develop a structured support plan inclusive of developing an agreed set of goals and programs To develop and strengthen networks with the providers of foster care or kinship care and appropriate DHS staff. To develop and personalise career and training pathway plan for each young person. To encourage young people in foster care or kinship care to develop links with their community through social and sporting clubs. Develop partnerships with key stakeholders undertaking community consultation to research, assess and analyse community needs and interests Keep up to date with developments, legislation and regulations relevant to the requirements of the position. To develop and maintain networks and to enable the young person to link in with the broader community advocating with key stakeholders on behalf of young people where agreed Participate in all team activities and internal\external meetings as required Maintain appropriate files and records to facilitate good case management and accountability in accordance with the Leaving Care Program Comply with MOIRA philosophy, policy and procedures and service agreements Be aware of, and comply with MOIRA’s quality policies and procedures Be aware of and comply with Occupational Health and Safety systems and processes Be aware of and comply with all road traffic legislation and follow safe driving preparation & practice when driving a vehicle on behalf of MOIRA. Be aware of and remain up-to-date with the vision, values and code of conduct of MOIRA and function & behave within and in accordance with these documents. All roles at MOIRA are presumed to include what is, in the opinion of management, a reasonable degree of flexibility both in what work is done and how duties are performed, including duties other than those listed above. These other duties may be required by the organisation from time to time or on an ongoing basis. D:\106747461.doc Issue 08 July 14 POSITION DESCRIPTION Youth Services - Leaving Care/Postcare Statistics: MOIRA Youth Services turn over $1.5 Million has 200 clients, 8 youth programs, with a medium-sized team. Reporting Relationships: The person reports directly to the Team Leader Youth Services. Where the line manager for this role is replaced or altered, this position will automatically and immediately report to that/those new roles, as will be advised by the release of an updated organisation chart and/or an alternate form of communication of the change to the employee. Position Complexity, Skills and Knowledge 1. Level of Supervision and Independence The position requires a level of independence, having the ability to assess the support needs of young people and the ability to work as a team. 2. Interpersonal Skills This position requires an ability to interact positively and effectively with all positions in the business and external stakeholders through written and verbal communications. 3. Problem Solving and Judgement This position requires diverse problem solving skills and a degree of original and independent thinking. 4. Knowledge Required The person will display knowledge and understanding of young people. 5. Resource Management n/a 4\5 D:\106747461.doc Issue 08 July 14 POSITION DESCRIPTION Youth Services - Leaving Care/Postcare KEY SELECTION CRITERIA Qualifications Knowledge & Skills Tertiary qualifications in a relevant Human Services field and 3-5 years direct experience in the delivery of services to young people experiencing out of home care. The position requires professional knowledge in the following areas: Experience or knowledge of the Child Protection system and relevant legislation process and procedures. Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively and maintain positive relationships with both government and non-government. A practice framework that is evidence based along with a sound knowledge of services responses and intervention that impact positively on a young person’s development. Demonstrated ability to work within an outcome based human rights framework An understanding of adolescent development and the experiences young people have in out of home care. Skills in implementing community development strategies to meet required needs. Knowledge of or experience working with a reference group/steering committee and mentor/volunteer programs. Awareness/knowledge of community safety issues. Project management experience including report and submission writing and program development skills Experience in developing and maintaining a complex statistical data base. Demonstrate advanced computer skills using Microsoft Office and publishing systems to develop published materials i.e. brochures, publicity material etc High degree of original and independent thinking and time management skills A current Driver Licence A paid Working With Children Check (WWCC) with MOIRA added as a notified organisation for the duration of employment Personal Attributes 5\5 Highly developed communication and interpersonal skills High level problem solving skills D:\106747461.doc Issue 08 July 14