Where`s the Beef?

Literacy Design Collaborative Argumentative Module
Where’s the Beef?
Information Sheet for Argumentation Module
Module title:
Where’s the Beef?
Module description
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, it is estimated that 25.6 billion pounds of beef will be consumed this year alone. This
consumption will account for 79 billion dollars of revenue for the beef industry and give students 79 billion reasons to educate themselves on all
aspects of the beef industry. A closer examination of the production practices in the beef industry such as the use of antibiotics, growth hormones,
and feed additives will allow students to formulate their claim and defend their position pertaining to the question, “Should consumers purchase
beef products that have been altered from their natural state?”
Main aspects of the learning process include:
 A close reading process that probes all facets of the beef industry
 A task engagement process that sets up the main teaching task
 An extension that allows students to design and conduct an experiment with the 3 major types of meat products (organic, grass-fed, and
status quo)
 A transition to writing in which students connect their claim to textual evidence
 A writing process in which students establish and support a claim about whether consumers of beef products should purchase beef
products that have been altered from their natural state.
Task 2: [Insert question] After reading________ (literature or informational texts),write a/an________ (essay or substitute) that addresses the
question and support your position with evidence from the text(s). L2 Be sure to acknowledge competing views. (Argumentation/Analysis)
Template task
(include number,
type, level):
Teaching task:
Discipline: (e.g.,
ELA, science,
Should consumers purchase beef products that have been altered from their natural state? After reading primary and secondary texts on the
production practices of the beef industry, write an argumentative essay that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from
the texts. Be sure to acknowledge competing views.
10, 11, 12
Agricultural Education-Animal Systems Pathway (Career and Technical Education)
Argumentation Template from LDC Guide for Teachers | © Literacy Design Collaborative, August 2011
history, other?)
Biological Animal Science
Toby Craver
Argumentation Template from LDC Guide for Teachers | © Literacy Design Collaborative, August 2011
Section 1: What Task?
Teaching task:
Reading texts:
Background to
share with
Should consumers purchase beef products that have been altered from their natural state? After reading primary and secondary texts on the production
practices of the beef industry, write an argumentative essay that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the texts. Be sure
to acknowledge competing views.
“Understanding Hormone Use in Beef Cattle” http://www.iowabeefcenter.org/information/IBC48.pdf
“Natural and Organic Beef” http://www.uaex.edu/Other_Areas/publications?PDF/FSA-3103.pdf
“Is Your Meat Safe?” http://www,pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/meat/safe/overview.html
“Feed Additives in Beef Cattle” http://www.uaex.edu/Other_Areas/publications/pdf/FSA-3012.pdf
“Beef Quality Assurance and Beef Safety Program: Overview” http://www.merckvetmanual.com/mvm/index.jsp?cfile=htm/bc/180831.htm
“Frankensteer” Documentary http://vimeo.com/55321525
Animal Science Biology and Technology, 3rd Edition. Mikesell, Robert E., and Meecee Baker. Animal science biology & technology. 3rd ed. Australia:
Delmar Cengage Learning, 2011.Print.
Point of origin food labeling is becoming more prominent here in the United States. Our student population is not only consuming food products but
also making decisions on what they buy for consumption. For these reasons, they need to have the knowledge to make informed choices when it comes
to the products they purchase. In addition, the detailed look into the beef industry will enable students to realize other options concerning markets in
the event that a student decides to make a business venture into the beef industry.
Day 10-Extension: Statistics show that for everyone farm job, five nonfarm jobs are created. Students must realize that the production aspect of the
livestock industry leads to many nonfarm occupations including agriculture research. Agriculture research uses hands-on, research-based principles to
ensure that the beef consumers purchase is safe for them. This extension easily lends to these real-world, hands-on practices that agriculture
researcher’s use every day in the field or laboratory. Agriculture researchers use teams including: research scientists, postdoctoral research associates,
support scientists, research technicians, as well as positions in various professional, technical, administrative, secretarial and clerical, and trades and
crafts occupational areas. These teams are responsible for grading these beef products into the categories of Prime, Choice, Standard, Select, and Utility.
These quality grades are based on color, texture, and the fat content of the meat. In this extension, students design and conduct an experiment utilizing
the three major types of meat products-Organic, Grass-fed, and Status Quo. Students will use real- world tools to determine the color, texture, and fat
content of each of the three types of beef products. Individual meat products should be the same retail cut and weight. Grids will be used to document
fat content. Students use their notebooks to log observations and results from the experiment.
Note: Add three days to your timeline if you opt to do the extension.
Note: I have hyperlinked a student example to help guide the process.
Arkansas Biological Animal Science
Describe environmental factors that affect animal health such as sanitation and stress.
Describe how disease and illness are prevented and animal well-being is promoted.
Identify the different types of injections.
Describe the types of immunity and how immunity can be improved.
Argumentation Template from LDC Guide for Teachers | © Literacy Design Collaborative, August 2011
Discuss procedures in conducting experimental research.
Observe safety practices in conducting experiments.
Discuss the collection of data.
Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to
support conclusions drawn from the text.
Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.
Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific
word choices shape meaning or tone.
Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.
Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.
Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a
range of tasks, purposes, and audience.
Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their
own clearly and persuasively.
Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style
are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Argumentation Template from LDC Guide for Teachers | © Literacy Design Collaborative, August 2011
Not Yet
Attempts to address prompt,
but lacks focus or is off-task.
Attempts to establish a claim,
but lacks a clear purpose. (L2)
Makes no mention of counter
Attempts to reference reading
materials to develop response,
but lacks connections or
relevance to the purpose of the
Attempts to provide details in
response to the prompt, but
lacks sufficient development or
relevance to the purpose of the
Approaches Expectations
Addresses prompt appropriately
and establishes a position, but
focus is uneven.
Establishes a claim. (L2) Makes
note of counter claims.
Presents information from
reading materials relevant to the
purpose of the prompt with
minor lapses in accuracy or
Presents appropriate details to
support and develop the focus,
controlling idea, or claim, with
minor lapses in the reasoning,
examples, or explanations.
Meets Expectations
Addresses prompt appropriately and
maintains a clear, steady focus.
Provides a generally convincing
Addresses all aspects of prompt
appropriately with a consistently strong
focus and convincing position.
Establishes a credible claim. (L2)
Develops claim and counter claims
Establishes and maintains a substantive
and credible claim or proposal. (L2)
Develops claims and counter claims fairly
and thoroughly.
Accurately presents details from
reading materials relevant to the
purpose of the prompt to develop
argument or claim.
Accurately and effectively presents
important details from reading materials
to develop argument or claim.
Presents appropriate and sufficient
details to support and develop the
focus, controlling idea, or claim.
Presents thorough and detailed
information to effectively support and
develop the focus, controlling idea, or
Attempts to organize ideas, but
lacks control of structure.
Uses an appropriate
organizational structure for
development of reasoning and
logic, with minor lapses in
structure and/or coherence.
Maintains an appropriate
organizational structure to address
specific requirements of the prompt.
Structure reveals the reasoning and
logic of the argument.
Attempts to demonstrate
standard English conventions,
but lacks cohesion and control
of grammar, usage, and
mechanics. Sources are used
without citation.
Demonstrates an uneven
command of standard English
conventions and cohesion.
Uses language and tone with
some inaccurate, inappropriate,
or uneven features.
Inconsistently cites sources.
Demonstrates a command of standard
English conventions and cohesion,
with few errors. Response includes
language and tone appropriate to the
audience, purpose, and specific
requirements of the prompt. Cites
sources using appropriate format with
only minor errors.
Attempts to include disciplinary
content in argument, but
understanding of content is
weak; content is irrelevant,
inappropriate, or inaccurate.
Briefly notes disciplinary content
relevant to the prompt; shows
basic or uneven understanding
of content; minor errors in
Accurately presents disciplinary
content relevant to the prompt with
sufficient explanations that
demonstrate understanding.
Maintains an organizational structure that
intentionally and effectively enhances the
presentation of information as required
by the specific prompt. Structure
enhances development of the reasoning
and logic of the argument.
Demonstrates and maintains a welldeveloped command of standard English
conventions and cohesion, with few
errors. Response includes language and
tone consistently appropriate to the
audience, purpose, and specific
requirements of the prompt.
Consistently cites sources using
appropriate format.
Integrates relevant and accurate
disciplinary content with thorough
explanations that demonstrate in-depth
Section 2: What Skills?
1. Task engagement
Ability to connect the task and new content to existing knowledge, skills, experiences, interests, and concerns.
2. Task analysis
Ability to understand and explain the task’s prompt and rubric.
1. Text selection
Ability to identify appropriate texts.
2. Active reading
Ability to identify the central point and main supporting elements of a text.
L2 Ability to identify and analyze competing arguments.
3. Note-taking
Ability to select important facts and passages for use in one’s own writing.
4. Essential vocabulary
Ability to identify and master terms essential to understanding a text.
5. Academic integrity
Ability to use and credit sources appropriately.
1. Bridging
Ability to begin linking reading results to writing task.
1. Claim
Ability to establish a claim/position relevant to task.
2. Planning
Ability to develop a line of thought and text structure appropriate to an argumentation task.
3. Development
Ability to construct an initial draft with an emerging line of thought and structure.
L2 Ability to analyze competing arguments.
4. Revision
Ability to refine text, including line of thought, language usage, and tone as appropriate to audience and purpose.
5. Editing
Ability to proofread and format a piece to make it more effective.
6. Completion
Ability to submit final piece that meets expectations.
Section 3: What Instruction?
Meets expectations if:
Guided Questioning
Day 1
1. Task
Product: Short
Constructed Response
Ability to connect
the task and new
content to existing
knowledge, skills,
interests, and
Prompt: Students record
first thoughts to Before
Learning questions. Then
students record their first
thoughts to After Learning
Students can discuss
provided questions before
and after the viewing of the
learning tool.
Before learning – The teacher asks students guided questions
(found in Uploaded Files-Where’s the Beef Questions before learning tool,
docx) [Materials, References, and Support-For Students]
The teacher shows a short learning tool on pink slime.
After learning-The teacher asks guided questions
(found in Uploaded Files-Where’s the Beef Questions After learning tool,
docx) [Materials, References, and Support-For Students]
The teacher facilitates the sharing out of the student answers.
Day 1
2. Task analysis:
Product: Quick Write
Meets expectations if:
Ability to
understand and
explain the task’s
prompt and rubric.
Prompt: The student will
rewrite the task prompt in
his/her own words.
Students are able to
complete the task prompt
using their own words
2.Rubric Analysis
Product: Quick write of
definition of element.
Highlighted key terms on
scoring rubric.
Prompt: After reading
Meets Expectations level
of your rubric element,
discuss among your group
members following
instructions for #1-4, and
define your element on
chart paper. Post it.
Then look at all four levels
of accomplishment on
your rubric and box in key
terms that differentiate
the levels.
Essential question
Type of product
Supporting position
Competing views
Quick Write
The teacher presents task and has students paraphrase the task
prompt in their own words.
The teacher facilitates share out.
Jigsaw-Rubric Quick Write
Meets expectations if:
Understanding is shown by
definitions and highlighting
of specific key words.
The teacher will assign each element of the rubric to assigned groups
of four.
#1 of each group-reads element aloud beginning with Meets
#2 Highlights key words
#3 Paraphrases
#4 Writes paraphrase
The teacher facilitates sharing out and has students create a
classroom list. The teacher chooses one student from each group to
share a few ideas on board and asks others to add to it.
The teacher will review for possible questions and hold class
discussion around the following question:
What are the elements on which your paper will be scored?
Ask students to pay particular attention to the “advanced” category
and identify at least one element on which they would like to achieve
in the “advanced” category.
1. Text selection:
Ability to identify
appropriate texts.
(Teacher selected)
Days 2-7
2. Active reading:
Ability to identify
the central point
and main
elements of a text.
L2 Ability to
identify and
(taught together)
3. Note-taking:
Ability to select
important facts
and passages for
use in one’s own
Product: Student
Notebook Activities
Students will read
teacher selected
primary and secondary
texts which address
both sides of the
question from the task.
Each student will
complete the
designated strategy
when advised to do so
with each text. While
reading and analyzing
the primary and
secondary sources,
students should be
looking for industry
related examples that
relate to the task
prompt. What are
some key words or
parts of the document
that may need further
Meets expectations if:
Information is complete.
Information is accurate and
The teacher will use several strategies to assist students in reading primary
and secondary text. While reading and analyzing the primary and secondary
sources, students should be looking for industry related examples that relate
to the task prompt and pertinent quotes. What are some key words or parts
of the document that may need further instruction? For each text, advise
students to take notes and/or annotate elements relevant to the task and have
the information to do a citation when needed to avoid plagiarism. Include
citation information to support facts; questions, etc. (for example, page
numbers for a long text, clear indication when quoting directly.)
In the Teacher Work Section of the module, I listed which
tools I used with each article.
Thinking Notes-
L2: answers questions with
credible responses and
supporting elements from
the texts.
Cornell Notes to find key points, details, and
Chunking the Text to become the expert on their section then share with
Foldable Progressive Notes to summarize from Cornell notes
(I use the portrait and landscape style together to form the progressive notes:
Top Left-Key Points from article, Top Right-Details concerning key points,
Bottom Left-Examples of the key points, and Bottom Right-How can one use
this information? This forms the outline of the summary.)
Groups of four: Each student lists at least three key points (pass the paper to
the right. Student 2 lists examples concerning the key points. (Pass the paper
to the right.) Student 3 lists examples concerning the key points. (Pass the
paper to the right.) Student 4 analyzes the previous work and develops a
written logic of how this information can be used.
Shrinking Notes
L2-The teacher will have students use the question from the prompt to aid in
acknowledging competing views.
4. Essential
Ability to identify
and master terms
essential to
understanding a
Product: Frayer Model
Meets expectations if:
Frayer Model (word mapping)
Prompt: In groups work to
identify 5 essential words
or terms from each
reading. Be prepared to
post and facilitate the
learning of your peers.
Provides accurate definitions
and or explanations.
Modeling use of a Frayer Model, the teacher has students identify one essential
vocabulary word for one of their readings.
Product: Categorization
Group students.
Meets expectations if:
4 corners-definition, uses, characteristic, non-characteristics
Provides logical
Categorize words
Prompt: Take 10-15 of the
words selected and
categorize on chart.
Justify category selections.
Days 2-7
5. Academic
Product: Short
Constructed Response
Ability to use and
credit sources
Prompt: The students will
cite one of their online
resources using APA
Post on chart paper.
Following presentation, Take 10-15 of the words selected and categorize on
chart. Student chooses categories and must justify.
Meets expectations if:
Short Constructed Response
Citation follows correct
format and contains relevant
The teacher will discuss:
(1) Respect for other’s work to assemble evidence and create texts.(2)
academic penalties for stealing other’s thoughts and words, (3) several
appropriate strategies to avoid plagiarism. (Post list.)
The teacher will model then facilitate the use of online resources.
Notes: Bibme.com
Day 8-9
1. Bridging
Ability to begin
linking reading
results to writing
Product: Self assessment
Prompt: Based on the list
of Speaking and Listening
behaviors, note in writing
a goal for your personal
participation in the
upcoming dialogue
Meets expectations if:
The teacher will facilitate a
Chooses appropriate
individual process goal based
on past seminar
Socratic Seminar or Debate (2 teams)
Teams will be given 10-20 minutes to prepare their arguments and questions
for the opposing team. Each team will have 5 minutes to support its claim then
5 more minutes to ask/answer questions from opposing team.
Using evidence gathered covering the practices of beef production, students
will discuss production practices such as, the use of antibiotics, growth
hormones, and feed additives.
Resources: LDC-Paideia Speaking and Listening Rubric.docx and Debate
Scoring Rubric.docx
Uploaded Files – “The Power of Language”
Following debate, complete mini task (self assessment).
(Two debate rubrics have been uploaded into this module. 1-Modified version
of the Ag issue’s debate rubric 2-rubrics from the Paideia-The Power of
Language-Speaking and Listening Skills.
Days 1012
Ability to connect
prior knowledge of
the beef industry
outlined in this
module to realworld tasks using a
Product: Agriculture based
scientific research report.
Prompt: Can one
determine whether a
retail cut of beef is
Organic, Grain-fed, or
Status-Quo simply by
color, texture, fat content,
and taste? Design and
conduct an experiment
using the same industry
related tools and format
as that of an agriculture
research scientist
Meets expectations if:
Students design an
experiment which will
enable them to answer the
prompt accurately with
relevant information.
Student research reports
contain all essential
 Introduction
 Materials needed
 Procedures
 Findings
Short constructed response – Students create a mnemonic device to be used
as an acronym for the steps in the scientific method.
 Student example – I Found Dead Cats Cast Among Mice
 Scientific Method
1. Identify the problem
2. Form a hypothesis
3. Design an experiment
4. Conduct the experiment
5. Collect data
6. Analyze data
7. Make recommendations
Modeling – Teacher will model the components of a research report.
Research report
Introduction – the purpose of the experiment
Materials needed – what is needed to conduct this experiment
Procedure – step-by-step instructions or a “how to” to conduct
the experiment
Findings – what was observed
Conclusion – what was learned from conducting this experiment
Recommendations – what could be done to improve the viability
of the experiment
References – citations from any previous experimental works
Day 11
1. Claim:
Ability to establish
a claim and
relevant to task.
Day 12-
Product: Short
Constructed Response
Prompt: Students will use
the evidence gathered
from primary and
secondary sources to
compose an introduction
paragraph in response to
the task.
Meets expectations if:
Short Constructed Response
Students compose and
introductory paragraph that
contains a hook, broad
opening, claim/thesis
statement, a counter claim,
and a big “so what”.
Instructing students to use the evidence gathered from primary and secondary
sources, the teacher will facilitate students using the Introduction Paragraph
Template to compose an introduction paragraph.
Uploaded Files: Argumentative Introduction Paragraph Template.docx
[Materials, References, and Support- For Students]
The teacher will model the use of the introduction template to help guide
students through the writing process.[Student example using the introduction
template has been uploaded into the Materials, References, and Support- For
2. Planning:
Product: Outline
Meets expectations if:
Graphic Organizer-Outline
Ability to develop
a line of thought
and text structure
appropriate to an
Prompt: Students will
create an outline based
on Cornell Notes,
summaries, and all
reading products
produced during Active
Reading and Notetaking. Students will
state a position,
sequence points, and
note supporting
evidence. L2 Include
competing argument(s).
Creates an outline with all
The teacher will provide and model one or more examples of outlines or
organizers. The teacher will invite student to generate questions in pairs
about how the format works, and then answers any questions that might arise.
Supports opening position,
Uses evidence from texts
read and images analyzed
earlier with appropriate
citations. L2 Identifies
competing arguments(s).
Uploaded Files: [Materials, References, and Support- For Students]
Body paragraph one
Body paragraph two
Body paragraph three
(Model the use of the template to compose a conclusion paragraph. Student
example using conclusion paragraph template is also in Uploaded Files.)
[Materials, References, and Support- For Teachers]
Day 13
2. Planning
Product: Conclusion
Prompt: Will use the
evidence gathered from
primary and secondary
sources to compose a
conclusion paragraph in
response to the task.
Meets expectation if:
Short Constructed Response
Students compose a
conclusion paragraph that
contains a restatement of
the claim, a summary of
the body paragraphs, and
a big “so what”.
Instructing students to use the evidence gathered from primary and secondary
sources, the teacher will facilitate students using the Conclusion Paragraph
Template to compose a conclusion paragraph.
Uploaded Files: Conclusion Paragraph Template.docx
[Materials, References, and Support- For Students]
(Model the use of the template to compose a conclusion paragraph. Student
example using conclusion paragraph template is also in Uploaded Files.)
[Materials, References, and Support- For Teachers]
Day 1415
3. Development:
Product: Initial Draft
Meets expectations if:
Long Constructed Response-Initial Draft
Ability to
construct an initial
draft with an
emerging line of
thought and
Prompt: Students will
write an initial draft
complete with opening,
development, and
closing inserting textual
evidence and identifying
competing arguments.
Provides complete draft
with all parts (Introductionhook, thesis statement, and
the “big so what,” body
paragraphs that follow the
outline from thesis
statement, at least one
citation per paragraph, and
one competing view per
paragraph and a conclusion
paragraph that contains
restating the claim, a
summary of the body
paragraphs, and a big “so
what”- Call to action,
suggested results, or a
warning to the reader.)
The teacher will instruct the students to write an initial draft complete with
opening, development, and closing inserting textual evidence and identifying
competing arguments.
L2 Ability to
Day 16
4. Revision:
Ability to refine
text, including line
of thought,
language usage, and
tone as
appropriate to
audience and
Day 17
Day 18
Product: Multiple drafts of
Long Constructed
Meets expectations if:
Long Constructed Response Checklist
All elements are contained
in draft
Timely feedback and conferencing
Prompt: Students will
provide multiple
completed drafts with all
parts. Drafts must support
the opening in the later
sections with evidence
and citations (APA
format), acknowledge
competing views, and
show improvement.
Peer review: providing students with feedback on strengths and weaknesses of
5. Editing:
Product: Corrected Draft
Meets expectations if:
Peer Review of Long constructed Response-Correct Draft
Ability to
proofread and
format a piece to
make it more
Prompt: Papers need to
have sound spelling,
capitalization, punctuation,
and grammar. Adjust
formatting as needed to
provide clear, appealing
Provides draft free from
distracting errors and Uses
format that supports
The teacher will instruct students on what to look for during editing (unlike
revision.) Papers need to have sound spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and
grammar. Adjust formatting as needed to provide clear, appealing text.
(Include instruction on proofreading marks.)
Peer Editing checklist:
6. Completion
Meets expectations if:
Ability to submit
final piece that
Completed paper plus
revisions of work are turned
in on time
I have attached the teacher materials on the following page of this section.
Student materials will follow teacher materials. (Teachers you may want
to print all student materials and allow students to use these
materials as a writer’s notebook.)
Final Work of Long Constructed Response
Student materials will follow teacher materials.
Materials, References, and Supports- For Teachers
Learning Tool:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OM6PAJ45t-A - “Pink Slime video”
Reading Texts:
http://www,pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/meat/safe/overview.html - “Is Your Meat Safe”
http://www.uaex.edu/Other_Areas/publications?PDF/FSA-3103.pdf - “Natural and Organic Beef”
http://www.iowabeefcenter.org/information/IBC48.pdf - “Understanding Hormone Use in Beef Cattle”
http://www.uaex.edu/Other_Areas/publications/pdf/FSA-3012.pdf - “Feed Additives in Beef Cattle”
http://www.merckvetmanual.com/mvm/index.jsp?cfile=htm/bc/180831.htm - “Beef Quality Assurance”
http://vimeo.com/55321525 - “Frankensteer” documentary
Debate Rubric:
LDC/Paideia Speaking and Listening Rubric
Student Example-Extension Research Report.docx – Use this student example as a guide for the experiment.
Student Example of Research Report
Writing Templates:
Argumentative Introduction Template
Student Example Argumentative Template
Outline Body Paragraph One
Student Example Body Paragraph One
Outline Body Paragraph Two
Outline Body Paragraph Three
Conclusion Template
Student Example Conclusion Template
End of Materials, References, and Supports- For Teachers
Materials, References, and Supports- For Students
Where’s the Beef?
Questions before learning tool: (Use complete sentences to answer the following questions.)
1. Do you think the meat you eat has been altered in some way?
(If so, how)
2. Whose job is it to know what is in the products you consume?
3. Do you know what types of meat products are available?
(If so list them)
4. Do you think that the meat products we consume are safe?
(If so, why)
Where’s the Beef?
Questions after learning tool: (Use complete sentences to answer the following questions.)
1. Where you aware of pink slime before this video?
2. Do you wonder what else may have been done to our meat products?
(If so, list them)
3. Is ignorance bliss in this situation?
4. Would you like to change any of your answer after viewing the learning tool and why?
Task Paraphrase
Where’s the Beef?
In a quick write, paraphrase the task prompt in your own words. Be ready to share out.
L1: After researching primary and secondary texts on the production practices of the beef industry, write an essay that argues your position on whether consumers
should purchase beef products that have been altered from their natural state. Support your position with evidence from your research.
L2: Be sure to acknowledge competing views.
Section 4: What Results?
[Include at least two samples of student work at each scoring level.]
Classroom assessment Does the cost of livestock production truly outweigh the price to public safety? After reading the secondary source, "Is Your Meat Safe?" write
an essay that argues your position on the use of sub-therapeutic antibiotics in food animals. Support your position with evidence from the text.
Be sure to acknowledge competing views.
Background to share
with students
Reading texts:
http://www,pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/meat/safe/overview.html - “Is Your Meat Safe”
Teacher Work Section
Here are added thoughts about teaching this module.
Day 1
The questions for the students have been up loaded into the Materials, References, and Supports-For Students.
These are the questions used before the viewing of the learning tool and the questions used after the viewing of the learning tool.
The website for the learning tool has been uploaded into the appendix of this module and is also located in the instructional strategies of day one.
The task paraphrase has also been uploaded into the Materials, References, and Supports - For Students
You will need to make copies of the rubric for your students.
Day 2-7
 Active Reading (This is the process that I used, feel free to deviate)
Day 2- “Is Your Meat Safe”- Students used “Thinking Notes” as they read, and Cornell notes to find key points, details, and to complete a summary of the
Day 3- “Natural and Organic Beef”- Students used “Chunking the Text” to become the expert and Cornell notes to record key points and details, and to
complete a summary of the text.
Day 4- “Understanding Hormone Use in Beef Cattle”- Students used “Thinking Notes” as they read, Cornell notes to find key points and details, and
“Progressive Notes” to complete a summary of the article.
Day 5- “Feed Additives”- Students used “Thinking Notes” as they read and Cornell notes to find key points, details, and to complete a summary of the text.
Day 6- “Beef Quality Assurance: Overview”- Students used “Thinking Notes” as they read, Cornell notes to find key points and details, and “Shrinking Notes”
to write a summary of the text.
Day 7- “Franken steer”- Students used Cornell notes to fid key points, details, and to complete a summary of the documentary.
I have uploaded websites for
These may be found in the appendix section of this module or they are also located in the instructional strategies section under Active
For each reading text students were required to pull at least three citations from each article and cite the information correctly using
APA style.
I have uploaded Bib me and citation machine links into the appendix of this module they are also located in the instructional strategies section under Academic
With each article students identify and master essential terms (Frayer Model)
1. Thinking Notes
2. Cornell Notes
3. Chunking the Text
4. Progressive Notes
5. Shrinking Notes
Day 8-9
 Debate- Read through the instructional strategies under Bridging to become familiar with the rules of the debate.
 I have uploaded two different debate rubrics into the Appendix of this module.
Day 10- 12 (optional)
 Extension- I have uploaded a student example of how we completed the experiment into the Materials, References, and Support- For Teachers. Feel free to
change it or modify it. Students really enjoy this section of the module.
Day 11
 Claim- Students use the “Introduction Template”, to help create their claim.
 I have uploaded the introduction template into the Materials, References, and Supports-For Students.
 I have uploaded an example of student work using the introduction template into the Materials, References, and Supports-For Teachers.
Day 12
 Planning- Outline using “Body Paragraph Templates”.
 I have uploaded Body paragraph templates one, two, and three into the Materials, References, and Supports-For Students.
 I have uploaded an example of student work using body paragraph template one into the Materials, References, and Supports-For Teachers.
Day 13
 Conclusion- students use the “Conclusion Template” to help create their conclusion paragraph.
 I have uploaded the conclusion template into the Materials, References, and Supports-For Students.
 I have uploaded an example of student work using the conclusion template into the Materials, References, and Supports-For Teachers.
Day 14 -15
 Development- Students create a rough draft. Students use materials created from the previous three days to develop a product that includes a logical
sequence, while inserting appropriate textual evidence and discussing competing views.
Day 16
 Revision- the product must include:
1. Introduction
A. Hook
B. Broad opening
C. Claim/Thesis statement
D. Counterclaim
E. A big “So What”
2. Body Paragraphs
A. Points of the claim/thesis statement in the correct order. (Example: First key point in the claim / thesis statement must be the main idea of the first
body paragraph.)
B. Writer must use textual information to develop claim and/or competing views.
C. Writer must cite textual information correctly using APA style.
3. Conclusion
A. Claim/Thesis statement must be restated
B. Body paragraphs must be summarized
C. A counterclaim discussed
D. A big “So What”
1. Call to action
2. End with a warning
3. Suggest results or consequences
Day 17
 Editing- Spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.
 I have uploaded a peer editing checklist into the Materials, References, and Supports-For Students.
 This is also located in the instructional strategies section under Editing
Day 18
 Completion, Reflection, Classroom Assessment
 I have uploaded the article that will be used in conjunction with previous read articles in the Materials, References, and Supports-For Students. This can also be
located under the Classroom Assessment section of this module.
The attached materials support teaching this module.
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OM6PAJ45t-A –learning tool
2. https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/student-annotated-reading-strategy - “Thinking Notes”
3. http://freeology.com/graphicorgs/cornell-notes-template/ - Cornell Notes
4. http://iteachicoachiblog.blogspot.com/2012/06/five-simple-close-reading-strategies.html -“Chunking the text”
5. http://www.csun.edu/~krowlands/Content/Academic_Resources/Foldables/Basic%20Foldables.pdf - “Progressive Notes”
6. http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/03/lp322-02.shtml - “Shrinking Notes”
7. http://www.worksheetworks.com/miscellanea/graphic-organizers/frayer.html -Frayer Model for vocabulary
8. http://www.bibme.org – Bib me
9. http://citationmachine.net/index2.php?reqstyleid=2&newstyle=2&stylebox=2 - Citation Machine